HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 9 CLAIM #88-39 07-18-88 CONSENT CALENDAR · '~ ~ ~,~'~A 7-'18-88 ,, ~TE: JULY 5, 1988 ~ ............ J ~O~LE ~YOR ~ CITY COUNCIL FRO~: CI~ A~O~EY S USJ ECT: C~I~: ~THERINE M~RE~ D/L: 1/13/88~ DATE FILED W/CITY: 6/22/88; CLAIM NO: 88-39; CARL WARREN FILE After investigation and review it is recommended that the above- referenced claim be rejected and the City Clerk' directed to give proper notice of the reject'ion to the claimant and to the claimant's attorney. ~,/ City Attorney JGR (F4. se) Enclosure: Copy of Claim mv AGAINST THE CI,_ (For ·Damages to Persons or Personal Proper'~y) '.eceived by ~ ~,.~. ~- ~, ~-- via '~ , ,,, J.g..Mail ,.) ~ <~ . In~r-office ~ai! Over' ~he Counter ,,,, The law provides generally ~ha't'a ciaim must De flied with uno city Ciern o= .~e. which the incident o. event occurred the City of Tustin within 100 days a~ - ~ · Be sure your claim is against 'tn~ City of Tustin, not another public entity. Where space is insufficient, please use additional paper and identify informa- tion by paragraph number. Completed claims must be mailed or delivered to =he City Clerk, The City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way; Tustin, California 92680 ,,,, .TO THE HONORABLP. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL, City 0'~ Tus%in, Cailfornia: · The undersigned respectfully submits the ~o!iowing claim and info,-ma=ion rolo: tire 'to damace, to persons and/or personal prope~'..y: 1. NAME OF CLAIMANT: Ka%h~rine Moore ..... a. '-ADDRESS OF CLAZMA/~T-: b. PHONE NO: ( c. DATE OF BERTH: /~$ SOCI~.L DKIVEP~ ~,~, ~ NO' ~$ d ' SECURITY NO: e~ L''~'''c" o 2 . ' c-=iman= des = ~, Name, tole:hone and pos res: uc which ~- · ,res notices =o be sent, if other than aDOre: _ .. ~7~9~ Ir~ine Blvd. ~u=tin c~ a9680 __~av~d M. Nisson~ Attorney at Law, _... _ . ., ~ ~ ,. ~ ._ ., Th~.s claim is submi,,ed against: · . a. X ."~e City of Tustin only. ' b. The ~o!lowing employee(s) of the City cf Tus=in on!y: .The City o~ Tt, suln and =ne fallowing employee(s) c~ uno City of Tustin only: i i i , Occurrence or event fram whict th-: claix a-:sos: a DATE: ~-~ 88 ~ 'TIME- ~ :0.C a m c. PLACE (Exact · and specific ioca=i0n): . 1222 17vi. ne Blvd., Tus~in. CA 99'90 d. How and under who= circumstances did damage or injury occur? Spec: fy =he -~*icular occurrence, even=, ac'. c- omission you claim caused '.he injury cr damage (Use addit_ona= DADO, i= necessary) . .im~rooe. r me~uenanqe of oub!i~ sidewalks Create, nc hazards tc What particular ac'.ion b.v thc City, or iUs employees, caused the alleged damage or' injury'.. Fa~iure ~9. kee~ p%~b~ ..... ~ sidew~~_k,? free .frpm h~?.~'~.=. Give a description ~f the injury, property, damage or loss so far as is known at the time of this claim. If 'there were no injuries, sta~e "no injuries" · Sprained ankle, X-~ay~ ~nd thereby 6. Give the name(s) of the City employee(s) causing the damage or injury: ,. ,,,, , Name and address of any other person injured: Name. and address of the owner of any damaged property: ; Damages claimed: a. 'Amount claimed as of this date: S41!.25 waqe loss/ $814.00 med. ical: b. Es=imated amount of future cos=s: $5_,000.00 General Damaqes c. To:al amount, claimed: $6e225.25 d. Basis for computation Of amounts ¢:~,aimed (Inc'iude copies of =-.~ Dills, invoices, estimates, e%¢.: wii~ be Drovide¢ uDon rec. u. est IC~ Names and addresses of all witnesses~ hospi'&als, doctors, etc.: . a ~onnie Henne . . ~i, ~y addi:ional info~a:ion ~ha~ might ~,': be.!p~u! in considering :~is claim.: See attached Dho%oqraDh.~ _ WA_Pd~ING: IT IS A CRIMINAl5 OFFENSE T.C, Fi-LL L. FALSE CLAI.~i! Sec=ion 72; Insurance Code Sec%ion 556.0) (Penal Code ' :" the above claim and ' know ~he i have read the matters and s=atemen'a~ m~.cc ~,,. same :o De '-- e cf my own know~dc¢~ .~. ~ _~ cer='~, under penai~y of ~erju~..'. , :~a.~ ~,,.: ~--~.~cinc= , `~ ~=U~.,. -. ~D ~'===~ Executed this 21st day c'" · June , -~a., in Ca_, ifornia David M. Nisson, Attorney for Katherine Momre · Reviseg 8/05/81 - JGP, :-sA :A:8/5/8~ . (A)