HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA LOW HSNG INCOME 09-19-88.- ,_ ..,,,,, .'~ ,. ~ I~, ~ REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY '~ "'~' ~'"' '~ ~ ~- "- ~"c" NO. 5 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTOM, [XEOJTIV[ DIRECTOR COMPJJNITY DEVELOPf4ENT DEPARTMENT COFIPLIANCE WITH AB 265 CONCERNING 'SET ASIDE' FUNDS FOR LOW AND MOOERATE INCOME HOUSING RECOI~IENDATXON: . It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency' 1. Adopt Resolution No. RDA 88-10, by title only. 2. Adopt Resolution No. RDA 88-11, by title only. BACKGROUND' iii Section 33334.6 of the California' Health and Safety Code identified as AB 265 (Chapter 1135, Statutes of 1985) requires redevelopment projects including those adopted prior to January 1, 1977 to set aside a minimum of 20~ of tax increment into a low and moderate income housing fund. Previously, this 20~ set aside provision applied only to redevelopment projects adopted subsequent to 1977. Since the Town Center Redevelopment Project was adopted prior to 1977, it was not previously subject to this 20~ set aside requirement. The new legislation requires that all projects, regardless of their adoption date, comply with the requirement. The legislation recognizes that, in certain project areas, pre-existing obligations and programs could render the 20~ set aside infeasible. Thus, the statute allows an agency to set aside less than the 20~ funds to carry out existing projects or programs. However, if an agency wishes to set aside less t~an the 20~, it must take certain action prior'to January 1, 1986 and annually. The legislation states that an agency may deposit less than the 20% required set aside if, in any fiscal year prior to 1996, the agency finds' City Council Report Set Aside Funds September 19, 1988 Page two (a)- that all or a portion of these funds are needed to meet existing obligations, that ts obligations incurred prlor to January 1, 1986; or (b) that all or a portion of these funds are necessary to provide for the orderly and timely completion of public and private projects, programs and activities, on which there is evidence of an intent to carry out the projects, programs or activities, prior to January 1, 1986. The Agency adopted a Statement of Existing Obligation and Programs on August 18, 1986 by the adoption of Resolution Nos. RDA 86-10 and RDA 86-11 and on August 17, 1987 with adoption of Resolution Nos. RDA 87-11 and RDA 87-12. It is our reading of Section 33334.6 that a finding that the housing set-aside may be reduced or eliminated should tax increment revenues be necessary to make payments toward Existing Obligations, must be made each fiscal year for this action to be warranted. ~. Appropriately, Resolution No. RDA 88-10 reaffirms the list of Town Center existing obl. igations and programs. The second attached Resolution No. RDA 88-11 makes'a finding that no deposit of' set-aside funds are necessary for fiscal year 1987-88. The State Department of Housing and Community Development were forwarded copies of draft Resolution No. RDA 88-10 and RDA 88-11. CAS: pe f Attachments: Resolution No. RDA 88-10 Resolution No. RDA 88-11 Community Development Depar~rnen: M 1 2 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 1.4 15 16 17 18 19 9,0 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. RDA 88-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUN'ITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN REGARDIflG THE READOPTION OF A STATEMENT OF EXISTING OBLIGATIONS OR PROGRAMS OR BOTH IN CONNECTION WITH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TOWN CENTER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan ("Redevelopment Plan") for the Tustin Town Center Redevelopment Project Area ("Project") in the City of Tustin was approved by the Redevelopment Agency and the City Council of the City of Tustin on November 22, 1976 by Ordinance No. 701. WHEREAS, Secti on 33334.5 (c) of the Ca 1 i forni a Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code, Section 33000 et. seq.) provides that unless the Redevelopment Agency by resolution makes one of the findings described in paragraphs (1) to (3), inclusive, of subdivision (a) of Section 33334.2, not less than 20 percent of the Project tax increment revenues allocated to the Agency pursuant to Section 33670 for the 1985-86 fiscal year and each succeeding fiscal year shall be deposited into a Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund for the Project established pursuant to Section 33334.3 to be used for the purposes set forth in Section 33334.2, except that: . · A) In any fiscal year, the Agency may deposit less than 20 percent of such Project tax increment revenues into the Project Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund if the Agency finds that the difference between the amount deposited, or to be deposited, and the amount required to be deposited {20 percent of Project tax increment revenues) is necessary to make payments of amounts due or required to be committed,..set aside, or reserved by the Agency during the fiscal year under existing obligations incurred by the Agency to finance or refinance, in whole or in part, the Project {"Existing Obligations") which Existing Obligations are contained tn a statement of Existing Obligations adopted by resolution of the Agency prior to September 1, 1986; and B) In each fiscal year prior to July 1, 1989, the Agency may deposit less than the amount required to be deposited (20 percent of Project tax increment