HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 5 SOLID WASTE COLL. 12-19-88 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: ~.. William Huston - City Manager Public Works Department - Engineering Division Renewal of Solid Waste Collection Franchise with Great Western Reclamation, Inc. · RECOMMENDATION: Request the Tustin City Council, at their regular meeting of December 19, 1988, to ratify the AGREEMENT FOR COLLECTION AND TRANSPORTATION OF SOLID WASTE REFUSE P~ODUCED OR ACCUMULATED ..... ~__~ .... CITY._0~_TUSTIN; and, have first reading for Ordinance Number 1014.~ amending Chapter 3, Sections 4311 et. seq. of the Tustin City Code relative to solid waste collection. BACKGROUND: The existing exclusive franchise for solid waste collection with Great Western Reclamation, Inc. is due to expire. Several months ago, the City Finance Director and the City Attorney's office began negotiations to renew the exclusive.franchise. The attached Agreement is the result of these negotiation and is deemed to be equitable to both parties (Great Western Reclamation, Inc. and the City) and in the best interest of'the citizens of the City of Tustin. During the term of the existing agreement with Great Western Reclamation, Inc., the citizens of Tustin have consistently received regular and efficient refuse collection at a very reasonable rate when compared to other Orange County cities. Based on a beneficial rate structure to the community for both residential and commercial refuse collection, past performance by Great Western, the type of equipment used/maintenance of said equipment and the ,,City's ability to exercise collection control and the Company's response to citizen concerns, the City Attorney's office determined negotiation for an exclusive franchise was the most feasible method for 'obtaining a refuse collection service for Tustin. The amendments to Chapter 3, Sections 4311 et. seq. of the Tustin City Code bring the City's refuse collection standards more in line with industry standards for solid waste collection, address recent legislation in this field and enhance administrative controls over this service. Monda Buckley /~ Bob Ledendecker Administrative Assistant U Director of Public Works FROM: SUBJECT: .. HONORABLE NAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL' · CITY ATTORNEY SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL CONTRACT The City's contract for solid waste collection and disposal expired in July and staff and representatives of Great Western have been negotiating a renewal agreement for a number of months. We have now reached a form of agreement acceptable to staff and Great Western.' A copy of the proposed agreement is enclosed. The term of the contract was the subject of considerable discussion between Great Western and City staff. The provisions regarding term are contained in Section 2, which 'reads as follows: "2. Term: The term .of this Agreement shall be for a period of five (5) years commencing on the first day of July, 1988, and ending on the last day of June, 1993, and each year thereafter shall automatically be renewed for an additional period of five (5) years unless City shall have given Contractor written notice of intention not to continue at least six (6) month's prior to the end of any such contract year. Provided, however, that after July 1, 1993 City may terminate this agreement upon one (1) year's prior written notice to Contractor following a noticed public hearing and a finding by the City Council in the reasonable exercise of its discretion that: (1) the service provided by Contractor has fallen below acceptable standards, and (2) Co.ntractor has continued to fail to achieve and maintain reasonable, acceptable standards after a forty-five (45) days written notice by City to Contractor specifying the shortcomings in Contractor's performance. This right of termination is in addition to any other rights of City upon a failure of Contractor to perform its obligations under this agreement." Page Two This provision should be carefully reviewed by the Council to be sure the Counc-il finds it acceptable. It is acceptable to Great Western and the City' staff believes it is within the parameters acceptable to the Council. We have also reviewed, revised and updated the Tustin City Code regarding solid waste collection and disposal and enclose a copy of a proposed ordinance amending the Tustin City Code. Recomendation 1. Approve the proposed agreement and authorize and direct the Mayor and City Council to execute it on behalf of the City. 2. Have first reading and introduction of the ordinance amending the Tustin City Codeelati~w~r id ~te collection and disposal. · JA~ ~'ROURKE City Attorney JGR: se:R:12/08/88 (f244.rr) · o AGREEMENT FOR COLLECTION AND TRANSPORTATION OF SOLID WASTE REFUSE PRODUCED OR ACCUMULATED IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , 1988, by and between the City of Tustin, a municipal corporation of the State of California (hereinafter referred to as "City") and Great Western Reclamation, Inc., a California corporation (hereinafter referred to. as "Contractor"). WI TNES SETH RECITALS: A. The Legislature of the State of California, by enactment of California Government Code Section 66755 et seq., declares that it is in the public interest to authorize and require local agencies to make adequate provisions for solid waste handling within their jurisdictions. B. In the determination of the City Council of the City of Tustin, the public health, safety and well-being require that solid waste refuse collection, including, but not limited to, frequency of collection, means of collection and transportation, level of services, charges and fees, nature, location and' extent of such services, be provided by contract without competitive bidding. C. The City Council of the City further declares its intention of maintaining reasonable rates for collection and disposal of solid waste refuse. D. The parties hereto have been operating under the terms of that certain agreement dated May 15, 1972, originally entered into between Holthe Disposal Service and the City, as the same has been amended from time to time, and have been generally satisfied with the performance under said agreement. E. The City Council of the City of Tustin, having determined that Contractor by demonstrated experience, reputation and capacity is qualified to continue to provide for the collection of refuse within the corporate limits of the City of Tustin and to transport such refuse to places of disposal, desires that Contractor be engaged to perform such services on the basis set forth in this Agreement. F. Special provisions and arrangements for the collection and disposal of hazardous waste exist and therefore this agreement does not provide for or pertain to the collection or di°sposal of hazardous waste, including, but not limited to flammable waste, waste transported in a bulk tanker, liquid waste,:.?-sludge waste, waste from any industrial process, waste from any pollution control process, residue and debris from the clean-up of a spill or release of chemical substances, commercial products or any other special wastes, contaminated soil, waste, residue, debris and articles from the clean-up of a site or facility formerly used for the generation, storage, treatment, recycling, reclamation or disposal of any other special waste, dead ani_mals, manure, sewage waste, wastewater, explosive substance, radioactive material, and any material which has been exposed to highly infectious or contagious diseases. G. Great Western Reclamation, Inc. is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of California and has been and is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Waste Management of North America, Inc., an Illinois corporation, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Waste Management, Inc. a publicly owned Delaware c6rporation with more than ten thousand (10,000) shareholders and its shares of common stock, of which there are in excess of forty-eight million (48,000,000) shares outstanding, are traded on the New York Stock Exchange. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the respective and mutual covenants and promises hereinafter contained and made, and subject to all the terms and conditions hereof, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows: 1. Grant of Contract and Franchise: City hereby grants to Contractor, for the term hereinafter set forth, the exclusive contract, right and Privilege to collect and transport to a legally authorized disposal site or sites all solid waste produced, kept, and/or accumulated in the City of Tus~in, and Contractor, subject to the terms hereof, hereby accepts and agrees to faithfully perform such contract and obligation. It is agreed that the Contractor shall have the obligation and duty as well as the exclusive right during the term of this Agreement, and all renewals thereof, to collect, receive, transport and dispose of any and all general refuse, construction refuse and bulky items generated by or within the City or under its jurisdiction in an efficient, safe, orderly, sanitary manner, with a minimum of disturbance of the peace and quiet of the residents of Tustin, and to charge the fees then in effect for such services. The area to be serviced by Contractor herein shall include the areas of the City within both the present and any future boundaries of the City. Provided, however, that "solid waste", "refuse", "general refuse", "construction refuse" shall not for the purposes of this agreement be construed to include hazardous waste, including, but not limited to, any of the materials described in recital F hereinabove and Contractor shall have no duty, obligation or exclusive rights in connect.ion with the collection or disposal of hazardous waste. 