HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 1 VACATE SAN JUAN 10-19-88ELATE: OCTOBER 11, 1988 PUBLIC HEARING NO. 1 10-19-88 Inter- Com TO: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER F~OM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION ~UBJECT: PROPOSED VACATION (ABANDONMENT) OF SAN JUAN STREET BETWEEN ORANGE STREET AND CHARLOMA DRIVE, FILE #2422 RECOMMENDATION: Pleasure of the City Council. After the hearing, if the Council decides to proceed with the vacation, direct staff to prepare a resolution ordering the vacation, including any special conditions, for a subsequent meeting agenda. BACKGROUND: Caltrans is negotiating with the Tustin Unified School District to acquire land for the relocation of E1 Camino Real farther into the Tustin High School site. This is required because of the proposed widening of the I-5 Freeway. The school site would lose about three acres of land which would reduce the school site to approximately 24 acres. School officials countered Caltrans' proposal with a suggestion that the possibility of closing a portion of San Juan Street be pursued. This would allow the high school site to be physically joined with the Lambert School site which is about 10 acres in size. Caltrans provided the City with funds for preparation of a San Juan Street closure traffic analysis which was prepared by the consultant firm of Austin-Foust Associates, Inc. The traffic study shows the impacts of the closure and a summary of that study is attached. DISCUSSION: On September 19, Council adopted Resolution No. 88-107, a resolution of intention which set a hearing on this matter for October 19. Representatives of Caltrans, the school district and the consulting traffic engineer have been invited to attend. The resolution of intention was published in the Tustin News on September 29 and on October 6. Placards with the required notice printed on them were also posted along the segment of the street proposed to be vacated. Although not a legal requirement, staff sent a notice of the hearing for October 19 and an invitation to an informational neighborhood meeting to be held in the Council Chambers at 7:00 P.M., October 12. These notices, copy attached, were sent to every address shown on the attached map. PROPOSED VACATION - SAN JUAN STREET October 11, 1988 Page 2. in the event council decides to approve the ~treet vacation, staff recommends certain conditions be attached, such as requiring the dedication and construction of cul-de-sacs at each end of the vacated portion at no cost to the City. Council may wish, after the hearing, to impose other conditions as well. Or they may decide to drop the matter without proceeding further. Bob Ledendecker Ro'nald E. Director of Public Works/City Engineer Engineering Services Manager BL: REW: mv Inter- Com TO: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBJECT: NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING ON OCTOBER 12 REGARDING PROPOSED VACATION OF SAN JUAN STREET ... J Only ten people attended the meeting although nearly 400 notices were sent to residents. People from Caltrans and the consulting traffic engineer were present but no representative of the school district showed up. The meeting lasted about one hour and consisted first of Short presentations by City staff and the traffic engineer from Austin-Foust. This was followed by a question and answer session. Many of the questions were related to school matters which unfortunately could not be answered. Attending: City of Tustin -- Bob Ledendecker, Ron Wolford Caltrans -- Roger Williams, Ralph Neal, Frank Lin Austin-Foust -- Keith Harris TUSD -- None Residents -- Ten people Bob Ledendecker / Director of Public Works/City Engineer BL: REW: mv Ronald E~. ~:~l-fo~. ~ Engineering Services Manager October 3, 1988 TO: SUBJECT: Department of Public Works/Engineering RESIDENTS/BUSINESSES IN SAN JUAN STREET NEIGHBORHOOD PROPOSED VACATION OF A PORTION OF SAN JUAN STREET BETWEEN ORANGE STREET AND CHARLOMA DRIVE Caltrans is negotiating with the Tustin Unified School District to acquire land for the relocation of E1 Camino Real farther into the Tustin High School site. This is required because of the proposed widening of the I-5 Freeway. The school site would lose about three acres of land which would reduce the school site to approximately 24 acres. School officials countered Caltrans' proposal with a suggestion that the possibility of closing a portion of San Juan Street be pursued. This would allow the high school site to be physically joined with the Lambert School site which is about 10 acres in size. Caltrans then requested the City to start the legal proceedings to vacate and abandon that portion of San Juan Street. The City then requested Caltrans to provide money for the City to hire a private