October 15, 1962
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Doney.
Present: Doney, Sheridan, a'Aack, Klingelhofer
Mr. Humeston arrived at 7:38 P.M.
City Engineer' McBride, present
City Attorney Rourke, present
Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Couneilman-Sheridsn that October 1st
minutes be approved as corrected and
OCT 2 October 2nd minutes be approved as
mailed and received. Motion carried.
Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Comncilman Sheridan that minutes of
October 15th Special A'Aeeting be approved
as read. Motion carried.
PROCEEDINGS OF Moved by CouncilmanI Sheridan, seconded
by Councilman Mack that proceedings of
SPEC. MEETING, 12 Special Meeting, held 12 noon, October
NOON OCT. 15th
15th, be approved, confirmed and ratified.
Mr. Humeston arrived at 7:38 P.M.
Z.C. NO. 62-109 Hearing on zone change application Noo
CARL J. KLATT ET AL 62-109, Carl J. Klatt et al, opened at
7:38 P.M.
Clerk read application.for C~2 zoning at
DISCUSSION 17201-17251 E. Seventeenth Street.
Corre~oondence from County Planning re-
commending uses in County C-1 zone and
" Resolution No. 590 of Tustin Planning
Commission recommending C_I zoning of
said property.
HEARING CLOSED The~e being no objections or comments,
the hearing was declared cl.osed at 7:40
Mr. Wild-representing Mr. C. Klatt,
answered council questions regarding use
of land and stated that they had no ob-
jections to C-1P restrictions.
ATTORNEY TO REZONE Moved by Mr. Sheridan, seconded by Mr.
PROPERTY OF KLATT Mack that the City Attorney prepare an
FROM R-1 to C-1P ordinance to fezone Klatt property
from R.1 to C_iP. Carried.
ZC 62-110, TRUXTON Hearing on zone change a]~plication No.
62_110, Truxton Corporati'on, to permit
P-D ZONING P-]~ Zoning on property southwest of Santa
Ana-Newport Freeway interchange opened at
7:54 P.M.
Clerk read application correspondence from Mr.
CORRESPONDENCE Neison, Coun~ Land UsA Administrator, and Resolu-
RESOL. NO. 591 tion No. 591,~ ustin Planning Commission, re-
commending P.D Zoning~
M~.~Don Ayres, Jr. Truxton Corp. representative,
HEARING CLOSED explained type of development planned. Hearing
declared ~lo~ed at 8:04 P.M.
APPROVAL OF Moved'by'CoUncilman_ISheri~an~ seconded by Councilman
Z.C. NO. 62-110 Mack that zone change application No. 62-110, Trueton
ATTY TO DRAW Corporation, be approved and attorney to draft ordinance
ORD. REZONING rezoning said property to P_D Zone. Motion carried
TO P-D ZONE ' ~ '
HEARING RE REZON. Hearing on the pezoning of certain property on north
THILRD ST. OPENED side of Third Street between "C" Street and ~D" Street
~ opened at.8:20 P.M.
Mr. Ebel spoke in favor of C.2 zoning.
HEARING CLOSED Hearing declared closed at 8:21 P.M.
ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded by Councilman
REZONING FROM Klingelhofer that attorney draft ordinance rezoning
R_3 TO C_2 ~roperty onnorth side of Third Street from "C" to
_ATTY TO DRAW D~ Streets all in-accordance with map and legal
UP RESOLUTION description from R-3 to C_2 Zone. Carried.
INFO ABOUT Letter from J. L~ McBride, Engineer, stating emergency
EMERGENCY OF existing at Prospect and Main Streets regarding need
CULVERTS ETC ON for culverts and catch basins at this loc~tion and
PROS. & MAIN STS. itemized bid read.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman
ADOPTION OF Klingelhofer that attorney be directed to draw re-
RESOLUTION- solutien'(bef0re closing, o~ this meeting) finding an
$3,500 TO BE emergency exists and that work must be commenced
SPENT FOR WORK by0c~ober l?th in o~derto be completed before the
RE ABOVE PRIOR 'rainy season and authorizing the city engineer to
TO OCT. 17th proceed at alcoSt not toexceed $3,500.00. Carried.