2. Term: The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of five (5) years commencing on the first day of July, 1988, and ending on the last day of June, 1993., and each year thereafter sha'll automatically be renewed for. an addi.tional period of five (5) years unless City shaI1 have given Contractor written notice of intention not to continue at least six (6) months prior to the end of any such contract year. Provided, however, that after July 1, 1993 City may terminate this agreement upon one (1) year's prior written notice to Contractor following a noticed public hearing and a finding by'the City Council in the reasonable exercise of its discretion that: (1) the service provided by Contractor has fallen below acceptable standards, and (2) Contractor has continued to fail to achieve and maintain reasonable, acceptable standards after a forty-five (45) days written notice by City to Contractor specifying the shortcomings in Contractor's performance. This right of termination is in addition to any other rights of City upon a failure of Contractor to perform its obligations under this agreement. 3. Contract Documents: The contract documents consist of the ordinances of the City of Tustin regulating solid waste collection as the same exist 'or as may be amended, this Agreement, the performance bond, and all other required documents which are hereby incorporated and made a part of this Agreement as though'set forth in full herein and are considered as one and not severable. 4. Serv'ice: Ail persons occupying or maintaining a place of residence in a single-family dwelling unit or in a multi-family dwelling of three' (3) or fewer units within the contract area shall be provided can service with regular collection service under this Agreement, not less often than weekly, and on a schedule approved by City. Ail persons occupying or maintaining other premises within the contract area shall also be provided regular collection service under this Agreement. Multi-family dwellings of 'four (4) or more units and commercial service accounts shall be'provided bin service with collection at the frequency for which they shall contract, such frequency to be not less than that which shall be adequate to maintain service; provided, however, that for premises deemed by the Finance Director to be impractical for bin service, can service shall be provided at commercial can service rates, in a healthful and unlittered condition. 5. Conformance with City Ordinances: Collection shall be made and the Contractor shall operate in conformance with the ordinances, rules and regulations of the City of Tustin regulating~'~solid 'waste collection and disposal.. City shall take reasonable and appropriate steps to require citizens to comply with the provisions of the Tustin City Code relative to collection and disposal of solid waste. 6. Office: The Contractor shall establish and maintain a local office and other facilities throug'~ whi6h it can. be contacted, where service may ..be applied for, and complaints can be made. It shall be equipped with sufficient local-call area telephones, shall have a responsible person in charge during collection hours, and shall be open during collection hours. 7. Equipment: (a) Vehicles used by Contractor in the collection and disposal of solid waste shall be in a safe and operable condi- tion. No materials shall be permitted by Contractor to leak, fall or be spilled from any such vehicles or bins attached there- to. (b) Containers to be used by multi-family (four or more units), industrial and commercial units shall be provided by Contractor. Said containers shall be of proper design and adequate size and with suitable operable lids, where needed, so as to contain all contents therein in such manner so as to promote good housekeeping conditions. Containers shall be maintained in a reasonable state of repair, painted and of presentable appearance. Users shall be responsible for the cleanliness, sanitation, and deoderizing of such containers provided, however, contractor shall provide in its customer Contracts for extraordinary cleaning service to be performed at the request of the customer or the city for a reasonable fee specified in such contract to be paid by its customer. 8. Charqes and Rates: For services required to be performed under this Agree- ment, the charges shall not exceed the rates as fixed by the City from time to time pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. For solid waste collected in the manner herein provided, the rates shall not exceed the following: (a) Residential: For single residential properties and' three (3) or fewer multi-family units with non-bin regular service once weekly at curb or alley with materials stored in approved containers or manner, and collection limited to 200 pounds of solid waste per week, the charges to be collected on the tax roll paid by City to Contractor in accordance with attached Schedule "A". (b) Commercial Can Service: Can service to commercial premises which can reasonably be served with basic non-bin service, shall be once weekly at curb or