HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 2 IRWD STATUS RPT 11-16-87AGENDA .-
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In March 1973, the Irvine Ranch Water District, The Irvine Company, and the City of
Tustin entered into an agreement with respect to the provision of water service to
certain portions of the Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) already annexed, or to
be annexed, to the City of Tustin. These areas are designated as Parcels i and 2
on the map included within the draft agreement and marked Exhibit "A" (copy
attached). The original agreement provided that following the acquisition of the
facilities of the Tustin Water Works by the City, or following the establishment of
an operating water department, the City may, at its option, provide retail water
service to Parcels I and 2, with IRWD providing wholesale water supplies to the
City for those parcels.
A few years ago it was determined by both the City and IRWD that it would be in the
best interest of both agencies that the City assume the retail water service in
Parcel 2 only at this time, and Parcel I would then be assumed in 7 to 8 years once
the existing improvement bonds for Parcel I had been retired. Consequently, the
current amendment pertains only to the Parcel 2 transfer and retains the option for
the transfer of Parcel I in the future.
The attached draft agreement is the result of several months' work by both the IRWD
and City staffs inclusive of each agency's legal counsel.
Exhibit "C" is IRWD's proposal for establishing the wholesale purchase rate of
required water. City staff is in the process of reviewing Exhibit "C" and is in
concurrence with most of the data, but we do have a concern that this rate will
most likely cause a retail rate differential between the City's current service
area and the proposed IRWD service area. This differential is caused by the
combination of approximately 55% well water and 45% purchased water within the
City's current area, and approximately 5% well water and 95% purchased water source
for the IRWD wholesale source.
At the current time, the City is soliciting proposals for a rate analysis
comparison between the two service areas and to determine the potential, if any,
for a unified rate between the areas. It is anticipated that this information will
be available in late December 1987.
Status Report - IRWD Service Area
November 10, 1987
Page 2
A concern was raised at a recent City Council meeting that the City was giving the
service area to IRWD in the East Tustin area and later having to acquireTnegotiate
it back. This is not the case. The East Tustin service area currently belongs to
IRWD and the City is excercising its rights as outlined in the 1973 Agreement to
acqure those service rights at no cost to the City.
It is anticipated that this agreement will be returned to the City in its final
form for approval and execution some time in February or March of 1988. Any
comments on this draft document are welcomed at this time.
Bob Ledendecker
Director of Public Works/City Engineer
9/1 7/$7
into, to be'effective this day of , 1987, by
e. nd between:
Water Di str i c t formed and ex i st ing
pursuant to Section 34000 et seq of the
California Water Code, hereinafter
referred to as "IRWD";
CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal
of the State of California,
referred to as "City";
cor-porat ion
here inaf ter
THE I RVINE COMPANY, .a M i ch i gan
cor-poration, hereinafter r.e~:err, ed to as
"T I C" .
is engaged in the providing of ,..,.:e..t~r. :nd sewer
s. ervice wi thin the IRWD service area pursuant to e. Has. ret Plan
cal 1 i ng for integrated water and .sewer facil i ties. ~...-..~i thin the
territory of IRWD; and
WHEREAS, the parties entered into an agreernent dated March
5 1973 with respect to the provision of ,~,ater. .service to
certain portions of IRWD annexed or to be annexed to City,
designated as "Parcels 1 and 2" on the map attached hereto as
Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference., then ov.~ned b>'
TIC and more particularly described therein (hereinafter the
"Original Agreement"); and
WHEREAS, the Original Agreement provides that fol lowing
fol 1 o,~,, i ng
City mm.y,
1 and 2,
supp 1 i em
the fmcil i ties of Tustin Water l~..iorKs I;,y City, or-
establishment of an operating bJater Department,
at its option, provide retail water service to Parcels
and in such
event, IRWD shall provide t,.,holesale
facilities of Tustin
to City; and
WHEREAS, City has m. cquired the
and has. establ ished an operating Water
to provide retail water set. vice mt this
Deper tmen t, and
time to Parcel 2;
WHEREAS, TIC is the owner of all or substantially all
Parcel 2, and has completed proceedings for the annexation
Parcel 2 to City; and
WHEREAS, Parcel 2 has been deuoted to
ccmpat i bl e uses, pursuant
lC'~'P,,_. , by. and between TIC anti
and entered into pursuant to the California Lar, c
Act. As. of the effective date of the annexatior.
