HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 1P.C. ACT AGENDA 10-19-88AGENDa, TUSTIN PLANNING COHMISSION REPORTS NO. 1 10-19-88 REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 10, 1988 CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m~, City Counctl Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ROLL CALL: Present: Wet1, Baker, Le Jeune, Shaheen Absent: Ponttous · PUBLIC CONCERNS: (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. CONSENT CALENDAR: (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) 1. Minutes of the September 26, 1988 Planning Commission MeeU, n,~ 2. Ftnal T. ract Map No. 13106 APPLICANT: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES ON BEHALF OF THE FIELDSTONE COMPANY LOT 6 OF TRACT 12763 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL: EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN THE PROJECT IS COVERED BY A PREVIOUS EIR (85-2) FOR THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN. NO ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED. AUTHORIZATION TO SUBDIVIDE 9.98 ACRES INTO 111 NUMBERED AND 19 LETTERED LOTS FOR A SINGLE FAMILY (ATTACHED) DEVELOPMENT. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Planning Commission recommend approval of Final Tract Map No. 13106, a Vesting Map, to the City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 2530 as submitted or revised. Resolution No. 2530: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING TO THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 13106 Planning Commission Action ..:lenda October 10, 1988 Page two 3. Final, Parcel Map 87-201 APPLICANT/ OWNER: · LOCATION: ZONING: E NV I RO NMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: THE IRVINE COMPANY 550 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 FREEWAY ACCESS RESERVATION AREA SOUTH OF TUSTIN AUTO CENTER PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL - AUTO CENTER CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT CLASS 15 TO RECONFIGURE TWO EXISTING PARCELS TO CREATE TWO NUMBERED AND THREE LETTERED LOTS. Recommendation' It is recommended that the Planning Commission apphove Resolution N6. 2535 recommending approval of Final Map 87-201 to the City Council. Resolution No. 2535' A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING TO THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF FINAL PARCEL MAP NO. 87-201 - 4. Final Parcel Map 88-20.6. APPLICANT' OWNER' LOCATION' ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: SOLMAR DEVELOPMENT CO. 1201 E. HUNTER AVENUE SANTA ANA, CA 92705 MR. AND MRS. CHANG CHAMPION FOODS 1302 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE TUSTIN, CA 92680 1302 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE TUSTIN, CA 92680 M-INDUSTRIAL CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT (CLASS 15) TO SUBDIVIDE ONE, 2.5 ACRE PARCEL INTO TWO SEPARATE LOTS. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Planning Commission recommend approval Iof Final Parcel Map 88-206 to the City Council by the adoption of Resolution 2536 as submitted or revised. Resolution No. 2536' A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING TO THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF FINAL PARCEL MAP NO. 88-206 _Commissioner Wetl moved:, Le deune seconded., to approve the consent calendar. Motion carried 4-0. Planni ng Commt ssi on Acti o, ,enda October 10, 1988 Page three PImLIC HE~INGS . Use Permit 88-19 APPLICANT: OWNER' LOCATION: ZONING: ENV I RONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: ORANGE COUNTY BUILDERS 1260 HANCOCK ANAHEIM, CA 92807 ART AND ZENY.REMIGIO 65 EMERALD IRVINE, CA 92715 14752 HOLT AVENUE TUSTIN, CA 92680 R-3 3000: MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT A 3,215 SQUARE FOOT, 8 BEDROOM, ONE-STORY ADDITION TO AN EXISTING SENIOR CITIZEN'S HOME ON A 12,220 SQUARE FOOT LOT. Recommendation' It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve Use Permit 88-19 b~y the adoption of Resolution No. 2532, as submitted or revised. Resolution No. 2532' A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA APPROVING USE PERMIT 88-19 FOR A 3,215 SQUARE FOOT ADDITION TO AN EXISTING SENIOR CITIZEN'S HOME AT 14752 HOLT AVENUE. Presentation' Eric Haaland, Assistant Planner C_c---tsstoner Le Jeune moved, getl seconded_ to approve Use Permit 88-19 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2532 with the follu~ing correction: Exhibit A, Page four, Item 3.4 (c) should read 'Provide a minimum of one 15 gallon size tree for every 30 feet of property line on the easterly property perimeter and shrubs where landscaping is provided shall be a minimum five (5) gallon size.' Motion carrt ed 4-0. OLD BUSINESS Abandoned Railroad Ri~ht-of-Way lira Presentation' Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development No Planning Commission necessary. Planntng Commi sston Actto~, ~enda October 10, 1988 ?age four NEll BUSINESS STAFF CONCERNS · Report on Ctt¥ Council Acttons- October 3, 1988. Presentation: Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development No Planntng Comdsslon action necessary. ADdOURIffqENT At 7:55 p.m. Commissioner Well moved, Le deune seconded to adjourn to the next regular scheduled meettng on Wednesday, October 26, 1988'at 7:00 p.m. tn the Ctty Counct1 Chambers. lqotton carrted 4-0. ACT T 0 N AGE ND.~ TUSTIN P~NNTNG COIqHISSION SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 6,~ 1988 CALL TO ORDER- 3:35 p.m., citY Counctl Chambers At 3:36 p.m. the meetlng was adjourned to the Harket Place stte. At 4:30 p.m. the meettng was reconvened. .. PLEDGE OF ALLEGTANCE/XNVOCATTON ROLL CALL: Present: Weil, Baker, Le Jeune, Shaheen Absent: Ponttous, PUBLTC CONCERNS: (Limited to 3 mlnutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. CONSENT CALENDAR' (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION,.STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) 1. Design Review 87-37, Tustin Market Place - Colors APPLICANT' DONAHUE SCHRIBER REQUEST' APPROVAL OF A NEW ACCENT COLOR AND A NEW BASE COLOR Recommendation' Adopt Resolution No. 2537, approving the new accent color and the new base color, as determined by the Commission. Resolution No. 2537' A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A NEW ACCENT AND BASE COLOR FOR THE TUSTIN MARKET PLACE Presentation' Steve Rubin, Senior Planner Co~-__tsstoner Le deune moved, Wet1 seconded to approve Terra Cotta as the ne~ base color by the adoptton of Resolution No. 253/ with the following changes: Item I D add Terra Cotta and the date 10-6-88; Add 'Item IT B. The ptckets shall be either off-white or beige.'; Add 'Item IT C. The applicant may change the previously approved purple stgn wall along the freeway to Terra Cotta." Motion carrled 4-0. ADdOURmENT At 4:50 p.m. Commissioner Wetl moved, Le Jeune seconded to adjourn to the October 10, 1988 Planning Co~misslon meeting at 7:.'00 p.m. Motion carried 4-0. AGENDA TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL NEE'TING OCTOBER 6, 1988 CALL TO ORDER- 3-30 p.m., Ct ty Council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ROLL CALL: Nell, Baker, Le Jeune, Pontious, Shaheen PUBLIC CONCERNS' (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU NISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORO. CONSENT CALENDAR: (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) . Design Review 87-37, Tustin Market Place - Colors APPLICANT: DONAHUE SCHRIBER REQUEST: APPROVAL OF A NEW ACCENT COLOR AND A NEW BASE COLOR Recommendation' Adopt Resolution No. 2537, approving the new accent color and the new base color, as determined by the Commission. Resolution No. 2537' A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A NEW ACCENT AND BASE COLOR FOR THE TUSTIN MARKET PLACE Presentation' Steve Rubin, Senior Planner ADJOURNMENT Adjourn to the October 10, 1988 Planning Commission meeting at 7'00 p.m. Report to the · Planning Commission ITEM NO. 1 DATE: TO: SUB,]E CT: APPLICANT: REQUEST: OCTOBER 6, 1988 PLANNING CONNISSION DESIGN REVIEll 87-37, TUSTIN NARKET PLACE - COLORS DONAHUE SCHRIBER APPROVAL OF A NEll ACCENT COLOR AND A NEll BASE COLOR RECOI~IENDATION' Adopt Resolution No. 2537, approving the ne~ accent color and the new base color,, as determined by the Commission. BACKGROUND: ! On Thursday, September 22, 1988, the Planntn9 Commission held a spectal workshop to revtew a new base and accent color that the applicant was proposing for the Tusttn Market Place. At that workshop, the applicant explained the reasons and process that has led them to the new colors that were the subject of the workshop (please see attached staff report of 9-22-88 for additional background). Based upon CommJssion tnput and direction from the [rvine Company, the appliant indicated that they would be revtsing the proposed base color, seeking a more true Terra Cotta color than what was on the building, as well as a deeper brown, based upon the originally approved base color. DISCUSSION' ii By mixing the approved base,color with the brick red color that was on the building on September 22nd, the applicant has produced a deep Terra Cotta color which has been painted onto several panel sections on the front and rear of the buildings. Also painted in small sections on the rear of the buildings is a deeper, browner version of the approved base color. While the Terra Cotta has more "color" in it, which is the applicant's reason for experimenting with the base color in the first place, staff believes that. the deeper, browner version of the approved based colo.r is more in keeping With what was originally approved by the City. , Community Development Department Planning Commission Report Design Review 87-37 October 6, 1988 Page two .01~e of the applicant's reasons for desiring more ' "color" in .the base color is that the use of the accent colors has been drastically scaled back from what was originally proposed and approved. In addition to the base color, the applicant is requesting approval of a new accent color, a tan or beige, which will also be used as the base color for the buildings in the Entertainment Village. As demonstrated at the project site, this accent color is proposed to be used on the towers of the major tenant buildings as well as on the returns of some of the small tenant storefronts in the hard and soft goods sections. Staff has no objections to or problems with the proposed new accent color, as it is. compatible with all of the base colors (both approved and proposed). While the new Terra Cotta is an improvement over the brick red color, it still has a noticeable reddish hue, although having the "old" brick red color on the walls next to it may exaggerate this redness. It is important that the Planning Commission be aware that it is not obligated to approve either of the proposed new base colors if it is not satisfied with either color; it may direct the applicant to experiment further or to use originally the approved base color. ~-~ If directed to experiment further,, the applicant also has the option of painting the buildings with the approved base color in order to get certificates of occupancy for the two tenants with pending openings. CONCLUSTON: m~ The proposed new accent color is compatible with the project colors and would be a positive addition. Staff believes that the deeper, browner base color is more in keeping with the original concept. The Planning Commission should select the base color it thinks is most appropriate, be it either of the two proposed colors, or the original; or direct the applicant to further revise the colors. The attached Resolution contains several blank spaces where references are made to the base color; these blank spaces will be filled in accordingly, based upon the actions taken by the Commission. gteve q~ubi n Senior Planner SR:CAS:ts Attachments: Resolution No. 2537 Staff report of 9-22-88 Christine Sh"i'h~ Di rector of Communi~/Development Commurlity DeveloPment Department Planning Commission DATE.' SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: ZONING: SEPTEHBER 22, 1988 DESIGN REVIEW 87-37, WORKSHOP ON COLOR CHANGES DONAHUE SCHRIBER TUSTIN PIAPJCET PLACE HIXED USE COPIHERCI~; EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN RECCi~ENDATTON: Revtew the accent and base colors and the evolution that has occurred wlth those colors, and provide input to the applicant. No final discretionary approval for changes are.being requested at this time.' BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: iii iiii On January 11, 1988 the Planning Commission approved Design Review 87-37 which among other things, esf;ablished a base color and four (4) accent colors for the Tustln Market Place. On April 25, 1988 the Planning Commission reviewed several design issues for the project, including the use of accent colors. The original fiase color approved for the project was a terra cotta brown. Accent colors approved for the project included a range of hues fn purple, yellow, orange ,and pink. When construction of the project had progressed to a point where color samples Uould be viewed under natural light conditions, the applicant began applying samples of approved base and accent colors to test site conditions. Donahue Schriber' communicated to the City that the architects (LPA & Mr. Legorreta), were not pleased with the base color (terra cotta) brown approved by the Planning Commission and the City Council for the project once a number of color samples were up on the building. Please note, that they never let Community Development Department staff view the original col or sample. Subsequent to review of these colors by Irvine Company representatives, in particular Mr. Bren and Roger Seitz, Donahue Schriber painted new color textures L Corn munity Development Department Planntng Commission Heettng Design Revte~ 87-37 September 22, ].988 Page t~o ii 4"- on a sample wall whtch the Community Development Department was able to revtew. Several weeks ago Donahue Schrtber was lnformed that the sample colors were not acceptable stnce they were not consistent with the projects originally approved colors. Oonahue Schrlber Informed us that they would darken the sample In an effort to achieve greater consistency with the original color approved for the project. They also tnformed staff that colors had been Incorporated tnto the texture mtertal itself (normally whtte) to avoid white spots If chlpplng occurred. They then proceeded to paint and texture a majority of the main butldtng at their own risk, despite our communication that the color was not approved representing that they would repalnt the enttre project tf necessary. The actual color applted ts closer to a true brick red. Staff have begun to hear very strong negative community reactions tn response to the red color applted on the bulldtng and want to go on record strongly opposing the new color applted to the building as betng a significant departure of the #earthtone' terra cotta color originally proposed. At thts time, the applicant has requested that the Commission hold a workshop to see the colors In the fteld as well as to allow the applicant to explain the evolutionary process that resulted In thetr applytng the new color. It ts our understanding that based on additional revtow of the colors by Irvlne Company Officials last weekend, additional modifications to the base color wtll be recommended In the near future. It, therefore, ts Important for the Commission to know that the colors that they wtll see at this workshop are not the ftnal colors that they will be asked to approve. Consequently, the purpose of the workshop ts informational only; the Commission will be asked to take a formal action at a later date. However, tt would be appropriate for the Commission to express any comments, concerns or direction that tt believes to be appropriate. Sentor Planner SR:CAS:ts Christine A, Shtngleton ~/' Director of Community D~r~velopment Corn reunify Developmen~ Depar~rnen~ ,J RESOLUTION NO. 2537 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A NEW ACCENT AND BASE COLOR FOR THE' TUSTIN MARKET PLACE The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as fol 1 ows: ' ' 6 I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: ? A. That Donahue Schriber has requested approval of a new accent and 8 base color for the Tusttn Market Place. 