HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1963 06 17
JUNE 17, 1963
Meeting called to order at 7:33 P- M. by Mayor Doney.
Presenu: Doney, Sheridan Klingelhofer, Mack
.. (arrived.7:45 P~'M.) ~
Absent: Hum~ston
City A~torney.Rourke, present
City Engineer Carlsen, present
Planning Advisor Remland, present
PROTEST Protest hearing on West Main Street Annexation
HEARING_ opened at 7:34 P. M.
3Z~ ST.ANNEX There being no protests or comments, the Hearing
~ was declared closed at 7:35 P.'M.
j~ CLOSED Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Sheridan that
~ Ordinance No. 226, "An Ordinance Approving the
~ ORD. 226, Annexation~of Certain Uninhabited Territory,
APPROVES Designated as 'West Main Street Annexation' to the
WEST MAIN City of Tustin, California," have first reading
ST, ANNEX by title only. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer that
Ordinance No. 226 have second reading by title
SECOND only. Carried unanimously.
--- Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer that
Ordinance No. 226 be passed and adopted as an
ADOPTION urgency measure. Carried by roll call--Ayes:
Doney, Sheridan,l and Klingelhofer. Absent:
Humeaton and Mack'. .Noes: None.
Hearing Appeal on the decision of the Planning
DENIAL Commission regarding denial of Variance No. 63-130,
ON V.#63-130~ercules Construction Company.to Hermit a Service
Station on N/E corner of Fourth and.YQrba opened
at 7:40 P. M,
Correspondence from Mr. C. W. Young appealing decision
REPEAL of Planning Commission was read'and Mr. Remland
BY C.W. described location of property, use and zoning of
YOUNG surrounding property and justifications as presented
on original application.
Mr. C. W. Young, agent for Hercules Construction
Company and owner of property spoke on behalf of
Variance request.
Councilman Mack arrived at 7:45 P. M.
HEARING There being no objections or further commen~s,
CLOSED the Hearing was closedat 7:48 P. M.
Moved by Klingelhofer, s~conded by Sheridan thau
relative to Variance No. 63-130, the Appeal of the
APPEAL ON decision of the Planning Commission be denied.
DECISION Carried by rollcall. Ayes: Doney, Sheridan,
OF P.C. Klingelhofer, Abstained: Mack. Absenu: Humeaton.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that
Minutes of June3rd meeting be approved as mailed.
PERMISSION Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Sheridan that the
FOR P.D. 1963 Oldsmobile police.car be allowed to leave the
immediate city area during the breaking in period.
MACK APP'TD Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer that
PLANNING recommendation of the Mayor be ratified and Mr. Mack
DEP'T COMMISS'R to be appointed Planning Department Commissioner.
RE.APP'T OF Moved bySheridan, secondedby Klingelhofer that
CARLSEN AS CITY Mr. Jack Carlsen be re-appointed as city engineer
ENGINEER at$300.00 per month.!Appoin~ment effective
immediately.and Mr. Carlsen to serve at the
pleasure of the Council. Carried.
Mayor declared 5 minute recess. Meeting
reconvened at 8:10 Pi M.
RES. 662, APPROVESMoved by Mack, ~econded by Klingelhofer that
PLANS AND Resolution No. 662, approving plans and
SPECS FOR specifications for the improvement of portions
IMPROVEMENT of Pasadena Avenue, ThirdnStreet and Sixth ~
OF PASADENA AVE. Street and authorizing and directing the city clerk
THIRD ST. to advertise for bids, be read by title only.
& SIXTH ST. Carried.unanimously.
Moved by Klingelhofer, se¢onded by Mack tha~
ADOPTION OF Resolution No. 662 be passed and adopted.
RES. 662 Carriedlbyroll call--Ayes: Doney, Sheridan,
N Absent:
: Mack, Klingelhofer, Oes: None.
ORDINANCE M6ved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that
ADOPTED FOR the city attorney d~aft an Ordinance providing
BUILDING DEP'T for the establishment of.a City Administered
FOR CITY Building Department and Street Inspection tO
become effective August l, 1963 and the 1963-
64 budget to provide for this department.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that
MITCHELL RESIGNs resignation of Mr. Ra~lph Mitchell from the
FROM P.C. Tustin Planning Commission be accepted with
regret and city clerkbe directed to send a
letter of appreciation to Mr. Mitchell.
Carried. - '
HEFNER APPT'D Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan that Mr.
TO FILL VA- Don Hefner of Third Street, Tustin, be appointed
CANCY, EFFECTIVE to the Planning Commission to fill ~acancy.
JULY l, 1963 . Appointment effective July l, 1963-expires
June 1,=1967. Carried.
PERMISSION GIVEN Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Sheridan
FOR BLOCK PARTY that request of the residents of the 13500-
13600~lock of Wheele~ P:lace.to.barricade
the street between 5:00 P. M. and 9:30 P. M.
July 4th be granted subject to approval of
the ~olice and Fire Departments. Carried.
JR. CHAMBER OF Moved by'Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that
COMMERCE GIVEN request of the Junior Chamber of Commerce
PERMISSION ON tQ sell tickets redeemable for fireworks,
FIREWORKS SALE distribute circulars and use a sound truck
for audio presentation all within the city
relative toa.fireworks stand located at
Red Hill Shopping Oenter~be granted with the
City best:wishes.in t.h~s venture. Carried.
CorresPondence from Mrs. H. G. Stanley of
ofICommunityNurserySchool re~erred to
COMMUNITY Mr. Rourke and Parks and Recreation Commission
NURSERY SCHOOL for study and report at July 1st meeting.
