HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD FOR ADOPTION 08-01-88TO: WILLIAM A. HIJSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: MARY E. WYNN, CITY CLERK SUIk)ECT: ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 1010 RECOMMENDATION: M. O. - That Ordinance No. 1010 have second reading by title only. M. O. - That Ordinance No. 1010 be passed and ~dopted. (Roll Call Vote) ?,RFNOA ITEM: ORDINANCE NO: 1010 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ZONE CHANGE 88-01 FOR AN AREA BOUNDED BY THE I-5 FREEWAY, TUSTIN RANCH ROAD, THE EXISTING SOUTF',ERLY BORDER OF THE AUTO CENTER AND WEST OF THE EL MODENA CHANNEL, FROM PLANNED COMMUNITY TO PLANNED COMMUNITY/COMMERICAL AND INCLUDING THE INCO!',PORATION OF PLANNED COMMUNITY REGULATIONS KNOWN AS THE EAST TUSTIN AUTO CENTER. BACKGROUND: Ordinance Nd. 1010 had first readi.ng by title only and introduction at the July 18, 1988, City Council meeting. MARY E. WYNN, CITY CLERK 2 3 4 5 6 7 ORDINANCE NO. 1010 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING ZONE CHANGE 88-01 FOR AN AREA BOUNDED BY THE 1-5 FREEWAY, TUSTIN RANCH ROAD, THE EXISTING SOUTHERLY BORDER OF THE AUTO CENTER AND WEST OF THE EL MODENA CHANNEL, FROM PLANNED COMMUNITY TO PLANNED COMMUNITY/COMMERCIAL AND INCLUDING THE INCORPORATION OF PLANNED COMMUNITY REGULATIONS KNOWN AS THE EAST TUSTIN AUTO CENTER. 8 The City Council of the' City of Tustin does hereby ordains as follows' 9 I. 10 1.1 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27/ 28 The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application, (Zone Change No. 88-01) has been filed by.the Irvine Company, to change the zone for an area bounded by the 1-5 Freeway, Tustin Ranch Road, the existing southerly border of the Auto t;enter and west of the E1 Modena Channel, from Planned Community to Planned Community/Commercial as shown in Exhibit "A", and incorporating planned community regulations known as the East Tustin Auto Center. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application by the Planning Commission on July 11, 1988 and subsequently by' the City Cv,,~il on July 18, 1988. · C. That a zone change should be granted for the following reasons: 1. That the proposed change would not be detrimental to the public heal th, safety, and welfare of the surrounding property owners. 2. That the Inclusion of a Planned Community zone and incorporation of development regulations will ensure that the proposed use will be compatible wi th future and exi sting developments. 3. The proposed zone designation is in conformance with the Land Use Element of the Tustin Area General Plan. 'D. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR 84-2) as amended by Addendum No. 88-01 has been prepared for this project, and has been recerti fi ed by the City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 88-73. Ordinance No. '1010 - page two . ~ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II. The City Council hereby approves Ordinance 1010, Zone Change No. 88-01 an area bounded by the 1-5 Freeway, Tustin 'Ranch Road, the existing southerly border of the Auto Center, and west of the E1 Modena Channel as shown in Exhibit "A", from Planned Community- Residential to 'Planned Community Commercial and incorporating Planned Community Regulations known as the East Tustin Auto' Center (Exhibit "B" attached hereto) PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council, held on the day of , 1988. 