February 5, 1962
Meeting called to order by Mayor Kidd at 7:30 P.M.
Present: Kidd, Humeston, Mack, Sheridan, Doney
Absent: None
City Engineer McBride, Ipresent ~
City Attorney Rourke, present
Oath of Office administered to George W. Doney by City Clerk.
JANUARY 29th MINUTES Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by
APPROVED Councilman Sheridan that Minutes of
January ~29th regular adjourned meeting
be approved as mailed and received.
Mot ion ~carried.
HEARING ON PANNELL Protest Rearing on 'Pannell Annexation'
ANNEXATION opened at 7:35 P.M.
There being no written or oral pro-
HEARING tests, it was moved by Councilman
CLOSED--NO Sheridan, seconded by Councilman
PROTESTS . Humeston and duly carried that the
hearing be closed.
HEARING ON Protest hearing on "B.F. Beswick
B.F. BESWICK SCHOOL School Annexation~ opened.
There being no written or oral pro-
HEARING CLOSED- tests, it was moved by Councilman
NO PROTESTS Mack, seconded by Councilman Sheridan
and duly carried that hearing be closed.
FIRST SOUTHERN Protest Hearing on "First Southern
BAPTIST CHURCH Baptist Church of Tustin Annexation'
HEARING CLOSED- There being no written or oral pro-
NO PROTESTS tests, it was moved by Councilman
Sheridan, seconded by Councilman
Doney and duly carried that hearing
be closed.
ORDINANCE N0. 166 Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded
APPROVING PANNELL by Councilman Mack that Ordinance
ANNEXATION HAVE FIRST No. 166, approvingthe Pannell Annexa-
READING BY TITLE ONLY. tion, have first reading by title only,
Motion carried unanimously.
ORDINANCE NO. 167 Moved by Cobbncilman Mack, seconded
AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE by Councilman Doney that Ordinance
APPR0VING PANNELL AN- No. 167, an emergency ordinance ap-
NEXATION BE READ IN proving Pannell Annexation be read
FULL in fullo Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded
ADOPTION OF by Councilman Mack that Ordinance NOo
ORDINANCE NO. 167 167 be passed and adopted. Motion carried
by roll call - all councilmen ~oting Aye.
ORDINANCE NO. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
168-B.F. BESWICK Councilman Mack that Ordinance No. 168 ap-
SCHOOL ANNEXATION proving the B. F. Beswick School Annexation
FIRST READING have first reading by title only. Motion
BY TITLE ONLY. carried unanimously.
ORDINANCE NO. 169 Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
FIRST S. BAPTIST Councilman Doney that Ordinance No. 169, ap-
CHURCH OF TUSTIN ,proving the First Southern Baptist Church of
ANNEXATION FIRST Tustin Annexation, have first Peading by title
READ. BY TITLE only. Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded by
RENEWAL OF Councilman Mack that.insurance on car for
INSURANCE ON Police Department work be renewed. Motion
POLICE CAR carried.
DICKSON CO. ENGAGED Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
AS STREET SWEEPERS Councilman Doney that. R. F. Dickson Company,
FOR REMAINDER OF stree~ sweepers,~be engaged for remainder of
FISCAL YEAR current fiscal year. Motion carried
RECOMMENDATIONS FROM Chief Hilton read recommendations'of committee
TUSTIN WATER WORKS on Water and Fire Hydrants for changes and im-
RE FIRE HYDRANTS provemerits as set to the Tusttn Water Works.
COMMITTEE APPROVED Moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded by
ON WATER AND FIRE Councilman Mack that recommendations of said
HYDRANTS committee for hydrant and pipe improvements
be approved. Motion carried.
COMMITTEE APPOINTED After a discussion on. changes an~ improvements
ON CHANGES AND IM- of building at 135 West Third Street, Mayor
PROVEMENTS AT 135 Kidd appointed the following committee 3o aid
WEST THIRD STREET in the interior design of the building: Mr.
Mack~ chairman, Mr. Sheridan, Mr. Morris, Mr.
McBride and Mrs. Poe.
MR NISSON DISCUSS- Mr. A. Nisson presented ways of furthering
ED DISTRICTS RE districts for street sewers and house
SEWERS ETC. connections.
