JULY 1st. 1963
Meeting called to o~er~at~7~30 p. M. by Mayor
pro tem Sheridan.
Present: Sheridan, Mack, Klingelhofer.
City Engineer, Carlsen, absent~.
Planning Advisor, Remland, present.
HEARING Heari;ng opened at 7:31 P. M. on Zone Change Appli-
OPENED ON cation No..63-II18, 5. Richard Ruffman to permit
HUFFMAN ZC. zone change from R-.1 toR-3 on property in 300
block ~f So. Pacific Street.
Location of property and zoning and use of surrounding
area explained by Mr. Remland. City Clerk
presented recommendations of Planning Commission,
correspondence and petitions.
Those present objecting to said change:
OBJECTIONS Mr. Fred Stoney of 520 W. Main Street who also
presented a letter of protest from:
Mr. A. Charleton :of 460 W. 2nd St.
Mrs. J. Gampbell, Third St.
Mr. B. Torres, Third St.
Mr. C. Elles, 665 W. Main St.
Mr. W. Taylor, owner of subject property spoke
FAVORABLE in fgvor of change.
There being no further comments or objections,
the Hearing was declared closed at 7:45 P. M.
DENIAL ON Moved by Mack, s. econded b~ Klingelhofer that
App. _ 63-118 request for zone change application No. 63-1~8
be denied. Motion carried by roll call:
~yes: Sheridan, Mack, Klingelhofer. Absent:
Doney, Humeston. Noes: None.. .
HEARING ON Hearin~ on Zone Change Application No. 63-124 of
MUTH ZC A. Bernard Muth to permit a zone change from "U"
OPENED ~o P.D. zone for property on Walnut Avenue
opened at 7:47 P. M.
Location of subject property and use and zoning
of surrounding area explained by Mr. Remland
and correspondence and recommendation of
Planning Commission read ~y clerk.
DEFERAL Mr. A. E. McKown asked the Council for a deferal
ASKED FOR of.hea~ing ..........
Mr. Davis, representing Mr. Muth, spoke in
favor.of change.and.requested a decision.
M~ved'b½ Ma6k,' ego d;d'by Klingelhofer that
hearing be continued for no more than 30
minutes. Carried.
Mr. McKown presented a petition consisting
PETITION of 711 names requesting that the City Council
OF 711 take the necessary steps to prohibit any
NAMES additional property being zoned P. D. for
PROHIBITING a period of one year, or until the adoption
ADDITIONAL of a Master Plan.
PRESENTED Hearing on amendments to Sections 5.23, 5.24
and 5-6 of Ordinance No. 157 ss amended.,
HEARING 0N opened at 8:07P, M. and explained by Mr.
SECTIONS Remland. '
Those present with comments and questions:
RE: ARCHI_ C. ingalls, Tiki Lane, requested that
TECHURAL architectual approval as.set forth in
APPROVAL Section 5.23 include R.4 zone.
C. Smyth
D. Babs, Tiki Lane.
B. Windolph, 172 Preble Drive
L. Oslin, T~iki Lane
HEARING There being no further comments or objections,
CLOSED the hearing was closed at 8:20 P. M.
ADOPTION Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that
OF CERTAIN amendments to sections 5.23, 5.24and 5-6 be
SECTIONS adopted as presented with the addition of
R-4 zones in Section 5°23 and city attorney
directed to draft ordinance covering said
amendments. Carried.
Hearing on zone change application No. 63-124
MUTH ofA. B. Muth continued at 8:37 P. M.
Mr. Davis spoke in favor of said change.
Mr.. McKown and Mr. F. Kogan spoke against
multiple. zoning and asked that petition be
considered before granting change.
HEARING There being no further comments or objections,
DECLARED the hearing was declared closed at 8:30 P.M.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer
DECISION that decision on ZC application 63-124 of
TO BE CON'TD Muth be continued for a period of two weeks.
FOR 2 WEEKS Carried.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer
RE_NAMING that action on renaming of Laguna Road be
OF LAGUNA deferred to next regular meeting.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer
COUNCIL that amount of $25.00 per month for Council-
SALARIES men be an expense reimbursement rather than
APPORTION. a fee or salary. Carried.
EXPENSE Clerk reportsd that the city is now a stock-
holder in Empire Insurance Company, formerly
CITY STOCK_ Orange County .Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance
HOLDER IN Company, by virtue of being a policyholder
EMPIRE in said company as of December 31st, 1962,
INS. CO. and that certificate for 3~4 shares of capital
stock had been received.
Moved byKlingelhofer,:seconded by Mack
that correspondence be received-filed.
PERMISSION Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer
GIVEN FOR that assistant to city engineer be
ST. LIGHT authorized to proceed with application
AT FOURTH for street light at. Fourth andYorba
& YORBA. Streets--carried.