revenues, less payments of amounts due to required to be committed, set aside, or reserved during the fiscal year under Existing Obligations) into the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund if the Agency finds that the deposit of such lesser amount is necessary in order to provide for the orderly and timely completion of public and private projects, programs, or activities approved by the Agency prior to January 1, 1986 and which are contained in a Statement of Existing Programs adopted by resolution of the Agency prior to September 1, 1986; and WHEREAS, the Agency approved existing projects, programs and activities by Resolution No. 85-18 of the Agency adopted on December 16, 1985; and WHEREAS, such existing projects, programs, and activities were described in Exhibits A and B attached and incorporated to Agency Resolution No. 85-18. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1.4 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Redevelopment Agency Resolutt on No. 88-!O- Page two WHEREAS, the Agency readopted a Statement of Existing Obllgations and Programs by. Resolution No. RDA 86-[0 on August [8, [986 and Resolution RDA 87-[[ on August [7, [987. NOW, THEREFORE, THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1. The Agency hereby readopts a Statement of Existing Obligations for the Tustin Redevelopment Project No. 1 attached hereto and marked "Attachment 1" and Statement of Existing Programs for the Tustin. Town Center Redevelopment attached hereto and marked "Attachment 2" as the statements required by Section 3334.6(c) of the California Community Redevelopment Law for those obligations incurred prior to January 1, 1986. Section 2. The Agency Secretary is authorized and directed to send a copy of this resolution to the ',.State Department of Housing and Community Deve 1 opine n t. .. : PASSED AND' ADOPTED at a regular meetidg of the Community Redevelopment Agency at Tustin, California, held on the day of , 1988. Ronald B. Hoesterey, Chairman Mary E. Wynn Secretary ATTACHMENT 1 To RDA 88-10 - STATENENT OF EXISTING OBLIGATIONS Town Center Redevelopment Project Description of Existing Obligations Tusti n Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center Area Redevelopment Project Tax A1 locatton Bonds- Sertes 1982 [~ Total Amounts of Remai nt ng Obligations $15,203,150 Range of Annual Payments Date Obligations Wi 11 Be Discharged $751,20 - 01/01/06 800,875 Undeteretned amunt of funds requtred to leple, ent projects approved prior to danuary 1, 1986. ' As refl'nanced on July 1, 1981 with bonds sold on August 5, 1987. See attached debt service schedule. " ACIIIAL l)E8I rA¥ffF. Nf :.,,,rtLDIJLF~ l~Fnler columns i) & G, r. hec'~ of eonth~ in cell ?)i-,let 151 paymrnt yr- 08-Jan-88 l'lJSlr [N REDEVEI. OPNFHI' AGt'ilICY $,:q,O6f. l,(IO0 1'~87 I¢,I~N CF. HIER ARI-A I'RnJFC1 ,SEN[--ANNIJAL DEltl SERVICE SCtlEDtlI.E OOHDS DATED 7/1/87 80NDS SOLD P.,15/87 FISCAl. YR flAT 1' - ...................................................... lOl'AI. f't~ll!l HG [Nlt Ill :';I ]NH:RES1 PRINCIFAI TOTAL ANNUAL JIINE ~0 PAYMFNI PA'fMENI PAtII[NI PAYNENI PAYHENI 1'.~:-~ $4`53,8?5.00 *'~",.325. O0 2.5,000 ~297,325.00 ~751,200:00 19R9 2/1,775.00 271,775.00 255,(1[10 526,775.00 798,550.00 IQgO 265,Q!0.00 265,Q10.00 270,000 5~S,QIO.O0 801,820.00 ,,. ,.t3,7K,. O0 243,705. O0 315, oorl 55~, 7tiS. O0 802,570. O0 [,~04 234,007.50 234,:~07.50 335,000 569,007.50 ~04,~!5.00 10o5 224,925.Hfl 224,025.00 355,(Ir10 57Q,q25. ftO ~04,850.00 1'796 2[3,920.00 213,~20.0n 375,000 500,920.00 ~02,~40.0(I IOO7 201, ~20. O0 ~01, o?{i. O0 400, Olffl 601,920. O0 ~03,~40. O0 1~,~ Im~9 1.73,A45.00 173,A45.HH ~455,000 62~,A45.00 002,290.00 PHO0 157,4'72.50 157,4'7?.50 4')0,000 647,492.50 004,9~5.00 2001 1,;Q,~52.50 ] 3Q,~'~?. 5(I ' 525,000 664,852.50 ~04,705.00 2003 - ,..)O. (,0 ~05,000 705,250. HD 005, aO0. O0 2004 77,:~6,5.00 77,~t65.HH ~5,000 722,~&5.00 ~00,730.00 2~.1fl5 54,00{I. (10 5~, 0(I0. fill a95,000 749,000. O0 803,000. O0 2006 27,937.5H 27 o,'..,0 .. ,..,," 745,0n0 772,')~7.50 800,875.00 ..................................... ~ ........................................ t.1,~2,.~50 $.~,4:]0,D00 $~,0~0,000 I;11,540,800 tl5,203,150 $/,143,150.f!0 . . e e . e ® . ATTACHMENT 2 To RDA 88-10 STATEMENT OF EXISTING PROGRAMS Town Center Redevelopment ProjeCt Potential expansion and renovation of commercial centers to include: expansion of existing lease space; construction of new, mixed use, structures; construction of parking structure(s); and the possible abandonment of public streets; Agency assistance may be required for construction of necessary off-site improvements or other financing assistance and restoration and expansion of an adjacent residential apartment complex. The five year capital improvement program budget adopted in fiscal year 1986-87 totalling $4,926,192. Undetermined costs associated with street improvement plans recommended by the Planning Commission in conjunction with the First Street Specific Plan. ~. Negotiations underway for acquisition of real property within the project area for the purposes of redevelopment of non-conforming structures and sites. Such acquisi'tion is consistent with the goals and objectives of the adopted Redevelopment Plan. "Policy of the Redevelopment Agency for the Allocation of Housing Assistance Funds" as adopted on January 7, 1985. Agency participation in the construction and operation of a Senior Citizen Center. The commitment of Agency funds to the expansion of civic center facilities as recommended by space needs study commissioned by the Agency. Formulation and implementation of a multi-phase strategy plan for the redevelopment of the downtown business district. