HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1962 08 20 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL August 20, 1962 Meeting called to order at 7:35~'P-M. by Mayor pro tem Sheridan. Present: Sheridan, Humeaton, Mack, Klingelhofer Absent~ Doney City Engineer McBride, absent Ben WheelOck, present City Attorney Rourke, present Residents of Lifetime Homes requested that REQUEST FOR consideration be given to a Park Area South PARK AREA SOUTH S.A. FREEWAY of the Santa Ana Freeway. Moved by Councilman Klingelhofer, seconded by APPROVAL OF Councilman Humeston that the approval of Minutes MINUTES DEFERRED of August 6th meeting be deferred to next regular meeting. Motion carried. Chief Sissel reported that two applicants had REPORT ON TESTS passed all written, oral and physical tests GIVEN BY for the position of patrolman - namely, Joseph POLICE DEPT. Caruba and Alan Brown. Chief Sissel requested authorization from the council to place Joseph Caruba on the force at this time for a one year probationary period. Moved by Councilman Klingelhofer, seconded by POLICE CHIEF Councilman Mack that Police Chief be authorized AUTHORIZED TO to hire an additional man at a starting pay EMPLOY ONE of $420.00 per month to be on a one year pro- MAN AT $420 bationary period, starting the first part of PER MONTH September. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Council- man Klingelhofer that Resolution No. 613, author- TRANSFER OF izing the transfer of $5,000.00 from undistributed $5,000 FROM UN_ reserve to the Police Department expenditure bud- DISTRIBUTED TO get be passed and adopted. Motion carried by roll POLICE DEPT. BUD. call, all councilmen present voting Aye. Traffic Engineer B. Wheelock, with Chief Sissel STOP SIGNS AT was directed to cooperate with the County as to FOURTH &YORBA the placing of stop signs at Fourth and Yorba Streets and Eiven the power to act on such signs. Councilman~Klingelhofer placed the name of RECOMMENDATION Howard C. Warg before the council with the re- OF EMPLOYMENT commendation that he be hired to fill the OF HOWARD C. vacancy as Park Assistant at a salary of WARG at $375 $375°00 per month, to start approximately PER MONTH September l, 1962.. Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Council- MR WARG TO man Klingelhofer that Howard C. Warg be hired BE EMPLOYED on a six month probationary period to serve at AS OF 9-1-62 the discretion of the Parks & Recreation Com- missioner. Motion carried. CHAIRMANSHIP City Clerk directed to contact LeRoy Weed or Mr. FOR UNITED Arne Molander regarding chairmanship for United NATIONS WEEK Nations Week' and notify Orange County Chapter when chairman i's available. Request from Judy Newman, chairman ~ustin Tiller CLOSING OF STREET Days, for the cTosing off'Main Street from "D' to FOR TILLER DAYS Prospect Street was referred to Fire Chief, Police Chief and Street Commissioner for report at next meeting. UNITED CEREBRAL Moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded by Council- PALSY TO SOLICIT man Mack that United Cerebral Palsy be granted NOV. 3,4,5 permission to solicit funds in the City on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of November. Carried. LETTER OF COMMENDA_ Letter of commendation from D. Loper,. Superintendent TION FROM SUPT. OF of Tustin Union High School, regarding the outstand- TUHS BY POLICE ing cooperation from the Police Department was read DEPT. and turned over to Chief Sissel. CORRESPONDENCE Moved by Co~lucilman Mack, seconded by Councilman FILED Humeston that correspondence be received and filed. Carried. Moved Iby Councilman Mack, seconded by Cancilman APPROVAL OF Klingelhofer that final map of Tract No. 4520 TRACT NO. 4520 be approved with the condition that said tract MAP annex to the proper lighting district. MotiOn carried. APPROVAL OF BONDS Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman & AGREEMENT FOR Klingelhofer approving bonds and agreement for TRACT NO. 4520 & Tract No. 4520 and authorizing execution of AUTHOR. AGREEMENT Agreement by the Mayor and City Clerk. Carried. Moved by COuncilman Mack, seconded by Councilman RESOL. NO. 614 Humelston that~ Resolution No. 614, providing for READ BY TITLE furnishing of copies of applications regarding ONLY zoning ~and planning to various parties be read by titl~ only. Motion carried unanimously. Moved~by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman' ADOPTION OF NO. Humeston that Resolution No. 614 be passed and 614 adopte~. Motion carried by roll call, all council- men present voting Ays. Moved by Councilman Mac~, seconded