HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan Comm. A. Agenda #1 5-4-87 ACTION AGENDA TUSTIN PLANNING COFIFIISSION REGULAR FLEETING APRIL 27, 1987 ***** CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m., City Council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ROLL CALL: PUBLIC CONCERNS: CONSENT CALENDAR: · REPORTS NO. 1 5-4-87 Puckett, Well, Baker, Le Jeune, Pontious (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD· (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) Minutes of April 13, 1987 Planning Commission Meeting Com. tsstoner lief] moved, Ponttous seconded to approve the consent ca]endar wfth the fol]oufng change tn the minutes: Page 1~o, paragraph 13, sentence two should read: 'The tssue ts the dlstance of thls project from other surrounding a]cohol outlets, not the fact that the pro~ect ts a gas statton or a convenience marker.' Flotfon carrted 5-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS None OLD BUSINESS None NEli BUSINESS 2. TRAFFIC ISSUES REPORT Presentation' Bob Ledendecker, Director of Public Works/City Engineer The Comflsston tnformlly agreed to receive and ftle the report on Traffic Issues. Acti on Agenda April 27, 1987 Page two 3. BRISTOL SPAS Presentation: Jeffrey S. Davis, Senior Planner Com. t ssioner Baker moved, Wetl seconded, based upon staff' s recom.endatton to conttnue this item to the May 11, 1987 meettng. Motion carried 5-0. STAFF CONCERNS 4. REPORT ON COUNCIL ACTIONS APRIL 20, 1987 Presentation: Jeffrey S. Davis, Senior Planner COI~IISSION CONCERNS ADJOURI~ENT At 9:00 P.H. Commissioner Wet1 moved, Le Jeune seconded to adjourn to the next regularly scheduled Planntng Cmmiss~on meeting. Hot, on carrted 5-0. AGENDA TUSTIN PLANNING COF~ISSION .REGULAR MEETING APRIL 27, 1987 "CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m., City Council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ROLL CALL: Puckett, Wetl, Baker, Le Jeune, Ponttous PUBLIC CONCERNS: (Ltmited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. CONSENT CALENDAR: (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) 1. Minutes of April 13, 1987 Planning Commission Meeting PUBLIC HEARINGS None OLO BUSINESS None NEff BUSINESS 2. TRAFFIC ISSUES REPORT Presentation: Bob Ledendecker, Director of Public Works/City Engineer 3. BRISTOL SPAS Presentation: Jeffrey S. Oavi s, Senior Planner STAFF CONCERNS 4. REPORT ON COUNCIL ACTIONS APRIL 20, 1987 Presentation: Jeffrey S. Davis, Senior Planner COHMISSION CONCERNS AOJOURNMENT Adjourn to the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting. HZNUTES RE~LAII I~ETIlIO AHIIL 13, 1987 ROLL CALL: PUBLIC COIIZlIS: CALL TO OIIOER: 7:32 p.m., Ctty Councl] Chambers PLEI~E OF Present: Puckett, ~let], Baker, Le Jeuno, PontJous (Ltwlted to 3 mlnutos per person .for 1tees not no the agenda) IF YOU ~IISN TO SPEAK- TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO. PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. (ALL PLATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND ~ILL BE ENACTED BY ON~ MOTION. THERE t~ILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING. ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENOAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION. ) Mtnutes of Narch 23, 1987 Planntng Commission I~eettng . Cmmtsslonee Wet1 movedr Le Jeune seconded to approve the Consent Calendar. carried 5-0. Hotton PIBLIC IIEARI~S 2. USE PEPJqIT NO. 87-6 Applicant: Location: Request: Presentation: Mr. Gary Gantry on behalf of Exxon Corporaton 14082 Red Htll Avenue Authortzatlofl for an off-stto beer and wtne sales license tn conjunction wtth a gas statlon and ,rlnt market use. Laura Cay Plckup, Assoctato Planner' RESOLUTION NO. 2400: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING CC)HHISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, OENYING AN APPLICATION OF EXXON CORPORATION REQUESTING AUTHORIZATION FOR OFF-SITE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SALES AT 14082 REO HILL AVENUE RECOMMENDED ACTION: It ts recommended that the Planntng Commission deny Use Permtt 87-6 by the adoptton of