alley, with materials stored in approved containers and manner, collection limited to 200 pounds of solid waste per week at one location only, with charges to be collected on the tax roll and paid by City to Contractor in accordance with attached Schedule "A". Mu_l.ti-Familx Can Service: Multi-family can service shall be provided to multi-family premises of.four (4) or more units which, in the determination of the Finance Director of City, cannot reasonably and practicably be served by bin service. Multi-family can service shall be provided once weekly at curb or alley, with materials stored in approved containers and manner, collection limited to 200 pounds of solid waste per week at one location only, with charges to be collected on the tax roll and paid by City to Contractor in accordance with attached Schedule "a". (d) Commercial,.. Multi-Family and Other: Service to premises other than those covered by paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) above shall be as follows: Commercial, multi-family (four or more multi- family units) (except as covered by 8(c) above) and other services shall be by bin service at such frequency and at such location as shall be agreed upon by Contractor and the customer, with materials stored in containers and manner approved by City for such service, charges to be paid. by customer and collected directly by Contractor, in accordance with attached Schedule "Aw. Special handling charges may be necessary in addition to the attached schedule. The Contractor shall pay to City a Franchise Fee of two percent (2%) of the gross receipts for services provided pursuant to this paragraph 8 (d). (e) Special Haulinq Service: For (i) collections re- quested by occupants or owners of bulky materials, (ii) large items requiring special handling and pickup at times other than normally schedule, (iii) solid waste (not including hazardous waste, as defined in the Tustin City Code) contained in approved containers, containers provided by the Contractor or approved bundles at approved locations, and (iv) items requiring special handling due to size, weight, type of material, or method of placement, the charges are to be negotiated between' Contractor and generator prior to collection. If agreement cannot be reached, the matter may be submitted to the 'City, and its decision, shall be binding. The charges shall be -- paid by customer and collected directly by the Contractor. Contractor shall pay to City a Franchise Fee of two percent (2%) of the gross receipts for services provided pursuant to this paragraph 9(c) . (f) Rate Adjustments: (i) Annual Unit Recomputations: The number of single-family and multi-family dwellings of three (3) or fewer units on a per unit basis shall be recomputed annually by the City not later than to be effective prospectively July 1st of each year commencing July 1, 1989, for the fiscal year July 1, 1989 to June 30, 1990 and the per unit fees to be paid by City to Contractor for services to be rendered during that year will be based on that' recomputation. It is agreed that as of July 1, 1988, the number of such residential units is 5,390 and the number of commercial can units is 707. (ii) Annual Regular Rate Adjustment: Refuse collection rates covering the fee classifications of rates and charges referred to in paragraphs 9(a), 9 (b) and 9 (c) shall be adjusted not less than annually to be effective prospectively on July 1 of each year of the term of this Agreement, commencing July 1, 1989. The components of costs and the percentages of total cost allocated to. each as set forth in attached Schedule B shall be applied to the increases and/or decreases in each of the categories of costs derived from the in- dices set forth in attached Exhibit B to calculate the Consumer Price Index weighted average percentage of increase or decrease which shall then be applied to the latest, previously fixed fees to arrive at the adjusted fees which shall be applicable for the succeeding year. In lieu of the use of the cost components, the weights thereof and the indices described above, City may in its discretion use the cost components, weights thereof and indices used by the County of Orange in establishing refuse collection rate adjust- ments. An example of computation of this method is set forth on Schedule C attached hereto. The percent- age of rate increase or decrease utilizing the foregoing methods shall be determined by City, provided however, Contractor shall have the right to review the calculations for the purpose of verifying the authenticity of the index and the percentages utilized. ~iii) ~ Extraordinary Rate of Adjustment: Contractor may petition City for rate adjustments at reasonable times on the basis of unusual changes in its cost of doing business, including, but not limited to items such as revised laws, ordinances or regula- tions, changes in location of disposal sites, changes-in disposal charges, etc. (iv) Gate and Transfer Station Fees:~ In addition to the charges prescribed in this paragraph 8, there shall be added, from time to time, the amount' Which w'ill be the actual, proportional, additional amount necessary to compensate Contrac- tor for any increase in gate fees imposed by the County of Orange after July 1, 1988, at solid waste disposal sites utilized by Contractor for disposal of solid waste collected within the City of Tustin and for any fees imposed by the County of Orange for utilization of transfer stations. 