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. RDA 88-11 RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN MAKING A FINDING RELATING TO THE TOWN CENTERPROJECT AREA LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING FUND DEPOSITS PURSUANT TO SECTION 33334.6 OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT LAW WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan ("Redevelopment Plan") for the Tustin Town Center Redevelopment Project Area ("Project") in the City of Tustin was aproved by the Redevelopment Agency and the City Council of the City of Tustin on November 12, 1976; and WHEREAS, Section 33334.6(c) of the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code, Section 33000 et. seq.) provides that unless the Redeveloment Agency by resolution makes o-'-ne of the findings described in paragraphs (1) to (3), inclusive, of subdivision (a) of Section 33334.2, not less than 20 percent of the Project tax increment revenues allocated to the Agency pursuant to Section 33670 of the 1985-86 fiscal year and each succeeding fiscal year shall be deposited into a Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund for the Project established pursuant to Section 33334.3 to be used for the purposes set forth i.n Section 33334.2, except that: A. In any fiscal .year, the Agency may deposit less than 20 percent of. such Project tax increment revenues into the Project Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund if the Agency finds' that the difference between the amount deposited, or to be deposited, and the amount required to be deposited (20 percent of Project tax increment revenues) is necessary to make payments of amounts due or required .to be committed, set aside, or reserved by the Agency to finance or refinance, in whole or in part, the Project ("Existing Oblig'ations") which Existing Obligations are contained in a statement of Existing Obligations adopted by resolution of the Agency prior to September 1, 1986; and B. In each fiscal year prior to July 1, 1986, the Agency may deposit less than the amount required to be deposited {20 percent of Project tax increment revenues, less payments of amounts due to required to be committed, set aside, or reserved during the fiscal year under Existing Obligations) into the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund if the Agency finds that the deposit of such less amount is necessary in order to provide for the orderly and timely completion of public and private projects, and which are contained in a Statement of Existing Programs adopted by resolution of the Agency prior to September 1, 1986; and WHEREAS, the Agency adopted Resolution No. 87-11 on August 17, 1987 reaffirming a Statement of Existing Obligations or Programs or Both of the Tustin Town Center Redevelopment Projects and listing obligations incurred and programs approved prior to January 1, 1986; and WHEREAS, the payments 6equired for the obligations adopted in the Statement of Existing Obligations or Programs or Both in Resolution No. 88-10 will be in excess of 1.4 million dollars during the fiscal year 1987-88; and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1.4 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Redevelopment Agency Resolution No. 88-11 Page two WHEREAS, 1987-88 revenues allocated or to be allocated to the Town Center Project pursuant to Sectton 33670 of the Health and Safety Code are estimated to be $1,839,385; and WHEREAS, of the taxes allocated for the Project pursuant to Section 33670 of the CRL for the 1987-88 fiscal year an estimated minimum of $367,877 is to be deposited into the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund pursuant to Section 33334.6(c) of the Community Redevelopment Law except as otherwise permitted by subdivisions (d) and (e) of said Section. NOW, THEREFORE, THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN does herby resolve as follows: Section 1. The Agency hereby finds that the difference between the amount deposited, or to be deposited into the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund of the Tustin Town ~enter Project Area for the 1986-87 fiscal year and the amount required to be deposited pursuant to Section 33334.6(e) of the Community Redevelopment Law is $367,877 and further finds that such amount is necessary to make payments of amounts due' or required to be committed, set aside, or reserved by the'Agency during the 1986-87 fiscal year under existing obligations incurred and adopted by the Agency to finance or refinance, in whole or in part, the Project and to provide for the orderly and timely completion of the programs which existing obligations and programs are contained in the "Statement of Existing Obligations or programs or Both" adopted by Resolution of the Agency on September 19, 1988. Section 2. The Agency directs that pursuant to the above finding no deposits are to be made to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund for the Tustin Town Center Redevelopment Project Area for the 1987-88 fiscal year. Section 3. The Agency Secretary is authorized and directed to send a copy of this resolution to the State Department of Housing and Community Development Department. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency at Tustin, California, held on the day of , 1988. ii Ronald ~. Hoesterey Chairman Mary E. Wynn Secrtary