9 10 B. That a special workshop and meeting were properly noticed and held on September 22 and October 6, 1988, respectively, to discuss this request. 11 19. 13 14 15 lO 19! ~0 21 25 26 27 28 C. Pursuant to Section 9272 of the Tustin Municipal Code, the Commission finds that the new tan/beige accent color, as shown on the color sample board date stamped 10-6-88, is compatible with the approved accent colors as well as the base color, and will not be detrimental to the design and color concept of the project and will be a p.ositive addition to the project's color palette. C. Pursuant to Section 9272 of the Tustin Municipal Code, the Commission finds that the base color, as shown on the color sample board date stamped , is .consistent with the project, and is the most appropriate base color for the buildings as it relates to the project itself as well as the surrounding community. II. The Planning Commission hereby approves the new accent and base colors, as identified above, subject to the following condition' A. Any further deviation(s) from t~e color palette (as it consists as of this date) shall require the prior approval of the Planning Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the day of , 198__. A. L. Baker Chairman Penni Foley Secretary AGENDA TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR PIEETING OCTOBER 10, 1988 CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m., City Counctl Chambers ' PLEDGE OF ALLEGZANCE/]NVOCATZON ROLL CALL: Nell, Baker, Le Jeune, Pontlous, Shaheen PUBLIC CONCERNS: (Ltmtted to 3 mtnutes per person for 1terns not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. CONSENT CALENDAR: (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE. MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) 1. Minutes of the September 26, 1988 Planning Commission Meeting . Final Tract Map No. 13106 APPLICANT: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES ON BEHALF OF THE FIELDSTONE COMPANY LOT 6 OF TRACT 12763 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL: EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN THE PROJECT IS COVERED BY A PREVIOUS EIR (85-2) FOR THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN. NO ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED. AUTHORIZATION TO SUBDIVIDE 9.98 ACRES INTO 111 NUMBERED AND 19 LETTERED LOTS FOR A SINGLE FAMILY (ATTACHED) DEVELOPMENT. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Planning Commission recommend approval of Final Tract Map No. 13106, a Vesting Map, to the City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 2530 as submitted or revised. Resolution No. 2530: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING TO THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 13106 Plannlng Commission Agenda October 10, 1988 Page two 3. Final Parcel Map 87-201 APPLICANT/ OWNER: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: THE IRVINE COMPANY 550 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE ' NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 FREEWAY ACCESS RESERVATION AREA SOUTH OF TUSTIN AUTO CENTER PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL - AUTO CENTER CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT CLASS' 15 TO RECONFIGURE TWO EXISTING PARCELS TO CREATE TWO NUMBERED AND THREE LETTERED LOTS. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve Resolution NO. 2535 recommending approval of Final Map 87-201 to the City Counci 1. Resolution No. 2535: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING TO THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF FINAL PARCEL MAP NO. 87-201 ~-- 4. Final Parcel Map 88-206 APPLICANT: OWNER: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: SOLMAR DEVELOPMENT CO. 1201 E. HUNTER AVENUE SANTA ANA, CA 92705 MR. AND MRS. CHANG CHAMPION FOODS 1302 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE TUSTIN, CA 92680 1302 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE TUSTIN, CA 92680 M-INDUSTRIAL CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT (CLASS 15) TO SUBDIVIDE ONE, 2.5 ACRE PARCEL INTO TWO SEPARATE LOTS. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Planning Commission recommend approval of Final Parcel Map 88-206 tO the City Council by the adoption of Resolution 2536 as submitted or revised. Resolution No. 2536: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING TO THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF FINAL PARCEL MAP NO. 88-206 Planning Commission Agenda October 10, 1988 Page three PUBLTC HEARTIIGS 5. Use Permtt 88-19 APPLICANT: OHNER: L OCAT I ON: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: ORANGE COUNTY BUILDERS 1260 HANCOCK ANAHEIM, CA 92807 ART ANO ZENY REMIGIO 65 EMERALD IRVINE, CA 92715 14752 HOLT AVENUE TUSTIN, CA 92680 R-3 3000: MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION REQUEST: AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT A 3,215 SQUARE FOOT, 8 BEDROOM, ONE-STORY ADDITION TO AN EXISTING SENIOR CITIZEN'S HOME ON A 12,220 SQUARE FOOT LOT. Recommendation- It ts recommended that the Planntng Commission approve Use Permit 88-19 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2532, as submitted or revised. Resolution No. 2532: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA APPROVING USE PERMIT 88-19 FOR A 3,215 SQUARE FOOT ADDITION TO AN EXISTING SENIOR CITIZEN'S HOME AT 14752 HOLT AVENUE. Presentation: Eric Haaland, Assistant Planner OLO BUSINESS 6. Abandoned Railroad Right-of-Way Presentation: Christine Shtngleton, Director of Community Development MEW BUSI#ESS STAFF CONCERNS 7. Report on City Council Actions - October 3, 1988 Presentation: Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development AD~OURI~tE#T Adjourn.to the next regular scheduled meeting on October 24, 1988 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. HZNUTES TUSTIN PLANNING COH#ISSION REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 26, 1988 CALL TO oRDER. 7:00 p.m., City Counctl Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGZANCEIZ~VOCATION ROLL CALL: Present' Neil, Baker, Le Jeune, Ponttous, Shaheen PUBLIC CONCERNS: (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CAROS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. Commissioner Le Jeune moved, Ponttous seconded to remove Item 2 from the consent i calendar ' for open discussion. MOtion carrted 5-0. CONSENT CALENDAR: (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) 1. Minutes of the September 12, 1988 Planning Commission Meeting Commissioner Pontious moved, Le Jeune seconded to approve the remainder of the consent calendar. Motion carried 5-0. 2. Amendment to Design Review 87-18, Tentative T~act Map 13106, "Sevilla" Project APPLICANT: THE FIELDSTONE COMPANY 14 CORPORATE PLAZA NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 LOCATION: LOT 6 OF TRACT 12763 ZONING: MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL - EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN REQUEST: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF MINOR ARCHITECTURAL ALTERATIONS TO PERIMETER UNITS OF TRACT 13106. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 2533 approving exterior architectural alterations to the "Sevilla" project originally approved by Design Review 87-18, as submitted or revised. Resolution No. 2533 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING EXTERIOR BUILDING MODIFICATIONS TO DESIGN REVIEW 87-18, A 110 UNIT PROJECT LOCATED ON LOT 6 OF TRACT 12763 Planning Commission Minute September 26, 1988 Page two Staff established that the Irvtne Company design review, staff instituted the request for these changes to improve the exterior views on the two exterior ~units.- The public hearing was opened at 7:06 p.m. Molly Munch, representing the Fieldstone Company, noted that the proposed changes will enhance the architectural view of the project and make it'.more compatible with the surrounding projects. She stated that the cost to make the proposed changes throughout the project would be cost prohibitive and the maintenance costs to the Homeowner's Association could not be justified. She concurred with all of the other conditions imposed by staff. Commissioner Shaheen noted that if there are changes to the units specified, that all of the units should be changed to obtain some consistency in architecture. Ms. Munch noted that the porches are only decorative and the painting of the added features would be prohibited. Commissioner Wetl noted that she objected to the addition of extra balconies and windows on the inner units. She asked.if these proposed changes would be earthquake safe. She also noted that the proposed materials and colors are consistent. Commissioner. Pontious asked what the cost of the changes would be. Ms. Munch stated that the additional building cost would be approximately $7,000 per unit. Commissioner Shaheen asked what the selling price per unit would be for this project and what the square footage of the units would be. Ms. Munch noted that she thought the sales price would be around $200,000 per unit, having two units per building ranging from 1470 to 1770 square feet. Commissioner Le Jeune asked how may balconies were e~fected by this proposed change. Staff responded it might be as many as 36 units involved out of the 110 unit project. The Director noted that the important issue is the private street and streetscapes and to include the changes on the units immediately facing the main loop streets. Commissioner Well noted that she felt unless the changes requested by the builder effect the City in a health or safety way the City should not step in. She noted that if these improvements were made on all of the units, the price tag would be greatly increased. Commissioner Baker clarified that the developer was just upgrading and that there were no probl'ems in obtaining approval of the original plans or design. The public hearing was closed at 7-21 p.m. Commissioner Pontious noted her concern with the cost factor of imposing the changes on all units and suggested that the change be made to the exterior units only. Planning Commission Minute September 26, [988 Page three Commtsstoder Le Jeune noted that the ortgtnal;;plan Was suitable, the enhancements are good and he felt tha.t.th.e changes did not need.to be throughout the project. Commissioner Wet1 moved, Ponttous seconded to approve extertor architectural alterations to the "Sevtlla'' project originally approved by Destgn Review 87-[8 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2533 revtsed to eliminate Sectton II. [. Morton carrted 4-[ No: Shaheen. PUBLZC HEARZNGS 3. Use Permit 88-19 APPLICANT: OWNER: LOCATION' ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: ORANGE COUNTY BUILDERS 1260 HEACOCK ANAHEIM, CA 92807 ART AND ZENY REMIGIO 65 EMERALD IRVINE, CA 92715 14752 HOLT AVENUE TUSTIN, CA 92680 R-3 3000: MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT A 3,326 SQUARE FOOT, 10 BEDROOM, TWO-STORY ADDITION TO AN EXISTING SENIOR'S HOME ON A 12,220 SQUARE FOOT LOT Recommendation: It is recommended that the Planning Commission either continue the hearing on this matter, or approve Use Permit 88-19 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2532 with the conditions contained for redesign of the second story addition, as submitted or revised. Resolution No. 2532 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA APPROVING USE PERMIT 88-19 FOR A 3,326 SQUARE FOOT ADDITION TO AN EXISTING SENIOR CITIZEN'S HOME AT 14752 HOLT AVENUE. Presentation: Eric Haaland, Acting Asststaht Planner Commissioner Well questioned if staff had monitored the board and care home on Bryan Avenue for parking related issues. Staff responded that they had not visited that particular facility, however, they visited other facilities with the type of use proposed by this application and found that parking requirements are reduced. The Director noted that the Bryan Avenue facility is more of an apartment complex where this proposed use is more of a rest home. Commissioner Pontious noted concern for weekend parking demands and accommodations for family visitor parking. Planning Commission Minute Sepl~ember g6, 1988 Page four Commissioner Baker asked what the total number of units will be when completed. Staff responded that there would be a total of 15, possibly fewer if the Second story is eliminated. The Director noted that a few cars could park in the front turn around area. Commissioner Shaheen asked how deep the lot is. Staff responded that the lot is 188 feet deep. Commissioner Wetl indicated that she did not like the long narrow driveway with 42 feet of blind space. The Director recommended that appropriate stgnage could be conditioned for installation on both ends of the driveway to caution users to be sure the drive is clear before entering. The public hearing was opened at 7:40 p.m. Elizabeth (Ptnkerton) Kline, 25400 Cart Road, Wildomar, noted that she owned the property directly south at 14762 Holt Avenue. She indicated that her property received water from 'the subject property's laundry area and that the back yard of her proper'ty is always wet due to this runoff. She indicated that she would like a block wall between the properties; that she would not object to a second story if there were no windows facing the south. She indicated that there are parking problems, and there have been problems finding syringes in their front yard from the trash of the nursing home. She noted concern about what this will do to the surrounding property values. She indicated that the subject type of facility is greatly needed, however, it should be a well run home and should not be a problem to the neighborhood. Alfred George, manager of the apartment complex at 14762 Holt Avenue, noted that there are six children in the apartment complex, and was concerned about heavy construction machinery working at the site and an inadequate or non-existent fence. He also noted a step in the driveway at the site that would decrease the driveway width to ten feet. He also noted that due to the red painted curb, there are many times where the driveway to the apartments is blocked by visitor parking at the senior home. He also noted that when he built his patio there was a setback requirement of eight feet and asked if that would not also apply to the applicant. He also noted that he felt there should be three parking spots for the caretakers. Lyn Van Dyken, 235 S. Main Street, responded that she felt the project needed more than a chain link fence on the south side and suggested a block wall similar to the one on the north side of the project. Julius Deocampo, representing Orange County Builders, noted that the owners decided to remove the second story,, install wood shingles all around, provide proper drainage and have an enclosed trash dumpster. Planning Commission Minute September 26, 1988 Page five Commissioner Le Jeune confirmed that the trash'dumpster would be enclosed, that the roofing material would be of a fire retardant material and that the water run off problem would be solved. Mr. Deocampo' confirmed that all of those problems would be resolved. Commissioner Baker asked if a two foot step did exist, if there were gates on the property and what the distance between the house and the street is. Mr. Deocampo indicated that there would be no problem in removing the step and door that it leads to and that the gate already exists and will remain. Staff responded that the house is 35 feet from the street. Commissioner Well noted that she shared the roofing concern, stating that she would like to see something