HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 1 TUSTIN AUTO CTR 07-18-88AGENDA 7/187~_ II I PUBLIC HEARINGS NO. 1 7-18-88 DATE: JULY 18, 1988 Inter TO: FROM: SUBJECT: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ADDENDUM 88-01 TO EIR 84-2, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 88-01, ZONE CHANGE 88-01 AND TENTATIVE PARCEL HAP 87-201 FOR THE PROPOSED APPLICANT/PROPERTY OWNER: THE IRVINE COMPANY 550 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 LOCATION' FREEWAY ACCESS RESERVATION AREA JUST SOUTH OF THE EXISTING BOUNDARY OF THE TUSTIN AUTO CENTER BETI/EEN THE EL MODENA FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL AND TUSTIN RANCH ROAD. REQUEST'. (1) RECENTIFICATION OF EIR 84-2 WITH ADDENDUM 88-01; (2) GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 88-01: TO CHANGE THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIrdlATION FROM PLANNED CONMUNI~ TO PLANNED CO~NTIY COMItERCZAL; (3) ZONE CHANGE 88-01: TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM PLANNEO COMMUNITY TO PLANNEO COMMUNITY CO~RCIAL; ANO (4) TENTATIVE PARCEL HAP 87-201: TO RECONFIGURE TWO EXISTING PARCELS INTO TMO NUMBEREO ANO THREE LETTEREO LOTS. RECOMMDAT I ON: (1) M.O. - It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution 88-73 recerttfying EIR 84-2 with Addendum 88-01. (2) M.O. - It is recommended that the City COuncil adopt ReSolution 88-72 approving General Plan Amendment 88-01. (3) M.O. - It is recommended that Ordinance 1010 for Zone Change 88-01 have first reading by tttle only. (4) M.O. - It is recommended that Ordinance 1010 for Zone Change 88-01 be introduced. (5) M.O. - It is recommended that City Council adopt Resolution 88-79 approving Tentative Parcel Map 87-201. Ci ty Counci 1 Report Draft Addendum 88-0[ to EIR 84-2 July 18, 1988 Page two BACKGROUND: In January of 1985, the City Council approved the Tustin Auto Center project by certifying Environmental Impact Report 84-2 (EIR 84-2), adoption of a General Plan Amendment (85-01), a Zone Change (85-01) and approval of Parcel Map 84-1032. This project created a 12 parcel Auto Center for 11 dealer sites and a joint use parking facil i ry. Included in this project was an 8.27 acre reservation area for the I-5 freeway widening and a full cloverleaf interchange for Tustin Ranch Road and the I-5 freeway. Since the time that the Auto Center project was approved, the City of Tusttn and Caltrans has determined that the design of this interchange should be a partial cloverleaf design (see Exhibits 4 and 5 in Draft Addendum 88-01 attached to this report.) Upon review of the documents on file for the initial Auto Center project, staff has found that the area held for the freeway access reservation retained its original designation of Planned Community on the General Plan and Zoning Maps. This designation is actually a residential classification. In order to develop the property for commercial use, the Tustin Municipal Code and State Law require that the property be recla=sified on the General Plan and Zoning Maps. -. SIJIItARY AND ANALYSIS: The property owner has filed an application requesting authorization to create an additional dealer site which will accommodate Santa Aha Lincoln Mercury on the unused portion of the freeway access reservation area. The processing of this request requires review of the original environmental documentation. The General Plan Amendment, Zone Change and Parcel Map require special consideration and the approval of findings as required by State Law. This review and the necessary findings are contained in the Planning Commission report and draft resolutions attached hereto. CONCLUSION: Upon review of all the environmental, legal and land use issues, staff has determined that the proposed project is in conformance with the policies of the City of Tustin and that the proposed General Plan Amendment, Zone Change and Tentati.ve Parcel Map are appropriate for the project area. All necessary environmental documentation required by the California Environmental Quality Act Comrnunity DeveloPment Depart'rnent City Council Report Draft Addendum 88-01 to EIR 84-2 July 18, 1988 Page three (CEQA) is contained in Attachment I in the July 11, 1988 Planning Commission report. LCP: CAS: ts 'Christine A. Shingleton~ Director of Community DL~elopment Attachments: Planning Commission Report and Resolutions - July 11, 1988 Resolutions 88-73, 88-72 and 88-79 Ordinance 1010 Community Development Deparlmenl Report'to the Planning Commission TTpm ~ln DATE: SUBJECT: _ APPLICANT/ ObllER: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: dULY 11, 1988 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 88-01, ZONE CHANGE 88-01 AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 87-201 THE IRVINE COMPANY 550 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 FREE#AY ACCESS RESERVATION AREA SOUTH OF TUSTIN AUTO CENTER PLANNED COISIJNITY RESIDENTIAL 1) GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 88-01 AND ZONE CHANGE 88-01: AN ADDENDUM (NO. 88-01) TO EIR 84-2 HAS BEEN PREPARED. 2) TENTATIVE PARCEL HAP 87-201: CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT CLASS 15. 1) GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 88-01: TO RECLASSIFY THE LAND USE DESIGNATION ON THE GENERAL PLAN HAP FROM PLANNED COMMUNITY TO PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL FOR THE PROJECT AREA. 2) ZONE CHANGE 88--01: TO REZONE THE PROJECT AREA FROM PLANNED COMMUNITY RESTDENTIAL TO PLANNED COMMUNTTY COMMERCIAL. 3) TENTATIVE MAP: TO RECONFIGURE TWO EXISTING PARCELS TO · CREATE TWO NUMBERED AND THREE LETTERED LOTS. RECOI~ENDAT!ON: It is recommended that the' Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council of: ® 2. Draft Addendum No. 88-01 tO Tustin Auto Center EIR 84-2 by adoption of Resolution 2510; General Plan Amendment 88-01 by adoption of Resolution 2511; Zone Change 88-01 by adoption of Resolution 2512; and · Tentative Parcel Map 87-201 by adoption of Resolution 2513. SIJI~ARY: The original Auto Center land use plan called for a 8.27 acre freeway access reservation area for the purposes of installing a full cloverleaf interchange at Planning Commission Report General Plan Amendment 88-01, Zone Change 88-01 and TPM 87-201 July 11, 1988 · Page two the .I-S Freeway and Tustin Ranch Road. The final design of this interchange has resulted in an excess parcel of land (5.05 acres in size) in the original reservation area which is adjacent to the Tusttn Auto Center. Since the property is no longer needed by Caltrans, the property owner wishes to revise the Auto Center ,layout by creating one additional dealer site in this area. The property however, was not properly reclassified to commercial use at the time the Auto Center was approved. Therefore, the Tustin Municipal Code and State Law requires processing of a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change and Tentative Parcel Map along with the necessary environmental documentation. The subject project area is bounded by the I-5 freeway to the south, the existing Auto Center boundary to the north, the Mixed Use Center of the East Tustin Specific Plan area to the east and Tustin Ranch Road to the west. The project area is identified on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. BACKGROUND: In December of 1984 the Tusttn Planning Commission approved EIR 84-2, Zone Change 85-1, 'General Plan Amendment 85-1 and Tentative Parcel Map 84-1{)32 for the Tustin Auto Center. This project created 11 dealer sites, a joint use parking facility, public streets and a 8.27 acre freeway access reservation area. The previously approved Zone Change and General Plan Amendment covered the 11 developable lots created by Parcel 'Map 84-1032. The freeway reservation area retained its original General Plan designation of Planned Community and Zoning Code classification of Planned Community Residential. Therefore, the property must be reclassified to Planned Community Commercial and a Parcel ~lap must be processed to create any new developable lot. ANALYSIS: Staff have reviewed the proposed project and have addressed each of the requested applications to ensure conformance with City and State requirements. Each of the project elements is discussed separately below' . Draft Addendum No. 88-01 to EIR 84-2' The initial Auto Center project and related I'str~el~ .... improvements were-considered in an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) which was prepared in 1984. This EIR includes a project description, identification of environmental impacts and project mitigation measures. The nature of the proposed expansion is such that the previous program EIR can serve as the EIR for this project. Section 15184-2 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) authorizes preparation of an addendum to an EIR when only minor technical Corn rnunity Development Depar~mem Planning Commission Report General Plan Rmendment 88'01, Zone Change 88-01 and T. PM 87-20! July 11, 1988 Page three . changes or additions are necessary to make the EIR under consideration adequate under CEQA. An addendum pursuant to this requirement has 'been prepared and is attached to this report for review (Attachment I). Prior to approval of this project, the Pla~ntng Commission must recertify the original EIR with the addendum. Thlis addendum makes minor technical changes to the original EIR. General Plan Amendment 88-01: ii ii m m i iii i iii ii i i As previously mentioned, the freeway reservation area was not reclassified to a commercial designation when the Auto Center project was approved. The current zoning is Planned Com~nity which is considered a residential classification. Prior to approval of a General Plan Land Use reclassification, the implications of the proposed use must be considered. The existing and proposed project area is surrounded by commercial uses to the north and east. Major roadway improvements are located to the south and west. By nature of the properties location, it would only be accessible through one of the existing commercial uses and is subject to a high ambient noise level (traffic from I-5 freeway and Tustin Ranch Road) which makes residential development both unlikely and un.desireable from. an envtronmental perspective. · Exhibit "B" shes the proposed lot ~layout which would facilitate one additional dealership site. Any proposed development would be subject to the same Zoning Regulations and development criteria required of all projects in the Tustin Auto Center. Considering the project location, accessibility and proposed zoning restrictions (discussed in ~re detail in Section 3 of this report) staff considers the General Plan reclassification appropriate for this area. The necessary findings for this amendmnt are identified in Resolution 2511 attached to this report. 3. Zone Change 88.-01: The freeway access reservation site ~s currently classified as Planned Community Residential on the Zoning Map. The existing Auto Center parcels are z.oned. Planned Community Commercial which requires approval' of a development plan prior to construction. The Planning Comission approved the Tustin Auto Center Planned Community Corn rnunity DeveloPment Depar~rnen~ ~ Planning Commission Report General Plan Amendment 88-01, Zone Change 88-01 and TPM 87-201 July 11, 1988 Page four Zoning Regulations and development plan for the Auto Center in 1984. To ensure uniformity in site development and land use consistency, staff suggests that these regulations also be adopted for the expansion area. These Zoning Regulations are included in Resolution 2512 attached hereto. The Auto Center Zoning Regulations establish development and use criteria. The uses include new auto dealerships with accessory sales of parts, used cars, recreation vehicles, service and related uses. The- regulations also require that all development conform with the Auto Center Development Guidelines. The Auto Center Development Guidelines establish criteria for architectural style, landscaping, lighting, signs, and loudspeakers. All parcels are also subject to participation in a Dealer Association. These development guidelines and the membership requirements are described in the Covenants, Codes and Restrictions (CC & R's) which are recorded on the deed to all parcels in the Auto Center. Staff suggests that the CC & R's be updated to include the new expansion area and that they also be recorded on the deed to the new parcel created by Parcel Map 87-201 discussed below. -. .4. Tentative. Parcel... Map 187-201. Exhibit "B" shows the proposed lot layout for the project area. Essentially, this new configuration creates one additional dealer site for a total of eleven dealer sites in the Auto Center {three lots were consolidated into two sites for the middle island of the Auto Center). The proposed map includes: Parcel 1: 4.843 Parcel 2: 4.689 Parcel A,B,C: 1.250 Total Area: 1{). 