April 16, 1962
Meeting called to order at.7:35 P.M. by Mayor Kidd.
Present: Kidd, Humeston, Mack, Sheridan, Doney
City Engineer McBride, present
City. Attorney Rourke, present
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
MINUTES OF APRIL Councilman Mack that Minutes of April 2nd
2nd APPROVED AS meeting. be approved as mailed and received.
RECEIVED Motion carried.
COMMENDATION OF Councilman Mack was commended by the Council
MR. MACK ON for his fine work with the Parks and Re-
WORK WITH PARKS creation Department and his work with the
& REC. DEPT. School Board.
Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by
RESOLUTION N0. Councilman Sheridan that Resolution No.
594 TO BE READ 594, approving plans and specifications
BY TITLE ONLY for the improvement of West Sixth Street
RE IMPROVEMENT between Pacific Street and South
OF W. SIXTH ST. Street and authorizing and directing the
BETWEEN PACIFIC City Clerk to advertise for bids, be
AND SOUTH B read by title enly. Motion carried un-
ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
RESOLUTION Councilman Humeston that Resolution No.
N0. 594 594 be passed and adopted. Motion carried
by roll call - all councilmen voting Aye.
Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by
SHERWOOD FOREST Councilman Doney that the work of Tract
DEVELOPERS N0.3 4014 and the certification of the City
TO RECEIVE SURETY Engineer that street improvements,
BOND IN AMOUNT sanitary sewers and street lights as
OF $53,300-ALL shown on Tract 4014 have been completed
WORK IN TRACT in a satisfactory manner and in ac-
4014 COMPLETED cordance wi~h the plans and specifics-
SATISFACTORILY tions, be accepted and the Subdivision
RE STREETS ETC. Improvemen~ Bond executed by Sherwood
Forest Developers No. 3 as principal,
.... and Glens Falls Insurance Company as
surety in the amount of $53,300.00 be
released. Motionlcarried.
CORRESPONDENCE Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
RECEIVED AND Councilman Doney that correspondence be
FILED received~and filed. Motion carried.
.... Minutes.ofPlanning Commission Meeting of
April 9th read by Clerk.
Mr. Doney reported on condition of alley
ALLEY BEHIND behind~Lanai Apartments from Newport to
LANAI APTS. TO Orange.Avenue, and requested the question
BE PAVED NEXT of pawing said alley be deferred to next
FISCAL YEAR fiscal year and until all property owners
can be contacted.
FRIENDLY SUIT Moved by Councilman Doney, seconded by
AGAINST COUNTY Councilman Humeston that a friendly suit
FOR REVERE HOUSE by the City be filed against the County
TAXES TO BE of Orange for the difference in the balance
STARTED of Sales Tax ReVenue due from the Revere
House since 1956 and considered improperly
collected. Motion carried.
17 ST. ZONING Zoning survey for Seventeenth Street deferred
DEFERRED to April 17~h. Agenda.
RESOLUTION NO. Moved by Councilman Sheridan. seconded by
595 READ BY Councilm~nHum~ston that Resolution No.
TITLE ONLY 5957 modifying a taxicab permit and dis-
establishing a taxi parking zone. be read
by title only. Motion carried unanimously.
ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Doney, seconded by Council-
RESOL NO 595 man SheridanlthatResolution No. 595 be passed
RE TAXI PARKING ~nd adopted. Motion carried by roll call. all
ZONE Councilman veting Aye.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan. seconded by
NAME OF STREETS CouncilmanDoney that the following names
TO CONFORM TO be recommended to the County Street Naming
COUNTY IN RE. Committee for their consideration in the re
NAMING OF naming of Laguna.Road from ~D" Street East
LAGUNA ROAD ETC to Browning Avenue and informing said
committee that the City ~ill name the
sections of the streets within the City
to correspond with the county:
1. Pythian Way
2. Tiller Way
Motion carried.
PLOT PLAN RE Mr. Dwight Smith presented proposed plot plan
GARDEN APT & of aGarden Apartment Development at Seventeenth
DEV.-17 ST. YORBA Street and Yorba
Mr.~Sheridan excused at9 P.M.
Moved by Councilman Doney, seconded by Council-
BILLS TO BE. man Mack that Bills be paid with the exception
PAID of Arrow Glass and Mirror Company~billfor glass
in ~Tastee-Freez building, amounting to $4.I8.
Motion carried.
First Western Bank (~il~ties) ........ $ 40.96
NationalsFire Protection.Assoc ...... 9.14
County of Orange-Sheriff's ~ept ...... 28.25
Tustin Paint Store. ................. 14.91
Desmond, s 44 93
Graves & .....................
Mullin Lumber Co 115.03
Tustin Radio & TV ................. 7-99
Tiernan's ....................... 522.~8
Tustin Blac~mit~ Sh~p ............. 13.98
CarsOn & Golding ................... 74.76
Hardy.& Hatper ...... ..... . ......... 95~41
County of Orange-Road Dept .......... 1000.00
Business Equipment Co. ............. 7.90
Martin & Chapman Co ....... ......... 263.18
Kaare's Car Wash ..... ~...~ .......... 16.00
Atlas 12 75
B I L L S (continued)
Santa Ana Blue Print Co .................... $ 7.29
Kenneth G. Hebard, D.O ................. 10.00
Tustin Lawnmower & Saw Sh~ ............... 33.40
Les Johnson ........................... ~2 42
;A A~d st g3'55
.. ~ennis Printe ationers .............
California Fire Chiefs Assoc .............. 15.00 ·
Rourke & Holbrook ........................ 585.00
Tax Service of Orange County ............. 33.00
Ruth C. Poe - Petty Cash ................. 36.41
Tustin News ............................ 17.56
Kathleen Kortm~yer ....................... 24.00
Tustin Hsrdware .......................... 18.35
Vista Drug ......................... 1.97
Edward D. Lo~;~AA~ ~76.o0
Sch~rrer and Baumann ..................... ?5.00
Hugh Garter 80 O0
c James M ~hor~;A ...................... l"' 100'00
~ J, Kidd ................................. 27.50
~ ElectiOn Precinct Boards
Marjorze L. Coffman (inspector) ......... 15.00
Grace Leinberger (judge) .............. 12.00
Catherine J. Hilton (clerk) ........... 12.00
Marguerite M. Graves (clerk) ........... 12.00
Beth Goetting (inspector) ............. 15.00
Margaret Byrd (judge) .................. i2.00
Cecille Lane (clerk) 12 00
Doliie W. Holford (clerk) ,.. 12.00
__ Tustin War Memorial Building .......... 10.00
Moved-by'C6~nciiman~DOney, seconded by Councilman Mack that
meeting be adjourned to April 17th at 8:30 P.M. Motion