March 5, 1962
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Kidd.
Present: Kidd, Rumeaton, Sheridan, Mack, Doney
Absent: None
City Engineer: McBride, present
City Attorney: Rourke, present
MCFADDEN-NEWPORT Protest hearing, McFadden-Newport Annexation,
ANNEXATION opened at 7:33 P.M. City ~lerk reported no
HEARING OPENED written protests had been filed
There being no one present with protests or
NO PROTESTS comments, the he~ring was declared closed.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
APPROVALOF Cou. ncilman Mack that Ordinance No. 170, aD-
ORDINANCE NO. proving the annexation of certain uninhabited
170 RE THE territory, designated ~sI "~ucFadden-l~ewport
ANNEXATION Annexaction" to the City of Tustin, California,
OF MCFADDEN- have first reading by title only. Motion
NEWPORT AREA carried unanimously.
Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Council-
FEBRUARY 19th man Sheridan that Minutes of February 19th
MINUTES APPROV- meeting be approved as mailed and received.
ED Motion carried.
Moved by Mr. Sheridan, seconded by Mr. Humeaton
that Resolution No. 590 authorizing the City
APPROVAL OF Engineer to have construction performed in re-
CONSTRUCTION novaring building at 135 W. Third Street as per
TO RENOVATE plan submitted by committee at a cos.~ not to
135 W. THIRD exceed $11,000.00 and due to emergency nature
ST. NOT TO t~o waive putting out for bid; said work ~o be
EXCEED done subject to the approval of the Committee
$11,000.00 headed by Mr. McBride and authorizing~ ~ll,000.00
to be transferred from the undistributed Reserve
Fund to the General Fund. Motion carried by roll
call - all councilmen voting Aye.
After a discussion as to a uniform survey for
DISCUSSlION Police Department, it was suggested that the
ABOUT POLICE Police Commissi. oner and Police Chief get to-
UNIFORMS, ONE gerber and recommend at the next meeting as to
PER MAN PER the best method in supplying uhiforms to
FISCAL YEAR regular police and feasibility of supplying
one per man in this fiscal year.
FIREWORK Fire Chief Hilton presented and recommended Fire
REGULATI 0NS Department Regulat ions regarding f i rework s stands.
A committee from the american Legion spoke ob-
jecting to said regulations.
ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council-
FIREWORK man Mack that Fire Department Regulations regard-
REGULATIONS mng firework stands be approved as recommended by
the Fire Department. Motion carried.
INSTRUCTION FOR Chief Hilton requested permission to hire
FIRE TRAINING TO instructor for fire training course at
BE EMPLOYED $2.00 per hour.
ABOVE REQUEST Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
GRANTED Councilman Doney that above request be
granted. Mot.io~ carried. ~-~
. Move~ by Councilman Sheridan, seconded ~y
IMPROVEMENT OF 'Counclilman Done~y that contract for the
ORANGE AVE. TO improvement of Orange Avenue be awarded
BE AWARDED TO to Hardy & Harper being the lowest bidde~,
HARDY & HARPER at the unit prices set forth in bid and
Mayor and Clerk authorized to sign said
contract when the City Attorney aRproves
bond. Motion carried.
BONDS TO BE RETURNED Moved by Councilman Oheridan, seconded by
TO SULLY MILLER, Councilman Mack that the Clerk be author-
GRIFFITH, MC CLELLAN~ ized to ret~u~n bonds of Sully Miller,
AND R J NOBLE Griffith Co., R. W. McClellan & Sons,
and R. J. Noble Co. Motion carried.
Moved by Councilman ~heridan, seconded by
Councilman i'iack that the City Engineer
BENJAMIN L. WHEELOCK b=e amthorized to employ Mr. Benjamin L.
TO BE EMPLOYED TO Wheelock as asistant to the City Engineer
ASSIST CITY ENGINEER at $800.00 per month to serve at the
AT $800.00 MONTHLY pleasure of the Council. MOtion carried.
JOHN SIEGEL, Moved by Qouncilman Humeston, seconded
ENGINEERS, EMPLOYED by Councilman Doney that the firm of
REGARDING FLOOD John ~Siegel, Engineers, be employed
CONTROL regarding flood control survey as per
letter read by Mr. McBride. Motion carried.
PARKING ON FIRST Moved by Counci'lman Sheridan, seconded by
BETWEEN "H" AND Councilman Doney t~at letter of request
PROSPECT REFERRED for two hour parking on First Street
TO POLICE CHIEF between Prospect and "H" Streets be
ref~erred to the Chief of Police for
study and report. Motion carried.
Moved by Counc~lma~ Sheridan, seconded by
DENIED APPLICATION C:ouncilman Mack that United ~ending Corp.
OF UNITED VEND. be notified that ~their request for waive?
CORP. RE MACHINES of fees and licenses to solicit in the
ON BEHALF OF City .for vending machine locations on be-
CALIF.COUNCIL half of the California COuncil for Retarded
FOR RETARDED Children is denied due to the fact that
CHILDREN we adhere strilctly to permitting only 100%
noneprofit ~rganizations within the city.1
Motion carried..
