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Pleasure of the City Council.
~'ouncilman Donald J. Saltarelli resigned as a Member of 'the City Council effective
March 19, 1987.
According to the Government Code, the City Council has 30 'days to appoint his
If a new member of the City Council is not appointed within the 30 day period, the
City will be required to hold an election to elect the new Councilperson.
Attached are letters from the following interested candidates:
James H. May, 14642 Pepper Tree Circle
Ronald H. White, 14431 Raintree Road
Earl J. Prescott, 215 South Prospect Avenue, #C
Bill H. Harness, 14822 Devonshire
James Edward Hayes, 13291 Ntxon Circle
James A. Htemtec, 1841 Stonehenge Dr.
Mary E. ~n
City Cler~
March 18, 1987
I wish to be Considered for appointment to the Tustin
City COuncil. Please accept my resume.
Born in Battle Creek, Michigan on October 25, 1922.
Married with three grown children and three grandchildren.
· Resident of Orange County since 1968, 16 years in
unincorporated area known as North Tustin and in
the City of Tustin for 2 years.
· Retired 12/31/84 (from a Fortune 500 company after
38 % ye ars) .
· Health excellent.
· Completed grade and high school in Battle Creek public
schoo is.
· Two years of college at Lawrence Institute of
Technology in Detroit, Michigan - nO degree.
· U.S. Army Air Force Pilot Training Program, in
18 months completed and commissioned 2nd Lieutenant
in 1944. (Do not currently hold a pilot license).
· Several corporate sponsored management courses through
Entire business career was in management in a corporate
division involving sales and distribution of food products
to schools, hospitals, restaurants, hotels, bakeries and other
related industries. I would like to very briefly highlight
my business career.
Total responsibility for operating eleven branches
in eight Western States. Instituted and controlled
expense budget of up ~o 2% million dollars annually
and managed up to 132 sales, of'lice, warehouse and
delivery people.
When the economics cf the food industry required 'closing
of the branches, I appointed independent distributors
and undertook supervision of a specialized sales force
· Page 2 = 2
which included all of the United States west
of the Mississippi River. Staff included 6 district
managers and 35 account managers. Also during that
time, I had a national responsibility for writing
training manuals and programs for sales personnel
and customers. I was Vice President of Food Service
for Western Region from 1976 to 19.80. Held" the
position of National Accounts Manager when retired
in 1984.
While I have never held a political office or been active in
politics because my career demanded most of my time, I have
always carefully examined the issues and voted in all elections,.
including the last Tustin city election.
Since August of 1986, I have attended all but three council
meetings and by virtue of that attendence and some carefully
analyzed, personal o~servations, I have a good understanding
of the problems arm~ opportunities this community faces.
My business background combined with an intense interest
and the fact that I am now able to devote almost all of my time
tD serving the city makes me feel I could make a wry strong
contribution as a council memh=r for the City of Tustin.
Thank you for your consideration.
14642 Pepper Tree Circle
Tustin, California 92680
Phone No. 838-7256
14431Raintree Road
Tustin, California 92680
March 18, 1987
Honorable Richard B. Edgar
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92680
Dear Mayor Edgar:
Please consider this my expression of interest to be appointed to
the City Council of the City of Tustin to fill the unexpired term
of Don Saltarelli. I'm really .proud of the City of Tustin. It
is a unique city which needs a council which is responsive to its
people and a leader among the cities around it. I would consider
it an honor to be appointed.
As qualification for the office, I offer the 3 years I served on
the City Planning Commission. I was its vice chairman for one
year and its chairman for another. I've worked in aerospace.
I've managed a home building divisfon and been a planner. I've
also served on various committees and in offices of my
homeowners' association. My wife and I have lived in Tustin for
14 years and I have two daughters who both attended the Tustin
school system.
I know cities and the problems they and their people have.
I also feel that I have wide support in the city for the office.
In the last city election over 1,400 citizens of the city voted
for me when I ran for City Council. I finished runner up-
missing by only 142 votes. I was also very lucky to have the
support of many active and prominent people in the city. I have
attached a list of the people who were active supporters and
endorsers from the election.
