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CC MINUTES 1962 08 06
Corrected Copy MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL August 6, 1962 Meeting called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor,pro tem Sheridan. Present: erican Mack, Humes~on, Klingelhofer Sh ~'~., Absent: Doney City Attorney Rourke, present City Engineer McBrfide, present MINUTES OF JULY Moved by CounciIman Mack seconded by Councilman 16 & 23 APPROVED Klingelhofer that ~he Minutes of July 16theand AS MAILED July 23rd meetings be approved as mailed and received, Carried. WATER CAPACITY IN_ Fire Chief Hilton reported an increase of water CREASED AT "D" ETC. capacity at "D"' and Main Streets. Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman LETTERS OF THANKS Klinge!hofer~that parties who contributed their TO THOSE SITTING efforts and time by sitting in on the Oral Board IN ON ORAL BD. F0R pertaining t~ tests for the Polise Department, be POLICE DEPARTMENT written a letter ef thanks. Clerk recuested tc express appreciation on behalf cf both Tustin Police Department and Tustin City Council. Motion carried. PLAN. COM. MINUTES Minu~es of Planning Commissiom meeting of July READ 23rd read b~ Clerk. Moved by Councilman K~ingelhofer~ seconded by Councilman H~me~on that Cfity Attorney, with RESOLUTION TO BE assistance from Coumci!msn Klingelhofer and DRAWN UP THAT ALL Sheridan be instructed to prepare Resolution VARIANCES TO BE for submissffon a~ next Council Meeting, regard- SUBMITTED TO COUNTY ing the suggestflea from Mr. Nelson of the County BLDG & SAFETY, DEPT. Building Dept. that all Variance and Use Permits HEADS ETC. FIRST be first submitted to City Dept. Heads an~ to BEFORE SUBMITTING County BuiIding Dept., with no extra cost to the TO COUNCIL AND City, before final oresentstion to the Council COMMISSION and Commission. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Cou~cfilman Mack~ seconded by Ccumci!man Humeston, that the Red MilI lutheran'ChurcM be RED HILL LUTHERAN granted permission to use the portshie stage on CHURCH TO USE CITY August 9th and the City Clerk to so motify them, STAGE ON 8-9--62 with the understandimg that the City Park man be there to supervise placement when s~age is returned ~o the City° ~otion cartmad. Moved by Ccunsi!man K!ingelhofer, seconded by NO ACTION TAKEN Councilman Mack, that correspondence received RE BONELLI PLAN from Sta~e Legislature regarding Bonelli Plan DUE TO INSUFFICIENT be received and filed with no action taken, due TIME FOR STUDY to insufficient tfime ~or proper study. Motion carried. Letter from~Vista Drug Co. congratulating City LETTER FROM VISTA on the construction work being done with so little DRUG RE SO LITTLE inconvenience to the public, was ordered flied and INCONVENIENCE TO received~ with no further action required. Mayor PUBLIC DURING ore tam Sheridan suggested that Police Department SEWER CONSTRUCTION and Fire Department notify City Officials at once WORK if a "log-jam" should occur in the future. Minutes cf the County Boundsr3; Commission read and ordered filed. TRACT MAP 4811 Tract Map Noo ~8il, submitted from City of TILED_NO ACTION Santa Ana to C~ty of Tustin for epproval~ AT THIS TIME read with request from the CounCil that it be filed as requiring no action at this time, du~ to property sl! 1vin~ west of the Freeway. : Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Council~ SPECIAL SUNDAYS man Humeaton, that letter from 0~nge CouDtv SET ASIDE FOR ' POLIO SUNDAYS Sy:~ kSTDE Medical Association requesting a Proc].amation : S n~a ~s of 0ctobe~ 21 28 December that t!ne u a ~ - , , and 9, January 20 and 29 all be declared official Polio Sundays be referred to the ~City Attorney for preparation of said Proclamation to be sub- mitted to Mayor for his signatuPe. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded by Council- ORD, NO 181 man MaCk, that Ordinance No. ~8~ "An Ordinance RE JOHN JACOBS approving the annexation of certain uninhabited. ANNEX. READ BY territory, designated "John Jacobs Annexation" 'of ~ustin, 'California= be read by TITLE ONLY to the City m M 2-~ ~ . unimously. title only. o~,~on carried Moved ~ Councilman Humeston, seconded by ADOPTION OF Councilnan Fleck that Ordinance No. 181 be 0RD. N0. 