9. Changes in Manner of Collection and Payment of Charges: City shall pay Contractor for the services as provided in paragraph 8 above. All other fees and charges for services to be provided by Contractor shall be paid for by the generator of solid waste and collected directly by Contractor. Provided, however,, that City shall have the option from time to time upon thirty (30) days written notice to Contractor to have the charges for services paid by the customer and collected by Contractor directly from the customer, provided that the amount which may be Charged by Contractor directly to customers may be increased by one dollar and twenty cents ($1.20) per month per dwelling unit or such other amount as to which City and Contractor may agree as an added cost of collection during any period that Contractor is effecting collection directly. During such time as the fees for new premises can not be collected via the tax roll, Contractor shall bill the customer directly. Contractor shall pay to City a franchise fee of two percent (2%) of the gross receipts paid by customers and collected directly by Contractor. 10. Location: All solid waste shall be placed at a location that is readily accessible to the Contractor's personnel, as described in the C~ty ordinances. 11. Recycling Rights.: The City shall not grant to any other person or firm the exclusive right to collect any specified type of refuse for recycling purposes until Contractor has been offered such right on the same terms and conditions and has declined to accept it. 12. Containers in Public Streets and Rights-of-Way-' · :.-.' Contractor shall not place or permit to r-e~ain any of its bins, dumpsters or other containers within any street, high- way, alley, public right of way or property of City without the prior, express, written approval of the Director of Pub. lic Works of City-and in full conformity with each, every and all terms, conditions and limitations of such approval. 13. ComPliance With Law: Contractor shall secure and maintain a business license to operate within the City of Tustin and any other licenses or permits required by Federal, State, County or local law, ordinance or regulation. Contractor shall fully comply with each, every and all of the laws of the United States of America, the State of California, the ordinances of the City of Tustin and t~e Tustin City Code, specifically including Chapter 3 of Article IV commencing with Section 4311, and all rules and regulations of the City of Tustin as said laws, ordinances, code rules and regulations now provide and as they may be amended hereafter. 14. Insurance: (a) Public Liability Insurance: At all times during the term of this Agreement, or any extension thereof, and prior to the commencement of. any work hereunder, the Contractor, and any subcontractor doing work hereunder, shall secure, maintain and pay all 'premiums for such public liability and property damage insurance as shall protect it from claim for damages for personal injury, including accidental death, as well as from claim for property damages, which may arise from operations under this 'Agreement, whether such operations be by itself or by any subcontractor, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them. Said insurance shall be in a form approved by the City Attorney. The amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: Public liability insurance in an amount not less than $3,000,000.00 for injuries, including accidental death, to any one person, and subject to the same limits for each person, in an amount not less than $5,000,000.00 on account of any one occurrence, and property damage insurance in an amount of not less than $500,000.00. - Current policies or certificates evidencing the above- required coverage shall be filed and maintained at all times with the City and the City shall be named therein as an additional named insured. Said policies shall include the following provisions: "The unqualified word "insured", wherever used in this policy, also includes the City of Tustin, California, but solely as respects any liability arising out of the operations of the named insured and its employees and agents. It is further agreed that such insurance as is afforded by this policy to the City of Tustin, California, as additional named insured under this p6ticy, shall be primary insurance and not contributing with any other insurance available to the City of Tustin, California, under any third party liability policy. It is further agreed that the "other insurance" condition of this policy is amended to conform therewith. It is further agreed that the above insurance for the City of Tustin, as additional named insured, affords coverage for accidents attributable to the general supervision by the City of such operations, but excludes liability for accidents.