The following motion was duly made by Councilman
Humeston, seconde~ byeCoUncilman Mack and unanimously
CLERK TO ADVISE adopted: hat the lerk of.the Council be authorized
CALIF. LEAGUE and'directed toladviselthe-Gatifornia League of Cities
OF CITES 0F ofthe S~pport~lan~ endorsement by the City of Tustin
SUPPORT OF CITY of the proposed one cent addition to the Gas Tax,
RE ONE CENT which itis proposed shall be allocated to counties
ADDITION TO an~ cities unde~ the formula previously approved by-
GAS TAX the. League of Cities,~and paid on a matching basis.
The a~ption of this measure is considered vital for
the construction of adequate primary and secondary
highways within the City of Tustin, adequate t~
meet th~expandeddemand.
COMMITTEE AP- MayorDoney ap oint~ a committee consisting of Mr.
POINTED RE Humeston, Mr. ~cBride aBd Mr. Doney to study and
SEWER MAINTENANCE report on sewer maintenance of sewers in Assessment
IIN ASSESS. NO. Distric~ No. l, the spread of costs and building
1. permits and hook-uplcharges within said district.
Movedby Councilman Humeston, seconded by Councilman
'B", 6th MAIN Mack that the-street superintendent be authorized
& PACIFIC STS to close '~" St~eet,~ SiXth Street, Pacific and Main
TO BE CLOSED FOR Str~ets~tothru trafficas necessary for sewer con-
SEWER CONSTRUCT. struction. Carried.
PART_TIME EMPLOYEE Moved byICoUncilman Sherid n, seconded by
TO BE HIRED TO CouncilmanMackthat Oity ~lerk be author-
WORK WITH CITY CLERK ized'to hire part-~ime personnel to work
AT $2.00 PER HOUR with her forlfamiliarization period at $2.00
NOT TO EXCEED THREE per hour on a temporary basis, not to ex-
MONTHS -ceed three months. Carried.°
Mr. R. Emith and r. . . c him-
COMMITTEE APPOINTED self, as.ex-offiCio member, to a committee to
TO INVESTIGATE. investigate. possible applicants forapro-
POSSIBLE APPLICANTS fessignalplanner amd make recommendations
FOR A PROFESSIONAL to the Council for final action. One more
PLANNER member to be appointed to said committee
at a later'date.
Moved by Councilman:Sheridan, seconded by
ADOPTION OF COMPLETE Councilman Humeston that complete set of
SET OF PLANS FOR plans for Tustin Sewer Assessment District
TUSTIN SEWER ASSESS. No. i including the following ll modified
DIST. INCLUDING pages - Nos; 2, 4, ll, 12, '15, 16, 17, 22,
MODIFIOATIONS 23, 28 and 41 be received and filed.
Mayor Doney called a 5 minute recess.
Meeting reconvened at 9:20 P.M.
Moved~byCouncilman Sheridan, seconded by
Councilman Mack that Resolution No. 619 -
RESOLUTION N0. "A Resolution of Intention of the Cit~ of
619 READ BY Tustin, California, proposing to. change,
TITLE ONLY modify and amend resolution of intention
No~ 615 pertaining to"Tustln ~ity Sewer
Assessment District' No. 1' and the plans
heretofore approved~for said Assessment
District as said pla~s a~e referred to and
incorporated in said resolution of in
tentionNo. 615, and to modify the work
to be done as described and shown on said .
plans; fixing the time and place of hearing
upon the proposal tO so change; modify and
amend said resolution o~ intention, plans
and work, and directing:the city clerk to
publish notice of said:~earing~ - be read
by title only. Motion carried unanimously.
ADOPTION OF RESOL. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by-
N0. 619 RE SEWER Councilman Mack that ReSolution No. 619, be
ASSESSMENT DIST. passed and adopted. Motion/~carried by roll
call - all cSunciimen'voting Aye.
REQUIREMENTS FOR Councilman Klingelhofer, Park'Commissioner,
BORROWING CITY asked to set up requirements for borrowing
PROPERTY TO BE of city property and equipment by area
SET UP organizations and report at October 29th
Moved byCouncilman. 3heridan, seconded hy
CORRESPONDENCE RE COuncilman MaCk that correspondence regard-
HOLTHE DISPOSAL mng Holthe ~isposal Service partnership
SERVICE REFERRED ana agreement with the City be acknowledged
TO CITY ATTORNEY and received and referred to city attorney
for recommendations at October 29th meeting.
