December 3, 1962
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M.
Present: Doney, Sheridan, Humeaton, Klingelhofer, Mack
Absent: None
City Attorney Rourke arrived at 7:38 P.M.
City Engineer McBride, absent (Mr. Wheelock present)
Mr. Sheridan asked by Mr. Doney to submit re-
commendations on Business License Study.
Moved by Mr. Sheridan, seconded by ~r. Mack
Business Lic. that final action on Business License be
Study deferred until meeting of December llth.
Fihal action on December llth ~o be preceded
by Study Session of Business License Com-
mittee and the Chamber of Commerce, Friday
night, 9ecember 7th, 8:00 P.M., Council
Moved by Mr. Sheridan, seconded by Mr. Mack,
that Minu~es of Novembec 19, 1962, be approved
as mailed and received. Motion carried.
Hearin on Zone Change Application No. 62-113,
Zone change Santa ~na Development Company, to permit the
Hearing building of Garden Apartments on property
62-113 located at the Southeasterly corner of Bryan
S. A. Dev. Co. AVenue and Main Street, opened at 7:45 P.M.
Clerk read application and correspondence
received relative to this from the County
Planning Department and Department of Build-
ing and Safety. Mr. Art Pilant spoke in be-
half of Santa na Development Company. No
objections from Police or Fire Departments.
No objections or further comments. Hearing
closed a~ 7:50 P.M.
Moved by Mr. Sheridan, seconded by Dr. Klingelhofer
that Zone Change Application No. 62-113 be approved
for P.D. Zone. ll voted in favor. Motion carried.
Moved by Mr. Sheridan, seconded by Dr. Klingel-
hofer that Ordinance No. 195 approving zone
Approving same change application No. 62-113 for P.~. Zone
have first reading by title only.All voted
in favor by roll call. Motion carried.
The Deputy City Clerk reported that this was the
time and place to which the matter of consideration
of bids for the work described in Resolution of
Bids Intention No. 615 in the matter of the construction
Tustin City Sewer of certain sanitary'sewers and appurtenant work in
Assess. Dist. 'Tustin City Sewer Assessment District No. 1~ was
No.1 continued, for the purpose of hearing the report
of the Engineer, to whom all bids were referred
for checking and report.
The Engineer reported that he had tabulated all bids
received for the said public work and described in
Sewer Bids said Resolution of Intention No. 6]~ and that the bid
of Three Hundred ~enty-Eight Thousand, Eight
Hundred Seventy-SevSnand 30/00 Dollars ($328,877.30)
submitted by E&uond J. Vadnais is the lowest regular
bi submitted for said improvement.
V&ereupon Councilman Sheridan offered and moved the
Award adoption of Resolution of Award of Contract No. 625,
of Contract awarding the contract to Edmond J. Vai~is at the prices~
nmned in his said bid, which said bid bei~ the
lowest, regular bid submitted for said improvement.
The motion was ~eConded by Councilman Hm~eston and '
upon roll call vote the said Resolution of ~vard of
Contract No. 625 was adopted by the following vote: n l
Ayes: CounCilmen Dbney, Sheridan, Humeston, Mack,
Noes: None
Absent: None
Moved byMr. Humeston, seconded byMr. Mack that
Paving request of Mr. Whoclock, Assistant tO Engineer, for
Tustin Ave. permission to~ contact the° County regarding the
paving of east side of ~astin Avenue, cost not to exceed
$ 500.00 be granted. Motion carried~. ·
Correspondence from AtchisOn, Topeka and Santa Fe
A.T. & SF ~ ~R regarding authority to const~ct ~tate Route 43
grade crossing and-t~ clos~ e~isting grade crossing~ referred to
attention of Mr. WhOclock, assistant to City Eng.
Correspondenc~ regarding ~range CoUnty Farmer's
Mutua~ Insurance Company on conversion program~ order ed
Correspon- filed. ~I
L~tter from Fairview TherapeutlcPool Volunteers,
ree~esting solicitation 'privileges referred to Clerk,
with request that City Clerk' S~ Office 0btah
specific dates they intend to solicit, before penmissi0n
be Zranted.~ ' '
Request from Boston Bull Restaurant, 420 E. First
Street, referred to Poli~e ~nd Fete Departments
for further inVestigstion .and referred back to
City Council for action~
Correspondence ordered filed.
Recommendation from'Mr. S~eridan, that as a time-
saver, only the highlights on Planling Com~'i~ission
Minutes be read. Minutes. of Pian~:ing Comr,.ission meeting
ef November 26, 1962 be noted as read and ordered filed.
Recommendation by Mr. Sheridan, that alternate
Laguna Rd naming of Laguna Road be put on Age~da for Monday
renaming evening, December 10, 1962.
~oved by Dr. Klingelhofer, seconded by. Mr. Humes~on
that Ordinance No. !90, modifying and amending the
Ord. 190 Zoning Map and rezoning property of ~.stin Land
Company to the P.D.Zone, have second reading by
title e~ly. Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Mr. Sheridan, seconded by Mr. Mack, that
Ordinance No. 190 be passed.and adopted. Motion
carried by roll call, all councilmen voting Aye.
Moved by Mr. Sheridan, seconded by Mr. Humeston that
Ord. 191 Ordinance No. 191, .o~oviding for the issuance and
Warrents payment of orders and warrants drawn on the City Treasury
have second reading b~ title dn]j. Motion carried
Moved by Mr. Sheridan, seconded by Mr. Humeston that
OrdilnanCe No. 191 be passed and adooted. Motion carried
by roll call, all counc~n voting Aye.
