HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1963 03 18 '46 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL MARCH 18, 1963 Meeting called to order at 7:32 by Mayor Doney. PRESENT: Doney, Sheridan, Humeston~ Mack ABSENT: Klingelhofer~ City Attorney Rourke, pre~e~t City Engineer Carlsen, present Moved by Mack, seconded by Humesto~ that Minutes of March 4th meeting be approve~ as mailed and received. Carried. Hearing on Zone Change a~plicatiom No.. 63-115, Capital Alliance Corp. opened at 7:36 P. M. Application CAPITAL and correspondence from County Planning and City ALLIANCE Fire Dept, and recommendations from City Planning CORP. Commission read by Clerk. There bein~ no objectkons or comments the hearing was declared closed at 7:39 p- M. ORD. #210 Moved by Sheridan, ~econded b~ Mack that Ordinance GRANTING ZC No. 210, granting Zone Change request of Capitel FOR CAPITAL Alliance Corp. be drafted by the City Attorney. ALLIANCE Carried. Hearing on Zone Change application No. 63-114 of ZC APP. 63-114 C. M. Muller~f wes oDened at 7:22 P. M. Application MULLANEY and recommendations from Tustin Planning Commission read by Clerk. Mrs. Edna Scott and Mr. C. MUllan~ spoke in fevor of said request. Planning Commission Minutes of February 25th, recomm- ending this Zone Change with certain stipulations were read. STIPULATIONS Moved by Mack, seconded by Humeston and duly carried ON ORD. 211 that the City Attorney be directed to draft Ordinance No. 211 granting Zone Change per applica- tion 63-114 to the R-3 Zone with stipulations that the lots fronting on McFadden be zoned R-2, single story to correspond with the property on thewest and to include restrictions of road from McFadden to Newport for Fire Road. Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that corres- ORT LICENSE pondence from 0 R T regarding request for license fee waiver be referred to City Attorney with auth- ority to act. Carried. COMMENDATION Moved by Sheridan~ seconded by Mack that corres- FOR TUSTIN pondence from A. J. Watson Jr., Vice President & P.D. Secretary of Market Basket, commending the Tustin Police Dept. be referred to Chief Sissel. Carried. Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan that Orange OR. CO. HEALTH County Mental Health Assoc. be granted permission DEP'T PER* to solicit funds in the city May tTth through May MISSION TO 19th. Carried. SOLICIT 1!!4 7 CHILDREN'S Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan, that HOSP. REQUEST request from Children's Hospital of Orange TO SOLICIT County be referred to Attorney. carried. REFERRED TO ATTY Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that BOURRET re.signation pf Mr. Glenn Bourret from the RESIGNATION Tustin Planning Commission be accepted with FROM TUSTIN regret and letter of appreciation drafted. PLANNING COMM. Carried. Mbved by Sheridan, seconded by Humeston that correspondence be received and riled. Carried. DEFERRANCE Moved by Mack, ~econded by Sheridan that Zone ON SMYTH BROS. Change Application of Smyth Bros. No. 1., #1 TO APRIL inc. be deferred to April 1st meeting as per 1st, 1963. request of Mr. C. Smyth. Carried. DEFERRANCE ON Fire Zone Ordinance deferred to next regular FIRE ORD. meeting. Mr. Sheridan asked tp report April 1st on ARMSTRONG purchase of second parcel as her lease-agree_ LEASE AGREE- ment with Betty J. Armstrong. MENT · Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that Resolution No. 645 be read in its entirety; Carried unanimously.' Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that RES. #645, Resolution No. 645, a resolution ooposing OPPOSING State Withholding Tad, be passed and adopted. STATE WITH- Carried by roll call, all Councilmen present HOLDING TAX voting Aye. Absent: Klingelhofer. Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack, that prdinance No. 206, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ORD. #206. OF TUSTIN, LICE~ISING THE TRANSACTION AND BUSINESS CARRYING ON OF CERTAIN BUSIMESSES, m~AD~S LICENSE PROFESSIONS, CALLINGS AND OCCUPATIONS IN THE ORDINANCE CITY OF TUSTIN, FOR THE PURPOSE OF RAISING MUNICIPAL REVENUE, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF," have second reading by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan that Ordinance No. 206, be passed and adopted as an urgency measure ~o be effective immediately. Meeting recessed for 10. minutes. Meeting reconvened and above motion carried by roll call. AYES: Doney, Sheridan, Humeston, Mack. Absent: Klingelhofer. Noes: None Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan, that bill of Francis H. Glockner in the amount of $242.52 be paid. Carried. Moved by. Sheridan, seconded by Mack that City Attorney draft a resolution transferring $242.52 TRANSFERRAL from Undistributed Reserve to Administration OF FUNDS Budge, Accoun~ No. A-19 for the ~urpose of paying this final obligation ~o F~ H. Glockner, contractor for building at 135 W. Third St. Carried. APP'T OF Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Humeston that GIBBONS TO Mr. Bernard P. Gibbons be appointed to the TO FILL OUT Tustin Planning Commission to fill the unex- UN-EXPIRED pired term of Mr. G. Bour~et Carried. TERM-BOURRET ' 148 Moved by Humeston, seconded by Mack, that ATT'Y GIVEN City Attorney be given authority to act on AUTHORITY request of Seventh Day Adventists to solicit ON SEVENTH DAY in this city if ~e finds that they meet ADVENTISTS all city stipulations. Carried. REQUEST After report from City Attorney it was moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that the request of Childrens Hospital be granted. Carried. Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan, that FOURTH ST. ANNEX Resolution No. 646, declaring that proceedings RES. OF PET. TO have been initiated by the Council to annex ANNEX , to the city certain uninhabited territory designated "Fourth Street Annexation to the City of Tuctin" and ~iving notice of the' proposed annexation, be read by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan, that ADOPTION OF Resolution No. 646 be passed and adopted. RES. 646 Carried by roll call, all Councilmen present voting Aye. Absent--Klingelhofer. WATSON ANNEX. MOved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that RES. OF PET. Resolution No. 649, declaring that proceedings TO ANNEX have been initiated by the City to annex certain uninhabited territory designated arson'Street Annexation to the City of Tustin" and giving notice of. the proposed annexation, be read by title only. Carried unanimously. IMoved by Mack,~secondedoby Sheridan that ADOPTION OF Resolution No. 6~ be passed and adopted. RES. 647 Carried by roll callall Councilmen present voting Aye. Absent--Klingelhofer. BRYAN AVE. Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan that ANNEX, Resolution No. 6~8, declaring that proceedings RES. OF PET. have been initiated~by the City to annex TO ANNEX certain uninhabited territory designated "Bryan Avenue Annexation to the City of Tustin" and giving notice of the proposed annexation be reed by title only. C~rried unanimously. Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that Resolution No. 648 be ~assed and adopted. ADOPTION OF Carried by roll call, all Councilmen present RES. #648 voting Aye. Absent--K!ingelhofer. Moved by Mack, seconded by Humeston that City Attorney be suthorize~ to obtain an appraisor AUTHORIZATION at a oost not to exceed ~250.~0 for Tustin TO OBTAIN Youth Center property in connection with APPRAISOR RE: Metropolitan Water Line easement. Carried. TYC Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that bills in the amount of ~6,131.98 be paid Carried. BILLS C6operative Personnel Service. ~1~.09 B Moore Business Forms, inc. .. 6.64 t Betty J. Armstrong (rent). 292.~0 ,L Revere House ...... 1~.60 L Al's Lock and ~ey Service. 22.13 .~S Hawkin~ Co., Inc .... 51.98 149 County of Orange (Communications'. ~25.18 Wardlaw Fire Equipment. 18.20 Signal Oil Co ..... 110.25 Keeling-Wilcox Nurseries. .280.80 Business Equipment Co. 15.18 Rourke & Holbrook .... 10~9.33 National Fire Protection Ass'n 15.00 Blowsr Paper Co. 5.82 Santa Aria Blueprint Co. . . ~2.6~ California Disaster Office. 7.62 Mullin Lumber Co .... .3-59 CaliFornia Fire Chiefs Ass;n 5.00 Metropolitan Printing Co. ... 17.68 Carson & Golding... -179.30 Tiernan's. . 3.12 Tustin Hardware Co. 78.~1 Tustin News ...... 800.76 California Fire chigfs Ass'ns state) 5.00 Al's Woodcraft. . ~-63 McCoy Sheet Metal Works. 2.86 ~ustin Village T.V. ~0.~6 James Down (Painting a or). 50.00 U. S. Civil Defense Council. . 7.50 First Western Bank (Utilitiesi.. 693.70 Allan Brown ~School Expense). 12.32 Munselie Supply Co., Inc. · · ~.9a U. S. Post Office (1,000 E~v.). 58.90 Zumar Industries, . ~a~.29 Ruth C. Poe (Petty'CAs~) .... 39.60 Boyle and Lowry(Sewer Asses. Dis~. 1710.16 Total $ 6131.98 Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan that meeting be adjourned. Carried. Mayor ~ty Cler~k