MARCH 26, 1962
Meeting called to order at 7:05 P.M.
Present: Kidd, Humeston, Sheridan, Mack, Doney ~'~
City Engineer McBride,-present
City Attorney Rourke,~esent
PETE BERLIN Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
APPOINTED T0 - Councilman Mack that Mr. Pliny (Pete) Berlin
PLANNING COM. - be appointed to fill the unexpired term of
Vincent Humeaton as Plan~tng Commissioner.
· ~ Motion carried.
RESOLUTION NO. Mo~ed by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by ~
591 RE MARVIN E. Councilman Doney that Resolution No. 591,
LAWRENCE ANNEXA-- ~n~tia~ing proceedings of ~ertain unin-
TION TO BE READ habited territory designed 'Marvin E.
BY TITLE ONLY I Lawrence Annexation" and giving notice of
- ~ the proposed annexation be read by title
~ ~ . only. .Moti.on carried unanimously.
ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
RESOLUTION NO. Councilman MaCk that Resolution No. 591 be
591 passed and adopte~. Motion carried by roll
· ·call, all councilmen ~oting.Aye.
RESOLUTION NO. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
592 RE BRYAN- Councilman Humeaton that Resolution No.
RED HILL ANNEX 592, initiating proceedings of certain un-
TO BE READ BY inhabited territory designated 'Bryan-Red
TITLE ONLY Kill Annexation' and giving notice of the
proposed annexation be read by title only.
Motion carried unanimously.
ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
RESOLUTION N0. Councilman Doney that Resolution No. 592 ·
592 be passed and adopted. Motion carried by
roll call, all councilmen voting Aye.
RESOLUTION NO. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
593 RE WATER Councilman Mack that Resolution No. 593,
BONDS TO BE urging Support and approval of the Water
READ BY TITLE Bonds be read by title only. Motion
ONLY carried unanimously.
ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by
RESOLUTION NO. Councilman Doney that Resolution No. 593
593 be passed and adopted. Motion carried by
roll call - all councilmen voting Aye.
CITY ATTORNEY EX_ Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
CUSED TO LEAVE Councilman Dcney that permission be granted
STATE FROM APRIL the City Attorney to leave the state and be
2nd MEETING absent from the April 2nd council meeting.
Motion carried.
NIGHT LETTER Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
TO BE SENT Councilman Doney that unless there is
TO PONTIAC immediate response and action for replace-
DIV. & TO ment of 1962 ontiac that the Mayor and City
G.M. PRESIDENT Attorney be authorized to sign over four
RE ACTION ON signatures of councilmen and send night letter
PARTS FOR to the Pontiac Division of General Motors and
POLICE CAR copy to the President of the Pontiac Division
and to the PreSident of General Motors,'re-
questing immediate action toward replacement.
Motion carried.
Moved byeCouncilman Sherida~ seconded by
ADJOURNMENT Councilman Humeston that the meeting be
adjourned. MotiOn carried.