September 4, 1962
Meeting called to order by'Mayor'pro'tem Sheridan at 7:30 P.M.
Present: ,Sheridan, Mack, Klingelhofer
ABSENT: oDoney, IHumeston
CITY ATTORNEY Rourke, present
CITY ENGINEER McBride,~ present
~Moved by.Councilman Mack, seconded by Council-
MINUTES OF ~man Kl~ngelhofer that Minutes Of August 6th
AUGUST 6 & 20 and August 20th be approved as corrected and
APPROVED AS ~ailed~nd ~recei~ed. Carried.
Z.C. 62-106 Hearing on Zone Change Application No. 62-106
CHRISTESON HEAR. of Don Christeson opened at 7:35 P.M.
Cler~ read application request for R-3zoning
RECOMMENDATI0N for property North of McFadden and East and
OF PLAN.COM. RE West of Frontage Road, and Resolution No.578
RESOLUTION 578 of the Planning Commission recommending R-3
FOR R.3 ZONING West of Frontage Road and R_2 East of Frontage
ALL R_3 ZONING Mr. A. Nisson spoke on behalf of the applicant
REQUESTED BY and read request for all R-3 zoning with deed
MR. A. NISSON restrictions as set forth in letter on file
with clerk.
The following residents of Life Time Homes
PROTEST OF protested apartment zoning: Mrs. G. Parker,
REZONING BY Mrs. Edwsrds, Mr. M. Demong, Mr. Shaw,
NEIGHBORS Mr. Kelly, Mr. Smith, Mrs. J. Demong,
Mr. Claypool.
HEAR. CLOSED Hearing declared closed at 8:07 P.M.
Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Council-
CHRISTESON man Klingelhofer that ordinance be drawn amend-
PROPERTY TO ing the zoning on said Christeson property-pro-
BE REZONED F Road be R-3,
perty west of rontage to property
R~3 AND P.D. East of Frontage Road to be P.D. Motion carried
by roll call, all councilmen present voting Aye.
Hearing on Zone Change Application No. 62-107
REZONING APPLIC. of Philip Ebel Estate to fezone property a
OF EBEL ESTATE 155 W. Third Street (corner of "C" Street)
RE PROPERTY to C-2 opened at 8:35 P.M. Clerk read ~
ON W. THIRD ST. plication and Re~olution No. 577 of the Planning
Commission recommending that subject property
be zoned C-2 only as a part of a general re-
zoning of all proOerties in the same bl~ck
MR. EBEL IN Mr. Lloyd Ebel spoke in behalf of zone change
FAVOR request.
There being no further comments, the Hearing was
HEARING CLOSED declared closed at 8:40 P.M.
Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
Eling~hofer that zone change be referred back
ZONING CHANGE to the Planning Commission and a further study
REFERRED BACK TO be instituted for the zoning of property on
PLAN.COM.FOR West half of the block between "C" and 'D~ Streets.
FURTHER STUDY Motion carried.
ORD. N0. 175 Hearing on Amendments to Ordinance No. 157 as
amended by Ordinance No. 175 opened at 8:55 P.M.
CLARIFICATION OF Mr. Sheridan requested & ~ia~ification of Planning
SEC. 4.7 Commission Minute Order of August 27th,
commen~ing ~mendment to Section 4°7 of said
Moved by Councilman Klingelhofer, seconded by
FIRST READING Councilman'Ma~ that Ordinance No. 182, amending
OF ORDINANCE 0rdinance~ No. 157 ~nd 175, pertaining to the
N0. 182 BY permitting of any use permitted in any "R
TITLE ONLY District in any "C" District, upon obtaining a
conditional use permit, have fir~ reading by
title only. Motion carried unanimously.
DEPOSIT TO BE M0v~d'by CoUnCilman~Mack, seconded by Councilman
RETURNED TO Klihgelhofeh that clerk be authorized to return
EUCLIDBERGER d~p0sit'or $496..35 for sewer inspections to
E~clidberger Company. Motion carried.
M~ved~ b~ Cotuncilman Klingelhofer, seconded by
STUDY OF CSuhC~lman Mack that Fire Chief be authorized
FIRE ZONES tO ~t~d~ Fihe'ZSn~s'within the City and submit
r~commendations for n~w Fire Zone Ordinance.
