October l, 1962
Meeting called to order at.7:.30 P.M./by Mayor Doney.
Present: .~ Done~,IShe~idan,~Humeston, Mack, Klingelhofer
Absent: ~one][~i ..... ~'~
City Attorney Rourke,i ~r~s~nt ~ ~
City Engineer McBride, pre~ent,
SEPT. 17th ]~o~e~y~CQu~c~lm~n Mack, seconded by Council-
MINUTES AP~ ~ ~a~ Hu~e~tqn.that Minutesof September 17th be
PROVED . ~pprQv~d.a~ ~ailed~and~received. Carried.
P.C. MINUTES i ~l~n~i~g .CQm~i~s~on Minutes of September 24th
READ o ~eeting read .b~ ~lerk.
'~o~ed 6y~C~u~i~an ~heridan, seconded by
METROPOLITAN qo~nQi~man M~ck that receipt of condemnation
WATER DIST. Su~t.b~ ~e~rQpolitan Water.District be ack-
CONDEMNATION howledged a~d referred to the City Attorney
~or legal action and answer and to the
TO CITY ATTY. enginee.rfor engineering technicalities which
may be involved. Motion carried.
: ~Sd b~'~Ciim~°~heridan, seconded by
GIRL SCOUTS Councilman Klingelhofer that request of
TO SELL Santiago Girl Scout Council to'conduct a
CALENDARS calendar sale in the City from November 3 ~
Nov.3-17 to November 17, 1962, be granted. Carried.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
STATE DEPT. Councilman Mack that correspondence and
OF JUSTICE check from State Department of Justice,
CORRESPONDENCE Commission Qn Peace Officer Standards and
ACKNOWLEDGED & Training be acknowledged and clerk to so
FILED infor~ association and copyof letter to
be filed with Tustin police Department.
Motion carried.
$25 MEMBERSHIP . Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
FEE OF MAYOR Councilman Humeston that Mayor Doney be only
DONEY TO BE PAID member of the Associated Chambers of Commerce
TO ASSOC. C OF o~ Orange C~unty with $25..00 fee paid from
COMMERCE City funds. Carried.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
CORRESPONDENCE Councilman Klingelhofer that correspondence
FILED be received and filed. Carried.
Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Council-
ORDINANCE NO. man Klingelhofer that 0rdinSnCe N0. 185, ~e~'~
185 READ BY zoning the property of Doh Christeson to
TITLE ONLY the R-3 and P-d Zones be read by title only. ~
Motion carried unanimously.
ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by
ORDINANCE Councilman Klingelhofer that Ordinance No.
NO. 185 RE 185 be passed and adopted. Motion carried
CHRISTESON ZON. by roll call, all councilmen voting Aye.
PLANS FOR Colonel Williamson, C. D. Director, presented plans
ORDINANCE FOR ~or and explained procedure for ordinance covering
CONTINUITY OF cpntinuity df g6vernm~nt. fter some discussfon,
GOVERNMENT said ordina~de ~a~t'a~en under ~dvi'sement. ·
Moved by c6~cil~n 'S~eridan, s~Conded by Councilman
SPECIAL Humeston that dates ~f' November 1st for estihate and
CENSUS ~ecember '10,'Tg62'fd~ cert'ifi'c'~t'ion of special census
~o be condudted by the ssa~e of California, Department
of Finan~,'~be ~p~0V~.~'u~ri'e~o
CLAIMS DENIED Moved by COY~ncli.lm~ S~e'ri~n,3"~econded by Councilman
AND PERSONS Mack that the .c.~ai.ms q~ .t.he following persons are
TO BE SO NOT- d,enied and the .ql~efk is directed zo so advise said
IFIED claimants:
i. Alvin P~'~lI q~ic~," 1517 N. Newhope, Space 64,
I Santa ~n~ ~a~n~ ic~.o..Lo.uis ~M. I~ven, Esq., 2139
W. Ball Ros.~, ~aheim, Calif.
2L. Georg~.~.I~i.she~,~2~6.0.q~ S. ~s~ ~ve., Lomita,
3~. Thomas' M.I D~e'rt ,~ '6~ ~. ~Evan~oo~ ~ve., w.