782 Parcels 1 and 2 are proposed dealership sites. Parcels A,B,C are' located along the perimeter of Parcels 1 and 2 for landscaping and maintenance access purposes. These lots ensure that the landscaped perimeter facing the 1-5 freeway and Tustin Ranch Road is maintained. Both proposed dealer sites can be accessed by Auto Center Drive. The actual sfte design for Parcels 1 and 2 is subject to the Auto Center Development Guidelines. The site design and architecture would be reviewed by the Community Development as part of the Design Review process. Corn rnunity Development Department Planning Commission Report General Plan Amendment 88-01, Zone Change 88-01 and TPH 87-201 July 11, 1988 Page five CONCLUSION: Draft Addendum 88-01 to EIR 84-2 includes minor technical changes to the original EIR 84-2 for the Auto Center. The recertification of EIR 84-2 with Addendum 88-01 is considered adequate under CEQA. The proposed General Plan Amendment, Zone Change and Tentative Parcel Map have been reviewed for conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), State Subdivision and Planning Law and the Tustin Municipal Code. Staff considers this project compatible with the area and suggests that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the Draft Addendum 88-01 to EIR 84-2, General Plan Amendment 88-01, Zone Change 88-01 and Tentative Parcel Map 87-201 to the City Council. Lalira Cay Pi cku~ Senior Planner LCP: CAS: ts Christine A. Shifigleton ~/ Director of Community Development -. ~ttachments: Exhibits A and B Attachment I: Addendum No. 88-01 to EIR 84-2 Resolutions 2510, 2511, 2512 and 2513 Corn rnunity Development Depanrnent ~ ' TUSTIN A~.'TO CENTER E:,PANSION SANTA ANA I'~ ~~-- PROPOSED EXPANSION 'AREA FREEWAY ..~ EXHIBIT A Z x I,,i.I 1.1.1 Z I,,i.i EXHIBIT B DRAFT ADDENDUM TO TUSTIN AUTO CENTER EIR NO. 84-02 TUSTIN AUTO CENTER .EXPANSION PREPARED BY: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, CITY OF TUSTIN JULY 1988 ATTACHMENT ! Ie II. 1II. IV. TABLE OF CO#TENTS Center Expansion SECTION ii i Introduction Project Description 2.1 Location 2.2 Project Characteristics 2.3 Discretionary Actions Impacts Associated with Auto 3.1 Cu~lattve Impacts Appendices A. Initial Study B. Resolution 85-10 Certifying EIR 84-2 PAGE NO. A-1 B-1 -i - LIST OF EXHIBITS 2. 3. 4. e NUMBER Regtonal Locati on Project Vicinity Project Site ' Original Freeway Interchange Design (full cloverleaf) Approved Freeway Interchange Design (partial cloverleaf) Proposed Lot Configuration for Auto Center Expansion -ii - S£c'rION 1 INTRODUCTION On January 21, 1985 the Tusttn City Counctl certified as complete the Tusttn Auto Center Ftnal Environmental Impact Report 84-2 (EIR 84-2). ETR 84-2 addressed the potential envtronmenta] tmpacts assoclated with the development of a 59.81 acre auto center In the Ctty of TustJn. On page 10 of EIR 84-2, a 8.27 freeway access reservation area Is Identified as part of the Auto Center project. Thts reservation area ts the subject of this addendum. EIR 84-2 was adopted as a program EIR ~n accordanCe with the CEQA Guidelines, Section 15168. Pursuant to Sectlon 15168 (c) of these guldeltnes, all "subsequent activities tn the program must be examined in ltght of the program EIR to determine whether an additional environmental document must be prepared". An Inittal Study (Appendix A) was prepared for consideration of any new or Increased tmpacts from thts project. On Page 10 of EIR 84-2, the components of the Auto Center land uses are discussed. The project tncluded a 8.27 acre freeway access reservation site for the purposes of constructing a 'free~ay Interchange wtth a full cloverleaf deslgn. Caltrans has worked wtth the Ctty on this Interchange design and the approved plan eliminates the need for a 5.05 acre portion of the reservation stte. The _ProPerty locatton and accesstblllty have established the neeu to re-design the extsting lot configuration of the southwest stde of the Auto Center. Thts addttton of land area and the project components are discussed tn Sectlon 2 of thts document. .The Inclusion of thts reservation area as a potential dealership stte ts not a substantial change tn the project description as contalned tn EIR 84-2. In conformance wtth Section 15164 of the CEQA Guidelines, this document is an addendum to EIR 84-2. An addendum can be prepared when changes are made to a proposed project and such changes do not create any new significant tmpacts, substantially worsen any significant impacts, or substantially lessen any significant tmpacts already addressed in the EIR prepared for the project. Thts ts the case with the addition to the Auto Center, as described tn Section 3 of thts document. Per Section 15164 of the CEQA Guidelines, this addendum will be attached to the certified ftnal EIR 84-2 for consideration by the decision-making body in its review of the proposed Auto Center expansion which requires a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change and Parcel ~4ap. _! - 'SECT! ON 2 PRO~IECT DESCR!PTION 2.1 Project Location The project site ts located Jn the City of Tustin, California, just south of the East Tustin Specific Plan area, as shown in Exhibits 1 and 2. As described on Page 7 of EIR 84-2 the project site is located in an area bounded by E1 Camtno Real to the north, Tustin Ranch Road to the west, the I-5 freeway to the south and the E1 Modena Flood Control Channel to the east. The freeway reservation site lies to the southeast, south of the existing Auto Center parcels and just east of Tustin Ranch Road as shown on Exhibit 3. 2.2 Project Characteristt cs As described In Section 2.2 of E[R 84-2, the planned land uses for the area are described in the Tusttn Auto Center Planned Community Regulations. These regulations are incorporated into Resolution 2512 for Zone Change 88-01 and will be applied uniformly on the expansion area. Therefore, the land use and on-site improvements will be substantially the same as the project considered in E[R 84-2. A freeway access reservation area of 8.27 .acres was proposed with the plan for construction of_l,5/Tustin Ranch Road interchange. The design of this interchange, lncluded'*a-'full cloverleaf design, a part of which was to be located on the reservation area. Since the time of approval of.EIR 84-2, the-City has prepared an environmental assessment and design of the interchange. The original full cloverleaf design has been revised to a partial cloverleaf design, thereby, eliminating the need for the freeway reservation area (see Exhibits. 4 and 5). City staff has reviewed the potential land uses for the area in view of the current residential designation on the property on the General Plan and Zoning Maps. The site size, location and accessibility make residential development environmentally as well as economically infeasible. Exhibit 4 identifies the existing Auto Center lot configuration. As discussed in EIR 84-2 all parcels are accessed by an internal looped system called Auto Center Drive. The proposed lot configuration facilitates the existing access design (Exhibit 6). The expansion project therefore, will not change the access and circulation pattern. 2.3 Di screti onary. Acti OhS This addendum addresses the-discretionary actions proposed with the Auto Center expansion.. As discussed in EIR 84-2 on pages 8-10, certain formal actions to reclassify the zoning and general plan designations on the -2- LOS ANGELES COUNTY FULLERTON SAN NARDINO .~ c o ~.~" . · %% I SEA BEACH' HUNTIN( BEACH ANAH1 SANTA ANA .,EWPO dohn Airport COSTA ME8A TU8TIN Site IRVINI I~ne Lake RIVERSIDE Lake Mission Viejo MI8810N VIEJO COUNTY PACIFIC OCEAN BEACH J # N JUAN CAPIBTRANO .J I SAN DIEGO I COUNTY CLEMENTE REGIONAL LOCATION CITY OF TUSTIN /\ EXHIBIT I il 0 3 6 MILE8 CITY BRYAN AVE I I ') VICINITY MAP CITY OF TUSTIN EXHIBIT 2 II 0 1300 2600 FEET TUSTIN AUTO CENTER EXPANSION SANTA ANA --PROPOSED EXPANSION AREA FREEWAY .~ EXHIBIT 3 EXHIBIT 4 I11 I{: RANCH · i k f, ROAD · EXHIBIT 5 0 0 m Z Z / ./ IJ.I EXHIBIT 6 property were processed with. the -initial Auto Center 'project. Additionally a Parcel Map (No. 84-1032) for-the proposed lot configuration was required. The expansion project also requires certain discretionary actions' such as: , 1. Amendment of the Tustin General Plan Land Use Map designation. . A zone change in conformance wi th the proposed general plan re-c lassi fi ca ti on. 3. Approval of the tentative parcel map. Each of the proposed actions is discussed in greater detail below. The Tustin General Plan Land Use Map designates the site as Planned Community. As defined in the Tustin General Plan Land Use Element, the Planned Community designation is both a land use and a zoning classification. This designation assures compatible land uses by requiring precise development plans and regulations for any area designated planned community by the general plan. The project site is part of a 1,988-acre parcel which was annexed to the City of Tustin in 1977. At that time, the annexation area was pre-2oned Planned Community-Residential in conformance with the general plan designation for the area. The Planned Community pre-zone ordinance requt.res the adoption of a specific plan prior to the issuance of any bui 1 ding permi ts. ~_ The proposed General Plan re-classification and Zone Change would change the General Plan and Zoning designation from Planned Community to Planned Community-Commercial; planned community regulations as adopted for the Auto Center with the initial Auto Center project would be applied to the expansion area as a part of the Zone Change. The planned community regulations include site development and performance standards for the Tustin Auto Center. As such, the planned community regulations reflect the requirements of a specific plan in accordance with Section 65450 of the Government Code and meet the requirements of the city's pre-zone ordinance. The Planned Community (PC) Regulations list the permitted and conditionally allowed uses for the Auto Center and. sets forth the applicable development standards (i.e., building heights, setbacks, required landscaping and parking). The PC regulations also contain performance standards for lighting, signs, landscaping and. sound attenuation. The proposed parcel map reconfigures lot 9 of the original Auto Center plan and the freeway reservation area for a total area of 10.782 acres. This area is proposed for two numbered dealer lots, one 4.843 acres and the other 4.689 acres and three lettered lots for landscaping and maintenance access purposes. - 3- SECTION 3 II. ACTS ASSOCIATED WITH AUTO CENTER .EXPANSION 3.1 Cumula1:tve Impacts As discussed tn Appendtx A - Au1:o Cent:er. Expansion ]:n~1:~al S1:udy, all developmen, t r.elated ~mpacts such as dr.ainage, sur.face r.unoff, notse, ltght and glar.e, tr.anspor.1:a1:ton and clr.cula1:~on have been mt1:~ga1:ed 1:o a level of ~ns~gn~ftcance. The r.ema~n~ng ~ssues r.ela1:ed to 1:he Auto Cent:er. expansion ar.e cumula1:tve tn natur.e. Sectton 4.0 of ETR 84-2 ~denl:~ftes 1:he cumulative ~mpacts assoc~a1:ed ~v~th the Auto Center. pr.ojec1:. All f~ndlngs of s~gn~f~cance and conditions ar.e made tn Appendix B which con1:ains the Resolution appr.ovtng E:I:R 84-2. Of speclftc Impor.tance 1:o 1:he pr.oposed expansion pr.ojec'c is 1:o del:er.mine adequacy of the pr.evtous E]:R and amend any 1:echntcal da1:a specific to 1:he new pr.oject ar.ea. ]:n thts r.egar.d, 1:he expansion ar.ea will not, as tdenttfled tn Appendtx A cr.ea1:e any non-mtttga1:ed envtr.onmen1:al impac1:s tn ttself. However., the cumulative tmpact of the Auto Center' as a ~vhole may have tmpac1:s. Thts discussion of cumula1:tve tmpacts tn E:[R 84-2 Identifies 1:he mt1'.tgal:ton measur'es and flndtngs necessary 1:o ensur.e 1:hat no significant, unmitigated tmpacts associated wi1:h 1:he pr.ojec1: will occur. wtthout pr'oper' conslder'atton. spectftc lmpac1:s associated wtth 1:he tnt1:tal Au1:o Cent:er' project: ar'e discussed tn E:]:R 84-2, The mtttga1:ed tmpacts as discussed tn Appe-.d~.x A ar'e also pr'oper'ly addr'essed tn E:]:R 84-2, The discussion tn E:I:R 84-2 Is adequate under' 'CEQA for' the expansion ar'ea, As a r'efer'ence to thts document, ETP~ 84-2, as on file ~vt1:h 1:he Depar'1:men1: Of Community Development. ser'ves as 1:he base document for' del:ailed tnfor'ma1:ton and l:echntcal da1:a. All r.ela1:ed 1:echntcal r.epor'1:s, condt1:ions of appr.oval and r.esponses 1:o commen1:s on E:]:I~ 84-2 ar'e also on file ~vi1:h 1:he C11:y of Tusttn, Community Development Depar'1:ment. -4- APPENDIX A ENVIRONMENTAL INIT'IAL STUDY FOR AUTO :CENTER EXPANSION II. CITY .OF TUSTI-N Com._,~ity Development Depa~'tment ENVIRONMENTAL iNITIAL STUDY FORM i . I. Nc.ne ~ ~t the Irvina Com~,~n~ 2.. Addmm c~l Phone Number of Pmm~mnt 550 Newport Canter Drive New~ort Beach, CA 92660 e Dam'of Cheaklist Submi~ i 6-22-88 Agen~ Requiring ChecklL~ Cit7 of Tustin $. ~ame of Propo~l, if ~p~lk=ble Tustin Auto Center Expansion (Ex~lanatlam of ~ll ~ taxi ~ m~em are required on attached sheets.) · Yes ~Fb- Ne I. Em~h. Will the I~r~ result ins em-th conditi=m or in .chmge, ' Oim~l~ams dl~l~~, cmmmttm or evenings'lng of lf~ mil? x x I c. ~ in mgagra~h~ ar graund surfa~ relief fe~fu~? cl. The daa~tm, cavering ar madificcrtion of cry unique geologic or ptvsic, l re,fur.? e. Any increase in wind ar w,zter erosion of mils, either on or off the .site? f. Chaxjm in dam~ition ar erosion of bec.:h ~d~, ar-change~ in siltation, dep<~ition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream ar the bed of ~e oca~ or c~ bay~ inlet ar lake? 3. ~re of pecq)le or I)r~erty to geolo. hazards '~uch ~s ~., Ic.xlsll~ mucisl!clm, ground failure, a' similar hazcrm? Air. Will th. p~l rmutt ir. a. Sd011mtlal air emiuiom ~r detericMml~n of c~bi~ air quality? The oreatlan of di|srl'iaxlile rain? Alteraticn of air movsment, moisture, or tenl)~ or my chaxje In ctim~te, either lex:ally or' regia~lly? · Water. Wlll the p~l rmult Im fe Changes In a~ren~ or the caurm of all- term, or the rm'e and amount of .urface Alteratlcra to the ~Jm or flow of ID~ Into ~urface ~tem, .ar in my altefmIcn of ~face Wmer quality, in- eluding but nat limited to-~~t~re, dluo~ ~ or mrbiclity? Alteqitim of the directian or rate of flow of ground waters? ~ in the quantity of graund waters, either through direct addltiam or with- drm~ls, or ~ intercmtian of m aquifer by cuts or ~mcavatiam? Subst~ial reductian in tl~ amaunt of ~ter ott~er~ise available far Ix~li¢ water sul~lim? ~l:)C~Um of peOl)le or property to w~ter re- Icrted h~zcrds such ~ flaod~ncj or tidal winces? I. ifa. Will tl~ pml~mt ~ult im C~ in the div~rsity Of sixties, ar mmb~ of my ~eci.. of plam~.