Moved by Mr. Sheridan, seconded by Dr. Klingelhofer,
Ord. 192 that Ordinance No. 192, amending Ordinance No. 2,
Meeting dates and 'p~e~c~ib'i~g 'r~gular meeting dates of the City
CouffcYl,' Have second reading by title only. Motion
~ar~i~d hn~n'i~o~sly.*
Moved b~ Dr.* KIZn~el~ofer, seconded by Mr. Mack, that
0rd~nance N~. 192, be passed and adopted; motion carried
by rO~I call ,' all' ~ouhc~iLm~n voting Aye.
Moved b~ ~r.~ Klii~elh~fer, seconded by Mr. Mack, that
Ordi~n'ce' ~lo.~ ]f9J, ~ending Ordinance No. 97, to
Ord. 193
Bond for pro~id~ Tor a Bond for City Treasurer have second
rea~i~'~ b~ t'itle' ohly. Motion carried hnanimously.
Moved b~ ~r.' Klingelhofer, seconded by Mr. Mack, that
Ordiha'n~e No. 193, be passed and adopted. Motion
carr'ie~ by' re,~l call, all councilmen voting Aye.
Move~d b~ Mrj Eu~es't~~, ~,~conded by Mr. Mack, that
Ord. 194 Ordihahc~e No~· 19~,' e~thblishing a curfew and previdin g
curfew penal~ie~ To~ ~ibl~t~ohs', have second readi~ by title
only'. · ~otibn carried unamimOUsly.
Moved by~ Mr. Mabk, seconded by Mr. Kume~ton that
Ordihahcle No'. 19~,' b~ ~assed and adopted. Motion
$arr~ie~d by r~ll call~, ~ll councilmen voti~ Aye.
Move~ by' ~fr.1 Ffum~s~oh,' seconded~ by Dr. Klingelhofer
Sewer Dist. that~ the T~stih Oi~t~ S~wer ~ssessment District be
anneke~ toI D~str~ct No. 7; with full consideration
Annes to Dist Z given 'to~ ~ef~r~nbe~ ahd~ recommendation from Mr. Rimel
and Mr. Nisson, that title to these lines will upon
completion and ~ayment therefore, vest in the City
of Tustin and that ~ ResolutiOn favoring same be adopted.
All voted' in favor. Motion carried.
DiscussiOn on Zone Change Application No. 62-111,
Zone change Smyth Bros. No. l, Mr. Smyth requested that they be
Smyth Bros No 1. granted their zone~ chane with no setbacks ~e~uired.
Moved by Mr. Humeston, seconded by Mr. Sheridan, that
the matter be deferred to January 7th meeting for further
discussion. Motion carried.
Moved by Mr. Sheridan, seconded by Mr. Mack, that
reconmendation received from Charles Greenwood regarding
Frontage Rd. the naming of frontage read to either "Village Lane','
Village Road," or Village Drive, he referred for furtther
consideration at next Planning Commission meeting.
Motion carried.
City Clerk requested to write Street Naming Committee
as to whether those mention names are available.
Renaming Recommended by Mr. Sheridan that Resolution No. 604, of
E St to the Plannmng Commission recommending change of "E" Street to
Prospect South Prospect be deferred for i'u~ther reconmendation.
Appt. to Recommended by Mr. Sheridan, that Primrose appointment
Fire Dept. to Tustin Fire Department be deferred to meeting of
December 17th.
Moved by Mr. Sheridan, seconded by Mr. Mack, that
City Attorney be instructed to draw up a Resolution
transferring $2,649.73 from t~ae Reserve to Account No ·
A-17, to cover bill fr6m CoUnty BuildLn~ Department
and $3,510.00 to A-11 to cover year's rent on
ArmstrOng property. Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Dr. Klingelhofer, seconded by Mr. Humeston
tha~t the Bills, in 'the sum of $4,029.63 be paid·
Motion carried·
Santa Ana Book StOre.. ....... $ 5.89
First Western Bunk (utilities).. . · 319.86
B. L. Wheelock ......... 25.00
Santa Ana Office Supply ...... 52.33
County of Orange ......... 931.52
'Business Equipment Co 67 28
Tustin News ........ 193.31
Tiernan's ....... 16.85
Dennis Printers .......... 6.36
Seagrave Pacifi~ Corp ......... 85.38
Orange County Business Service . . . 8.84 . ·
R. F. Dickson Company ........ 231.00
Orange County Title' Company ..... 3·80
Smith-Corona Marchant, Inc ...... 13, 00
Orange County RadiOtelephone .... 30.00
Tustin Lawnmowers & Saw Shop .... 7·23
Ruth C. Poe, Petty Cash .... 37.12
Rourke & Holbreok ......... 461.00
Harris & Frank ......... 7.80
Tastin ~ire Dept ....... 168.50 .
J. L. MCBride (Assess, Dist ~,.i · · · 2·00
J. L. McBride .......... 690.00
J. L. McBride(Assess Dist. ~) · · · 210.00
Buel A.' Williamson ....... 15.40
Van Hove and Dean ........ 58.73
Richfield Service, BOb de Sutter 22.65
Kenneth G. Hebard ...... 20.00
Signal Oil Co ..... 134.75
Orange Co. Ins. Agency ...... 147.76
Tustin l~aint StOre: .........
Moved by Mr. Sheridan, seconded by Mr. Mack, that the
meeting be adjourned to Tuesday, December ll, 1962
at 7:30 P.M., ~o consider Protest Hearing on
"Red Hill Annexation" and "Newpo~ Avenue Annexation"
also Business Licenses and other such matters
that might be requi~ed. }Totioh carried.
Deputy City Clerk ~