June 4, 1962
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Doney.
Present: Doney, Sheridan, Humeston, Mack,
City Engineer McBride~ present
City Attorney Rourke, present
HEARING OPENED ON Hearing on the adoption of the Uniform
UNIFORM FIRE CODE Fire Code for the City of Tustin opened
at 7:33 P.M.
NO DISCUSSION OR There being no discussion or comments,
COMMENTS~HEARING the hearing was declared closed.
First reading of the ordinance adopting
FIRST READING ON the Fire Code deferred to later in the
Hearing on Zone Change Application No.
TED FISH & JOHN 62-103 of Ted Fish and John Siegel
~o fezone certain property of C. Patton
SIEGEL ZONE CHANGE lwithin.~he McFadden-Newport Annexation
HEARING OPENED ~ - to C-1 and R-3 was opened a~ 7:35 P.M.
.I~ Clerk read recommendations of the Tustin
R_3 RECOMMENDATIONS Planning Commission that entire parcel
OF PLAN. COM. from,McFadden thru to Newport be zoned
Colonel John Kelly, resident of Lifetime
DISCUSSION ABOUT Homes spoke, requesting the nature of
ABOVE thedevelopment planned for this area.
Mr. Ted Fish explained the type of apart-
ments planned and type of development.
Mr~ISegat asked about widths of driveways.
Mr. Bill Arnold of South Myrtle (Lifetime
Homes) spoke protesting apartment houses
in this location.
Mr. Don Smith requested a postponement of
~ - a decision until a later date when more
I. . people had moved into Lifetime Homes and
could-be-heard on the subject.
HEARING CLOSED - There being no further protests, or dis-
cussions, the hearing was declared closed
at 7~58 P.M.
ZONE APPLICATION Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
NO. 62-103 APPROVED Councilman Mack that Zone Application No.
AS RECOMMENDED BY 62-103 be approved as recommended by the
Planning ommission as all R-3 with the
R_3 EXCEPT LOTS exception of lots #11 and #12 being two
ll and 12 AND THEY most northerly lots and that these lots
ZONED R-2 be zoned R-2. City Attorney to draw
ordinance to this effect. Motion carried
by roll call, all councilmen voting Aye.
MR. SMITH OF Mr. Verne E. Smith, representingCoun~
COUNTY DAY SCHOOL Day School at Fourth Street and Yorba,
REQUESTED STEPS BE presented plans of zoning in surrounding
TAKEN TO EXPEDITE areas and requested that the Council take
COND, USE PERMIT some action to help expedite the issuance
BY COUNTY of a Conditional Use Permit by the ~ounty
OWNER EXPLAINED Mrs. La Schelle, owner of the school, explained
PLANS FOR SCHOOL plans for the school and parking facilities.
PLANS FOR SCHOOL Moved by ~ouncilman Klingelhofer, seconded by
TO BE SENT BACK Councilman Humeston that the plans of the school
TO TUSTIN PLAN. be sent back to the Tustin Planning Commission
COM. FOR RE_ for re-examination on the basis of new information
_- EXAMINATION presented to the Council and to be presented to
the commission. Motion carried.
Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
MINUTES OF MAY 21st Sheridan that the Minutes of May 21st meeting
APPROVED be approved as mailed and received. Motion carried.
PROJECT STATEMENT Project statement for the improvement of South ~D"
FOR IMP. OF SOUTH and Laguna and "D" Streets explained by the
'D' & LAGUNA & 'D' City Engineer.
RESOLUTION N0. 604 Resolution No. 604, adopting and submitting a
READ IN ENTIRETY budget for expenditure of funds allocated from
BY ENGINEER RE the State Highway Fund to cities was read in
EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS rety by ~he City Engineer.
FROM STATE HIGH. DEPT. Moved by ~ouncilman Humeston, seconded by Council-
ADOPTION OF RESOL. man Sheridan that Resolution No. 604 be passed
NO. 604 and a~opted. Carried hy roll call, all councilmen
vot~ing Aye.
Moved by CounCilman Sheridan, seconded by Council-
SIXTH STREET ~an Mack that recommendations of City Engineer
IMPROVEMENT ~icBride be accepted and bid for SiXth Street
AWARDED TO Improvement be awarded to Sully-Miller, being
--- SULLY_MILLER _ low bidder in the amount of $6,684.80, and the
$6,684.80, LOW Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the
BIDDER contract. Motion carried.