other than wood shingles used and have the house in front reroofed to match due to the nature of the facility. The Director noted that the materials used would have to be consistent with the Uniform Building Code and its requirements for fire retardant treatment. Commissioner Pontious indicated her concern regarding the lack of greenbelt areas and ~sked if one pa~king space could be sacrificed to obtain more greenbelt and patio area. ~' She also asked if the second story could be removed. Mr. Deocampq noted that a parking space could be deleted to obtain more landscaping and that the second story could be eliminated. Commissioner Shaheen indicated that he would like to see a fence, to protect the privacy of both parties, that is more than just a chain link. Staff responded that a condition to Resolution No. 2532 could be added to indicate that a 6 foot 8 inch high fence or block wall..shall be constructed along the southerly property line. The Director noted that one way a block wall could work would be if the neighboring property owner to the south would agree to allow access to the wall and have the wall built on the property line. Art Remigi~, applicant, noted that he did not want a block wall on the south side as it would block air circulation and that he had plans to construct a chain link fence with wooden inserts. He also noted that the residents of the senior home are quiet and would not disturb their neighbors. Commissioner Well noted that she felt the chain link fence is inappropriate for a r~sidential neighborhood and that wood would be more aesthetic. Commissioner Baker asked what type of fence, if any, was there now. Mr. Remigio, responded that there were just posts for a chain link fence that is not yet installed. Planntng Commtsston Mi nute September 26, 1988 Page stx Commissioner Baker asked about' the awnings tn the driveway. Mr. RemJgto said that the awnings could be removed. Commissioner Shaheen asked Mr. Remtgio-how he got along with his neighbors. Mr. Remtgto responded fine. Commissioner Weil noted concern regarding the safety features on the inside of the buildtng for walk-ers. Mr. Remtgto noted that he would provide whatever facilities that were required by the State Health Department for licensing. He also noted that when the project is finished the back kitchen would be for the guest home and the front kitchen would be used for employees. Commissioner Shaheen asked If the factllty will be sprinklered. The Director stated that whatever ts required by the Orange County Flre Department would be provided. Commissioner Wetl asked tf all of the residents are ambulatory and if a nurse will be ,on duty at a.ll times. Mr. Remtgio noted that his wife lsa nurse, however, the State does not require a nurse and that some residents are ambulatory and some are not. Zen¥ Remtgio, noted that she did not know if a nurse would be required but they would 'conform with the State requirement. Commissioner Wet1 asked if the State inspects these facilities regularly. Ms. Remtgio Indicated that they are inspected regularly by the State. Mr. George, made mention of a situation that existed regarding the fence installation and height. The Director indicated that there were no existing bull dtng permlts for the fence. _ Ms. Kline noted that there was some disagreement regarding the fence, that she would prefer a block wall but would not be against a wood fence. Commissioner Shaheen asked Ms. Kline if she would pay for one half of the block wall. Ms. Kline stated that she could not afford it and had already agreed to pay for one ha l'f of ~ 6 foot 8 inch wood fence. The ~ublic hearing was closed at 8-20 p.m. Commissioner Le Jeune stated that he would like to continue this item until the next meeting. The Director asked the Commission for some direction. Planntng Commission Minutes September 26, 1988 -~ge seven Con~nlssloner Le Jeune stated that if there was a block wall on the north std,, there should also beI '~lne 16In the south side, he wanted to see the best possible use of roofing n~terials and to get the two roofs to match, and he was glad that the applicant had decided to remove the second story and would tike to see a finished drawing on the project. Commissioner Shaheen asked if the neighbor on the south side should pay for the fence. Commissioner Le Jeune stated that he didn't feel that was necessary. i ii The Director noted that if the applicant works with the property owner on the south to install the fence on the property line there should not be a problem. Commissioner Ponttous noted that considering the age of the house she would like to see it reroofed with a material with a higher fire retardant rating. Commissioner Wetl agreed that the house should be reroofed and would also like to see parking made available on the street. Commissioner Le Jeune asked for some background on the red curbs and new elevations. ommtsstoner.Le Jeune moved, Wetl' seconded to continue Use Permit 88-19 to the Yctober 10, 1988 meeting to enable the applicant more time to work with staff. Motion carried 5-0. 4. Use Permit 88-21 APPLICANT' LOCATION' ZONING: E NV I RONM ENTAL STATUS' REQUEST- MR. JOHN REISIG ON BEHALF OF THE RANCHO SAN JUAN HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION RANCHO SAN JUAN CONDOMINIUMS, 13722 RED HILL AVENUE, AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF RED HILL AVENUE AND SAN JUAN STREET {LOT 1 OF TRACT 11330) R-3 1700 MULTI-FAMILY THIS PROJECT IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT (CLASS 1) FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT TO EXTEND THE HEIGHT OF EXISTING MASONRY WALL PORTIONS WITH A 24 INCH WROUGHT IRON TOP. Recommendation' It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve Use Permit 88-21 by adopting Resolution No. 2534 with the conditions contained therein. Resolution No. 2534 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING USE PERMIT 88-21 ALLOWING A TWO FOOT HIGH EXTENSION TO PORTIONS OF A WALL AT THE RANCHO SAN JUAN CONDOMINIUMS AT 13722 RED HILL. Presentation' Bernard Chase, Planner P 1 anntng Comml ss t on Mi nu res September 26, 1988 -Page eight Commissioner Well asked if Resolution No. 2534 item I. E. was an inappropriate ftndtng. The Direct'or noted that tt was a normal condition and was not Inconsistent. Commissioner Shaheen noted that he felt thts was a.necessary project. Commissioner Baker asked tf the Ftre Marshal had seen this request. Staff responded that the project had gone through the preliminary review process and that staff wtll be sure that the plans get routed to them agat n durtng formal plan check. Commissioner Wet1 noted that she had spoken wtth Acttng Pollce Chtef Wakefield and that he dtd not feel that tt would be a problem. The public hearing was opened at 8:40 p.m. Commissioner Le Jeune noted that people were surprised that the security fence would not surround the property and asked what would happen around the wooden fence. Kathleen Fernandez, 13722 Red Ht11, Untt 57, ¥tce-President of the Rancho San Juan "tomeowner's AssoCiation noted that' there was a misunderstanding, that there were to ~e drfveway and sidewalk gates but that it Is necessary to obtain a fence height vartance before proceeding wtth that. She also noted that the wooden fence would be extended. The Dtrector noted that It wOuld be subject to the Destgn Revtew process and building permits and that the application has been submitted. She also indicated that the resolution would permtt them to extend the hetght of the entire fence. The publlc heartng was closed at 8:45 p.m. Commissioner Wetl thanked the Homeowner's Association for bringing this to the C~'ty's attention and felt that the htgher fence is necessary and that she was tn favor of tht s project. Commissioner Ponttous moved, Le Jeune seconded to approve Use Permit 88-21 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2534 as submitted. Motion carried 5-0. OLD BUSINESS 5. Sign Code Amendment - Update Presentation' Christine Shtngleton, Director of Community Development No Planning Commission action necessary. Planning Commission Minutes September 26, 1988 Page ni ne NEN BUSINESS .. STAFF CONCERNS · .. 6. Ctt¥ Council Acttons taken at the September.19, 1988 .meeting Presentation- Christine Shtngleton · o The following actions were taken at the September 19, 1988 City Counc11 meetlng: Approval of Final Map 13556 - Market Place Approval of the Construction of Jamboree JWA Update Appointed a five member Cultural Resources Advisory Committee Density Bonus Policy continued CONlqI SSION CONCERNS Commissioner Shaheen asked the status of the Right-of-way between Tustin Meadows and Peppertree homes. The Director noted that there is a storm drain easement and that the Irvine Company is doing research and will respond to the City's request as soon as they have - completed their research. She assured property owners that the recommendation will not be for public use. Commissioner Le Oeune ask*ed if the residents are noticed of a public hearing. The Director noted that the law requires the City to notice the property owner. Commissioner Le Jeune noted wheel stops in disarray in the Red Hill Plaza parking lot. Commissioner Ponttous asked if there was going to be a joint meeting with the Commission and Counci'l regarding the color of the Market Place. The Director indicated that if the Council desires to meet a special meeting will be scheduled. Commissioner Well asked the procedure on weekend code violation enforcement. In particular Is'he was concerned about someone selling rugs at E1 Camino Real and Newport Avenue. ADJOURNMENT At 9-05 p.m. Commissioner Well moved, Pontious seconded to adjourn to the next regular scheduled Planning Commission meetilng on 'October 10, 1988 at 7'00 p.m. Motion carried 5-0. Penni Foley Secretary .. A. L. Baker Chairman Pl nnin Commission DATE: SUB,]E CT: APPLICANT: LOCATI ON: ZONING: ENVIROI~ENTAL STATUS: REQUEST'. OCTOBER 10, 1988 FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 13106 HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES ON BEHALF OF THE FIELDSTONE COMPANY LOT 6 OF TRACT 12763 HEDIOM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL: EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN THE PRO~IECT IS COVERED BY A PRE¥IOUS EIR (85-2) FOR THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN. NO ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED. AUTHORIZATION TO SUBDI¥'IDE 9.98 ACRES INTO 111 NIJHBERED AND 19 LETTERED LOTS FOR A 'SINGLE FAHILY (ATTACHED) DEVELOP#ENT. RECOI~ENDATION: It ts recommended that the Planning Commission recommend approval of Final Tract Map No. 13106, a Vesting Map, to the City Council by. the adoption of Resolution No. 2530 as submitted or revised. BACKGROUND: On November 23, 1987, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2459, recommending to the City Council approval of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 13106, for the subdivision of a 9.98 acre site into. 110 numbered and 20 lettered lots for the purpose of developing 110 single family attached dwelling units. Subsequently, the City Council approved Vesting Tentative Tract Map 13106 on December 21, 1987, by adopting Resolution No. 87-152. This approval included numerous conditions which the applicant has complied with. The final map is .now ready for recordation wi th the Orange County Recorder's Office. Prior to recordation, the final map must be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission and City Council. Community Development Department Planning Commission Meeting Final Tract Map 13106 October 10, 19'88 Page two The subject site is bounded by future Lagter Way to the north, Bryan Avenue to the south, an elementary school stte and a neighborhood park to the east and future Tustin Ranch Road to the west. Planned and anticipated development in the vtclntty tnclude a proposed 145 untt condominium project to the north across Lagier Way (LDM), and a 1lO'unit single family project (Bren-Osgood) westerly across Tusttn Ranch Road. The number of lots has increased from IlO to ill as the result of a correction to comply with Orange County Subdivision regulations which do not permit structures to be built on lettered lots. The Vesting Tentative Tract Map Identified the lot on which the recreation building Is to be built as lot "G". In order to conform to County requirements, it has been changed to lot 111. The number of attached slngle faintly untts remains at Il0 and the number of lettered lots is now 19, the total number of lots remains at 130 (same as the Tentative Map). CONCLUSION: The Tentative Map approved for this project included various conditions of approval which required adjustments to the map. All of the required revisions are reflected upon the Final Map and the required conditions of approval have been met. Staff has determined of the Final Map is in conformance with the Tentative Map approval, requirements of the East Tustin Specific Plan, Development Agreement, the City's Subdivision Code, the East Tustin EIR and the State Subdivision Map Act. Based upon this conformance, staff suggests that the Planning Commission recommend approval of Final Tract Map 13106 to the City Council by adoption of Resolution No. 2530. Ste~e Rubin Senior Planner SR:CAS:ts Attachments: Resolution No. 2530 Final Map 13106 Christine A. Shtngleto/~/ ~- Di rector of Community ~evel opment Comrnunity Development Depar~mem SHEET I OF g ~HEETS I I I LOTS AND LOT8 THROUGH 'T'o !NCI-US! YE ACREAGE, I0..~"t ACRES CALL OF TENTATIVE: TRACT NO. i i 'l"r ^OT NO, IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN. COUNTY OF ORANGE~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA. BEING A ~UBOiVt~ION (3~ PARCEL I OF LOT LINE ADJU81'~NT NO. 87'-3, RECO#DED NOVENBER lO. II87. A8 II~TRUflENT NO. a?-~3871S OF OFFICIAL. ~cem>~ OF THE COUNTY OF a~umg riND LOTS 'S' & 'T" OF TRACT NO. A, FILED I# eO~ 88t, P,~E, 18-~. INCLUSIVe. OF .Im~.l.l.~EOU, I~OGRI~ OF ~AID COUNTT. HUN~/M~.,R & A~iATES. INC. MI R. Gill L.8. 5780 DATE OF 8UI~vLrrys HAY. 1988 gE, THE UNDER~ISNED, BEING AU. PARTIEI HAVING ANY RECORD TITLE INTEREST IH THE LAND COVERED BY THIS RAP. DO HERESY COt~ENT TO THE PREPARATION AND RECORDATION OF SAID HAP. Al ~HOM¢ WITHIN THE DISTINCTIVE BOIU~.R LINE. gE HERESY DEDICATE TO THE PU~.IC FOR STREET PURPG~Js THE P~I~TION OF LACIER gAY AS ~ ON THIS RAP. gE HEREBY ~)ED[CATE TO THE CITY OF TU~TIN THE EA~.HENT FOR SID~W,M.K AND LANI)~,APE HAINTENANCE Pt,I~POS~S A~ 8tlOg~ ON THiS HAP. gE ALSO GRANT BY DEDICATION TO THE IRVIHE RANCH IdATER DISTRICT THOSE PIPELINE EASENENTS FOR ~l~r,R AND WATER PURP~S A8 ON THIS HAP, WNICH EA~EflENTS ~HALL BE _m__m-_~'_CT TO THE SAHE TERHS AND CONDITION8 AS ARE SHONN IN THAT CERTAIN EA~HENT RECORDED AUGUST ~0. IgSB. AS IN~TRI31ENT NO. 8~-31120~ GF OFFICIAL RECO~D~ OF ORANGE COUNTY. ANO AN ADOED CONDITION THAT NO TREES SHALL BE PLANTED IN SAID PIPELINE EABEHENTS UITHGUT PRIOR blRITTEN COt~ENT FRGfl THE IRVIHE RANCH WATER DISTRICT. VICE PRESIDENT A~IITANT BE~RETARY ACCEPTED ANO FILED ATTHE REGU~ST OF DATE TINE FEE t INBTRU~NT · ~OGK PAGE LEE A. BRANCH COUNTY RECORDER DEPUTY I HEt~BY STATE THAT I AH A LICENSED SURVEYOR OF ~' ~ATE ~ CALIF~NIA~ T~T THI~ ~ C~18T]~ ~ 9 ~ET~ A~ T~ TR~ A~ C~LETE 5URVEY ~ IN flAY , 1~8, gHi~ IT C~ECTLY ~PRE~TS gE~ ~TH ~A~ BY ~ ~ ~R fly DIREGT]~ THAT T~ ~NT5 '~Y. ~ UILL ~Y T~ POSITi~ I~ICAT~ BT SAID fl~ ~ ~NT ~TE8 ~TED T~RE~ A~ THAT ~AID ~T8 J.,~l~S R. GI~.: LeS. S780 LII~ EXPIRES, · .' ! HERE~Y CERTIFY THAT I HAVE EXANINED TH|8 ~ AND HAVE FOUND IT TO BE ~./~8TANTIALA. Y IN COI~ORHANCE WITH T~ T~TATIVE ~ AS FIL~ ~1~. ~D ~ ~PROVED BY T~ CITY P~IK ~IS~I~ THAT ~L NOYiSIN ~ t~ ~IVISI~ W ~T ~ CITY ~IVI~i~ RE~ATI~ ~VE ~EN C~LIED glTH ~ T~ ~ IS TE~ICALLY ~CT IN ~ ~ECT8 ~T ~RTIFI~ TO BY T~ ~TY ~VEY~. DA~ THIS , DAY ~ I~. ROBERT 8. LEDEND~CKER, R.C.E. IS34g CITY ENGINEER. CITY OF TUSTIN REGISTRATION EXPIRE8 FIRST AHERICAN TITLE II~ANCE COHPANY. A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION. AS TRUSTEE UI~R DEED OF TRUST RECOrDeD O~CEI~R ~. ~967. AS IN~TRLI~ENT NO. S?