HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1962 05 07 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL MAY 7, 1962 Meeting called ~to order at 7:33 P.M. by MAYOR DONEY. Present: Doney, Sheridan, Humeston, Mack, Klingelhofer City Engineer McBride, present City Attorney Rourke, present MINUTES OF Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded APRIL 16th REGULAR by Councilman Sheridan that the minutes AND APRIL 17th of April 16th RegUlar Meeting and~pr~l REGULAR AD. MEETINGS 17th Regular Adjourned Meetings be ap. APPROVED proved as ~iled and received. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by AUTHORIZATION THAT Councilman Humeston that authorization SERGEANT ALLEC BE be granted Chief Sissel to send SENT TO SACRAMENTO Sergeant Allec to Sacramento for four FOR FOUR DAYS' days training, with use of the City- TRAINING WITH USE owned Ford and with a $50 advance to OF CITY CAR apply on expenses. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman Humeston that Harriet HARRIET WALKER Walker be placed on a permanent basis PLACED ON A as clerk-dispatcher in Police Depart- PERMANENT BASIS ment at $200.00 per month, effective AT $200 PER MONTH May l, 1962. Motion carried. PLAN. COM. MINUTES Minutes of April 23rd Planning Com- OF 4-23 READ BY CLERK mission meeting were read by the clerk° Moved by Councilman Sheridan seconded AGREEMENT TO BE ~ by Councilman Mack that the ayor and EXECUTED BY MAYOR City Clerk be authorized to execute & CITY CLERK WITH "Supplement to A,reement Emplo ing BOYLE & LOWRY Engineer of Work between the ~ity and Boyle & Lowry. Motion carried. 0.C. CHAPTER, MARCH Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded OF DIMES TO CONDUCT by Councilman Humes~n that permission FUND RAISING FOR be granted Orange County Chapter of SIX WEEKS, BEGINNING the March of Dimes to conduct a fund JUNE 1st raising campaign in the City for six weeks beginning June 1,i 1962. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded ORANGE COUNTY FAIR by Councilman Sheridan that permission GIVEN PERMISSION TO be granted Orange County Fair to hang D both HANG FLAGS AT "D" street flags at" "Street at STREET, SIXTH & Sixth Street and Main Street, under MAIN STREETS the direction of Chief Sissel. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded CORRESPONDENCE by Councilman Klingelhofer that FILED correspondence be received and filed. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. Moved by Councilman Humeaton, seconded by 598 DENYING REQUEST Councilman Mack that request for zone change FOR ZONE CHANGE TO to C-2 on property located within the Pannell C-2 ON PROPERTY Annexation be denied and Resolution No. 598 WITHIN PANNELL denying said request to be drawn by the City ANNEXATION Attorney. Motion carried by roll call, all councilmen voting Aye. Mr. Sheridan stating .. that his Aye vote is based upon the hearing before the Council and not before the Planning Commission. RESOLUTION NO. 599 Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by TO BE DRAWN UP' BY Councilman Klingelhofer that Resolution No. ATTORNEY RE PANNELL 599, a resolution of intention directing the ANNEXATION TO PM Planning Commission to initiate proceedings ZONING to zone property within the Pannell Annexation to P.M. zone, be drawn up by City Attorney. Motion carried by roll call, all councilmen voting Aye. Mayor Doney called a five minute recess. Meeting reconvened at 8:40 P.M. ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by RESOLUTION NO. Councilman Humeaton that ResolutiOn No. 560 560 appointing commissioners and certain officials be passed and adopted. Motion carried, all councilmen voting Aye. SIGNATURE CARD TO Moved by Councilman Mack seconded by Councilman BE SIGNED FOR Humeaton that Mayor G. W~ Doney Mayor pro tem --- FIRST WESTERN M. Sheridan City Clerk Ruth C.'Poe and Deputy BANK BY AUTHORIZED ~ City Clerk lorence Kortmeyer be authorized to PERSONS sign signature card for the City with the ' First Western Bank & Trust Company of Tustin. Motion carried. CONSIDERATION TO BE Clerk directed that when hearing is held on GIVEN L. SCHMETZER