WEST. MISSIONARY C~r~e~p~nd~nce'from W~stern Missionary Armies
ARMIES CORRES r~f~r~e~ ~o~he Chief~f Police and City Attorney
RE TO ATTY. fgrlr~commendation.
M~v~d by Councilman M~ck seconded by Councilman
Kiihg~lho~er, that i~y lerk be authorized to
TURES & CABINETS dispose o~ old' light fixtures', cupboards etc.,
TO BE DISPOSE~ cbuncil finding that these pb~ects are of no
OF v~l~e~. ,Mpt~b~ parried.
CORRESPONDENCE Mo~ed by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
RECEIVED & FIIiED Klih~lho~erth~t correspondence be received and
fkl~d. Carried.
Moved by Councilman Klingelhofer, seconded by
CLOSING OF Councilman Mack that request for the closing of
MAIN ST FOR Main Street from "D" Street to Prospect Nor
TILLER DAYS Tustin Tiller Days referred to Mr. Sheridan,
REFERRED TO Chief Sissel and Chief Hilton. and Engineer or
COMMITTEE Absb. Engineer with the power to act. Carried.
-Moved by Councilman Klingelhofer, seconded by
Councilman Mack thst the Mayor and City Clerk be
DISCUSSION authorized to execute Agreement with the State of
ABOUT California, Department of Finance relative
CENSUS_ takin of a census within the City of Tustin and
ADOPTION OF City 51erkto forward three copies of said Agree-
SAME ment to Financial and Population Research Section,
Bud~t Division, Departmen~ of Finance, State
CapitOl, Sacramento, 14, California. Motion
Recess called'at 9:50 P.M.
Reconvened at 9:55 P.M.
Report on Business License Ordinance deferred.
Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
ORDINANCE N0. Klingelhofer that Ordinance No. 183, regulating
183 RE ADVERTIS. the construction, erection, alteration, repair
ING SIGNS, FIRST and maintenance of advertising signs and their
READING supporus, have first reading by title onTO.
Motion carried unanimously.
Mbved byCouncilman Mack, seconded by
ORD.. N0.184 Councilman Klingelhofer that Ordinance
FIRST READING NO. 184, Regulating Mobilhome Parks,
BY TITLE ONLY have first reading~by title only. Motion
carried unanimously.
Moved by CouncilmanlMack, seconded by
APPROVAL OF Councilman Klingelhofer that bills in
PAYMENT OF the amount of $9~484.06 be approved
BILLS for payment. Carried.
Atlas Coverall .$ 12.50
Signal Oil . . 128.61
Richfield il 38.40
Roy Carver Pontiac 10.54
Santa Ana Office Su~piy' 59.56
Excelsior Creamery Co.. 6.84
C 6 40
Orange Co. Stamp o ....
Mike Jenkins (uniform all.) 30°00
Tustin News. 48.79
B Orange Co. Bu~iAe~s'S~r~i~es 43.16
MarChant Nursery .... 197.60
S 56.00
Tustin Union High choo'l
Orange Co. Radio. Co. 60.00
I Orange Co. Ins; Co. . 2790.41
Henry . Eastman M.. 6.00
Van Hove & Dean darage . , 75-87
L Orange do. Fireman's Assoc 17.60
Fire Dept. ServiCes .... 398.50
J.L.McBride, Eng, services for
L . August-Sewer A!sst. Dst #1 .
J.L.McBride., Engin. Services
for August . . - 600.00
S Muriel Stafford, typing' s~rv.
for Sewer Dist. #1 . . 18.00
Ben WheeloCk-car allow-Au~ .... 25.00
J. Rourke '. .. , 310.00
P~] U ~___:,_
First West Bank(utilities] . 232.28
· .000.00
Bank of America 4_
$~, 232 · 28
Grand Total ..... $9, ~8~. 06
Mayor pro tem Sheridan appointed Chief
STUDY OF Sissel, Councilman Mack and TPaffic
TRAFFIC AT Engineer Wheelock a committee to contact
1ST & NEWPORT the county and make a study of traffic
AVENUES at irst street' and Newport Avenue.
Moved by Councilman Klibgelhofer,
ADJOURNMENT seconded by .Councilman Mack that
meetih~ be adjourned. Carried.