Resolution No. 2400. Planntng Commission Mtnutes Apr11 13, 1987 Page 1~o After' heartng the staff report, a discussion ensued between the Cowitsston and staff regarding the dtstance requirements. Chatrm~,n Puckett noted that the staff report states the sub~lect property locatton aS Red Ht]] and Mitchell, tn actua,ltty tt ts located at Red Ht11 and lttsson. The publlc hearlng sectton was opened at 7:40 P.H. by Chatrmn Puckett. Steve .Nat, son, 1852 Roanoke Avenue, Tusttn, spoke on behalf of Exxon Co. U.S.A. He stated that Exxon agreed wtth the concept of alcohol ,rlsuse. Hovaver, ~e ctted the posttto, of several n&ttonal organizations whtch have stated that the outlet tn whtch alcohol ts acqutred has no beartng on ho~ alcohol ts abused. He asked that the Comrlsston constder the sale of beer and wlne at thts ]ocatlon. Commissioner Le Jeune asked why a beer and wtne 11cense was not requested when the original pen,ltv as lssued. Ronald Baker, Tri-State En91neerlng, P. O. Box 4214, Fullerton, Ca. 92634, stated that when the ortgtnal request was ,~de by Exxon beer and wine sales were st111 under a publlc optnton study. Commissioner ~et1 asked tf he vas aware of the unofficial guidelines at that ttm. Hr. Baker responded that he was aware of the guidelines at the time of the' application. , ~aCk Htller, 17352 Parker Dr, Tustln, representing Parents ~ho Care spoke agatnst the approva] of beer and wlne sales at thts location. The publlc heartng sectton vas closed at 7:S0 P.M. A discussion followed between the Co,mtsston and staff. Staff clarified the status of the proposed Zontng Code, when tt wt11 become effective, whether staff was maklng ne~ applicants aware of the ne~ code and that overconcentratton was also a mJor concern. Commissioner Hat1 reiterated that thts was not an tssue'of llquor betng sold at a gas statlon. 'Zt'ls' an Issue of selllng alcohol tn a convenience store betng agatnst the previously approved guidelines. Commissioner Pontlous agreed. Commtss!oner He11 ,moved~ Ponttous seconded to deny Use Permtt No. 87-6 by the adoptlon of Resolution NO. Z400. Hotton carrted 3-1 (La Jeune) Baker abstained. OLD BUSIIESS Update on Pro~ress of Stgn Code Revisions Presentation: Laura Plckup, Associate P]anner ~tannJ ng Corn1 sston r4t nutes Apr11 13,' 1987 Page three Commissioner I~etl asked: 1.) ho~ dtd staff arrtve at the ramdom sampling; 2.) that staff clartfy who was to be tnvolved tn the ~otnt Sign Code Revtston Workshop; and 3.) that the Commission have plenty of ttmo to revtew the results. Staff responded that the Ctty was dtvtded tnto $ sectJons and 100 addresses ~ere rendomly ptcked from each area. The Assessor's Parcel ltsttngs are used to obtaJn names and addresses. Christine Shtn~leton stated that the Jotnt workshop tentatively scheduled tn dune will lnvol've the Plannlng Commission, Ctty Counctl and staff she also noted that the schedule ts tentative and wtll fluctuate due to stafftng considerations and ~orkloads. The Co. mtsston mutually concurred to recetve and ftle the report on Stgn Code R~t slons. . Rancho Allsal Apartments Presentation: Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner Chatrmen Puckett asked what precipitated the changes. Kevln Pohlson, I Park Plaza, Sutte 1000, lrvtne, Ca. 92714-5904, representing Irvtne Pacific Company, stated that they felt more comfortable wtth the new changes Including the addttton of recessed wtndows. A discussion ensued betveen the Commission, Mr. Pohlson and staff regarding the ma~or difference of the changes, amount of mtntenance, cost of brtck roll cap, ttle roofs, and the ftre ratlng of the roof tre]lts (one hour). The Co. mtsslon votced pleasure wtth the proposed archttactural changes. Ann Chamberlain noted that this. report was lnformtlonal only and that no ¢omrisston actton was needed at thts ttmo. IIEll BUSIKSS . Revtsed Master Stun Program for Tusttn Plaza Shopptng Center Presentation: Laura Ptckup, Associate Planner After presentetton of thts report, there was a discussion between the Commtssfon, staff and Ktm Josephson (of Carver Oevelopment). Thts discussion encompassed the colors