I hope to have the opportunity to serve the city as the council's
appointee and I look forward to supporting the council in its
Ronald H. White
April, 1986
Harold and Betty Adams
Mark and Kikue Ainslie
Frank and Julie Araiza ·
Pete and Bette Armstrong
A1 and Hilary Baker
Stan and June Baldwin
Chuck and Ann Bassett
Marley Bates
Ed and Sandi Bauernfeind
Jamem amd Marjorie Bekkedahl
Alyce Bemis
Guido Borges
Guinevere Boswell
John Butler
Margaret Byrd
John and Elizabeth Cannon
Art Charleton
Marjorie Coffman
Thomas Cunningham
Ken and Jessie Curry
David Edgar
Dick and Helen Edgar
Duane Eley
Glenna Farrell
Dick and Barbara Fontaine
Susan Fox
David and Sandra Fox
Diane Fran'cis
Walt and Faye Fredriksen
Duane Gilger
Frank and Margaret Greinke
Ken and Mae Hankins
Gene Hankins
Evelynn Hershey
Ron .and Joan Hoesterey
Kenneth and Dorothy Hoestery
Carol Jordan
Delores Kellaway
David E.-King
Jennie Kruger
Joe and Beverly Langley
Robert Leverton
Ruby May
John McCarthy
Jeffrey T. McElderry
Paul and Marjorie Moote
David and Ethel Nugent
Nick Ogden
Vivien Owen
Michelle Parkinson
George and Carol Petyo
Jean Pierce
Cliff and Elsie Polston
Lesiie Pontius
Earl Prescott
Chuck and Donna Puckett
Beth Rutledge
Lisa Saltarelli
Jill Saltarelli
Dominic and Lena Sattarelli
Don Saltarelli
Stephen L. (Speed) Schuster
Janet Schwartz
Fred Smania
Kenneth Steltzer
A1 and Marilyn Tabor
Ken and Margarete Thompson
Hank and Carolyn Trott
Larry and Linda Turner
Doug and Marilyn Webster
Jerry and Kathy Well
Pauline White
Trudy Wilson
George Zoller
Rose Zuccarelli
Earl J. Prescott
215 South Prospect Avenue, #C
Tustin, California 92680
March 21, 1987
Tustin City Council Members
City Hall
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92680
Dear Honorable Members of the Tustin'City Council,
Please consider tni~ letter and enclosed resume as an
expression of my sincere interest in being ~ppointed to the
position vacated on your council by the recent resignation of
the Honorable Donald J. Saltorelli.
If appointS, I assure you that I will i~nediately co~it
myself to an in-depth study of the authorities, powers, and
responsibilities which th~ Californi~ constitution bestows ~pon
and expects from council members of general law cities of
Tustin's classification.
I realize and expect that this position requires ~
s~bstanti~l investment of time and ~ould con,nit myself to that
expectation if appointed.
Respectfully submitted,
Earl J. Prescott
215 South Prospect Avenue, #C
T~s tin, California 92680
(714) 731-612~
Fourth-generation Orange Countian, born and raised on fmnily ranch in ~lortn
Tustin. Attended primary and secondary schools locally.
C~npleted two-year Matura course at Bundesaufbaurealgy~m.~asium,
[lorn, Austria, with acaden, d.c distinction.
.~nerican College of S~.~itzerland, Leysin, Switzerland.
Sopi~ia University, Tokyo, Japan, Bachelor of Science Degree
1974-'f7 North ~me_rican Van Lines Int~_~rnational Division, Tokyo, Japan
(subsidiary of Pepsico, inc.). Manager for Japan ~nd Korea.
Responsibilities included mar!-~et d_~velopment with emphasis on
expansion and training of independent agency network. Within
their world-wide operations, consistently received indivi¢~,:al
rating in top 20~ for sales growth.
1~77-Present Real estate and family business management and development.
Responsible for diversified family portfolio of prop~rty and
businesses, including three mobileh~ne parks.
Extensive research and study covering all aspects of r~al
estate development and securities investments.
Assistant tre.~surer and part-owner of Saddleback Chapel,
Tustin, Ca'liforni@.
Born March 31, 1954, in Orange, California. ~arried tho former Nancy
Elizabeth Shumar July 7, 1979. Children: ~Iargaret, born 1980; William,
born 1982; and Alexandra, born 1986.
UCLA and UC Berkeley Extensions, "I%]e Shopping Center Game into the 80's"--
UCLA, December 1981.
