HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1963 04 01 MINUTES, OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN. CITY COUNCIL APRIL 1, 1963 Mee~inglCallBd. to order at ?:34 P- M. by Mayor Doney .... Present: Doney., Sheridan, Humeston,i;:Mack, K!ingel- hOfer. Absent:, . None. City At~orney. Rourke,~present City Engineer Cartsen,,present MOved byMack, secondedby Klingelhofer that Minutes of March llth and MarCh lath be approved. Carried TANCREDI He~rin~ on. zone Change Application No. 62-101 ZONE CHANGE of HarryTancredi opened at ?:36 P. M. APPLICATION HEARING Application, recommendation of Planning Commission and. correspondence from H. Tancredi and C~A. Nisson read ....... . Those present. with questions regarding commercial zoning: Mr. Wm Tolen, 165 N. "A" St. Mrs. D. Lane, 1?8 N. "A" St. Mr. Bartz,~Yorba Street, Those speaking in favor of said change: C. A. Nisson Roy Lewis Hearin~ closed at~?:~3 P. Mo ZONED TO Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Humeston that PR Zone Change Application No. 62-101 of H. Tancredi be denied and entire parcel be zoned "PR." Motion carried. FRANCIS Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Humeston that Francis Lawless be appointed Police Investi ator for LAWLESS HIRED probationary period at a salary of ~450.00 per AS POLICE INVESTIGATOR month effective April 1, 1963, as recommended EFFECTIVE 'by Mack. Carr~.ed. APRIL 1, 1963 Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer that ANDERSON EM- Floyd Anderson be employed as a Police Patrolman PLOYED AS for probationary period at a starting salary of POLICE OFFICER $420~00 per month, effective April 1, 1963. PROBATIONARY Carried. PERIOD EFF. APRIL 1, 1963 Mayor Doney appointed the following a committee to inventory lost an~ stolen articles and set up an auction: Chairman: Councilman Klingelhofer COMMITTEE ON " Mack LOST & STOLEN Chief Sissel Advisor: Attorney Rourke Moved by Humeston, seconded by Mack that an ADDITIONAL additional ~700.00 be allowed for street work at $700 ALLOWED First an~ prospect as requested by City Engineer. FOR ST. WORK Carried. AT FIRST & PROSPECT Moved by Humeston, seconded by Sheridan CURB & GUTTER that ~200.00 deposit of V. Fells for curb DEPOSIT BY and gutter at 665 W. Main Street be te- EELLS funded. Carried. WHEELOCK Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Humeston 5% INCREASE that Benjamin Wheelock be granted a 5% IN SALARY increase in salary effective April 1, 1965. EFFECTIVE Carried. APRIL 1, 1963 Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Humeston that the action by the Mayor regarding a ~10.00 re- CENSUS RE- muneration for census enumerators be ratified. MUNERATION Carried. Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Sheridan that Resolution No. 649 be read by title only. Carried.unanimously. Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that Reso- lution No. 649, ~A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION OF RES. #649 THE CITY OF TUSTIN, PROPOSING TO CHANGE, MODIFY COVERING AND AMEND THE PLANS AS.AMENDED, AND THE SPECIFI- CITY SEWER CATIONS HERETOFORE APPROVED FOR AND PERTAINING ASSESSMENT TO 'TUSTIN CITY SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1." AS SAID PLANS, AS AMENDED, AND SAID SPECIFICA- TIONS ARE REFERRED TO AND INCORPORATED IN RESO- LUTION OF INTENTION NO. 621, AND TO MODIFY THE WORK TO BE DONE AS DESCRIBED AND SHU~N ON SAID PLANS, AS AMENDED A~D IN SAID SPECIFI- CATIONS: FIXING THE TIME AND PLA~E OF HEARING UPON THE PROPOSAL TO SO CHANGE, MODIFY AND AMEND SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND WORK AND DIRECT- ING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF SAID HEARING," be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call, all councilmen voting Aye. Moved by Mack, seconded by Humeston that the PERMISSION Tustin Pony League inc. be gralnted per~si~n TO PAINT to paint house numbers on cur~s with stipu- HOUSE NUMBERS lation that all persons be .identiffied in some manner and all details