HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 1 ZONING ORD 88-06 12-19-88AGENDA's'. _/~-., ~- ~'':~ ~ PUBLIC_ HEARING ;.qO._ l_ TO: FROM: SUBJECT: ~.. HONORABLE PAYOR AND NEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL COHPPJNITY DEVELOPHENT DEPARTHENT ZONING ORDINANCE AP, ENDMENT 88-06; .ADDITION OF CODE SECTION 9273 (e) EXElqPTING LEGAL CONFORlqING PROPERTIES FROM BECOMING NON-CONFORIqING DUE TO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-NAY ACQUISITION BY THE CITY RECOPmENDATION ® It is recommended that Ordinance No. 88-1013 have its first reading by title only. 2. It is recommended that Ordinance No. 88-1013 be introduced. BACKGROUND On November 14, 1988, the Planning Commission recommended to the City Council Zoning Ordinance Amendment 88-06 (Resolution No. 2541, Attachment B), which provides that any legal conforming land use, property, or building can maintain its legal conforming status if City acquisition of right-of-way creates a- non-conforming condition on the property. The new Code provision would read: "Any use of land, building, or structure which is legal and conforming to all provisions of this Zoning Code, as of the date of adoption of this ordinance, and made "non-conforming" either in design or arrangement due to acquisition of public right-of-way by the City, shall be exempt from a non-conforming status and the provisions of Section 9273, Non-conforming Structures and Uses, unless it is established by the Department of Community Development that such use, building or structure, creates a nuisance or is a threat to the health, welfare or well being of City res i dents." DISCUSSION ' . Road widening projects often require the acquisition by the City of additional right-of-way from private property owners. These acquisitions may from time to time result in reduced building yard setbacks, lot area or other minimum standards contained in the zoning code; resulting in a non-conforming property. When this occurs, property owners' privilege of use and development of a property may be reduced or limited despite the direct benefit that dedication of their property to the City would have on City residents. City Council Report December 19, 1988 Zoning 0rdinance Amendment 88-06 Page two Under the current provisions of the Tustin City Code relating to Non-conforming Uses and Structures (Section 9273), a property whlch was at one time legal and conforming to all the development standards but for some reason no longer satisfies minimum zoning code requirements, would be considered legal non-conforming (Attachment A). Lega.1 non-conforming uses and structures can not be expanded or modified beyond the area which they presently occupy. Staff belleves that labeltng a property non-conforming due to publtc acquisition of right-of-way may result In an unnecessary hardship and may also be Inequitable. Typically, the property o~ner dtd not create the non-conformlty by hts o~n action, but rather by the Ctty for the beneflt of the community as a whole. D~lel Fox ~ Associate Planner Christine Shfnglet0n J- Dtrector of Community Development DF:ts Attachment: Draft City Council Ordinance 88-1013 Zoning Code g273 Planning Commission Resolution No. 2541 Community Developmen~ DeparTment " ..i': '::". ' - .' ' "'- '-." ' ' _ · ,., -. ~.~. , · ..'- ....... :.. ' (~. _~?~rs..,~.. . . . . ..... ' ............... · ' ~. ,.:.,..' ~,.". - - ' '.,..;;'.;J :...t' ..': '.-~ '~.',h~:.J ?,.~.'J ;;.; ,'. ~:.[ :i ',' ,'1.;,. , .,, , ..~ . , . o....,.~ ., · ....:..: ..;..:.. :... ,, ,..~ o:"_...:.. ,,., . ~.,., ,.,~.,...' ....... ,... . · "~'.'".'-:::;': "'~'"~Of 1;al , pro ~ ¥ e ppl , ' a c en e' ' e .... ....- :'..,.. ;..';;:-...;:..: ..]'..,.:. . ~- ..... . .... ~.. · .- . .,.'[.,..'.; . .:-.' : . , : ,.. . . .. : ' "~ '." :i..'. '..." .' "' ' ~'" ' "·: ' · ,~ ' ' ~. ~ .;; t,,~ . · ; -.. · , . . ' ...:':. ... '. .'... 9273~. r NON-¢O~'OP~t~N.G STIrrUPS ~a3 USF, S ,. ' ...... - · i~.~ ~t,' -'j .,,{ ", · "~"' ~... ' ' ' .... ' .... (~) .. Z~ep~. ~" o~e'~ise pr~w~e~ :i~ ~s"Sec:ion, uses '~r land, buildings, " or s~c~es e~s~ng ~ ~he '~ o~ Che"adop~on o~ ~is ~apcer .