Tustin, TIC served u..~ri tten notice of nonr. ene~.,..~al of
purs. umnt to Section 51245 of the Government C:oc~e; .s. nd
WHEREAS, TIC intends to develop Parcel 2 for corr, mer'cial
other uses, and in accordance ~.,Jith such intentior, s, TIC
defined its contemplated future uses of Parcel 2 ir, a portion
its long range plan, and has commenced the process of
approved subdivision maps; and
e. gr. icu! tut. al and other
to an Agreement dated F~bruar>- 18,
the Count>-of Orange, ~,.,hich ~,.~as made
constr, uc t ion
for example,
in d i e.,~,~ ter.,
WHEREAS, IRWD has established various Improvement
("ID's") for the purpose of financing the
facil itie~._ in its water del iver>' s.::'~terr,,,~
si on 1 i nes tt,.,el ve (12) i nch~s ar, d ~.bc, ue
Cc, ns~rvs, t i on
.... .-.r.c~l ' to
s.~ i~-i ~;gr-eement
ar, d
Dis. tr icts
Of m.~.j or
ir. an sm i s-
pump i r,g
s. tat i one_.
ID's Nos.
Pes. eP~c,i r-~ and
and Pa.r. cel 2 ~r-e
105 and 250; end
deve 1 opers 'of
required to
provide retail
construct or-
facilities and
the · par. ties
the proper ty
and por-t ion'_--, c,f
loca. ted within the juris, diction of IRWD
that the
shal 1 be
acknowledge their, intent
located ~gi thin Parcel 2
provide in-tract water s>'stems to be utilized to
service to s'.id property,
-~ and that IRWD shall
cause to be constructed all rnain tr. ansmissior,
that meters shall be installed for the ~holes. al ing
..of water to Parcel
WHER£AS, the
to P~r. ce l 2 anti
2; and
par. ties des. ire
cons i der. a t i or, of the
herein., as folio,.us:
._,ection !:
clated P1mrch =
amended in th~
i nc l us.i :...' e,
Cir. i gi n~l
p r.o,,., i s. i o n s
he 1 o~J, m. n cl
Agr eemen ~ not
to amend the' Or'iginal
to make certain other modifications.
it is agreed by and between the
mutual covenants and prorn ises
Agra err, eh t
parties: in
s.e t for. th
Amer, drr, ent to '~or'¢¢mer, t· TI-, ~
.... ~,. cer. tair, Agr. eement
'-'i t>'.sr, d TIC i~ her.~h>.'
1 c,-.c, bv ar, d be tween I RL, JD, ,_. -.
I:,m.r. ticula, r-s. set for. t5 in C'ectior,'=. 2 thr. ouoh 10
_ .~
a. ll other terms, and provisions of s. mid
oth~r,....,i=e in c. onfl itt :,.,i th th,~ express
c,f this Amendment shal 1 r.~main ir, full force and
S.~ction '> Defini ~ion~.
A The partie~, agree that Par. ce
ir, tl-,¢ Original Agreement., s. hall he expanded
al 1 of the ar. em dep i c ted as Parcel 2 as shown
attached hereto. Parcel 2: as u~d her.~ft~r,
as it t,.,as, clef ir, ed
hereby to include
on Exhibi t "A"~
· =.hall mean Parcel
2, as depicted on Exhibi t "A" -
, unless otherwise specified or
required by the context· lhe parties, further e. gr. ee that ir, .the
event an:,' property presentl;.' loc,ted outside of said Parcel .2 is.
annexed to City for
property shal 1 be
au to, at i cml 1 y upon the
annexation proceedings.
B. Water Serv ice
unless otherwise specified or
purposes of minor, boundar>' adjustments,
included within the scope of this
corr, pletion and effective date
shal 1 mean potable water
Section .~:
ship of Fe. cil i ties.·
installation of the
paragraphs A, B and
required by the
Cons. truction~ Instal lation,
City and IRt,JO agree that
facil ities as hereinafter
C and the comrnencernent of
C:ity me.>" proceed in
City ;r,d IRb. ID agree
ar, d instal latior,'of
phases ms
to cooperate ir,
the hereinafter-
=I1 appl icm. bl~ f.acil i ties
en~bl m C:i t>.' to commence
agr e eme n t
of the
Financing 8. nd Ou..~ner-
constr-uction and
described in sub-
r. etail seruice by
de,.:elop.mer, t ocrur-s, within Parcel 2.
