HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1962 11 19104 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 19, 1962 Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Doney. Present: Doney, Sheridan, Humeston, Mack, Klingelhofer : Absent: Non~ City Engineer: McBride, present City Attorney: Rourke, present MINUTES 0F Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman NOV. 5 & 8TH Klingelhofer that Minutes of November 5th and APPROVED AS NOvember 8, 1962, meetings be approved as mailed MAILED and received. Carried. The clerk notified the City Council that this TIME AND PLACE was the time and place fixed for the opening FOR OPENING of bids pursuant to notice inviting bids for OF BIDS the construction of certain Sanitary sewers RE SEWER and appurtenant work in ~TuStin City Sewer Assessment District No. 1~ in the City of Tustin, as contemplated by Resolution of Intention N . 621. FIVE BIDS The Clerk also reported that she had received RECEIVED five bids, which bids were.publicly opened and AS read, from the following: FOLLOWS: ' Bosco Construction Co. $383,428.00 8520 Fishman Santa Ana, Calif. Edmond J. Vadnais 328,877.30 P,0. Box 68 Etiwanda, Calif. Orange County Sewers, Inc. 409,021.15 1506 N. Clinton Santa Ana, Calif. Doffman Construction 359,718.50 124 N. La Brea Los Angeles, Calif. Matt Vukojevich & John Kordick 339,159.24 6124 Ferguson Drive Los Angeles, Calif. Reference is hereby made to the bids on file with the City Clerk for all details as to the unit prices and kinds or classes of work to be done. BID REFERRED On motion of councilman Mack, seconded by Council- TO CITY ENGR man Sheridan and carried, all bids were referred to the engineer and engineer of work for checking and report back at the regular meeting Monday, Dec. 3rd. Letter of appeal from Mr. A. R. Aunger along with APPEAL FROM letter from Mr. C. W. Donahue of the Department MR. AUNGER of Building and Safety ordering ~he condemnation RE CONDEMNATION or reconstruction of building owned by Mr. Aunger OF BUILDING AT on the N/W corner of Main and "D" Streets, read MAIN & D STREETS by Clerk. Mr. Aunger requested that the Council grant him more time to comply with said order. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman BUILDING TO BE Klingelhofer that there being no evidence to the con- DEMOLISHED BY trary to that submitted by the Department of Building JANUARY 15,1963 & Safety, the Codncil hereb confirms and ratifies letter of C. W. Donahue of ~ctober 23, 1962, ordering demolition or reconstruction of building at N/W corner of Main and "D" Streets. Demolition or reconstruction to be commenced within 48 hours of this date (November 19, 1962) and completed 90 days from date of original hear- ing on October 17th - that date being January 15, 1962, all in accordance with the Uniform Building Code and as ruled by the city attorney. Motion carried. Z.C. APPLICATION Moved by Councilman Humeaton, seconded by Councilman SMYTH DEFERRED TO Mack that Z.C. application No. 62-111, Smyth Bros. NEXT MEETING No. 1 Inc. be deferred to next regular meeting. Carried. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. Klingelhofer that Resolution No. 624, repealing 624 READ BY Resolutiens No. 471 and 479 and redesignating in- TITLE ONLY dividuals authorized to sign for and accept surplus federal property be read bytitle only. Motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council- RESOLUTION man Kling~lhofer that Resolution No. 624 be passed N0. 624 and adopted. Motion carried by roll call all councilmen votin~ Aye. Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman Klingelhofer that the E1 Camino Real bell now on the N/W corner ~f Main and "D" Streets. Carried. PRESSED ASKED TO The press was a~ked to publish s release stating PUBLISH A RELEASE that the C~ty of Tustin does not endorse: any plumb- THAT THE CITY ing firm and that nothing at this time requires a DOES NOT ENDORSE person to hookonto any sewer lines by any specific ANY PLUMB. FIRM date and advising people to read any and all con- ~racts or agreements thoroughly. STREET NAMING Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council- INFORMATION man Mack that correspondence from the county Street REFERRED TO Naming Committee and the Tustin Street Superin~enden~ PLAN. COM. regarding the naming of certain streets in the City of Tustin be referred to the Tustin Planning Com- mission for appropriate action. Carried. REQUEST FOR Request from Fairview T~erapeutic Pool Volunteers to SOLICITATION FROM solicit funds within the City, referred to City FAIR.THER.POOL VOL .attorney for checking and report. CORRESPONDENCE Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman RECEIVED & FILED Klingelhofer that corresp. ondence he received and ~iled. Carried. ORDINANCE NO. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman 189 HAVE SECOND Mack that Ordinance No. 189, an ordinance providing READ. BY TITLE for the continuity pf the government of the City in ONLY the event of an emeny attack, have second reading by title only. Carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF Mo~ed by Councilman Humeston, s~conded bX Councilman 0RD. NO. 189 Mack that Ordinance No. 189 be passed and adopted- carried by roll call, all councilmen voting Aye. Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman ADOPTION OF NEW Kl~ngelhofer and duly carried that the following SCHEDULE OF 'Schedule of Holidays~ as prepared by the city HOLIDAYS attorney be adopted: ~SCHEDULE OF HOLIDAYS The following Schedule of Holidays is hereby established for the employees of the City of Tustin, with the exception of employees of the office of the City Clerk: New Year's Day Memorial Day' Independence Day ~ Labor Day Veterans' Day ~ Thanksgiving Day Christmas If any of the foregoing holidays falls on a Saturday, those employees regularly scheduled to work on such.Saturday, and who.do work on . such Saturday, shall receive doubledtime for such work. When any of the foregoing holidays shall fall on a Sunday, the holiday shall be observed on the next day, Monday, which shall then be the holiday. Employees regularly scheduled to work on a Sunday upon which falls one of the foregoing holidays, and who dow0rk on such Sunday, shall receive double time. Any employee regularly scheduled to workon a Mon- day upon which a holiday is being observed either I by reason of it falling on a MOnday, or by reason of it falling on a preceding Sunday, and who does actually work on such Monday, shall receive double time. In no case shall an employee receive more than one day off for any given holiday, nor shall an em- ployeesreceive double time for more than one day on account of any one holiday. Department Heads shall have full diiscretion to vary the application of these provisions to provide adequate personnel for the rendering of all necessary services for the City of Tustin at all timeso~ ROYAL TOW· Appeal Hearing - RoyalTow Service, Variance No.62-120~ APPEAL HEAR. granted November 13, 1962 by Planning Commission, set !12-17-62 for Decemberl7, 1962. LEASE OP_ Recommended by Councilman Sheridan as Oommis.sioner TION DE~ of Finance, that lease option for the purchase of FERRED TILL second parcel of property from Betty Jane Armstrong !12-3 be deferred to December 3rd meeting - soordered. MAYOR DONEY Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Counoilman· TO BE AB- Humeaton that permission be granted Mayor Doney to SENT FROM be absent from t~e state from December 14th to STATE 12-14 January 2nd. Carried. TO 1-2-63 SHERIDAN Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman TO BE AB_ Humeaton that Councilman Sheridan be granted per- SENT FROM mission to be absent from the state December llth STATE 12-11 through the 14th - carried. BILLS TO Moved by Councilman Humeaton, Seconded by Councilman BE PAID Sheridan that bills in the amount of $6,306.69 be paid. Carried. BILLS November 19,1962 Tustin News(Sewer Assess. Dis~ #1 ........ $ 120.06 Tustin News .......................... 18-57 First West. Bank (utilities) ......... 60.78 Business E2umpment Co ................ 