ON zone application of Louis Schmetzer to see that BUILDING & SET BACK consideration is given the building and set LINES back lines. Mr. R. H. Buchanan spoke in behalf of Socony SOCONY MOBILE OIL Mobile Oil regarding permit for driveways for STATION AT FIRST AND station at First and Prospect. Mr~. Buchanan PROSPECT _ DISCUSSION stated that the company felt that the city'~ ABOUT DRIVEWAYS ETC. request for dedication of 17 feet on First Street and 15 feet on Prospect, plus the im- provements including curb and gutter and re- location of storm drains were in excess. Mr. Buchanan also said that the oil company would go along with dedicating the property and re- locating the curb and gutter but did not feel that they should move the drains. COUNCIL TO CONDUCT The above was taken under advisement and the ON_SIGHT INVESTIGATION Council will conduct an on-sight investigation M i OF ABOVE for a d~cision by Monday, ay 21st. ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman UNIFORM FIRE CODE Sh&ridan that the City Attorney be authorized to ORDINANCE draw up anordinance for the adoption of the Uniform Fire Code. Motion carried. CIVIL SERVICE ~ A proposed plan for Civil Service for city PROPOSED PLAN TO BE employees was presented to the Council and READ BY DEPARTMENT members and department heads were asked to HEADS ETC. read this proposal. POLICE DEPARTMENT Moved by Councilman Sheridan, s~conded AUTHORIZED TO by Councilman Klingelhofer that Police INSTALL ELECTRONIC Department be authorized to install DEVICE ON ONE POLICE electronic device in one police car. CAR Motion carried. PARKING LOT TO BE Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded PAVED AT NEW CITY by CoUncilman Mack that paving of parking HALL LOCATION AT lot adjacent to new City Hall be approved A COST OF $600 at a cost not to exceed $600.00 and work to be done under the advisement of the ~ city engineer. Motion carried.' Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded $600 TO BE TRANSFERRED by Councilman MaCk that $600.00 be FROM UNDISTRIBUTED transferred from undistributed reserve RESERVE FUND TO fund to Capital. Outlay Administration CAPITALOUTLAY AD_ General Fund. MotiOn carried by roll MINISTRATION GENERAL call, all councilmen voting Aye. FUND Chief Sissel reported that the property of H. Stanley, 145 D Street, Tustin, H. STANLEY NOTIFIED Calif., parcel 62 08 315, Lot 9, Block ABOUT WEED SITUATION ~l of a part of Tustin was posted and · A AND PROPERTY CLEANED ~r. Stanley notified on pril 13,1962 ON APRIL 26th BY THE (all in accordance with Weed Abatement CITY AT A COST TO THE Ordinance No. 155 of the Cityof Tustin) CITY OF $143.73 and that on April 26th the property was c~leaned by the City at a cost to the 4 City of $13-73. ~ Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman Klingeihofer that an ASSESSMENT TO BE assessment be levied on above described LEVIED ON ABOVE property in the amount of $143.73 plus PROPERTY IN THE assessment costs pursuant to Ordinance AMOUNT OF $143.73 No. 155~ MotiOn carried by roll call, PLUS COSTS all councilmen voting Aye. Moved by Councilman Humeston, seconde~ by Councilman Mackthat Mr. Sheridan be granted permission to leave the state the week of May 7th. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by 171 TO HAVE FIRST Councilman Sheridan that Ordinance No. READING BY 171, an ordinance governing the Planning TITLE ONLY. Commission and repealing Ordinance No. 49 ~ and No. 104, have first reading by title 0nly. Motion carried unanimously. DEED FROM LARWIN Movedby Councilman Mack, seconded by SQUARE TO BE Councilman Humeston that Deed from Larwin ACCEPTED AND Square for certain property on the South RECORDED side of First Street from H Street to Newport Avenue be accepted and authorizing endorsement and recording of said Deed. · Motion carried. ARROW GLASS CO. BILL City Clerk was instructed to send bill TO BE SENT TO from Arrow Glass Co. for glass replaced TASTEE FREEZ CO. in Tast~e Freez building to the Tastee Freez Company. NEGOTIATIONS TO BE Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by MADE WITH PRESIDENT Councilman