HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1962 03 19 MINUT ES 0F A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL March, 19, 1962 Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Kidd. Present: Kidd, Humeston, Sheridan, Mack, Doney City Engineer M~Bride, present City Attorney Rourke,~ present APPROVAL OF Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council- MINUTES man Doney that Minutes of March 5th be approved as mailed and received. Motion carried. PLAN. COM. MINUTES Planning Commission Minutes of March 12th meeting OF 3-12 READ read by clerk. PLAN. CONSULTANTS Mr. McBride was asked to obtain information and INFORM. REQUESTED names of Planning Consultants in t~area. Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman IN EMERGENCY Humeston that in case of emergency the Police POLICE CHIEF Chief be authorized to cover any 48 hour period AUTHORIZED TO by drawing from the county or any other source COVER 48 hr and that the Mayorbe authorized to call a PERIOD ETC. Special Meeting. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Doney, seconded by ~Councilman ADOPTION OF Humeston that the chairman and members of the MOTION THAT PARKS Parks and Recreation Commission and the City & RECREATION Attorney be authorized to meet on an informal COM. MEET WITH basis with the Elementary and High School Boards SCHOOL BOARDS RE to discuss possibility of obtaining a portion SCHOOL REC. TAX of the School Recreation Tax for Parks and- FOR TYC ETC. Recreation and Tustin Youth Center programs. Motion carried. COBRESPONDENCE Correspondence from Robert A. Berg, A~sistant FR0M TUHS RE Superintendent and Business Manager, Tustin IMPROVEMENT Union High School requesting the improvement OF ORANGE AVE. of Southeasterly 5 feet of Orange Avenue (county) BY CITY AND and the Southeasterly l0 feet of OrangeAvenue COUNTY (cit~) from the ~cou~ty line to the existing curb, read by clerk. WORK ABOVE TO BE Mr. McBride requested ~to check with the county DONE WITH COUNTY and have this work done in conjunction with them. MR MC BRIDE TO Moved by Councilman Doney, seconded by Councilman PREPARE SET OF Mack authorizing Mr. McBride to prepsre a~ ~et of STANDARDS FOR standards for streets and highway plans. Motion STREETS ETC. carried. Fire Chief Morgan reported the following bids~sub- BIDS RECEIVED mitted for Fire Rescue Truck: FOR FIRE RESCUE TRUCK Crowne .... $13,189.00 Seagraves ..... 13,335.00 Y~kee . .I .... 13,670.00 CHIEF HILTON Chief Hilton reported that after checking all RECOMMENDED THE bids and specifications, he recommended the PURCHASE OF THE purchase of the Seagraves. SEAGRAVES Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by ADOPTION OF MOTION Councilman~Mack that Chief Hilton be authorized THAT SEAGRAVES RESCUE to purchase Seagraves Rescue Truck subject to TRUCK BE PURCHASED ~ the &pproVal of~ the Lease~ Purchase Agreement by the City Attorney. Motion carried. LOUIS SCHMETZER Moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded by ADVISED TO Councilman Sheridan ~that Mr.~ Louis Schmetzer INITIATE ZONE !he advised that he will have to initiate the CHANGE PROCEEDINGS p~oceedings for zone change on his property. Motion carried. DISABLED VETERANS MoVed by Councilman Oheridan, seconded by GRANTED PERMISSION Councilman Mack that the Disabled American TO SELL TICKETS Veterans be granted permission to sell ° tickets, within the City. Motion carried. SAN. DISTRICT #7 Mayor Kidd was requested t~ check with RE DISTRICT TAKING Sanitation District No. 7 as to having the' OVER MAINTEN.IN District take over the sewer maintenance within CITY the Clity. CORRESPONDENCE Moved by C6~ncllman Mack, seconded by Council- FILED man Sheridanthat correspondence be received and filed. Moteion carried. ORDINANCE N0. 170' Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by SECOND READING Councilman Mack that Ordinance No. 170, BY TITLE ONLY approving the McFadden-Newport Annexation to the City of Tustin have second reading by title only. Motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by 0RDINANGE NO. 170 Councilman Doney that Ordinance No. 170 be HE MCFADDEN- passed and adopted. Motion carried by roll NEWPORT ANNEX. call - all councilmen voting Aye. MC BRIDE TO ADVISE Mr McBride!to advise~he City Clerk as to when WHEN TO SEND ORD. to send Ordinance No. 170 to the Secretary 170 TO SEC. OF STATE of State. GRANT DEED FROM Moved by C~uncilman Mack, seconded by Council- MR & MRS ADAMS man Sheridan =that Grant Deed from Walter F, TO BE ACCEPTED Adams and Grace D. Adams be accepted. Motion carried. Police Chief and Commissio~c~!reported compIete POLICE OFFICERS' uniform for POlice officers would be ap UNIFORMS COST AP- proxim&tely $4~,O~ Per officer and recommended PROXIMATELY $45 authorization for two uniforms per man pe~ year, sta~ting~$his last one-half of this fiscal year. ADOPTION OF MOTION Moved by Councilman Doney, seconded by Council- THAT CITY PURCHASE man Mack that the City purchase one uniform TWO COMPLETE UNI- consisting of shirt, trousers, patches of~ FORMS PER MAN PER prescribed uniform for each regular officer YEAR each period of the fiscal year, i January - i July; and I July - i January. Purchases to be at the discretion of the Chief of Police. Motion carried. 2S ORDINANCE NO. Chief Sissel reported that Ordinance No. 141 141 TIME ZONES covered the posting of Times Zones for parking RE PARKING on city streets and that when warranted on First Street would see that this was done. BILLS TO BE Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by PAID Councilman Mack that Bills be paid. Motion carried. BILL~' Petty Cash Replenishment . $48.19 G. A. Thomas ?08.00 State Compensat~oA insurance . . 830.00 B County of Orange, Survey & Road 236.26 So. Calif.-Plan. Congress . 25.00 I 'LeagUe of California Cities' 20.80 Tustin Lawnmower & Saw Shop . 3.00 L Ankrum Piano Service 50.00 U. S. Porcelai. n Plant . 107.16 L Santa Ana Blue Print Co. , 10.30 Theromo-Fax Sales ... 84.12 S First Western Bank .. . 266.49 John Siegel & Co. 183.00 Sully-Miller Contract~n~ 8o] 12.10 Economy Office Equipment. 68.64 Hardy & Harper 87.99 Lucille Clark .... 25.25 .Moved by Councilman Sherid3/~, seconded by Councilman Doney thsg:,the meeting be adjourned to Monday,' March 26th at 7 P.M. Motion carried, idd, ayor C K M