~.R. L. Franck, 3~0 W'ils~ir~ 'Blvd.,' S~i'tenl0,
Los ~ 'ef~s',' '5, ~alif.
Frank ewport
REQUEST FOR Mr. Reg Wob'd ~gq'u'gs't'ed use '6{CoI~c'fl' ~hambers for
MASTER PLAN ~eeting c'ohc'e'~in~'~g6Ci~t'ibn~o'f' homeowners ~o study
STUDY FOR a' Mas~Ler P't~*n f'o~' ~e~enteenth Street and for Newport
SEVENTEENTH A~enue-af~'e'~ 's'd~e ~fsbussion Mr. Wood withdrew his
ST & NEWPORT request and ssated he would apply for use of the
REQUESTED Tustin Yd~th cehte'~ ~s~ suggested by the Council.
Mr. Frank Morris and Mr, R. Smith of the Tustin
DISCUSSION ~l~nning Commission explained the problems facing
RE CONDOMINIUM the City as to Condominium and zoning and planning
problems and the need for a permanent professional
ABOVE Mr. McBride was requested to consac5 County Planners
CONTINUED for assistance on immediate Cohdominium problem and
Mr. Sheridan requested to study the budget as to
retaining a permanent planner.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman
R-P ZONE TO Humeaton that proceedings be instigated for adoption
BE INSTIGATED of an R_P (Residential Professional) Zone in the
city in conformance with existing R_P Zone of the
county. Carried.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman
R-4 ZONE TO Mack that Council instigate proceedings for adoption
BE INSTIGATED of R_4 Zone in City such as exists in the County of
Orange and incorporating any amendment~ now under
contemplation by the County. Motion carled.
BILLS TO BE Moved by Councilman Humeaton, seconded by Councilman
PAID Mack that bills in the amount of $3,844.86 be paid.
B. L. Wheelock (Sewer Assess. Dist. #1... $ 260.00
B. L. Wheelock ............ ' ............... 25.00
Rourke & ~olbrook (~ewer Assess.Dist.#1). 270.00
Rourke & Holbrook ........................ 435.00
Ruth C. Poe, Petty Cash .................. 37.00
Muriel I. Stafford ....................... 24.00
Muriel I. Stafford (Sewer Assess. Dist.~ #1) 7.00
J. L. McBride .................. .......... 587.50
J. L. McBride (Sewer Assess. Dist. #1)... 204.00
Santa Ana Book Store .................. 2.81
Farnsworth Jewelry ..................... 2.86
Moore Business Forms Inc .............. 259.41
Calif. Juvenile Officers Assoc ........ 6.00
Albro Fire Equip. Co ................ 20.64
Thermo-Fax Sales (Maintenance) ...... 35.00
Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Co ..... 1-.65
F. Morton Pitt~ Co .... - ......... 96.07
Del s Electronic Testing = c ..... · 30.00
John Hancock .......... - ........ - ..... -. 5~.74
Santa Ana Office Supply ............. 89.04
John Siegel ............ · .............. 14~.00
Desmond's ........................ - ..... 49.09
Signal 0il Co.I.o ......................... ~13~.75
Business Equipment Co ..... - ............... 66.14
Motorola ............ - ......... - ........ .-. 5~.16
First Western Bank - 302 06
Tustin News .. 249 86
........... .......... 3 'oo
Tustin Fire ........................
Tustin Building & Maintenance .......... 27.00
Hawkins, Hawkins and Hawkins ............ ~2.08
Tota~ Bills $3 844 86
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, ~econded by Councilman K.lingelhofer
that meeting be adjourned to October 2, 1962 at 7:30 P.M.