(includlng trees, dx, ubs, ~ ~ ~ amxrtic b, RId~ctl~ d tl~ ~ of ~ uniqu., ram a~ emlamjered sl~cim of plants? ~l~n of ne~ ~ll~:ie of p~ Into area, ~r in a barrier m the normal r. pl.niivn.~ of .~isti~j ~e:i..? d. IR~im In acreage of ~ agricultural cmp?. · Clx.xje in the dlvem~lty of ~:ie., ~ ~ of my .l~:i-- of animals (bird~, land animal, including reptlle~ fl~h mci b. Reductlan of th. numbem of my unique, rare ~r ..,.,.~.,-- .l~ciee of mimeh? r. Intrmh~ian of nm, N~:ie. of mimab into m ~ ar rmul? in a tx~i~ _.to the migratim w m~ement' of mira ab? 'd, Oetertmmlan to ~xiatlng fish a~ wildlife hab~t? Will the p~l sit im a. Inemm~ in ~irting raise le~eL~? b. ~m of peat)le to ~vem noIN levels? Light ~1 Glum. Wlll the 'pmpa~l ~ocluc:e ne~ light a~ glare? I.md Uae. Will the pmlx~ai ~uult in a sub- starrtlal alteratiafl of the preM. :t or ptanfled I~r~ u~e of ~n ama?. Will the prc~cw:l r~ult in: Increase in the r~e of use of criy nmural ,.× A-3 b.. Sd~tmttal degletlan of any nd~ral resaurc,? risk of m~ mmlaeJan ar the rmtemm hazmdmm subetarmm (Irmtuding, but not Pagulaflen. Will the prat)¢~l alter the Ic.:atfan, dlstrbJtim, dnmity, ar growl~ rate of 1he Fumm IXCulatim of m area? 12. Hmming. Wlll the p~l affect existing hous- ing, or a'eate a 6ma~ far ackiitlexd hotnincj? 13. Tra1~~~~ia~ Will the ~1 rmult ir. a. Gene~ of m,d~tantlal acictitiQnal ~hicutar. m~vement? · · b. Effeel~ an existing Ix~king factlitle~ ar clmnm~ far cl. Alteratlma t~ prma'tt IXrrterm of ¢imule. 'tian ar mmmment of I:)eagle and/ar goods? e. Alteratlam to wat~, mil ar air. traffh:? f. Incr~a.~ in traffic heZerds to rnotar vehicle~, bicyclists ar peclestri~? Public Set--am, Will the I~ragczml hcwe an effect ugan, ar rmuit in a need far new ar altered gavemmental 'services in my of the following area~ Fire protection? b. Police protectian? Schools? YI ,,mm,mm X. A-4 cl. Pcrt~ ~r other rec~ac~onal fcmiiltles? f. ~ governmental sarY~? 15. ~mrgy. Will tht p~l i'll, lit inl Use of ~?ial amaJn?S of ~1 of ~ b. Subst~tlal Irm~ease in ~ ul)an exist° lng mur~m of a~ergy, or r~luim the cbve~ of new saurcm~,of energy? Il. Uflliti~. Will ?he I)rc~ mit In a need far new s~ltEm~ or ~d)ltantlal alterations to the following ufllitlem .. a. ~ or mxluml gas? · b. C~nun~k~ syStam? d. Sewer ar s~tic, tarda? e. Storm Wa~ drainage? f. Sold wast~ and 'dIca~? 18. ~ic~ Will the p~l msJlt in the- ~icn of ~ scm'~ic vista or view cq~n to the publi~ ar will the pral)Gsat result in the cmmt~n of an aesthetic=lly offensive site open tE public view? 19. R~icm. Will the pratxJs=l' mit in an irnpc~-t ulx~ me ClU~lity or quantity of existing recre~ianal c~¢~rtunities? 2Q. OJlW~d Rmaurgm. Will tim ~ result in the alteratic~ · of ar the dJ~tr~ian of a prehi~aric or historic cn'chamtagicai site? II 21. Qr .re:md u... within th~ p~ impQrl' IDae~ the pmjeu-t ha~ the p~tentlal to degrade the Cluallty ,of the enviranment, ~l~R~tlally mcluce the hab~ of a fish ar wildlife ~ie~ ea~se a fi.h ar. wild- life IX~uiatlan to ~ bela~ self mining lev~i~ threaten t~ elimin~te a pkmt or animal cammunity, reduce the mmb~' ar mswlgt the range of ~ ram ar endmgm~l pictor ar animal ar eliminate of CaiifQrnia hi~tary ar prehbtory? Dam. the project' have the potential achieve shaft-term, to the dLsadvmtage of lang-term, envirmmenfal goals? (A short-.. which aggur~ in a relatively brief, definitive periad of time while lang-t~ irt¢)c~z will endure well into tim ~ the project have irmacl~ which am individually limited, but cumulatively can- siclerable? (A project may irmact an ar mare set.rate remurc~ where the imgact an em=h resaurce i~ relatively small, but where the effect of the total of impa~l~ an the enviranrnent is significant,) d. Oae~ the project have enviranmental effects which will cause sut~stan~icll adverse effects an humc~ beinc~, either directly ar indirectly? X. X X III. Dlacu~km of Envi~t~l E~lu~i~ See ac~ached Exhibit A for clarification of all answers. IV. ~~~i~ ~o be ~let~ ~ t~ L~d Ag~) · On the bo~ of .thb initk evalu~lam I fled that the P~ project ¢O~.D NOT have o signjfic~rrt effect oft the eflviramTmflt, and cz NEGATIVE IDE~ATION will be prepared. I find that altJxxxjh the ImXX~id I:m*°joct could Jxzve cz signiflctmt .effect --I the eflv~, there will not be a signifk:ant effect in this case ___ hecta# the mitigatlm memure~ clmcri~ed an m attached sheet have been added tO the project.. A NEGATIVE D~D. ARATION WIlL BE PF~I~ARED. .. I find the prapaeed .project MAY hav~ cz signiflemt effegt an the enviran- meet, and an ENVI~ONM~~ IMPACT ~I=,T Is required. Ill · Laura Ca~, Pickup , Senior Planner pursuant to Section. 15153 of the California Environmental Quality' Act Guidelines, an environmental document'has already been prepared and an addendum to describe mi~or technicial changes has been prepared, however, no further environmen~al documentation is.required. A-7 EXHIBIT A 1:hi rial Study. Auto Cent, er .£xpanston -£:l:R 84-2 - Addendum I · Earth a-g: The proposed expansion area is in a reserve area ortg.tnally intended for an T-5 freeway off-ramp. The site was rough graded and a portion beamed and landscaped with the initial Auto Center development project,. All compaction, soil and gradtng tssues are adequately addressed In 84-2. No new impacts are anticipated since the expansion is intended for the same types of land uses and development as discussed in the Previous £IR. II. Air a-c: The expansion area would accommodate one additional dealer site. This addition in itself would not substancially increase emissions or degrade air quality. The project EIR however, discusses the air impacts of the project as a whole. This discussion identifies impacts and mitigation measures considered adequate under C£QA. III. Water a, c-l: No. impacts are anticipated on water resources or issues as a result of one additional dealership in the'Auto Center. All conditions, t.mpacts 'and mt. tigatton of L;,~se issues are adequately discusro" 84-2. b: The development of the proposed expansion of the Auto Center will alter drainage patterns and surface run-off· However, modern grading and site design techniques will be implemented to properly drain all surface run-off into the nearby E1 Modena Flood Control' Channel. This impact, with the aforementioned conditions on development, has been mitigated to a level of insignificance. IV. Plant Life a-d: The expansion area has been rough graded and a 10' foot wide berm With landscaping has been installed in the area. Study of the site and landscape plan shows that there are no rare, endangered or mature plant species located in the project area. The existing landscape pattern will be moved further south towards the I-5 freeway in order to maintain the landscape buffer along the southerly line of the Auto.. Center. No significant impacts are anticipated. V. Animal Life a-d' The project area Was thoroughly inspected by a professional environmental planning firm at the time EIR 84-2 was prepared. This inspection, and review of all updated records and information on file at the City of Tustin, has determined that no rare or endangered species have been si ted on the property. No significant impact on animal life is anticipated with the proposed expansion. -Addendum' ,~:]: R 84-2 t~age two V!. Notse a-b: EIR 84-2 identifies specific noise related impacts of the Auto Center development. The EIR incorporated mitigation measures for potential long term impacts from the 'use of loud speakers. Specific regulations imposed on all Auto Center dealers have been adopted to mitigate noise i~acts to a level of insignificance. These regulations will be required for all development proposed in the expansion area, thereby mitigating any long term impacts to a level of insignificance. Short term noise impacts as a result of construction activities may occur tf unchecked. However, as a condition of approval, all construction activities will be regulated to conform to the requirements of the Tustin Noise Ordinance. l~ese requirements regulate construction activities during specified time limits and days of operation. Also, overall noise levels are limited to a .level considered acceptable to the Orange County Health Department. All noise related impacts have been mitigated to a level of insignificance. ~[. Ltg?+. and Glare The proposed expansion area will accommodate an additional dealer site which will eventually be developed and outdoor lighting installed. The light impact was addressed and mitigated through [IR 84-2. These same conditions apply to the expansion area, therefore, the adopted lighting regulations for the Auto Center will be applied on all development in the expansion area. This lighting program reduces any light and glare impacts to a level of insignificance. VIII. Land Use The project area is currently designated Planned Community Residential in the General Plan and on the Zoning Map.. However, the proposed use of the property was for a freeway off-ramp from the I-5 freeway from Tustin Ranch Road. The off-ramp has been redesigned to eliminate the need for this reserve area. The accessibility to the property, its size, shape and location made it infeasible to develop the property for residential use. The proposed General Plan Amendment and Zone Change for the project area would redesignate -the property from Planned Community Residential to Planned Community Commercial. This.redesignation is for a land area 5.05 acres in size. When compared to the Auto Center .as a whole (60 acres) the land use change proposed is considered insignificant. -~ddendum IR 84-2 ~age three IX. Natural Resources X. a-b: The pr,pos.ed development in the expansion area will accommodate one additional auto dealership. This development will )nv, lye typical construction materials and landscaping which will not significantly impact any natural resource. Risk of Upset ~ · a-b- The proposed land uses do not involve storage or use of large quantities of any hazardous or flammable chemicals. Also the project location is off local streets as opposed to a major throughfare, therefore, no significant risk of upset is anticipated with this project. XI. Population The proposed project is on vacant land and lwill not displace any existing residents.. However, employees working at any new facility may come to the area. The one additional site, however, is insignificant in terms of its population impact in that one new facility would employ less than 75 persons. Therefore no significant impacts on'population are anticipated. XII. Housing The anticipated 'development in the expansion area wi'll accon~nodate one additional dealership. As discussed in Section XI above no significant increase in population is anticipated with this project. However, the City is currently processing numerous .subdivision maps in the surrounding area for new housing, therefore, additional housing is being provided in the area. XIII. Transportation/Circulation a, c-f: The additional, site created by the expansion project, in itself, will not create a significant impact on the transportation and circulation facilities in the area. However, impacts resulting, from the Auto Center as a whole have been addressed in EIR 84-2. The discussion and mitigation of these impacts are considered adequate to cover this project. b' Any new development o~ an auto dealership will 'create a demand for parking. However, the Auto Center Development Regulations require adequate on-site parking facilities in conjunction with a centrally located joint use parking facility. The expansion area will become a party to the Development Regulations and will also enjoy its pro rata share of use of the joint parking facility. With these elements, the parking demand impacts will be mitigated to a level of insignificance. A-10 A_~ddendum 84-2 ~ge four' TV. Publlc Servtces X¥. a-f: All publlc servtce needs have been discussed in the previous 84-2. These servtces have been Installed and are operational for the extsttng dealers In the Auto Center. The addltton of the project area, therefore, does not significantly impact the servtces in the area. Energy a-g: The project area ts currently served by gas 'and electrtc utilities, the addttlon of one dealer stte wtll not create a significant impact on the use of substanctal amounts of fuel or energy or creatton of new energy sources. XY[. Utilities a-f: The Auto 'Center EIR 84-2 sets forth conditions and mitigation measures for providing proper access to utilities. All utilities have been installed and the proposed area has access to stub into these facilities. Therefore, no significant tmpact on utilities ts anticipated. ,~VI I. Human a-b: The development of the Auto Center, as well as the eXpansion area has been reviewed for potential impacts on human health. All construction *and operation of facilities in the Auto Center will be inl accordance with modern safety guidelines as required by the State of California. No significant impact on human health is anticipated. XVII I.Aesthetics The Auto Center Development Regulations set forth an architectural and landscape program for consistency and quality of' projects in the Auto Center. These regulations will be applied uniformly to all dealers in the Auto Center, including the proposed expansion area, therefore, no aesthetic impacts are anticipated. IXX. Recreati on The Auto Center project does not incorporate residential uses, therefore, the project does not require recreation facilities. ×X. Cul rural Resources a-d: EIR 84-2 reviewed the project area and the proposed land uses for the projects impact on cultural resources. This analysis covers the same conditions as the expansion and is adequate discussion for this project. This analysis identified no significant