~nerican Law Institute-.%merican Bar Association Comnittee on Continuing
Professional Education, "l"ne Compensation Issue, ~eories of Liability for
Danmges from' Planning and Land Use Controls," Cosponsored by the Pacific
Legal Foundation--Fort Lauderdale, Ja~mary 1983.
The Real Estate Institute, New York University Fifth Annual Nation~l
~ospitality Industry Investment Conference--Ualdorf-Astoria Hotel~
York, June 1983.
California Association for Local Economic Development, "Hotel 'Development
Conferenee"--~yatt Regency Hotel, Oa~.land, September 1983.
American Law Institute-American Bar Association C~ittee on Continuing
Professional Education, "/lie Compensation Issue, 1]]eories of Liability for
D.%mages from Planning and Land Use Controls," Cosponsored by t~e Pacific
Legal Foundation--San Diego, 'March 1984.
The Re~l Estate Institute, New York University Sixt~ Annual ~!~tion~l
Hospitality Industry Investment Conference--Waldorf-Astoria Hotel
York, June 1984.
Laventhol and Horwath Economy Lodging Conference--Ramada Inn, Chicago,
Sept~nber 1984.
UCL,~ Extension, "Restaurant and Hotel Design"--Holiday Inn, Crowne Plaza,
Los Angeles, Novenber 1984.
Laventhol and Hor}{ath, Southwest Hotel/~otel Development Conference--Loews
Anatoly Hotel, Dallas, January 1985.
National Real Estmte Development Center, "Financing, Developing, nnd
~larketing Retirement Housing"--Hyatt Regency Hotel, Los Angeles, March
Laventhol and Horwath Conference for the Retirement Living Industry--Hyatt
Hotel, San Francisco, Septemberlp~.~"~
National Real Estate DevelOpi~nt Center, "Financing, Acquiring, and
Deveoping Nursing }bmes and Retirement Housing"--Dallas, October 1985.
UCLA Extension, "The Shopping Center Game into the 80's"--I~arriott Hotel,
Los Angeles, December 19U5.
March 25, 1987
Members, of the Tustin City Council:
Re: Consideration for appointment to the City Council.
Dear members;
My name is Bill Harness, I am mar£ied, and l-~ve two teenage children. I have
lived in the City of Tustin for the past 17 years.. I have lived in the County
of Orange for the past 23 years.
I have recently ~etired from the Or~nae County Sheriff's Department after 23
years of service.
I have a BS deqree in Public Manaqement from Pepperdine University, and an
AA degree in Criminal JustiCe from Santa Ana College.
I have served on the Tustin Meadows board of directors for two terms, and
on the City of Tustin Traffic Commission for 2 years, 1976-78 .
I believe that community relations and dealing with the public are my real
Thank you for your consideration.
Bill H. Harness
14822 Devonshire,
Tustin, Ca. 92680
(714) 832-0578
Very truly yours
Bill H. Harness
Bill H. Harness
14822 Devonshire
Tustin, CA 92680
Date of Birth : 05/23/39
Marital Status: Married
Phone No:. (714) 832-0578
Pepperdine University, School of Business
Los Angeles, CA
Bachelor of Science Degree: May 1974
Major: Public Management
Santa Ana College, Santa Ana, .CA
Associate of Arts Degree: June 1970
Major: Police Science
Numerous law enforcement related training
programs and seminars over the past 22 years.
(Specializing in criminal investigation of
burglary, forged documents and checks, grand
and petty theft and youth programs.)
May 5, 1964 to Present: Employed by the
Orange County Sheriff's Department
550 North Flower Street
Santa Aha, CA 92702.
Assigned for the last five years as the
"Team Leader" of the Sheriff's Burglary
Investigation Unit. Extensive experience in
criminal investigation in all aspects of law
Responsible for authoring the County Ordinance
pertaining to pawned and stolen property
(1980). Formulated and implemented the
Computerized Pawned and Stolen Property System
now in use with the Orange County Sheriff's
Department and several other Orange County
.Previous experience in Sheriff's Patrol and
Personnel'Training Divisions.
Orange County Burglary Investigator's Ass'n.
California Peace. Officer's Association
Orange County Deputy Sheriff's Association
Former Traffic Commissioner - City of Tustin
Former Board Member - Tustin Meadows
Homeowner's Association (two terms)
1956-1960: United States Navy
Survival Instructor
March 29, 1987
Honorable Richard Edgar
Mayor, City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way'
Tustin, California 92680
Dear Mayor Edgar and Members of the Tustin City Council:
This letter is my official request to be considered for appointment to the
now vacant seat on the Tustin City Council created by the resignat'ion of
Councilman Salt~relli.