11 12 13 14 15 lG 17~ ~0 21 25 27! I Mary Wynn, City Clerk Ronald B. Hoesterey, Mayor W. II I ORDINANCE 1010 TUSTIN ~' ~JTO CENTER~ :'XPANSION SANTA' ANA · I'~ ~ pROPOSED' I:XPANSION 'AREA FREEWAY-.~ . EXHIBIT A" Id EXHIBIT F" L_ L EAST TCISTIN AUTO CENTER CITY OF TUSTIN PLANNED COMMUNITY REGU~TION$ NOVEMBER, 1984 THE IRVINE COMPANY Amended by the Planning Commission January 14, 1985 EXHIBIT B ORDINANCE NO. 1010 .r Novembe= [984 'i' S,EC'~O~ ~Z SF..C~ZON 'ZZZ ZONING MAP S~C~ZON V'ZZZ DEVELO~~ Subsection A. Bu~nq o · S~s~C~on B. Bu~d~n~ S~s~on C. Pa~kinq Subsec=ion .F. Walls and Fences S~s~=ion G. So~d Attenuation S~s~=ion K. S~sec=ion I. S'=o=age and Loading '1 2 3 6 8 9 11 ll 12 12 13 15 ~e pZax~Lnq ~d desi~g ~ aura. s~es, leasing and :~ Auto Canter servee a unique function within a:ea, ~e Plied ~~iC~ ae~ulaC~ons see~. co Center ~nCo C~e sucround~nV cc~un~C~ ~n a c~aC~ble viC~ ~isC2nq ~d ~ucure deveZop- c~- i C2 · L T· · l£s~ed as one (1) b~sic groups 40.0O This g=cup s~all be served by: .. Public streets r.,Amdscape b,.~e~' a=ea ~..s~ 55.46 B --2"' i. SECTION III. GENERAL NOTES . s~J~C Co ~e a~li~le zoning codes of CAe City o~ ~sCin. Planned Comity area s~ll be ~u=nisAe~ ~y CAe I=vine . Regardless of the provisions of c~is supplemental text, no construction, s~a~Ll'be allowed within cae boun~ries ~lies wi~ all provisto~ og .a~licable building ~des ~d ~e va=io~ ~~i~l ~des relac~ thereto. Any land use proposal or development standard ~ot spe¢i- ~c~n zoning codes. Whenever ~e regulations contained herein conflict wi Ch ~e regulations of~ Tustin zoning codas, CAe regulaCior,s ~nCain~ herein s~l C~e precedence. plan ~or 'silo control flor all sc. re runoff ~rom the property during CAe construction s~all be prepared and Co the iss~ce of a grading pe~C. The plan s~all be in effect during i~Cial operation o~ C~e trace Co ~in- ~in the ~nC~ciCy o~ silo cone=el ~aciliCies du=ing no~l operation. plans, devices, or ~aciliCies ~or t:~e control o~ any 8. Grading wi'C~in CAe zone shall be subject C.o. the approval . EnerpT conservation-provisions shall be considered when building orientation, ~aCerials and design are being developed. r r 10. -11 · 12. 13. All ~.~anical appurtenances on building roo£ s~ll be screened ~=cm view ~rcm .adjacent public sC=eels and buildings ~n a manner meeting C~e appcovai of =he Direc=o= of Planning. CC&Rs for the subject p~oject, to include provisions for the maintenance and ~ep]acement of ]andscapi'ng, shall be submitted to and appn3ved by the Ctty Attorney prior to the issuance of bui]dtng permits. Prior to the issuance of building permits for subject project, a Master-Development-Plan shall be submitted to .the Planning Commission and approved by resolution. Said plan shall incorproate by text,, diagram and illustration the following el ements: · ' Ce ee building materials and colors landscape, plan, to include theme, plant materials, irrigation system and' fixtures wall plans to show elevations, materials, and location signing to include locations, size,'height, materials, and intensity of lighl~ing performance standards for noise control perimeter lighting fixtures, location, and inte,sity. · B-4- · signinq sC~ucCu~s. : .-. · Common'Area= Areas designated by Parcel Map for.land- scape ~r employee parRinq purposes and deeded Co a legally ~ormed &uCo Cen~er ~erctmnCs' Association. o o~-way v£~in C~'~s ordinance shall ~ d~icaCed ve~i- .