HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1963 03 04 MINUTES 0F A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL March 4, 1963 Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Doney. Present: Doney, Sheridan, Humeaton, Mack, KIlngel- borer. Absent: None City Engineer Carlsen, present. City Attorney Rourke represented by Mr. Battin. MINUTES i~ Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingel~efer that APPROVED Minutes of February iSth and 26th meetings be approved as mailed and received. Carried. WILLIAMS Protest Hearing Wil~iams Street Annexation to STREET ANNEX. the City of TustiD opened at 7:32 P.M. There being no objections or commen~s, the Hearing was declared closed aT 7:33 P.M. ORDINANCE Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that NO. 207 Ordinance No. 207 approving-the William Street Annexation to the City of Tustin be read by title only. Carried unanimously. BIDS FIRST ST. Bid Opening ~or First Street Improvements - IMPROVEMENTS six bids rezeived opened, and recorded as fol- l~ws: 1. E and G Engineers P.O. Box 331, Garden Grove $ 8,895.00 2. Sully Miller P.O. Box 432, Orange 7,550.60 3- Hamann & Thomey P.O. Box Z445, Artesia 10,293.75 4. Griffith Co. 6il S. Shatto Place Los Angeles 8,032.00 5. D.J. Belcher Conart. Co. 12!12 Orangewood, Anaheim 6,395.30 6. R~J. Noble Co. P.O. Box 620, Orange 7,216.00 BIDS "D" ST. Bids for "D" Street improvement, Project No. IMPROVEMENTS. 26, five bids received, opened and recorded as follows: i. Hardy & Hatper 440 W. First St., Tustin e 5,3~6.80 2. Griffith Co. 61i So. Shatto PI., Los Angeles 6,237.00 3' R.J. Noble.Co. P.O. Box~620, Orange 7,236.40 4. Sully Miller P.O. Box 432, Orange 6,679.70 5- E & G Engineers inc. P.O. Box 331, Garden Grove 8,251.00 BIDS REFERRED Moved by Mack, seconded by Humeaton that all FOR SIUDY Bids be referred to City Engineer and Attorney for study and report later this evening. Carried. -CONTINUITY : Moved by Humeaton, seconded by Mack that a!- OF GOVERNMENT ternstee for city officials for Continuity of Government be approved as recommended by Civil Defense Director Williamson and letters be sent notifying appointees. Carried. ASSEMBLY Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that any BILL # 28 action regarding Assembly Bill #28be deferred for study and report at next regular meetir~. Carried. GIBBONS Letter from B.P. Gibbons, 1571 Cameo Drive, APPLICATION applying for appointment to the City Plan- FOR PLANNING ning Commission referred to Sheridan and Hum- COMMISSION eaton. PERMISSION.FOR Moved by Klingethofer, seconded by Humeaton 7TH DAY ADVENT that permission be granted Seventh ~ay Advent- TO SOLICIT- ists to solicit funds in the City, period of FUNDS time to be at the pleasure of the Council and solicitors to notify the City Hall as to what days and number of .solicitors working in the City. Noes: Mack, l~oney; Abstained: Sheridan;I Ayes: K!ingelhofer, Humeaton. Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that re- quest from Seventh Day Adventists he referred to City Attorney for further clarification as to which churches involved and:time of solicita- tion and report at next regular meeting. Carried. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence from City of 0akdale referred to the Planning Commission. Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingethofer that correspondan6e be received and filed. Carried. CITY ENGINEER Moved by Humeaton, seconded by Klingelhofer and AUTHORIZED FOR duly carried that the City Engineer be authorized STREET PROJECT to proceed with .following street projects all as defined in written.report: Third Street (Myrtle to Pacific) Sixth Street (P~ci~ic to "B") ~asadena Avenue (2nd Street to First Street) Overhead flashing lights at let and ."D" Streets.. D.J. BELCHER Engineer reported bids are in order and that LOW BID FOR D.J. Belcher was low bidder for First Street FIRST STREET Improvement, in the amount of $6,395.]0 and Hardy &!Herper low bidder for "D" Street improve- HARDY & HARPER ment, Project 26, in the'amount of ~ 5,346.80. LOW BID FOR City Attorney Battin reporte~ bidder bonds for "D" STREET both companies in order. Moved by Sheridan, seconded ~y Mack that con- tract foF.First Street Improvement be awarded D.J. BelC~er Construction Co. in the amount of $6,395-30 and Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign contract. Bonda to ~e returned to un- successful bidders. Carried. HARDY & HARPER Moved by Sheridan, seconded by K!ingelhofer that "D' STREET contract for "D" Street Improvement, Project 26 IMPROVEMENT be awarded Hardy & Harder in the amount of ~5,ZA6.S0 and Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign con- tract. Bonds t6 be returned to unsmccessful bid- ders. Carried. 0RD. N0. 203 Moved by Humeaton, seconded by Kllngelhofer thas STREET IMP. "City of Tustin Street improvement Standards" be STANDARDS incorporated in ordinance No. 203. Carried. CITY ENGINEER Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Humeaton that OVERTIME WORK · aoproVal be granted the request of the City Engineer - t~at Mr. Wheelock continue overtime work at ~5.00 per Hour not to exceed 15 hours per week to the first of May. Carried. 0RDINANCES BY Moved by Sheridan,,seconded by Klingethofer ~hat TITLE 0NLY Ordinance No. 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204 and 205 be read by title only in this order. Carried unanimously. ORD. N0. 197 Ordinance No. 197 read by title as moved, and car- ried unanimously. Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that Ordinance No. 197, prescribing regulations for permits for lay- ing, constructing, reconstructing and repairing curbs, sidewalks, gutters, roadway surfaces, storm drains, culverts etc., be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call, all councilmen voting Aye. 0RD. NO. 198 Ordinance No. 198 read by title as moved and un- animously carried. Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan that Ordinance No. 198 regulating the e~cavation, grading and filling of land and providing regulatory standards for surface and sub-surface drainage of property be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call, all counci!men voting Aye. ORD. N0. 199 Ordinance No. 199 read by title as moved and un- animously carried. Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that 0rdiD~nce No~ 199 requiring permits for the exceva~ion, fill- ing and obstruction of public highwayS, prescribing the procedure for the application and issuance of permits and iiposing penalties for violations be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call, all coun- cilmen voting Aye. 0RD. N0. 200 Ordinance No. 200 read by title as ~oved and unan- imously carried. Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded b~ Sheridan that Ordinance No. 200 amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Tustin to provide a "Pr" Professional District, be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call, aZ1 councilmen voting Aye. 0RD. N0.201 Ordinance No. 201 read by title as moved and unan- imously carried. Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that Ordinance No. 201, amending Section 8.4 of Ordinance No. 157 as amended by Ordinance 175 of the City of Tustin, be passed and adOp~ed. Carried by roll call, all councilmen voting Aye. 0RD. N0. 202 0ridhence No. 202 read by title as moved ~nd unan- imously carried. Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Sheridan that Ordinance No. 202 modifying and amending the zoning ordinance of the City of Tustin, Ordinance No. i57 as amended, by the addition thereto of Sections 4.15 and 5.31 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call, all comncilmen voting Aye. ORD. NO. 203 Ordinance No. 203 read by title as moved and Unan- imously carried. Mo~ed by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer that Ordinance No. 203, amending ordinances No. i57 and No. 175, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Tustin, providing for dedication of right of way, be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call, all councilmen voting Aye. ORD. NO. 204 Ordinance No. 204 read by title as moved and un- animously carried.: Mov&d by'Mack~ seconded by Sheridan that Ordin- ance No. 204, approving the annexation of cer- tain uninhabited territory, designated "First Street Annexation to th~ City of Tustln" be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call, all council- men voting Aye. ORD. N0. 205 Ordinance No. 205, read by title ~s moved and un- animously. carried.. Moved by Mack,~econded by Sheridan that Ordinance No. 205, establishing speed limit zones, be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call, all council- men voting Aye. RESOLUTION Moved by Klingelho~er, seconded by Mack that Res- N0. 638 olution No. 6~8 naming~certatn streets within the City be read by title 0nly. Motio~ carried unan- imously. LAGUNA ROAD Dr. H. Stanton~ and Mr. C. Smyth spoke objecting NAME CHANGING to changing name of Laguna Road. Mr. Wm. Moses spoke regarding change of Laguna Road. Moved by Sheridan,:seconded by Humeston that adop- tion of Resolution No, 638 be postponed until next regular meeting. Carried. PROPOSED ORD. Moved'by Sheridan, seconded by Kllnge!hofer that FOR FIRE ZONES City Attorney be instructed to draft an Ordinance pertaining to Fire~Zones. Carried. RESOLUTION NO. Moved by Mack, seconded. by Klin~elhofer that ~es- 643 otution No. 643 be r~ad by title only, carried unanimously. AMENDING OF Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer that RES. NO. 612 Resolution No. 643, establishing pay scale for clerk-dispatcher and amending Resolution 612 be passed and adopted. Carried byroll call, all councilman voting Aye. Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Elingelhofer RES. NO. 644 that Resolution No. ~44, requesting exemption from certain taxes. be read by title only. Carried ~nanimously. Noved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer that Resolution No.. 644 be passed and adopted - carried by roll call, all councilmen voting Aye. I/ 13 BILLS Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer that bills in the amount of ~2 795.19, be paid. Carried. PILLS Sargent Sowell inc .............. r; 46.20 U.S. Porcelain Plant ...... 82.5? Volunteer Firefighter (Mag.) ..... 6.00 Tustin News ................... i~8.09 A.R. Sd an cg.: .................. .o7 Tustin Fire Department ........... 250.00 Harris ~ Frank .... ". ........ 10.2~ Suel A. Williamson .i~G$'~.$iS~e 30.00 B.L. Wheelock (Auto Allow.) ...... 25.00 Auto Service Center .- ............ 35.82 E.F. Dickson Co.,Inc ............. 2~5.75 F. Morton Pitt Co ............... 68.~0 Carl Entenmann & Son ............ 122.6~ Rourke & Holbrook .. ............. i,202.25 Santa Ana Office Suonly ......... 33-69 Tustin Drug & Varie~ Store ..... 1.93 , Desmond s ....................... ~3.63 Business Ee~iDme~t Co ........ 15.18 Van Hove & Dean Garage .......... i26.32 Tiernan' s ....................... 3 · 12 Bob DeSutter Richfield Service .. 18.96 ~stin Paint Store ............... 33.~3 Fire Station Digest ............. ~.00 0ra~e County Blueprint ......... 103.98 Orate County Radiotelephone Set. 30.00 County of Orange ................ 1~ 30 0RD. N0. 206 Ordinance No. 206 establishing business license BUS. LIC. rates and amending Ordinance ~o. 87 and 196, de- ferred to next regular meeting. REQUEST FOR Mr. Humeston requested a report from the Planning PLANNING .Commission Committee regarding R-3 restrictions COMMISSION Clerk to so inform Commission. REPORT Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that meeting MEETIMG AD- be adjourned ~o ~ P.M., March llth for Newoort JOURNED TO Avenue Annexation and Red Hill Annexation Hearings MARCH 11th and other matters. Carried. ~ MAYOR ~_~