of the stgnage, stze of the letters and the deviations from the Master $1gn Plan. Mr. Josephson also noted that stgnage was the most Important tssue to a retatl tenant of the center. Comtsstoner Wetl noted that thts tssue had been before the Co,.tsston many ttmes before. She suggested that a logtcal, legally stmple crtterta be established and for the whole center to eliminate the changes and variances tn order to keep thts process stmple. Planntng Corem1 sston ~1t nutes Apr11 13, 1987 Page two After heartng the staff report, a discussion ensued between the Commission and staff regarding the dtstance requtreaents. Chatrman Puckett noted that the staff report states the sub~lect property locatton as Red Ht11 and H1tche11., tn actualtty~ tt ts located at Red Ht11 and ~ltsson. The public heartng sectton ~us opened at 7:40 P.~l. by Ch&trman Puckett. Steve 14atson, ~L852 Roanoke Avenue, Tusttn, spoke on behalf of Exxon Co., U.S.A. He stated that Exxon agreed wtth the concept of alcohol mtsuse. However, he ctted the posttton of several nattonal organizations whtch have stated that the outlet tn whtch alcohol ts acqutred has no beart ng on how alcohol l s abused. He asked that the ~OgUUt sst on constrict the sale of beer and wtne at thts location. Couuulsstoner Le 3eune asked why a beer and wtne 11cerise was not requested when the 6rlglnal permlt was lssued. Ronald Baker, Tri-State Engineering, P. O. Box 4Z~L4, Fullerton, Ca. 92634, stated that when th~ ortglnel request was made by Exxon beer and wtne sales were still under a pub1 t¢ oplnton study. C~mtsstoner ~fetl asked tf he ~as aware of the unofficial guidelines at that tt~e. ~lr. Baker responded that he was aware of the guidelines at the ttme of the appl 1carton. ~ack f4111er, 17352 Parker Or, Tusttn, representing Parents ~lho Care spoke against the approval of beer and wtne sales at thts location. The publlc he~rtng sectton was closed at 7:50 P.14. A discussion followed between the (:omission and staff. Staff clarified the status of the proposed Zontng Code, when tt wtl1 become effective, whether staff was maktng new applicants aware of the new code and that overconcentratton was also a major concern. Comrisstoner I~etl reiterated that thts was not an tssue of 11quor betng sold at a gas statton. It ts an tssue of selltng alcohol tn a convenience store betng agatnst the previously approved gut. deltnes. Comrlssloner Ponttous agreed. Comrlsstoner ~fetl ~oved~ Pontlous seconded to deny Use Permt~ #o. 87-6 by the adoptton of I~esolutton ~1o. 2400. I~otton carrted 3-! (Le 3eune) Baker abstained. OLD BUSinESS 3. Update on Progress of $tgn Code Revisions Presentation: Laura Plc~up, Associate Planner Pl, anning Commission DATE: APRIL 27. 1987 SUBJECT: REPORT ON TRAFFIC ISSUES AND TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS RECOIIMENDED ACTION: The Planning Commission receive and file the report on Traffic Issues and Transportation System Improvements. DISCUSSION: The Commission has requested that a presentation covering traffic and _transportation issues be made summarizing activity in the Tustin area. At the pril 27th meeting, the City Engineer will give a brief presentation and answer' ommission questions concerning items' such as the North/South Road, I-5 .,idening, local arterial improvement programs and other related projects. Additional information outlining the presentation will be transmitted to the Commission by Friday, April 24, 1987. i ~f~4~e~ ~ Davi ! Senior PTanner JSD:pef stine ShinglerS' Director of Community Development Community Devel__lo_pment DeparTment Planning commission · DATE: APRIL 27, 1987 SUBJECT: IqJLSTER SIGN PLAN DEVIATION APPLICANT: BRISTOL SPAS LOCATION: TUSTIN PLAZA 13771 NE#PORT AVENUE; UNIT 1 ZONING: PLANNED COIqMUNITY COMMERCIAL ENVIRONMENTAL ' STATUS: CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT CLASS I REQUEST- TO DEVIATE FROH THE COLOR REQUIREMENTS OF THE llJSTIN PLAZA MASTER SIGN PROGRAlq RECOMMENDED ACTION' It' is recommended that the Planning Commlss-ton deny the Master Sign Plan deviation requested for Bristol Spas by Minute Order. SUPPlARY: · On April 13, 1987 the Planning Commission revised the Tustin Plaza Master Sign Plan to allow shop tenants a wider choice of colors for their signs. This new color selection includes white, red, turquoise and Emerald green. At this time, Bristol Spas is requesting a deviation of the new color palette and letter style. As proposed Bristol Spas sign has helvetica and micrograma bold letter styles with orange faces. Staff has reviewed this request and, based upon the flexibility of the new Master Sign Plan, is recommending denial of this request. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS: On March 26, 1987 a sign permit, was issued authorizing a turquoise colored sign for Brtstol Spas. This sign permit, was issued in conformance to the Master Sign Plan in effect at the time. However, an orange sign was installed in violation of the permit issued. - Community Development Dep.ar;ment Planntng Commission Report Apr11 20, 1987 Brlstol Spas Page two Upon Inspection of the sign, the color and letter style Changes were noticed and Brtstol .Spas was requested to remove the stgn. Shortly thereafter, Bristol Spas requested a deviation ot~ the Master Sign Plan In order to keep the sign that was Instal led. ' In reviewing this request, staff has considered the new Master Plan colors. The applicant has a wider variety of colors to choose from and the letter style of the "Spas" portion of the sign is not of the required style. The size of the sign is in conformance with the Sign Code'and Master Sign Plan, therefore, modifications of the sign' can be made to bring the sign into conformance wi th the Master Sign Plan. Staff recommends the following modifications' · 1.. Replace the orange faces in the "Bristol" portion of the sign to red, white, turquoise or Emerald green; 2. Remove the word "Spas" and replace with letters in the helvetica style with faces which match the "Bristol" portion of the sign (white, red, turquoise or Emerald green). With these modifications the sign will be' in conformance with the Master Sign Plan. Staff considers enforcement of the Sign Plan to be of great impoPtance in order to maintain the integrity of the plan and discourage future deviation requests. Laura C. Pi~l~t~ Associate Planner Director of Community Development LCP-pef Attachment: Sign Plan Community Development Department Planning Commission DATE: APRIL 27, 1987 SUB~IECT: REPORT Oil COUIICIL ACTIOIIS - Apr*il 20, 1987 Oral presentation. pef Attachments: City Council Action Agenda - April 20, 1987 · CommuniTy DeveloPment Depar;ment ACTION AGENDA OF A,REGULAR t~EETING OF THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL APRIL 20, 1987 7:00 P.M. 7:00 I. CALL TO ORDER ~.L PRESENT II. ROLL CALL . · (lATH OF OFFICE III. OATH OF OFFICE - EARL j. PRESCOTT, MEMBER OF THE~ CITY COUNCIL APPOINTED ~ A~)MINIS)IERED BY TO FILL THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF DONALD J SALTARELLI THE CITY CLERK · IV. PROCLAMATION PROCLAMATION PEAl) 1. LAW DAY - 1987 V. PUBLIC HEARING I#TROOUCED ORDINANCE 1. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 'NO. 87-1 - REGULATIONS FOR OFF-SITE ~). 981 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SALES LICENSES AND CONVENIENCE MARKETS - ORDI- NANCE NO. 981 The proposed amendment would establish distance requirements for offgsite alcoholic beverage sales establishments and require a Con- ditional Use Permit for convenience markets. ORDINANCE NO. 981 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, 'APPROVING ZONING ORDINANE AMENOMENT NO. 87-1 THEREBY AMENDING SECTIONS 9232 b., 9233 c., 9234 c., 9235 c., 9242 b. AND 9297 OF THE TUSTIN MUNICIPAL COFJE, TO REQUIRE ISSUANCE OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR CONVENIENCE STORES AND ESTABLISHING DISTANCE STANDARDS FOR OFF-SITE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SALES ESTABLISH- MENTS IIIDIARO VIIlING VI. PUBLIC INPUT ASICEO ABOUT THE LATEST UPDATE ON THE PARKING STRUCTURE. ATTORNEY ROURKE REPORTED-THAT THEY ARE )lOVING RIGHT ALONG. THEY ARE PUTTING IN I~EW COLUMNS. CHRIS SHINGLETON REPORTED THAT THE SITE IIAS