ENGINEER AUTHORIZED Moved by CounCilman Sheridan, seconded by
TO MAKE CHANGES Councilman Humeston C
that the ity Engineer
IN QUANTITIES be authorized to make changes in quantities
IN SULLY_MILLER on Sully-Miller Bid as per correspondence.
BID Motion carried.
REVISED BUSINESS Mr. Sheridan, Mrs. Poe and Mr. R0urke r~quested
LICENSE TO BE PRESENT~ to present a revised business license ordinance.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
Councilman Mack and duly carried that recommenda-
FOLLOWING EMPLOYED tions of the Parks and Recreation Oommission to
FOR 11 WEEKS AT employ the following named persons at stated
TYC FOR PARKS & rates for an ll week p~riod for summer recreation
REC. PROGRAM program be approved:
Dick Sokal $2.00 per hour
Jerry Smartt 1.75
Mary Anne Curtie 1.75 " "
Serge Beltran 1.75 "
Resignation of Victor Grant from P~rks & Recreation
VICTOR GRANT Commission read by Councilman Klingelhofer. Dis-
RESIGNED FROM position of said resignation deferred to a later
PARKS & REC. COM. date.
A 7 minute recess called by the Mayor.
Meeting reconvened at 9:10 P.M.
Planning Commission Minutes of May 28th
Meeting read by the Secretary.
CORRESPONDENCE RE Correspondence from ~ustin Chamber
WIDENING OF NEWPORT of Commerce regarding the widening
AVE. REFERRED TO of Newport Avenue referred to City
CITY ENGINEER Engineer McBride for study and report~
LETTER TO P.D. Clerk directed to forward a copy of
FROM MR& MRS ENAS Letter of Commendation from Mr. and
Mrs. Enasto the Police Department.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded
CORRESPONDENCE FILED -by Councilman Mack that correspondence
be received and filed. Motion carried~
RESOLUTION!NO. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded
603 TO BE READ by Councilman Mack that Resolution No.
BY TITLE ONLY 603, requesting a joint zoning and
planning s~udy with the County of
Orange of the 'outherly area of the
City Of. Tustin and other areas of
common interest with the county of
Orange be reaa by title only. Motion
ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by
RESOLUTION NO. 603 Councilman HumeSton that Resolution
~ No. 603 be passed and adopted. Motion
carried by roll call, all councilmen
voting Aye.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded
ORDINANCE NO. by Councilman Mack that Ordinance No.
174 HAVE FIRST 174 amending the zoning mad of the City
READING BY TITLE of ustin by changing the p~operty of
ONLY RE SCHMETZER Louis Schmetzer from C.2P to the PM
PROPERTY · zone and changing the setback lines of
said property, have first reading by
title only. Motion carried unanimouslye.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded
ORDINANCE N0.172 by Councilman Mack that Ordinance No.
APPROVING BRYAN_ 172, approving the Bryan-Red Hill
RED HILL ANNEX. Annexation to the City of Tustin, have
HAVE SECOND READING second. reading by tit~e only. Motion
.BY TITLE ONLY carried unanimously.
ADOPTION OF ~ Mo~ed!~by Councilman Sheridan, seconded
ORDINANCE NO. by Councilman Mack that Ordinance No.
172 172 be passed and adopted. Motion carried
by roll call, all councilmen voting Aye.
ORDINANCE NO. 173 Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
RE MARVIN LAWRENCE Councilman Humeston that Ordinance No.
ANNEX READ BY TITLE -1,73-, approving the Marvin E. Lawrence
ONLY I A~tnexation to the City of Tustin be read
by title only. Motion carried unanimously°
ADOPTION OF Moved byCouncilman Sheridan, seconded by
ORDINANCE NO. Councilman HumeSton that Ordinance No.
173' 173 be passed and adopted. Motion carried
by roll call, allCoUncilmen voting Aye,
RESOLUTION NO. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
605 READ BY TITLE Councilman Mack that Resolution Ng. 605,
ONLY requesting a zone study with the ounty of
Orange= of the NorthTustin City and sur-
rounding area be read by title only.
