HomeMy WebLinkAboutADDENDUM TO AGENDA 09-06-88ADDENDUH TO AGENDA OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR ItEETING '~ OF THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIl jNCIL CHAMBERS, 300 CENTENHIA. .AY SEPTEMBER 6, 1988 7:00 P.M. This Agenda contains a brief general description of each item 'to be consid- ered. Any person having a question concerning an item may call the City Clerk's Office to make inquiry concerning the nature of same. Except as otherwise provided by law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing . i n the .fol 1 owl ng agenda. 5'00 P.M. - Interviews of Planning Commission Applicants. VIII. OLD BUSINESS 5. CULTURAL RESOURCES ADVISORY COPIqITTEE At their regular meeting of August 15, 1988, the City Council continued this item and directed staff to verify the address of residence for Peggy Kisielius, an applicant for the Advisory Committee. ' Recommendation: Continue th'is item to the meeting of September 19, 1988, as recommended by the Community Development Department. 6. APPOINTMENT OF PLANNING COI~qISSIONER The following applicants are to be interviewed at 5'00 p.m. on September 6, 1988: Edmund F. Shaheen; Edward M. Tansey, S6.; and H. Porter Wynn. Recommendation: Pleasure of the City Council. IX. NEW BUSINESS 5. TEN PERCENT REDUCTION OF WATER SURCHARGE FEE Councilman Prescott requested that this item be agendized. Recommendation- Pleasure of the City Council. iii ADDENDUM, CITY COUNCIL AGENDA PAGE 7 SEPTEMBER 6, 1988 ,AGEN DA$ . · DATE: SEPTENBER 6, 1988 OLD BUSINESS NO. 5 9/6/88 Inter- Corn TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAJq A. NUSTOII, CITY RAIIAGER COPlNUIIITY DEVELOPNEIIT DEPARTNEIIT CULTURAL RESOURCES ADVISORY COIqNITrEE RECOI~qEIIDATIOII It is recommended that the City Council continue this item to the meeting of September 19, 1988. BACKGROUIID ii i i At their regular meeting of August 15, 1988, the City Council continued this item and directed staff to verify the address of the residence of Peggy Ktstelius, an applicant for the Advisory Committee. D I SCUSS 1011: In a telephone conversation with Ms. Ktsieltus, she informed staff that she is not a restdent of the City, but was Interested tn servtng on the Advisory Committee. Ordinance No.. 1001 re.quires that members of the Committee ltve tn the City; therefore, Ms. Kisiellus would not be eligible to serve. Ordinance No. 1001 also requtres one (1) member of the Committee to be a member of the Tusttn Area Historical Society. To date, staff has not received any nominations from the Society; however, in recent correspondence, staff requested that the Society submit a nomination for Council consideration by September 12th. Staff will continue to seek applicants for the Committee between now and September 19th. Director of Community Development CAS-ts Inter- Com DATE: SEPT. Z, 1988 ,\~.~ll~m~'%~/~ TO: MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL- FROM: MARY WYNN, CITY CLERK SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSIONER APPOINTMENTS RECOMMENDATION: Pleasure of the City Council'. BACKGROUND: At to the at their meeting of August 15, 1988, hold interviews at 5:00 p.m. on Planning Commission vacancy and the Adjourned Regular Meeting on the Council took action September 6, 1988, for appoint, if desirable, the same date. DISCUSSION: The following candidates will September 6, 1988: Edmund Sr.; and H. Porter Wynn. The your review. be interviewed at 5:00 p.m. on F. Shaheen; Edward M. Tansey, applications are attached for /VW 14611 Alder Lane Tustin, Ca. 92680 August 11, 1988 City Council City of Tustin City Hall Tustin, California It is my understanding that there is a vacancy on the Planning Commission. I would therefore make myself available as a candidate for the position subject to your appr~al. · A resume is enclosed. I am at present semi-retired. Edmund F. Shaheen,CRE EDHUND F. SHAHEEN SPECIFICALLy d') SUMMARY OF 9UALIFICATION~ 1951 to 1~52 ~ecalled to active dqty, Major- US Air Force, Korean Emergency. My business continued under family management. 