traffic engineering firm to perform a traffic study to find out what the impacts of the street closure would be to the neighborhood. That study was completed and delivered to the City. The City Council has passed a resolution of intention which sets a public hearing on the matter. Anyone may present their views at this hearing which will be held Wednesday, October 19, 1988 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, 92680. An informational neighborhood meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, October 12, 1988 at 7:00 P.M. also in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. We are asking the traffic engineering firm, Caltrans and the School District to have representatives at this meeting to answer questions. Your participation in both the neighborhood meeting and the public hearing is invited. If you wish further information, please contact me at 544-8890, extension 288. aohald E.. wolfora- Engineering Services~Manager 300 Centennial Way · Tustin, California 92680 · (714) 544-8890 PIN£TREE' ~ PARK NOREWS ~. ST. C. ¢.I.AMBERT ~CHOOL i1'1 ANDREWS ST 5'7" REAL !... PROPOSED ION IUT ST." .EON I TA S' I~oTICE5 TUSTIN H IGI-t ECHOD/.. EL CAMINO :2 0 VEEH 1380Z HILLVI(W , .',M, 15852 141.11 14141 1414.} H'I4S Id'f61 I&l?l 14,201 14za5 14Z07 ~.f,zo9 14.~11 14213 0 1411 SUMMARY SAN JUAN STREET CLOSURE TRAFFIC ANALYSIS Prepared'for: CITY OF TUSTIN Prepared by: Austin-Foust Associates, Inc. 1450 North Tustin Avenue, Suite 108 Santa Ana, California 92701 September 1, 1988 SUMMARY This report summarizes the results of a traffic study carried out to detei'mine the traffic impac'ts associated with closing San Juan Street east of Orange Street and west of Chartoma. Drive in the City of Tustin. BACKGROUND AND SCOPE . . As part of the I-5 widening proj. ect to be carried out by Caltrans, additional right-of-way will be required on the north side of El Camino Real between Newport Avenue and Red Hill Avenue. Acquisition of this right-of-way will result in a net reduction in the Tustin High School property. A potential mitigation measure would be to close San Juan Street east of Orange Street and link the school properties north and south of San Juan Street into a single unit. The purpose of this study was to examine the traffic impacts of such a closure. To estimate the amount of traffic diversion that would occur due to the street closure, thru traffic on San Juan Street was measured by means of a special licence plate matching studY. Impacts of that diversion on intersection levels of service was then estimated. In addition, the analysis estimated the amount of traffic generated by the residences and schools on and around San Juan Street, and calculated the number of local trips that would have a more circuitous routing as a result of the closure. THRU TRAFFIC DIVERSION A licence plate matching study was conducted in March, 1988, along San Juan Street between Red Hill Avenue and Newport Avenue. The results of this were as follows: Percentage of Thru Traffic Time Period Total AM Peak Hour 26% Noon Peak Hour 28% PM Peak Hour 37% Hence, the percentage of thru traffic varies from 26 percent in the morning to 37 percent in the evening. An average of.about 30 percent of all traffic using San Juan Street on ~t daily basis is therefore thru traffic. The impact of thru trip diversions on intersection capacity utilization (ICU) is as follows: - - - AJ4 PK H(XJR o - o INTERSECTION EXISTING ~d/O ] VI~RSIONS · - - Pld PK HOUR - - - EXISTING hr/DIVERSIONS EL (ami no/Ne~x)rt 0.88 0.88 0.92 0.93 San Juafl/Nekq~rt O.&3 O.&3. 0.~6 0.~,5 Sin Ju~rVRed HiLL 0.71 0.6l, 0.60 0.60 EL Camino/Red Hi L L 1.00 0.99 1.29 1.33 As indicated in this table, the trip diversions have minimal impact on most intersections. The highest impact is at the intersection of El (amino Real and Red Hill Avenue where during the PM peak hour the ICU would be increased by four percent. AIl other intersections show either no change or a change of only one percent in ICU level. (Note that these ICUs assume the existing two-lane configuration for El (amino rather than the four-lane section planned for this facility in the future.) LOCAL TRAFFIC DIVERSION Some local traffic using San Juan Street to access Newport Avenue or Red Hill Avenue will be forced under the street closure to use other facilities. Utt Drive, Lan. ce Drive and Walnut Street are the facilities that are primarily effected in that regard. Impacts of this local rerouting are as follows: Trip~ (average daily) 1,0~2 Additional time per trip 2.~ mJr~Jtes Total added time 626 minutes Additional distance per trip 1/4 mile Total ack:led distance 261 miles Hence in total, local traffic will experience an additional 10 hours (626 minutes) of travel time per day and 261 miles of additional travel distance.