-66~ OF OFFICIAL REC(31~D~ OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE. ITs , STATE OF CALIFORNIA] COUNTY OF ORANGE ] S8 CITY OF TU~TIN ] I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS HAP WAS PRE~.NTED FOR APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF TU~TIN AT A NEGUI. AR HEETING THEREOF HELD ON THE DAY OF IgS~, AND THAT THEREUPON 8AID COUNCIL DID, SY AN ORDER DULY PASSED AND ENTERED. APPROVE 8AID RAP. ANO DID ACCEPT ON BEHALF OF THE PU~.iC THE DEDICATION FOR STREET P~S THE PORTION OF LACIER WAT AS ~lOt/N ON THIS HAP. AND DID ACCEPT THE EABEIIENT FOR 81DEWAU( AM) LANDSCAPE RAINTENANGE PURPOSES AS DEDICATED. ~I'ATE OF CALIFGI~I'iM CQUNTY QIr ORAN~ ON THll a DAY GF '~" '( . IGC8. BEFORE HE ga,. · A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR STATE, PF..N~ONAU. Y APPEARED D. R. ~OIS AND I,~L.Y I,tUkiCH KNOMN TO NE (OR P/rovED TO HE ON THE IASIS OF BATE~CACTORY EVIDENCE~ TO BE THE VIC~ P~[SID[NT AND AI~IITANT BEC~ETARY OF THE FIELDSTONE CONPANY. A C.M. IFOMIIA CORPORATION. THE CORPORATION THAT EXECUTED THE WITHIN IN- STBOn[NT. AND KNOW TO HE M PROVED TO HE ON THE B~8IS OF EVIi~NCE] TO BE THE PEReoNS ~HO EXECUTED THE WITHIN INGTRUI~NT ON BEHAUr OF IAIO CDRPORATION AM) M:W40~.EDCEO TO HE THAT W CORPORA- TION EXECUTED TI( VITNEll ItY ~,' NOTARY I~I~IC IN AND FOR lAID STATE RY PRINCIPAt. P~ACE OF IU~IHEI~ IS · IN GIb~IG[ gGUNT~. * ":' :. ~,. / · AND DID ,(I.80 APPROVE ~UB,JECT HAP PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIGI~ OF SECTION ~4~ (~x~ ~ T~ ~[Vlil~ ~ ACT. DAT~ THIS DAY ~ 1~8. HARY E. WYNN CITY (:~.E~, CITY OF TUITIN I. SECRETARY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN PLANNING coflt~l~loN. DO HERESY CERTIFY THaT THI8 ~ VAS WITTED TO T~ ~TIN ~L~I~ ~1~1~ AT A AE~ ~TI~ ~ ~ DAY ~ I~. ~ T~ SAID PL~I~ C~1881~ DID, BY AN ~R ~Y PAS~D ~ ENTERED, APPRO~ 8AID flAP A8 ~fll~ TO T~ TENTATIVE ~ A8 FIL~. ITATE OF CAklFOJ~IIA] '] 88 COUNTY OF ORANg( ] '~,~ ~,.-=~.-,,^ . A NOTARY ,~,~ l~o"~h~.A,~' ITATE. P~Y ~PE~ C.8. ~ ~ M8 fl. CAV~, ~N TO ~ ~ ~ov~ TO ~ ~ T~ ~18 ~ ~TI~ACT~Y EYi~E] TO M T~ ~1~1~ ~ATI~, T~ C~AII~ T~T EXERTED T~ ~ITHIN I~ ~TR~T. ~ ~N TO ~ ~ P~V~ TO ~ ~ T~ ~18 ~ 8ATI~ACT~Y EVI~} TO ~ T~ P~ ~ EXERTED T~ ~ITHIN I~TR~NT ~ ~ ~ BAlD C~AT~ ~ A~ TO ~ THAT ~ ~- , ~T~Y ~lC IN ~ F~ ~ID 8TA~ IN M ~TY. C~TY ~ M ] ~ MR~Y C~T~FY TO T~ KC~ ~ ~AG C~TY T~T T~ PROVI~E~ ~ T~ ~V[8~ W ACT ~VE ~EN ~C~ED V~TH REGARD~ DEPOSIT8 TO ~ T~ PAY~NT ~ TA~8 ~ ~ECE~ A~S~NT8 C~CECTED AB T~8 ~ T~ ~ gO~ BY THEe W. DAT~ ~ll DAY ~ I~. LINDA U. ROBERT8 C~ERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISOr8 SEE MIEET 2 FOR ADOITIONAL NOTARY A~Fd~OM. EDG(/'fNT8 ANO SIGNATURE SECRETARY OF I'~TIN PLANNING cOrflISSION STATE OF CALIFGI~IIA] ) Bi, COtMTY OF ~ ] i ~8Y ~RTIFY T~T AC~DI~ TO T~ RE~ ~ ~Y ~Fl~ T~RE A. ~ LIE~ AGAI~T T~ L~ COVERED BY THiS ~ ~ ~Y PART T~RE~ F~ ~AID 8TATE. C~TY. ~IClPAL ~ L~AL TAXE8 ~ ~ECIAL AS~8.NT8 C~LECTED A8 TAXES. EXiT TA~S ~ ~ECIAL ! HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE EXAfllNEO THIS I~P AND HAVE FOUND THAT ALL flAPPING PROVISION8 OF THE 8U~IVISION R*MI ACT HAVE BEEN COflPLIED WITH A~ i AH 8ATIBFIED BAlD fl~ 16 TE~IC~Y C~CT R~TIVE TO T~ TRACT ~ 8~Y, DAT~ ~16 DAY ~ I W. C. R. NELSON COUNTY SURVEYOR OF. PUTY IRVINE RANCH WATER DISTRICT CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE l, BETTY J. WHEELER, SECRETARY OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE IRVIHE RANCH WATER DISTRICT DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE INTEREST8 IN REAL PRO- PERTY CONVEYED BY OEDiCATION AND 9HOUR ON THIS TRACT HAP ARE HEREBY AC- CEPTED BY THE UNDERSIGNED OFFICER ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF IRVINE RANCH WAFER DISTRICT PURSUANT TO AUTitO~ITY CONFERRED BY RESOLU- TION NO. JgT~-Ill OF THE'BOARD OF DIRECTORS ADOPTED ON NOVEHBER B, 197B. BETTY J, WHEELER, SECRETARY OF THE BOARD OF CIRECTORS OF THE IRVIHE RANCH WATER DISTRICT, ~EET 2 OF g SHEET8 ! 11 L.OT8 Al4) LOT8 TI'~OUQ"I 'T', CML OF TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 13t08) iii .ACT NO, !31 Ob IN THE CITY OF TUgTIN, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. HUt~AKEJ~ & A__~_~IATES, INC. ,./MIE8 Iq. (311.1. L.8. 8780 DATE OF SURVEYs fiAT, 1988 8A818 OF 8EAAINGSt · THE BEARING OF H 49'~0'20 ¥ ~ ~ F~ ~ ~l~ ~ ~Y~ A~ ~ ~ACT ~. 1~7~ ~ FIL~IN~ MI. PA~8 ~ T~ ~T ~88 .., A STA~ R.C.E. 23~ IN A~HALT PAVI~ ~VI~ A THI~ ~ 2' ~ ~ TO ~ ~T AT ~L ~D LOT ~ EX.PT AT B.C.*6. E.C.'~. P.R.C.'9 ~ P.C.C.*S T~T ~ A 8~T ~1~ ~E ~T LOT ~ ~1~ SI~ LOT LI~8. I~ L~ATI~ ~ ~0 9. q U. OT~ k.8. 4~ TO ~ ~T ~ P.~. ~. ~1~. P.~.O. ~ / 1~4. 8T~ R.C.E. ~ IN A~T ~ ~ ~ TAG R,C.E. 23~ IN ~ . I~ICA~8 L~ATI~ ~ O' 9. & ~. 9T~ R.C.E. f3~ IN A~T ~ L~ ~ TAG R.C.E. 23~ IN ~TE ~ 2' I.P. TA~ R.C.E. 0 I~!~ L~Ti~ ~ 1° I.P.. T~ k.I. 57~. ~ ST~. L.8. ~ iN ~T ~VI~ A ~i~88 ~ ~ LE~ ~ TAG L.B. 57~ IN ~ TO K ~T VI~IN ~ DAY8 ~ I~ICA~8 L~Ti~ ~ 6' 8. L V. 8T~D L.9. 57M IH A~LT ~Vl~ A ~1~ ~ Z' M ~, ~ k~ ~ TAGL.8, PRI~ TO ~TI~. 8TA~ ~ ~iF~IA3 A ~T~Y ~lC IN ~ F~ SAID STATE PERTLY APPEARED ~TTY J. U~L~ P~LY ~ TO ~ (~ PROV~ TO ~ ~ ~ ~818 ~ g~F~T~T ~ ~A~ Oi~ICT. ~ UAT~ DISTRICT ~T EXERTED ~ ~iTH~N [MTR~T ~ ~ TO ~ (~ PRO~ TO ~ ~ ~ ~A8~8 ~ ~ATI~ACT~Y EVI~) TO ~ ~ P~ ~ E~D ~ ~I~IN I~TR~NT ~ ~HALF ~ ~[D ~AT~ DIS~iCT ~ ~ TO ~ ~T ~ ~AT~ DISTRICT NOTARY PUbiC IN AND FG~ 8J~/~TATE fly PRINCIPAL ~ Glr MiI~W8 18 GG~iSSIGN EXP IRE8~~ I. lOT "A" ~ ~,' AJ~ NOT SEPARATE BUILDING SITES. 2. LOT '%.' ~'~ A PRIVATE STREET . :3.LOTS °A" TI,IM31.JG~ 'K' ANO 'M° THrOUgH '~" ARE OPEN ~PACE ~ LOTS AND WILL BE GRANTED TO THE HOItEDt~IER8 ASIQCIATIGfl BY 8EPA,qATE DCF, UflENT. I I 1.01' 'l,° MdL~o*~.O' '?,~*'llV rag)'/. I l * '2 G* 4.0 SS · . EA~ERENT NOTE~ INDICATE6 EABEI~ENT TO IRVIN~ RANCH WATE~ DISTRICT FOR UATER ~ ~R P~P~B AS ~I~T~ ~. I~ICATE8EA~NT F~ 8T~ ~AIN ~P~S TO T~ CITY ~ TUSTIN I~ICA~8 AN EA~NT F~ ~Y ~ ~RVI~ VEHI~ A~SS ~8 ~ T~ CITY ~ T~TIN A8 ~I~T~ ~RE~. ~8 ~ E~NT F~ 81~ ~ ~E ~iNT~ ~8 TO T~ CITT ~ T~TIN A8 ~i~ ~E~. SIGNATURE Ofl18810NS( PURSUANT TO 9ECTION 00438 lei/'3) OF THE SU8OI¥1SIGN HAP ACT. THE FOu. O%dING SIGNATUREI HAVE BEEN QfllTTED, 1. THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, HDI. DER OF A PERPETUAL AVIGATIOR EASEHENT PER CIXf4TY OF STATE QF ]88 COUNTY GF O~ANGE ON THIS DAY OF , 19~0, BF..FORE fiE, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FDR SAID STATE, PERSGNAU.Y APPEARED, PERSONALLY KNOWN TO fie C(~ PROVED TO /II ON THEBASIS OFSATISFACTORY EVID4~NCE) TO BE THE --. PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY, RESPECTIVELY, OF FIRST MIERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COflPANY, A CO/~ORATION, THE CORPO~ATiOt~ THAT EXECUTED THE UITHIN II~TRUr~NT AND KNOWN TO I~ (ON PROVED TO RE ON THE ~818 OF ~ATI~FACTORY EVIDENCEI TO BE THE PERM WHO EXECUTED THE WITHIN INGTRI.MENT ON BEHN.F OF ,SAID CORPOKATION ANG ACI~OM. EDGED TO RE THAT ~ CORPOF~TION EXECUTED THE ~UIE. A8 TRUSTEE. WlTNEU I~Y HANDt NOTARY PUSt. IC IH AND FOR 8AID STATE fly PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS 18 1OI~ANOE COUNTY. / / / / / / / / '~ / / / INDEX MAP LOT A ' I10. ~'- ~ ~1~¢ ~H¢C.T NO. 5 1"VETS# P~II TRACT #0. I'~,'"IGS. 14,14. il, O X/IA ,L&.00 ~ ~ .'~ 0 ALICANT~- (mfr. ~?.) 14.4.OO, i. N4c~Prlpr& PAL.MA e"l,O0 · 6HIH=T KOAO ~-4 'H' .IC~ N4,O,9,Z,OO"P '~'~.00' 0 NCO' "3~'00" E ?~.OC) ' N4. O' ~/"/- '~XD' E 7'~.00/ 1~4.O' e,Z'00"E 7~.00' 6.00' N¢.O'r~'Z'OO'E : N 4~7~,l'0Q' E I m - SHEET 6 OF g SHEETS 8CAL£~ I" - 20' ! !1 LOT8 AND L, OTB THROUGH "T#, INCLUBI¥£ AC~EAG~ K).'~,R~) ACREI CM-L OF TENT.AT ! VE TRACT NO. 13100! NO, 13]0C THE C l TY OF T~T I N, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CAJblFORNIA. HUNBAKEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. GILL L.S. 8780 DATE OF SUrVEYs flAY, 1988 lEE SHEET 2 FO~ BASIl OF BE~qlNOl, INDEX flAP. flOMMENT NOTEI AND EASE- tENT NOTES. b? SG $1 8'2 · ! , ~HF.E:T 7' OF 9 8NF~T~ 8CAL~ I' - 1 I1 1.0TB AND 1.0TB THROUGH 'T'o INCt. U~IYE: ACREAI~, ~0.~,,~ ACR~8 · .. fALL OF TENTATIVE · . TRACT NO. · Tr ACT NO, IN.TH~ CiTY OF TU~TIN, COUNTY OF ORANOE0 8TAT£ OF' CAI.|FOI~IIA. HI,J~AKF. R & A__e~_~IATE~, INC. ~1 R. OIL&. L.8. 5780 DATE OF 8URVEY~ NAY, 9EE ~'L=ET 2 FD~ BA81I OF 8F..A~INOS. INDEX ttAP. tIMI,W. NT NOTE8 AND E. qM:- HENT N01~8. F6 I K'lO' J6 74 ~.~ ~?',,? ~; P.. I IT. oo' I 7?. 00' N ?"/* r~?, Iq"e "/?, 00' '/?. 00' PCL- ~ LLA NO, ~? -5 ~NST. " / I. OT "~" . 'bl,~l~ IO. O0' 4-'~,eo, N 79.01' G7 79,01' 66' N"/"/e~7'l c~" F... 7~.01' '70 'l~"~ 7'~,. 01' ~ 65 . · SHEET 9 OF g ~HEETI 8CAI..E8 I'- L~O' Iit LOT~ AND LOT8 'Ae THROUGH "r', INCt. USIV[ ACREAGE ~ IO.~ OU:L ~F TENTAT[VIr TRACT NO. 13t1~] TnACT NO, 13100 iN THE CiTY OF TUSTiN, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALXFORNIA. I. IUN~AKER & AS~OCIATES, ZNC. dAtlE8 R. GILl. L.8. 57~0 DATE OF 8URVEY~ I~AY, SEE 8ilk'ET ~ F0~ BASIS ~F BF.A~iNO8. INDE:X HAP. J'J0MJtIENT NOTE8 NMO ~- I'~ENT NOTE8, 4/2. O0 ~ I ~ 50' ALP~RA ( r~WAT~ (~) A. oo.r/'49' f'fM" L.'I*.OI~ LOT "~"' (OPEN ~CE') 41 .G,I' ~OT ,p, o. Y'l T. A~. I,.00' g ,I.q LOT TRACT 4.6 ,,vt. %0' 91'IEET 8 OF g 'gHEET8 eCALE~ I" ' 1 II ~OT8 AND LOTB TI. IROUG~ 'T', INCLUSIVE ACREAGE, I0.~"~ ACRE8 C~.t. OF *rENTAT ! V£ TRACT NO. Tr ACT NO, 13105 IN THE CiTY OF' TU~TIN, COUNTY OF' ~, 9TATE ~ ~IF~IA. ~ i ~IATES, I~. 9EE SHEET 2 FO~ 8A818 OF BEARING8, INOEX l~qP, r~0NUflENT ,NOTE8 AN0 EASE-, tlF. NT NOTE8. I-'GII. OI ' PCL. 6~ G4 6"/. 61 L.'LA LOT' P-.G?9 60 "lC. I / No. <~?'~57t$ O. iR. ,,"vT. I 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 1.4 15 16 17 18 RESOLUTION NO. 2530 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING TO THE .TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 13106 The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as 6 follows' 7 I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows' A. That Final Tract Map No. 13106 has been submitted by the Fieldstone Company. B. That a Public Hearing was held by the Planning Commission on November 23, 1987. At this hearing the Planning Commission recommended approval of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 13106 to the City Council. Subsequently, the City Council approved Vesting Tentative Tract Map 13106 on December 21, 1987. 19 201 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 C. That the proposed subdivision is in conformance with the Tustin Area General Plan, adopted East Tustin Specific Plan, Development Agreement and Subdivision Map Act as it pertains to the development of residential condominium units. D. That the City has reviewed the status of the School Facilities Agreement between The Irvine Company and the Tustin Unified School District, the East Tustin Specific Plan, EIR 85-2, the impacts of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 13106 on School District facilities, and reviewed changes in State law, and finds and determines that the impacts on School District facilities by approval of this map are adequately addressed through the reservation of a high school site and elementary site in conjunction with Tentative Tract Map 12763, and imposition of school facilities fees as a condition of approval of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 13106. E. That the site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. F. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. G. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife in their habitat. H. That the design of the subdivision Or the type of improvements proposed will not conflict with easements acquired by the public-at-large, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 1.4 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27/ 28 · -Resolution No. 2530 Page two I. That the destgn of the subdivision or the types of improvements proposed are not likely to cause sertous public health problems. That the Final Map is in substantial conformance with the Tentative Map. II. The Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council approval of Final Tract Map No. 13106 subject to final approval of the City Engineer. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the day of , 1988. A. L. Baker, Chairman Penni F61ey, Secretary Report Planning Commission DATE: OCTOBER 10, 1988 SUB,]ECT: FINAL PARCEL NAP 87-201 APPLICANT/ OWNER: THE IRVINE COMPANY 550 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEk'PORT BEACH, CA 92660 LOCATION: ZONING: FREEWAY ACCESS RESERVATION AREA SOUTH OF TUSTIN AUTO CENTER - PLANNED COHHUNZTY COFIHERCZAL - AUTO CENTER Elrf ! ROlmENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: CATEGORICALLY EXERPT CLASS 15 TO RECONFZGURE TWO 'EXZSTZNG PARCELS TO CREATE 1'gO NIMBERED AND THREE LETTERED LOTS. RECOI~ENDATZON: It ts recommended that the Planntng Commission approve Resolution No. 2535 recommending approval of Final Map 87-201 to the City Councll. SIlI~J~RY: The ortglnal Auto Center land use plan called for, ~ 8.27 acre freeway access reservation area for the purposes of installing a full cloverleaf Interchange at the [-5 Freeway and Tusttn Ranch Road. The ftnal design of thts Interchange has resulted in an excess parcel of land (5.05 acres In stze) in the original reservation area whtch Is adjacent to the Tustln Auto Center. Since the property is no longer needed by Caltrans, the property owner wishes to revise the Auto Center layout by creating one additional dealer site in this area. The property however, was not properly reclassified to commercial use at the time the Auto Center was approved. Therefore, the Tustin Municipal Code and State. Law required processing of a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change and Tentative Parcel Map along with the necessary environmental documentation. A public hearing was called by the Planning Commission on July 11, 1988 for the Tentative-Map and the project was recommended for approval to the City Council. Subsequently, the General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, environmental documentation and the Tentative Map were approved by the City Council on July 18, 1988. Community Development Department Planntng Commission Report October 10, 1988 Ftnal Map 87-201 Page two CONCLUSTON All required General Plan and Zontng I~ap designations are In effect and staff has determined that the Ftnal Map ts tn conformance wtth the Tentative Map. Addlttonally, the applicant has met all conditions of approval for the project, therefore, staff recommends that the Planntng Commission adopt Resolution No. 2535 recommending approval of Final Map 87-201 to the City Council. ~:nU~oarC~lanneru LCP:pef Attachments: Final Map 87-201 Resolution No. 2535 Christine Shingleton~/ Director of Communit~ Development Community DeveloPment Department 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11~ 12 1.4 15 1 19 ~0 21 25 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2535 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING TO THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF FINAL PARCEL MAP NO. 87-201 The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows' " I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows- A. That Final Parcel Map No. 87-201 has been submitted by the Irvi ne Company. B. That a Public Hearing was held by the Planning Commission on July 11, 1988. At this hearing the Planning Commission recommended approval of Tentative Parcel Map 87-201 to the City Council. Subsequently, the City Council approved Tentative Parcel Map 87-201 on July 18, 1988. C. That the proposed subdivision is in conformance with the Tustin Area General Plan and Subdivision Map Act. D. That the site .is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. E. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. F. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife in their habi tat. G. That the design of the subdlv4sion or the type of improvements proposed will not conflict with easements acquired by the public-at-large, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. H. That the design of the subdivisi.on or the types of improvements proposed are not likely to cause serious public health problems. I. That the Final Map is in substantial conformance with the Tentatt ye Map. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 2535 Page two .. !I. The Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council approval of Ftnal Parcel Map No. 87-201 and also authorizes the City Manager to execute any subdivision bonds or agreements for the subject tract. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meetlng of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the ..... day of ..... , 1988. ~' L~ Baker Chairman Penni Foley, Secretary ~HEET I OF 3 ~4~ET$ MAP NO. 87- 2-.01 XN THE CITYOF TUSTZN,COUNTYOF ORANGE,STATE OF CALIFORNIA. BLOCK ttODULE$ 5}'62 08° lB BEINGPARCELS9, ¢ AND D OF PARCEL PAP NO. 84-1032 AS SHO~N ON A HAP FILED INBOOK200, PAGES I9 THROUGH 24 OF PARCEL FLAPS AND A PORTION OF LOTS26AND 27 OF BLOCK 44 OF IRVTNE'S SUBDIVSION PER A FlAP FILED IN DOOR !,PAGE SS OF MISCELLANEOUS RECORD FLAPS. BOTH IN THE OFFICE OF THE COONTT RECORDER OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, J^flES R. CR^T~FORD. L. S. 4965 OI~NERSHI P CERTIFICATE I,~, THE UNDERSIGNED, BEING ALL PARTIES HAVING ANy RECORD TITLE iNTEREST IN THE LAND COVERED BT THIS f~U'. DO HEREBY CONSENT TO TK PREP~AT~ ~O RECORDATION OF SAID ~. AS SHO~ VlTflIN THE DISTiNCTiVE BORER L~NE. ~ ~BT R~E~E AND REL~NQUISH TO THE T~ Z~Y~N~CO~PANY. ~ ~ICHTC,N CO~PO~,TiO, STATE ~ COUNTY OF OH~GE) SS ..... ' __ ~o ~ KsPgc~,vEc~. OF ~HE iRVINE C~ANT. A "ICHIG~ CORPORAT~N~ C~ORATION THAT EXECUTED TK UITHIN INSTANT I,I/~,~/~tESS m' HAND, NO~TANT PUBIC iN AND FOR SAID STATE AUDREY H. POPE HT PRINCIPAL Iq. ACE OF BUSINESS IS IN ORANOE COUNTY. m COmlSSlo. EXPIRES TUSTZN_AUTO CENTER MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION, A C~I~R~IIA NOJ-PR,~F~T MUTUAL BENEFIT CORPORATION NiCHAEL 1'. HC ~N ~ ~lOE~ couN. OF ~ ~ ss ~ NOT~ PUBLIC TN ~O FOR S*IO STATE P~RS~LY ~PE~ED ' PER~N~L~ TO ~ (OR ~RQVED TO ~ ON THE BASIS OF SATZSFACTOR~ EVIDENCE) TO BE AUTO ~ERTER ~.C.~TS' *SSO~ZATION. * ~IFORN~* N~-PROFIT BEREPZT CORP~AHON. TK OOR~ATTUN THAT EXErtED THE V~THIN ~NST~NT. ~o KNOW TO ~ TO K THE PERS~ ~ EXECUTED ~HE VTTHIN ZNS~R~NT UN BEH~F ~ SAiD ~RPORATZON ~O ~KNO~ED~D TO ~ THAT SUCH EXECUTED THE S~. NOT~T PUBLIC iN AND FQ~'SAIO STATE JOHN T. GRIFFIN ~ PR1NCIP~ ~ACE ~ BUSINESS 1S FORD LEASING DEVELOPNENT COHPANY,  DELAU~RE CORPOR~T i~ ~ ~ L[IAH L. CARLIN, ViCE PRESIDENT STATE ~ HI~IGAN ) SS COUNTY OF gAYN; A NOISY PUBLIC IN /~0 FOR SAIDSTATE, PERSON~LY ~PE~ED HI~IAM L. CARUN . PERSONALLY KNOWN TO (OR PROVED TO ~ ONTHE OASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVlOENCE) TO BE THE VICE PRESID~T . OF FORD ~EASZNO OEYELOF~NT CO~Y. A DELAN~E CORPORATION. THE THAT EXECUTED THE VTTHtN ZNSTRU~NT. ~D KNOWN TO ~ TO BE THE PERSON ~ EXECUTEO THE VITHZN tNSTRU~NT ON BEH~F OF SAID CORPORATION AND · ~NOKEOQED TO ~ TH~ SUCH CO~ORATZON EXECUTED THE V~E~S ~Y HAND, ~NN SNAYL~ HY PRINCIP~ PLACE OF BUSINESS IS [ N N~YIJ~ COUNTY · ~ CO~ISSiON EXPIRES.. NOV. leftOe~. ACCEPTED AND FILED AT THE REQUEST OF DATE OF SURVEY~ JUNE, 1988 DATE TII',E... FEE s IRSTRUI~NT · SOOKpAGE~ LEE A. BRANCH COUNTY RECORDER BY DEPUTY SURVEYOR' S CERTIFICATE THIS PAP gAS PREPARED BT i~ OR UNDER HY DIRECTION AND IS 6AGED UPON A FIELD SURVEY IN CONFORMANCE T~ITH THE REOUiREFIENTS OF THE SUBDIVISION TtAP ACT AND LOCAL ORDINANCES AT THE REQUEST OF THE IRVINE COMPANY IN JULY. 1988. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL I~)NUI~NTS ARE OF CHARACTER AND OCCUPY THE POSITIONS INDICATED. OR THAT THEY NILL BE SET IN SUCH POSITIONS ON OR BEFORE JULY 1. 1989, AND THAT SAID MONUI~NTS ARE SUFFICIENT TO ENABLE THE SURVEY TO SE RETRACED, I HENEST SLATE THAT THIS PARCEL HAP SUBSTANTIALLy CONFORHS TO TIlE APPROVED DH CONDITIONALLY APPROVED TENTATIVE MAP, IF ANT. CITY ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE THIS 1~ CONFORI'~S VITH THE REOUlREH~RTS OF T~ SUOOIVISIOX HAP ACT ~D LOC~ ORDINatES ~0 T~ ~ ALL RES~CT$ NOT CERTIFIED TO BY THE COUNTY SURVEYOR. DATED THIS,, pAY OF .... 1988. ROBERT S. LEDENDECKER. RCE 15349 CITY ENGINEER. CiTY OF TUSTIN COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS MAP CONFORFIS UITH THE HAPPING PROVISIONS OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT AND I At1 SATISFIED SAID FlAP IS TECHNICALLY CORRECT RELATIVE TO THE PARCEL ~ BOUNDARy, DATED THIS_~__OAT OF , 1908. C.R. NELSQ~ COUNTY SURVEYOR CITY CLERK'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANOE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) DEPUTY I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS HAP gAS PRESENTED FOR APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AT A REGULAR HEETING THEREOF HELD ON THE ~DAY OF . 1988, ANO THAT THEREUPON SAID COUNCIL DID, BY AN ORDER DULY PASSED AND ENTERED, APPROVE SAID MAP. AND DID ACCEPT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF TUSTtN THE VEHICULAR ACCESS RIGHTS TO TUSTIN RANCH ROAD AS RELEASE~ AND RELINQUISHED. AND DID ALSO APPROVE SUBJECT MAP PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF' SECTION 66436 (e)(3)(A) OF THE SUBDIVISION HAP ACT. DATED THIS~OAY OF . 1988. HARY E. gYNN CITY CLERK. CITY OF TUSTIN CITY PLANNING COFfMISSION CERTIFTCATE I, . SECRETARY OF THE CITY OF TUSTTN PLANNING COI~ISSION. DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS HAP ~AS SUBMITTED TO THE TUSTIN PLANNINO COHFIISSION AT A REGULAR M~ETING ON TIlE DAYOF 191:18, AND THEREUPON SAID PLANNING COIM'IISSI'"~-DID, BY AN ORDER OUL~ PASSED AND ENTERED, APPROVE SAID ~AP AS CONFORMING TO THE TENTATIVE ~AP AS FILED. A~NDED AND APPROVED OY SAID PLANING OATED THIS pAY OF__ . IS88. SECRETARY OF TUSTIN PLANNING COPJ'IISSION JN 23626 SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS PARCEL MAP NO. 87- 201 IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN. COUNTY OF ORANGE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. JAHES R. CRAVFORD. L.S. 4965 DATE OF SURVEY~ JULY. 1988 SIGNATURE OHISSIONS NOTE PURSUANT TO q~HE PROVISIONS OF SECTION S8436 (,) C3) OF THE SUBDIVISION HAP ACT. THE FOLLOWING SIGNATURE HAS BEEII OHITTED, I) THE COUNTY OF ORANGE. HOLDER OF ~ PERPETUAL AIR OF FLIGHT EASEHENT PER DOCUflENT RECORDED IN BOOK 89G5. PAGE 721 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. 2) CITY OF TUSTTN. HOLDER OF EASEI'~RTS FOR PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES AND FOR STONfl DRAIN SYSTEfl AND APPURTENANCES AS DEDICATED ON PARCEL flAP NO. 84-1032 PER A flAP FILED IN BOOK 200. PAGES 19 THHOUGH 24 OF PARCEL RAPS AND PER IRSTRUf'IENT NO. 88-028212 OF OFFICIAL. RECORDS. 3) IRVINE RANCH ~ATER DISTRICT. HOLDER OF EASEflENTS FOR PIPELINE PURPOSES PER PARCEL flAP NO. 84-1032 PEN A ~ FILED IN BOOK 200. PAGES 19 TI~OUGH 24OF PARCEL PAPS A/iD INSTRUttENT NO. 88-311205 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. 4) PACIFIC SELL. HOLDER OF EASEHENTS FOR TELEPHONE PURPOSES PER INSTRUI~NT NO. 86-300610 OF OFFICIAL. RECORDS. HONUHENT NOTES SET I' IRON PIPE TAGGED 'L.S. 4965' AT ALL PARCEL CORNERS. UNLESS OTHERVISE NOTED. 0 DENOTES SET 2' I.P. TAGGED 'L,S. 4988'. · DENOTES A FOUND 1' IRON PIPE TAGGED °L.S. 4965' PER P.H. 84-I032. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. · DENOTES A FOUND L & T TAGGED °L.S. 4988' IN CURS OR SIDEVALK ON A 4.?S FOOT OFFSET ON LOT LINES PRODUCED OR ON RADIAL LINES PRODUCED FOR OTHER FRONTLOTCORNERS PER P,R. ~4-1032. DENOTES A FOUND SPIKE ~ITH BRASS VASHER STAttPED 'L.S. 4965' PER P,R, 84-1032, ~) DENOTES A FOUND L & T TAGGED 'L.S, 4965' IN CURS OR SIDEVALK ON A 8,?5 FOOT OFFSET PER P.R, 84-1032 CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS' TAX CERTIFICATE STATE OF CALIFORNIa3 SS COUNTY OF ORANG~ ) I HEI~BY CERTIFT TO TI~ KCORO~R OF ORANGE COUNTY THAT TH~ PROVISIONS OF THE SUBDIVISION ~ ACT HAVE BEtH COtlPt. IED VITH REO~INO ~ITS TO SE~RE THE PATENT ASSES~TS ~LECT~ ~ T~ES ~ DATED THI~ DAY OF . LINDA O. ROBERTS CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY TREASURER TAX COLLECTOR' S CERT!FICATE STATE OF CAI. IFORRI&) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ACCORDING TO THE RECORDS OF fly OFFICE TH[RE ARE NO LIENS AGAINST THE LAND COVERED BT THIS HAP OR ANY PANT THEREOF FOR UNPAID STATE. COUNTY. /'AJNICIPAL OR LOCAL TAXES OR SPECIAL. ASSESSHENTS COLLECTED AS TAXES. EXCEPT TAXES OR SPECIAL ASSESSHERTS COLLECTED AS TAXES NOT TIT DUE AND PAYABLE. DATED THIS._..._.DAT OF~. 1988. ROBERT L. ~TRON BY, COUNTY TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR DEPUTY TREASURER-TAN COLLECTOR BASIS OF BEARINGS NOTE THE SEARINGS SHOVN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE CENTERLINE OF AUTO CENTER DRIVE AG SHO~N ON PARCEL HAP NO. 84-1032 PER A HAP FILED IN SOON 200. PAGES 19 THROUGH 24 OF PARCEL FLAPS IN THE OFFTCE OF TH[ COUNTY RECORDER OF ORANGE COUNTY, CAL IFONNtA, BEINO N49°20'34'V, ROTE, PARCELS I AND 2 ARE FOR COHH~RCIA/ PURPOSES. PARCELS A. B AND ¢ ARE FOR LANDSCAPE HATNTENANCE AND A£C~SS PURPOSES AND VILL BE GRANTED BY SEPARATE DOEDHENTTO, AND HAINTAIN~ ~[ ~T[N ~ C~ H&RCHAN~ AS~C~TION. SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS 'P'CELSANDP*aCELSA'SANDC PARCELo.,. AC,ES MAP NO. 87- 201 IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, COUNTY OF O~ANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, JAMES R. CRAWFORD. L.S. 4965 DATE OF SURVEY, JULY, 1988 PARCEL A' 0.154 AC. AU. vr,.HICULAR ACE[SS ~IEHTS TO TUSTIN ~ANC,H ROAO Agc HFr. REBY RELE,A$cDA#o R[LINOUISH£D TO THE CITY Of: TUSTIN. /~.TUSTIN RANCI.I ROAD (FORMERLY JAMBOREE BOULEVARD) 324,ZZ' P'417C£1.. I 4'843AC. M 81' $4'16"~ GO00' ;:CL.. ": EASEMENT LEGEND //~ DENOTES A 15.00 FOOT WIDE EASEMENT FOR PIPELINE PURPOSES DEDICATED TO IRVINE RANCH WATER DISTRICT PER INSTRUMENT NO. 8S-31120S OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. ~ DENOTES A $.00 FOOT WIDE EASEMENT FOR PIPELINE PURPOSES DEOICATED TO IRVINE RANCH WATER DISTRICT AND AN EASEMENT FOR PUOLIC UTILITY PURPOSES OEOICATED TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN,OOTH PER P.~. 84-1032 A PACIFIC BELL EASEMENT PER INSTRUMENT NO. 86-300610 OFOFFICIAL RECORDS. //~ DENOTES A IS.Q0 WIDE EASEMENT FOR PIPELINE PURPOSES OEOt CATED TO IR¥INE RANCH WATER DISTRICT PER P.M. 84-1032. TABLE OF COURSES Q - 08'46'10' RI 300.00' ( N81'34'IS'E 39.70' ~) N4g'20'34'W 14.00' N14'lS'OO'W 19.SS'  N14'l$'OO'W 23.41'  NI4'I$'OO'W 42.96' (~) N40*3g'26"E 12.23' NI4'IS'OO'W 35.01' L' 45.92' ~z SEE SHEET 2 FOR BASTS OF BEARINGS NOTE ANO HONUMENT NOTES. J.N. 2~6Z$ Report to the Planning Commission ITEM NO. 4 DATE: SUB,]ECT' APPLICANT: ONNER' LOCATION' . ZONING: Elrf IROIIRENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: OCTOBER 10, 1988 FINAL PARCEL PAP 88-206 SOLFIAR DEVELOPIqENTCO. 1201 E. HUNTER AVENUE SANTA ANA, CA 92705 HR. AND NRS. CHANG CHAI~ION FOODS 1302 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE TUSTIN, CA 92680 1302 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE TUSTIN, CA 92680 H- I NDUSTR I AL CATEGORICALLY EXEIqPT (CLASS 15) TO SUBDIVIDE ONE, 2.5 ACRE PARCEL INTO TWO SEPARATE LOTS. RECOI~HENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission r. ecommend approval of Final Parcel Map 88-206 to the City Council by the adoption of Resolution 2536 as submitted or revised. SUMARY Solmar Development Company is intending to construct a new industrial building on a vacant piece of property located on Industrial Drive between Woodlawn and Red Hill Avenue. The site is currently part of a larger 2.5 acre lot owned by Champion Foods. Prior to the sale of the property to Solmar Development, the property must be subdivided into two separate parcels by the processing and approval of a Parcel Map as required by State law and the Tustin~Municipal Code. Community Development Department !.lanning Commission Report Final Parcel Map 88-206 October 10, 1988 Page two Th~ Planning Con~ni ssi on has reviewed and recommended approval of the Tentative Parcel Map on 'June 27, 1988. This Tentative Map was subsequently approved by the City Council on July 5, 1988. CONCLUSZON Staff has reviewed the proposed Final Map for conformance with the previous map and Conditions of Approval and all requirements have been met by the applicant. Therefore, staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 2536 recommending approval of Final Parcel Map 88-206 to the City Council. LCP:pef Attachments' Resolution No. 2536 Final Parcel Map 88-206 J~'c~ri sti ne Sh i'ngl e~~.X~n DI rector of Community Development Corn munity Development Department 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1.4 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2536 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING TO THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF FINAL PARCEL MAP NO. 88-206 The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows- I. The Planning Commission'finds and determines as follows' A. That Final Parcel Map No. 88-206 has been submitted by the Solmar Development Company. B. That a Public Hearing was held by the Planning Commission on June 27, 1988. At this hearing the Planning Commission recommended approval of Tentative Parcel Map 88-206 to the City Council. Subsequently, the City Council approved Tentative Parcel Map 88-206 on July 5, 1988. C. That the proposed subdivision is in conformance with the Tustin Area General Plan and Subdivision Map Act. De That the site 'is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. E. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. F. That the design-of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife in their habitat. G. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements proposed will not conflict wi th easements acquired by the public-at-large, for access through or use of the property wi thin the proposed subdi vi sion. H. That the design of the subdivision or the types of improvements proposed are not likely to cause serious public health problems. I. That the Final Map is in substantial conformance with the Tentati ye Map. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1.4 15 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 2536 Page two II. The Planntng Commission hereby recommends tO the City Council approval of Final Parcel Map No. 88-206 and also authorizes the Ctty Manager to execute any subdivision bonds or agreements for the subject tract. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meettng of the Tusttn Planntng Commission, held on the day of , !988. ~. L. Baker Chairman Penni Foley, Secretary SH[L'"r I OF 2 2.4e8 ~ PARCEL MAk NO. 88 206 IN TH£ CITY OF TUSTIN COUNTY OF' ORANO£, STATE OF' CALIF'ORI~IA I[INO A SUIOIVISIMI (]ir IYdC£L ! AS SHOMI Oil A HAP ALCON#ED IR B(X]K 35, PAr,[ H Mr PA#EL IMPS, IECMIOS Mr MI#GE CHIT, CALIFMINIA. COAST SURVEYINO, INC. RUE/ del CASTILLO, L.S. 4212 gIIOlVlIWI~*S CriTIFIf. J. Ir I, TH[ UIIO(RSIGN[D, KING TN( SUNOIVIOFR OF TH[ LAN# COVEIKO IT THIS NAP, TH[ It[CORD MRS Mr kfllCN ME LISI[O HE#El#, 04) HEN[IV C[#11FY THAT SAID R[COilD MRS CONS[IT I0 TN( ~IKPAMTIO# ANN Il[EM#DAli#il Mr HAlO MP, AS SHOW VlTHIH TN( OISTINCTIV[ IIMi~l LIRE. SOUI~ OLrlfCLOMf. ffT C(]I~M, A CALIfONHIA G[KNAL PAJITHCIISHIP A. L o,o. ~,,,rHt~/ ' ~' ClIJIG-PO CLIME A#D ClillSrlM Il. CNAIIS, NOSINI) MO #lire AS ~OIRI' TIM#TS. CliNg)lOll FOaOS COIF(IIATll, A C~IFONOIA CCIIPMIATIMI S~IITONO INIK Of CALIFMIIIA, ACN. IFONIIIA MING COIIPOIMTION, MMFICIAIIT UllO~l MC# Mr TN#ST H[CMIMrO 3MIMT 21, tN4 AS IIISTIIMEJIT NO. NO-037049 Mr MrFI.CIAL IKCONOS. HI# WlLS INC~Tra, A O[iE CMIPQIATIMI, B[N[FICIAM UI~I O([D Of TIUSI IKCMIMD JA/IHARY 21, IN~ AS INGTRMI[NT NO. II-fi/ON OF OfFICIAL IKCMI)S. INIC Of 'TIM~, A CALIFDANIA CQilFOIATIMI, IEI~FICIARY UNOER TH[ #fED Of TRUST I~COIIMO NAY 13, II# AS INSTIl#LIT NO. ll-225104 Of OFFICIAL 'CEIl#TV Of MIMe, HOLOfl M AN [AS[M#T FOil AVIGATIMI PUMrOS[S II 101 INS, IA&[ 721 Of MFICI4L lEE#IDS. SNITA ir[ LANO I~ C~PNff, A CALIFOMIIA CMIPMIATIMI, Mr AN ~S[NEHT FMI DAILMMO i'Ul~Q~S I[CONO(O IH BOMI NeB, PAS[ 46; OF Mrlr IClAL I~CMII~. EASEII[NT Fi Ull0[RGAIXJIIO [L[CTIIICAL FqNOq)S[S RECONI)~0 IN BOOK 1Ol4i, PA# 174 Of OfFICIM I[CONOS, STAIT OF CALIF01mlA ) cNoim Of ~,C,4NG, L ~ 'I U4. AA~A.IL ~.,~..L/kFf)'~d~/ , A NOTAIY PUBLIC IN ANN foil SAID STALE, P[ISMMLT APP[N~O liQMI! A. LLO~I), KISQNALLT JCNONO TO HE, OR PNOVED TO H[ Oil TH[ bSIS Of SATISIrACTMIY [VIOL#CC, TO B[ MC OF THC PMTKNS Of GM O[V[S CMIPMY, TH[ PAJITH[RSHIP THAT £X[CUTEO TH[ HITNIH INSTIII~RT ANN ACKNOULEOG[O TO NC THAT SUCH PARTH[NSHIP TX[CUTES TH[ SAil[. Vii#SS m HAll0: 8111 iN~ M IINC~AL PL4CE Of NOSIN~SS COITV. Iff CCIMISSlal LTPIKS: ,~,f:d,~.