181 passed~and adopted. Motion carried by roll ou cml~. n present voting Aye. jOHN JACOBS ANNEX. call, all C 'n-' ~e ~ Move~ by Councilman ~' ,~n- seconded by Councilman 0RD NO 179 K!ingelhofer that Ordinance No. ] 79 "An Ordinance READ BY TITLE of th~ City of T~n amending the zoning map ONLY RE PANNELL of the City of T~stin~ by Changing the Droparty ZONING TO PM of Pannell to P.M, Zone be read by title only. ADOPTION OF Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Council- ORD. N0 179 mar Mack~ secomd~d by Councilman K!ingelhofer that Ordinance No. ].~a be passed and adooted. Motion carried by ro!] call all_ Councilmen D~eS~Z~* Vot ~ ~ '~ Moved by Councilman Kl'~ngelhofer, seconded by 0RDINANCE NO. Councjlman Mack that Ordinance No. 180, "An 180 RE REVENUE Ordinance of the City ~-.ounci! of the City of T0 BE RAISED Tustin fixing and determining the amount of TO CARRY 0N Revenue necessaryvto bernised by ~axation THE VARIOUS · ~*-~m ~ C~ty DEPS ETC., uoon the taxable property .~ READ BY TITLEL Tustin andsthe amount of ilevenue necessary to ONLY carry on the various departments of the said City for the fisSal yenr 1962-63"be read by title only. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Councilman Klingelhofer, seconded by ADOPTION 0F Councilman Mack that Ordinance No. !80 be passed 0RD. NO. 180 and adopted. Motion carried by roll ca!~, all Councilman present voting Aye. APPLICATIONS " FOR Flanning Cbmmission applications from Mrs. Eva!yn PLAN COM. READ . Wiltey and M~ Glenn Bourret, giving resume of qualifications and background, read by Mayor pro tam. Moved by Councilman Mack~ seconded by Councilman MR. BOURRET Humeston, that Mr, BcurFet be appointed to fill APPOINTED NEW the unexpired term ~ Mr, ~ B-r!'n, ., ~ ~ . e 1 Xotion COMMISSIONER carried unanimousl y, LETTER TO MR. City Clerk reouestedto write Mrs. Wiley and BOURRET INFORM. thank her for submitting application and ING & TO MRS. form her that her letter of application will WILEY THAT HER be ke'ot on file. Also to notify Mr. Bourret APPL, WILL BE 0N of his appointment and inform him of the time FILE and place of meetings. On motion of Councilman Numeston, seconded by Councilman Mack, the Street Superintendent is TEMPORARY CLOSING hereby ~iven r~uthor~ty to temporarily close to OF DIFFERENT traffic: South D St., Main St. from D to STREET Prospect; and Prospect from Main St. to northep!y City ]~mits, inclu~ing all inter- secting streets, during the cons~ructlon of a trunk sewer by the Bosko Construction Motion carried unanimously. Cn motion of Councilmen Mumes~on, seconded by BENJAMIN WHEELOCK Councilman Mack, Benjamin Whee!ock is .~ ~ y APPOINTED TRAFFIC appointed Traffic Engineer purstant to pro- ENGINEER visions of Ordinance No. la], %ated November 1960, adopting t~e Uniform Traffic Ordinance , of the League of California Cities, Motion carried unanimously. On action by Councilman HumeSto~, seconded by BOYLE ENGINEERING Councilman Mack, the City Engineer is hereby EMFLOYED TO authorized to employ the Boyle Engineering SUPERVISE ETC. Comeany ~o suoe~.vise and ~ns~ec~ the in,~*~n© SAN!TARY SEWERS tion of sanitary sewers in T~ac~ No. ~t~!~ the IN TRACT #4441 cos~ thereof ~o be paid from cash deposited with the City Clerk Motion carried unanimously. - 0n motion of Counzi!man Humeston, seconded by ~ · can ~m~n K~inge!hofer, the City Engineer is O.C. ROAD DEPT. C , c'~ ,~ TC PERFORM INSP. hereby. auth~rizee ~o emoloy~ t~re Orange Count~ MATERIAL TESTS ETC. Road Department to perform necessary inspection, ON TRACT #4441 an~ material te~ts on street improvement and drainage, in Tract No. ~], i~ accordance with Agreemen~ entered into between the City and C ~ ~ ty, elm the cost thereof ~o be dedu~d from cash funds deposited with the City C~ ~, P.letiors carried unanimously. On mot floe uf C ,- i~r'a~ - c~nc _n., Humeston seconded by MR. WHEELOCK TO Councilman Mack, Mr. Ben jerome Wheeiock, ~reet RECEIVE $25 A Suserintendent and Traf?!c E~ ' gmn er ~ s hereby MONTH CAR ALLOW_ authorized payment of $2~.00 per month for auto- ANCE mobile allowanne commencing August ], ~ ~6o Mot! zn carried~ unanimously. Moved, by Councilman Humeaton, seconded by Council- man