Motion carried by rolllIcall.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
CAMP FIRE GIRLS Councilman Klingelhofer that permission be
TO CONDUCT ANNUAL ranted Camp Fire Girls Orange County
NUT SALE IN ~ounci~, permission to ~onduct annual nut
FEBRUARY 1963 sale in the City from January 18th thru
February 4, 1963. Carried.
MARCH OF Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman
DIMES Klingelhofer that~0r~nge County Chapter of March of
CAMPAIGN Dimes be granted permission to conduct annual fund-
JANUARY raising campaign in'this city during the month of
1963 January 1963. .Carried~
Correspondence.fromEngineering and Grading Con_
tractors~Association deferred to a later date.
Moved~by.~ouncilman. Mack, seconded by Councilman
COUNTY Sheridan~that.the County Registrar of Voters be
REGISTRAR OF requested to.complete form Of certification of
VOTERS TO number of registered voters as of October 10, 1962,
NO. 2
CORRESPONDENCE Moved.by~Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
Councilman KlingeIhofer that correspondence be
FILED received.and filed. Motion carried.
C~. PLAN.COM.MIN.. S~cretary.read Planning Commission minutes of
~. READ 0ctober~8th meeting.
~ BUS.LIC.COM. A meeting of Business License Committee set for
~ MEET. 10-23 7~30 P~M-gctober 23, 1962.
0RD. 705 of Moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded by Council_
COUNTY SANITAT. man Mack that Ordinance No. 705 of County Sanitation
DIS.#7 MADE District No. 7, be made a part of this council's
PART OF RECORDS reCords~ Carried.
AGREEMENT Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded ~y Councilman
WITH COUNTY Mack that Mayor and City ~lerk be authorized to
--- RE 0RD. N0.
execute agreement implementing County Sanitation
705 District No. 7, Ordinance No. 705- Carried.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman
RESOL. NO. Mack that Resolution No. 620, declaring an emergency
620 READ BY requiring immediate construction of catch basis and
TITLE ONLY culvert at Prospect and Main Streets and authorizing
said improvement construction be read by title only.
Motion carried, unanimously.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman
ADOPTION OF Mack that Resolution No. 620 be passed and adopted.
RESOL. #620 Motion carried by roll call, all councilmen voting
Moved byCouneilmam Sheridan, seconded by Councilman
BILLS TO BE Humeston that bills, in the amount of $3 128.38 be
PAID paid. Motion carried.. ' '
Orange County Blueprint ............ $ 58-81
Fire Extin uisher Main. Co ........... 64.36
Travelers ~nsurance Co ............... 199.50
A R Edman~Co. 81 00
" BILLS TO BE Auto Service Center .................. 18.06
PAID Tustin News ......................... 131.41
Dick 231
R.F. son C · 00
e 's dy Mi°'d'Wa A 'iA li ......
lch Re xe · ....... 23
Van Hove & Dean ....................... 155.53
Santa Ana Blue Print Co ............... 33-63
Smith Corona Marchant Inc .............. 11.86
AtlasCoverall & Uniform ............... 19.50
Tustin Hardware~i,...j. ....... $ 63-79
Tustin Dru5 & Variety ..... .... 14.62
ervice..~..~.....~. 13.26
TustinPaimtStore~,..~.~..... 6.74
Munsene Supply Co i.I ....iii 4.94
Signal0il o...,.' ....
. · 116.38
V D,.
Henry .IEastman, M., ...;,. 6.00
KennethG, Hebard....~ .... ... 20.00
Lea Johnson ~ 25 56
Carson &Goldingots.... ....... 43.49 -
Tustin Radio=& TV 11.23
League of Calif. Cities ....... 24.97
Tustin Lawn Mower .., ....... ~, 3.02
First West Bank (utilities)... 32.12
~Business Equipment=Co, ....... ~ 20.00
West. Right of Way Service
(Assess.'Dist~ #1)...~ .... 1,600.00
Mullin LumberoCo~;(Assess. #1) 26.06
County Sheriff 17 55
~Otal ~ills Paid...... $3i078.22'~-
Moved by Councilman Humeston, secondedby
CouncilmanlMackthat meetingbe adjourned
to October 29, 1962, at 7:30P.M, Carriedj
Corrected Minute Order.on October 1st Minutes as foliows:
Moved~by Councilman Sheridan,.seconded by
Councilman Etkngelhofer that meeting be
adjourned to 7:30 P.M. 0ctober2, 1962.
:Carried. ~ ' '