HomeMy WebLinkAboutOld Business #3 4-20-87 E.Tusti~ ---., ,-~-..., , ~ r~ . OLD BUSINESS
I;'~ ;~ .... .', '.'~i'~' ~?, ~ NO. 3
ATE: APRIL 20, 1987 ~~~ .......... I
Pleasure of the Council.
On March 16, 1987 the City Council continued discussion on the subject matter at
the request of the Irvine Company to permit the East Tustin Policy Committee to
meet with them and respond to their requests for clarification. The Policy
Committee and Irvine Company representatives met on April 15, 1987. Based upon
t nformati on presented at this meeti rig, the Commi tree cl ari fi ed their
recommendations as shown in Attachment A.
The Committee is r. equesting City Council confirmation of their recommendations.
Christine Shtn~16ton '~
Director of Community'q)evelopment
CAS :'pe f
April 15, 1987
The East Tustin Polity Committee met on April 15, 1987. The general issues
contained in .the Committee's January 26th memorandum were discussed and clarified
with Committee members as follows: ·
A. Affordable Housing
The Irvtne Company has submitted an affordable housing plan for the East
Tustln project area which addresses the 600 units within the affordable to
moderate income range that is required per the East Tusttn EIR. The
committment to said Plan will be conditioned as part of Tract Map approval and
meets the intent of the policy direction established on January 19, 1987.
Further, the proposed plan (see attachment.B) meets requiremenis of the East
Tusttn Specific Plan and related documents.
B. Private Recreation Areas
iii i i
Policy direction was clarified to note that private recreation areas will be
required for multiple-family subdivisions, or single family subdivisions with
individual lot sizes less than 5,000 square feet. Additionally, it was
clarified that private recreation areas for individual projects may, as
conditions warrant, be developed as a combined facili.~y/site improving the
quality of usable space. .
C. Open Space within Development Projects
Concurrance wi th poltcy direction was stated and staff will respond to an
Irvine Company proposal on specific open space design criteria. Issues of
discussion will revolve around definition of usable space and esta§lishment of
measurable standards.
D. Latitude in Architectural Review
Policy direction was clarified. Con~nittee concern in this area is with
physical constructi on detai 1 s and app1 i cations rather than general
architectural themes. However, it ts understood that through Council,
Planning Commission and 'staff authority, general design review is still in
order and will · be admi nistered..tn conforn~nce with the East Tustin Specific
Plan. The intent of the policy committee is to advise potential builders, at
the earliest stage possible, that the City expects great attention to .detail
and will be reviewing early submittals accordingly. These design reviews will
address objective criteria such as quality of nmterials and construction
techniques as established by industry standards.
E. Retention of Mature Trees ·
Concern for retention of trees was reinforced with an acknowledgement nmde~
that removal of some identified species and wind rows will be required prior
to' development. Criteria is to be established setting parameters by which
Community Development Department
Attachment A
Page two
decisions concernlng-retentlon or removal of trees can be made. Crtterla to
be considered include: health of trees; adapttbtltty to new development;
tmpacts to grading that would cause excessive development costs; potential
maintenance and 11ability problems; and all poslttve aspects of retaining
trees such as maintaining a natural visual buffer between existtng homes and
new devel opmen.t. '
F. Multi-use Trails and Corridors
The Committee is pleased with proposed trail system for linkage with the golf'
course· Eventhough the level of detail required to determine appropriate
project connecting systems is not available at this time, the policy committee
re-affirmed its desire to see such systems, as projects proceed. Accordingly,
sector.plan approvals will include a condition that advises future builders of
the City's desire and will require that consideraton be given to local trails
at project subdivision level·
Driveway Lengths
No clarification needed, staff and Irvine Company proceeding with discussions
of guidelines to be 'utilized. Again to inform future builders, sector concept
plans and subdivision approvals will address this issue.
H ·
Use of Private Streets
While it was recognized that the East Tusttn Specific Plan identifies minimum
private street width standards, project review will consider safety issues on
a case by case basis. It was also indicated that there was a need to clarify
what would be considered a private driveway or private street particularly on
mUlti-family projects. Further clarification was also given that construction
standards for streets {i.e. depth of asphalt over a base), standards for
drainage swales, standards for street lights and for private sewer/water
systems need to be established.
Public Transit Facilities and Amenities along Major Arterials
Di recti on -bet ng fol 1 owed:
School Locations
No further clarification needed.
K. Location of Sidewsalks at Street Curb
It was clarified that meandering sidewalks would largely be provided along
major arterials~
L. Golf Course Restaurant Site
No clari fi cati on needed.
Community Development Department m
Attachment A
Page three'
M. Chi ldcare Centers
Irvine Company agreed to provide specific proposals on this issue similar to
the level of commi, ttment made in Irvine. Conversely, Committee wlllfng to
entertain possible park and recreation credit where Child Care Centers are
incorporated tn private recreation areas. ·
community Development DePartment
· !.
The East Tustin Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report No. 85-2 has' identified
that 100 low income units and 500 moderate income units would be designated
for the East Tustin area. The East Tustin Specific Plan states "If affordable
housing is to be developed, it would most likely occur within these (medium
and medium high density categories) areas due to the high market price of lower
density housing".
The first three (3) apartment programs in our plan, one (1) of which is under
construction (Tract 12345) and two (2) planned for Sector ll are identified
for revenue bond financing. Twenty percent of the units are committed to low
income rental at 80% of the HUD area median income, currently $29,440.
Total Units
Low Income Units
Rancho Alisal 344 69
Lot 14 242 49
Lot 12 252 51
TOTAL 838 169
These three projects are satisfying all of the low income requirements in the
Specific Plan. It is anticipated that the balance of 431 units (600-169) will
be within the moderate income guidelines of HUD and the County of Orange.
For moderate income (120% of median) the current guidelines are as follows:
Orange County
Moderate Moderate Income
Income Monthly Rent
$ 51,076 $ 1,064
44,160 920
Current market rents are anticipated to be under even the HUD area (Long Beach,
Anaheim, Santa Ana) rents for moderate on the majority of the apartment units.
Below is a breakdown of a typical mix on the three projects and the rents in
today's dollars:
Mix Market Rent
I Bedroom 10% $ 725
2 Bedroom 75% 875
3 Bedroom 15% 1,025