impacts on cultural resources. A-Il -~ddendum ,R 84-~ ~'age five XXI. Mandator7 Findings of Significance a, b, d: £IR 84-2 addresses the mandator7 findings of significance of the Tustin Auto Center. The proposed expansion is similar and the discussion in the previous EIR is considered adequate for this project. c: With the expansion area and the existing Auto Center Development, some cumulative impacts are imminent. These impacts are identified, discussed and mitigated in £IR 84-2. This discussion is adequate to cover the expansion project. All mitigation measures and conditions of approval for £IR 84-2 will be applied tO this addendum and are incorporated into the resolutions of approval by reference. LP:pef A-12 APPENDIX B RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL FOR EIR 84-2 APPENDIX B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 2t 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 85-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN CERTIFYING FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT {EIR).84-2 FOR THE TUSTIN AUTO CENTER The City Council of th~ City of Tustin, California does hereby resolve as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. A. Draft EIR 84-2 and amendments 'were noticed, prepared, and processed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, State Guidelines, and the policies of the City of Tustin for the proposed Tustin Auto Center to be located northerly of the Santa Aha Freeway and easterly of Jamboree Road. The Planning Commission, by adoption of Resolution No. 2204 on January 14, 1985, recommends that the City Council certify EIR 84-2, as amended. II. Ce Exhibit A, attached and a part hereof, and EIR Text identifys mitigation measures that avoid or substantially mitigate adverse impacts of the project; adverse' impacts .which cannot be feasibly mitigated; ~nd overriding considerations justifying the proposed project. The City Council of the citY of Tustin..does hereby certify the final EIR 84-2 for the proposed Tustin Auto Center to consist of the Draft EIR 84-2; amendments thereto, staff's technical report, written comments and responses, testimon'y received at public hearings, before the Planning Commission and City Council and responses as contained within the minutes, and the mitigating measures and overriding considerations as contained herein. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council held on the 21st day of January .. 1985. URSULA E. KENNEDY Mayor City clerk B_i ~XHIBIT A Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Art of' 1970, as amended, and in accordance with the City of Tustin guidelines, as amended, this document presents the flndinl~ and a brief explanation of the rationale for each flnclin~ required for approval of the proposed project. 1. The Cit~.. Council Of the Cit7. of... Tustin. does'hereb, y find that. elan_ ~es or alterations have been required ir~ or incorporated into, the orojeet whieh avoid ct' substantiall~ m.iti~,ate the si~mifi~mt adverse'impa~ts"identified in.the., final BLtt as si)eeiflea~ll~, itemized below. ' A. Water Resources Imparts: The site is currently subject to floodir~ rangtn~ in depth from one to three feet resuttint~ from the" inability of regional drainag~ facilities to convey 100-year flood flows. The. project i~eludes the construction of an earthen berm extendfn~ from an existirq berm to the west of the project site and wrappin~ around the project site to protect the project from floedin~. This berm will protect the site without si~fieant2~' alterin& existin& drainage and floodint~ patterns tn the vietntty of the project. No increased floodin~ imparts will result to adjacent properties. Imparts: Short-term deBTadation of surface water quality will occur durin~ ~radin~ and initial construction activities. A plan for control of onstte storm runoff from the property durir~ construction will be prepared and submitted to the City of Tustin prior to the fsstmnee of any gradin~ permits. Imparts: On-site runoff volumes and velocities will increase and the on-site drainage pattern will be altered. Finclin~: An on-site drainage plan will be submitted to the City of Tustin for approval prior to the recordation of the final parcel map. Methods for eontrollin~ the velocity and direction of runoff will be incorporated into the project design. Imparts: Development of the site will effect a long-term change in runoff quality from a~'ieuttural pollutants to urban pollutants. Fincl~: This impart will be partially reduced by the implementation of appropriate stormwater pollution control plans and periodic eleanin~ of storm drains. B-2 · Resolution No. ~';-~. Page 2 0 B. Land Use and Aesthetics Impacts: Ftndin Impacts: The pro,Ieee is not consistent with the existing general plan and zoning designations for the site and Surrounding aveaa. A general plan amendment and zone change ave proposed aa pet of the project. The project design and pevfoemanee standaeds included in the Ttmtin Auto Center Planned Community Regulations will ensure that the proposed pvo~eet is compatible with land uses planned foe aveaa adjacent to and nea~ the pro~eet site. Implementation of the proposed project would result in the introdueUon of high intensity night lighting in the East Tustin The Tustin Auto Center Planned Community Regulations contain lighting paefoemanee stan~ stipulating the type of lighting which may be used, the maximum heigt~t of each flxttwe, and the allowable wattage pe~ square foot. Only sharp cut-off flxttwes at a maximum height of 9.0 feet ave allowed, thereby loeaUzing light and glare impacts. C. _Transoortation/CLeeu!aUon Impacts: The proposed project will contribute a small increment to an existing and projected cumulative traffic impact at several inteeseetions in the ave~. The project will generate 8,205 ADT and 845 p.m. peak hotw trips. Traffic from the project will incrementally woesen t~affie conditions at the Red Hill Avenue/I-$ ramps and the intersections of Red Hill Avenue and I~vine Boulevavd and Red Hill Avenue and Laguna Road. Consteuetion of the Jamboree Road/I-$ interchange will provide substantial mitigation of project related traffic impacts by di~eting project related and other traffic from Red ~ A?.nu.e: The .Jamboree Road/I-5 interehanl~e has been commntea roe construction by the City of Tustin aa a locally funded project (Tustin City Council Resolution No. 84- a~). Noise Impacts: Activities at the auto center facilities wU/ inereaae overall ambient noise leveJa in. the avea by a few decibels. The numbee of individually audible and potentially intrusive traffic noise events will increase aa a result of the auto center development. B-3 Resolutio~ No. f~/o · Page 3 Yindings: The Tustin Center Planned Community Regulations contain operational Performance stan~ which will mitigate noise impacts to an insignificant level. Other recommended operational and site plannin~ meastu, es will A1~ reduce project impacts. -- Short-term noise impacts will oeeu~ dm'lng project eonsttmetion. -4 Compliance with city noise standards regaecling hours of operafl, on and the use of muffled censtruetion equipment will minimxze construction noise impacts. The project site is exposed to noise impa~ts from the Santa Aha Y~eeway. Over one-half of the proJ.e.e...t site is exposed to freeway noise levels in excess of the City of Tustin~ noise objective of 65 CNEL fo~ commercial land uses. The project design ineoeporates a wall of at least eight feet in height along this edge. This wall will serve to attenuate noise from the freeway and will reduce on-site noise levels to acceptable levels. Short-te~m tne~es in dust and exhaust emission will occur in the vicinity of the project .during censtruetion. Compliance with Rule 403 of the SCAQMD Rules~ and ~Regula'~o .ns and wetting of graded areas will mitigate fugitive oust emmstons dut, ing eonstruetion. Long-te~m regional increases in mobile and stationary-source emissions will result due to the ineroase in motor vehicie and enet. gy usage. The proposed project includes bicycle and pedestrian faeilities provided to reduce motoe vehicle usage. Sidewalks will be provided along Jamboree and Latpma Road and on all internal roads. All roadways being constructed as a part of the project have sufficient width to allow fo~ bicycle lanes. No further mitigation measures are feasible to reduce motor vehicle air quality emissions. B_4 · Resolution No. ~-/~ Pa~e 4 B~ ..The City Council of the City of TUstin further finds that al.tho.-~h e_~_nges, _ai.tet~ati?~.~ or conditions have been incorporated into the pro~ect, which will SUl~t.. antlaliy mitil~ate .or avoid...si~mifieant effects identified in the fi"_-n-! _~__TR~ retrain of the sihv~ffieant effects cannot be mitil~ated to f-l!y aeeeptabl~ levels. The remaining imparts ,identified_ below may continue to be of sig=nifieant adverse impart even when al~_ known fen_~ble and identified mitigation measures are. applied. A. Project implementation will result in the termination of on-site a~ei~t~ production and the loss of 80 acres of "Farmland of Statewide Importance" as identified by the California State Department of Conservation. The project is currently committed to non-agricultural use. The TUstin General Plan Land Use Element currently designates the site toe urban (restdentiai) land use. The existence of an ~'vtne Ranch Water District improvement finance district and the issuance of bonds to finance-~ban level wate~ and sewe~ improvements for the project site and sureoundin~ areas further indicates the existin~ commitment to ut'ban development of this area. There are no economically oe physieaily feasible measures available to mitigate this impart. The proposed project will I~ene~ate approximately 8,205 ADT and 845 PiM. peak hou~ trips. Traffic from the project will incrementally women traffic conditions at the Red Hill Avenue/I-5 ramps and the intersections of Red Hill Avenue and Irvine Boulevard, and Red Hill Avenue and Laguna Road. Finding: Construction of the Jamboree Road/I-5 interchange will provide substantial mitigation of project related traffic imparts by diverting project related and other traffic from Red Hill Avenue. The Jamboree Road/I-5 interchange has been committed by the-City of Tustin as a locally funded project (Tustin City Council Resolution No. 84-65). Prior to constt'uetion of the interchange, the State Department of Trensportation must approve connection of the interchange to the state freeway system and the City of Tustin must select and institute a mechanism to flnanco construction of the interchange. Until such time as these approvals and actions are taken and the interchange /s constructed, traffic 8~,.nerated by the project will adversely impart operating conditions at the 'Red Hill Avenue/I-5 ramps and the'- intersections of Red Hill Avenue and Irvine Boulevard, and Red Hm Avenue and Laguna Road. B-5 Resolution 1~o..~-'~ Page 5 3~ Co The project site is located within the Eastern Corridor study area and approval and construction of the auto center project prior to completion of the route location study could influence the study by eliminating some potential alternative aUgnments of the corridor. The City of Tustin will participate in the Eastern Transportation Corridor Study and cooperate with the County of Orange and the other local agencies involved and affected by the study. It is not considered economically feasible to delay approval and implementation of the project until the corridor study is completed. Do Short-term construction equipment emissions and long-term mobile and stationary emissions will oeeu~ with project implementation creating an adverse impart on the air quality of the South Coast Air Basin. Yindngs: As with any urban development project, air qua/ity imparts cannot be completely mitigated. In approving the project, subject to the conditions and mitigation measures set forth, the city has done a11 that is technically and reasonably possible at the municipal level E. Increased demand for Umited regional water resources. . The project necessitates increased water use and, therefore, increased demand for regional imported water. This impart. cannot be mitigated on an individual project basis although the city will require implementation of all feasible conservation measures. F. Increased long-term demand for finite fossil fuel resources resulting from project electrical and natural gas requirements. Findings: The project necessitates an increased cumulative demand for finite fuel resources. Although servicing agencies anticipate adequate fuel suppUes for the project, the long-term demand for fossil fuel resources will be unavoidably increased. The City Council of the Cit7 of Tustin does hereby find that certain changes or alterations (e.[~.