Having served twenty-six (26) years in the United States Marine Corps as
a Marine Pilot, of which ten (10) years were spent in Orange and North San
Diego County beginning with my first duty assignment at MCAS Tustin in 1959,
I have witnessed the transformation of the City of Tustin and surrounding
areas from orange groves and farmland to planned residential, commercial,
and industrial development.
I am cognizant of the m~jor changes and concerns that have evolved from this
massive growth. Never having served in City Government, I bring no previous
experience in that area, however, my training, experience, and job variety
in the U.S. Marine Corps provides'me with a broad education in many of those
same areas.
I returned to Tustin in September of 1979 to complete my last tour of duty
'with the Marine Corps. Upon retiring in April of 1984, my wife, Jayne, and
I decided to make Tustin our permanent residence. We have a great deal of
interest in the community and hope to be an integral part of it's future
I have been active with the Orange County Council of Boy Scouts of America
and have volunteered my services to the athletic program at the Tustin Boy's
and Girl's Club and was involved with Tustin Tiller Days.
I am presently employed as a Commercial Airline Pilot with Air Cal ba'sed at
John Wayne Orange County Airport. I am aware of the sensitive nature that
commercial and general aViation brings to Orange County. My knowledge and
experience could possibly provide the council with some expertise in the
field of aviation.
I have enclosed my resume for your perusal.'
'Jim Hayes
13291 Nixon Circle
Tustin, 'California 92680
(714) 730-5201
* Job stability-26 years of honorable service with the U.S. M~rine Corps
as an aviator/Lieutenant Colonel
* Totally familiar with the operation and maintenance of a nultitude
.of mili.tary and civilian aircraft (see attached)
* Accustom to flying in all weather conditions,'hostile environments,
and emergency situations
* Fully knowledgeable in all emergency evacuation situations
* Exude self-confidence thus making crew and passengers feel at-ease
* Excellent ~cation skills
* ~cept and ~xecute respcnsibility expeditiously
* Interface well with management and staff
Voluminous number of flight retraining and management seminars
throughout entire career
Emporia State University, Emporia, Kansas
Bachelor of Science Degree
Airplane Transport Pilot rating with a 1st Class Medical
Yates-Silverman Inc.
Los Angeles, California
Position: Corporate Pilot
*. Shuttled the Chief Executive Officer, on an on-call basis,
throughout the Western U.S. and Canada, via a Beachcraft Duke
Flight Safety International
Long Beach, California
Position: Instructor
* Fully responsible for ground school and flight simulator instruction
utilizing a Super King Air 200
United States Marine Corps
World-wide assignments
Positions: Lieutenant Colonel
Director of Recreational Services E1 Toro/Tustin
* Maintained flight skills throughout this directorship
* Monitored, maintained and directed this $5 million operation
* Directed a staff of over 200 in 22 diverse areas of responsibility
* Negotiated successful recreational packages for morale and welfare
of local marines
Jim Hayes
Page Two
Cc~man~g Officer for Marine Wing Headquarters Squadron-3
* Maintained flight skills throughout this ccm~and
* In-charge of 10 officers and 700 staff personnel
* Fully responsible for accurate and timely record administration for
all personnel under the Cc~manding General's staff
Director of Operations:
* Maintained flight skills throughout this assist
* Directed a staff of 800 including 4,000 items of capital equipment
used for logistical support throughout various Asian countries
Personnel Liaison Officer with Headquarters Marine Corps and
Naval Air Trig Ccxnnand
* Maintained and toned up flight skills during this tenure
* Successfully insured that quotas for new flight students were met
and percentage of completion for new pilots were within projections
set by Headquarters Marine Corps
Cc~a~m~ling Officer for Marine Light Helicopter Squadron-267
* Maintained and polished flight skills during this assist
* Totally responsible for the overall operation and maintenance of
24 Huey Helicopters used for logistical support and the on time
delivery of VIP ' s
