HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1962 02 19 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL February 19, 1962 Meeting called to order by Mayor Kidd at 7:35 P.M. Present: Kidd, Humeaton, Sheridan, Mack, Doney City Engineer McBride, present City Attorney Rourke, present MINUTES Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Counc~I- APPROVED man Doney that minutes of February 5th meeting be approved as mailed and received. Motion carried. COST OF POST Mr. Frank Morris presented plans and cost estimate OFFICE BLDG. of $9,500.00 to $10,000.00 for renovation of post RENOVATION office building for city offices. ACTION ON ABOVE Action on said building deferred to next regular DEFERRED meeting. READING OF PLAN. ~inutes of February 13th Planning Commission COM. MINUTES meeting reaQ. AUTHORIZATION Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman TO OPEN FIVE Doney authorizing clerk B open five bids submitted BIDS FOR WORK for work on Orange Avenue. Motion carried. The ON ORANGE AVE. following bids were opened and read: Sully Miller . $4,985.25 R. J. Noble ~,911.00 Oriffith Co 5,240.00 Hardy & Marper 4,558°00 McClellan Construction Co. ~,995.00 BIDS REFERRED Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council- TO CITY ENGR. man Humeaton that above bids be referred to the FOR STUDY & REPT. City Engineer for study and report. Motion carried. FIRST & PROSPECT Mr. Swain of Mobile Gas Company spoke regarding ST. CURB CUTS ETC. the curb cuts for driveways, widening of street EXPLAINED BY MR and moving drainage facilities at First Street MC BRIDE and Prospec~ Avenue.. Mr. McBride explained problems of drainage and recommended reimburse- merit for curbing to be moved back. MOBILE GAS CO. It was the decision of the council that the oil REQUIRED TO company be required to dedicate additional right DEDICATE ADDTL. of way as required by Master Highway Plan, con- RIGHT OF WAY ETC. struct all curbs and sidewalks and relocate MULLIN LUMBER CO facillties of the Orange County Flood Control TO BE REIMBURSED District. The City agrees to reimburse the com- FOR CURB PAID pany for actual cost of curb paid for by Mullin Lumber Company. CURB, GUTTER Moved by Councilman Humeaton, seconded by Council- AND FULL PAVING man Doney that curb, gutter and full paving be put TO BE PUT IN in along 800' of Tustin Youth Center property on 800' TYC PROPERTY Sixth Street at the same time Foster Art Books ON SIXTH ST. install theirs. Curbing not to exceed a cost of APPROX. $900.00 $900.00° Motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE Moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded by RE CALIF.COM. Councilman Mack that correspondence from Mrs. TO COMBAT D.H. Bush, Tustin Area Chairman of Californians' COMMUNISM TO BE Committee to combat communism be received and FILED filed. Motion carried° DANCE PERMIT ~M6ved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council- FOR "HOLIDAY" man Mack that Dance Permit for Holiday Tavern BE GRANTED WHEN be granted When approVed by Police Chief ~nd APPROVED BY FD Fire Chief. Motion carried. & PD Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by APPROVAL OF Councilman Humeston that permission be CANCER SOCIETY granted Orange County Branch of American FUND-RAISING Cancer Society to conduct a fund-raising IN APRIL drive in the city in the month of April 1962. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by POST OFFICE CouncilmanIHumeston that~permiss~on be, granted TO USE STAGE the Post Office to use city~ned stage, subject to adequate insurance. Stage to be picked up and returned by postal. personnel° Motion Carried. CORRESPONDENCE Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by RECEIVED & FILED Councilman Humeston that correpondence be received and filed. Motion carried. PROPOSAL SUBMITTED Secretary read correspondence from Boyle BY BOYLE & LOWRY & Lowry submitting proposal for engineer- FOR ENG. SERVICES ing services in connection with special RE SEWER ASSESS. sewer assessment district proposed within the City of Tustin. Mr. Edwin Finster explained submitted fee schedule. fo~ said engineering services. READING BY TITLE ONLY AND THE Moved ~y Councilman Sheridan, seconded by ADOPTION OF Councilman Mack that Resolution Noo 588, RESOLUTION appointing Boyle & Lowry, a joint venture, NO.588, APP- as Ejgineer of Work, and Edwin H. Finster, POINTING BOYLE ~ ~egistered Civil Engineer, as its designated & LOWRY officer and agent in the matter of the con- AS ENGINEER OF struction of Sanitary Sewers in Tustin City WORK ETC. ETC. Sewer Assessment District No. l, and author- izing the Mayor and City Clerk to~execute on behalf of the City, that certain Written Agreement dated February 19,, 1962, between I. the City and Boyle & LoWry, as Engineer of Work, be read by title only. Motion carried unanimously.. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman Mack that Resolution No. 588 be passed and adopted. Motion carried by roll call, all councilmen voting Aye. RESOLUTION Moved by Councilman Doney, seconded by NO. 589 Councilman Sheridan that Resolution No. BE READ BY 589, appointing Jack J.. Rimel, C~ Arthur TITLE ONLY Nisson and James Rourke to prepare and RE APPOINTMENT type all Resolut4ons, Notices and other OF RIMEL, NISSON papers and proceedings and tO perform all & ROURKE ON legal work required for any work a~thorized SEWER PROBLEM by the 'Improvement Act of 191!," being Division 7 of the Street and Highway Code of the State of California and/or 'The Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931~, being Division 4 of said code, be read by title only. Motion carried unanimously° ' ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Council~ RESOLUTION man Doney that Resolution No. 589 be passed and NO. 589 adopted. Motion carried by roll call - all councilmen voting Aye. ORDINANCE NO. Moved by Councilman Sheridan seconded by 166 HAVE SECOND Councilman Mack, that~OrdinaAc~o. 166, ap- READING BY TITLE proving ~Pannell Annexation~ to the city, ONLY have second reading by title only. Motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by~ ORDINANCE N0. 166 Councilman Doney that Ordinance No. 166 he PANNELL ANNEXATION ~passed and adopted. Motion carried by roll call, all councilmen voting Aye. ORDINANCE NO. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by 168 HAVE SECOND Councilman Mack that Ordinance No. 168, READING BY TITLE proving."Bo F. Beswick School Annexation," ONLY have second reading by title only. Motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded bv ORDINANCE NO. Councilman Humeston that Ordinance No, tg8 168-BESWICK SCHOOL be passed and adopted. Motion carried by ANNEXATION roll call, all councilmen voting Aye. ORDINANCE NO. MOVed ~y Councilman Sheridan, seconded by 169 SECOND. READ- ] Co~mcilman Doney that Ordinance No. 169, ING BY TITLE ONLY approving the"First Southern Baptist ICb~rch of Tustin Annexation" have second reading byetitle only. Motion carried un- animously.. ADOPTION OF , . MOVed.by.Councilman Sheridan, seconded by ORDINANCE NO. Councilman Humeston that Ordinance No. 169 169-FIRST SOUTHERN bepaSse~ and adopted. MotiOn carried by BAPTIST CHURCH ANN, roll.ca~l, all.coUncilmen voting Aye. ABANDONMENT OF City Att0rn~ySourke reported that Mr. Powell TAXI STAND. ON of Yellow Cab Company and Black and Green Cab SIXTH STREET Company will abandon taxi stand on Sixth IStreet,~Tustin. CHECK CAB TO BE Movedby Councilman Mack, seconded by Council- NEW NAME OF CAB man Humeston to amendl~hanging Black and Green CO. Cabs to Checker Cabs, Mr. Powell to bear cost of removing curb painting at SiXth Street stand. Motion carried. CURB PAINTING Chief Sissol recommended that curb painting on CHANGE DEFERRED West Third Street be deferred until after move of engineer and clerk's offices. MOved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman MR. 0PP'S REQUEST Humeston that request of Mr. 0pp for annexa- FOR ANNEXATION tion of property at Yorba and Seventeenth CONT. UNDER ADVISEMENT Street continue under advisement. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by ~ouncilman Mack that engineer draw map and MR. MCBRIDE TO establish boundaries for area colored green DRAW MAP ESTABLISH. on map presented to council plus 5.06 acres BOUNDARIES FOR of Munger property North of Bryan Avenue and ANNEXATION OF Edison substation East of Browning Avenue PROPERTY OFF BRYAN AVE. ETC. and proceed with annexation. Motion carried.. Moved by Councilmsn Mack, seconded by Councilman TO PROCEED WITH Sheridan that subiect to consent of Mr.M.Lawrence, ANNEXATION OF we proceed with annexation of Lawrence property. M. LAWRENCE Motion carried. PROPERTY HARDY & Mr. McBride reported Hardy & Harper submitted HARPER LOW low bid for work on Orange Avenue but requested BIDDER ON time to study bids. ORANGE ST. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council- BIDDING TAKEN ma~ Mack that report on bids be taken under advise- UNDER ADVISEMENT ment and reportlat next meeting. MOtion carried. COMMITTEE AP, Mayor Kidd appointed Councilman Doney and Mr. ~-~ POINTED RE McBride to investigate possibility of obtaining : PARCEL ON SE diagonal parcl off of Southeast corner of Lot CORNER,LOT 1 Tract 1461 for purpose of connecting with right TRACT 1461 FOg oflway to be deeded to city by Mobil Oil Company RIGHT OF WAY for widening,of Prospect Avenue, THREE BIDDERS Moved by Councilman Doney~seconded by Council- TO BE CONTACTED man Mack that Fire Chief be authorized ~o contact FOR RESCUE three bidders for Rescue Truck and have bids TRUCK submitted to City,Clerk. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman Mack that bills be paid. Motion carried. BILLS Petty Cash, Ruth C. Poe ............. Tustin Lawnmower & Saw Shop ......... Orange County Insurance Agency ...... 167.16 Gordon Miller Equipment Company ..... 77.~0 Tiernan's Office Equipment ~0 ~0 RalPh Lo Paulson ................... 11.38 Albro Fire Equip. Co.~ .............. 4°92 Orange Daily News ................ 222.92 Kleen Line Corp 2 50 Jezowski & Markel .............. 322.8t Hardy & Harper ................. 1~.00 Mullin Lumber Co ................ ~3.81 Marchant Nursery .............. 71.50 Tustin News .............. 6-i~0 Farnsworth Jewelry ................ Santa Ana Book Store .............. 6.92 Orange Co. Blueprint Co ........... 16.26 F Morton ~it~ Company 75.~3 Petty Gash ........................ Moved by C6Uncilman Humeston, seconded by Councill man Doney that meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. rome C. Kidd ~uth . Poe