coordinating the cons. tr. uction
des. cr' i bed fac i 1 i ~,. i e=_. so th. t
s.r.e t imel ::,.'
r.e tm. i 1 ,..,..:atCr
construct;d and ins.~m.i,, iCd to
Sect ion ~,., u on compl~t ion
~ r m. n s f e r. o f o,..,.~ n e,*- s h i I:,. , c: ;.
and acceptance
the ln-*r, ac.. t
accordance u.,i th
this. S~ction o
· --, ·
Tr-~.n s. m i s.'_--, i on
A. t.,.J ~ t e r.
-=-.erv i ce, as set
~.B. r~ d t.,J h ~ r. e
b..I a t e r-
Fm.c i 1 i t i e-_=..
( 1 ) I RWD mgr. ees
to construe t
cor, struction of, at
Lines (twelue. ,."t'--'"). ~.
its own expense,
inches in diameter
for-th i r,
s. t c,r. age
and purr, ping faci 1 i ties.
w h o 1 e s a I e
,.vi th th~ IRI,,ID
aPP' i i cal-,i ~.,
Fa,-i 1 i ti~s. ir,
or cause the
t"la i r, Tr ~ ri sm i SS i Orl
and greater)
necessary for the
and an>'
water ser,.,ice wi thin Parcel 2 in
· ,
[:,orn~st i c L,..tat~r- f'.l~ster P1 ar,
pro,,: i si on
8.6 C or d.B. r~ C e
l?E:4 ~r,d the
East Tu~tin
of the
(" the
Sub Area Master Plan dated October', 19'S6. All
above delineated facilities constructed b>' IRWD and
to provide wholesale water
constructed wi thin Pe. rcel
service to Parcel
2 and
Parcel 2 Faci 1 i ties"), shall
Ownership of/~.the Par. eel 2
acceptance by IRWD,
City in accordance with Section 3C.
(2) City and IRWD acknowledge that
agreements wherel-,y City wil 1 construct,
of the Main Tr. ansmiss, ion
ser. uice to Par-cel
completion and
title vested in
cost., certain
pr. oriole wholesale water
ment No. 1 is executed
2, except
serving only F'arcel 2
remain the property of
Fac il i ties. shal 1 , upon
l-,e transferred to and
they may
facil i ties,
up on c orr, p 1 e ti on
e ::.:: * -.. o,,: i ,--' e d
,. ~ ri t D P
be o:,er, ated
tenance and al 1
-(ac i 1 i tie.--.. I¥
i R I.:..I D "' s a c c e .c, t a n c ·
Yaci t i *i~s. shal I , upon
the e>.'.tent provided in
ti t le ,...,ested in C i ty in
pr-ior, to iRWD"s
ti tle to and ownership of
and ~cccptance by' C:it>.',
in :-_-;ection :_:;A(1): and
h>.- Ci fy. Ci t;..' s. hai 1 be
necessar>' r'el:;air and
this. Arr, er, drrment f'4o.
ot: the facili ties.:
at IRWD's
Lines necessary to
2. If this Amend-
acceptance of
the facil i ties
lines, les.=_, than twelve (12)
thereto constructed by City
vest in C:it?
shal 1 ,
to thc
such faci 1 i ties shall
r;-=.por, sibl~- fc, r. m.s. in-
rep 1 acemen t of the
is. executed after
owner sh i p of the
execution c,; thi._= Arnendrner, t No.
Section 3A(I), I:::,e tr-&nsfer-r-ed
accordance ~..Ji th Section
I~ to
to and
D. In-Tract b. lat e r Fe.c i 1 ities. Water transmission
inches in .~iarne~er and appurtenances
or by developer wi thin Parcel 2 ("in-
Water-Facilities.") shall be owned, operated and maintained
as 4oi 1
p l ace at
the time of execution of
0~,.,nership of al 1 In-]ract Water F-acil i ties in
this Arnencirnent No. 1: as
Exhibit [: attached hereto and incorporated
reference, shall , upon execution of tlnis
Amendment No. 1, be transferred to and title vested in City
herein by this
in accordance ~,.,ith Section 3C.
