NOVEMBER 5, 1962
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Doney.
Present: Doney, Sheridan~ Humeston, Mack, Klingelhofer
City Engineer McBride, present
City Attorney Rourke, present
Moved by'COuncilman Mack, seconded by Council-
APPROVAL OF man Sheridan that Minutes M
of Regular eeting
MINUTES OF of October 15th and Regular Adjourned Meeting
OCT. 15 & 29 of October 29th be approved as mailed and re-
ceived. Carried.
Hearing Opened at 7:32 P.M. on Zone Change Ap_
SMYTH BROS. plication No. 62-111,t Zone property
HEARING OPENED change from "U' zone
located at ll02 E. Main Street, Tustin, and
at property bounded by Main, Bryan and
Newport Avenue, Tustin.
Application, correspondence from the County
CORRESPONDENCE Planning Department and County Land Use and
READ Resolution No. 596 of the Tustin Planning
Commission were read by the clerk.
Mr. Smyth spoke objecting to building line
recommendations as set forth by Planning
COMMENTS Commission Resolution o. 596 although he
was planning on erecting his buildings even
behind this line.
It was explained that a building line did not
" necessarily constitute the right of way line.
Mr. R. Windolph, speaking for Mr. Suddaby, ob-
" jected to building lines as set.
There being no further comments or objections,
HEARING CLOSED the Hearing was declared closed at 7:40 P.M.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
DECISION RE Couhcilman Mack that any action by the City
SMYTH BROS. Council on Zone Change No. 62-111, Smyth Bros.
DEFERRED #1 Inc. be deferred to next regular meeting on
November 19, 1962. Carried.
Hearing on Zone Change Application No. 62-112,
TUSTIN LAND Tustin Land Company, to change from R-1 to
acres outh of
C0. HEARING P.D. Zone the lower 2.1 S A.T.
OPENED RR and north of Orange County FloQd Control,
opened at 7:55 P.M.
CORRESPONDENCE Clerk read a[plication, correspondence from
READ County Land se, and Resolution No. 597 of
Tustin Planning Commission.
Mr. E. Jacobson spoke in favor of change and
COMMENTS explained reasons due to size and shape of
There being no objections or comments, the
Hearing was declared closed at 8:06 P.M.
ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
Z.C. N0' 62-112 Klingelhofer that applicatio~ No. 62-112 request be
TO P.D. granted and property be rezoned P.D. Carried.
BILL GRAY, C.D. Col. B. Williamson, Civil Defense Director, a~ked that
ASST. DIRECTOR Resolution No. 479 be amended to name William H. Gray,
C. HALL, DEPUTY Assistant C. D. Director and Chester Hall Deputy
C. D. Director. '
ABOVE REQUEST Moved by Councilman Sheridan seconde~ by Councilman
GRANTED Humeston that request of B..~illiamson be granted and
.attorney to draft said amendments. Carried.
APPRECIATION Moyed by Councilman Sheridan seconded b Councilman
TO C.D.DIRECT_ Mack that action by the Mayo~ and Civil Eefense Director
OR FOR ALL expressing extreme apEreciation for all services rendered
SERVICES to the Civil Defense apartment recently, be ratified.
ORD. NO. 189 Moved by Councilmah'Sheridan seconded by Councilman
FIRST READ. ~lingelhofe~that 0rd~na~ce ~o. 189 providing for the
BY TITLE ONLY Continui~y~Q~ go~nm~n~ ~av~ firstsreading by title
only. Motion carried unanimously.
PROJECT N0. Moved by'~ouncilman Humeston seconded by Councilman
26 SUBMITTED ~lingelhofer~that'~lanS?f~l~r0ject 26 improvement of
~outh 'D Street from Laguna Road to S~nta And Freeway
be submitted to the State Highway Department. Motion
Motion made. by Councilman Humeston, seconded by Council-
man Klingelhofer recommending al~roval of letter of Mullin
Lumber Company, dated, November 2 1962 as recommended by
City Engineer. Motion carried. ' '
LETTER TO BE Councilman i geih0 er r uested a letter of 'thanks"
WRITTEN TO be written to Lydia Davis for excellent recommendations
LYDIA DAVIS and advice. as to tree. planting in the City. Said letter
so ordered by~helMayor.
BOY SCOUT ~oved byjC0uncilman_MaCk~conded by Councilman
CHRIST.TREE ~heridan that r~Gues~ of Boy Scout Troop #33 to conduct
SALE annual Ch~is~mas, Tr~e.~a~~ be granted subject to ap-
proval of lot by PoliQ~ Chief and Fire Chief. Carnied.
