HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes of Adj. Mtg. 5-26-87II. III. HINUTES OF'AN N~OURNED REGULAR IiEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA IMY 26, 1987 -. CALL TO ORDER/PLEINiE OF ALLEGI~E/INVOCATION The meettn9 was called to order by Mayor Edgar at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chand3ers, 300 Centennial Way. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Prescott, and the ]nvocatton was given by Mayor Pro Tern Kennedy. Counct 1persons Present: Council persons Absent: Others Present: PUBLIC IEARINGS Rtchard B. Edgar, Mayor Ursula E. Kennedy, Mayor Pro Tern Ronald B, Hoesterey John Kelly Earl J. Prescott None gt111am A. Huston, Ctty Manager Thomas goodruff, Assistant Ctty Attorney Mary E. gynn, Ctty Clerk Christine Sbt ngleton, Com. Dev. Oi rector Charles R. Thayer, Chtef of Poltce Robert. S. Ledendecker, 0tr. of Publlc Q/orks Royleen Qlhtte, 0tr. of Com. & Admtn. Srvcs. Suzanne Atktns, Deputy Ctty Attorney Susan Jones, Recreation Supertntendent Jeff Oavts, Sentor Planner Mary Ann Chaaeerlatn,'Assoctate Planner Eva. A. Nave, Deputy C!ty Clerk Janet Hester, Administrative Secretary Approximate. t n~the Audtence 1. PROPOSED NlllEXATION NO. 139 - PROTEST Hr:NtlNG In response to a petttton containing 34 signatures requesting annexation, Annexation No. 139 was lnttated by the Ctty Counctl on February 17, 1987. The area ts bounded by Irvtne Boulevard on the south, Browntng Avenue on the west, La Col the On the north, and Tusttn Ranch on the east. .It conststs of 85 single-really homes and Tusttn Ma~ortal Elementary School. Population Is estimated at 323. The staff report and recommendation were presented by the Community Oevelopamnt 0t rector as contained tn the triter-corn dated May 26, 1987, prepared by the Coeamntty Oevelop~ent Oepartment. It was moved by Kennedy~ seconded by Hoesterey, to receive and ftle wrttten protests whtch have been filed wtth the City Clerk. Motion carrted 5-0. Mayor Edgar opened the publlc hearing at 7:1! p.m. ti. Ed Germn, 12581 Ranchwood Road, Santa Aha, stated that written protests from 10! residents have been submitted, which represents tn excess of 50~ of annexation area 'residents. Nicholas Trapne11, 1832 Altta Lane, Santa Aha, was informed that he ts a resident of Annexation No. 140 area and deferred coment. There ~ere no other speakers on the matter, and the public hearing was closed at 7:15 p.m. Roy tiettzel, 1811 Blueberry gay, Tustln, was informed that the City has fully complted with State law in notifying both registered voters and property owners within the annexation areas regarding th.ts evening's protest heartng. CITY COUNCIL MINUTF Page 2, 5-26-87 tt was ~oved by Kennedy~ seconded ...by Kelly, to direct staff to ~ertlfy the value of written PrOtests and report back to the City Council on June 1, 1987; and direct staff to draft an appropriate reiolutton based on percenta~ of protests certified. Carried 5-0. 24 2. PROPOSED ANNEXATION NO. 140 - LA COLINA/BROb'NING In response to a petition containing over 500 signatures requesting annexation, Annexation No. 140 was initiated by City Counct1 on Herch 2, 1987. The area is generally bounded by La Coltna on the north, Browntng Avenue on the east, extsttng City boundaries on the south (Burnt Htll Road), and Newport Avenue on the west, and tncludes the Colony Condominiums on the northeasterly corner of Newport and La Coltna.. It consists of 1,210 single-family resi- dences, 307 multi-family units, ! church and 1 school. Population ts estimated at 5,764. The staff report and recommendation were presented by the Community Development Director as contained in the Inter-corn dated May 26, 1987, prepared by the Community Development Department. It was ~oved by Kennedy, seconded by Hoesterey, to receive and file ~rttten protests ~hich have been ftled with the City Clerk. Car- rted 5-0. Hayor Edgar opened the publtc hearing at 7:27 p.m. The following persons spoke tn opposition to Annxatton No. 140: .. Joseph Herztg, 1751 Ratnbo~ Drive, Santa Aha, stated he ftled a total of 411 written protests, 407 from registered voters, 4 from property o~ners. He added that Jane Portera filed approximately 1,495 protests from registered voters, for a grand total of 1,906 protests. He noted there may be some duplications. Other speakers tn opposition were: Chad Ohantan, 12652 Kenwood Lane Charles k~lte, 12532 Del Rey Drive Dennis Bonham, 13082 Dean Street Jay Peterson, 12581 I_-mona Lane, only opposed incorporation of ~1. Tustin Tmmya Cosco, 12742 Red Hill Avenue John Plttaway, 1582 Tiffany Place Nicholas Trapnell, 1832 Altta Lane Jane Portera, 1867 Cockscrow Lane tit 11tam Letgh, property o~ner at 12912 Charl oma Drtve Lorane Katz, 12202 Red Hi 11 Avenue Josephine Prenttss, 1104 Napa J. C. Brand~, 1532 ~ltndsor Steve Hogue, 12732 Dean Street Sylvan Katz, 12202 Red Ht11 Avenue Ltly Genova, 12601 La Bella Drive Edward P. Stamford, 13201 Htckory Branch. The following persons spoke in favor of proposed Annexation No. 140: Robert Roensch, 12631 Bubb11 ng t4e11 Phyllts Sptvey, North Tusttn resident Additional speakers oPposed to proposed Annexation No. 140: Bob Harrtngton, 12671 gedgewood Irene Dardashtt, 1871 La Coltna Dan Sctnto, 1772 Strrtne Drive, expressed fears regarding the area's future and changes in the environment. The 'following persons were given a second opportunity to address the Counctl on the matter: ZV. Vo V%. -':TY COUNCIL MINUTES ~e 3, 5-26-87 Joseph Herztg, 1751 Rainbow Drive TommYa Cosco, 12742 Red Hill Avenue John Ptttaway, 1582 Tiffany Place Lorane Katz, 12202 Red Htll Avenue Joseph Herztg, 1751Rainbo~ Drive, was given a third opportunity to address the Council on the matter. There Nere no other speakers on the matter, and the public hearing was closed by Mayor Edgar at 8:49 p.m. Counctl comments fo] lowed. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to direct staff to . certtfy the value of written" protests and' report back at the City Council meeting on June 1, 1987. If certification Is not complete by then, the matter will be continued to the City Counctl meeting on dune 15, 1987. Hotton carrted 5-0. 24 OTI~R BUSINESS None. RECESS- CLOSED SESSION TheHayor announced that the Ctty Counct1 ~ould recess to a Closed Ses- sion. to confer vith the Ctty Attorney regarding pending litigation pur- suant toGOvernment Code Section 54956.9(b)(1). OFFICIAL J~I)~OURNIIENT- VINCENT L. HUI'f_STON, Hayor Edgar requested that Counctl officially adjourn in memory of Vtncent L. Humeston ~ho passed away recently. Mr. Humeston served on the Tustln Ctty Counct] for over 15 years, five of Nhtch he served as Mayor. At 9:05 p.m., it was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Kennedy, to recess to a Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1); thence adjourn In memory of Vtncent L. Humeston, in recognition of the ftne service 91ven by him to the community; and thence to the next regular meettng on June 1, 1987, at 7:00 p.m. The motion carried 5-0.