STUDY OF VENDING MOVed by Councilman ~iack, seconded by
MACHINES IN CITY Councilman ~heridSn that Police Chief
TO BE MADE BY make a study of vending machines now :~
POLICE CHIEF in operation in the city by non-profit
organizationsl Motion carried.
PAPER LILES TO BE Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
SOLD APRIL 13,14 Councilman Doney that requests of Orange
FOR CRIPPLED Cqunty Society ~or Cripptied Children and
CHILDREN & ADULTS Adults Inc. to sell paper lilies on the
GRANTED BY streets of Tustin on April 13th and 14th
COUNCIL be granted. Motion carried.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
Councilman Mack that correspondence be re-
ceived and filed. Motion carried.
Councilman ~'~ack reported the following recommenda-
APPROVAL OF tions from the Parks &Recrestion Commission.
$250 FOR TUSTIN That ~2~0.00 be given the Tustin Little League
LITTLE LEAGUE & National League and $500.00 to Tustin Boys Base-
$500 TO TUSTIN ball wit~.thel stipulationthat it be used entirely
BOYS BASEBALL w~thin the city limits, and that both groups give
an acconnting to the City of these funds. Moved
by Co~uncilman Humeston, seconded by Councilman
Sheridan that said recommendations of the Parks
and Recreation Commission be approved and that
funds. be ~ransferred to Parks & Recreation
General Fund from the undistributed reserve.
Motion carried.
Moved. by C~nncilman °heridan, seconded by Council-
ORDINANCE NO. man. Mack that second reading of Ordinance No. 165,
165 READ BY an ordinance providing for the licensing of dogs and
TITLE 0NLY--- impounding, regulating the keepm~:g and control of
LICENSING 0F. animals,, the control and suppresssion of rabies
DOGS ETC ETC~ and other infectious and contagious diseases and
providing a penalty for violation, be by title
only. Motion carried unanimously.
ADOPTION OF M~v~d by C~uncilm~n Sheridan, seconded by Council-
ORDINANCE NO man Hum~s. on that Ordinance No. 165 be passed and
165 adopted.. Motion carried b~~ roll call - all council-
men vpt~ng Aye.
ACCOUNTING OF C~uncilman Humeston requested ~n accounting of all
MONEY RE CIVIC money spent and received regarding Civic Center
CENTER propeFty ~e presented at the next regular meeting.
PLAN. COM. Councilman Sheridan recommended changing to two
MEMBERS TO REC- (~) Planning Commission meetings per r~on~h with
EIVE $15.00 PER compensation of $7.50oper scheduled meeting at-
MONTH-2 MEETINGS ten~ded,~not to exceed $15.00 per month.
Moved by Councilman Doney, seconded by Councilman
PLANN. COMM. TO Humes~on that said recommendations of Mr. Sheridan
MEET SECOND & be adopted and Planning Commission meetings to be
FOURTH MONDAYS scheduled for the second and fourth Mondays of
each month. Motion carried.
COMMENDATION TO Councilman Doney commended the Police Chief and
P.D. BY DONEY RE F~re Chief on the excellent wor~ and cooperation
ACCIDENT of their departments in the recent accident at
First and Tustin Avenues.
MR 0PP RE ANNEX. Mr. 0pp asked the Council ~o. again consider his
AT 17th & YORBA request for annexation of proper~y at Seventeenth
and Yorba. Mayor Kidd offered to contact other
property owners in the area and report back to
the Council.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
Councilman Mack that bills be paid. Motion
Tustin Fire Department. $290.00
Business Equipment Co. 13.76
Kenneth G. Hebard, D.O. 20.00
Rourke & Holbrook .... 725.00
J. L. McBride 810.00
Ben Wheelock . '$367.50
Tustin Garage . 140.47
Tustin Paint StAre 93.14
Les Johnson . 18.84
G. B. Grant .. 12.50
Van Hove & Dean .. 14.39
B Blower Paper Co. 55.02
I S.A. Forman .... 46.80
L Tustin Drug & Variety 1.25
L Tustin Lawnmower . 3.00
S Edney's Tree Servic~ ~ 300.00
Orange Daily News . . 91.26
Smith-Corona Marchant Inc. 6.50
~. TellePson . 100.00
Tustin News . . . 243.75
Bryan industrial Properties 250.00
Albro Fire Equip. Co. 35.04
Jerome C. Kidd 46.00
Tustin Radio ~ TV
Santa ana Office Supply. 53-29
Signal Oil Co. 220.00
Pirate Book Store 9.83
Auto Service Center 16.12
Orange Coknlty Blueprint 25.09
Santa Ana Book Store .. 5-99
Orange Co. Radiotel 30.00
R. F. Dickson Co. 180.00
Mullin Lumber 5-99
Sully-Miller Contr. 1,000.00
Carson & Golding 74.69
First West Bank ~,990-12
Tustin Hardware 21.11
Tustin Blacksmith' 6.24
Tiernan's 33.62
Firs~ West. Bank & Tr. Co 243.17
National Little League 250.00
Tustin Boys' Baseball 500.00
Calif. F~re Chiefs'Assoc 15.00
League of Cities 45.00
M6ved byCo~ncilman Sheridan, seconded by
CounSilman '~ack that the meeting be ad-
Journed. Motion carried.
Kidd, ~ayo~'
Ruth ~. Poe, ity Cl~rk