1945 to 1951 Vice President of Thomas Shaheen Company - general Real Estate brokerage. Vice President of Eastern Builders Company, builders of homes, residential income, and commercial properties. I coordinated residential subdivisions and other developments from acquisition to zoning to Real Estate Commissioners report, including plannimg, construction and sales, both in Los Angeles and Orange Counties. Coordinated the development, purchase and sale of investment properties for Compton Homes, Inc. a holding company. Owned and operated C°mpton Insurance Agency, a life, health and casualty operation. 1941 to 1945 Drafted active duty World War II - Private to Gaptain U.S. Army. 1938 to 1941 Started in general real estate sales and home construction on single lot basis .. My experience in the real estate and building professions spans a period in excess of 35 years, during which time I have been involved in every aspect of the business. EDUCATION - Compton College, Compton, CA Pre-legal A.A. Degree · .o - University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA . Pre-legal studies. (Service interrupted World War II) - Southwestern School of Law, Los Angeles, CA (Service interrupted by Korean Emergency) - ~ppralsal'courses (MAI) Nos. 1 and 2. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA - Syndication Course, U.C.L.A., Los Angeles, CA - Commercial, Industrial and Investment Property Courses, California Association of Realtors, and U.C. at Irvine, California. · - Executive Training Course, Executive Dynamics Foundation now known as Omega Seminars. - Motivation Psychology Courses and Workshops - Western Training Services, Long Beach, California - Public Speaking, Mullins Institute, Los Angeles, California - Casualty Insurance, Aetna Casualty & Surety, Hartford, Connecticut - Officer Training U.S. Army, Ft.'Bennlng, Georgia -2- .. · ED~FOND F. SHAHEEN, C.R.E. $. CREA Curr~ently an Independent Contractor and Appraiser SPECIAL --,, -- PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE -- · (civilian) 1. Experienced in areas 0f Real Estate administration, manage- ment, sales, leasiDg, exchanges, development, appraisals and feasibility studies. ' · * 2. Real Estate Counselor - member A.S.R.E.C. 3. Background in residential and commercial construction. 4. Trained and licensed in insurance field. 5. Qualified public speaker, writer and lecturer. 6. Extensive military background in co~nand and administration. 7. Licensed in Real Estate securities and syndication. A.S.R.E.C. American Society of Real Estate Counselors of National Association of Realtors. 1982 to1986 1974 to 1982 1972 to 1974 1967 to 1972 - . 1938 to 1967 Vice President Commercial Brokerage G.W.R.E. Division Manager, Commercial Brokerage Walker & Lee, Inc. Anaheim, California Realtor - Counselor, Costa Mesa, California Realtor - Shaheen Co., Long Beach, California .. Vice President - Thomas Shaheen Co. Realtors -'. Vice President - Eastern Builders Co., Compton, CA Partner - General Insurance Agency, Compton, CA · . The above periods were interrupted by service in World War II and the Korean Emergency. SPECIFICALLY _ 1974 to 1986 As a Division Manager, my responsibilities are to _ recruit, interview, hire, train and supervise the salesmen in the Commercial Brokerage Division. This includes the areas of ~ndustrial, commercial, apartments, offices, investment properties, leases, contracts and exchanges. I organized and teach a 20-week course in the above subjects. As a licensed representative, I am involved in the sale of Securities of Real Estate Limited Partnerships. ' 1953 to 1974 As a Realtor, specialized in commercial, industrial, residential"'income and investment types of property development, including acquisitions, feasibility studies, zoning, construction coordination, leasing, sales, exchanges and general counseling. In 1971 and 1972, I travelled over 200,000 miles on real estate counseling assignments, doing feasibility reports and other types of similar activities. During this period I worked out of Washington D.C., Atlanta, Georg.ia, Pascagoula, Mississippi, New York City, New York, and my home base at Long Beach, California. - 1- EDHUND F. SHAHEEN MILITARY DATA (cont'd.) 1951-1953 Active Duty, Korean Emergency. Graduated from Air Command and Staff School, U.S. Air Force. G.O.C. Coordinator-Liaison on Staff of Governor of Georgia. . 