HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 2 RV SALES T SQUARE 11-7-88 ~ REPORTS t :'~-~'.~ NO. 2 DATE: NOVEIqBER 7, 1988 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY IqANAGER COI~qUIIITY DEVELOPIqENT DEPARTHENT INFORiqATXON ON RV SALES AT TUSTIN SQUARE RECOHIqENDATION Recel ve and fi 1 e. BACKGROUND At the City Council meeting of October 19, 1988, Councilwoman Kennedy requested information on why RV and boat sales were being permitted behind Elizabeth Howard's Curtain Call Theatre. In March ~f 1983 a Use Permit was approved which authorized an outdoor storage area for the display of boats in conjunction with a sales office at 674 E1 Camino Real (Resolution No. 2082). Since Use Permits run with the land, staff contacted the City Attorney's office in May, 1988 to determine if recreational vehicles on the same site would be an authorized use. Pursuant to our discussion, it was determined that Daily's Auto could operate under Use Permit 83-2. CAS- ts Attachments DATE: 1~¥ ~, ~ ~ Inter- Corn TO: FILE FROM: MARY ANN CHAMBERLAIN, ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: BUSINESS LICENSE FOR DAILY'S RV AND AUTO SALES Pursuant to a discussion with Lois Jeffrey (Deputy City Attorney) on this date, Daily's RV and Auto may operate under the use permit No. 83-2 which authorized outdoor storage in conjunction with a sales office at 674-676 E1 Camino Real. TO: Honorable Chairman & Commission Members FROM:' S UBJ ECT: Community Development Department Use Permit No. 83-2 Zoning: C-2 (Central Commercial ) Applicant: Daniel Angstadt Location: 674 E1 Camino Real/E1 Camino Plaza Request: Authorization to display boats in an outdoor storage area in conjunction with a sales office at 674 E1 Camino Real. BACKGROUNO AND DISCUSSION: In 1976 a use permit was approved for the renovation of Tustin Square which is now known as E1 Camino Plaza. At that time the renovation was only for the existing buildings and parking lot and did not include the parcel in question .for this request. This parcel at the present time is unimproved and it i.s located adjacent to the I-5 freeway imbankment. The applicant has submitted two(2) site plan proposals for the boat display area. One plan indicates the site to be graded and paved, and another, which is the applicant's preference, indicates the ease of a gravel surface in the storage yard. Under Section 9297 of the zoning ordinance it states: Parking not otherwise required to be in a garage or carport must be located in a paved are on the same lot or parcel of land or contiguous thereto. The land uses in the immediate area are as follows: North: E1 Camino Plaza(C-2) East: Vacant 1 and (C-2) South: I-5 Freeway The following are comments from various departments. Engineering Oepa.r. tment: 1. The parcel as plotted on the site plan is not consistent with the parcel identified as AP#401-631-04 in the assessors map book. The dimensions between the two plots do not agree and will have to be rectified and dimensioned to properly show the parcel. 2. If t~e parcel is to be graded and paved as indicated, a grading plan shall be prepared to insure that drainage is not directed in a concentrated form to the parcel located to the east. Chairman & Commission Members February 28, 1983 Page 2 Fi re Department: 1. Provide 4A4OBC extinguisher on site. 2. Fire Department access shall be provided through gate only to be locked with County padlock or non case hardened lock. Pol ice Depa. rtment: The Crime Prevention section stated that they felt security was questionable the way it was suggested on the submitted plans(chain link). It would only take a few moments to use wire cutters on the fence, remove a boat and trailer, and be on the freeway on-ramp. They suggested a block wall with an alarmed gate for needed security. FINOINGS ~ CONCLUSIONS: 1. The location of the proposed boat storage yard will not be visible from the public right-of-way and therefore should not pose as a visual imPact to the area... 2~ The'remoteness of the storage area will, however lend itself to possible burglary and vandalism problems without some crime prevention measures being instituted. 