HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1962 07 16 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL July 16, 1962 Meeting called to order at ?:30 P.M. by Mayor Doney. Present: Doney, Sheridan, Humeston, Mack, Klingel. hofer Absent: ~ None City Engineer .McBride, present City Attorney liourke, present HEARING OF DON ! Hearing on Zone Change Application No. CHRISTESON CONTINUED 62'106 of Don Christes0n, continued from July 2nd, wa~ opened at 7:31 P.M. Resolution No. 570 of the Tustin Planning RESOLUTION NO. 570 CommissiOn, recommending P.D. Zoning on READ BY CLERK property of Mr. Christeson, North of RECOMMENDING P.D. McFadd~n~S~ree~and E~st and West of ZONING ....... Fr6n~a~e~ioadwas ~ead by the Clerk. · Al~o:peti~ion, opp6si~g R-3 Zoning in ....... that area and sign&d $y 52 residents ~ra~ DISCUSSION RE ABOVE Those present from the adjacent R_I ..... ar~a'wit~ ~uestions and objections to ...... R-3 Zoning were: ..... Mr. Birch, Lifetime Homes ......... Mr. Steven Bartok, '14741 California St. Mr. Donald G. Smith, 15661 Myrtle St. ~" ..... Mr. W. Arnold, 15631 Myrtle ..... Mr. Shaw, Lifetime Homes ......... M~. 'Segal, owner of adjacent property ...... Mrj D. 'C~risteson spoke in his own behalf MORE DISCUSSION .... ind suggested a compromise of t~-3 zone, limited to one story. ...... There being no further comments or objections, HEARING CLOSED .... ~h~ Hearing was declared closed at 8:02 P.M. ..... Moved'by Councilman Hdmeston, seconded by RECOMMENDATION .... GoO~n~ilmafi Mack that recommendation of OF PLANNING COM. ~ the Plafining Commission for P.D. Zoning FOR P.D. ZONING for this proDerty be denied without pre- DENIED WITHOUT ~ ' judice and that application be referred PREJUDICE AND ..... to the Planning COmmiSsion for fu ~her APPLICATION REFERRED study. Motion carried. TO P.C. FOR STUDY ..... .... Moved by 'COuncilman M~Ck, seconded by MINUTES APPROVED ~ Councilman Sheridan that the Minutes of AS MAILED AND July 2nd meeting be approved as mailed RECEIVED ~ and received. Carried. COUNCIL'S FEELINGS Mrs. Hos~etier, Mr and Mrs Brian and Mr. RE ANNEXATION IN and Mrs. Hadley appeared before the Council N. TUSTIN DISTRICT requesting the Council's feeling as to the City of Tustin annexing the North Tustin Area and what such an annexation would mean to the people of the area. COUNCIL AS A BODY The Council members individually, and as a body, & INDIVIDUALLY assured those present and all resident~ of the ASSURED PEOPLE surrounding area that the City would more than THAT THEY WOULD welcome them into the City and that it was hoped WELCOME THEM INTO that some d~y all or most of the Tustin School CITY OF TUSTIN District would be par6 of the City of Tustin. MOved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by ACQUISITION OF Councilman Humeston that the matter of ac- OF ALLEYS REF. , quisition of alleys be referred to a committee, TO COMMITTEE with the power to act. Said committee to be appointed bY the Mayor. Motion carried. MCBRIDE, ROURKE Mayor Doney appointed Mr. McBride, Mr. Rourke & DONEY COMMITTEE and himself to said committee. MEMO OF AGREEMENT Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by BETWEEN TED FISH . Councilman Mack, authorizing~the execution of & CITY' Memorandum of Agreement between Ted Fish and the Cit of Tustin, and approving bonds of Mr. T. ~ish. Motion carried. WORDS TO BE ~Moved by Mr~ Sheridan, seconded by CoUncilman REMOVED FROM Mack that the words "and approving bonds of ABOVE MINUTE Mr. T. Fish" be striken from the above Minute ORDER Order. Carried. TRACT MAP NO. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by 4441 APPROVED Councilman Klingelhofer that final TraCt Map 4441 be approved. Motion carried. IMPROVEMENT BOND Moved by Councilman Sheridan seconded by FOR TRACT NO. Councilman ~ack that Improvement Bond for 444I APPROVED Tract No. 4441 be approved as recommended M $37,500 by City Engineer cBride in the sum of ~37,~00.00. Motion ~arr~ed. M~ved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by STREET IMP. BOND Councilman ~ack that Street inl~ovemen~ Bond FOR TRACT NO. for Tract 4441 and work covered in Tract 4441-$6,300 4250 in the sum of ~6,300.00 be approved as recommended by City Engineer McBride. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Council- ORD. N0. 177 man Sheridan that 0~dinance No. 177, amending SECOND READING the zoning map of the Cityof Tustin by rezoning BY TITLE ONLY the property of Charles A. Patton to the H_2 Zone and the H-3 Zone, have second reading by title only. Motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Council- 0RD. N0. 