1953-1962 .o Resumed command of 148th A.C.& W. Squadron. Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. Graduated from National War College, Strategy Seminar. 1962 Retired with rank of Colonel, California ANG and USAF. MILITARY ACTIVITIES (1) Drafted into the U.S. Army on August 21, 1941, from College. July, 1942 sent t° Officer Candidate School at Fort Benning, Georgia. Graduated as a 2nd Lieutenant and assigned to Headquarters Pacific Ocean area. Served in Supply and Personnel Sections, and became C.O. of the Stars and Stripes Newspaper Detachment, responsible for adminis- tration and publication in the P.O.A. .Organized and supervised College of Knowledge for the military., ~=utilizing qualified personnel to teach correspondence courses on a college level. 'Released 1945 with rank of Captain. '(2) Organized and assumed command of the 148th Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron, California ANG, Compton, California, which at time of active duty into the Korean Emergency consisted of two bases, 100 officers and 800 airmen. During this period we developed two bases valued at several millions of dollars, and trained hundred of officers and men in radar and allied fields. ~ (3) In 1951, the 148th was called to active duty, and assigned to Tinker Air force Base, Oklahoma. I was sent to Air Command and Staff '~' School as a Major, and then assigned to the State of Georgia repre- senting the Air'Defense Command, U.S. Air Force, to the Governor and Civil Defense Director of the State. . My assignment was to develop 750 ground observer posts for the purpose of spotting and identifying enemy aircraft. In one year, I travelled thousands of miles intra-state, delivered some 300 speaking engagements' on civil defense, wrote numerous magazines and newspaper articles, and completed the project. Assigned to Headquarters C.A.D.C. to write Air Force Manual on G.O.C. -4- EDMUND F. SHAHEEN MILITARY ACTIVITIES (cont ' d'. ) (4) Upon graduation from the National War College's Strategy Seminar, I participated in a national program, delivering some 350 speeches and writing articles on the subject of Free Enterprise. PERSONAL Born in Cranford, New Jersey. Health - Excellent Married Children- 6, all grown Hobbies - reading, public speaking, writing and golf. Residence- 14611 Alder Lane, Tustin, California 92681 Tel: 714/544-8439 References will be supplied on request. o. . - 5- ~_c~-lusiin City .Clerk 2192 Silk Tree Tustin, CA 92680 (714) 838-2870 September 2, 1988 To Mayor Ron Hoesterey; This letter will serve as my formal application to fill a vacancy on the Tustin Planning Commission. I would like to be on the Tustin Flanning Commission because I feel I can lend my expertese, knowledge and background to solving the everyday problems that face a growing and changing community like Tustin. I am looking forward to my interview with the Council at 5 P. M. on September 6, 1988. / / Edward ~ansy~ Sr. AUG 2 6 2201 Coco Palm DR. Tustin, Ca. ,92680 Mayor Ronald Hostery · . City Hall Centennial at Main St. Tustin, Ca., 92680 Dear Mayor Hostery-: I would like to submit my name to you and your' committee for the opening on the Planning Comm. As you know I have recently retired from active ministry with First Christian Church. I now have a lot~of time which I could put in on the Planning Commission, if I were appointed. I was brought up in a home whare my father served as a Buil&ing con- tractor for half a centur.y. In earlier years I had worked as a carpenter and also had experience as a p!ummer. During my ministry I have been instrumental in the building of several churches where I have min- istered, including the one here in Tustin. I am able to read plans, etc. I would count it a privilege to be able to serve on the Tustin Planning commission, for a better city. Sinc~~ your sc H. Porter Wynn Tustin resident