- caused' by the sole negligence or sole willful act of City or any of its employees. The policy shall not be cancelled without thirty (30) days' prior written notice mailed to the City ,by certified or registered mail ". (b) Workers' Compensation Insurance: The Contractor and his subcontractors, if any, shall obtain, and pay all premiums on and maintain in full force and effect throughout the entire term of the contract, full workers' compensation insurance in accord with the provisions and requirements of the Labor Code of the State of California, and any other applicable law. Certificates of such insurance approved as to form by the City Attorney, shall be filed with the City Clerk prior to commencing any work under the terms of this Agreement. The Contractor shall immediately provide the City with written notice of any cancellation, withdrawal and/or change of any such insurance. 15. Faithful Performance Bond: The Contractor shall furnish to the City and maintain and file with the City Clerk a corporate surety bond, or other acceptable surety, approved as to form by the City Attorney executed by the Contractor as principal and by.a corporate .surety as surety, in the sum of $100,000.00 conditioned upon the faithful performance of this Agreement by the Contractor and his, subcontractors. 16. Indemnification: Ail work provided by this Agreement to be performed by Contractor shall be at the risk of Contractor alone and Contractor agrees to save, indemnify and keep harmless City against any and all liability, claims, judgments or demands, including demands arising from injuries or death of persons (Contractor's employees included) and damage to property, arising directly or indirectly out of the obligations herein undertaken or out of the operations conducted by Contractor, save and except claims or litigation arising through the sole negligence or sole willful misconduct of City and will make good to and reimburse City for any expenditures, including reasonable attorneys' fees, City may make by reason of such matters and, if requested by City, shall defend any such suits at the sole cost and expense of Contractor. 17. Assignment: The Contractor shall not assign, transfer, subcor~tract or sell this Agreement or any interest therein, or any privileges or rights granted herein without the written conser~t"of the City first being obtained, and then only to a person or persons approved by the City and subject to such terms and conditions as the City may require. Consent to one assign- 9 _. ment shall not be deemed a consent to any subsequent assignment. Any assignment without such consent and approval shall be void and shall, at the option of the City terminate this Agreement and the rights and privileges granted herein. This prohibition ~extends to the sale or assignment of a majority or controlling 'interest in the stock of Contractor. 18. Default: .. (a) Labor Disputes: In the event of labor disputes during~which time the Contractor is unable to perform the ser- vices described herein and as a result of said inability to perform, an ascertainable health hazard or public nuisance is created, as determined by City, Contractor agrees to permit City to take temporary possession and to operate all of Contractor's equipment and facilities necessary to continue the service and eradicate said health hazard and/or public nuisance. The City shall have the right tor retain possession of and operate such equipment and facilities until said labor dispute is settled or until Contractor can demonstrate to the satisfaction of City the capability to provide the required services. All costs incurred by the City for the operation and maintenance of said equipment and facilities, including salaries, in providing collection and disposal services shall be deducted from the monthly compensation due to the Contractor. In addition to these costs the City shall deduct an additional twenty percent (20%) of all salary costs as overhead. (b) Bankruptcy: In the event: (1) the Contractor files a voluntary petition in bankruptcy, (2) involuntary proceeding in bankruptcy is instituted against the Contractor, (3) the Contractor is adjudicated bankrupt by a court of compe- tent jurisdiction, (4) a court takes jurisdiction of the Contractor's assets under the provisions of any federal reorganization act, (5) the Contractor files a petition under any part of the Bankruptcy Act, (6) a receiver of the Contractor's assets is appointed, or (7) the Contractor is divested of its estate or other interest herein by any other operation of law or is uanble to perform hereunder by virtue of any operation of law, this Agreement