(cz.) Ci t>' and IRWD acknowledge ti',at
executed agreements and may execute additional
whereb>' City uJi 1 1 construct wi thin Parcel 2
City's Ass. essrnent [:,istricts certain of the
If this. Amendment No.
IRWD's acceptar, ce of
and ov..~nership of the
~ccepta. nc~ 1-,>.. Ci t>', vest
operated b::.' C i t)'.
tenance a r, ,-t al 1
facil i ties.. If
they have
as part of
In-Tract Water
I is executed prior to
the In-Tract Water Facil i ties, ti tle to
facil i ties shall., upon cornptetion and
in City and the fac il i ties. shall be
Ci t>' shal 1 be responsible for. the main-
n~ces.'_=.~r'y r.~pair, and r.~pl.s, cement of
th i.--. Arnendrnent No. ! is executed
In-Tract W~ter Fa,si 1 i ti~.s.,
upon execution of
to and ti tie vested
IRWD's acceptance of 'the
s. hic, of a.h; fac i 1 i t i~s. sh;l 1 ,
ment I'.4o. ~: l-,e tr. ansf;r.r~d
~cr, c,r-d~r,c~ ,.,.:i +h C'~c f i or, 3C:
(3) A1 1 other
hereafter instal led v..,i thin
in-Tract Water
_any i:,or't i on
dedicated by developers to City
s.u c h
Ot.'J n e r-
this Amen,-J-
in Ci t>' in
Facilities uJhich are
of F'arcel 2 shall be
in conjunction wi th making
application for water service to such
Water Fac il i ties shall be constructed
applicable standards, of City,
portion. All In-Tr'ac
i n compi i ar, c~ u,,i ti-,
and Ci t>' shall be r. esponsible
for the operation,
replacement of such
'C. Trans,Cer
tion and acceptance by
i n Sec t i on 3A( ! ) and (2)
de scribed in Section 31=:(2),
de] i vet to City a Bill of
that such fac i 1 i ties wi 1 1
Bi 1 1 of Sa 1 · i s
authorized officer'
be i ng transferred
standards. Upon acceptance by
for operation, maintenar, ce and
IT, al nter, ance
fa.c i 1 ities.
of Ou..,r, ersh i p o~c
and all
necessary r. epm. ir and
Faci 1 i ties. Upon tort, pie-
IRi.,..ID of the Parcel 2 Faci 1 i ties described
and the In-Tract Water Facilities.
IRIAI[) agrees to pr. ornptly execute and
Sale for the facilities.. City agrees
become the property of
accepted by i ts. City Council
or employee. City agrees that
to City shall be deemed to comply
Cit>', C it>' shall be
ail necessary repair
rnent of said facil i ties.
Ma.s. tCr t'.'leter's.
D ·
to d;i i ..... ~r
or IT,~ 4- e F' '-Z.
t h ~- ,- o r, n e c t i o n r..' s. ) u '=. ¢ d
._=.::,-'stem for Parcel 2. C:i t>' s.h~l I
th~- cost o4: th~--' rr, e ~,.-r-- ,:;s.) ,,i *,.hin [
C i ty when the
or i t s du 1 >-
the facilities.
wi th C.'i ty
r. espons i bl e
and repl.~ce-
iRI.,J[:, shall instal I and rna(ntain a
for'. directional flor.., control: at
t...,at~r- ir, to the retail ~ueter
r-eirr, l:,ur, se IRL:.ID a sum equm. 1 to
] Th e a. rr,,ou n t
of t.vhol es. al e u..,mi+er. F, ur-chs s-= d-* ~ b',' C:i ty ~.rom I RD. ID s.h.al t be e..s.
rr, eas. ur.~d by the rnaster meter, or. meters.
Sect i or, 4: b..I..~.ter S;er.,..,i c¢ ...... .'_=;~1 e o¥...
A'~. Ci t>' and IF-.'.','D...,...,. a.or..ee th-t, th-, commencerr, er,~. c,f retail
u..,ater seruice b>' Ci t>- may 0roceed in ok, as. es as. de,....'elor.,ment occurs.
u:,ithin Parcel 2. Upor, cornpletion of the cc, ns. tr. uctior, and instal-
1 ~t ion of the fac i 1 i t i es descr i l~,ed i n Sec t ion ~-'.., ar,~
aPplicable: the ' transfer of oo,,r, er.s. hip of s. uch faci! i ties,
shall ~er. ve am the retail purveyor, of water to Parcel 2 ur, der i ts
rules and regulations, for. t.,,,ater service
oF cumtomers. IRWD shal 1 provide all
including regulating storage to F'm. rcel
set for th in Paragraph B belou,,.