THANKS ACCORDED. Mr. Sheridan, on behalf of the council, requested
MR NISSON to go on record thanking Mr. Nisson for his
Moved by Councilman Humeaton, seconded by
ATTORNEYS NISSON, Councilman Mack that the city inform attorneys
RIMEL AND ROURKE Nisson, Rimel and Rourke that the city would
RETAINED IN THE like to retain their services in the formation
FORMATION OF A of a Special Assessment District for sewers
SPEC. ASSESS. within the City of Tustin and/or proximity
DISTRICT FOR SEWERS and that Mr. McBride contact engineering firm
WITHIN CITY of Boyle & Lowry for proposal on sewer assess-
ment district basis within the City of Tustin
and/or proximity. Motion carried.
REQUEST OF FUNDS Mr. Robe~ Brown requested funds from the city
FOR PONY LEAGUE for the Pony League baseball teams.
RECOMMENDATION OF Councilman Mack reported that the Parks and
PARKS & RECREATION Recreation Commission recommended donations
COM. OF DONATIONS of $250.°00 to National League and $500°00 to
TO LEAGUES IN CITY the Colt League. These being the only two
leagues actually playing within the city
REQUESTS OF Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
BASEBALL LEAGUES Councilman Humeston that requests for dona-
TO BE REFERRED tions from various baseball leagues be re-
TO PARKS & RE-- ferred back to the commission for furtherJ
CREATION COM. s~dy and recommendations. Motion carried.
LETTER RECEIVED Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
RE ST. L. ALLEC Councilman Humeston that letter from Mr and
COMMENDING HIM Mrs A W Barna~d, commending Sergeant L.
I Allec be received and filed and a copy sent
to Chief Siss& and Sgto Allec~ Motion
MR. HUMESTON Letter of resignation fr6m Mr. Humeston~ re-
RESIGNED FROM Signing from the Planning Commission read
PLAN. COM. by clerk.
Moved by Councilman Mack~ seconded by Council-
LETTER TO BE man Doney that Councilman Humeston's resignation
SENT TO MR. from the Planning Commission be adopted. with
HUMESTON SHOWING regret and a letter of appreciation sent to
APPRECIATION Mr. Humeston.~Motion carried.
LETTER FROM MR. Moved by ~ouncilman Sheridan, seconded by
OPP RE ANNEXATION Councilman Mack that correspondence from
OF HIS PROPERTY Mr. Opp, requesting annexation of his
AT 17 & YORBA TAKEN property at Seventeenth Street and Yorba
ADVISEMENT be taken under advisement. Motion carried.
REQUEST OF Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
MR. POWELL ABOUT Councilman Mack that request of Mr. Powell,
NAME CHANGE OF to redesignate Black & Green cabs to Checker
CABS RE TO ATTY. Cabs be referred to the city attorney. Motion
Correspondence from Orange County Street nam-
COMMITTEE RE ing committee requesting any comments or
RENAMING OF suggestions onethe renaming of Laguna Road
LAGUNA ROAD from "D'~ Street to Browning Avenue read.
MAYOR KIDD AND Mayor Kidd appointed himself and Councilman
MR. DONEY Doney a committee toestudy. said request.
CORRESPONDENCE Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded bY
TO BE FILED Councilman Humeston that correspondence be
received and filed. Motionscarried.
TRUSTIES ONLY TO Mr. Rourke reported finding that citie~ can
BE USED IN OWN CITIES use trusties only from their city jails.
Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Council-
VACANCY ON THE man Doney that vacancy~on the Planning Commission
PLANNING COM. created by the resignation of Mr. Humeston be
TO BE FILLED filled by a member at large from within the
BY A MEMBER city limits. Motion carried. Mr. Humsston
WITHIN CITY and Mr. Sheridan abstaining.
MR. SHERIDAN TO All members agreed that Mr. Sheridan should
REMAIN ON PLAN~ remain as a Council representative on the
COM. Planning Commission.
PLANNING COM.. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
MINUTES TO BE Councilman Humeston that a~ Planning Com-
READ AT NEXT mission meeting minutes be read at the next
COUNCIL MEET. council meeting following all commission meet-
ings. Motion carried..