Director of Maintenance for an oversized squadron in Vietnam
* Accunulated
* Managed and
* Coordinated
per day
significant flying time in ccmbat situations
totally responsible for 300 personnel and 40
on a 24-hour operational basis
up to 15 VIP commitments daily with the remainder of
used in ~cmbat support 7 days per week, 12-14 hours
Assistant Director Maintenance
* Continued to accumulate actual flight experience
* Directed the maintenance of 24 jet attack aircraft in a combat
Assistant Director of Maintenance
* Accunulated significant flight time experience
* Responsible for total maintenance of 80 jet aircraft
~* 60 out of 80 planes were operational daily
* Served as flight instructor and provided actual in flight training
twice daily
Coached'the South Vietnamese Olympic Basketball team in the 1966
Asian Games
All military, business arid personal references will be furnished
upon request
Total Flight Time 6660
Night 855
Simulated Instrument 770
Actual Instrument 505
Jim Hayes
career Flight Experience
F9F-8 1006
A-4 502
Sabreliner 101
FAA LICENSE #1499419
Airline Transport Pilot
Airplane Multi~ngine Land
CE-500 Cessna Citation
N-265 Sabreliner
~rcial Privileges
Airplane Single Engine Land
Rotorcraft-Helicopter SK-58
1st Class Medical
H-1 Bell 205 1003
Bell 212
H-34 Sikorsky 914
HTL-6 Bell G-2 900
H-19 Sikorsky 31
H-53 Sikorsky 27
H-57 Bell Jet 25
H-46 Boeing 3
Super King
Air 20O
Duke B-60
Beech D-18
Piper Apache
Aztec, 310
March 29, 1987
Honorable Richard Edgar
Mayor, City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California .92680
Dear Mayor. Edgar and Members of the Tustin City Council'
This letter is my official request to be considered for appointment to the
now vacant.seat on the Tustin City Council created by the resignation of
Councilman Saltarellio
Having served twenty-six (26) years in the United States Marine Corps as
a Marine Pilot, of which ten (10) years were spent in Orange and North San
Diego County beginning with my first duty assignment at MCAS Tustin in 1959,
I have witnessed the transformation of the City of Tustin and surrounding
areas from orange groves and farmland to planned residential, commercial,
and industrial development.
I am cognizant of the major changes and concerns that have evolved from this
massive growth. Never having served in City Government, I bring no previous
experience in that area, however, my training, experience, and job variety
in the U.S. Marine Corps provides me with a broad education in many of those
same areas.
I returned to Tustin in September of 1979 to complete my last tour of duty
with the Marine Corps. Upon retiring ~n April of 1984, my wife, Jayne, and
I decided to make Tustin our permanent residence. We have a great deal of
interest in the community and hope to be an integral part of it's future
I have been active with the Orange County Council of Boy Scouts of America
and have volunteered my services to the athletic program at the Tustin Boy's
and Girl's Club and was involved with Tustin Tiller Days..
I am presently employed as a Commercial Airline Pilot with Air Cal based at
John Wayne Orange County Airport. I am aware of the sensitive nature that
commercial and general aviation brings to Orange County. My knowledge and
experience could possibly provide the council with some expertise in the
field of aviation.
I have enclosed my resume for your perusal.
/ -
James .Edward Hayes."
Jim Hayes
13291 Nixon Circle
Tustin, California 92680'
(714) 730-5201
* Job stability-26 years of honorable service with the U.S. Marine Corps
as an aviator/Lieutenant Colonel
* Totally familiar with the operation and maintenance of a n~/ltitude
of military and civilian aircraft (see attached)
*Accustcm to flying in all w~ather conditions, hostile environments,
and emergency situations
* Fully knowledgeable in all emerg~ evacuation situations
* Exude self-confidence thus making crew and passengers feel at-ease
* Excellent ccmmmicatiom skills
* ~---cept and ~v~=cute responsibility .expedi~o~ly
* Interface well with management and staff'
Voluminous number of flight retraining and management seminars
throughout entire career
Emporia State University, Emporia, Kansas
Bachelor of Science Degree
Airplane Transport Pilot rating with a 1st Class Medical
Yates-Silverman Inc.