shall immediately terminate, and, in that event, this Agreement shall not be deemed or treated as an asset of the ContrRctor. In the event that this Agreement is terminated as provided in this section, the Contractor agrees to permit the City to take temporary possession and to operate all of the Contractor's equipment and facilities necessary to perform the services agreed to be performed hereunder by the Contractor. The City shall have the right to retain possession of said equipment and facilities for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months. The City Shall pay the Contractor a reasOnable rental for such equipment and facilities d. uring the time the same are used by the , 10 City. Such rate shall not exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) per day; however, said maximum rental rate shall be adjusted commensurate with any increase or decrease of operational costs, exclusive of labor, as determined by the City. (c) Failure to Perform: In the event the Contractor fails in the performance of any material term, condition or covenant hereunder, the City shall give written notice of said failure to the Contractor or its designated agent. The Contrac- tor shall have thirty (30) days within which to cure or remedy same; however, if the Contractor fails, neglects, or refuses to cure or remedy said failure for a period of more than thirty (30) days after service of said notice, then the City, without further notice and without suit or proceedings,' may cancel and annul the' rights and privileges granted hereunder and terminate this Agree- ment. Termination, as provided for in this section, shall not be deemed as a waiver of any damages occasioned by the Contractor's failure to complete the contract according to its provisions. It is further understood and agreed that should the Contractor fail or refuse to furnish the.labor, materials, and equipment to do and perform all the work and labor provided for herein, in the manner set forth, and in a good and workmanlike manner, it shall, in addition to any other provisions present in the contract documents, be liable to the City for all losses or damages that the latter may suffer on account thereof. 19. Number .of Copie~: This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, all of which shall have full force and effect of an original for all purposes. 20. Law to Govern: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California both as to interpretation and performance. 21. Modification: - - This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement and understanding between the parties hereto, and it shall not be considered modified, altered, changed, or amended in any respect unless in writing and signed by the parties hereto. 22. waiver: The failure of the City at any .time to require performance by the Contractor of any provisions hereof shall in no way affect the right of the City thereafter to enforce same. Nor shall waiver by the City of any breach of any provisions hereof%be taken or held to be a waiver of any succeeding breach o~ such provisions or as a waiver of any provision itself. 11 23. Point of Contact: Ail dealings, contacts, etc. between the Contractor and the-City shall be directed by the Contractor to the City Manager. '24. Illeqal Provisions: If any provision of the Agreement shall be declared illegal, void or unenforceable, the other provisions shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. 25. Notice: A letter addressed and sent by certified United States mail to either party at its business address shown below, or as hereafter prescribed in writing by either party to the other, shall be sufficient notice whenever required for any purpose in this Agreement: City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, Ca. 92680 ATTN: City Manager Great Western Reclamation Inc. .Post Office Box 2005. Santa Ana, Ca. 92707 26. Attorneys' Fees and Costs: If any action is filed to enforce or interpret any of the provisions of this Agreement, the non-prevailing party agrees to pay the prevailing party 'reasonable attorneys' fees and costs. 27. Effective Date: This Agreement shall become effective forthwith upon execution and the Contractor shall begin collection of ~he solid waste as provided herein on · CITY: CONTRACTOR: CITY OF TUSTIN GREAT WESTERN RECLAMATION, INC. BY:- 'BY: ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: JAMES' G. ROURKE, City Attorney JGR: se :R: 11/21/88 (534) SCHEDULE A CHARGES AN___~D RATES. a. Residential: Single and three (3) or fewer multi-family units: non-bin regular service once weekly at curb or alley; materials stored in approved containers or manner, collec- tion limited to two hundred (200) pounds of solid waste per week. Charges to-be paid by City to Contractor: · MONTHLY CHARGE Per Dwelling Unit Served $4.07 b. Commercial Can Service: Can service to commercial premises and such othei premises as are determined by the Finance Director to be impractical