HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 1 J.W. AIRPORT RPT 12-05-88TO:
It l s recommended that the City Council'
1) Receive and file; and
2) Select a City Council representative to serve on the CRAS Board of Directors
and instruct staff to inform the current Board of the appointment.
JWA - The County concluded the noise measurement portion of the program on
l~6'~ember 6, 1988. The City has been informed that processing the data collected
in this initial stage will take approximately 18 weeks. The City's consultant,
Mr. John Van Houten, will be contacting the County to seek permission to review
the raw data at their offices so as to be able to provide the City with some
idea of test effectiveness prior to March (end of 18 weeks). Staff has also
learned from the FAA that the LDA equipment passed its final testing as of
November 22, 1988. Pending the completion of an antenna mast and legal transfer
of ownership from the County to the FAA, the LDA will become operational in the
near future (no specific date was given, but staff was told it should not take
longer than two months).
CRAS - A recent article published in the LA Times and Orange County Register
~ Attachment I) discussed the results of a poll that CRAS conducted regarding
joint commercial-military use of MCAS E1 Toro. The poll showed the £1 Toro site
to be an unpopular alternative to JWA. The arttcle does not contain any
recommendations for alternate sites by CRAS; however, it does quote a recent FAA
study which lists several sites that are under consideration in addition to E1
According to City of Irvine staff, the CRAS Board of Directors has reserved a
place on the Board for a member of the Tustin City Council. As the Council
expressed interest in having one of its members serve on the Board, it would be
appropriate for the Council to select a representative at this time. Upon this
selection, st_~a.ff will notify City of Irvine staff so that they may contact the
new Board member and provide them with the necessary background information. '
City Council Report
Status Report: J~IA
December 5, 1988
Page two
ASC - At the November 19th meettng dtscussJons on Site SelectJon Issues and
· I
T~hntcally !nfeasible Crlterta were wrapped up, and new caucus discussions
were held on the appllcatlon of the Technically !nfeas~ble CrJterla as well as
Crlterta for Evaluation of Sttes. More detatled Information wt~1 be available
by our next status report. There wtl1 be no meetJng held Jn December.
Steve RUben
Senior Planner
Attachment: Attachment !
.C~tsttne' A'. Shtn~letgd
Director of Communt t~f Development
- , Community Development Department
'The Orange County Register Wed.esday, Nov. 16, 1988
El Toro base unpopular as alternate
John Wayne Airport, poll shows
By Donna Davis
The Register
, COS'I'A MESA -- A group op-
posed to ,joint commercial-military
use of the El Toro Marine Corps
Air Station released a poll Tuesday
showing that area residents are
against the plan.
The Coalition for a Responsible
Airport Solution commissioned the
$17~000 survey, which was based on
· .zlephone interviews with 500 ran-
domly selected registered voters in
central a. nd south Orange County.
Opposition to the joint use of the
military base was widespread,
with margins ranging from 2-1 in
,~;anta Ana to 6-1 in Mission Viejo.
Only Newport Bea.ch residents sup-
'port it, the survey said.
.The survey "proves that resi-
dents oppose commercial use of
tl~e military base," said Irvine
Councilwom.an Sally Anne Miller
Sheridan, head of the coalition.
Proponents of the joint-use idea,
suggested to help relieve overbur-
dened John Wayne Airport, called
the poll premature and self-serv-
"I s.ay wait until all the cards are
on the table before coming out with
a position against a particular site
for a second airport," said Ken De-
lino, executive director of the In-
tercounty Airport Authority, which
is studying several sites.
"Their point is another airport is
OK anyplace else but in E1 Toro,"
he said.
Sheridan disagreed, saying resi-
dents believe joint use "is not safe
"The traffic, noise and disrup-
tion to the quality of life would be
untenable," she said. "We want
those in positions of power to con-
sider the human as well as the
technical issues involved."
Sheridan said the group would
like to eliminate the military base
from consideration.
Delino, however, said a recent
Federal Aviation Administration
study shows that the base could be
used by airlines.
Other sites under consideration
include the Los Angeles harbor
area, Los Alamitos, Santiago Can-
yon, Chino Hills, north Camp Pen-
dleton, north San Diego County and
March Air Force Base, he said.
Newport Beach favors retaining
the El Toro site as an alternative,
he said, "because we've borne the
brunt of John Wayne Airport traf-
fic for too many years. We're get-
ting 8 million passengers by 1990
and the jets take off right smack in
the middle of our city. We think
enough is .enough."
The coalition says it represents
the communities of Irvine, Tustin,
Laguna Beach and Leisure World.
The area polled, by Opinion Re-
search of California, included the
cities of Irvine, Newport Beach,
Tustin, Mission Viejo, Costa Mesa
and Laguna Beach, and portions of
Orange, Fouvtain Valley and San-
ta Aha.