Los Angeles, California
Position: Corporate P. ilot
Shuttled the Chief Executive Officer, on an on-call basis,
throughout the Western U.S. and Canada, via a Beachcraft Duke
Flight Safety International
Long Beach, California
Position: Instructor
* Fully responsible for ground school and flight sin~lator instruction
utilizing a Super King Air 200
United States Marine Corps
World-wide assignments
Positions: Lieutenant Colonel
Director of Recreational Services E1 Toro/Tustin
* Maintained flight, skills throughout this directorship
* Monitored, maintained and directed this $5 million operation
* Directed a staff of over 200 in 22 diverse areas of responsibility
* Negotiated successful recreational packages for morale and welfare
of local marines
Jim Hayes
~ding Officer for MariD~ Wing Headquarters Squadron-3
* Maintained flight skills throughout this cc~mand
* In-charge of 10 officers and 700 staff personnel
* Fully responsible for accurate and timely record administration for
all personnel under the ~ding General's staff
Director of Operations:
* Maintained flight skills throughout this assist
* Directed a staff of 800 including 4,000 items of capital equipment
used for logistical support throughout various Asian countries
Personnel Liaison Officer with Headquarters Marine Corps and
Naval Air Training ~d
* Maintained and toned up flight skills durin~ this tenure
* Successfully insured that quotas for new flight students w~re met
and percentage of ccmpletion for new pilots were within projections
~t by ~~mr~rs Mari~ Corps
C~manding Officer for Marine Light Helicopter Squadron-267
* Maintained and polished flight skills during this assignment
* Totally responsible for the overall operation and maintenance of
24 Huey Helicopters used for logistical support and the on time
delivery of VIP ' s
* Managed and
per day
of Maintenance for an oversized squadron in Vietnam
significant flying time in ccmbat situations
totally responsible for 300 personnel and 40
on a 24-hour operational basis
up to 15 VIP cc~nitments daily with the remainder of
used in ccmbat support 7 days per ~, 12-14 hours
Assistant Director Maintenance
* Continued to accumulate actual flight experience
* Directed the maintenance of 24 jet attack aircraft in a cc~bat
Assistant Director of Maintenance
* Accunulated significant flight time experience
* Responsible for total maintenance of 80 jet aircraft
* 60 out of 80 planes were operational 'daily
* Served as flight instructor and provided actual in flight training
twice daily
Coached the South Vietnamese Olympic Basketball team in the 1966
Asian Games
All military, business and personal references will be furnished
upon request
Jim Hayes
Career Flight Experience
Total Flight T/me 6660
Night 855
Sin~/lated Instrument 770
Actual Instrument 505
FgF-8 1006
A-4 502
Sahreliner 101
FAA LICENSE %1499419
Airline Transport Pilot
Airplane Multi Engine L~
CE-500 Cessna Citation
N-265 S~breliner
~cial Privileges
Airplane Single Engine Land
Rotorcraft-Helicopter SK-58
1st Class Medical
H-1 Bell 205
Bell 212
H-34 Sikorsky
HTL-6 Bell G-2
H-19 Sikorsky
H-53 Sikorsky
H-57 Bell Jet
H-46 Boeing
Air 200
Duke B-60
Bccch D-18
Piper Apache
Aztec, 310
(714) 832-9871
Tustin, Calif. 92680 BROKER
March 24, 1987
Mayor 0ick Edgar
% Tustin City Council
Tustin~ California 92680
Dear Dick,
This letter, addressed to the Tustin City Council~ is directed
to you for the purpose of having my name placed in consideration'
for the open seat on the Tustin City. Council.
Having been a candidate in last year's election for a seat on
the council, I feel that my working knowledge of the problems
that Tustin has with its rapid growth would be an asset to all
residents of Tustin.
Having carried my district with significant support from the
home owners in the Northeastern Tustin areas, I know that my
representation on the council will benefit ALL Tustin residents.
I have a working knowledge of solving growth problems in many
counties in California and am willing to put forth the time and
effort to help out our fine city. The expansion of Tustin and
the problems facing all Tustin residents with our new
neighboring communities, requires imput and daily work from a
councilman who sincerely cares about, and wants to help with,
what is going on in and around Tustin.
Having no financial interest in Tustin, there would be no
conflicts in making decisions that are solely for the benefit of
all Tustin residents. My education and background in real estate
development, land management and taxation should be of great
value to the residents of Tustin. My family and 1 have been
residents-of Tustin since 1969 and have watched it grow into a
large city and would like to help in our cities' future.
If, you would like to interview me for possible consideration of
the open council seat~ please feel free to call me at home (714)
838-B652, I would be more that happy to meet with you at your
Submitted this 24th of March 1987,
~?~oectfully yours,
James A. Niemiec