42.90 Santa Ana Engraving .................. 17.76 Ralph.L. Paulson ..................... 18.72 Motorola ............................. 93.86 Blower Paper Co.. ..... ; ................... 54-95 Dennis Printers ............................ 84 County of Orange Sheriff' Dept 15 69 Seagraves Pacific Corp .................... 97.50 ~and 10g nursery ......................... 11.29 ational Fire Protection Assoc ............ 23.00 California State Fire ..................... 51.00 Orange Pail N 205 14 Klein Linews .......................... ' ....................... .. ·, 5,82 Farnswor6h Jewelry... ............... ~ ...... 8.48 Kenneth G. Hebard ........................ 10.00 State Comp. Insurance Fund ................ 1,350.00 Hanson & Peterson. 280 00 'M~tor Fuel Ltd ......................... ............................ 27.93 Blystone Mach. Rental Co ............. 206.50 Betty Jane Armstrong (1 yr re~li ........ 3,510.00 Ralph L. Paulson .......................... 60.82 Print. Div.-Document Section .............. 1~.08 $6,306.69 ORD. NO. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman 190 FIRST Humeaton that Ordinance No. 190, rezoning property READ. BY of Tustin Land Company to the P_D Zone, have first TITLE ONLY reading by title only. Carried unanimously. ORD. N0. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman 191 HAVE Klingelhofer, that Ordinance No. 191, amending Ordinance FIRST READ. No. 8 and providing for the issuance and payment of Orders BY TITLE and Warrants drawn on the City Treasury, have first read- ONLY ing by title only. Carried unanimously. 0RD. N0. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman 192 HAVE Humeston that Ordinance No. 192, amending Ordinance FIRST READ. No. 2 and prescribing regular meeting dates of the BY TITLE City Council, have first reading by title only. ONLY Carried unanimously. ORD. NO. Moved by Councilman Klingelhofer, seconded by Council- 193 HAVE man Humeaton that ordinance No. 193, amending Ordinance FIRST READ. No. 97 to provide for a bond for the City Treasurer, BY TITLE have first reading by title only. Carri'ed unanimously. ONLY Moved by Councilman Klingelhofer, seconded by ~ouncilman ORD. N0.194 Humeston that Ordinance No. 194, establishing a curfew FIRST READ. and providing penalities for violations, have first TITLE ONLY reading by title only. Carried unanimously. ADOPTION Moved by Councilman Klingelhofer, seconded by Council- THAT ROBERTS man Humeaton ~and d~ly adopted, that Roberrs Ru~es of RULES OF Order be, and the same hereby are adopted as the rules ORDER BE of procedure of the City Council, Planning Commission, USED BY ALL Parks and Recreation Commission, and any and all other DEPTS. groups, bodies and committees of the City of Tustin. SEWER CONT. Decision on Sewer Maintenance contract with District DEFERRED No. 7 deferred to December 3rd meeting. BUS. LIC. Councilman Sheridan, chairman of Business License Com- COM. REPORT mittee, reported on meetings of said committee and Mr. Rourke reviewed contents of proposed Business License Ordinance. l:O 8 MOSES OBJECTED William Moses and Mr. Smyth spoke objecting TO LICENSING to any licensing on Gross Receipts basis or ON GROSS income tax type of l~cense and asking clarifi- RECEIPTS cation of parts of proposed ordinance, Moved~y CoUncilman Sheridan, seconded by Council- man Mack that the.council takes recognition of report and recommendations of the committee of proposed business.license.ordinance. Carried. RECESS-5 MIN. Mayor.Doney.declared.a.five-minute recess, Meeting reconvened.atoll:35.P-M- to discuss personnel~problems FIRE CHIEF. MsyoroDoney.recommended.that Fire Chief Hilton TO BE HIRED FULL-TIME be hired.as full,time fire.chief, AS OF Moved.by.Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council- DECEMBER 1, man Humeston~thag Chief Milton be hired as full- 1962 time Fire Chief-as-of Decembe~.l, 1962, Carried unanimously.. Moved by CounCilman.Sheridan, seconded by Council- ADJOURNMENT man Mack.thag.mee~ing be-adjo~Pned at 11:50 P,M, City ~terk