Motion carried unanimously.
ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by
RESOLUTION NO. Councilman Humeston that Resolution No.
605 be passed and adopted. Motion carried
605 by roll call, all councilmen voting Aye°
RESOLUTION NO. Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
606 RE JOHN Sheridanlthat Resolution No. 606, initiating pro-
JACOBS ANNEX. ceedingsby~the City Council to annex certain
READ BY TITLE uninhabited territory designated ~John Jacobs
ONLY Annexation~and~giving notice of the proposed
annexation~beread by title only. Motion
carried unanimously.
ADOPTION OF Moved~by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
RESOLUTION Councilman Klingelhoferthat Resolution No.
NO. 606 606 be passed and adopted. Motion carried by
roll cal~, all councilmen voting Aye.
ORDINANCE N0. Mo~ed by Councilman Mack, seconded by Council-
176 FIRST READING manIShe~idan that Ordinance No. 176, adopting
BY TITLE ONLY Uniform Fire Code, havenfirst reading by title
CLARIFICATION Mr. Flax asked the Council for clarification
RE FIREWORKS of Section banning the sale of fireworks within
the City.
After Some discussion, Councilman Mack and
Councilman Sheridan withdrew motion and second,
DELETION OF Moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded by
SEC. 12.02b of Councilman Mack that Section 12.02b of Uniform
UNIFORM FIRE CODE Fire Code be deleted for use in the City of
Tustin. Motion carried.
CONTRACT FOR Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
SOIL TEST WITH Councilman Mack that Mayor and City Clerk be
COUNTY OF ORANGE authorized to execute contract with the
County of Orange for soil test and material
tests. Motion carried.
LETTER TO BE Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
WRITTEN REGARD. Sheridan that clerk ~rite to the Board of Super-
CONST.,ENGR & visors requesting a contract with the County for
INSP. WITH construction, engineering and inspection and
COUNTY Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign said
contract. Motion carried.
Mr. Eugene Jacobsen requested consideration by
the Council for a City Building Department.
ORDINANCE NO. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
176 FIRST READING Councilman Mack that Ordinance No. 176, adopting
BY TITLE ONLY the Uniform Fire Code have first reading by
title only. Motion carried, unanimously.
Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
Sheridan that bills be paid. Motion carried.
Tustin Hardware ......................... $227.42
Carson & Golding ........... 73.03
B First West. Bank iA~i~A~ii .......... 205.10
santa Ana Office Supply .............. 27.25
I Ruth Poe, Petty Cash ................. 44.60
Tustin Paint S~re ..................... 131.20
L Natl. Fire Protect. Assoc ............. 15.00
Tustin Auto Parts ................... 1.47
L Les Johnson .......................... 65.72
Smith-Corona Marchant Inc ........... 14.72
S Harris and Frank ...................... 72.44
Wardlaw Fire Equipment ................ 724.52
5 & l0 Nursery ........................ 1.04
Tustin Drug & Variety ................. 9.41
Orange County Blueprint .............. 43.98
~ou~ty, of Orange=Survey & Road .... ~33.56
R. F. Dickson o .................. 180.00
Hardy & Hatper ............. 669.85
van Hove & Dean &i ge ......... s8.?l
B Vista Drug .................... 3.70
I Signal 0il Co ............... 127.40
L Tustin Blacksmith Shop ....... 16.29
L Thermo-Fax Sales, Inc ....... 26.60
S Kenneth G. Hebard, D.O ....... 30.00
G. B. Grant .................. 7.50
(contd) Tiernan's ............. . ...... 23.50
Buel A. Williamson .......... 75.00
C. b Knickerbocker's Inc. 2626.21
Cox Plumbing Repair .......... 8.50
Main Photo Service ......... 253.86
J. L. McBride .............. 620.00
Ben Wheelock .......... ~ ..... 25.00
Orange Co. Radiotelephone . .. 30.00
Santa Ana Book Store .... ~ .... 57-39
Tustin Fire Department ....... 217.00
Truck insurance Exchange ....... 150.00
Total $6926.97
ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
Councilman Humeston that me~ting be ad-
journed - motion carried.