177 man Klingelhofer that Ordinance No. 177 be RE CHARLES PATTON passed and adopted. Motion carried by roll ZONE CHANGE call, all councilmen voting Aye. JULY 9 PLAN. Moved by Councilman Klingelhofer, seconded by COM. MINUTES Councilman Humeaton that reading of the July DISPENSED WITH 9th Planning Commission Minutes be dispensed with at this meeting. Carried. RE THE Police Chie~ Sissel and Fire Chief Hilton ESTABLISHMENT reported that they had no objectDns to the OF AMBULANCE esZablishment of an ambulance service within the SERVICE City by Mr. David Windh. CHAMBER OF Moved by Councilman Klingelhofer, seconded COMMERCE GIVEN by Councilman Mack that the Tustin Chamber PERMISSION TO of Commerce be given permission to improve IMPROVE 230 "D" the building at 230 D Street and to occupy STREET BLDG. same as a Chamber office. Occupancy to be at the pleasure of the Council with 90 day notice and authorizing execution of an agreement to be drafted by the City Attorney. Carried. ORD. NO. 179 Moved by Councilman Sheridan~ seconded by FIRST READING Councilman Humeston that Ordinance No. BY TITLE ONLY 179, rezoning the property designated as the Pannell Annexation to the P.M. Zone, have first reading by title only. Motion carried~unanimously. URGENCY ORDINANCE Moved,by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by NO.179-A * RE Councilman Mack, that Ordinance No. !?9-A PANNELL ANNEX. an Urgency Ordinance, rezoning the property designated as the Pannell Annexation to the P.M. ZOne be read by titie only. Motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF Mo~edby CoUncilman l~'iack~. seconded by Council- 0RD. NO. 179-A man Sheridan that Ordinance No. l?9-A be passed and adopted. Motion carried by roll call, all Councilmen voting A~e. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by FIRST READING Councilman hack that Ordinance No. 180, OF ORD. 180 fixing and determining the amount of Revenue RE AMOUNT OF necessary to be raised by taxation upon the REVENUE TO BE taxable property within the City of Tustin RAISED BY and the amount of Revenue necessary to carry TAXATION BY on the various departments of the said Citv TITLE ONLY for the fiscal year 1962-63, have first reading by title only~ Motion carried un- animously. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by ORDINANCE NO. Councilman Klingelhofer that Resolution No. 610 TO BE READ 610, fixing and determining the amount of BY TITLE ONLY revenue required from property taxes ~o RE RATES OF TAXES carry on~the various departments of the City ON TAXABLE of Tustin and fixing the rate of taxes on PROPERTY FOR the taxable prof~erty w~thin the City of 1962~63 Tustin~ to carry on the work of the City for the fiscal year !962-63, be read by °title only. Motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by RESOLUTION Councilman Sheridan that ResolUtion No. NO 610 610 be passed and adopted. Motion carried by roll call, all councilmen voting Aye° ~loved by Council. man Klingelhofer, seconded- by Councilman Sheridan that ResOlution No. RESOLUTION NO. ~ 611~ authorizing acceptanOe of all deeds or 611 RE EASEMENTS grants conveying any interest or right in FOR PUBLIC or easement upon real estate to the City PURPOSES ETC. of Tustin for oublic purposes; appointing and authorizin~ the City Clerk of the City · of Tustin.to consent to such deeds or grants and to the recordation thereof on behalf of the City. ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by RESOLUTION NO. Councilman Mack that~ResolutiOn No. 611 be 611 passed and adopted. Motion carried by roll call, all councilmen voting Aye. Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman Sheridan that request of Mr. MR. G00DWIN TO C. Goodwin to continue the Tustin Playhouse CONTINUE THE all as per letter be approved subject to the TUSTIN PLAYHOUSE apDroval of the Fire and Police Departments. Motion!carried. Moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded by BILLS TO BE PAID Councilman oheridan that the Bills be approved and paid as presented. Motion carried. B I L L S Tustin News $406 26 Business ........................... 81 Equipment Co ................. 105. R. Poe, Petty Cash Beplenishment ...... 38.48 First West. Bank (utilities)..~ ....... 252.31 Tustin Hardware Co .................. 33.25 AsseSsor, County of 0range ...., .... 15.08 Survey & Rd., County of range .... 15.00 Mullin Lumber Co ............... ~?-92 Gilmore & Page Truck. 6o ........ 65.20 B Santa Ana Blue Print Co ......... 5.66 Orange County Blueprint ......... I Les Johnson ................... 16.16 Carson & GoldiA ........... L Atlas Coverall .................. 12.75 Tus~in Blacksmith Shop ...... 41.60 L Orange Daily News ...... 69 Klingeihofer (reimbursement) 23 19 S ~ire Ext Maintenance Co ....... I . ......... ~. 6.00 Tustin Drug & Variety StOre ......... 2.24 Kenneth G~ HebardD 0 .... 10.00 Orange Co. Peace 'fficers Assoc O ........ . .. 32.00 Orange Co, Dept Of Bldg & Safety .. 649.62 Orange Co. Insurance Agency ..... 71.72 Hardy & Harper .................. Fife &Drum 14 97 Signal 0ill Co 1!0 · -.. 17 .... ............... ' 15 48 Tustin Water Wor~s ..................... 616.00 Total ............... $2,802.01 CORRESPONDENCE Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council- FILED man ~ack that correspondence be received and filed. Carried. ' Moved by Councilman HumestOn, seconded by ADJOURNMENT Councilman Mack that me~ting be adjourned. Carried. GEORGE W. DON~R RU , CITY CLERK