D. FollouJing the comrr, encemer, t
by City' wi thin Parcel 2, IRbJD shall
purchase from IRt,JD.,/~.~]_uJater to be
The agreed wholesale rate for t. gater
I RU, ID is [$. ] per. acre foot.
cover.all costs to IRL.JD for purchase
bution., t~.eatment and ad,ministratic, r,.,
assessrnents b,y regulator::," agencies, such
. ,
Dis. tr. ict and Municipal l,..later District of
b¢ adj u'=.t cd
dur ir, g the
r.¢fi ~ct the
applicable to al 1 cl,-s.e~.
~,Jholesale ~,,ater service:
-~ to City at the price
of retail water s. er. uice
s. el 1 to Citx, and City shall
sold by City wi thin Pm. rcel 2.
to be purchased i-,>, City from
This rate is. in tended to
of ~.,ater.: ~gholes.~l¢ di._--.tr.i-
including s,Jr. char :2es or.
as Orange Cc, unt;.' b. later
0 r. a n o ¢ C:o u r, .'. ::.'., m. r, d s. h a i 1
..Tu i ?" I o~ ~s.c-, ::,-'~..=r.
S.U~ per- ~--r'e 4'._-~ot ~o
u p m.,j.~, r d o r. al,s,,....., n,.:J a r. d e f f e c t i ..... e
term of this. Agreement: e.t .~.
4:ol 1 or:.., i n9:
1. tncr. ea..--.es or
supplemental ,..:.~ater .=.uppi les;
· .--' I nc ~.e.B s.e s or df ¢ r-¢' as.e~.
admi n i s. tr. at i ,..,e costs
related to the costs of supplying uJater to
the formula dec, icted in
I Rt:..ID f or'
m~i r~tens, nce 8. r~d
decr. ea=.e~_, ir, +he. c.-,=ts._..:.sid ~,~.".:
i r, the ,:,p¢- .st i on:
of IRMC, c r¢ct!y
accordance ,.,.,itl-, Exhibit C mt' ~cl',¢d
her.~to and i ncc, r.c,c,r.*t~d her. e in t:,:,- this r-effr, er, ce; ar, d
-' T h e art, o u r, t
oper ~t i ng an ::.' i:,r.c,c ~ s.s.
¢-xpend~d b::." IRi.....ID in ms;ntfnsr, ce ~nd
~:.~h i ch i ouJers the tot..=.l di =_.sol ,..,cd
men t
[ th i r ty
sol ids in or improves the quality of water being delivered
to custc~,ers of IRWD, including City~ in accordance with the
formula depicted in Exhibit C.
4. An amount for IRWD replacement reserve as it
pertains to capital facilities in accordance with the for-
mula depicted in Exhibit C~
C. IRWD shall provide City wi th its proposed adjust-
of the wholesale rate and supporting data no later than
days] prior to July 1 of each year· The Joint
described in Section 7 shall review the proposed
adj u s tmen t.
Ci t>'" s.
D. IRWD - shall bill City
system on a monthly basis.
E ·
subject to I RWD' s
Recl~..~,ed Water Service, as
the ~xtent inconsistent with
exten~ of matters pertaining
be unc..er the control of City·
for all water del ivered to
ser-vices pr. ovided by IRWD to Par. cel 2 are
Rules and Re gulations for Water, Sewe.r, and
amended from time to time, except to
this Agreement, and except to the
to r. etai 1 water service which shal 1
Section 5: IRWD Water Connection
er, ti tled to col lect connection charges
erty i n Parcel 2 for the purpose of
capital costs of constructing the
the distribution of potable water through the
for wholesale del ivery to City and to collect
owners of
I D' s Nos.