~a~ riq~Cs~f~ay, lncludinq ~ median paving or 4. Gross Acreage: The entire land area wit:nih' t:he boundary ~uCCinq arterial 2ig~way or ~e cenCerline o~ any S. NeC Acreage: 'The Co~al !and a~ea o~ cae land ~escribed'' &n C~e use or oCAer pe~C. NeC acrea~ _;hall consti- tute. ~e CoC~ buil~le a~ea. 6. Proper=~ Lines: The property lame of any parcel whic~ is adJacen= co CAe perimeter sCreet:s of Jamboree Road, Laguna Road, ~y~ord Road, or =~e I-5 ~reeway. Side - Those property lines w~icA separat:e one subdivided parcel w~ic~ has been designat:ed for re,ail use from.snot:Asr suc~ su~div£ded parcel or from a designa=ed common employees' par~ing lot:. Service & S~ora~e 9uil,din~s: All s=rucCu=es on any retail parcel w~ose primary purpose £s oCAer-C~an CAe display, sale or lease of aut:omobiles and rela=ed merchandise · S_~C~Z~N V. Au=o, ~ruc~, and ~c~eA=ior~Z vehicle, sales, leasing and service ( ~eale~s~ips ~d/o~ ~ndependencs ) · .Se~ice ind~C~ies-~Y ~ncl~de, buC a~e hoc l~Ced a. Re, i=, ~lnCe~nce ~d se=vi,Cin~ o~ appliances o= c~nen~ ~r=s ~o= ~co= ve~icles. d. Repai:, aain=snance and se:v£.c£n.q 0~ abo. ve- lis=ed' items pcovided ~C saA~ ~ndusc~es ~C ~e ~nC o~ ~sC~e~ ~elive~2 o~ collec- tion. e. DiAqnos=ic labs. ~c~nCaZ auCo~bile ass~Z~ and ~a~cica- Ciom.. g. V~i~la= s=o=age a=eas (ezclusive o~ i~ound Pl~_~nin~ ¢o,--~ssion i~ NoC Included ~n Auto .0eale=shiD l. Ti=e, ~&C=e=2 and accesso=y shops and accesso=y ~ndoo= £nscallaCion ~aciliCies. 2. AuCo and vehicle glass shops. 3. Au=o and ==uck :eh=als. 4. Pain= and =esco=aCion shops (~nde~enden= o~ deale=- sAips) · · 5. ~ody S~ops (~n~e~endenc o~ ~eale~sA~ps). e.e 1' 6. Se=~ice ~.nclusc~.es vA~.c~ pcov£cle a se~v~.ce co ~ses ~scecl ~.n Secc:l. cn A., above. 1. Ca= wasA. 3. Mot:o=c]i, cle sa~.es. B --7-- · r F L by ~e C~-~C~ Oevelo~enC Oe~a~mnC in accoc~nce wiC~ ~licies o~ ~e CiC~ of ~Cin. A~=ovals s~ll vali~ ~o= a period o~ 18 ~nC~. Oecisio~ ~y =he Co,unity PI~nq ~ssion virgin, seven ~ys of =he Co~niCy Develo~C Dep~=~nC's d~ision. ~e ~pli~nC s~l s~C six (~) sees of sire plans ~ elevations Co ~e C~-iC~ Oevelo~enC Oepa=~nC ~lude ~e ffoll~inq in~O'mCion as 2. Title Block= a S~ale of "-'- b. Name and Ac~=ess of Applicant; 'c. DaCe of preparation. 0 All ~undar~ lines On the subject property ~ully dimen- sione~ and'tied in wiC~ the cenCerline o~ adjacent or o T~e name, location and v£d~ of any ad~acent public or private Sc'=eecs. wides should include any required street 'widening. T~e name, location and w£dth of any water courses, structures, irrigation ditches, and any other permanent physical ~eaCu=es of' C~e land. 0 T~e wid~ and location o~ all existing or 'proposed public or private easements. All pcoposed ~=provemenCs properly dimensioned. All pa~king spaces and aisles drawn and dimensioned ~e flow of Cra£fic noted By arrows and calculations ~e rm~uir~d num~er of pa=~ing spaces. B e9_ ! 9. The locaeion and widen of all veAicular and pedestrian access openings in=o and our of cae proper=y. 10. All proposed 'walls and fences, including heigAC and 11. All proposed landscaping in as sucA derail as possible. 13. ~Cion o~ neares= w~ls ~d structures and adjacent p=ope==~, hou=s ~ ~pe=l=i~, ,~e= ~ ~loyees, and p~s4l. 1S. ~ndi~Ce all exisCin~ .~i=e h~=anCs and vace~ 16.. Indi~=e building size,-C~o of 'construction, and nuildinq elevation. ..... The-Director of CommuniC'¥ OevelolmenC shall =espond Co sub- ~CCal o~ ~e ~v~LisCed l~o~Cion wi~in CAirCy (20) ~s. SucA =es~nse ~ co~ciCuCe approval, approval with ~n~Cio~ d~~ necess4~ Co procare CAe public health, s~eC~ ~d wel~a=e, o= ~isa~coval of Applicant's sire pl~. I~ no acCion is Ca~en within CAe allotted rime, CAe siCe plan s~l be ~e~ approve, unless the rime l~iC ~s waiv~ ~y CAe Appli~nC. -10- ,[ .