January 2, 1962
Meeting called to order by Mayor pro tem Humeston at 7:35 P.M.
Present: Humeston, Byrd, Mack, Sheridan
Absent: Kidd
City Engineer: McBride, presenu
City Attorney: Rou~ke, present
MINUTES Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
APPROVED Byrd that minutes of December 18, 1961 meeting
be approvedas mailed and received. Motion carried.
ORDINANCE Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council-
N0.165 TO m~n~Ma~k that Ordinance No. 165,"An Ordinance Pro-
BE READ BY v~i~g for the Licensing and Regulation of Dogs"
TITLE ONLY be read by title only. Motion carried unanimously.
CLAIM AGAINST M~ed by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman
COMPTON GLASS Sheridan thau the insurance claim against Compton
C0. REFERRED Glass company. for damage to Tustin Youth Center
TO ATTORNEY fence and grounds be r~ferred to the City Attorney.
MotiOn carried.
MR. MACK TO M0~ed' bY councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council-
PRESENT NAMES man Byrd~that ,CounC~ilman Mack be delegated to
FOR PARKS AND present to.~heC0UnCil, names for possible Com-
RECREATION missloners to serve on the newly formed Parks and
COMMISSION R~c~eatign COmmission. Motion carried.
CITY CLERK Moved ~y Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council-
TO CONTACT m,anByrd~hat the City Clerk contact Mitchie
MITCHIE CO. PubliShing Company for proposal regarding codifi-
RE CODIFICA. cation of Ordinances and to report at next meeuing.
TION OF ORD. Motion carried.
UNION SIGN M~, D'.IHayaen ~ Union sign company asked the
CO. ASKED CounCilWhat could be done about placing a
SIGN IN directional sign on property now zoned C-1.
Mr. Rourke explained the provisions of the new
CITY ATTY. ZOne Ordinance ~,eg.arding the granting of Variances
EXPLAINED and the fact that proof of hardship due to the
VARIANCES land itself must be shown and that in his opinion
RE SIGNS no s~ch hardship existed in the placing of a
ETC. sign or billboard on otherwise useful property.
BUS.LIC.INF. Correspondence from Mr. F. Marlow of 3-D Egg
RE TOCITY. Ranch regarding City License was referred to
ATTY. the City Attorney.
CORRESPONDENCE Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman
FILED Mack that correspondence be received and filed.
Motion carried.
DANCE PERMITS Chief Sissel reported his approval and clearance
TO BE ISSUED for dance permitfor Holiday and Signal Cafes.
TO HOLIDAY Chief Hilton reported that there are one or
AND SIGNAL two things still to be corrected before he
CAFES AFTER cleared said cafes.
DANCE Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council-
PERMITS man Mack that dance permits for the Holiday Inn and
WITHHELD Signal Cafe be held~until approval is given the clerk
by Chief Hilton. Motion carried.
MR. SHERIDAN Moved by CouncilmanByrd~ seconded by Councilman
TO LEAVE THE Mack that Councilman Sheridan he granted permissiSn
STATE WEEK OF to leave the state the week of January 21st. Motion
JAN 21st carried·
ATTY. TO Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council-
WRITE COUNTY man Mack that the City Attorney be directed to
ABOUT RIEHL write the County Building Department clarifying
VARIANCE the Riehl Variance. Motion carried·
BILLS BE Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
PAID Byrd that the bills be paid. Motion carried°
First West. Bank (utilities) ....... $237·73
Morgan Hilton ~reimbursement) ...... 21.68
Orange County Radiotel. Service .... 30.00
Tustin Water Works 516 00
Santa Ana Blue Print Co ............ 14.58
Santa Ana Rest. Equip. Co .......... 6.24
Davidson Builders Supply, Inc ...... 3.76
Tustin Fi Department 226 00
J. L. McBride ..................... 560.00
Ben Wheelock ...................... 157.50
League of Calif. Cities ........... 137.50
Chapman 372 76
Martin & ...................
Market Basket ..................... 24.96
Buel Williamson ................... 17.25
F. Morton Pitt Co ................. 69.32
Tustin News 859 21
First West· Bank .................. 6·50
Tustin Hardware Co ................ 8.73
Smith Corona Marchant Inc ......... 10.66
Tiernan's Office Equipment ........ 38~12
Santa Ana Book Store .............. 17.22
Orange County Blue Print ........... 37.50
Blower Paper Co .................... 30.78
Tustin Blacksmith Shop ............. 3.90
Munselle Supply Co. Inc ............ 9·88
Huntington Beach Clinical Lab ..... 10.O0
County of Orange, Communications... 42.19
Marchant Nursery ................. ~- 87.36
Van Hove andIDean .................. 62.30
MEETING Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council~
ADJOURNED man Mack that meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
Mayor pro tem