to be worked out with the City Parks and Recreation Department. ~Carried. Moved by Humeston, seconded by Klingelhofer that FUND-RAISING permission be granted Drange County Council DRIVE, OR. of the Blind to hol~ s fund-raising drive in COUNTY COUNCILthe City from. April 1, 1963 through June 16, 1963. Carried. Letter from F. M. Hurd regarding application HURD APPLI- for appo.intment ~o the Planning Commiss~om re- CATION ferred to Mr. Humeston and to Chief Sissel for background check. Correspondenne. from the City of La Habra referred to .City Attorney. ~'~oved by ~l'ingelhofer, seconded by Mack that corre.sp.on~dence ~e, r.eceived and filed. Carried. Mo~ed by. Sheri~an,, seconded by. Mack that Smyth DEFERRANCE Bros.. No. 1Z~ns Cha~ge be ~eferred to next ON SMYTH BROS regular meeting. Carried. NO. 1 ZC l~loved by Sheridan, seconded by-Klingelhofer that Ordinance No. 210 chanT~n~ zone frOm'R-2 to ~he PD zone .on applicatioE No. 63-115 of CAPITOL Ca~i~ot] Alliance Corp., have first reading ALLIANCE by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved. by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that Ordinance No, 210 have second reading by title Carried ~na~imousl. ** See below PURCHASE OF ~Mbve~ b~:LMsame~on, seconded by Mack that the ARMSTRONG Mayor a~]"~i~"C~erkbe authorized to enter PARCEL #2 ~+~i-~l:ea:~e:! opY~pn agreement fo~a sum of $15,000. Carried. : Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that TRANSFERRAL OF Resolution No. 650, transferring $2~2.52from FUNDS undistributed reserve to administrative Capitol Outlay be read by title only. Carried u~animously. Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that Resolution No. 650 be_ passed and adopted. Carried by roll.call. Ayes: Doney, Sheridan, Humeaton, Mack, Noes: Noe. Abstained: Klingelhofer. Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan that Ordinance No. 212 be readby title only. Carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT OF Moved by Humeaton, seconded by Klingelhofer CO. HEALTH DEP'T that the County Health Department be appointed to act for the City of Tuntin. Carried. Moved by Sheriean, seconded by Mack that Ord- ORD. 213, inance No. 213, regulating the issuance of REGULATING permits for food handling businesses have ISSUANCE OF first reading by title only. Carried unanimously. PERMITS FOR FOOD HANDLING Moved by Sheridan, secon~ded by Klingelhofer that Ordinance No. 214~ adopting regulations FIRST READING ON for fly control have f.irst reading by title ORD. 214, (fly only. Carried unanimously. control) Moved by Kli~gelhofer, seconded by Sheridan ORT--FEE EXEMPT that ORT be granted a fee-exempt license. Carried. Moved by Sheridan seconded by Mack that bills in the amount of ~4,652.87 .be paid. Carried. ****Moved by Mack, seconded by Humeaton that Ordinance No. 210 be passed an~ adopted as an urgency measure. Carried by roll call, all Councilmen vo£ing Aye. Moved by Mack, seconded MULLANEY,:Ord #211 by Sheridan that Ord.inance ~21.1, changin property to R-3 zone on application N6. ~3-11~ of Mullaney have firs~ reading by title only. Carried unanimously. Hardy andHarper. $900.00 Tustin Fire Department. . 256.00 Santa Ana Office Supply. 95-67 Smith Corona Marchant Inc~ 6.20 B Kleen-Line Corp. 3.85 I' Tustin Paint Store. 161.72 L E.D. Johnson Co.:. 975°00 L Sargent-Sowell, Inc ..... 197.51 S County of Drange (Snrvey i' Ro~d) 150.54 Oxygen Service Co. . . 56.54 R. F. Dickson Co.I, inc .... 255.75 B. L. Wheelock (a~to allowancei 25.00 Auto Service Center. 14.50 Metropolitan°Printing Co. 9.67 ~Orange Co. Radiotelephone Service 30.00 Santa Ana Engraving Co.. 79.0~ Tustin Drug and Variety Store.. 21.~8 Van Hove & Dean Garage, .. 147.08 Business Equipment Co. .$9.36 United States Plywood Corp. 86.55 Desmond's .......... 18.67 First Western Bank (utilities). .~53.61 B The Fusti~ News. . . 298.77 I Valley Engineering. .~00.00~ L L $ ~,652.87 Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan that Meeting be adjourned. Mayor ~// ~ iyCer ~ ~ k