HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 1 J.W. AIRPORT RPT 09-06-88~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OLD BUSINESS ! ~ NO. 1 DATE: SEPTElqBER 6, 1988 ~ .TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER COMMUNI13 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STATUS REPORT - JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT (~IWA), AIRPORT SITE COALITION (ASC) ANO COALITION FOR A RESPONSIBLE AIRPORT SOLUTION (CRAS) RECOI~ENDATION: Receive and file. DISCUSSION- JWA - Attached is a list of the sites to be monitored as well as the hours that mo'httoring will be conducted. At the writing of this report, a long term schedule identifying when each site would be monitored was being prepared by JWA staff. The City should receive a copy of thts schedule by September 2nd. If we have tndeed recetved It by then, staff will provide copies to the Councll at the meettng of September 6th. Also at the writing of this report, the City's consultant, John Van Houten, is preparing a report that will discuss the FAA's recent Airport Radar Service Area (ARSA) plan, the private pilot's counter-proposal to that plan (both deal with air traffic control), and also Congressman Badham's proposal for banning visual approaches for commercial aircraft to JWA. This report will be included in the status report for the Council meeting of September 19th. Based upon initial discussions with Mr. Van Houten, the FAA will publish a report that examines and explains all of these items in the National Register in late December or early January of 1989. Upon the publication of said report, there will be a 45 day review and comment period for the public, after which time the FAA will respond to comments and make a decision on appropriate air traffic control procedures for JWA. One last brief comment regarding Congressman Badham's proposal, according to the FAA, the banning of visual approaches for commercial airliners would not necessarily preclude use of the soon to be opened LDA approach (old VOR), as that is also an instrument approach as is the ILS. The ILS would be used exclusively in inclement weather. Consequently, Mr. Badham's proposal would not necessarily require all flights to use the ILS approach as we originally believed. This issue will be discussed as part of Mr. Van Houten's report. City Counctl Report Status Report-JWA September 6, 1988 Page two ASC - At the August 20, 1988 meeting, a draft statement of air transportation ~-6~blems facing Orange County, was established (briefly defined as. unmet demand). The other agendized issues of Airport Site Selection and~Airport Site Evaluation Criteria were not addressed due to a lack of time. The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, October 1, 1988. CRAS - There is no new information to report on this group at this time. S~,eve ~ub~ ~ ~ Senior P1 anner SR:CAS:ts Attachment: JWA Monitoring Schedule ChriStine A. Shingleto)f/ Director of Community Development Corn rnunity Developrnen~ Depar~rnen~ ' I TUSTIN NOISE MONITORING PROGRAM No. Hours SHIFT HOURS DAYS Per Week 3:15 am - 3:30 pm 8:15 am - 3:30 pm 8:15 am - 3:30 pm 8:15 am - 3:30 pm Sa Su Mo Tu We 40 Fr Sa Su Mo 38 Tu We Th Fr Sa 40 Su Mo Tu We Th. 40 ......... E F H 3:00 pm - 11:45 pm 3:00 pm - 11:45 pm 3:00 pm - 11:45 pm 3:00 pm - 11:45 pm Sa Su Mo Tu We 40 Th Fr Sa Su Mo 40 Tu We Th Fr 38 Su Mo Tu We Th ~0 Rover Rover Rover Rover 8:15 am; lunch breaks Th & Fr~8hrs>; Sa Su Mo 88 3:00 pm; dinner breaks Fr(8hrs>; Sa Su Mo Tu 84 Lunch Breaks Tu We Th Fr 16 Dinner Breaks Sa(8hrs); We Th Fr 80 TUSTIN SITES SITE ADDRESS " .o 100 3 5 '7 8 .9 !0 11 13 1~+ 15 Dessa Schroeder "13908 Dall Lane Vacant lot next to City Hall Arthur Knox A.D. Armstrong Mrs. Jones Susan McCance Mike Kluiber Mr. & Mrs. Verge Jean Johansen Stan Ashbaugh 11851 Newport Ave. Winnwood Lane 1347771Falmouth Pl. 185 Orangewood Lane 177831 Norwood Park 855 "A" Street · l~88'Li.'vingston 14351Ehlin Way 177881E. 177th St. #88C 1777808 Rainier Dr. Sue Cowles 1183 N. Navarro Pl. Mr. & Mrs- Provost 18301 Vista Panorama School off Service Rd. ': 835 E. Main St. 18 80 81 Mrs. Darlmy 18781 Barrett Lane M:-m. Pankey 380 W. Main St. Paula Gaertener 111~8 Fenwick Place Si Lif£ 133~1 Bow Pl.