BEEN FENCED. THE COST WILL BE ABOUT $500,000 BUT THE CITY IS NOT EXPECTED TO BE 'RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OF IT. VII. CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED STAFF RECOMIwENOATION TED RESOLUTION 37-44 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - APRIL 6, 1987, REGULAR MEETING 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,965,396.66 RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $157,510.95 3. REJECTION OF CLAIM NO. 87-10; CLAIMANT: FIFE, ET. AL.; DATE OF LOSS: 11/24/86; DATE FILED WITH CITY: 3/2/87 Reject Claim No. 87-10 as recommended by the City Attorney. 4. RESOLUTION NO. 87-44 -A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING SPECIFICATIONS FOR SLURRY SEAL PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Adopt Resolution No.. 87-44 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA P~ge I 4-20-87 I'EO RESOLUTION \ Nu. 87-45 5. RESOLUTION NO. 87-45 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 87-1 (Santa Fe Land Improvement Company, Easterly Side of Del AmD Avenue and northerly of Valencia Avenue) Adopt Resolution No. 87-45 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engi neeri ng Di vi s i on. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO.' 87-46 6. RESOLUTION NO. 87-46 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ENDORSING THE AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA'S PROPOSAL, "FREEWAY DEVELOPMENT TO THE YEAR 2000"- Adopt Resolution No. 87-46 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 87-47 7. RESOLUTION NO. 87-47 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER MAIN REPLACEMENTS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BILLS (ARROYO AVENUE, OAK 'LANE, ALLEMAN PLACE, STRATTON WAY AND BEVERLY GLEN) Adopt Resol-ution No. 87~47 as recommended by the Public Works Departinent/Engi neeri ng Di vi si on. AOOPTEO RESOLUTION NO. 87-48 8. RESOLUTION NO. 87-48 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF TUSTIN ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION 'OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR EL MODENA-IRVINE FO7 CHANNEL IMPROVE- MENTS - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 85-1 (PHASE V-A AND V-B) Adopt Resolution No. 87-48; and assuming no claims/stop payment notices are filed, 30 days after recordation of Notice of Com- pletion, authorizing payment of final 10% retention amount ($856,691.47 - K.E.C. Company, Inc.) as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. VIII. ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION INll~OI)UCED ORDINANCE 1. AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE SECTION 5331n, PARKING BY PERMIT ONLY - ORDI- NO. 985 NANCE NO. 985 A request by residents of Heatherfield Drive and Sandwood Place between Mitchell Avenue and Cloverbrook Drive due to overcrowding of streets from adjacent apartment areas. ORDINANCE NO. 985 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TUSTIN CITY CODE SECTION 5331 TO PRO- VIDE FOR A "PARKING BY PERMIT ONLY" SYSTEM Recommendation' M.O. - That Ordinance No. 9'85 have first reading by title only. M.O. - That Ordinance No. 985 be introduced. IX. ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION AJZOPT ED ORDINANCE '984 1. PROPOSED MORATORIUM - OLD TOWN RESIDENTIAL AREA - URGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 984 ORDINANCE' NO. 984 - AN URGENCY' ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING A MORATORIUM ON THE PRO- CESSING, APPROVAL OR ISSUANCE OF PERMITS FOR SUBDIVISIONS, CHANGES IN LAND USE OCCUPANCY. AND ZONE CHANGES ON PROPERTIES £N THE RESIDEN- TIAL AREA OF OLD TOWN TUSTIN COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA Page 2 4-20-87 IL JlJCED ORDINANCE 2. PROPOSED MDRATORIUM ON EASTERLY SIDE OF NEWPORT AVENUE BETWEEN SAN NO. 983 JUAN AND MAIN STREETS AND ON THE WESTERLY SIDE OF NEWPORT .AVENUE BETWEEN' I-5 FREEWAY AND MITCHELL AVENUE - URGENCY· ORDINANCE NO. 983 Staff's position is that limited access/traffic issues along Newport Ave. necessitate properties in each study area be developed as