Moved by Mack, secondedbyKlingelhofer
OVERTIME that overtime for assistant to the City
FOR ASS'T Engineer be continued atthepresent rate
ENG. TO BE for two months..Carried.
2 MONTHS Mayor pro'tem Sheridan set July 9th for
budget study session.
Discussion regarding the formation of,a
FORMATION Parks & Recreation istrict continued
OF PARKS & to July 15th and Mr~ Stu Brown to be
RECREATION so notified;
~lr. C. Smyth request that~in connection
.with ZCalpplication No. 62-111 a decision
SMYTH REQUEST bemade on zoning of smaller t~i~F~t~ of
RE: ZONING property lying soUt:hOf~Main Street and
OF SMALLER rezoning of larger triangle North of
TRIANGLE Main Street be continued.
Moved by Elingelhofer, seconded by Mack
DECISION TO that attorney draft an Ordinance granting
BE CONT'D. C-1 zone change on triangle lying south
.of Main Street and that rezoningof -
triangle north of Main Street be con-
tinued to next regular meeting. Motion
STUDY MADE Planning Department Commissioner Mack
ON CITY ZON_ informed the Council that a study had been
ING PROBLEMS made of the entire city in regard to
PUBLIC HEAR_ various zones and percentages of devel-
INGS TO BE opment. Mr. Remlandpresented report and
POSTED & ~ requested that all property to be covered
NOTICED BY by public hearings be posted as. well as
MAIL advertised and noticed by mail.
REMLAND RE- Mayor pro tem directed that report of Mr.
PORT SUB_ Remland be submitted to the Planning
MITTED TO Commission at the next meeting.
Mr. A. E. McKown reqnested a moratorium
McKOWN be placedon Planned Developments as
REQUESTED stated in petition submitted;
Clerk directed to place Mr. McKownon the
Planning Commission Agenda for July 8th
meeting and to:present petition filed with
the Council to the Commission.
RepOrt of Mr. Remland, petition and Mr. McKown
to be on Agenda. directly after the roll call.
Those present with comments and questions
regarding multiple development in the city
James McQuaid, 1211 Tiki Lane
C. Martinez, 13612 Fielding Drive
R. Wallman, White Sands Dr.
D. Babbs, Tiki Lane
Lorna Klyde
0RD. 228 Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer
FIRST READ. that Ordinance No. 228, amending the
zoning ordinance of the city of Tustin,
Ordinance Noo 157, as amended have first
reading by title only. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that
ADOPTION Ordinance No. 228, have second reading by
title only. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that
Ordinance No. 228 be passed and adopted as an
ON URGENCY urgency measure. Carried by roll call--
MEASURE Ayes: Sheridan, Mack, Klingelhofer.
~oes: None. Absent: Doney, Humes~on
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that
bills in the amount of $4, 766~12 be paid.
0RD..227, Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that
FISHMAN Ordinance No. 227, changing property to the
ZC, SECOND R-3 zone on application No. ZC 63-123, of
READING. Fishman have second reading by title only.
Carried unanimously.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that
0RD.227 Ordinance No. 227 be passed and adopted.
PASSED & Carried by roll call--Ayes: Sheridan,
ADOPTED. Mack, Klingelhofer. ~Noes: None, Absent:
Doney, Humeston..
R. F. Dickson Co., Inc ...... $350.75
First Western Bank (utilities).. 7.35
John Hancock Mutual Life Ins. Co. 47.7~
California Physicians Service. 199.46
U. S. Porcelain Plan~ ..... 364.41
County of Orange Survey & Road ~73-5~
B G. 0. Bixler Bonds & ins .... 100.910
~. L. Wheelock (auto allowance). 25.00
Smith Printers & Lithographers. · 9.98
I Desmond's ............. 84.56
Southern Calif. City Clerk's Assoc. 4.00
L Santa Ana Office Supply Co.. 100.88
Tustin Lawnmower & Saw. Shop.. · 3.50
L Oran e County Radiotelephone Se~. 30.00
The ~range Daily News ...... 125.31
S Screenprint & Plas-tech. 8.11
Tustin Fire ~ept. & Pe[ty'C~s~ 215.50
TheITustin Drug & Variety Store 4.26
Tustin News.. . 15-73
Hardy & Harper. ......... 61.00
Eimel, Nisson, Rourke, Sewer Dist
~l.. . 2092.87
Zhermofax Sales, Inc.. 55.34
tar Printing Co .... 28.60
The Bookmark. · · 35.75
Orange County Le~g~e'o~ Ci~i~s 30.00
Van Hove & Dean Garage ..... 209.60
County of Orange, Communications ~7,47
TOTAL $ 4766.12
Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer
that meeting be adjourned. Carried.