Char. cie s.
from developers, of
pay i ng m port i on
IRWD ~Jil 1 be
of the
necessary faci 1 i ties to enable
"bacKbone" system
asse ssme n ts~ f r- orr,~/~
land within Parcel 2 to retire bonds of IRWD and of its
105 and 250. City agrees that it shall not issue a
'bu i 1 d i n g,'"p 1 ual:, i
r,o~ pro,..,i de ~..~ter~
customer unti 1
appr'oue developer' imDro'..~emer, t gl ~ns.,
service to ~n:..' appl icar, t, pr. oper'ty o,.,.,ner-, or-
such appl icar, t, property owner or. cus. tomer has
provided City ~.~ith proof of payment of I~'.l..dC,"s ~,ater cor, n~ctior,
charoe;s> Ci t>' shal 1 be er, ti tled
rates wi thin Parcel 2 when retail
to col l ect its. custorr, ar>' uJater
service is commenced, provided
that there shall be deducted from such r. at~s the portion of such
charges that other~.~ise would ha,..,~ been collected for constructior,
of facil i ties equivalent to those financed b>' ID's Nos. 105 and
250, to avoid duplicate collection of capita1 cc, sts.
Erneroenc>' I n terconnec t i on. Ar, err, er. gene>' i n ter.-
connection or- interconnections rna>' be ins. tm.l led ..?nd rr, aintained by
Ci t>' between tl,,e retail water system for F'._;r-cei 2., and City's
c:.~m, ter- s.>.s, tem, as .rna>' be consistent with s.,z,'Jr, c~ er, gineering pr. ac-
tic~-s. E--ch int--r'conr,.~'ct ion shal 1 b~ ._=. u k, ..i _~ ,: ~,. ~,.o prior ,:.,. r.i tten
mc, pro,..~m.l b.y IRI;J[:, to ass. ur-~ proper inclusior, c,4 the interconnec-
· . ·
_ --
tion in IE~:J[.'"s mm. st~r I:,l._~.n h'~:-'dr.~ui ic rnoael .s.~-- n,'-~ ,-,~h~' inter'c,-,n
n ~ c t i o n o r. i r, t ~ r- c o n n ~ c t i o r, s .s. h a 1 1 iz, e i r, s. t .~. i ' e. ,~; ,:, r. m a i r, t a i r, ~ d i n
tt',~ r.~t~i 1- - u, lat~r- s:.',=.terr, for F'ar.c~l- 2 and F:i +:, ". _=. ,,..,.a~r~. s::..'st;rn,
Section 7: Jc:ir, t Er, oineer'ino Corr, rr, i tree.
~ s.t m.l:,l ish
m J o i n t E r, g i n ~ e r. i n g Cornm i t t e e ( "J o i r: t
The par ties. hereb>'
'-' ornrr, i + + ~ e" ) :.:.., h i c h
-i s.tA . r. epre n ~ ar, d ,:,n~ .... m. ~ .
s.h.- 1 consi of or, e (1", se t~ti~..'- - ,'1 '~ 1 ter'n-t~
- %
fr. orr, eacl~, part>'. Th~ primary purpose of the Joint Committee
· =_.i,~11 be to faci 1 irate comrr, unic~tion betu..,e~n the parties ar, d to
aid in the adrninistrmtion of this. agreerr, er, t. The Joint Committee.
s. hal l r.~,.:ie,.,,, ~r,.'.." proposed ~d.justrr, ent of ti-,; u..,holesai~ r.~te for_
~'..,m t e r ~c,,. be p u r. ~ h m.s~ d._ . bv,.
parties. ._=.hal 1 give full
Ci t>' ~ des. cr'ibe,:! ir, Se,stior, 4~. The
cor, sider'ation to a. 1 I r.~cornmer, dat ior, s
the Joint
C:ommittee. The Joint
Committee shall meet
icall>', but e.t least once a >'ear., xnd
tasks that rr, ay' be assigned to it by
Sect ion 8,:
accor, d.~nce wi th
this. er, d,
2 t h r ou gl',
shall perform such
the parties fr.c, rr,
per. i od-
time to
Set.,Jer' Set',.) J ce.