for bin service which can reasonably be served with basic non-bin service, once weekly at curb or alley, with materials stored in approved containers and manner, with collection limited to 200 pounds of solid waste per week at one location only, with charges paid by City to Contractor. C. MONTHLY CHARGE $4.45 Per Billing Units Served (One business or building represents one billing unit) · Commercial, Multi-family and Other: Service to premises other than those covered by paragraphs "a" and "b" above shall be provided by bin service ~f size, frequency and location as shall be agreed upon by Contractor and customer; materials shall be stored in approved containers and manner; charges shall be paid by customer and collected by Contractor. Contractor shall pay a franchise fee to City of two percent (2%) of the gross receipts for such services. Charges for such bin service shall be as follows: SCHEDULE A - Page 1 SCHEDULE A SCHEDULE A (Continued) Multi-family units of four or more units which are physically situated in such a way as to make bin service impracticable, may, upon concurrence of Contractor and City be served by commercial can service. d. Special Haul Services: Collections requested by occupants or owners for items requiring special handling due to size, weight, type of material, or method of placement, the charges are to be negotiated between Contractor and generator prior to collection. If agreement cannot be reached, the matter may be submitted to City, and its decision shall be binding. Charges to be paid by customer and to be collected directly by Contractor. Contractor shall pay a Franchise Fee to City of two percent (2%) of the gross receipts for such services. SCHEDULE A-Page 3 SCHEEULE B WEIGHTED AVERAGE REFUSE RATE INfREASE COMFJTATION CCNgJ~ER PRICE INI)EX WEIGHTED AVER/~E ME~OD Cost Comment % Increase (From Sep. Weight Indexes) Index Sour ce Average Hourly Earnings Gasoline Motor Trucks General Purpose Machinery and ~qui~ment Automobile Parts and ~qui~ment Fabricated Structural Metal Products All Other 0.3325 0.0800 0.0700 0.1431 0.0244 0.0200 0.3300 1.0000 Establishment Data Hours & Earnings Sanitary Services (SIC) 495 Average Hourly Earnings Employment & Earnings (E&E) Publish ed Mon- thly by Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Consumer Price In- dex (CPI) Unadjusted U.S. City Average All Urban Consumers Gasoline Monthly labor review (MLR) Published mon- thly by Bureau of Labor Statistics Producer Price Index (PPI), Motor Trucks (code 141102) Producer Prices and Price Indexes Published Monthly by BLS PPI, General Purpose MLR & ~qui~ment (Code 11-4) PPI, General Purpose Machinery and ~qui~ment PPI, Fabricated Structural Metal Products (code 10-7) CPI, Los Angeles- Long Beach,Anaheim, (Unadjusted) ,All Urban Consumers, All Items MLR Report Published Monthly by BLS SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE C CPI WEIGHTED AVERAGE EXAMPLE OF COMPUTATION Index Percent Increase Weight Amount Average Hourly Earnings Gasoline Motor Trucks General Purpose Machinery and Equipment Automotive Parts and Equipment Fabricated Structural Metal Products Ail other (CPI, L.A., Long Beach, Anaheim, Ail Items) 7.37 0.3300 2.4321 (7.36) 0.0900 (0.6624) 2.63 0.0650 0.1710 5.20 0.1325 0.6890 3.37 0.0225 0.0758 3.08 0.0200 0.0616 5.24 0.3400 1.7816 TOTAL 1.0000 5.3822 Adjusted Rate Increase 5.38% SCHEDULE C RESIDENTIAL COLLECTION SERVICE AND CHARGES BY.~URISDICTION Jurisdiction -.1988/1989 ........... Commercial Bins S.F. Typical Monthly Resident 3 Yard Rate Billed Lo/High Anaheim Brea Buena Park Costa Mesa $6.11 Utility Bill $4.17 Utility Bill $5.75 Utility Bill $6.45 Tax Roll $52.75 $156.18 $42.11 $149.11 $48.50 $185.75 $60.50 $190.00 Cypress Fountain Valley Fullerton Garden Grove Huntington Beach $6.50 Utility Bill $7.05 Utility Bill $5.50 Utility Bill $5.27 Utility Bill $5.00 Tax Roll $65.00 $200.00 $60.50 $190.00 $59.05 $161.80' $60.50 $190.00 $59.00 $185.00 Irvine $6.87 Tax Roi1 $48.00 $148.00 Laguna Beach $6.00 Tax Roll $56.00 $139.00 La Habra La Palma Los Alamitos Mission Viejo $5.77 Utility Bill $6.74 Utility Bill $6.40 Utility Bill $6.90 Hauler $50.96 $167.44 $54.44 $217.74 $65.00 $200.00 $42.49 $67.68 Newport Beach $4.30 Tax Roll Orange Placentia $6.35 Utility $51.15 $134.50 Bill $5.97 Hauler $49.97 $135.85 RESIDENTIAL COLLECTION SERVICE AND CHARGES 1988/1989 Jurisdiction S.F. Monthly Resident Rate Billed San Clemente San Juan Cap. BY JURISDICTION Santa Ana Seal Beach Stanton Tustin Villa Park Commercial Bins Typical 3 Yard Lo/High Westminster Yorba Linda Unincorporated Area $5.30 Utility $56.05 $147.30 Bill $5.01 Hauler $43.91 $135.62 $7.34 Utility $66.00 $191.00 Bill $8.60 Utility $83.00 $135.00 Bill $6.90 Utility $59.50 $199.20 Bill $6.06 Tax Roll $38.09 $129.06 $7.05 Hauler $60.00 $165.00 $4.00 Tax Roll $60.50 $190.00 $6.40 Hauler $50.00 $200.00 $7.02 Hauler $42.49 $67.68 County Wide Average Tustin Rate as % of County Ave. $6.10 $55.02 $162.14 99.36% 69.23% 79.60%