~ mitigation measures) required in or ineorL~orated into the Dro~eet are within the resDonsibi,Ut¥ and jurisdiction of a Dublie a~eney other than the City of Tustin and ran qr should be adopted by the respective agency as itemized below: ' ' A. California Department of Transportation: Approval of the connection of the Jamboree Road/I-5 int. erehange to the state freeway system. Resolution lqo. Page $ The City Council of the City of Tustin has. weighed the benefits, of the proposed pro~ect, against its unavoidable environmental risks in determining, whether to approve said pro~ect. The City 'Council does 'hereby' further find~ determine~ and state, pursuant to the provisions of Section 15093 o.f the state CBQA GuideU,nes,, that the occurrence of the ee~ain sil~nffieant environmental, effects identified in the final EIR and set forth in I~ara~raph 2 above, have been evaluated a~ainst the folloWin[~ overridin~ considerations: A. The project will result in the following substantial economic, social, and environmental benefits to the City of Tustin and surrounding areas: At build-out, the project is anticipated to yield a positive annual fiscal surplus of $1,306,200 to the city~ general fund. Total annual revenues are projected at $1,414,700 and total costs at $108,500. The consolidation of auto dealerships in one location will result in less vehicle miles traveled than would be typical of a strip pattern of auto dealerships. This fart is reflected in the trip generation rates for the Irvine Auto Center, a similar type of 'development, which are considerably lower per acre than the observed rates for individual auto dealers. (3) The proposed' project will provide improvements to the local circulation system consisting ot the extension of Laguna and Jamboree Roa~. B. The following eeonomie and social considerations make the project alternatives identified in the final ~ infeasible. The nNo Project° alternative is rejected because it fails to meet the objectives set forth for the project, particularly the objectives of providing an increased revenue base to the city and creating a development which provides for a range of auto. elated uses to serve the City of Tustin and surrounding communities: The "Exis~g General Plan" alternative is rejected because it fails to meet the objectives set forth for the project, particularly the objectives of providing an increased revenue base to the city and ereatip~ a development which provides foe a range of auto-related uses to serve the City of Tustin and surrounding communities. Residential use of the site is considered less desirable than the proposed commercial use ~iven the site*s proximity to the I-5 freeway. (3) The 'Residential Development at Ten Dwelling Units to the Acre" alternative is rejected because it fails to meet the objectives set forth for the project, particularly the objectives of providing an increased revenue base to the city and creating a development which provides for a range of auto-~elated uses to serve the City of Tustin and surrounding communities. Residential use of the site is Resolution Page ? ~onsidered less desirable than the proposed commercial use l~iven the mitek proximity to the I-5 freeway. (4) The "Alternative Loeations" alternative is rejected because development of the proposed project on the other available sites in the city would result in ~eater environmental impacts than would development of the project on the proposed site. The potential alternative sites would result in ~eater impacts to ex~tin~ residents ct. would require substantially increased site improvement costs than would the euz~ently proposed site. The proposed site offers the best combination of distance of existin~ residents, freeway visibility, and freeway access. B-7 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) § CITY OF TUSTIN ) HARY E. WYNN, Ctty Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Ctty Counctl of the Ctty of Tusttn, California, does hereby certtfy that the whole number of the members of the Ctty Counctl of the Ctty of Tusttn is ftve; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 85-1_0 was duly and regularly Introduced, passed and adopted at. a regular meet.lng of the City Counctl held on the 2!st_ day of JanuarT, [985, by the following vote: AYES : NOES : ~-ABSENT: COUNCILPERSONS: Edgar,. Gretnke, Hoesterey, Kennedy, Saltarellt COUNCILPERSONS: None COUNCILPERSONS: None MARY £. WYNN~'~Cl ty C1 erk City of Tustl~, Californ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 161· l, 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2510 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CERTIFY FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT EIR 84-2 AND ADDENDUM NO. 88-01 AS REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows' I · The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That an initial study questionnaire was prepared for General Plan Amendment 88-01 and Zone Change 88-01 (the "Project"), and it was determined that Environmental Impact Report (EIR) No. 84-2 (Tustin Auto Center), with an Addendum (No. 88-01), could be employed to describe this project, in accordance with Section 15153 of the CEQA Guidelines. Be That the environmental documentation was prepared by City of Tustin and Michael' Brandman Associates. C. That the subject EIR and Addendum No. 88-01, including comments, have ~--en reviewed and considered by the City nf Tustin. D. That the EIR (84-2) was prepared in compliance with the -California Environmental Quality Act, and CEQA Guidelines, and the policies of the City of Tustin. E. That pursuant to Section 15153 of the CEQA Guidelines, EIR 84-2 has previously been prepared and certified and adequately addresses the general environmental setting of the project, its significant environmental impacts, and the alternatives and mitigation measures related to each significant environmental effect, and that no additional environmental documentation need be prepared. F. That the addendum prepared for the project addresses only minor technical changes or additions and none . of the conditions described in Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines have occurred. G. That the findings- and mitigation measures described in Resolution No. 85-10 and 2204 are hereby incorporated into this resolution by reference. 1 2 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 21 22 26 27 28 Resolution No. 2510 page ~o II. The Planntng Commission of the City of Tusttn does hereby recommend to the City Council certification of Final EIR 84-2 with Addendum No. 88-01, which has been completed tn compliance with the California Envtronmen:al Quality Act and adequately addresses the project. PASSED,~ AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission on the day of , 1988. Chairman pEr,ii' FOLEYI · Recordtne S~.cretary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 RESOLUTION NO. 2511 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION O~ THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL AMEND THE LAND USE MAP OF THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE TUSTIN AREA GENERAL PLAN FOR AN AREA BOUNDED BY THE 1-5 FREEWAY, TUSTIN RANCH ROAD, THE EXISTING SOUTHERLY BORDER OF THE AUTO CENTER, AND WEST OF THE EL MODENA CHANNEL. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A® Section 65356.1 of the Government Code of the State of California provides that when lit is deemed to be in the public tnteres, t, the legislative body may amend a part of the General Plan. Be That in accordance with Section 65356.1 of the Government Code of the State of California, a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on the application of the Irvine Company to reclassify the land use from Residential/Single Family to Planned Community/Commercial for an area bounded by the 1-5 Freeway, Tustin Ranch Road, the existing southerly border of the Auto Center and west of the E1 Modena Channel aS.l showq in Exhibit "A". C. That Environmental Impact Report No. 84-2 (Tustin Auto Center) as amended by Addendum No. 88,01 has been prepared for the subject project, and has been recommended for certification to the City Council, by the adoption of Resolution No. 2510. D. That a change in classification would be in the public interest and not detrimental to the welfare of the public or the surrounding property owners. II. The Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council that General Plan Amendment 88-01 be adopted, amending the Land Use Map of the Land Use Element of the Tustin Area General Plan from 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1-6 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution N~. 2511 Page two Residential/Single Family to Planned Commnity/Co~rcial for an area bounded by the I-5 Freeway, Tustin Ranch Road, the existing southerly border of the Auto Center and west of the E1 Modena Channel as sh~n in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular ,meting of the Tusttn Planning Comisston held on the day of.... 1988. Chatrnmn PE~IN~ FOLEY ' ' Recordtng Secretary' 9 LJJ L... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12! 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION 'NO. ;~512 'A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, RECOMMENDING REZONING OF A AREA BOUNDED BY THE I-S FREEWAY, TUSTIN RANCH ROAD, THE EXISTING SOUTHERLY BORDER OF THE AUTO CENTER AND WEST OF THE EL 'MODENA CHANNEL, FROM PLANNED COMMUNITY TO PLANNED COMMUNITY/COMMERCIAL AND INCLUOING THE INCORPORATION OF PLANNED COMMUNITY REGULATIONS KNOWN AS THE EAST TUSTIN AUTO CENTER. The Planntng Commission of the Ctty of Tusttn does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application, (Zone Change No. 88-01) has been filed by the Irvine Company, to change the zone for an area bounded by the 1-5 Freeway, Tustin Ranch Road, the existing southerly border of the Auto Center and west of the E1 Modena Channel, from Planned Community to Planned Community/Commercial as shown in Exhibit "A", and incorporating planned community regulations known as the East Tustin Auto Center. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. C. That a zone change should be granted for the following reasons' 1. That the proposed change Would not be 'detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare of the surrounding property owners. . That the inclusion of a Planned Community zone and incorporation of development regulations will ensure that the proposed use will be compatible with future and existing developments. 3. The proposed zone designation is in conformance with the Land Use Element of the Tustin Area General Plan. De An Environmental Impact Report (EIR 84-2) as amended by Addendum No. 88-01 has been prepared for this project, and has been recommended for certification to the City Council by the adoption of. Resolution No. '2510. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25' 28 Resolul;lon No. 2512 page ~o II. The Planntng Commission hereby recommends to the City Council approval of Zone Change No. 88-0! from Planned Community to Planned Community/Commercial for an area bounded by the I-5 Freeway, Tusttn Ranch Road, the existing southerly border of the Auto Center, and west of the E1 Hodena Channel, as shown In Exhtbtt "A", and incorporates Planned Community Regulations known as the East Tusttn Auto Center (Exhibit "B" attached hereto). PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meting of the Planning Co~lsston, held on the _ day of ,i ,, _, 1988. Chairmn PENNI FOLEY-" ' Recording Secretary l.U ONIN/~OUg " Resoh~tinn EXHIBIT a I L L EAST TUSTIN AUTO CENTER CITY O F TUSTIN PLANNED. COMMUNITY REGULATIONS NOVEMBER. 1984 THE IRVINE COMPANY Amended by the Plahning Commission January 14, 1985 EXHIBIT B RESOLUTION NO. 2512 TUSTIN A2TO CENTER FE,~n~D ~IT~ ttEGULA~IONS November 1984 ~ZON ZZZ SEC"~ZON VZ Subsec"t:ion A. Subsection ~. Subsection C. SubsecCion O, · SubsecC£on E. Landscag£ng ~ig~Cinq Subsection F. Walls and Fences Subsection G. Subsection H.. Subsection I. Subsection J. Sound Attenuation $~ocage and Loading ReEuse Collection Area ~aqe '1 8 9 11 11 11 11 14 16 17 · · , · e · 1" T~ 1'" The Planned Community Regulations ate intended Co gui~e CAe planning an~ design o~ ~ auto. s~es, leas~n~ an~ :~ ~C~ se~ce cenCe=. ~e ~~aCions pco~Ce C~e ~alicy si~e pl~iaV, a~iC~Cu~al design, and ~Cecials ~o= all sC~uces v~i~ will be~ a pact off ~e CenCe=. ~nC in ~e c~iC~. F. ~_~_CTION II. The TusCin AuCo CanOe= Planned Community has been esCa~- lisAe~ Is one ( 1 ) Basic' g=oup.' Net Ac~: es,. 40.00 This g=oup shall be se=ve~ by: .. F, Amdscape b,.~e~' a~ea i ~,o.~ ~aoss AC~S I · B --2-- , e SECTION III. GENERAL NOTES 0 s~ecC Co ~e a~li~le zoning codes ~sCin. 2. Water service ~nd sewage disposal facili=ies w£Chin CAe Planned C~mm~ty area shall be furnished by =he Zrvine · Ranc~ Water Dist=ic=. However, temporary services by o~e= agencies may be necessary. . no ~C=uc=ion' s~l'be all~ within CAe ~o~~=ies ~lies wi~ all provisions of .applic~le building ~des. and ~e various ~e~nical ~des :elated Che=e=o. . Any land use p=Oposal o= ~evelopmemt standard ~ot speci- TusCin zonin, g codes. Wheneve~ =he repulations contained herein conflic= wi=h regulations of Tus=in zoning codes, CAe regula=ions contained herein shall take precedence. plan for 'silt control for all s,:or~ runoff from CAe =o ~e iss~cl of a grading ~e~C. The plan s~all be in ef~C during ini=ial operation o~ C~e =race =o ~in- n~l o~e=aCion. 7. AH=oval by' CAe Air Quali=y Managemen= Dis~=ic= of any pla~ts, devices, or ~aciliCies ~cr CAe con==ol o~ any pollutants which ~a~ be generated, shall ~e requi=ed. 8. Grading within CAe zone shall be subject =o =he approval 9. Ene=9~ conserve=ion provisions shall be considered w~an building orientation, ~aCerials and design are bein~ developed · r ! 10. 12. 13. ~ndiCion any l~nger than =easo~ly necessa=y =or s~l ~e sc=een~ ~=~ v~e~ ~=~ .ad~acen= ~ublic CC&~ ~o~ the subject 9~o~ect, to ~,c]ude 9~ov~s~o,s ~o~.the ~nte,ance and cep]aceme,t o~ ]a,dsca~ng, s~a]~ be submitted to and approved by t~e C~ty Atto~,ey pc~o~ to t~e ~ssua,ce of building pe~its. Prior to the issuance of building pe~its for subject project, a Master ~velopment'Plan shall be submitted to the Planning Co~ission and approved by ~solution. Said plan shall incorproate by text, diagram and illustration the following e 1 ements · a® ee building materials and colors landscape.plan, ,.to include theme, plant materials, irrigation system and fixtures wall plans to show elevations, materials, and location signing., to include locations, size,'height, materials, and intensity of l ighl~ing performance standards for noise control perimeter li.ghting fixtures, location, and intensity. SECTION ~. DEFINITIONS 1. Adver=isin~ Surface-. The '=oral area of the face of any signing sCruc=ure. · · . 