by Councilman STEPS TO BE TAKEN Humeston that the city attorney take necessary TO OFFICIALLY steps to officially designate the old "E~ Street DESIGNATE E ST. AS .t_o~he.eXisting name use of Prospect Avenue. PROSPECT AVE. I Mp~io~ ~a~ried~. ~ ~M~ov~e~ ~y ~o~u~c~l~a~ Mack, seconded by Councilman REVAMPING OF Humeston that~the ma~ter of ap, proval of incorpora- GARBAGE PICKUP ETC. tion p~ Holtke DisposalCompan~ and possible re- REFERRED T0 CITY' ' ~v~ping of contract for trash and garbage pickup S ATTY & ENGR. ' ~ 't~o~g~ ~ ~it~y Maintenance District be re- FOR STUDY' · ' ~ f~re~ ~t~ t~e. C$it~ Att'orney and City Engineer for · study ~nd reportat a later meeting. Motion carried. DIAGRAM EXHIBIT' ~ov~d b~Oounc°ilman Klingelhofler, seconded by PROPERTY AFFECTED~ ~ o C~p~nc'i-lmah H~meston t~at diagram exhibiting the BY SEWER ETC ETC ~ropeFty ~ffected or benefited by and to be RECEIVED, APPROVED assessed to Ray the cost's a~d expenses of the & FILED ' ~ I~r~ve'm~n~ ~f °Sanitar ~Sewer~ in Assessment ~i~t~i~t ~. ~ k~ the ~ity pf Tustin, California, be received, approved and filed. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded by Councilman Klingelhofer that Resolution 62-937 of the~Board of RESOL. NO. Supervisors Of the County of Orange, granting consent 62-937 of the to the City of Tustinfor the extension of the BOARD OF SUPERVIS_ assessment ~district and the work outside the ORS RE EXTENSION boundaries of the City and into the unincorporated OF SEWER ASSESS. territory of the County for the construction of DIST. INTO UN. sanitary sewer facilities and appurtenances and INCORPORATED appurtenant work in ~ C Tustin ity Sewer Assessment AND FILED of intention of the said District and said work, be received and filed. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Counc~i~man · Kl~ngelhofer that Resolution of Intention No.615, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RESOLUTION NO. TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO 615 READ BY ORDER THE CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS ~AND TITLE ONLY APPURTENANCES AND ALL APPURTENANT WORK IN "TUSTIN ~ITYSEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. l'; DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN LANDS, RIGHTS OF WAY AND EASEMENTS NECESSARY IN CONNECTION WITH SAID WORK AND IMPROVEMENT AND WITHIN THE LIMITS ALLOWED BY LAW TO ASSESS THE COSTS OF SAID ACQUISITION, INCLUDING THE IN~ CIDENTA~ COSTS AND EXPENSES: THEREOF, AS PART OF THE COSTSOF SAID WORK AND IMPROVEMENT:. DECLARING THE ACQUISITION OF LANDS, EASEMENTS ~ AND RIGHTS OF WAY AND THE WORK AND IMPROVEMENT TO BE OF MORE THAN LOCAL OR ORDINARY PUBLIC ! BENEFIT AND DESCRIBING THE DISTRICT TO BE BENEFITED BY SAID ACQUISITION, WORK AND IM~ PROVEMENT AND TO PAY THE COSTS AND EXPENSES THEREOF~; AND FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE FORI o REARING OFOBJECTIONS TO SAID ACQUtSITI~N,~ WORK AND IMPROVEMENT, be read by title only. Motion lcarried by roll call, all councilmen ~ present Voting Aye. ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Council- RESOLUTION man Klingelhofer ~hat said Resolution 615 be NO. 615 pa~sed and adopted, Motion carried by roll call, all councilmen present voting Aye. BILLS IN THE Moved by COuncilman Mack, seconded by Council- AMOUNT OF man Humeston that bills intheamount of $1,866.15 $1,866.15 BE be paid. PAID ' BILLS EconOmy Office Supply ~. . . $ 109.20 Business Equipment C!o-. · ..~ ~15,58 Desmond's ....... 43.11 Roy Carver, Pontiac .... !. . 13.81 B. De SUtter Richfield SerViCe 10.27 Screenprint &'Plas-Tech . .. 203~,84 ~ Revere House .... 13~00 Kenneth G. Hebard . t0~00 SignalOil Co.. .... 110.25 Horton Camera Re,air Serv 22.39 Tiernan's Office Equip.. . 16.85 F. Morton Pitt Co. 61.83 Santa Aria Blue Print · .- 33,63 Orange Co. Radiotel. Sgr~ice . 30.00 Buel A. Williamson . . ~8,00 R. F=. DickSon . . ...~ 217.50 Judy Newman . . . 'r!'~ 50.00 0 G. . BiXler, Fi:rst De~tl ~a~' 17.50 BILLS (CONTINUED) Tustin Food <Center . $ .90 Tustin Drug & Variety 19.80 Tustin News . 143.73 Adams & Helm 6.50 Smith Corona Mir~hAn~ in~ 8.32 HansOn & Peterson 275.00 Cylpro Co .... 20.39 Kleen-Line Corp. . . 12.73 Cooperative Personnel ~e~vice 35.16 Natl. Fire Prot. Assoc .... 25.00 Dennis Printers & Stationers . 61.10 Blower Paper Co. .. 13.88 Tustin Hardware 87.79 Earl W. Lumley , . 1t.44 Santa An~ Engraving ..... 7.91 Tustin Lawnmower & Saw Shop . 15.00 Mul~in Lumber ~o. ~ 134.74 $186~.~ Moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded by Council- man Mack that the meeting be adjourned. MAYOR ~ PRO CI~Y CLERK