Sheridan that the city attorney OF TASTEE FREEZ AND negotiate with the president~Tastee CITY RE RENT ON Freez Company regarding cancellation of TASTEE FREEZ BLDG. lease and release of payment of Jun~ rent ETC. leaving the last three months rent already paid with the City and leaving the City free to lease or make use of building after June 1st. Building to be cleaned and left in an orderly fashion. Motion carried. SPECIAL 'CENSUS City Attorney Rourke reported that the contract SATISFACTORY AS with the State for special census was satisfactory TO FORM as to form. Moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded by BILLS TO BE PAID Councilman Sheridan that bills be paid. Motion carried. B I L L S Printing Div., Sacramento ...... $ .50 Farnsworth JeWelry 16 43 Seagram Pacifi.c Corp. 134 80 V~n Hove and Dean ................... ..................... 183.43 F. Morton Pitt Co ..................... 38.04 Desmond's ......................... 43.11 Tustin Fire ~t ............. 225.00 County of orange-com d i atioA ...... 52.s7 Orange County Blueprint ............... 64.90 . . McBride ........................ 776.00 Dick Turner .......................... 10.00 Hardy '& Harper . 588 04 Edney's Tree Service 130 00 Orange County Title Co ................ 5.00 Santa And Engraving ................... 18-39 Boyle Engineer n ..................... 3O3.0O First West Ban utilities) ............. 439-99 Santa And Book Store 10 08 Signal Oil ...................... 232-75 santa And Vaii; irrigation'do ........ 1.65 R. F. Dickson Co ..................... 180.00 Volunteer Firefighter ................. 4.00 Lou Gerding Studio .................... 7,80 Ruth C. Poe, petty cash ............... 48.48 Ruth C. Poe, Convention expense ......... 59-30 Kenneth G. Hebard, D.O ................ 10.00 Marchant Nursery .................. 61.86 Buel Williamson (expe~lgli ............ 25.20 Santa And Office Supply ............... 22.29 Orange County Radiotel. Service ........ 30.00 Larry Fricker Co ...................... 81.02 Fire Extinguisher Main. Co ............. 6.50 Gilbert & Stearns ..................... 222.18 Tustin Paint Store ..................... 64.25 Graves & Howley 62 32 Carson & Goldin ......................... Orange County Insur Co 62 23 Hanson & Peterson ' ' ............. ' .................... 150.00 Les Johnson . 167 90 Foothill Rent~l~ ........................ ..................... 4.56 Tustin Hardware ...................... 9-36 Orange Daily News · . · 223.34 Blower Paper Company '.:221::2::::::1::5.s2 Vista Drug Co . 2.76 Larry Al, lec ..'...'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'50.00 First West. Bank (withheld taxes) ....... 886.70 CITY ENGINEER Moved by Councilman Mumeston, seconded by TO FILE MAP ETC. Councilman Mack that the City Engineer be FOR JOHN JACOBS authorized to file map and description for ANNEXATION John Jacobs Annexation with the County Boundary Commission. Motion carried. REQUEST OF Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by SOUTH. PACIFIC Councilman Humeston that request of · RR RE FUEL LINE Southern Pacific RR regarding fuel line REFERRED TO CITY be referred to the City Engineer and ENGR.& ATTY FOR City Attorney for preparing of proper PREP. OF PERMIT permit. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman Sheridan that the Street FOURTEEN SIGNS Department purchase and install about TO .BE INSTALLED 14 signs to be placed at each street AT ENTRANCES T0 entrance to the City at a cost of CITY AT COST.OF -~approximately $200.00. Motion carried. $2OO ........... Mowed by Councilman Sheridan, seconded ........... by.Councilman Mack that the Police - - Chief and Civil Defense Director be RE ~PURCHASE OF authorized to submit information to TWO_WAY SHORT the California Disaster Office for WAVE POLICE RADIO - the .negotiation of the purchase of a ................ Dwo~way short wawe-police radio. - - Motion-carried. ............ Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded ADJOURNMENT .... by Councilman HumestOn that meeting be .......... adjourned. Motion carried. .... · MAYOR R~T-H ~..P,OE .......... CIo~ CLEAR