2. Ccmmon'.Area: A~eas designated ~y Parcel ~ ~o= land- l~ly ~o~ Au=o Cch=e= Marchers' ~socia=ion. . o~ay wiC~in C~is o=din~ce shall =e~ dedica=ed veAi- .~a= =igh=s~f~ay, including any =edian paving o= 4. Gross Acreage: T~e entire land area within CAe boundary ~uCCing a==e=ial ~ig~way o= CAe cmnCe=line o~ any NeC Acreage: The Coral land a:ea of CAe land ~escribed -. Any ~arcel's frontage which faces onto an loo9 =cad o= ~acing .Coward an entrance Side - Those property lines which sepa=aca one subdivided pa:cel which has been designa=ed fo= re=ail use from eno=he= such subdi=ided parcel o= ~=om a designa=ed co.on ~loyees' pa=~ing Loc. 7. Sm=vice & S~o=ape auildin~s: All sC=ucCu:es on any display, sale o= lease o~ au=cmc~iles and =ela=ed =e=c~andise · AuCo, Cr~c~, and rec~eacion~-z vehicle sales, leas£n~ Service ~nd~c~ies n~ ~ncZ~de, buc are nsc l~iced a. Repair, maintenance and serv£cin~ o~ appliances o~ ccmq~onenc pa~=s ~or m~cor vehicles. · c. Tss=inq. ahops '(excZudinq noise producin~ o~ noxious pe~oL-mance CesCim~). Repa£=, sainCsnancs and servicin9 ol above- lis=ed items p~ovide~ CAac said industries a~e not: CAe poin= o~ cus=omer delivery or collec- ~. F. xperimea=al au=.mobile assembly and g. ?eAicula= sro=age areas (exclusive o~ impound 2a=ds ). mo ~ses 9ec~_!CCed Sub~ecc co ~ranc!n~ o~ a ~ ~_y ~e. Pla_~.-_in~ Commission £~ ~oC, ZnclUded £n Auto uea~e~sni~ l. Tire, battery and accessory shops and accessory £ndoc= installation ~acili=ies. 2. Auto and vehicle glass shops. 3. Au=o and truck =eh=als. 4. Pain= and rest.raCism shops (independent of dealer- ships ). · 5. Body Shops (independen= o~ dealers~£ps). 6. Se:vice £ndust:£es w~i~ p~cv£de a se:.vice co ~ses lis~a~ in Section A., a~ove. Usea Per~_~!tted Subject' t:o G=antin~; oE a ,CU~ b~' the Plannln~ C~mmisaion 1. Ca= was~. 2. Se=vice station. B --7" -f -T It ~uil~nq pe~ p~ocessinq. ~is :avia~ s~ll ~e conduc~ ~y ~e ~~~2 ~evelo~en~ ~e~a~en~ ~lAcies o~ ~e ~lCy o~ ~sCtn. A~ovals s~Zl valid ~or a period o~ la monC~s. Decisions ~y ~he Co~uniCy Develo~enC D~=~en= s~all ~e ~i~l u~ess appeal~ Plying Co~ssion wi=bin seven Develop. n= Depart. he'S decision. The A~pli=anC s~all submi= six (6) sees of si Ce plans a~d elevations Co Ch. Community Development Depa==men= cAaC include ~e following inf0'rmaCion as applicable: l. Nor~ Arrow. 2. Title Bloc~: a. Scale of M. ap~ Name and A~xess of Applicant; c. DaCe. of pc.pace=ion. 3. All ~un~a=.2 lanes on the subject property fully dimen- sione~ and Ci~ ~n with cae cenCe~line ~ ad~acenC o~ 4. The name, location and widC~ of any ad,ac.n= public p=ivaCe SC'ce. Cs. Widths should include any =equi=ed street widening· The name, location and width of any wa=e= ¢ou=ses, sC=uctures, i=rigaCiom di=¢~es, and any ocher pe=manent easements. 7. All p=oposed improvements properly dimensioned. . All packing spaces an~ aisles drawn and dimensioned =he flow o~ =ra~i¢ noted ~y .a=rows and calcula=ions B --9-- T ! · o 9. The 1ocs=ion and widen o~ all =ehicula~ and pedesc=ian All p=o~osed walls and ~ences, Lncluding height and 11. All p=opose~ landscaping in as muc~ detail as possible. and propeccies contiguous co its ~oundaries. 13. Location of nearest walls and sC=ucCu=es and ad~acenc 14. pcopecCy, bouts o~ opecaCion, n~e= o~ e~loyees, and Indicate all existing ~i:e .hyd=anCs and waCe= main sizes. Indicate building size, building elevation. · · C,?po of consCrucCion, and Indicate all existing sc=eeC lights, utility poles, and signs wi=bin =he public' right-of-way adjacent ~s. Such =es~onse ~y cons=i=u=e app=oval, app=oval wi=h sa~e=~ ~d wel~a=e, o= disa~=oval o~ Applican='s size 91~. I~ no ac=ion is ~aken wi=bin =he allot=ed =ime, =he size plan s~ll be de~ app=oved, unless =he =ime limi= ~s waiv~ ~y =he A~plican=. B -LO- T .[ A. Buildin~ Setbacks ~ 1. No structure o£ any ~ind, an~ no parc Chereof~ shall be p~c~ on ~y sire closer :=o :a prope==y line =hah ~=ov~enCs are specifi~lly exclud~ ~=om =~ese se=~ac~ provisions: a. ~of over~ng. Steps and walks. c. Paving and associated curbing in relation Co the landscape area, except c~ac customer par~ing property lanes. d. Fences, except =Aac no fence shall be placed w2~nin the sc=eec setback area for service or · storage buildings. .. e. Landscaping. ~'. -Signs and displays or occupant. owner, lessee 2. No setback is requir~ ~rcm interior prcper=y lines. 3. SeCbac~ from sC=eeC proper=y lines: a. Sales or display buildings shall ~e se= back a minimum of 10' from .=he in=erior loop road and a minimum of 60' from =~e entrance streets. ~oo~ proper=y line. Service and storage buildings shall ~e se= ~ac~ a ~inimum o~ 60' from =he fron= proper=y lines and a minimum of 65' from =~e rea~ proper=y. lines. However, a service or s=orage ~uilding B describe~ in Section 7IZI.F., paragraphs 2 and 3 og ~h£s document,'sub~ec~ to Planning Commission approval. ~. ~u£1d£ncj Ke£c~hts 'Buildings shall be a ~aximum o~ 30' 'in height to Cop of ridge line. 2. Automobile display and signage shall ncc be allowed on top of any building. 3. Au=~m~bile storage in ~he second level o~ a building s~mll be allowed only if ~ully screened ~rom view, including CAe line o~ sight from the second story o~ any s==u~cures which =ay be built across Jamboree and ~~ Roa~." Parkin~ l. Eac~ auto dealer shall provide a ~inimum o~ eleven (11) offs~ee= parking spaces per mit buildable acre' w~ic~ shall' be reserved ~or employee parking only· · -. 2. In ~e even= =ha= ~loyee par~ing is provided in a ~n parking lo=, eac~ dealer s~all provide separa=e par~ing space on his/her premises ~or any d~~==a=or'au=o~biles w~ic~ are driven ~y a c~y ~loyee. 3. Ig employee parking is provided in a common [acili=y shaved by several mercaanCs, a recorded document s~l be ~iled wi~h =he Building and Planning Depar%ments and s~ll be signed by =he Owner c~on si=e, scapula=lng =o =~e per, hen= reserva- purposes. 4. Eac~ automobile dealer shall provide a minimum of six onsiCe parking spaces reserved exclusively customers' use. Addi=ional customer ~arking shall be allowed a= cut,side where appropria=ely Onsi=e handicapped par~ing shall be provided as required ~y =~e governing agencies. B -12- r r . 0. Landscape 1. Every site on which a'building is placed shall be landscaped according to plans approved as specified herein and .~aintained thereafter in a sightly and well-kept condition pursuant to the standards agreed u~on by the Auto Center AercAants' Association. Suc~ ~aintenance shall include regular irrigation, fer=ilization, cultivation and tree pruning. · 2. The property owner, lessee or occupant shall land- scape a 5' strip immediatel~ behind the property line adjacent to any £nterior street of the Auto excepting walkways and driveway areas. The Auto Center Hero, ants' Association shall maintain this landscape in compliance wi~A the Declaration of Covenants, Condit£ons and Restrictions of this Auto Center. -4. The property owner, lessee or occupant shall provide irrigation and ~aintenance facilities for the land- scaued areas, and shall keep said ~acilities in good wor~ing order at ail times. d Landscaping shall be installed within thirty (30) ~ays of occupan~ or com~ietion of *:he building, wAi~ever cumes first. 5. Site landscaping shall be compatible with ,:he land- scape master plan w~ich, has been developed as a guide to coordinate the species of planc'~ate=ials, ~hus providing con=inui=y o~ landscape within =he CenCe=. The project developer shall provide a continuous landscape buffer between *:he Auto Center and Jamboree and Laguna Roads. Addi=ionally, Land- scaping shall be provided £n =he =edian of Jamboree Road. 7. Undeveloped areas :eserved ~or ~uture expansion, suc~t as the freeway interchange or any parcel ncc p~omptly ~uilt out, shall be ~aintained in a weed- ~=ee condition ~uC need nc= ~e Landscaped. B -].3- ~ · o ir T. 't [. r' 1.. E. Li~htin~ each auto dealer. fixtures ecfual to Elsco Manu~ac=uring Co. 's Auto King TI t:o di.~eci: lighting downward only. .. displa~ lig~=s. T~es.e =ixCures shall be on sCan~=~ no highe= C~n 20', s~ll ~e spac~ no Ave=age wattage for the entire display area shall not excae~ 1.5 wat=s/scfua=e foot. Display areas within 125' of Jam~o=ee Road or ~aguna Road shall not excae~ 1 watt Der square ~oot. 7. Se=vice and storage parking areas shall Be lighted by stands=ds no higher than 24' which shall contain enCi~e sro=age area shall no= exceed 0.2 wa=rs per 8. Crea=ive lighting ~esign and re£n~orcemen= o~ light intensity =or merchandising and hig~ligh=ing purposes are encouraged as Long as =he overall avemage wa=rage ~ no= exceeded. B -~4- · .o *d T' *r T' r' except.aC spo= display lore=ions along perimeter walls. 10. Strings of inca~descen= fixtures shall ncc be allowed in any exterior area. F. Walls and Fences 1. ;,11 service, storage and trash areas shall be screened from view from any street by a wall. Land- scape screening alone sA,all not be deemed suf~i- cien=. 2. Walls cons=fur=ed on =he perimeter of =he Auto CanCer shall be in keeping wi=h =~e pro jar=' s Design Criteria. These walls shall be no less =Aah 8' and order Co acne, Ce a building back~ agains= CAe pr~e==~ line. ~is increase in height shall be prope=C~. The pcope=Cy owner s~ll ~=ovide addi- cio~l Landscaping ~o =in~ize Che v~sual i~acC o~ C~is wall height on adjacent sc=ears. 3. If a. building is cons=fur=ed as permit=ed in =he &~ove paragraph, no sloping roofs ~aall be used on such a s=ruc=ure, and any drainage shall be away fromm the wall into =he sire. No ~.acias, gu=Vets, or oOZe= roof ~ge =reagents s~all be visible above =~e 14' ~eig~C o~ =he wall. 4. Offsets in =he perimeter walls are encouraged w~en . adjacent =o a 1¢' high strut=ute. Such closers shall be compatible with CAe projec='s design cci=avia. G. Sound A=Cenua=ion 1. Ail body repair work and all compressor wcr~ shall be performed in an enclosed area only· Access doors =o such enclosures shall ~ace away from Jamboree ~oad. 2. Auto dealers ad~acen= =o Jamboree Road ~ay ncc .open service bay doors Coward Jamboree ~oad. B -].5- / y. 4. hi: =mmprasso= exhaust stao~s shall contain a maffling device. Air ~nditioning units ~ay no= be mounte~ on top any building w~i~ is less than 65' from a rear K. Siamese 1. Signs s~ali be allowe~ sub~ecC to' the-provisions ~e City of Tus=in Planning Commission. 2. P~'o~ec= developer shall supply signage ad.~ace.= to =Aa develope= s~ll supply ~=eeway dj=et=lanai 3. Roof-~ounta~ signs shall eot be allowed. 4. Billboard signage shall not be allowed. I. Storage and ~oadin{ Areas 1. No ~ate=ials, supplies om equipment, including area on a sire excep= inside a closed building or behind a visual harrier o= se=vice area screens =he equipmen= ~rom view o~ all public s=ree=s. The singular exception s~all ~e any ve~i¢les w~i¢~ are a par= o~ =he =e=c~an='s display. ~. Neither ~he loading doc~ nor =he o~floading opera- =ions ~or automo=ive parrs and o=~e= supplies s~all be visible ~=om 'any public screens. · o #e r'T ~e~e ~.olle~iom A~eas l. AL1 ~uCdo~r refuse collection .areas sA,ail ~e vis~l~ s==~n~ ~=~ ac=ess scr~=s, ~=ee~ay, and ad~acsn= p=o~e==~ ~ ~ o~~e screen. B -L7- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14I 15 17 18 19 ~0 21 23 2~ 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2513 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 87-201 LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE FREEWAY, EAST OF TUSTIN RANCH ROAD, SOUTH OF THE EXISTING SOUTHERLY BORDER OF THE AUTO CENTER AND WEST OF THE EL MODENA CHANNEL. The Planntng Commission of the City of Tustln does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That Tentative Parcel Map No; 87-201 was submitted to the Planning Commission pursuant to Ordinance No. 847 by the Irvine Company requesting authorization to reconfigure two (2) existing lots into two (.2) parcels and three (3) lettered lots for Parcels 9, C and D of Parcel Map 84-1032 as shown on a map filed in Book 200, pages 19-24 of Parcel Maps and a portion of lots 26 and 27 of Book 44 of Irvine's subdivision per a map filed in Book 1, page 88 of miscellaneous record maps, both filed in the office of the Orange County Recorder. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held for said map on July 11, 1988. C. This project is Categorically Exempt, Class 15 from the" requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act for the subject project area. D. That the proposed subdivision is in conformance with the Tustin Area General Plan, Tustin Zoning Code and Subdivision Map Act. E. That the site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. F® That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. G® That the design of the subUivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife in their habitat. H. That the design' of the subdivision or the type of improvements proposed will not conflict with easements acquired by the public-~t-large, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. I. That the design of the subdivision or the types of improvements proposed are not likely to cause serious public health problems. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i 11 12 1'3 14 1,5 IG 17 18 20 21 23 2~ 25 27 28 Resolution No. 2513 Page two II. The Planntng Commission hereby recommends :o the City Council approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. 87-201 subject to the conditions attached hereto as Exhibit A. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tusttn Planning Commission, held on the ,i day of ....... , 1988. Chairman Penni' Foley Secretary Exhibit A td Resolution No. 2513 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 87-201 PUBLIC/PRIVAll~ INFRASTRUCllJRE IMPROVEMENTS (1) 1.1 Any damage done to existing street improvements and utilities shall be (6) repaired before acceptance of the tract and/or issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for development on any parcel within the subdivision. (1) 1.2 Prior to any work in the public right-of-way, an Excavation Permit must be (6) obtained (and applicable fees paid) from the Public Works Department. (1) 1.3 All construction within a public right-of-way and or public easement must be (6) shown on a separate 24" X 36" plan with all construction referenced to applicable City and County drawing numbers. (1) 1.4 All changes in existing curbs, gutters, sidewalks and other public (6) improvements shall be the responsibility of subdivider. (1). 1.5 Applicant. shall post all required subdivision bonds and agreements prior to (6) Final Map. GRADING/DRAINAG~ (1) 2.1 Prior to issuance of grJding permits: (2) (6) A. A detailed soil engineering report' shall be submitted to and approved by the Building Official conforming to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Requirements, and all other applicable state and local laws, regulations and requirements. (1) 2.2 B. (2) (3) Preparation and submittal of a grading plan subject to approval of the Department of Community Development delineating the following information: Methods of drainage in accordance with all applicable City Standards. . A note shall be placed on the grading plan requiring Community Development Department approval of rough grading prior to final clearance of foundations. The Department will inspect the site for SOURCE CODES · STANDARD CONDITION EIR MITIGATION (3) UNIFORM BUILDING CODES (4) DESIGN REVIEW *** *EXCEPTION (5) SPECIFIC PLAN (6) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY REQUIREMENT (7) LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES (8) PC/CC POLICY (9) OTHER MUNICIPAL CODE REQUIREMENT R~' ,~tton No. 2513 EX,,.ul t A Page two accuracy of elevations, slope gradients, etc. and may require certification of .any grading related matter. 3. Ftnal street elevations at key locations. 4. Final pad/finished floor elevations and-key elevations for all site gradtng. - S. All flood hazards o.f record. (1) c. (2) (1) D. (6) Preparation of a sedimentation and erosion control plan for all construction work related to the subject Tract including a method of control to prevent dust and windblown earth problems. Submittal of a construction traffic routing plan to be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works. (1) E. Written approval must be obtained from adjacent property owners for rights-of-entry for construction activity across, lot lines. (k 2.2 Preparation of a sedimentation and erosion control plan for all construction (2) work related to the subject Tract including a method of control tv ,,event dust and windblown earth problems. (1) 2.3 A precise grading permit shall 'be issued priOr to issuance of any building permits within the subject Tract. (1) 2.4 All earthwork shall be performed in accordance with the City of Tustin Municipal Codes and grading requirements. FIRE DEPARI~ENT '(1) 3.1 The subdivider shall co~ly with all requirements of the. Orange County Fire (6) Marshal, including required fire flow, installation where required of fire {2) hydrants subject to approval as to location by the Fire Department, City of Tustin Public Works Department and Irvine Ranch Water District, and co~liance wi th al 1 requirements pertai ni ng to construction. (1) 3.2 Prior to issuance of building permits for combustible construction, evidence (6) that adequate water supply and operational fire. hydrants are available for (2) fire protection shall be submitted and. approved by the Orange County Fire .. Marshal. The subdivider shall also submit water improvement plans for approval of Fire Marshal. ,lution No. 2513. ~..~bit A Page three NOISE (1) 4.! All construction operations including engine warm up shall be subject to the (2) provisions of the City of Tustin Noise Ordinance and shall take place only (6) during the hours of 7:00 a.m..until 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday unless the Building Official determi'n'es that said activity will be in substantial conformance with the Noise Ordtnance and the publtc heal th and safety wi 11 not be impaired subject to application being made at the time the permit for the work is awarded or during progress of the work. FEES (1) $.! Prior to issuance of any building permits, payment shall be made of all required fees including: A. Major thoroughfare and bridge fees to Tustin Public Works Department. B. Sanitary sewer connection fee to Orange County Sanitation District. Ce Grading planchecks and permit fees to the Community Development Oe.~r~nt. De All~ applicable Building plancheck and permit fees to the Community Development Department. £. New development fees to the Community Development Department. F. School facilities fee to the Tustin Unified School District subject to any agreement reached and executed between the District and the Irvine Company. GENERAL i (1) 6.! Within twenty four months from Tentative Parcel Map approval, the Subdivider shall file with appropriate agencies, a Final Map prepared in accordance with subdivision requirements of the Tustin Municipal Code, the State Subdivision Map Act, and applicable conditions contained herein. (2) 6.2 Prior to Final Map approval: A. Subdivider shall submit a current title report. Subdivider shall conform to all applicable provisions of the City Code. All requirements of the State Subdivision Map Act, the City's Subdivision Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance .shall be satisfied. P~olutton No. 2513 fbi t A Page four C. Subdivider shall submit a duplicate mylar of the Final Map, or 8 1/2 inch by 1! inch transparency of each map sheet prior to final map approval and "as built" grading, .landscape and improvement plans prior to certificate of acceptance. O. Show on the Final Map all easements of record. E. The CC & R's for the Tustin Auto Center parcels shall be amended to include the expansion area and filed on all parcels created in this subdt vi si on. F.. The amended CC & R's shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney and Community Development Director prior to recordation. *** 6.3 All development on Parcels I and 2 shall be in accordance with the Tustin Auto Center Development Guidelines. 6.4 Parcels A, B, and .C are for landscape and maintenance access. These 'lots shall be landscaped and maintained as specified for all perimeter landscaped' lots in the existing Auto Center area. This landscaping shall be per the adopted landscape guidelines and 'Auto Center Guidelines for the City of ,'usti n. *** 6.5 A block wall shall be installed along Lots A, B and C per the Auto Center Development Guidelines. The location, design and construction shall be consistent with existing walls and shall meet all required design criteria. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24~ 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 88-73 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' TUSTIN CALIFORNIA, RECERTIFYING FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT EIR 84-2 AND ADDENDUM NO. 88-01 AS REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. The City Council of the City ~f Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. That an initial study questionnaire was prepared for General Plan Amendment 88-01 and Zone Change 88-01 (the "Project"), and it was determined that Environmental Impact Report (EIR) No. 84-2 (Tustin Auto Center), with an Addendum (No. 88-01), could be employed to describe this project, in accordance with Section 15153 of the CEQA Guidelines. B. That the environmental documentation was prepared by City of Tusttn and Mtchael Brandman Associates. C. That the subject EIR and Addendum No. 88-01, including comments, have been reviewed and considered by the City of Tustin. De E® That'the EIR (84-2) was 'prepared in compliance with the California Envi~-~ntal Quality Act, and CEQA Guidelines, the policies of the City of Tustin. That pursuant to Section 15153 of the CEQA Guidelines', EIR 84-2 has previously been prepared and certified and adequately addresses the general environmental setting of the project, its significant environmental impacts, and the alternatives and mitigation measures related to each significant environmental effect, and that no additional environmental documentation need be prepared. F. That the addendum prepared for the project addresses only minor technical changes or additions and none of the conditions described in Section 15162 of the CEQA Gui delines have occurred. G. That the findings and mi tigation measures described in Resolution No. 85-10 and 2204 are hereby incorporated into this resolution by reference. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 23 25 27 28 Resolution No. 88-73 Page two II. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby find that EIR 84-2 as amended by addendum 88-01 is adequate and complete and recertify the Final EIR 84-2 with Addendum No. 88-01, as being in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council on the day of , 1988. Ronald B. ~oesterey, Mayor ~lary Wynn, City Clerk 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 88-72 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 88-01 AMENDING THE LAND USE MAP OF THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE TUSTIN AREA GENERAL PLAN FOR AN AREA BOUNDED BY THE I-5 FREEWAY, TUSTIN RANCH ROAD, THE EXISTING SOUTHERLY BORDER OF THE AUTO CENTER, AND WEST OF THE EL MODENA CHANNEL. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. Section 65356.1 of the Government Code of the State of California provides that when it is deemed to be in the public interest, the legislative body may amend a part of the General Plan. B. That in accordance with Section 65356.1 of the Government Code of the State of California, a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on the application of the Irvine Company to reclassify the land use from Residential/Single Family to Planned Community/Commercial for an area bounded by the 1-5 Freeway, Tustin Ranch Road, the existing southerly border of the Auto Center and west of the E1 Modena Channel as ~h-,~n in Exhibit "A". -. C. That~Envtronmental Impact Report No. 84-2 (Tustin Auto Center) as amended by Addendum No. 88-01 has been prepared for the subject project, and has been recommended for certification to the City Council, by the adoption of Resolution No. 2510. D. That a change in classification would be in the public interest and not detrimental to the welfare of the public or the surrounding property owners. II. The City Council hereby approves General Plan Amendment 88-01 amending the Land Use Map of the Land Use Element of the Tustin Area General Plan from Residential/Single Family to Planned Community/Commercial for an area bounded by the 1-5 Freeway, Tustin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 Resolution No. 88-72 Page two Tusttn Ranch Road, the existtng southerly border of the Auto Center and west of the E1 Modena Channel as shown tn Exhibit "A" attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council held on the . day of ..... 1988. Ronald B. Hoesterey, Mayor Mary wy6'nj City Clerk )NIN/W:)N8 RESOLUTION NO. 88-73 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ~13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. 1010 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING ZONE CHANGE 88-01 FOR AN AREA BOUNDED BY THE I-5 FREEWAY, TUSTIN RANCH ROAD, THE EXISTING SOUTHERLY BORDER OF THE AUTO CENTER AND WEST OF THE EL MODENA CHANNEL, FROM PLANNED COMMUNITY TO PLANNED COMMUNITY/COMMERCIAL AND INCLUDING THE INCORPORATION OF PLANNED COMMUNITY REGULATIONS KNOWN AS THE EAST TUSTIN AUTO CENTER. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby ordains as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. 'That a proper application, (Zone Change No. 88-01) has been filed by the Irvine Company, to change the zone for an area bounded by the I-5 Freeway, Tustin Ranch Road, the existing southerly border of the Auto Center and west of the E1 Modena Channel, from Planned Community to Planned Community/Commercial as shown In Exhibit "A", and incorporating planned community regulations known as the East Tustin Auto Center. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application by the Planning Commission on July 11, 1988 and subsequently by_ the City Council o~ July 18, 1988. C. That a zone change should be granted for the following reasons: . That ~the proposed change would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare of the surrounding property owners. 2. That the Inclusion of a Planned Community zone and Incorporation of development regulations will ensure that the proposed use will be compatible with future and ex1 stlng developments. 3. The proposed zone designation ts tn conformance with the Land Use Element of the Tustin Area General Plan. D. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR 84-2) as amended by Addendum No. 88-01 has been prepared for this project, and has been recerti fi ed by the City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 88-73. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1(; 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ordinance No. 1010 page two 'II. The City Council hereby approves Ordinance 1010, Zone Change No. 88-01 an area bounded by the I-5 Freeway, Tustin Ranch Road, the existing southerly border of the Auto Center, and west of the E1 Modena Channel as shown in Exhibit "A", from Planned Community- Residential to 'Planned Community Com~nercial and incorporating Planned Community Regulations known as the East Tustin Auto Center (Exhibit "B" attached hereto). PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council, held on the day of , 1988. Ronald'~. Hoesterey, Mayor Mary Wynn, City Clerk E LU i... Z LU Z Z 0 )NIN/W:)Ug ORDINANCE 1010 . o L · o EAST TUST~N AUTO ¢~NTER CITY O F TUST~ PLANNE~ COMMUNITY ~GU~~ON$ NOVEM~E~ 1984 THE IRVINE COMPANY Amended by the Planning Commission January 14, 1985 EXHIBIT B ORDINANCE NO. 1010 SECTZO~q S,EC~ZOIf V']: subeec~cn ~. subeecc~cn K. Subeec~on Z. 8 9 L3 i. i. . · " .,, · ' o ? L f, ! II ~C~caCm ~s Cancer ~nCo C~e surro~d~nq co~n~C~ ~n a ~e: ~C ~s ~C~ble vita ~sC~nq ~d ~ucure develop- NeC Acres ¢0.00 I I ~5.46 B --2'~ , [. - ]-. i. codes o~ cae C~C7 o~ . . c~lies vici all provisions of .applicable building codes and CAe various ~mc3anical codes related theretO. 4.. Any Land use proposal or develolment standard ~ot s~eci- ~ically covered by ~is ~l~n ~d L~s suppl~en~a~ CexC s~'be s~J~C Co ~e t~Cions of CAe City of ~Cin zen&Ag ~des. 5. w~enevec CAe =equl&cions contained herein conflict vita CAe regulations of: T~stin zoning codes, the :egulaCions contained herein s~all ta~e precedence. Co ~e iss~ce o~ a g:ading pe~C. The 91an shall be ~in C~e LnC~ciCy ce silt cunt:el eacilicies during noml operation. 7. Approval by' CAe Air Quality Management District ce any plans, devices, o: ~acilities ~ot C~e cent:el o~ any 8. Grading wi'cAin CAe zone shall be subject c.c~ the approval 9. Energ7 conservation provisions s~all be conside=ed when building orientation, ~aCecials and design ace being developed .. r r 12. CC&Rs for the subject project, to include provisions for the maintenance and replacement of landscaping, shall be submitted to and approved by the Ctty Attorney prior to the issuance of building permits. 13. Prior to the issuance of building permits for subject project, a Master Development-Plan shall be submitted to the Planning Comission and approved by resolution. Said plan shall incorproate by text, diagram and illustration the following el ements: ae Ce e® building materiels and colors landscape.plan, to include theme, plant materials, irrigation system and' fixtures wall plans to show elevations, materials, and location signing to include locations, size,'height, materials, and intensity of lighl~ing '- performance standards for noise control perimeter lighting fixtures, location, and intensity.' SECTION · scape ~r employee par~£ng purposes and deeded to a legally ~OCled&uCo CanCer Herc~anCs' Association. .~a~ rig~cs~f~ay, inclu~nq ~y median paving or 4. Gross Acreage: The entire land area wiCAin CAe boundary eAu=ring arterial highway or the cents=line of any NeC Acreage: The Co,al !and area of ~e land described in cae use or ocher permit. Nec acreage shall Cure ~e =oc~ buil~le area. . . -. Pro~erc~ Lines: · .From= - ~y ~rcel's ~ronCaqe wAic~ ~aces ones an inCecior sCr~C s~ll be de~~ a ~ronC pc~ecCy lane, whe~er ~acing CAe ~nCerior l~ road or ~acinq .toward an eflcrance street. -The property lane of any parcel which is adjacent Co CAe perimeter streets of J=m~cree Road, ~aguna Road, ~y~ord Road, or =~e I-5 ~reeway. Side - Those property lines w~icA separate one subdivided parcel w~ich has ~een des£gnated ~or retail use from.another suc~ su~div£ded ~=cel o= ~rom a designated co.on ~loyees' par~ing LoC. 7. Service & S~or..a~e ~uildin~s: All struc=ures on any recall parcel w~ose primary purpose display, sale or lease o~ automobiles and =els=ed me= c~.andise. T f. .USES P~ZT~ED Au~o, t=uc~, and rec=eatio~ 'veA£cle sales, leasing and seL*v~-c. ( dealerships and/or ~ndepeaden~s) · .Se~ce iad~C~es ny ~=c~ude, buc a~e nsc ~ced ~o ~ ~e ~o~ovin~: Repair, maintenance and servicing of appliances or component pa=Cs ~or motor vehicles. · b. Tooling. dO salntenancs and servicing o~ above- items provided ~at said ~ndusCr~es are ~. Experimental auCoembile assembly and ~abr£ca- g. VeA£cula~ storage areas (excl~sive og impound Uses Permi~ed Sub~ec,,~ to ~rantin~ o~ a CUP ~y the Plannin Commission i~ No= InCluded in Auto Oealershi 1. Tire, ba=tery and accessory shops and accessory £ndoor ins=allacion ~acili=ies. 2. Au=o and vehicle glass shops. 3. Auto and truc~ rentals. 4. Pain= and res=ora=ion shops (~ndependen= o~ dealer- snips ). -5. RGdy Shops (£ndependen= o{ dealers~£ps). 1' a ~ bv l. ~a~ was~. T T L I II II i I II by ~e ~~ ~evelo~enC Oe~mnC in acco~nce ~iC~ ~licies o~ ~e CiO2 o~ ~Cin. ~ov~s s~ll r~in valid ~o~ a period o~ La ~nc~. Oecisio~ ~y c~e Co.unit2 ~e A~li~C s~ s~C six (6) sets o~ si~e plans ~ elevaCio~ Co ~e C~,iCy Develo~enC Oepar~nC C~C ~clude ~e ~oll~vinq in~0'~Cion as applic~le: 2. Title BZock: c. Date. All ~u~.~T lines on the subject property fully dimen- sioned and'cia~ in wi~ cae cencerline of adjacent or aea~ s.Cceets. The name, location and vid~J~ of any adjacent public or p~ivate SC'reefs. Wides should include any re~i~ed street 'widening. The name, location and width of any water courses, structures, irrigation di=c~es, and any ocher permanent public or private easements. All proPOsed .improvements properly dimensioned. All pa=king spaces and sis.les drawn and dimensioned ~e ~low o.f traffic noted by arrows and calcula=ions B -9- r ! r? 10. All proposed walls and fences, including height and proposed 1..andscaping in as nmcA deeail as possible. 13. Locaeion o£ nearese walls and serucCures and adjacent 14. o~er gene=~ ~=accerisCics c~c would' apply 17. Indicaee building size, .typo o£ conserucCion, and ~uilding elevation. Indicate all exiseing street lights, ~ciliCy poles, Crees &nd signs wiCAin CAe' public rigAc-of-way adjacent T~e. Director og C~/~-nunicy Development s~all respond co sub- ~CCal of ~e ~v~LisC~ i~o~Cion wi~in CAirCy (30) ~..Su~_rls~e ~ ~CiCuCe approval, approval with s~eC~ ~d welfare, or disa~roval of Appli~nC's sics pl~. I~ no action is C~en wi~in CAe alloCC~ rime, CAe sics plan s~l be de~ approve, unless the rime limit ~s waiv~ by CAe Appli~nC. B -10- [: L I: l. '~o sera=cure o~ ~y' kind, a~ no ~C be p~c~ on ~ si Ce close= ~co a pcopecc2 line herein pcovi4~. ~e ~oll~i'nq sC~ccu~es ~d se~~ p~ovisions: &. Roo~ ore=hang. and valks. s~All ooC be v£CAim 10 feeC of CAe street lanes. d. fences, ezcepC ~aC no fence sAall~ .be plac,~ · sco=aqe buildinvs. e. C~3ndacapinq. ..g. -.Sl~xm and d£splAys ~denC~¥inq o= occu~mc. cae owner, lessee g. ~.Lght:ing. 3. SeCbAc~ ~rom sC=eeC pcoperC¥ lanes: ~n!~m o~ ~0' ~=~ c~e enc=ance sc:ceca. Roo~ Service and storage ~uildings s~all ~e sec ~ac~ A ~inimum of ~0' ~rom CAe ~ron= ~=ope:Cy lines lanes. Howeve=, a service o= s=ocage ~uilding B line. o~ '~is do--nC, s~ecC ~o Pla~in~ Co~ssion · . Buildin~ Kei~ACs .. 1-. B~l~nqs s~lI be a ~~ of 30' 'in height Co Co9 be allowed ' on ~op of any building. · · 3. Au~mobile s~oraqe'in ~he second level o~ a building s~ll be ~owedo~y i~ ~ully screened ~amview, ~ s==~u=es w~i~~y ~e bull= ac=oss J~m~=ee c. p, ark,in~ 1. Eac.~ au=o dealec .sltall provide..a ~inimum o~ eleven d~~C=aCo= nut--biles vhi~ are d=iven by a ~y ~loy~. employee packing is pcovided in a common ~acilicy by seve=al ~=c~Cs, a =eco=ded doc~enC ~i1~ vi~ ~he Building and Planning De~r~n~s ~nd s~l be sign~ ~y =he Owne= of =he use of CAe site ~o= ~loyee par~iflg . o e . 4. Each automobile deale= shall provide six onsiCe pa=king spaces =eserved exclusively tom cus=omers' use. Addi=ional cus=ome= pa=~ing shall S. Onsi=e handicapped par~ing shall ~e p=ovided as =equiced ~y =he gove=ning agencies. B -12- · L&ndsca~e 1. Ever~ site on vhi~ a 'building is placed shall be ~cl~Cinq w~kways ~4 d=ivevay areas. The AuCo ~~ge in ~li~ce wi~ =As Declara=ion o~ ~ve~Cs, ~ndiCZo~ ~d Restrictions of Chis AuCo o · he propecC2 ovnec, lessee or occupant sAall provide irrigation and ,-ainCenance ~acilities fro= ~Ae land- s~~ a=e~, ~d s~ll .~eep said ~acilicies in good ~andscaping shall be installed vi thin thirty (30)' days ol occupancy o~ completion of CAe building, w~i~evec ~s- S. Site landscaping shall be compatible with the land-, scape nmaCe= plan w~icA has been develope~ as a ~uide to coordinate CAe species o~ planc'~Cerials, ~ p~idin9 ~ncinui~y o~ landscape wi Chin CAe CanOe=. . ~ae pro~ecC developer' shall provide' a continuous landscape buf~er between CAe Auto Canter and Jamboree and Laguna Roads. Addi =ionally, Land- scaping shall ~e provided in CAe median o~ Jamboree Road. . Undeveloped areas reserved Ear ~u=ure expansion, suc~ as CAe ~reeway interchange or any parcel hoc promptly bull= ouC, shall be maintained in a weed- ~ree condition but need ~oC be landscaped. I' L r r 1. O£~si~e and. street ligi~ting ~ill ~e provided by project' s de.vel~per. e ~2~uc ~d ~cc i~cu~e ~cin~ and va=Cage pro- ~s~ by ea~ auto dealer. 4~ ~ixCures e~lual Co Els~-~ Manufacturing Co. 's Auto Einq VI to d/re=t lighting downward only. sc~~d a~ a ~n~ o~ 40, on cen~er. The in~erior of ~e ~Splay a~ea ~sp~y lig~Cs. These ~ixCu:es s~ll be on sCan~:~ ~ higher ~ 20', s~l ~e spac~ no closer ~ ~O' on center, ~d ~ ~ou= ~ixCu:es per ~ll. Average wattage for ~ae entire display area shall mDC exceed 1.5 watts/square ~oot. Display areas wi~.~in 125' of Jamboree R~ad or Laguna Road s~all m~C exceed i watt per square ~oot. 0 Sa:vice and storage par~ing areas shall be lighted by stand&~ds no higher t~an 24' whic~ shall contain no ~re C~an Cwo ~ix=u:es a~ =~e above described sp~ilica=ion per pole. Average wa=Cage [or =he s~re ~ooC. · Crea=ive lighting design and reinforcement ot lighting intensity 'to provide varying degrees o~ light intensity ior merchandising-and highlighting purposes are encouraged as Long as =he overall average wattage .i~ adc exceeded. B -1.4- T T T r. 0 10, walls. all,wed in an2 e~ecioc aces. Walls ~d Fences. 1. ~ silica, soo=age ~d ==asa areas s~ll be sc=~n~ ~=~ vi~ ~=~ ~ sO,eeC by a wall. ~nd- scape sc=Hninq ~one s~l hoc be de~ su~fi- cien=. 0 . Walls consCrucce~ on ~s perimecer of CAe AuCo C~iCecia. ~ese v~ s~i1 be no less C~n 8' and pcopecc~, ~ pcopeccy o~e= s~ll pc.vide addi- C~o~ ~~p~nq Co ~a~ize CAe visual ~acC off ~is v~l height on ad~acenc sC~eeCs. su~ a sC~c=u=e, and any ~=ai~ge s~ll ~e away ~=~ ~e wall. into ~e sics. No ~acias, guCCe=s, O~l= =oO~ ~ge C=ea~enCs shall be visible above ~e 14' height of =As wall. 4. Off~seCs in me per.seer walls are encouraged when ad~acenC to a 14' high structure. Such of~seCs shall be co~4Cible with CAe pcojecC"s design G. Sound Attenuation All body repair wor~ and all compressor wor~ shall be performed LA an enclose~ area only. Access doors Co such enclosures shall ~&ce away from J~m~o=ee Road. 2. AuCo dealers adjacent Co Jamboree Road ~ay not open service bay doors Coward Jamboree Road. 1- r · doors are ao ~igi=er t~n C~e perimeter wall screens C~em Cron LaVuna Road. 4.. Air coa~resaor e=muaC ~Cac~a shall conCain a su~flin~ device. I , S. ~m~o~ ~o~pe~e=s s~l be d~ecC~ ava~ ~e ~c~Cer streets v~c~ sucro~d C~e Auto CanCer ~d ~~ b~ ~unc~ no ~V~er c~ ~2' above any bu£1d£nq vi=icl= .is less tAan 65' ~rom a rear property line. 3. Roo~-mounCed signs s~all mo~ be allowed. 4. Billboard signag~ shall Storage and LoAding. Areas No =aCerials, supplies or equipment, including ~irm- owne~ or operaCe~ trucks, shall be scored in any area on a site except inside a closed ~uilding or beAind a visual harrier or service area w~ic~ screens tire ecpAipmenC ~rom view o~ all public streets. The sin~lar exception s~all ~e any' ve~icles w~i~ are a ~rC o~ the merchant's customer display. NeiCAar =he loading dock nor CAe o~loading opera- tions for automotive parrs and ocher supplies s~all be visible ~rcm any public streets. o. ad~aceni: property by an opaque screen. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 88-79 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 87-201 LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE I-5 FREEWAY, EAST OF TUSTIN RANCH ROAD, SOUTH OF THE EXISTING SOUTHERLY BORDER OF THE AUTO CENTER AND WEST OF THE EL MODENA CHANNEL. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. That Tentative Parcel Map No. 87-201 was submitted to the City Council pursuant to Ordinance No. 847 by the Irvine Company requesting authorization to reconfigure two (2) existing lots into two (2) parcels and three (3) lettered lots for Parcels 9, C and D of Parcel Map 84-1032 as shown on a map filed in Book 200, pages 19-24 of Parcel Maps and a portion of lots 26 and 27 of Book 44 of Irvine's subdivision per a map filed in Book 1, page 88 of miscellaneous record maps, both filed in the of. fice of the Orange County Recorder. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held for said map on July 11, 1988. C. This project is Categorically' Exempt, Class 15 from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act for the subject project area. D. That the proposed subdivision is in conformance with the Tustin Area General Plan, Tustin Zoning Code and Subdivision Map Act. E. That the site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. V · That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. Ge That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife in their habi tat. H. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements proposed will not conflict with easements acquired by the public-at-large, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. I. That the design of the subdivision or the types of improvements proposed are not likely to cause serious public health problems. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 88-79 Page two II. The Ctty Council hereby approves Tentative Parcel Map No. 87-20I subject to the conditions contained In Planning Commission Resolution No. 2513. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meting of the Tustin City Council held on the day of , 1988. ii ii i i i Ronald B. HoestereY, Mayor Mary ~ynn, Ct ty Clerk