HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 16 EXT FUND RAISING 12-07-87 CONSENT CALENDAR A' ' N' NO. 16 DATE: December 2, 1987 ~ - TO: FROM: SUBJECT: William A. Huston, City Manager .. The Community Services Department EXTENSION OF FUND RAISING CONTRACT RECOMMENDATION: City Council to approve attached reduced-scope proposal and authorize staff to e xe cute same. BACKGROUND: The original proposal of Robert Sharp and Company has been reduced in scope to arrange for part-time services. These part-time services will allow the fund raising campaign to continue through March 31, 1988. This continuation will be funded by existing funds from the original appropriation and may need to be adjusted at mid-year. The Senior Center Steering Committee has met and is urging Council to continue the contract tn this reduced-scope option. The part-time proposal will entail the campaign calls being forwarded to a special campaign line at Robert B. Sharp Company and to guarantee' a scaled-back operation all campaign staff have been moved back to the Santa Aha office. This continuation will allow the campaign to con~lete the fund raising effort and meet our goals. ~oyleen A. White, Director Community & Administrative Services RAW: jm Attachment The Robert B. Sharp Company, Inc. [:u~di,~g Management November 25, 1987 Ms. Susan Jones Recreation Superintendent Community Services Department City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92680 Dear Susan, Please find enclosed a revised copy of our firm's professional services. As you requested, I have deleted the estimated costs for certain campaign materials. We will work with the City on how best to meet these needs as the 6ccasion arises. Although you will not go to the City Council for approval of the extension of our current contract until December 7th, we are proceeding to meet the daily needs of the Campaign and will bill on or about the first of the month as usual. Call me if you have any questions. Have you been able to get the "call forwarding" added to the Campaign line? Robert B. Sharp President i(~ East 4th Street 542 56'~6 The Robert B. Sharp Company, inc. TustinArea Senior Center Campaign Management Proposal Contract Extension The following proposal is presented by The Robert B. Sharp Company, Inc. to provide the City of Tustin with the continuing professional counsel, services and staff support necessary to assist the City to achieve the specific funding goals outlined later in this document. Contents Page Campaign Objectives ............................. Professional Counsel, Staff and Services ........ 2 Professional Fees, Expenses and Costs ........... 3 Pledge and Gift Reporting Formats ..... Attachment A The following proposal has been prepared for exclusive use by the City of Tustin and should not be reproduced in whole or in part, or otherwise distributed without prior written approval of The Robert B. Sharp Company, Inc. November 25, 1987 Thc Robert B. Sharp Company, Inc. CAMPAIGN O~JECTIVES Over the next four and one-half month period, beginning on or about November 16, 1987, The Robert B. Sharp Company, Inc. will provide the professional counsel, services and staff necessary to assist the City to meet the following principal objectives: Leadership Gifts .... Under the primary leadership of the Campaign Cabinet to continue to identify and solicit gifts of $25,000 and above with a goal of reaching $800,000 in cash and pledge commitments toward construction within this four and one-half month period. Senior Task Force... Under the primary leadership of the Senior Task Force, to continue to identify and solicit gifts of $1,000 and above with a goal of assisting the Cabinet to meet its full funding objective. Ambassadors ......... To broaden public and private awareness of the Tustin Area Senior Center through a series of business and professional club briefings throughout the Tustin area. Public Relations .... Plan and execute a regular series of special cultivation luncheons and site visits for prospective donors as well as plan such other special events as'may be appropriate to broaden Leadership interest in the Campaign. In addition, plan and implement a regular series of press releases designed to create and sustain the Campaign's momentum and to motivate the Campaign Leadership. Data Management ..... Modify and employ our firm's Campaign computer software necessary to support the Campaign data and word processing needs, especially in gift receipting, pledge reporting and "cash flow" analysis (see Attachment A for report details which may be used with this system). Page 1 The Robert B. Sharp company, Inc. Funding Management PROFESSIONAL COUNSEL, STAFF AND SERVICES The following describes the'professional counsel, staff and services which will be provided by The Robert B. Sharp Company, Inc. to enable Tustin to meet the previously