I RL, JD sha 1 1 p r. ov ided. ev,,e r
Section ~.,.d. c,f the Original
:_.er. vice to Par. cel 2 in
shal 1 initi ally arrar, ge inter, ia s. eruice
cost of interim s. ev.,er service facil i ties which
permanent server
de,..., e 1 oper, At
t,..~hether inter, ia or
p or. ti on of
to Parcel
7 a. nd./'or 14 of- thC
are not neeoed for
IRbJD shall be borr, e ..-,>' the
service 'provided by
th~ tirr, e ]Rb, ID is. t'o
per. manent: to each por. tion of
F'a r- ,: · 1 2 s. h a 1 1 b e s u b j e c t t o i Fl .,..1 [:, ' s.
ch~.r, ges for the ~.ppl icable categor>'
pfc, pert>-' lc, c~t¢d u..,i th ir, F'ar. cel 2 .--.hal t
ar, d fi i¢ ~,,~i ti-,
:S e v.., e r- S e r. v i c e
c Qram e n c e
E:, e v ~ 1 o p e r.-=. o f
to compl ere
Agr eernent For
e.n>' connect ion
Parcel -, thet
ther,-¢-.= t i- ~ i .= r,~d
I E:L,..iD i t s. s. t a.r, dar d AF' F: 1 i ,_ ._~. t :-,
ir, conjunctior, ,...,,i th th~ p._~.::,.'r_=r.t
and v.:il 1 ~ur. thcr. be r-equir-¢d ~.o
· _=.eu..,er' fa,-i 1 i t::," F'I ~ns. appr-oved b';,' !Rb, ID ':-.o
iRb, ID'"s standard s. pecifications ..~.ppl i cm. i:,te
A._=. a cor, d i tion precedent to
ser'u J ce
the use
~. r~ d
:S to b,e con'-=.J'-=.ter t L,.,i ~'.,%
to s. ewer' faci 1 i :t
pr. oviding r. et~il v..,a t e r,
to Parcel 2 Ci t>' .=-.I-,~1 1 adopt a requir-ernent
of on-site r. egenermti:..,m t.,J~ter sot:tners within
B. Ci t>' agrees that i t shall not
buildir, g ...... plumbing
pr-oh bi ting
F'ar.c¢ i 2,
permit., appro,..,e de,..,eloper irnpr, overr, ent pl.~.ns.,
nor provide watmr service to an>.' appl icant~ propert>' owner or.
customer until such applicant: propert;,' owner or. customer ha..;.
provided City wi th proof of-pa>'ment of IRI.4D's sewer connection
,~ees. IRbJD agrees to pr. ovide Ci t>- wi th i ts standard application
property owners or'
forms for sewer service so that applicants,
customers can obtain such forms at the time
for water service frorr, City.
the fol lowing infor, rnation on
moni toting i ts seu..,er connections: names, addresses:
us. aoe in ccf and Count>' Tax Assessor Parcel Nurr, ber:
of making appl ication
Citx agrees to provide IRWD wi th
arr, onthl:.,.' basis to assist iE.'WD in
billed water
as auailable,
or- lot and tract number if Assessor F'arcel Number not avail;ble:
of all ,~.~ater. cust.omers within Par. cml 2. IRbJD agr-e~s to i:,a>' the
identifiable ini rial admi n i strut i ,..,e costs of cJ~,...,e 1 op i r,~ the
mechanism to pr.o,...,id~ the ml-,c,,..,e
inforrr, mtion r. mquested h.-.; IRb..ID.
infor, matior,, or' of an>' futur'e
.'_:; e c t i o n 9': [.', u ~. 1 D i =_. t r- i b u t i o n c-._,..,. :_. f. ~_ m.
- 4
~: i O r~ O
~,.., i t hi r,
tl-,.~.t a dual
dis. tr'ibut ion s.::,'stem ,.,..,i 1 1 be
The part i¢.s. ack;howl-
used for the i r-r. iga-
p ~. r. K s., g r m e r, b e 1 t s, g o 1 f c o u r- ._=. ms. a r, ~ o t h ~ r. n ,_-, n ~, c, t a b i ~ u '_=. e s
F'arcel 2. Tl-,~r. mfor.¢: thru on-site water s.::."sterr, for' such
I:' o r. t i o r, .--.
th i s dual
appi i cable
of pr'c,F, mr't::." ,..,.:i th i n F'ar. cml 2 shal 1
s. er-:.., i ce . Such des. ign shal 1 be
duel dis.r, ibution design crit~r, ia
be de'=.igr, sd to us.e
i n 8. c ,- O r. d 8. r~ c e t.,J i t h
es appro:..,ed b>" I RL.,,IC,,
C:i t::.' ~,~r. ees that it shal 1 not issue a F, lurr, bing p, er. rr, i t to .~.n>'
applicant or. property owr, er until such ~ppl ic~nt or- pr. opert>.'