~q~q/~ / 9 ?/ '" MTEO 1111S MY OF , I! . LINOA O. I~I[IITS SlJ~DNIS(IS ACC[PT[O ANN ~ AT THC K(3U[ST OAT[ ~OCK __. PA(~ ........ C~UNTY TRIS NAP HAS PR[PAIrED By #[ Mi rifts SUIIVLI IN COtff'Ok#A#Cl' ¥1IH IH( #[QUI#IHLNIS OI Ifil bUIk)IVIT~IUN IMP ACI ANN LOCAL ON#IH#ElS Al lilt Itltll. I ff[#t#Y El#lilY THAI ALL ~VI~INNI$ OCCUPY life PO~IIIMI$ INOI(AIIO, O# IHA!ll#Y kILLill SSIINHUH'Il t~)SIIIoilS Mi ~ll llll~14[ D(CINOI# ]1, Igtll; ~ T)MI ~Alll NOflWNIS All ~"~ C~[~; .............. · C~ ~V[~'S C[ITIFI~T/ WiS W C~ ViTH THC ~IK ~ISI~S ~T ~ I M ~TISFI[O ~ID MP IS T[CWI~LY C~[CT RELATIVE TO THE P~[L W WY. DATES THIS DAY OF 15 . C.l. H[LSMI BT COUNTY SUIIVEYON 0CPUTY Cl~ [IIGINFFI'S C£ITI£ICAT£ Tills IMP CMIEOilNS ¥1TH THE REQUIIIEH[NTS Of TH[ SUNOIVISIMI HAP ~CT ANN- LOCAL MIOINANC[S ANN TH[ ~ IS TECHNICALLY CQ~R[CT IN ALL IKSP[CTS NOT CERTIFIED BY TH[ COUNTT SURVEY#Il. ! ALSQ HEll[BY C[ItTIFY THAT TH[ CITY HAS APPItOVEO SUBJECT HAP PURSUANT TO TH[ PIIOVlSIMIS Of SECTION 66436(a)(3)(A) Mr THE SUBOIVISIMI W ~CI. DATEO THIS ~ DAY OF I$ .... It#lENT S. LED(NSEC#ER, I1.C.£. 15349 CITY [NGl#[[ii Of TUSTIN [XPl~TI011 0&T[ 3-31-8J PIMIIIG £OIIIIStlMi EERTIFICATF I, PLANNING C01MISSIMi, IX) REP~BY CEJITjF'Y SECR£TARY TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN THAT THIS ~ HAS SUB#ITT£O TO T[ IUSlIN PL~I~ C~ISSI~ATAR[~ ~[TI~ 1H[R[~ ~ THE ~Y, OF , I~ ~ THEREU~ ~lO PL~I~ ~ 0lO, 8Y ~[R ~Y PASSED ~ [NICHED, ~V~ ~lO ~P AS ~IN lO T~ TENTATIVE ~ AS FIL~, ~0 ~iK C~ISSI~. ~T~ ~IS ~ ~y ~ 1~. i~CIIETAIY, CITT OF TUSTIN Pt#II INS COImlSSIMi COIITY TIrJL111rl . TAS COLtrCTOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF CALIFGNNIA~ I $l COMITY OF QIL4NG[ ) I H[H[IY C[ItTIFY THAT ACCOIIDINO TO THE RECOROS Of HY 0FFIC£ THEIK ARE NO LIENS AGAINST TH[ LANO COVERED BY THIS IMP Oil #dY PA~T TH£R£OF EMI tMPAID STATE, COUNTY, HUNICIPAL ON LOCAL TAXES Oil SPECIAL ASS[SS/~NIS CQ4.LECT[O AS TAXES, EXCEPT TASES Oil SPECIAL ASS[SS/(HIS COLLECTED AS TAXES NOT YET PAYABLE. DATED THIS ..... DAY OF Il ,, ROBERT t. ClTRGff BY COUiITy TIKASUR[ll/TAX COLL£CTON O[J'IJTY TRL~SUREP./TAX COLLECTOR J.N. He-041 SHL'L'T Z CF Z 2.498 2 PARC(~S PARCEL MAP NO. 88 206 IN TH[ CITY OF' TUSTIN COUNTY OF' ORANGr, STATr OF' CALIF'ORNIA COAST SURV£YINO, INC. RU£L del CASTILLO, L.S. 4212 LAN0 I&qOV~J(Nl CiRJANY _......~, IKI ~'~ IK01f)~O lid 8OGIC SiM, PAG[ 417,0.0. · , PMB DE'TAIL lifO. SPLICE /~0.~.A IOS/34 / INGER AVENUE MOULTON PARKWA 10" BSBBT TO 11~ S01/~IIII) too,, ~ ~'~'~ ~ ~-.. ~ 10146, ~ I~ 0.1. J ~ i.S. ~ KI ~l. lO~l~l -- ~ · / , r · l . . o.... ,......[. o..,~ -. I ~ ~,. ~ / (~;~;M~ ~: ( ~ ~ .................... , - - ............ 'u. t / ~ _ / ~ :.~_ ~ _ . L.S. ]Ill KI ~ 10~34;~./ G~ ~ / ~ _ '~'iI'O~'W 14. J4' ~ ~i ~'~&~ .... }CITY ~ TUSTIN TI[ /iii W~ ~ ~ il r I. ~ ~m. 0.]'; ~]'4rs~v, 0.4:' % ~ z :l I I~j~ PARCEL I I~ PARCEL I~ ~ff~r~z/s~dr~~ l~ I w ~=1=~.~'1/ ....... r~,~ ~: .... ~li~,,, .,..,~ · a./..~ ~;~ i_.-l.,,-,,o,,,,..,.o., ~. sP~ i m ~P.o.l~/~~~---~o[n~----~~ .... '---~¢~---~-~-~-~ r;D sP~ ~ ~m STr~ / // ~1 ~1 ~1 I ~ ~2'3~'M-[ 0 07, / ~ ~i ~;~ ix~l ~'~ ~ ' PCL 2 ~- ~,-o,~ ,~ ~ ~ , ~-,'~,'o,.[. o.os. ,.,. ,,,,. ,.~ ,,,~,~. .--k,~.?,,, - '_%LN~] ~ 31 V 0 S4 I ' '" ' ' ' ~ ---- VALENCIA k~iro. SPIIC[ i VASH[I STP'D. ~L.$. 3ill KI l JR lOS/]41 /O#. 0.OS'; SM*II'0S'[, 0.07' · INOICATiS irOiiD NIXtl4[NT AS NOT[D O INOICAT[S S(T [rflfl A 2,. hP. f, TAG L.$. 42,12,, ii A l' I.P. i TAG L.S. 4212, 08 A LBO Mil, & TAG L.S. 42,lZ IN CiiCIKl'[, 01 A LIIK[ ASO ¥ASHfll STA~f[O L.S, 42,lL I I AVENUE : ~'ro. 0.c.$. YELL #0MJ~NT ¥1TH · -~lt~X BM PIll 0J.A 100/34 A ~CITY OF TUSTIN TIE Ii&2,; ii. 1.3, TH( BASIS Mt KAItlNGS FOIl THIS IMP IS TH[ criIT[ILilM' M= I[iilLL ASDIJ~, I(IAG AS SO01dll MI A I'AGC[L IMP I[C(XlO(O III 3S0 FAG( SO M PAIC[L MPS M TN[ CmJiiTT I[CMIMA (~ OilMM C(~NTY. ,43 JN '-~'=341 Repor to Planning Commission DATE: SUB,]E CT: APPLICANT: OWNER: LOCATION: · ZONING: ENV I RO*NIqENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: OCTOBER 10, 1988 USE PERlqIT 88-19 ORANGE COUNTY BUILDERS 1260 HANCOCK ANAHEIIq, CA 92807 ART AND ZENY REIqlGIO 65 EIqERALD IRVINE, CA 92715 14752 HOLT AVENUE TUSTIN, CA 92680 R-3 3000: HULTIPLE .FNqILY RESIDENTIAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT A 3,215 SQUARE FOOT, 8 BEDROOIq, ONE-STORY ADDITION TO AN EXISTING SENIOR CITIZEN'S HOHE ON A 12,220 'SQUARE FOOT LOT. RECOI~P, ENDATION: It ts recommended that the Planntng Commission approve Use Permit 88-19 by the adoptlon of Resolution No. 2532, as submitted or revlsed. BACKGROUND: At their regular meeting of September 26th, the Planning Commission reviewed a 3,326 square foot, 10 bedroom, two-story addition to an extstin9 senior citizen rest home. The Commission discussed various concerns about the project and continued the public heartng for the Use Permit in order for the applicant to submit revised plans. , Community Development Deparxmem Planntng Commission Report Use Permtt 88-19 October 10, 1988 Page three now proposes to use a'ftberglass composite shtngle which has a Class 'A' fire rating In all new and exlstlng Improvements. According to the Butldlng Official, the present wood shake roof on the extsting building appears to be beyond 1ts 25 year life expectency. Staff have, therefore included a condition tn Resolution No. 2532 requiring that Class 'A' fiberglass composition shingles be used to roof the entire project. 3. Fenctng The lack of an adequate separation along the southerly property line was a key tssue brought up to the Planning Commission by an adjacent property owner. The appllcant Is proposing a six foot high, double faced, capped top, framed, wooden fence, matching the extsting fence along the east property line. The applicant prefers a wooden fence rather than a block wall for the following reasons: a block wall would be stark, create a barren atmosphere , reduce llght and air on the site, require more space and be slgntficantly more expensive. The estimated cost for a 6 foot htgh wooden fence would be approximately $1,000, while a block wall of the same dimensions would cost approximately $3,700. The disadvantage of a wooden fence would largely relate to maintenance. Staff have attempted on several occasslons to contact the property owner to the south to resolve this Issue, Including the feasibility of obtaining approval for a common property line fence or wall. Unfortunately, the property owner has not been ava1 lable. An additional fence issue involves the existing 6 foot high wrought iron fence and driveway gates at the front of the subject property. These structures must be removed to allow for the required public sidewalk to be installed. The applicant is proposing to place a driveway gate well behind the front property line alongside of the existing building which will comply with the City's required front yard setbacks and allow traffic circulation at all times onto the site's U-shaped front driveway. The relocated driveway gate would normally be kept open and would likely be closed at night, if at all. 4. Dral nage The problem wi th drainage over the southern property line has been addressed in both the original and revised proposals by replacing the existing laundry room that has caused problems in the past, and providing subsurface drainage around each side of the property and at the rear of the property. In addition to these items, a grading/drainage plan, meeting all applicable requirements, will be required during structural plan check. -- 5. Patio and Setback Landscapin9 More detail on revised plans has been provided indicating a combination of Community DeveloPment Depar~men~ ~ P1 anntng Corem1 sslon Report Use Permit 88-19 October 10, 1988 Page two DISCUSSION: _ ,~ Specific concerns raised regardtn9 the originally proposed project include' 1. The incompatible appearance of the proposed second story addition. ® The use of shingle'rooflng materials on proposed buildtn9 addltions and relationship to existing Improvements. 3. The need for a fence or wall separation along the southerly property line. 4. Current inadequate site drainage. 5. Patio and setback landscaping. 6. A current step obstruction in the existing driveway. ® The adequacy of propose, d off-street parking including the availability of street parki ng. In response to many of the above concerns, the applicant has submitted revised plans for a 3,215 square foot, 8 bedroom, one-story addition. Individual concerns noted above as they apply to the revised proposal are discussed below' 1. Second-Story Addi ti on The second-story addition that was originally proposed for the project has been eliminated on revised plans. This change creates the desired architectural compatibility between the proposed addition and the existing building. The revisions to the plans, however, have resulted in the applicant increasing the size of the first story addition directly adjacent to the existing front building. This added floor area also necessitates a revised design for the existing building's roof, which has been done in an architecturally compatible manner as indicated by the roof plan and elevations. Staff believes that the new design of the ground floor addition is compatible with the entire project, although it has reduced the total area of central patio/entranceway. Despite this, the applicant has stiT1 incorporated some additional landscaped area adjacent to the parking lot on the plans. e Rooftng The Planning Commission expressed concern over the compatibility and fire safety of the roofing material to be used on the project. The applicant · Corn rnunity Development DeparTrnen( P1 annl ng Comml ssi on Report Use Permit 88-19 October 10, 1988 Page four concrete patio and walkway, trees, shrubs, and ground cover for the central patio/entranceway, rear patio and northerly setback area. 6. Drtveway Obstructl on. The step serving the kitchen exit door that presently projects two feet into the north side of the driveway is proposed to be removed. The door is not required for exiting purposes by building code and will be filled in with a solid wall. Ade.quacY. of Parkin~/.Availab.ilitY Of,i Street Parking The availability of street parking was questioned due to red curbing along Holt Street. The Public Works Department has indicated that most existing red curbing in the area is adjacent to curb cuts and at street corners serving private driveways in order to maintain visibility. An area map is attached that indicates the approximate amounts of street parking near the project site. One to two parking spaces exist directly in front of the site while there are approximately 12 spaces available along the east side of Holt Street. Street parking is also available across the street (in front of unincorporated properties) as well as to the north on Plaza Way. The concern about parking is an important issue for the proposed facility. While the six on-site parking spaces provided in the revised proposal is less than standard for a typical residential-use, the number of parking spaces proposed is felt by staff to be adequate and appropriate for a facility serving elderly residents that do not drive automobiles as is the case with the Golden Years Home. The State of California Social Services Department licenses the facility as a Residential Care Facility for the elderly which requires the screening of each applicant admitted to the facility by the State in order to determine that they need the care and supervision provided by such a facility. This process would eliminate the possibility of more active seniors that might drive automobiles from residing in the facility. As staff indicated at the Planning Commission meeting on September 26, 1988, the existing U-shaped driveway also offers temporary parking for those visiting the facility. Conditions of approval requiring that the proposed project maintain an elderly care facility license and continue accepting only non-driving seniors have been included into Exhibit A of Resolution No. 2532. Corn rnunity DeveloPment Depar~rnen( Planning Comml sston Report Use Permtt 88-19 October 10, 1988 Page ftve C0#CLUSX0#: Staff has revtewed the revtsed proposal and belteves that the applicant has addressed all of the tssues that were ratsed at the September 26th meeting; therefore, staff recommends that the Planntng Commission approve Use Permtt 88-19 by adopttng Resolution No. 2532 as proposed or revised, wtth any amendments deemed appropriate. One potential issue that the Commission may want to focus on ls Condition 2.7 whtch requies a stx foot high fence Instead of wall. ~:t;ic tlaalan~d" ' .--- Assistant Planner EH:CAS:ts Attachments' 9-26-88 staff report Area parking map Resolution No. 2532 ChriStine A. Shtnglej~n Director of Community Development Corn munity Development DeparTment Planning Commission DATE: SUB,1E CT: APPL!CANT: Ok'NER: LOCATION: ZONTNG.~ ENVZROIelENT~ STATUS: REQUEST: SEPTEHBER 26, 1988 USE PE~TT 88-19 ORANGE COUNTY BUILDERS 1260 NEACOCK ANAHEIM, CA. 92807 · ART AND ZENY REHIGIO 65 EHERALD IRVINE, CA 92715 14752 HOLT AVENUE TUSTTN, CA 92680 R-3 3000: HULTTPLE FAHZLY RESZDENTTAL NEGATZYE DECLARATION AUTHORZZAT!ON TO CONSTRUCT A 3,326 SQUARE FOOT, 10 BEDROOH, T'dO-STORY ADDTT!ON TO AN EXTSTTNG SENZOR'S HOHE ON A 12,220 SQUARE FOOT LOT REC(],IHENDAT! ON: ii i i iii i i It ls recommended that the Planntng Commission etther contlnue the hearlng on thls matter, or approve Use Permtt 88-[9 by the adoptton of Resolution No. 2532 wtth the conditions contained for redestgn of the second story addition, as submitted or revised. BACKGROUND: The applicant proposes a 3,326 square foot, 10 bedroom, fao-story addition to an existing senior citizen rest home. A rest home ts a permitted use tn the R-3 zone subject to Planning Commission approval of a conditional use permit. An addttton of this magnitude eliminates all non-conforming rights of the property and subjects' the entire development to current zoning requirements. ,, Community Development Department P1 ann~ ng Commt ss~ on Report Use Permit 88-19 September 26, 1988 Page two The subject property Is surrounded by existing two-story apartment complexes to the north, east and south. Stngle famtly homes are located across the street tn unincorporated area. A ten foot htgh block wall Is located along the northerly property 11ne as well as a chatnltnk fence on the easterly property 11ne, and a chalnllnk fence Is proposed for the southerly property 11ne. The apartment butldtng to the south of the subject property has tt's .driveway Immediately adjacent to the drtve~ay on the project stte and the projects are presently open to each other. DISCUSSION: The submitted plans propose a rear etght (8) bedroom ground floor addttton to the exlsttng sentor's factltty to be occupted by elderly residents along wtth ne, 1tying, dtnlng, kttchen, and offtce area. Two (2) caretakers bedrooms are also proposed ~lthtn a sma]] second story area. Ingress and egress to the stte ts provided adjacent to the southerly property 11ne by a 16 foot ~lde curb cut leadtng to a U-shaped driveway In the front and a Z2 foot wide drtveway along the southern property 11ne whtch accesses parktng spaces at the center of the property. 