HomeMy WebLinkAboutCTF. OF ELECTIONa 12-05-88- CERTIFICATION OF ELECTION F"aO~q: $ UBJ ECl': WILLIAM A. ~USTON, CITY MANAGER I~/~Y E. IANN, C'TY CLERK ~L'"'~., ' ... CAMVASS OF GENERAL ~NICIPAL' 'ELECTION CONSOLIOATEO Will4 ll4E GENERAL ELECTION O~ NOVEI~)ER 8, lg88 , RECOMIJ~NOATION: That the City Council, at their meeting of December 5, 1988, adopt the attached Resolution No. 88-130, reciting the fact of the General Municipal Election Consolidated with the General Election held on November 8, 1988, and declaring the resu 1 t thereof. BACKGROUNO: The 'GenerJl Municipal Election consolidated with the General Election for the City of TUstin was held on Tuesday, November 8, 1988, to elect three Members of the City Council and a City Clerk. The Registrar of Voters has canvassed the returns of the election and certify that for Member of the City Council, Richard B. Edgar received the highest number of votes of 6,071, Earl J. Prescott received the .second h.ighest number of votes of 5,996, and Ronald B. Hoesterey received the third highest number of votes of 4,637. For City Clerk, Mary E. Wynn received the highest number of votes of 8,344, and Luella Wagner received the second highest number of votes of 3,7O7. RESOLUTION NO. 88-130 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECITING THE FACT OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION WHICH WAS CONSOLIDATED WITH THE GENERAL ELEC- TION HELD IN SAID CITY ON NOVEMBER 8, 1988, DECLARING THE' RESULT THEREOF AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS~AS PROVIDED BY LAW WHEREAS, a regular General Municipal Election which was consolidated with the General Election was held and conducted in the City of Tustin, California, on Tuesday, .November 8, 1988, as required by law; and WHEREAS, notice of said election was duly and regularly given in. time, form and manner as provided by law; that voting precincts were properly established; that election officers were appointed and that in all respects said election was held and conducted and the votes cast thereat, received and canvassed and the returns made and declared in time, form and manner as required by the provisions of the Elections Code of the State of Californ'ia for the holding of elections in cities; and WHEREAS, the County Registrar of Voters canvassed the returns of said election and has certified the results to this City Council, said results are received, attached and made a part hereof as "Exhibit A." NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS- 15 SECTION 1. That there were forty three (43) voting precincts estab- lished for the purpose of holding said election in said City as established 16 for the holding of state and county elections. 17 18 19 20 21 SECTION 2. That said General Municipal Election consolidated with the General Election was held for the purpose of electing the following offi- cers of said City and State as requ.ired by laws relating to cities in the State of California; to wit- GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION . 3 Members of the City Council of said City for the full term of four years. 2:2 i City Clerk of said City for the full term of four years. 23 SECTION 3. That the whole number of votes cast in said General 24 Municipal Election consolidated with the General Election (except absent voter ballots) was 14,588. 25 That the whole number of absent voter votes cast in said General 20 Municipal Election consolidated with the General Election was 1,346 making a tota}.-of 15,934 votes cast in said General Municipal Election consolidated 27 with the General Election in said City. 28 1 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2~ · :23 2~ 26 That the names of persons voted for at said General Municipal Elec- ti on consolidated wi th the General Election for Member of the City Council of. said City are as follows: RICHARD B. EDGAR .... EARL J.' PRESCOTT . . RONALD B. HOESTEREY CHARLES E. PUCKETT JOSEPH B. LANGLEY' jOHN NORMAN BUTLER · . JIM SCOTT GREGORY A HILE That the names of persons voted for at said General Municipal Elec- tion consolidated with the General Election for City Clerk are as follows: MARY E. WYNN LUELLA WAGNER That the number of votes given at each precinct and the number of votes given in the City to each of such persons above named for the respective offices for which said persons were candidates were as listed in Exhibit "A", Pages 1 and 2 attached. SECTION 5. The City Council does declare and determine that: RICHARD B. EDGAR was elected as Member of the City Council of said. City for the full-term of four years; EARL J. PRESCOTT was ele6ted as Member of the City Council of said City for the full term of four years; RONALD B. HOESTEREY was 'elected as Member of the City Council of said City for the full term of four years; and MARY E. WYNN was elected as City Clerk of said City for the full term of four years. SECTION 6. The City Clerk shall enter on the records of the City Council of said City, a statement of the result of said General Municipal Election, consolidated wi th the General Election showing: (1) The whole number of votes cast in the city; (2) The names of the persons voted for; (3) For what office each person was voted for; (4) The number of votes given at each precinct to each person; and (5) The number of votes given in the city to each person. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 SECTION-7. That the City Clerk shall immediately make and deliver to each of such persons so elected a Certificate of Election .signed by the City Clerk and-duly authenticated; that the City Clerk shall ~lso ad'minister to each person elected, the Oath of Off.ice. prescribed in the. State Constitu- tion of the State of California and shall have them subscribe thereto and file the same in the office of the City Clerk. Whereupon, each and all of said persons so elected shall be inducted into the respective office to which they have been elected. SECTION 8. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution; shall enter the same in the book of original Resolutions of said City; and shall make a minute of passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, held on the 5th day of December, 1988. MAYOR CITY CLERK OUNTY OF 0 NERAL SERvIcEs AGENCY RANGE EXHIB IT "A" R. A. SCOTT D~rector. General Services Agency November 22, 1988 REGISTRATION & ELECTIONS DIVISION DONALD TANNEY REGISTRAR OF VOTERS 1300 S. Grand Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714) 567-7600 TDD (714) 567-7608 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 11298 Santa Aha. Cahfornia 92711 Mary Wynn, City Clerk City of Tustin: 300, Centennial Way Tustin, California 92680 Dear Ms. Wynn: We are enclosing the certification of the statement of the votes cast and a copy of the abstract for the election held in your city on November 8, 1988. Very truly yours, Orange Codnty BW E~closures CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRAR OF VOTERS TO RESULT OF THE CANVASS OF THE GENERAl- ELECTION RETURNS STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I, Donald Tanney, Registrar of Voters of Orange County, do hereby certify the following to be a full, true and correct Statement of the Vote of the election listed below, consolidated with the General Election held on November 8, 1988. · CITY OF TUSTIN MUNICIPAL ELECTION CITY COUNCIL MEMBER RICHARD B. EDGAR 6,071 EARL J. PRESCOTT 5,996 RONALD B. HOESTEREY 4,637 CHARLES E. PUCKETT 4,554 JOSEPU B. LANGLEY 3,939 JOHN NORMAN BUTLER 3,828 JIM SCOTT 3,526 GREGORY A. HILE 2,793 CITY CLERK MARY E. WYNN 8,344 LUELLA WAGNER 3,707 PRECINCT BALLOTS CAST: ABSENTEE BALLOTS CAST: TOTAL BALLOTS CAST: 14,588 1,346 15,934 I hereby certify that the number of votes cast for each candidate is as set forth above and appears in the Certified Abstract of Statement of the Vote. . WITNESS my hand and Official Seal this 22nd day of/~ovember, 1988. ' ~DONALD TANNEY REGISTER OF VOTERS Orange County GENERAL ELECTION, NOVERBER 8, 1988 - 51 Z ~-,, ~ C~ ._1 I/1 r~ 0 U Z Z ~ --~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z 0 ~ ~Z ~ ~ ~ ~ Z Z · ~ ?11~O,TUST~N.::.::~.~:~::~:~.:~:~:;~ ~:::~ ~;: ;.L:371:: 65;~7 ~ .... ~ ::~80:..::~17~-. :~::'~.&2:~ .... 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Z I-- !1,- -1 uJ -r 0 4( u~ [L I-- Lu Z 0 u~ IV) )-4 Z2:: .J LU U'I Z Z 32ND SENATORZAL 2522 1813: 71.8 372i 590 3*7 3?8 322 718 397: 395; 402 8081 3STH SENATORZAL 18892 3,4.12! ?¢.? 34,56 54,81 244,6 4,259 3017 5278 4,.1,57' 3]-31 3305 7536 ]-ST SUPERV:ZSORT AL 4,754,1 374,4, 78,7 967 15]-4, .703 1182 94,2 ]-673 94,5 854, 827 216]- 5TH SUPERVZSORZAL ]-6000' ],2190 73,1 286,1, 4,557 2090 34,55 2997 4,323 3609 2072 :)880 6].83 ORANGE COUNTY 11/21/88 340 ii i . · ..ABSENTEE TOTALS GENERAL ELECTION, NOVEHBER 8, 1988 ! 0 v) .m )-, :Z '.r ~ uJ u') Z 7 [Z .V~ I- u, O0 0 )- ~ 0 u,-I . ORANGE COUNTY:.::::. :::::..:. . 21~.],¢ '.'..1',3~ :.::::'6,2 ..... ,1~'~ .... '570 .-. :2~7 : ¢25 ...;315 .535 36'~ ,303 .. 2?4 ?88 32ND SEN&TOR~AL 2522 119 ¢.7 '30 41 24 33 20 40 19 26 31 52 35TH SENATORZAL 18892 1227 6.4 334 529 2*3 392 295 *95 3*5 . .277 2*3 73e : · , .. *.,. :. , :,. ::':. r.'.~ ~ b: ' ' ~ ' '* ' ~ * '"*'* *' *' ~ * ' ' " :.___,~h ?~ ,_ ?:.-.1,. .,. :,:,.,:.:.:.;...-:./:..:.~::~.::: . 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