3. The use of gravel rather than a paved area could cause debris problems in the nearby streets as trailers travel from the site. REC~NDED ACTION: Approve Use Permit 83-2 by the adoption of Resolution 2082. MAC: jk 2-28-83 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~ RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENC. OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, AUTHORIZING THE DISPLAY OF BOATS IN AN OUTDOOR STORAGE AREA IN CONJUNCTION WITH A SALES OFFICE AT 674 EL CAMINO REAL. The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as fol 1 ows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application (Use Permit No. 83-.2), has been filed by Daniel Angstadt, requesting authorization to display boats in an outdoor storage area in conjunction with a sales office at 674 E1 Camino Real. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. C. That establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the fol lowing findings: 1. The proposed use is in conformance with the Land Use Element of the Tustin Area General Plan and the Central Commercial District of the Zon.ing Code. 2. The site 'is near' the freeway and to the rear of-the shopping center and is therefore a desirable site for outdoor storage. D. That the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not be injurious or detri- mental .to the property and improvements in the neighbor- hood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tustin, and should be granted. E. Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development policies adopted by the City' Council, Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Building Official, Fire Code as administered by the Orange County Fire Marshal and street improvement requirements as administered by the City Engineer. F. This project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. G. Final development plans shall require the review and approval of the Community Development Department. Marc Page 1 8 9 10 11 12 1:) 14 P~ A( 17 18 19 21 ution No. 2082 228, 1983 II. The Planning Agency hereby approves Conditional Use Permit No. 83-2 to authorize the display of boats in an outdoor storage area in conjunction with a sales offi. ce at 674 E1 Camino Real subject to the following conditions: A. Dimension the site plan to reflect the size of parcel AP#401-631-04 in the assessors map book. B. Prepare a grading plan to ensure that drainage is not directed in a concentrated form to the parcel located to the east. C. Provide 4A4OBC extinguisher on site. D. Provide security gate to the satisfaction of the Fi.re Marshal. £. Pave parking area to City Standards. F. Provide security around the perimeter of the storage yard in the form of lighting. .. G. Provide a 1-5/8" metal rail a'long the base of the fence, two feet (2') above grade level.' The rail .is to be painted and maintained. AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tusitn Planning held on 28 day of March, 1983. James BI, I IShalrp Chairman Janet Hester Recording Secretary MAC:jk 2-28-83 , . STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) 1, JANET HESTER, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Recording Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted, at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the ~ day of ~'~ ., 19~_~ Tustin Planning Agency Pl anntng Commt ss~ on Ht nutes Page 3 ' ' ser~tce to ptck uo t~e 1:rash r'ece~l:acle a~c ~e ~ear of ~e stye and ~e~fo~ ~e need for loca~tng ~e ~ash enclosure ~as no lon~er ev~ dent. - Hov~ by H~. Pucker, s~ond~ by H~. Atnslte, adoption o~ Resolution ~o. 2085, agp~v~ng ~e ~sed ~ash locatton ~e agent ~ p~vtde ptck-ug se~tce ~ ~e ~ear of ~e st~ ~aln tn eff~ wt~ ~e Ct~'s f~anchtse ~fuse se~ce. ,. Hotton ca~1~: ~-0 AYES: ~OES: ~one ABSENT: ~one 2. Use Permit 83-2 Alan ~la~en presented t~e s~aff ~e~or~c statt ng t~at t~e a~pl~cant had submtt~ an all.at, ye ~ ~e condition ~or a bl~ ~all tns~de ~e pe~mete~ fete. As ~e block.~11 ~esented ~atnage p~obl~s. ~e aggllcan~ p~pos~ ~ cons~ a ~-5/8" metal ra~l along ~e outstde of the fete, 2' above ~ade level. He stated ~e al te~at~ve had ~en app~v~ by ~e Pollce and 8u~ldtng t4ov~ by M~. ~htte, s~ond~ by M~. ~etl, a~p~val of an ~end~e~ Resolution No. 2082 for ~e ~v~sed fence ~s~gn ~ a condO:ton of ~e use pe~tt tn 11eu of ~e wall ~qut~en: wt~ ~e condition rail ~. ~t nted and ~tntatn~. Morton ~r~ed: 5-0 AYES: SHARP, AIN~IE, PUCX~, ~L, ~T; . NOES: None ABSENT: 'None · . CO~SSION Oe. Fqeagle tnfo~ ~e C~tss~on ~at a ~quest had ~en ~de Edgar for a Co~tss~on/Counctl .wo~sho~. ~OURNME~: At ~ :30 p.~. ~ ~e next ~gular ;~t~ ng. :~a-net Hester .... Record1 ng Secretary CITY OF TUSTIN INVESTNENT SCHEDULE WITH HATURITIES 12 HONTHS OR LESS TYPE BANK/AGENCY RATE TCD Guardian S & L 8.85% TCD BeLL Air S & L 8.75% TCD BeverLy HiLLs S & L 9.25% 12/16/87 TCD The Guardian S & L 8.65% 01/07/88 TCD PLaza S & L 8.25% 07/13/87 TCD San CLemente S & L 7.75% 04/29/88 TCD Faruest S & L 8.35% 08/30/88 TCD SterLing S & L 7.50% 03/06/88 TCD Founders S & L 8.00% 03/06/88 TCD Carver S & L 8.63% 09/21/88 TCD BeLL Savings & Loan 8.00% 04/01/88 TCD Westco Savings & Loan 8.00~ 04/12/88 TCD CoLombia S & L 8.2~ 10/23/85 TCD HousehoLd Bank 7.70% 04/21788 TCD CaL America S & L 8.00% 04/28/88 TCD ~nerican Interstate S&L 8.00% 05/16/88 TCD Pacific Coast S & L 8.10% 05/17/88 TCD Southwest S & L 7.90% 05/31/88 TCD Pacific Savings Bank 8.00% 06/02/88 TCD Sears Bank 9.60% 06/19/85 TCD Brookside S & L 8.20% 06/27/88 TCD Gateuay S & L 8.25% 06/30/88 TCD Rancho Santa Fe S& L 9.00% 07/05/87 TCD DeL Amo S & L 8.75% 07/06/88 TCD Hauthorne S & L 7.90% 07/08/88 TCD .FLagship S & L 8.00~ 07/08/88 TCD County Savings Bank 8.75% 08/01/88 NCD *Butterfie[d S & [ 8.60% 08/01/88 NCD Neuport BaLboa S & L 8.70% 08/17/88 TCD Executive S & L 9.00~ 09/05/88 TCD #e~cury S & L 8.40X 09/07/88 TCD Bank of LA 9.00X 09/14/88 TCD Central Bank 9.00% 09123188 TCD Viking S & L 9.00~ 09/28/88 TCD Sacramento 1st Nst'L Bk 9.00% 09/28/88 TCD Long Beach S & L 8.63% 10/20/88 TOTAL TCD's Savings: B of A 4.75% LAIF 8.3~% TOTAL INVESTHENTS OF 12 HONTHS OR LESS RE PORTS NO. 3 11-7-88 CURRENT PURCHASE NATURITY PURCHASE HARKET DATE DATE AHOUNT PRICE VALUE 11/04/87 11/03/88 $99,000 100.00% 100.00% 11/05/87 11/04/88 $99,000 100.00% 100.00% 12/15/88 $99,000 100.00% 100.00% 01/05/89 $98,000 100.00~ 100.00% 01/09/89 $98,000 100.00% 100.00% 02/23/89 $99,000 100.00~ 100.00% 02/28/89 $98,000 100.00% 100.00% 03/17/89 $99,000 100.00% 100.00% 03/17/89 $99,000 100.00~ 100.00% 03/21/89 $99,000 100.00% 100.00% 04/11/89 $95,000 100.00% 100.00% 04/12/89 $98,000 100.00% 100.00% 04/20/89 $100,000 100.00% 100.00% 04/21/89 $98,000 100.00% 100.00% 04/28/89 $98,000 100.00% 100.00% 05/16/89 $95,000 100.00% 100.00% 05/17/89 $95,000 100.00% 100.00% 05/31/89 $98,000 100.00% 100.00% 06/02/89 $99,000 100.00% 100.00% 06/19/89 $100,000 100.00% 100.00% 06/27/89 $99,000 100.00~ 100.00% 