HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 1 J.W. AIRPORT STDY 11-16-87AGE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAPI A. HUSTON, CITY PIANAGER COHHUNITY DEYELOPHENT DEPARTHENT ,.IOHN WAYNE AIRPORT NOISE STUDY - UPDATE , J RECOI~ENDATION: Recetve and file. DISCUSSION: i Monttor1..n9 Program - The Tusttn Notse Measurement Program was discussed §rlefiy at the October 29, 1987 meeting of the John Wayne Atrport Noise Abatement Committee. At that ttme, Karen Robertson, Airport Access/Noise Offtcer, provlded the following Information: 1. The program Is expected to begin shortly after Thanksgiving. 2. Approximately 20 potential monitoring sites located in Tust~n, North Tustin and Orange Park Acres have been identified. 3. Each site that ts found to be a suitable monitoring site will be measured for a period, of one (1) week. 4. Testing ts proposed to be conducted between 6:30 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. To date, the City has not received or reviewed a Test and Procedure Plan for the study from John Wayne Airport; however, the City sent a copy of such a document (prepared by John Van Houten) to John Wayne Airport on November 3rd for their use and consideration in developing their own plan. The purpose of such a plan is to establish all procedures for conducting the study, thereby ensuring the collection of consistent and valid data. John Van Houten will be interviewing the remaining three (3) councilmembers during the week of November 9, 1987. He will prepare a letter which summarizes each interview, with copies sent to the City and each respective counctlmember. Upon completion of the interviews, Mr. Van Houten will make any necessary revisions to the goals contained in the November 2nd update, so that they correctly reflect the goals and information identified through the interview process. i I ii City Counctl Meettng November 16, 1987 Page two OWA Notse Abatement Committee - The City was represented by Steve Rubln, Sentor Planner, Ooh~"V~'n"H°U~en, Noise Consultant, and ~im Hayes, Tusttn's C1ttzen Representative at the October 29th meeting. In addttton to the Noise Measurement Program, lenghthy discussion was held regarding Back Bay Marker Beacons. Atrport Manager, George Rebella also informed the attendees that a Locallzer Directional Atd (LDA) facflity for navigational approach use to re-establish the VOR route would hopefully begin testing tn early December (more information on thts is provided below). Also discussed were the reasons for changes tn approaching aircraft's noise emissions, t.e. what causes the changes in pitch, etc. Several pilots in attendance explained that the "change in pttch" was most ltkely due to an tncrease tn power made by the pilot in order to increase airspeed so that a particular altttude could be maintained. When questioned as to whether thls could be done further out or at higher altitudes, tt was explained that the number of power adjustments ts dtrectly related to the amount of air trafftc; the llghter the trafftc; the more constant power can be used; the greater the traffic, the more power adjustments are needed. The pilot's said that the bottom 11ne was safety, and that power would be applted as needed In 'order to matntatn the necessary atrspeed to matntaln the correct altitude. Navigational Aids - At thetr meeting of November 10, [987, the Board of Supervisors approved an Engineering Servtces Contract for' Airport Navigational Aid testtng. Specifically, the Board authorized the expenditure of up to $90,000 for the Installation and testing of an LDA type facility. The test ts to begin in early December and is to take l0 days. The engineering firm of Aviatton Systems, [nc. wtll tnstall the equipment and perform fltght Inspections to conftrm signal performance. The "discrete" stgnal of the LDA ts expected to duplicate the VOR track, but not be as susceptable to tnterferance from surroundlng structures. Staff wtll tnform the Council of the test results as soon as that Information ts available. -. / Steve Rubln, Sentor Planner RS' CAS- ts Christine A. Shinglet[n, rector of Communfty Development Corn munity Development Department ~/