com- prehensive, cohesive projects. The interim urgency ordinance would · impose a moratorium on processing/approval/issuance of building per- mits or discretionary actions until zone change enactment. ORDINANCE NO. 983 - AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING A MORATORIUM ON PROCESSING, ISSUANCE OF PERMITS OR APPROVALS OF ANY KIND FOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS OF PROPERTIES GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF NEWPORT AVENUE BETWEEN SAN JUAN AND' MAIN STREET AND ON THE WEST SIDE OF 'NEWPORT AVENUE BETWEEN THE I-5 FREEWAY AND MITCHELL AVENUE X. OLD BUSINESS APPROVED STAFF RECOI~IENDATION 1. CITY'S 60TH BIRTHDAY Margaret Greinke, Committee Chairperson, presented a preliminary budget on April 6, 1987. A request has been made for $15,000. Approximately $8,000-10,000 will be returned through memorabilia sales and a Birthday spaghetti dinner. Recommendation: Authorize $15,000.00 appropriation for City's Birthday Celebration. APPROVED STAFF RECO~ENBATION 2. EL CAMINO REAL CHAMPIONSHIP CHILI COOK-OFF - SEPTEMBER 27, 1987 On April 6, 1987, Council approved the concept of combining the Chili Cook-Off and Birthday Celebration. The Tustin Chamber of Commerce has submitted a letter of support for subject event. · Recommendation: That the City Council- 1) Appropriate $2,000 from the General Fund as seed money for the 1987 E1 Camino Real Championship Chili Cook-Off ($2,300 was contributed to General Fund from the previous Cook-Off); and 2) Designate E1 Camino Real between Main Street and First Street as the location of the Chili Cook-Off. 3. EAST TUSTIN POLICY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS on March 16, 1987, Council continued subject item to permit The Irvine Company to meet with the East Tustin Policy Committee to respond to requests for clarification. Recommendation: Pleasure of the City Council. XI. NEW BUSINESS MOVED TO BE 'A FRIEND 1. BILLBOARD LITIGATION - REQUEST FOR SUPPORT FROM CITY OF ORANGE OF THE COURT" AND TO ' SEND $1,000 TO 1}mE CITY Letter dated March 30, 1987, from Orange Mayor Jess Perez requesting OF ORANGE. political, legal and moral support, in their involvement lin litiga- tion with.the National Advertising Company concerning billboards· CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA Page 3 4-20-87 XII. REPORTS RATIFIED 1. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS - APRIL 13, 1987 All actions of the Planning Commission become final unles~ appealed by the City Council or member of the public. Recommendat i on: April 13, 1987. Ratify the Planning Commission Action Agenda of RECEIVED AND FILED 2. UPDATE OF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT VOR Councilman Hoesterey requested subject report on April 6, 1987. Recommendation: Receive and file. RECEIVED AND FILED 3..jAMBOREE ROAD (FORMERLY MYFORD ROAD) STATUS REPORT Subject report was requested by Council on April 6, 1987. Recommendation: Receive and fi le. ~ REQUESTED XIII. OTHER BUSINESS ~ ' STAFF LOOK INTO PUTTING CROSSWALKS 01t MAIN STREET AND BRYAN AT CHARLONA OR CINDY LANE FOR ' ~OPLE ~ LIVE AT TUSTIN ROYALE SENIOR CITIZEN HOME. KELLY REQUESTED' THAT ~ AI~OURN IN NENORY OF WALTER FLAHERTY. 9:31 A[XIOURNED XIV. ADJOURNMENT Ill NENORY OF WALTER FLAHERTY. To a reception in City Hall for newly appointed Earl Prescott and thence to the next Regular Meeting on May 4, 1987, at 7:00 p.m. COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA Page 4 4-20-87 9:31 ALL PRESENT APPROVED APPROVED NONE e Be e ACT[ON AGENDA OF A REGULAR NEET[NG OF THE TUST[N REDEVELOPNENT AGENCY APRIL 20, 1987 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES - APRIL 6, 1987, REGULAR MEETING Recommendation: Approve. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS Recommendation: Approve Demands' in the Amount of. $344,756.07 for the month of March, 1987, as recommended by the Finance Department. OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT To the next Regular Meeting on May 4, 1987, at 7:00 p.m. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ACTION AGENDA Page I 4-20-87