Moved bY Klingelhofe~, seconded by Mack that
request of Mrs. Walter!C. Davis on behalf of
PERMISSION ON reside~ts of LindaLane and RosalindDrive
BLOCK PARTY to Laurie Lane to block off sa. id streets
July 4th from 4 P. M. to ll Pc M. be granted
subject to the approval of Police and
Fire Departments. Motion carried.
APPROVAL ON Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack
MICHAUX that requesZ of Jeanne Michaux and C. T.
REQUEST FOR Gilbreath of. James~own~Villsge to hold
WED. NIGHT teenage. dances in the Jeanne Michaux
DANCES Studion. of. Dance. on Wednesday nights be
granted subject ~o. the. approval of Police
and Fire. Dspartmen~s~and. that a license
to. hold public dances. be obtained.
EASEMENT __ M~yS~' }~. kl~h~f~r', seconded by Sheridan
SO. CALIF. tha~ city attorney ~raft agreement regarding
EDISON CO. r'igh~ ~.~a~.~a~m~nt to the Edison Company
(Foster Art for po~e~ an~ liDe~ for Foster Ar~ Books
Books) building. a~d. Mayo~ an~t ~i~y Clerk a~thorized
to eXeCute. said agreement.. Motion carried.
C.orre~pondence from Faith Missionary Service
referred to Ci~y.a~torney.
M~ved, by Klingelhofer,.seconded by Sheridan
that corresponaencs be. received and filed.
SIGNAL LIGHT Report on. signal ligh~ maintenance continued
MAINTENANCE to n~x~ regular meeting.
RENAMING OF Consideration of. the, renaming of Laguna Road
LAGUNA RD. dsfBrred for ~wo ~esks..
Decision. on blanket bond deferred.
Moved by Sheridan seconded by Mack that bills
~o. the. amount of ~9,991.31 be paid. Carried.
ORD. 227,. Moved_by Klingelhofsr,, seco~ed by Mack that
CHANGES 0rdinancs No. 227 changing property to the
PROPERTY T0 R.~, Zone on application No. ZC 63-123 of
R.3 ZONE.. Fishman,, be. read by. title. only. Carried
. Mo~ed by, Sheridan,, seconded by Klingelhofer
RES. 663,. that. Resolution No.. 663,. reqnesting that
REQUEST property ~i~hin. the. cor~orate Limits of the
EXCLUSION City of Tustin be excepted from tax levy by
ON TAX LEVY the County of Orange for structural fire
protection of county areas. Carried by roll
call-Ayes: Doney, Sheridan, Mack, Klingelhofer.
Absent: Humeston.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer
ADOPTION that Resolution No. 663, be passed and adopted.
Carried by roll call-Ayes: Doney, Sheridan,
Mack, Klin~elhofer. Absent: Humeston.
SMYTH BROS. Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that
#1, CON'TD decision on zone change application No. 62-11~,
TO 7/15/63 Smyth eros. ~l, be continued to July 15th
meeting. Carried.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer
that meeting be adjourned to Wednesday, June
26th at 7:30 P. M. Carried.
Mayor ~ ~ ~ ~
~ City Clerk
(See continuation on bills.)
The following bills were ordered paid at
meeting of June 17th~ 1963, and are hereby
made a part of minutes on file:
Tustin Lawnmower & Saw Shop. . .$226.88
Miyamoto Nursery .... , ...... 29.00
Tustin Cement Pipe Co.. .~. ,. 6.51
Tustin Blacksmith Shop ....... 20.80
Tustin Hardware Co .......... 323.44
Carson & Golding ........ 160.20
Kenneth. G. Hebard ~.'D~ .. 40.00
Tustin Radio & Televisio~ ~h~p' .-. 8.64
Kleen-line Corp. . . . . . 13.26
Orange County Sta~p'C~ ... 3.12
Business Equipment Co .... .... 26~62
Van Hove& Dean Garage.. . . 76~46
B Signal 0il Company .... . . . .245.00
A. R. Edman Co. ...... .... 60.00
I Lee'sLamps. ........ ~. · 16.01
Vista Drug ...... . . 4.93
L E 'C~ ' .
Economy Office ~quipment .... . 286.94
Shanks Nursery .......... 10.00
L Tustin Woodshed. . . 42.16
5 & l0 Nursery . .... . 15.06
S IHardy~& Ratper. ...... ~. . . 15-37
Orange County Blueprint. . 85.89
Boyle &Lowry ..... . . . 2,727.23
H, F. Dickson Co..,~n~. ...... · · 255-75
Santa Ana Engraving.. . 24.58
Division of ighways ......... 347-37
Desmond's. . . ~. . . . . 43.11
F. Morton P~t~ 6o ..... 42.89
Bob Black Oldsmobile ..... 2,108.00
The Tustin News ...... 76.98
Dennis Printers &'S~a~i2ners,'Inc., 15.28
Orange. County Radiotele~honaSer .... 30.00
Hanson & Peterson .... '. 35.00
Rourke & Holnrook ..... Z 'Z ..... 550.00
First Western Bank (utilities).. . . 8.29
American Right. of Way & Appraisal.. .. 250.00
Blower PapsrCo ............ 12.64
Tustin Building Maint. do ...... 45.00
Revere House .... 58.96
Wardlaw Fire Equipment ..... 1,171.20
Motorola Inc. . ;.. . 421.20
Miller Iron wo~kA.' . ..... 51.54
TOTAL.. .... $ 9,991.31