06/30/89 $95,000 100.00~ 100.00% 07/05/89 $95,000 100.00~ 100.00% 07/06/89 $100,000 100.00% 100.00% 07/10/89 $100,000 100.00% 100.00% 07/10/89 $99,000 100.00% 100.00% 08/01/89 $100,000 100.00~ 100.00% 08/01/89 $95,000 100.00% 100.00% 08/17/8~ $99,000 100.00% 100.00% 09/05/89 $99,000 100.00% 100.00% 09/07/89 $100,000 100.00~ 100.00% 09/14/89 $99,000 100.00% 100.00% 09/25/89 $99,000 100.00% 100.00% 09/28/89 $99,000 100.00% 100.00% 09/28/89 $99,000 100.00~ 100.00% 10/19/89 $100,000 100.00% 100.00% $3,540,000 $23,374 $30,750,000 $3~,313,374 CITY INVESTHENT SCHEDULE WITH HATUR[T[ES IN EXCESS OF 12 NONTHS * CURRENT CURRENT PURCHASE HATUR[TY AHOUNT PURCHASE HARKET TYPE BANK/AGENCY YIELD DATE DATE INVESTED PR[CE VALUE .. NCO LincoLn S & L 11.85X 12/14/8~ 12/19/89 $100,000 104.17~ 104.17~ NOTE Fed. Home Loan Bank 6.65~ 09/02/86 01/25/90 $252,539 113.63~ 105.09~ TCO Capita[ Bank 8.63~ 06/12/88 0~/12/90 $99,000 100.00~ 100.00~ NOTE Fed. Natal iort. Corp. 6.99~ 09/10/86 12/10/90 $309,803 107.63~. 101.25'~ NOTE Fed. Far~ Credit Bank 7.08~ 09/0~/86 04/22/91 $600,000 102.13~ 98.15~ TO) Homestead S & L 8.~5~ 08/12/87 08/12/91 $90,000 100.00~ 100.00~ NOTE Fed. Farm Credit Bank 7.51X 09/0Z/86 01/20/92 $22~,188 117.38X 108.32~ NCO General Bank ?.50~ 06/19/87 06/17/92 $98,000 100.00~ 98.25~ $1,772,530 TOTAL CITY [NVESTNENTS $36,085,904~ TUSTIN CORHUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY INVESTHENT SCHEDULE g[TH MATURITIES 12 MONTHS OR LESS TCD Gateway Savings Bank 9.00X TCD At'tiance S & L 8.50X TO) First Network Savings 8.63X TCD BeverLy HiLLs S & L 9.25~ TO) gestco Savings Bank 8.50~ TO) Founders S & L 9.00~ TO) Guardian S & L 8.20~ TO) Carver S & L 8.63~ TO) Southern CaLifornia 7.55X TO) County Savings Bank 7.50X TO) Capital Bank 7.75~ TCD CaL America S & L 8.00~ TO) Southwest S & L 7.90~ TO) Pacific Savings Bank 8.00X TCD ButterfieLd S & L 8.25X TO) Hawthorne S & L 7.93~ TCO Newport BaLboa S & L 8.70~ TCO Executive S & L 9.00X TO) Brookside S & L 8.50~ TO) American S & L 8.50~ TYPE BANK/AGENCY RATE TO) Independence S & L 8.60~ TOTAL TCD~s CURRENT PURCHASE MATURITY PURCHASE MARKET DATE DATE AMOUNT PRICE VALUE 11/05/87 11/04/88 $99,000 100.00~ 100.00~ 12/04/87 12/05/88 $99,000 100.00~ 100.00~ 12/14/87 12/14/88 $99,000 100.00~ 100.00~ 12/16/87 12/15/88 $99,000 100.00~ 100.00~ 12/16/87 12/16/88 $99,000 ~00.00~ 100.00~ 01/12/88 01/11/89 $98,000 100.00~ 100.00~ 01/12/88 01/11/89 $98,000 IO0.OOX 100.00~ 07/15/88 01/11/89 $98,000 100.00~ 100.00~ 09/21/88 03/21/89 $75,000 100.00~ 100.00~ 03/29/88 03/29/89 $95,000 100.00~ 100.00~ 03/30/88 03/30/89 $100,000 100.00~ 100.00~ 0~/07/88 0~/07/89 . $99,000 IO0.OOX 100.00~ 0~/28/88 04/28/89 $98,000 100.00~ 100.00~ 05/31/88 05/31/89 $98,000 100.00~ 100.00~ 06/03/88 06/03/89 $99,000 100.00~ 100.00~ 07/07/88 07/09/89 $95,000 IO0.OOX 100.00~ 07/08/88 07/10/89 $100,000 100.00~ 100.00~ 08/17/88 08/17/89 $99,000 100.00~ 100.00~ 09/05/88 09/05/89 $99,000 100.00~ 100.00~ 09/29/88 09/29/89 $98,000 100.00~ 100.00~ 10/03/88 10/03/89 $99,000 100.00~ 100.00~ $2,043,000 LAIF 8.34~ TOTAL INVESTMENTS OF 12 HONTHS OR LESS $3,781,000 S5,824,000 · TUSTIN COI4tgJNITY REDEVELOP#ENT AGENCY INVESTHENT SCHEDULE WITH NATURITIES IN EXCESS OF 12 140NTHS CURRENT CURRENT PURCHASE HATUR! TY ANOUNT PURCHASE HARKET TYPE BANK/AGENCY Y ! ELD DATE DATE INVESTED * PR I CE VALUE NC'I) Cotumbia S & L 6.76X 12/31/86 08/31/89 $100,000 106.50~ 99.00~ TCD Rancho Sante F~ S & L 9.25~ 08/21/87 08/20/~0 $~7,000 100.00~ 100.00~ NCD General Bank 7.50~ 06/19/87 06/17/92 S98,000 100.00~ 100.00~ Bonds Fed. Nat't Hort. Corp. 10.43~ 12/31/85 09/13/13 S22,205 100.00~ 100.00~ $319,205 S6,143,205 TOTAL RDA !NVESTHENTS TOTAL INVESTNENTS $4~2,22~,10~