'Patto areas are provtded along the rear property 11ne behind the proposed addttton and between the proposed parktng spaces and the extstlng front building. The following summarizes the project's compliance ~tth R-3 Oevelopment Standards: ! rem Prop..osed Requtrement Lot area 12,220 sq. ft NA Floor area 5,112 sq. ft NA Coverage 38:1 75:1; mt nt~um Hetght 22 ft. 40 ft. maxtmum Front setback 28 ft. 15 ft. mlntmum Stde setback-north 5 ft. 5 ft. mtnJmum Stale setback-south 5 ft. 5 ft. mtntmum Rear setback l0 ft. lO ft. mtntmum Parktng 7 spaces NA Open space 790 sq. ft. NA Indoor common area 751 sq. ft. NA Nhtle the California State Social Services Department Is responsible for the licensing of Residential Care Facilities for the elderly and determines the actual number of residents permitted and caretakers required for the subject facility, the applicant ts expecting approval for a maxtmum of 20 to 24 residents. The parking requirement for the subject use ts to be determined by .... the Plannlng Commission through the Use Permit process since there Is no Community DeveloPment Department Planntng Commission Report Use Permtt 88-19 September 26, 1988 Page three requirement of the zoning code. Wht]e seven (7) parklng spaces are Indicated on the submitted plans, staff research has Indicated that a total of slx (6) spaces would be sufficient for caretakers and guests. A lo~ need for parklng for such a facJ11ty ts afftrmed by an existing board and care facillty located at 15645 "B' Street where staff observations rarely ftnd more than one parking space In use'which ts a faclllt3~ o~ned passenger van. Elderly resJdents of the factllty do not and are not expected to drive automobiles. As a second potnt of reference staff contacted a number of Orange County cJtles to determine thetr parktng requirements for stmtlar uses. A parking standard commonly used by some clttes requtres one (1) space per four (4) beds whtch, In this case, would result tn a stx space total should the number of beds ultimately approved by the Planntng Commission be 11mired to 24. 'A condition to this affect has been tncluded tn Resolution 2532. A reduction In the seven (7) proposed parking spaces to slx (6) spaces would al]o~ an tncrease tn area of the adjacent central patio which would enhance the project considerably tn the optnlon of staff. The architecture of the ne~ addttton proposes to match the exlstlng one-story gold colored, wood stded and stuccoed, p~tched roof building. The materials proposed are stucco sldlng and composite roof sHngles. Composite shtngles are lo~e'r tn aesthetic qualtty to, and not compatible wtth the extsttng wood shake roof shingles. Staff has Included a condition that the rooflng material be changed to match the extsHng wood shake shingles. Staff's greatest concern wtth the proposal Is the architectural compatibility of the second-story. The submitted plans ~nd~cate a small, 22 foot htgh second-story r~stng from the front corner of the rear portion of the addition. The Isolated character of this structure does not complJment the single-story, low p~tched roof character of the primary body of the building. Staff durtng destgn revle~ on the project determined that the issue be addressed by et ther removJng the second-story or redesigning tt to be more compatible and harmonious wtth the rest of the building; however, the applicant has chosen to appeal thts decJston to the Planning Commission. Staff believes that the applicant should redesign th~s element of the proposal or have conditions placed upon the approval requiring any changes that the Planning Commission deems appropriate. CONCLUS!ON: Staff has revte~ed the application and feels that the Planning Commission could conttnue the hearing tf they wtsh to revtew actual modtfJcatJons the applicant would make to the second story addition. In the event, the Planntng CommlssJon Corn munity DeveloPment Department , ,/ Planntng Commission Report Use Permit, 88-].9 September 26, 1988 Page four wishes to approve Use Permit 88-19, staff would recommend that a condition of approval be included to Resolution No. 2532 requiring redesign of the rear second floor subject to final approval of design compliance by the Director of Community Development. Erl c Haaland I Acttng Asststant P1 anner EH: CAS: ts Attachment:- Resolution No. 2532 Christine A. Shtngleton ~Y Director of Community Development Corn reunify DeveloPmen~ Dcpar~men~ ./ AREA PARKING MAP Red Curbed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 lO 17 18 19 2O 21 :22 23 24 25 26 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2532 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA APPROVING USE PERMIT 88-19 FOR A 3,215 SQUARE FOOT ADDITION TO AN EXISTING SENIOR CITIZEN'S HOME AT 14752 HOLT AVENUE. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. A proper application, Use Permit No. 88-19, has been filed by Orange County Builders on behalf of Art and Zeny Remigio to request approval of a 3,215 square foot addition to an existing senior citizen's home at 14752 Holt Avenue. B. A public hearing was duly called, noticed and held for said application on September 26 and October 10, 1988. C. Establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, as evidenced by the following findings: 1. The use as applied for is in conformance with Tustin's General Plan and Zoning Code. 2. The use applied for is a conditionally permitted use in the R-3 3000 Multi-Family Residential District. 3. The use shall be licensed by the State of California Social Services Department as a Residential Care Facility for the E1 derly. D. The establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood.of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tustin, and should be granted. E. A Negative Declaration, in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act, has been applied for and is hereby approved. Resolution No. 2532 Page two 4 5 6 7 II. The Planning Commission hereby approves Use Permit 88-19 authorizing the construction of a 3,215 square foot addition to an existing senior citizen's home at 14752 Holt Avenue, subject to conditions contained in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. 8 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustln Planning Commission, held on the day of , 198.._. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 lG A. L. Baker Chai rma n 17 19 2O 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 Penni Foley Secretary GENERAL EXHIBIT A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RESOLUTION NO. 2532 USE PER~IT NO. 88-19 The proposed project shall substantially co~form with the submitted plans for the project .-date stamped October 10, 1988 on file wi th the Community Development Department, as herein modified, or as modified by the Director of Community Development Department in accordance with this exhibit. 1.2 Unless otherwise specified, the conditions contained in this exhibit shall be complied with prior to the issuance of any building permit for the project, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department. 1.3 This Use Permit approval shall become null and void unless building permits are issued within twelve (12) months of the date on this exhibit and substantial construction is underway. 1.4 At building plan check, construction plans, structural calculations, and title 24 energy calculations shall be submitted. Requirements of the Uniform Building Codes, State Handicap and. Energy Requirements shall be complied with as approved by the Building Official. 1.5 At building plan check, provide preliminary technical details and plans for all utility installations including cable TV, telephone, gas, water and electricity. Additionally, a note on plans shall be included stating that no field changes shall be made without corrections submitted to and approved by the Building Official. 1.6 Building plan check submittal of final grading and specification shall be consistent with the site plan and landscaping concept and prepared by a registered civil engineer for approval by the Community Development Department. 1.7 Final grading plans shall sufficiently address the drainage of the site eliminating drainage across interior property lines to the satisfaction of the Building Official and Director of Community Development. 1.8 Applicants shall satisfy all Public Works Department requirements including but not limited to the following: A. The final site plan shall be standardized and reflect all appropriate SOURCE CODE ** EXCEPTION Exhibtt A Resolution No. 2532 ?age two City standard drawing numbers. The developer shall construct all missing or damaged street improvements to said development per the City of Tustin "Minimum Design Standards of Public Works" and "Street Improvement Standards". This work shall consist of, but is not limited to, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, drive apron, and street pavement. 1.9 Applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Orange County Fire Chief including required fireflow and installation, where required, of fire hydrants or sprinklers subject to approval of the Fire Department, City of Tustin Public Works Department and compliance with all requirements pertaining to construction. 1.10 Prior to issuance of any building permits, payment shall be made of all required fees, as applicable, including: A. Major thoroughfare and bridge fees to Tustin Public Works Department. B. Sanitary sewer connection fee to Orange County Sanitation Di strict. · C. Grading plan check and permit fees to the Community Development Department. D. All applicable Building plan check and permit fees to the Community Development Department. E. New development fees to the Community Development Department.. F. School facilities fee to the Tustin Unified School District. ** 1.11 Occupancy shall not exceed 20 residents including caretakers. The number of beds provided within the facility shall correspondingly be limited to 20. ** 1.12 The use shall maintain a valid license for a Residential Care Facility for the Elderly as required by the State of California Social Services Department. 1.13 The facility shall be restricted to use as a Residential Care Facility for the Elderly which accepts only elderly residents that are not capable of living adequately under their own care and supervision and that do not own, maintain, or operate motor vehicles. 1.14 The applicant shall sign and return an Agreement to Conditions Imposed form pri or to issuance of Bui 1 ding permi ts. SITE A#D BUILDXNG CONDITIONS ** 2.1 Note on plans that all exterior colors and materials to be used shall be subject to a review and approval of the Director of the Community Development Exhibit A Resolution No. 2532 Page three Department. All exteriOr treatments shall be coordinated with regard to color, materials and detailing and noted on submitted construction plans and elevations shall indicate all colors and materials to be used. · ** 2.2 Construction plans shall indicate roofing material to be fiberglass composition shingles with the proposed color to be consistent with the existing and proposed exterior elevation treatments upon all new and existing roof area to the satisfaction of the Building Official and Director of Community Development. ** 2.3 The proposed trash enclosure shall be stuccoed and colored to match main buildings and include self-closing metal gates painted to match the enclosures and mounted separately. ** 2.4 All rooftop mechanical or electrical fixtures and equipment shall be screened. All telephone, gas and electrical boxes shall be indicated on the building plans and shall be completely screened by an enclosure that matches main building treatments and color. Electrical transformers, where provided and wherever possible shall be located toward the interior of the project maintaining a sufficient distance from frontage of the project. '- 2.5 All exterior lighting shall be installed so that said fixtures do nOt direct light onto any surrounding properties. 2.6 The subject building shall comply with the Tustin Security Ordinance. ** 2.7 A solid six foot high, double faced, capped top, framed, wooden fence along the southerly property line with a reduced height of three feet in the required front yard setback shall be constructed. The color, materials and structural details for said fence shall be subject to approval of the Director of Community Development. LANDSCAPING, GROUNDS AND NARDSCAPE ELEMENTS 3.1 Final landscaping plans shall address the control of fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation water runoff. 3.2 Future formal submittals shall substantially conform to the landscaping standards on file with the Department of Community Development. 3.3 At plan check stages a completely detailed landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted. The plan shall list all species and common names, sizes, spacing actual location and quantity of plant materials. Show planting and berming details, soil preparation and staking. The irrigation plan shall show location of central backflow.prevention devices, pipe size, sprinkler type, spacing and coverage. - Exhibit A Resolution No. 2532 Page four The Department of Community Development may request additional sizing or quantity of materials during plan check. Note on plans that adequacy of coverage of landscaping and i'rrigatio, n is subject to field inspection at project completion by the Department of Community Development. 3.4 The submitted landscaping plans at plan check shall reflect the roi.lowing requi reme n ts: a) b) c) Turf is unacceptable for grades over 25~. A combination of planting materials shall be used, ground cover on large areas alone is not acceptable. P. rovide a minimum of one 15 gallon size tree for every 30 feet of property line on the property perimeter and five 5 gallon shrubs. 3.5 All newly planted trees shall be staked according to City standards. 3.6 Shrubs shall be a minimum of 5 gallon size and shall be spaced a minimum of 5 feet on center when intended as screen planning. 3.7 Ground cover shall be planted between 8 to 12 inches on center. Landscaping plans shall reflect this requirement. 3.8 When 1 gallon plant sizes are used the spacing may vary according to materials used. 3.10 All plant materials shall be installed in a healthy vigorous condition typical to the species.. 3.11 Landscaping shall be maintained in a neat and healthy condition, this will include but not be limited to trimming, mowing, weeding, removal of litter, fertilizing, regular watering, and replacement of diseased or dead plants. 3.12 In irrigation areas the irrigation controller shall be enclosed in a lockable housing. Irrigation systems shall be designed to provide sufficient coverage while avoiding water overspray on buildings and sidewalks. Note this requirement on plan check drawings. Planning Commission DATE: SUBdECT: OCTOBER 10, 1988 ABANDONED RAILROAO RIGHT-OF~IAY RECOPIdlENDAT ! ON: ii Receive and ft 1 e. BACKGROUND: iii In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Shaheen at the Planning CommissiOn's meeting on September 26, 1988, staff have discussed with the Trvtne Company the p'osstble disposition of the [rvine Company owned 60 foot abandoned railroad right-of-wa~ located behind Tustin Meadows, Peppertree and Laurelwood. Unfortunately, the dectslon about disposition of the subject property is Impacted by a number of tssues. In additibn to the sixty (60)-foot wide abandoned ratlroa, d right-of-way between Walnut Avenue and Edinger Avenue, the Ctty owns in fee a mtnlmum fifteen-foot wtde storm dratn lot adjacent to and westerly of the railroad right-of-way. At some locations this lot is wider than fifteen feet, but the additional width encroaches within the Tustin Meadows development in lieu of the abandoned railroad right-of-way. Also, the City has a fifteen-foot wide storm dra~n easement that is located within the westerly fifteen feet of the abandoned railroad easement. The combination of the fee lot and the easement provides a thirty-foot wide area where the earthen trapezoidal ,channel and access road is located. This earth channel extends from Walnut Avenue on the north to the Santa Ana-Santa Fe Channel on the south which is located adjacent to and northerly of the AT&SF Rai lroad right-of-way. There is also a 6'" diameter fuel line located between Walnut Avenue and Edinger Avenue which belongs to the United States Navy. Permanent storm drain improvements are expected and needed in the future; the cost for these improvements are as follows' Edinger Avenue to Sycamore Avenue ....................... $307,900.00 Sycamore Avenue to Wa]nut Avenue ...................... ..