~y be con-. '~- ~inued~ ~1~hough ~e ~r~icular ~aj" 'or '~he b~Zd~ng 'or sc~ure does no~ con- '.. ro~ ~o ~he xeguZa~ions specified by ~is Chap~er for ~he dis~xic~ in ~hich the . ::. ~. ' P~i~Z~ b~laing or s~ucz~e is ~oca~ed, or. ~e is ~de~ provided, .h~evex~ .n0 . .. non-con~o~ng s~c~e ox use of ~d ~y be ex~ended Co occupy a greater ~ea ... of Zana~ b~lding or s~uc~e ~. ~s.occupied a~ ~he ~i~e of the ~opCion ~his Chap~er. ~ ~y non-conro~ng use is d~sconC~nued or ~andoned, seq~n~ .use of such l~d or building..s.hal1~ cOnfor~ to. ~he r~gulacions · l~r~ion=,~e ~ ~exe~n, · 'non-¢on~o~ng use of a non-conf~ng build~g ~y.:be,.~ged ~o a~er Use o~ ,~he s~e or ~re. restrictive. ~he securing of a use ~xaiz. ~ ,the. oo~rconfo~ng ~e ~s replaced by a ~re . res~xi~iv.e non-confo~ng ~e,. ~he occup~y ~hereaf~e'r ~y hOC rever~ restrictive ~e. Z~ any use ~s wholly discontinued for any reason except pursu~z ~o a valid order of a court, of law for a ~r~ of one (1).year,. i~ shall be ... concl~ively.~res~ed =ha= such use has been ~doned wi=bin =he meaning of .... - =his ~ap=er, and all fu=ure uses shall. Comply wi=h ~e regufa=io~'of =he ' ~-.....~. ~ar~cula= dis=rio= in which =he l~d or b~i, lding ~s loc~=ed. (Ord'.' No. 157, · : ':"-' Sec. 6.1) .... ' .... ~'' "~''' ' ~ap=er, w~ch is non-confo~ng either in use, design, or arrang~en=',':'shali no=,.be enl~ged~ ex=e~, recons~uu=ed,' or s=~c=urally al=ered, ~less such "' ' "- ' ' ' ' . ...... ' ,",; ~-. ;~' ·, {4. ' . ' ·. . ~l~rg~e~=,..ex=e~lon, recons=~c=loa oF. al=~ra=ion is in compliance wi=h' e~la=~ons .se= fo~ in =his Chad=er' for =he dis~ic= in which such building s=~c~,..%s ~lRca=ed; 'Provided,',"h~e~er,'['~a='~ any su~ n'on-confo~ng U=lding or..s=~~ .~y be ~in=~ned,." regaired 'or ~r=ions' =here0'[ replaced ~" so long ~ 's~ ~n~ce;' .r.emairs O= replace~'~ do 'n0= exceed~ fif=y 9ercen= of ~ b~d~g~.s assess~ valaa=~o,.,:, ,~'Sh.~ Rn~ =he' las=. ~lized ~sess~n= .. -' . , ,~:.~ ~.; /' .] ~e ~la~i,g De~en= 'of =he ci=y _of ~s=~' ~y send, by cer=ified ~l,- re=~,'receip= .r~ues=ed, =O ~e owner~" ~"sho~ on =he 'las= equalized ~sess- men=,~ro~l; of '.~y .non~confo~ng buil~g or S=ruc=ure, or' of any'proper=y upon whi~. ~y 'priOr non~confo~g .~e" exi~=s',"a"de~nd ~a= said ~ner .s~ll fu~sh =o ~e Ci=y of' ~s=in 'a s~a=~en=,"~ ~er oa~'~ on' a fo~' s~==ed for s~d p~se, seC=lng for~ a de=ailed des6rip=ion of said use."' Said shall be filed wi=h ~e Pla~ng ~p~men=' '0f' =he Ci=y of Tus=in wi~in (30) ~ys f~m =he dace of such de~d.~" ~ :~ny' fail=e =o duly file su~ a s~=~n= as herein provi~d, s~d b~ld~g, sClc=ute a~ .~e s~ll confo~ all re~a~ons of =he zone' in w~ i~ is loca=ed wi=bin ~ir~y (30) days df=er su~ f~l~e. (Ord. No. 310, Sec. 1} . .::,.~{~.. , :; ~ ~.~ -..~ . ~ . .. , , , .., REV~ 1-82 LU-2-69 ~ C/TX cO~E ~UL~ZA~U .. . - . . . , : (c) . A non-conforming building, ~s~royed =o ~ ~n= of m~ ~ fifty ..... p~rcen= (50%) of i=s re~on~l~ value a= =h~ ~ of i~ d~s=~ion by fare, . explosion. 0~....o~. c~l=y or ac= of ~,. ~Y b~ r~s=or~d or used only in c~- . . , ....... . .. · , ~ --, ,..'(: , .~ . . ... ~-~:(' · (Ord~ No. 310, Sec. 2) ... ~...~ .(-'~ . (). :The pro~sio~ se= fo~ in'(b) a~' (c)' ~ov~, ~all apply . .~'..~.(~ =~es, 1~ a~ uses W~ h~reaf=er be~ non-confo~ng d~ =o ~y · . cl~sifica~on of dis~ic=s ~der =~s ~ap~r) provided, h~av~r, =~= p~lic '' "'" ~es,~.p~lic. u=ili~y b~~gs ~d p~lic u=ili=y ~es e~s=ing ac ~e ci~ of /'.~ '~e.~op=i°n of .~is ~ap=~r, or exis~ng a= ~ =i~ of r~cl~sifica=ion of . ~s~ic=s~. s~ no= b~ considered non-'confo.~ng. (Ord. No. 319, Sec. 3) , . , .,.. , .... . . . ., j ,','.. t. · Livisi 'Pla lcCs in Ar · · i... ::' ' · "~' Acce 11 be' · the' ove~' o~ · appro' ire p ~.~ fr .e,r '~..,/., b~.'.; by ~ ; ,-.....~ ~... ~. capab slons ~ed tn in Sect: as requir f the fo concern: app cin Ci c . c-Discr 'ex s ;eC w ; mi se s and.. ~'OVe~ ~ a and REV: miss: .,. 1-82 · will be ~uired LO-2-70 ,~' :,, 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 .25 26 27 28 RESOL.UTI~N. NO..2541 · A' RESOLUTION OF THE PLAnNiNG COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 88-6, EXEMPTING LEGAL CONFORMING PROPERTIES FROM BECOMING NON-CONFORMING DUE TO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION BY THE CITY The Planning Commt,sston of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds as follows: A, A public hearing before the Planning Commission to consider Zoning Ordinance Amendment 88-6 was duly called, noticed and held on Monday, November 14, 1988. B. A Negative Declaration has been prepared in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act; no significant, adverse impacts are associated