[ EEC'£~ON q'~. I)L"V~OP~ STANDARDS AO l. No structure of any' ~ind, an~ nc parc thereof/ shall be p~c~ on an~ si Ce c~oser :Co a property line CAan ~=ovuanCs are sp~i~i~lly excluded ~=os =~ese Roof over~anq. b. Seeps and walks. c. Paving and associated curbing landscape area, except chac customer par~ing .pr~e=Cy lines. d. Fences, except C~C no ~ence s~ll be plac~ w~in ~e sC=eeC ss~]~ ~rea ~--service or ' storage buildings. e. ~andscaping. ..~'. :Signs and d£splays :idenCf2.ying CAe owner, lessee or occupanC. :' · . 2. No setback is required from interior property lines. a. Sales or display buildings shall be sec back a · inimum of 10' ~rom CAe LnCer£cr Loop road and a ~n~ o~ 60' ffr~ cae entrance streets. Roo~ p=ope==y lane. Service and storage buildings shall be sec bac~ a ~inimum o'f 60' ~rom CAe ~ron= proper=y li-nes and a min~ of 65' ~rom c~e rea: proper=y lines. However, a service or s=orage ~uilding B .r C. described in Section 7IZI.~., paragrapAs 2 and 3 o~ ~is ~~en~, s~ec~ ~o Pla~ing Co~ssion l~ ~uil~nqs s~ll be a ~~ c~ 30' '~n hei~AC ~o ~p of ridge line. ~ 2. ~t~bile ~1,spl&~ ~d signage shall not be a~Ov~ 3. ~~bile s~orage'~n ~e second ~eve~ c~ a building ~ s=ru~ures w~ic~ ~y be buil= across J~m~oree 1. Eac~ auto-dealer .'s~II"provida'..a 'minimum of 'eleVen (11) or,street parking spaces ~er-n~t buildable ac~e w~ic~ s~all be r------= ~or e=~-i-~yee parking only· · 0 Zn ~e event ~at employee par. king is provided in a ccm~n parking lot, each dealer s~all provide sea,aCe ~r~inq s~ce on hAs/her praises ~or any d~~CraCor auCo~biles w~i~ are driven by a ~~ ~loyee. . I~. employee parking is provided in a common ~acility aha=ed by several merchants, a recorded document shall be ~iled wi~ ~he Building and Planning De~r~en=s and s~ll be sign~ by =he Owner of c~n si=e, s=ipula=inq ~o CAe peahen= reserva- purposes. 0 · Each au=om, bile dealer shall provide a minimum six onsi=e parking spaces reserved exclusively customers' use. Additional cus=omer parking shall be allowed a= curbside where appropria=el7 Onsi=e handicapped parking shall ~e provided as required ~y ~:he governing agencies· B -12- r . O. Landscat~e 1. Every sics on which a 'building is placed shall be landscaped according t:o plans approved as specified herein and ~ain~ained tAereaft:er in a sightly and well-kept ~ndition pursuant t:o ~ha standards aqreed Suc~ ~aintmnanc~ s~mll include r~gular irrigation,'' · 2. The proper=y owner, lessee or occupant shall land- scape a 5' scrip immediately behind CAs property ex=e~ing walkways and drive,cay areas. The Auto Canter Merchants' Association shall main=Sin Chis landscape in compliance wi~J~ t:ha Declaration of C~venants, C~ndit:£ons and Restrictions of Chis Auto Cent.er. The properC? owner, lessee or occupant: shall prov£de i~rigation ami. ~aincenance facilities for cae land' S~p~ areas, ~d s~ll .keep said ga=iii cica ~n good days of occupancy or comple~ion of t:he building, ~hic~ever co.es' Sits landscaping shall be compatible vita CAe land- scape master plan w~icA has been developed as a guide t:o coordinate t:Ae species of planc'ma~erials, ~hus providing continuity of landscape within CAe Can=er. ,0 The pro~ec= developer' shall provide' a continuous landscape buffer between t:he Auto Center and Jamboree.and Laguna Roads. Additionally, land- scaping shall be provided £n the