outlined Campaign Objectives. Campaiqn Counsel - Robert Sharp will continue to serve as Campaign Counsel. He will provide overall guidance with particular focus on the strategy and solicitation of Leadership gifts. Campaiqn Director - Debra Jay will continue to direct the day-to-day planning and operations of the C~mpaign with particular focus on the refinement of all Campaign materials, computer acquisition and installation, the oversight and evaluation of prospect research, public relations and donor recognition. She will assist both the Cabinet and Task Force in the solicitation of donors and will "staff" the Ambassadors volunteer efforts. CamDaian Secretary - Lynne Estes will continue to meet the secretarial, clerical and data input needs of the Campaign. Clerk/Messenqer - This position will continue to be filled by a part-time individual. The task of filing, photocopying and ,,messengering" correspondence to and from the City, our offices and volunteers is important and contributes to a well run Campaign · Computer SUDDort - Will continue to be provided on an as-needed basis by Andy Meginnis. Page 2 The Robert B. Sharp COmpany, Inc. Fundin~ Management PROFESSIONAL FEES, EXPENSES AND COSTS For the four and one-half month period we estimate the following in Campaign costs will be required to meet the Campaign objectives outlined earlier in this proposal: PROFESSIONAL FEES ..................................... $ 21,667 Campaiqn Counsel will continue to be billed at the reduced rate of $1,150 per day for an estimated one day per month. Campaiqn Directo~ will continue to be billed at the reduced rate Of $400 per day for an estimated four days per month. ~ampa~qn Secretary will be billed at 2/3 of her full direct cost. Although we will only bill 2/3 of her time, the Campaign will be covered "full time" with other members of our firm who will assist as necessary. Clerk-messenger Ron Birtch will continue to be billed for messengering, copying and clerical for 10-15 hours per month at $10 per hour. As the Campaign progresses, it may be necessary to assign an additional individual to coordinate and implement two special donor cultivation events. We estimate that this individual will devote 6-8 days to these events at her standard rate of $250 per day. Should the City want additional events, we will propose these separately. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES ................................. $ 1,350 Reimbursable expenses will include any of our firm's actual costs incurred in serving the Campaign, i.e.: o Donor and Volunteer Meetings $ 150 o Parking $ 25 o Mileage ( · 235 cents per mile) $ 125 o Telephone $ 600 o Duplicating $ 450 Page 3 The Robert B. Sharp Company, Inc. Funding Management OFFICE AND EQUIPMENT Our firm will provide the office space, at no cost to the City, necessary to meet the requirements of the Campaign. The City will provide a "call forwarding" service on its current Campaign line which will connect to 714/542-3196 and which we will answer "The Campaign office." In addition, the city will lease and install an IBM computer compatible, with our firm's system (estimated cost $125 per month). COMPUTER SOFTWARE In order to integrate the Tustin Senior Center Campaign data base into our firm's computer hardware and software, we will need to make certain modifications to our system. We estimate these programming changes can be made for $700-$800. To add the entire prospect list to our system will require two to three days of data input at $85 per day.. ADVANCE MONTHLY RETAINER It is the policy of The Robert B. Sharp Company, Inc. to request and receive an advance monthly retainer. Commencing on or about December 1, 1987, this monthly retainer will be reduced to $4,000 based upon the projected average monthly billing for our firm's professional fees and reimbursable expenses over the next four and one-half'month period. Monthly thereafter, we will submit to the City an itemized billing crediting the preceding month's retainer and billing for the next month's retainer. TERMINATION Should the City accomplish its stated goal early or in the event unforeseen circumstances prevent or substantially impair the City or our firm from meeting those major objectives and financial commitments as outlined, both the City and The Robert B. Sharp Company, Inc. reserve the right independently to terminate this contract, for any reason, by giving 2 weeks advance written notice, with all professional fees, expenses and costs due and payable through the termination date. itted by: ~obert Brooke Sharp, Pfesiden Approved by: Page 4 The Robert B. Sharp COmpany, Inc. t:undi~g Management Attachment A TUSTIN AREA SENIOR CENTER P~m~E~DGI~ ~RTINGFORMATS The Following Report Samples are Attached: Payment Spreadsheet Report Payment Schedule Report Numerical Summary · ~ e e ~ ' o e e __ , ,, .. IJJ MJ