with this Zoning. Ordinance Amendment. C. The subject amendment is in the best interest of the public health, safety and welfare in that it will not penalize legal confor~ng properties for becoming-non-conforming due to the community wide benefit of public right-of-way acquisition by the City. D. The subject amendment is consistent with the General Plan in that it will not negatively impact the orderly growth and development of the City. II. The Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendment 88-6 as follows: A. Section .9273 (e) shall be added to the Tustin City Code to read as follows: "Any use of. land, building, or structure which is legal and conforming to all provisions of this Zoning Code, as of the date of adoption of this ordinance, and made "non-conforming" either in design or arrangement due to acquisition of public right-of-way by the City, shall be exempt from a non-conforming status and the provisions of Section g372, Non-conforming Structures and Uses, unless it is established by the Department of Community Development that such use, building or structure creates a nuisance or is a threat to the health, welfare or well being of City residents." / .r 1 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 1'3 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 26 Resolution No. 2541 Page two' .~,.b, :Planntna Commission of the PASSED ANO ADOPTEO at a regula~-/~ettng of '~/'-~':Y~~[z-''JZ(.~:' Clty of Tus~.ln, held on the .../~"~/~ davy of 1988. Penn1 FOley ' Secretary Chat rman' o. STATE OF. CAL[FORN[A ) COUNTY .OF ORANGE ) C[TY' OF TUSTZN ) [, PENN[[[ FOLEY, the undersigned, hereby certtfy that [ am the l~ecordtng Secretary of the P]annt.ng Commission of the City of Tusttn, Ca]Jfornia; that Resolution No, .~....~// ~as du]y passed and,adopted at..~-regu]ar_~etJng of the ~stln Plannt~g co~lsston, he~d on the ,/' L/ -~ day of ~,/,"',,~'::~,/.',.~..,~/~.~ , 198 ~. PENN[ FOLEY · Recordl.ng Secretary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IG 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 98 ORDINA:NCE NO. 88-1013 'AN ORDINANCE OF THE 'CITY COUNCIL OF THE cITy OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA APPROVING ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 88-06, EXEMPTING LEGAL CONFORMING PROPERTIES FROM BECOMING NON-CONFORMING DUE TO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION BY THE CITY. WHEREAS, on , the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, Joeshereby ordai~ a~ follows' Section 1. The City Council finds as follows' A. A public hearing before the City Council to consider Zoning Ordinance Amendment 88-06 was duly called, noticed, and held on Monday, December 19, 1988. B. A Negative Declaration has been prepared in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act; no significant, adverse impacts are associated with this Zoning Ordinance Amendment. C. The subject amendment is in the best interest of the public health, safety and welfare in that it will not penalize legal conforming properties' for becoming non-conforming due to the community wide benefit of public right-of-way acqui si tion by the City. D. The subject amendment is consistent with the General Plan in that it will not negatively impact the orderly growth and development of the City. .. E. The Planning Commission has adopted Resolution No. 2541 recommending to the City Council approval of said document. Section 2. The City Council does hereby approve Zoning Ordinance Amendment 88-06 as follows' A. Section 9273 (e) shall be'added to the Tustin City Code to read as follows' "Any use of land, building, or structure which is legal and conforming to all provisions of this Zoning Code, as of the date of adoption of this ordinance, and made "non-conforming" either in design or arrangement due to acquisition of public right-of-way by the City, shall be exempt from a non-conforming status and the provisions of Section 9273, Non-conforming Structures and Uses, unless it is established by the Department of Community Development 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ordinance No. 88-1013 Page two that such use, building or structure creates a nuisance or is a threat to the health, welfare or well being of City residents." PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the day of , 1988. Ursula E'eI Ken~6dy, Mayor Mary Wynn, City Clerk