$269,000.00 ' Scheduling of these improve~nts is subject to availability of City funds. Community Development Department Plannl ng Comml ssion Report Abandoned Railroad Right-of-Way October 10, 1988 Page two The Irvine Company is also currently reviewing their own alternatives for disposition of their property. Given the complexities of the matter, staff will continue to meet with the Irvine Company and will keep the Commission appraised of any development. Since a resolution is not expected in the future, residents concerns about any eminent active public use of the right-of-way are unwarranted. 1Christine Shingletbn ~v Director of Community elopment CAS-ts Corn rnunity DeveloPment Department Report to the Planning Commission DATE: OCTOBER 10, 1988 SUBJECT: REPORT ON COUIICIL ACTIONS - OCTOBER 3, 1988 Oral presentatt on. pef · Attachments: City Counctl Action Agenda - October 3, 1988 ITEM NO. 7 Community Development Department ACTION AGENDA OF A REGULAR ~ETING OF THE llJSTIN CITY COUNCIL .OCTOBER 3, 1988 7:00 P.M. 7:00 1." CALL TO ORDER ALL PRESENT II. ROLL CALL III. PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE FRANCINE IV. PUBLIC INPUT NORRISON SPOKE REGARDING THE CARS THAT SPEED BY AND COME TO A SCREECHING HALT AT THE SCHOOL CROSSING ZONES ON PROSPECT AND YORBA. SHE SUGGESTED THAT WE HAVE PORTABLE SIGNS PLACED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET AT EACH SIDE OF THE CROSSWALK THAT SAY 'SCHOOL ZONE, 15 MPH, NO PASSING", THAT SLOW THE TRAFFIC DOWN BEFORE THEY GET TO THE CROSSWALK. STAFF TO LOOK INTO THIS AND AGENOIZE FOR THE NEXT FLEETING. GREGORY HILE SAID THAT HE HAl) HIRED A COMPANY CALLED COGS TO PUT UP ANO TAKE DOWN HIS POLITICAL S IONS. HELEN EDGAR REPORTED THAT TAC I HAD VOTED TO TRY TO PUT THE SMOKE OETECTORS IN THE HOMES OF SENIOR CITIZENS AS WELL AS MOBILE HOMES. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT WILL PASS OUT THE NOTICES AND THEY WILL BE INSTALLEO ONE SATURDAY A MONTH. SHE THANKEO I~. HUSTON FOR THE NICE LETTER HE WROTE FOR THE VOLUNTEERS TO TAKE WITH THEM WItEN THEY ARE INSTALLEO. Al-, ,~JVED APPROVED APPROVED STAFF RECOMMENDAT!ON APPROVED STAFF RECOMMENDATION Ye, AOOPTEO RESOLUTION NO. 88-109 CONSENT CALENDAR.' 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 19, 1988,' REGULAR MEETING 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,061,144.23 RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $176,736.35 3. REJECTION OF CLAIM NO. 88-43; CLAIMANT-GREG SULLIVAN, DATE OF LOSS-4/22/88, DATE FILED WITH CITY-7/6/88 Reject subject claim for personal damages in the amount of $50,000.00 as recommended..by the City Attorney. · . 4. RUBY MAY APPOINTMENT TO THE ORANGE COUNTY SENIOR ADVISORY COUNCIL Authorize staff to write appropriate letters to the Director of the Orange County League of Citi.es, to Supervisor Tom Riley, and to the Chairman of the Advisory Council reques-ting Ruby May's appointment as a two-year voting member of the Orange County Senior Advisory Council as recommended by the Administrative Services Department. 5. RESOLUTION NO. 88-109 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, TO ADOPT A VOLUNTARY WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAM REDUCING WATER CONSUMPTION BY TEN (10) PERCENT Adopt Resolution No. 88-109 adopting a voluntary water conservation program reducing water conservation by ten percent as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 10-3-88 CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA PAGE 1 . ~OPTED RESOLUTION 't0~'~-110 6. RESOLUTION NO. 88-110 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TUSTIN RANCH ROAD, PORTOLA PARKWAY, IRVINE BOULEVARD AND LA COLINA DRIVE, PROJECT NOS. 700079, 700080, 700081, & 700083 Adopt Resol uti on No. 88-110 app rbvi ng the plans and .specifications for subject project and directing the City clerk to advertise for bi ds as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engi neeri ng Di vi si on. ~PPROVEO STAFF ~ECO~m~EN~ATION 7o REQUEST FOR TREE REMOVALS Approve tree removals at the following locations as recommended by the Public Works Department/Field Services Division: 17341 Vinewood, 1831 Royal Oak, 17441 Village Drive, 17362 Roseleaf, 14662 Dartmouth, 14652 Dartmouth, 2311 Figtree, 17352 Amaganset, 14042 Charloma, 14302 Heatherfield, 1891 Royal Oak, 14352 Cloverbrook, 14801 Attboro, and 2302 Figtree. Deny the request for tree removal at the following location as recommended by the Public Works Department/Field Services Division: 1762 Lance Drive. ~,DOPTED RESOLUTION tO. 80-111 ~,PPRO VEO STAFF ~ECOI~qE~ATI011 8. RESOLUTION NO. 88-111 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS AT WALNUT AVENUE AND CHERRYWOOD LANE Adopt Resolution No. 88-111 accepting said work authorizing the recordation of the Notice of Completion as recommmended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 9. CONSULTANT AGREEMENT WITH NORRIS-REPKE, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING SERVICES AND STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ON GREEN VALLEY DRIVE, UTT DRIVE AND ALLEY SOUTH OF BONITA STREET EAST OF NEWPORT AVENUE Approve an agreement with Norris-Repke, Inc., for construction surveying services for subject project for a fee not to exceed $6,100 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute as recommended by the Public,Works Department/Engineerin§ Division. · · VI. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION ~ NONE VII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION - NONE VIII. OLD BUSINESS ~DOPTED R~SOLUTION I0. 88-108 1. STATUS REPORT- jWA/CRAS/ASC Update on the John Wayne Airport Noise Monitoring Program, Coalition for a Responsible Airport Solution (CRAS) and Airport Site Coalition (ASC). Recommendation: Adopt the following Resolution directing the City Manager to join CRAS and authorizing a $1,000 contribution to CRAS to aid in said opposition as recommended by the Community Development Department: RESOLUTION NO. 88-108 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING MEMBERSHIP IN THE COALITION FOR A RESPONSIBLE AIRPORT SOLUTION (CRAS) :ITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA PAGE 2 10-3-88 :ONTINUED TO '4E ,G IX. 2. AGREEMENT FOR BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB BLEACHERS Recommendation: Continue to the- October 19, 1988 City Council Meeting as recommended by the City Manager. NEW BUSINESS ~PPROYED ST~F 1. RENT CONTROL FOR MOBILE HOME PARKS ~ECOI~ENDATION. (ENNEDY FELT THIERE WAS A The City Council at their regular meeting on September 19, 1988, LEI'~ER SENT BUT IT )lAD requested that s~'aff review its files to determine if the City .tOTHING TO DO Will( RENT transmitted any correspondence to mobile home park owners several CONTROL. IF STAFF CANNOT years ago discouraging rent increases in mobile home parks. FIND THE LETTER, THEY SHOULD CO)~UNICATE THIS Recommendation: Receive and file subject report as recommended by [0 HER. the Community Development Department. CHARLES FARNHA~, 2. SANTA ANA (I-5)/COSTA MESA (RTE 55) INTERCHANGE H.O.V. LANE STATUS R [ CHARD MURRIOT, AND CAROLE BRYANT SPOKE At the September 19, 1988 City Council meeting, two residents, Mr. AGAINST THE ~OV LANES AND Richard Murray and Mr. Charles Farnham, raised concerns about the THE HIGH ELEVATED LANES proposed Caltrans construction of the High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) THAT WILL BE LOOKING DOWN lanes of the 1-5/Rte 55 interchange location. ON THEIR PROPERTY. THEY WERE CONCERNED ABOUT THE Recommendation: Receive and file subject report as recommended by ENVIRONMENTAL I~A~T ON the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. TH~-~ PROPERTY BY THESE INTERCHANGES. THEY WERE CONCERNED ABOUT THE NOISE, OIL MIST, ECONOMIC [I F AND GUARANTEES THAT HOV LANES ARE .NOT TURNED INTO GENERAL TRAFFIC LANES. KENNEDY SIA,.~STEO THAT WE HAVE A WORKSHOP AT 5:30 P.M. ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19TH IN THE COUNCIL CHAI~ERS AND COUNCIL CONCURRED. APPROVED STAFF RECO~ENDATION 3. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT CREATING THE FOOTHILL/EASTERN TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR AGENCY This document primarily clarifies and restates certain language that was contained in the original Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement Creating the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency. · Recommendation: Approve the First Amended and Restated Joint Exerci se of Powers Agreement Creating the Foothi 11/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency and adopt the following Minute Order as recommended by the City Attorney: AP,~VED REQUEST OF THE JAYCEES FOR $4,700 The City Council authorizes and directs the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the First Amended and Restated Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement Creating the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency in substantially the form presented to the Council, with authority delegated to the Board Member representing the City of Tustin to approve provisions regarding any changes and authorizes and directs the City Clerk to forthwith send a certified copy of this Minute Order to the Executive Director of the Transportation Corridor Agencies of Orange County, California. 4. TUSTIN JAYCEES REQUEST FOR TILLER DAYS PARADE A letter was received from the Tustin Jaycees requesting a check in the amount of $4,700 to cover the cost of staging the Tiller Days parade. CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA PAGE 3 10-3-88 ,PPROVED STAFF :EC'"'--,NDAT[ON PPROVED STAFF E COlWlWlEND AT I ON . . ONTINUED TO CTOBER 19TH ATIFIEO X. PPROVED STAFF E COt, lWlEND AT I ON ECEIVED AND FILED PPP'~O STAFF EC ]qDATION 5. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOWER PETERS CANYON RETARDING BASIN (FACILITY FO6B01) AND APPURTENANT FACILITIES, PROJECT NO. 900027, ~U) 86-2 Recommendation: -Award the c6ntract for .the subject project to Sukut Construction, Inc., in the amount of $5,111,460.00 as'recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 6. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS ON ARROYO AVENUE, PROJECT NO. 600066 On September 6, 1988, the City Council approved plans and specifications and authorized the advertisement for bids for the subject project. Recommendation: Award the contract for subject project to RLT Construction, Inc., in the amount of $112,545.00 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 7. AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF TREE STUMP GRINDER The 1988-89 budget provided for $17,800.00 for the purchase of the Tree Stump Grinder. Recommendation: Authorize the purchase of a Tree Stump Grinder from Vermeer-california, Inc., in the amount of $20,497.46 as recommended by the Public· Works Department/Field Services Division. REPORTS 1. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA - SEPTEMBER 26, 1988 All actio, ns of the Planning Commission become final unless appealed by the City Council or member of the public. Recommendation: Ratify the Planning Commission Action Agenda of September 26, 1988. · · 2. INVESTMENT SCHEDULE AS OF AUGUST 31, 1988 Recommendation- Receive and file subject report as recommended by the Finance Department. 3. MARINE CORPS MANEUVERS Staff has spoken with Major Bender of the MCAS E1 Toro Community Liaison office regarding the maneuvers mentioned by Joe Langley at the September 19, 1988 City Council meeting. Recommendation: Receive and file subject report as recommended by thle Clommuni ty Development Department. 4. FEASIBILITY OF RESTRIPING RED HILL AVENUE FROM VALENCIA AVENUE TO EDINGER STREET (EASTBOUND~ DIRECTION) Recommendation' Restripe Red Hill Avenue from Valencia Avenue to Edinger Street (eastbound direction) to a three lane cross section. ITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA PAGE 4 10-3-88 ,tO MOTION ON ll4IS ITE~ 5. USE OF SPEED BUMPS/HUMPS AS TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES The City Counci 1 recently requested staff to prepare an informational report on the use of "Speed Bumps/Humps" as a potential traffic control device. Recommendation- Receive and file subject report as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. ;ONTINUED TO 10-19-88 6. PROCEEDS FROM YOUTH .CENTER AND SALE OF SIXTH STREET PROPERTY ~PPROVED STAFF ~ECOIINENDATION ~PPROVED STAFF ~ECO~MENDATION 7. CABLE BROADCASTING OF CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS Recommendation: Receive and file subject report as recommended by the Publ icI Works 'Department/Engineering Division. 8. EXCESSIVE IRRIGATION WATER RUNOFF AT PEPPERTREE PARK AND-ON FIRST STREET MEDIAN ISLANDS Recommendation: Receive and file subject report as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. (ENNEDY SAID XI. OTHER BUSINESS THAT THURSDAY WAS "CAR POOLING DAY' AND SUGGESTED THAT WE TRY TO RIDE WITH SOMEONE. EDGAR CO~PLI~NTED STAFF ON ACCURATE POPULATION ON ENTRANCE SIGNS. EDGAR COM~W~ENTED ON PATIO WORK IN EAST TUSTIN AND THE STANDARDS FOR PASSING INSPECTIONS EG SAID'~ MAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO R~VIEW THE FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL AND SOMEONE CO~4ENTED FHAT THE LEVEL OF THE A~IOINING ROADWAY WAS HIGNER THAN THE WALLS THAT WERE BUILT TO KEEP PEOPLE FROM LOOKING OVER INTO SO)IEONE'S BACKYARD. EDGA~ SAID THE TRAFFIC ON 'YORBA S~REET MAKES IT HARD TO MAKE A LEFT TURN ONTO HEIGNTS DRIVE AND ASKED STAFF TO LOOK INTO POSSIBLE LEFT TURN LANE. ~RESCOTT REPORTED GI~A~FITI ON THE TRAFFIC CONTROL BOX AT NE CORNER OF WALNUT AND NEWPORT AND )ETWEEN TUSTIN ~AOOWS AND PEPPERTREE WHERE SYCAMORE DEAD ENDS IT IS ON THE SIDE OF THE STORM )RAIN. .. ,,. ' .~RESCOTT REPORTED THAT THE PAINTING ON THE ROOF OF THE GAZEBO ON THE SE CORNER OF SIXTH AND EL :A~INO WAS PEALING OFF. )RESCOI'F ASKED FOR 'ND LII'FERING' SIGNS ON PROSPECT NEAR THE WIENERSCHNITZEL. (OESTEREY POINTED OUT THAT THIS WEEKEND IS 'TILLER DAYS.' (OESTEREY ASKED STAFF TO LOOK AT IRVINE BLVD. JUST EAST OF THE NEWPORT FREEWAY, THERE IS A LEFT 4AND TURN POCKET THAT GOES INTO THE GAS STATION, AT RUSH ~OUR TRAFFIC, PEOPLE WHO ARE GOING TO SET ONTO THE NORTH BOUND 55, WILL GET INTO THE EXTREME RIGNT HAND LANE AND TRAVEL AT PRETTY 4IGN SPEED TO GET TO THAT ON-RAMP AND THE SA~E TIME THE TWO TRAFFIC LANES THAT ARE WAITING FOR FHE SIGNAL AT THE FREEWAY ARE AT A DEAD STOP. THERE WAS A CAR PULLING ACROSS AND ALMOST HIT 3ROADSIDE VIA THAT BLIND THIRD LANE, WE SHOULD MAYBE LOOK AT SOME RESTRICTED TIME OR-SOME WAY )F "-~RECTING THIS SITUATION. MAYBE CHECK THE ACCIDENT REPORTS AND SEE IF WE NEED TO TAkE ANY lC . ):23 XII. ADJOURNMENT - To a Workshop at 5'30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 19th, and then to an Adjourned Regular Meeting at 7.00 p.m. ]ITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA PAGE 5 OCTOBER 3, 1988 8:'23 1. ALL PRESENT 2. APPROVED 3. APPROVED 4. NONE 5. 8:24 6. ACTION AGENOA OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TUSTIN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL OCTOBER 3, 1988 7:00 P.M. ~kPPROVAL OF MIJqUTES'- SEPTEMBER 19, 1988, REGULAR MEETING Reco~endation: Approve Minutes. ' APPROVAL OF DEMANDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,891.29 Recommendation: Approval of subject demands in the amount of $1,891.29 as recommended by the Finance Department. OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT - To. an Adjourned Regular Meeting on Wednesday, October 19, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ACTION AGENDA PAGE I OCTOBER 3, 1988