RESOLUTION NO. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council_
584 TO BE READ manMack~that Resolution. No..584, appointing members
BY TITLE ONLY tothe Parks&.Recreation Commissionbe read by
title only..Motion,carried unanimously.
ADOPTION OF M0ved.by[CodnSilma~.Sheridan, seconded by Council-
RESOLUTION NO. manDoney that Resolution No. 584 be passed and
584-RE PARKS & adopted. Motionlcarried by rollscall, all council-
REC.COMMISSION men voting Aye. .
MSvedbY~CoUncilma~ S~eridan, seconded ~y Council-
RESOLUTION NO. manDoney.thatResolutionNo. 586, calling and
586 BE READ giving~notice ofltheholding of a General Municipal
BY TITLE Electiontolbe~heldApril 10, 1962, be read by
ONLY title~only.. Motion. carriedunanimously.
ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council-
NO. 586 RE man DOney that Resolution No. 586 be passed and
ELECTION ON adopted. Motion carried by roll call, all councilmen
4-10-62 voting Aye.
ZONING ORDIN- Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council.
ANCE AMENDMENT man Mack that recommended Zoning Ordinance Amend-
REFERRED TO merit be referred to the Plannimg Commission for
PLAN.COM. study and report. M0!~i0h ~a~ied.
$100 EXPENDED Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council-
RE BRIEF BY man Mack that fee of $100,00 be authorized to join
LEAGUE OF in brief to Supreme Court as per request of the
CITIES League of Cities. Motion carried.
GREEN CURBING Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council.
AT 135 & 145 man Mack that green curbing in frot of 135 and 145
W. THIRD ST. W. Third Street be referred to the Chief of Police
DEFERRED for study and recommendation at next meeting.
MotiOn carried.
RESOLUTION Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council-
No. 587 maD. Mack that Resolution No. 587 appointing George
READ BY TITLE Doney as City Councilman be read by title only.
ONLY Motion carried unanimously.
ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Sheridan, secondedby Council-
NO .587, APPOINT- man Mack that Resolution No. 587 be passed and
ING DONEY TO adopted. Motion carried by roll call - all
COUNCIL councilmen voting Aye.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council-
TREE CHECK man Mack that Police Chief and Councilman Mack check
ON "B" STREET on tree at 124 N. "B" Street to determine if it con-
stitutes a hazard. Motion carried.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council-
man Doney that bills be paid. Motion carried.
Tustin News ......................... $2.00
Orange Co. Insur. Agency ........... 17.53
Tustin Hardware Co ................... 28.83
Orange Co. Blueprint ................ 10.91
Santa Aria Blue Print Co ............. 2.60
Les Johnson ......................... 24.56
Gilbert & Stearns ................... 13.53
Ben Wheelock ........................ 227.50
J.L. McBride ........................ 775.00
Carson & Golding .................... 40.80
Tustin Blacksmith Shop .............. 60.90
G. B. Grant .............
R. F. Dickson Co ................ 137.50
Santa Ana Book Store ............ ?,02
Tustin Paint Store .............. 24.61
Tustin Food Center ............... 51
Van Hove & Dean Garage .......... 236.32
Orange Co. Radiotelephone ......... 30.00
Jerome C. Kidd ........................ 48.75 ~-~
U.S.Porcelain Plant ................... 285.58
First West. Bank (utilities) .......... 30.44
400 00
Hardy &IHarper.., .........................
John Siegel ............................. 47.00
Tustin Fire Dept., ...................... 260.00
James Rourke ............................ 465.00
U.S. Post Office ........................ 49.00
MR. ANDERSON Mr. Anderson of Tustin Blacksmith Shop asked the
REQUESTED INFO council how the building.on the northeast corner ·
ABOUT HIS BUILD. of Third and C Streets could be utilized. Present
ON NE CORNER C zoning R-3.
In the opinion of the council, it was
MR. ANDERSON suggested to Mr. Anderson that he contact
REFERRED TO the Building Department for information as
BUILDING DEPT to firewalls and that he would have to apply
for zone ~hange to put any C use on this
MEETING AD- Mo~ed by Councilma~ Sheridan, seconded by
JOURNED Councilman Mack that meeting be adjourned.
Mot ion carried.
Ruthk~. Poe, ~ty ~lerk k