owner he.:_, provided C:i t>- ~i th proof of IRbJD appr. o,..¢al of the design
of such on-s i tm t,.,at-~r s>-sterr,(-:.) . The i r, st ~ 1 1 at i c,n of on-s=-. ite
uJa rep s:....s terns shal 1 be i n accordance w i th I E:b..ID' :_. standard
s[,ecificmtior, s: rules and r-egulations appl ic~l:,le to du~l di.:.tr.i-
but ion
sy._=.t ems, An.'.,' master
design_cfi ret. ia (e.g. ,
1 ir, es, etc.) sba1 1 be
nonpotable fete. il water
i:,1 an
meter ing,
paid t:or by
Se r,..., i ce
facil itie._:, installed pursuar, t to
r, on-subdivision transmi s-
I F,'WD. I RW£) sha. 1 1 prov i d~
through the du&l di=..tr'ibution
S~ct i or, 10:
count e r-p &r' ts,
Count erl:,ar ts..
each of' which
This. agreerr, ent
shal 1 be deemed ar,
parties, here to have
f i r.=_.t above il. jr j t ten ·
Agreement on the dm.>' and >'ear
ma.>' he executed
or-iginal .
C i t>' C:t~rk
'-'ITT OF TLISTIN, ~ rr.,unicipai
cor'por'at ic, n
['.I a. y' 0 r'
C:it>' Attorney
4 ""
corpora ti on
a t"li ch i 9an
TLW:pj :D:04/21/86(3~.)
LEJ: 1 ,,,.~: R: 07/23/87
LEJ: 1~,.~,: R: 0~'/01/87
LEJ: cj: R: 0~'/08/87
LEJ': 1,....,: R: 07/:I 7./:_--:7
{PJ/~E RMICli ~',~£R DIS[PIG
P.O. 80X 0.1. IR~'V(~. ~-,,~. ~JZl t~'
i i i I i i I L
To calculate the acre-foot charge to the City of Tustin for water
supplied by the IRND, the following formula shall be applied. The
factors used to calculate the charge, and therefore the charge itself,
shall be adjusted annually based on IRND costs and budget factors.
Total Charge Shall Equal the Sum of t'he Following:
A commodity charge equal to'
a) The current noninterruptible rate established by MNDOC for
water delivered outside IRND Zone 1 (i.e. other than F.F,~,~
through master meters 1,2,or 3 in the East Tustin SAMP~).
b) The current melded, cost to deliver Dyer Road Nell Field
and MNDOC noninterruptible water to IRND .Zone 1
(i.e. through master meters 1,2 or 3 in the 'East Tustin
A replacement reserve charge based upon the District's annual
replacement reserve contribution factored to include the value of
major faci 1 i ti es constructed by !R)qD only.
An operations and maintenance charge based upon the District's
budgeted estimates for this category of expense factored to
inclt, de reservoirs and pipelines 12" or larger only.
An administration and general charge calculated on a per acre-foot
basis and equal to IRND's rate per acre-foot.
~' . 1987-85 Budqet F, or~ ~'
1. Replacement reserve costs are $1,310,000.
Value of ma~or facilities is $114,385,410:
Value of donated facilities is $3?,349,330.
Total sales are estimated ~t 35,118 Acre Feet.
Dyer Road Wellfield Supply is estimated at 4000 Acre Feet.
Hiles of pipe 12" or larger are l?l;
Total miles of pip. lin 498.
5. Cost to deliver Dyer Road i~ellfield water to Zone 1 - $110/AF
6. O&H costs are $2,101,200.
7. G&A costs' are $3,293,~00.
27.57.of G&A costs are allocable to the water system.
By example, when the formula is applied to fiscal year 1987-88 budget
costs, the roi'lowing charges per acre-foot are derived.
(1) a) The MNDOC noninterruptible rate-
b) The Melded Cost to deliver water to Zone 1 is'
(Sll0/AF X 4.000AF) · (S23Q.50/AF X 31.118AF) - $219.43/AF
(4,00OAF + 31,118AF)
(2) Replacement reserve charges-
$1.310.OOO X $114.385,410 . $28.12AF
35,118AF $151,734,740
(3) 0 & M char.~es'
-$2.101.000 X 171 mi.
35,118AF 498 mi.
- $20.521AF
(4) G & A charges'
$3,293,600 X 2'7.5% -
35,118 AF
Total charges (Zone l)
Total charges (other than Zone l)