CORRESPONDENCE Moved by ~Ouncilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman
FILED ~lingelhofer that correspondence be received and filed.
Carried. ...~ ....... ~ ·
0RD. NO.186 Moved by counciim~n Klingelhofer seconded by Council.
RE KLATT ZC man Sher~anthat'0~dinanCe No. is6 changing the property
Qf Klatt,~Q, th~~CLi P~Z6~ehave second reading by title
TITLE ONLY 9nly. C~ed~animously.
ADOPTION OF ~oved by c6~Qilman M~ck~ seconded'byCouncilman Sheridan
0RD. 186 ~hat rdi~anceN01'i~'be p~ssed and, adQpted. Motion
carried by. roll call, all Oouncilmen voting Aye.
0RD. N0.187 Moved byeCouncilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman
RE TRUXTON Mack that Qrdina~ce No. 187, changing the property
P.D. ZC READ of Truxton~Corp. to the P.D. Zone have second reading
BY TITLE ONLY .by title only. Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan~ seconded by Councilman
ADOPTION OF Mack that Ordinance No. 187 be passed and adopted.
0RD. 187 Motion carried by roll call, all councilmen voting Aye.
0RD. N0. 188 Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman
Klingelhoferthat Ordinance No. 188 changing property
HOFER ZC on North side of Third Street to th~ C_2 zone have
SECOND READ. second reading by title only. Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Councilmen Sheridan, seconded by Councilman Mack
ADOPTION OF that Ordinance No. 188 be passed and adopted. Motion
0RD.#188 carried by roll call, all councilmen vosing Aye.
Moved by Councilman Humeaton, seconded by Councilman Mack that .
Mayor be authorized to execute for the City the Agreement
between theeCity of Tustin and Holthe Disposal Service now a
partnership. Carried.
City Attorney requested to draft the necessary papers covering
paid holidays as presented by councilman Mack~
Mr. Sheridan and Mr. R. Smith presented some of the findings
resulting from a joint study~of the City and County regarding __
property ~n South Tustin area..
Moved by Councilman Klingelhofer, seconded by Councilman
Humeston that bills in the amount of $8,579.20 be paid. Carried.
Tustin Blacksmith Shop ........... $ 6.50
L. W. Bemis .................... 30.91
Carson & Golding ................ 72.20
Desmond's; ..................... 199.11
Tustin Fire Dept 263 50
2 si
Mullin-Lumber Co ..............
First West. Bank (utilities) .... 675.61
iernan's ............... ....
Raymond Parker ..... ..... ~ .....
Senior Citizen's of Tustin .....
County of Orange-Survey & Road . 360.19
R. F. ickson ................ 231.00
Ruby McFarland, County Recorder.. 4.00
Santa Ana Engraving .............. 9.47
Orange County 'Blueprint .......... 128.96
Tustin News ................
Tustin News i~ustin City A~er
Assess. Dist. #1) ............... 125.28
Petty Cash, Ruth C. Poe ......... 29.95
Tustin Hardware ................. 166.20
Blys~one Machinery .............. 155.00
Kaare's Car Wash lll.00
vista ..................
Van Hove - .................
Santa Ana Office Supply ......... 34.92
Signal 0il Co. ..... ! ............ 220.50
Hanson & Peterson ............... 290.00
County of Orange, Bldg. & Safety. 2,649.73
J.L.McBride [Sewer Assess. #1)... 240.00
J. L. McBride ................... 720.00
Ralph Paulson ...................
County of 0range-Commun .......... 283.23
Harold M Duff
Harris & Frank .............. 30.00
Pacific Intermountain ~ss .... 10.15
Bob de Sutter Richfield ......... 33-10
Buel A. Williamson ............. 26.59
Muriel Stafford ~ ............... 30.00
.... 8.37
w. oney ..... 29.59
State of Calif.,
Orange County Radiotelephone .... 30.00
B.L.Wheelock~ Amto Allowance .... 25.00
James Rourke,ILegal Fe~s ........ 485.00
James Rourke,.Sewer Assess,. #1... 585-00
Moved by Councilman Sheridan? seconded b Councilman Klingelhofer
that meeting be adjourned to 1:30 F.M., ~hursday, November 8,1962.
Carried. ~./~,/~/~6//.'
C~[CLE~K~ /