Klinge]hcfer. that the City Engin~er~ J. L. AUTHORIZATION FOR McBride, be authorized to obtain froz the Orange CITY ENGINEER TO County Title Comoany, and the TZtXc Insurance and OBTAIN A LOT BOOK T~ust Co~oa~y a'L~+ Book Report showing owners REPORT SH0WING and encumbrances. Further that the Engineer be OWNERS ETS RE SEWER , directed to acquire the necessary Rights of Way. AND TO BE REIMBURSED Further that the En~n~er be reimbursed at the AT $6 PER HOUR FOR rate,of ~6.00 per hour rot the actual time s~ent SEWER WORK on,the,Assessment Sewer District No. !. Sewer ~ssessmentDistricb No I no be billed o the ex- , f r pensea.incurred by the City. P~otion carried. Moved by Councilmar~ Klinge].hofer, seconded by MR.. WHEELOCK,T0 BE Counci!man,Humestor4 theft the Assistant to the PAID $4,00 PER HOUR City Engineer, PQ-. Benjamin Wheel0ck~ be oaid FOR PREPARING SEWER at,the,rate of $~.00 per hour for orep~ri~'~ maps MAPS ETC. , and descripbions at the directions'of the uity Engineer. Said work to be performed outside of regular office hours. Mot~ on carried. ~O ' Moved by ~ u .c lman Mack, ~ m seconded by Councilman MR. ALLEN ODELL HUmeston~ thmt Mr. Allen ODe!l of the Western EMPLOYED RE THE Right of Way Service~ be .employed for the purpose NECESSARY RIGHTS of obtaining signatures ~,, the necessa~v Ei~s OF WAY DEEDS AT Way Deeds, said emn!oyment to be under the $I0 PER HOUR direction of the C~ty Engineer. Reimbursement MAXIMUM $150 for his service to be at the rate of }I0.90 per FOR ANY ONE PARCEL houF, including all transportation with a ma~'imum cf ~!50.00 for any one parcel of property. Motion carried. Signatures ~".cved by Councilman Mack, seconded by · May'o~ Authorized to Counci]m.,an K!ing¢ihofer that Mayor or C..,.er~ pro tom and City Clerk or Deputy City Sign Payro!l be, authoriz~s to sign jointly on Pa-~ro].l Account for ~ty cf Tus~in~ w~tb th~ FSrst We t ~r_ B.,~k and Tr ~st Co. M ~ ~ carried. ,~v ~ b" CouncilSnan Iv[ack~ seconde6 by Cour:c~!man RESOLUTION NO. H~a~e,s~bn that: ResOlution' No; 61,2,/esth~!ishing 612 RE PAY FOR P~9: f~ar vari,ous city employees be read by CITY EMPLOYEES onion. Motion' carried unanimously. READ BY TITLE~v Moral by Councilman Mack, seconded by Counci!~ man Muma~ton, that the accompanying Salary SALARY BUDGET OF Budget of the Fire Department be attached tc FIRE DEPT MADE and made a part of lieso!uti4n No. ~12, and PART OF RESO. said 'Resolutj, on be passed and adopted. Motion NO 612 carried by roll ~ all ~ou'~-~n ~resez~t ~ voting Aye. Moved by Councilman Mack~ seconded by Council- AUTHORIZATION TO man Humeaton that bills be paid in the sum of PAY BILLS ~3,~11,00, including bills paid unapproved. Motion carried. BILLS Ben Wheelock .~2~.00 ~.. L. McBride .~92.00 ' L. McBride (sewer Diet ! .a56 Martini & Co, .250.00 Kaare's Car Wash 3b.00 D ,n' en ~s Printers a8.~6 Tusttn Paint Stor~ 2] ua~ Hove & Dean Garage Jnck's --aa.,_o & TV I~ s. Co, 2 ] 2 Orange Co. n . Vol,xn~eer Firefighter. )+.00 Tustin News Main Photo Serv~6e 6.69 Fife &, Jrum Fur~ Sho~ 16.~D Stationers Corp. 90-39 Lea JDhnson ?.!> T =st'n Dru~ & Variety SanDa Aria Office Supply CA Q 06 S,. , ~ll~ Miller Mu]t~p]ex Display Fixture Cg .127~71 Sanza nna Engraving Co. 79 · 0.5 · Orange Co. Blueprint Co of Crange-Sheriff's D .t. First West. Bank (utilities) Tiernan's Office Supply 24.D9 Business ~quipment uo. 16. Vista Dr~ MacPberson Stationers ~4v & Hatper Western Auto . ]6.~ ~Davis Stationers . U, S. Post Office . 2~9.00 ~ John Hancock I~suraAcA . ~a,7~ First West Bank (utilities) Regarding recommeOdations of the Planning Commissiom st aUG. 20th j~,~ ~D~d meeting, motion by Counei!man Mack, seconded c~m FOR ~-' Councilman K!in~e!hofer that the Council set Dbq~LTC August 20th as the d~te for Public Hean~ng at ~:~0 P.M. HEA~iING tc hear the Amendment to Ord. '175,, pertaining to the use AMEND. T0 of "R" District. ~,ietion carried. CRD.I?5 Moved by Councilman Humeaton, seconded STUDY TO BE MADE by Councilman Mack thet the City Planning RE U-ZONE Commission take t~nder advisement a study of PROPERTY all rezoning of U-Zsne prooerty. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Cou~cil- ADJOURNMENT man Humes~en t~an the meeting bG adjourned. MAYOR ~ MAYOR PRO TEM