median o~ Jamboree Road. o Undeveloped areas reserved lo= ~uture expansion, suc~ as CAe ~reeway interchange or any parcel not promptly built out:, shall be ~aintained in a weed- free condition ~ut need not be landscaped. ~ -13- T r' 1" l. O£ffsi~e &nd. street lighting vail be provided by One project* s developer. ~youC ~d mc= ff~Cure ~Cing and wattage pro- ~s~ by ea~ auX. dealer. sc~=d:a= a ~n~ of' 40' on lnCerior of ~e ~splay aces ~y ~spla~ lights. T~esm ~ixCures shall be on sC~n~=~ no higher C~ 20', s~ll be spac~ no closer ~ 60' on center, and s~ll o 0 Average wattage flor CAe entire display area shall n~= exceed 1.5 wa=Cs/scluare foot. Display areas within 125' of Jamboree Road or ~aguna Road shall ncc exceed 1 waCC per square fi.or. Service and sC.rage parking areas shall be lighted by s=andards no higher than 24' which shall contain specification per pole. Average wattage ~or the enCi~e sC.rage area s~ll hoc exceed 0.2 wares per s~a=e fi.or. Creative lighting design and reinforcement off lighCing intensity 'Co provide varying degrees Iigh~ inCensiCy flor merchandising and highlig~=ing purposes are encouraged as Long as =he overall average waccaqe .i~ ncc exceeded. B -14- T T % 0 Spuc {£xCu=es s~all be dirscCe~ downward only, excepC.aC s~C display locations along the project's perimeter walls. 10. ]'. wa,Zls and ~enaes 1. All se=vice, sC.cage and =cash.' areas shall be scape sc:~n~ng ~one s~l ncc ~e de.ed cien~. 2. walls cons=rucced on ~e perimeter of =ne Auto Cence~ s~all ~e in ~pinq wi~A =As p~o~ec~*s Design Cfi=sola. ~ese w~ls s~ll be no less =~n 8' and .cdc= Co acc~~Ce a building bac~ against CAe pe~~ ~or hoc ~e-~ 50 percent o~ ~e p~ope~y. ~h~ p~ope~y ovner sail provide ~ia,.~ l~s~in~ ~o ~naize ~he visual ~ac~ ~s wall height on adjacent ., 3. I~ a' building is cons=r~c=ed as pe~==~ in. ~ve ~raqrapA, no sloping roo~s h~all ~e used on su~ a sClc=ute, and any drai~qe s~ll ~e away ~r~ =As wall inC. CAe sics. No ~acias, gutters, or ~e 14' height of ~Ae wall. " 4. OffseCs in ~ae perimeter walls are encourage~ when ad~acenC Co a 14' high structure. Such o£1se*cs G. Sound 1. All body repair work and all compressor work shall be perlormed in an enclosed area only. Access doors *Co such enclosures shall ~ace away ~rom Jamboree Road. 2. Au*co dealers adjacenC ,co Jam~oree Road ~ay hOC open service ~ay doors *coward-Jam~oree Road. 3. AuCo dealers ad,acetic Co Laguna ~oad ~a7 hoc open serv£ce be7 ~oo~s ~ova~ Laq~ ~oad. ua~ess CAe ~co~s a~e no ~i~Ae~ C~A CAe pec~ece~ wall w~icA scree~ ~ ~om ~Vu~ Road. 4.. Air compressor ex3ausC ~Cac~s shall contain · u££ling device. S'. Exterior loudspeakers s'~ll be ~i=ecC~ away Air conditioning units =ay hoc be mounce~ on cop of any buildi~ w~i~ .is less CAen_ 65' ffrom a rear property line. K. Slqmaqe Signs shall be allowe~ subject Co the-provisions 0 Pro,eot developer sh~ll supply signage adjacent Co CAe ~=eeway and ac boCA entrances co CAe project ~o~cing CAe Auto CanCer locaCion~ ~diCioflally, ~t developer S~ll supply ~=eeway di=ecCional 3. Rmo£-~unCed signs s~all hoc be allowed. Z. 4. Billboard signag~ shall hoc 'be al~wed. SCora~e and LoAdin~ Areas . No =aCerials, supplies or ec~uipmenC, including ffirm- owne~ or operaCe~ Cruces, shall be scored in any area on a sics except inside a closed ~uilding or behind a visual harrier or service area which sC=sees. The singular exception shall ~e any' ~isplay. ' 2~ ri.ns ~or automotive par~s and ocher supplies s~all B ~. ~e£use. C~lle¢~:icm ~reas 1' B -%7-