HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Hearing #1 6-01-87PUBLIC HEARING TO: FROM: SUBJECT: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL COI~NITY OEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPEAL ON DENIAL OF USE PERMIT 87-6 APPLICANT: LOCATION: REQUEST: TRI-STATE ENGINEERING ON BEHALF OF THE EXXON CORPORATION 14082 RED HILL AVENUE AT NISSON ROAD AUTHORIZATION FOR AN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SALES LICENSE FOR OFF SITE CONSUMPTION (BEER AND WINE ONLY) IN CONdUNCTION WITH A GAS STATION AND MINI-MARKET USE REC01~I£NDED ACTION: It is recommended that the City Council uphold the. Planning Commission denial of Use Permit 87-6 by the adoption of Resolution No. 87-60. SUMMARY: On April 20, 1987 the Planning Commission denied Use Permit 87-6 for an off-site beer and wine sales license in conjunction with a gas station and mini market use. The subject application was denied for two reasons, (1) non-conformance to the recently adopted distance requirements for off-site sales establishments (Zoning Ordinance Amendment 87-1) and (2) the subject property is located within 1;000 feet of four (4) other off-site sales establishments thereby creating an overconcentratlon of outlets in the area. A copy of the corresponding staff report transmitted to the Planning Commission on this matter is attached for further cl ari fi cati on. ANALYSIS: The City Council adopted Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 87-1 establishing distance criteria to be used in authorizing off-site sales outlets. While a Conditional Use Permit application would not have been accepted if a site did not meet the minimum di.stance requirements, the subject application was filed prior to the adoption of the ordinance. Distance requirements and their compliance with the subject site are summarized as follows: , J Clty Councll Report June 1, 1987 Use Permtt 87-6 Page two Dt stance Requirements 600 feet from churches, ~chools or hospitals 300 feet from other off-stte sales outlets Dt stance Proposed mtnlmum 1,200 feet 133 feet (measured door-to-door) 100 feet from residential 130 feet (measured door- to-door) As noted above, the project site does not meet the 300 foot distance requirement between off-site sales outlets. In addttlon to not meetlng this requirement, the subject project ts located wtthtn 1,000 feet from four (4) other of-site outlets whtch tnclude: . Bustness Ctrcle K convenience store 01stance Away* 133 feet 2. Starer Brothers Market 620 feet 3. Arco AM/PM Mtn1 Market 708 feet 4. L & M Ltquor Store 840 feet * These distances are measured from door-to-door. CO#CLUSZONS: The subject st te ts not tn conformance wtth the 300 foot dtstance between outlets as requtred tn the recently adopted Zontng Ordinance Amendment. addition, tt ts evident that an overconcentratlon of outlets ts In the area. For these reasons, staff recommends that the Ctty Council uphold the Planning Commission dectston to deny the subject application by the adoptton of Resolution No. 87-60. Associate P~,a~ner CAS 'pef Christi ne .Shing]eton Director of Communi ty~vel opmen t Attachments: April 13, 1987 Planning Commission Report Letter from Parents Who Care Letter of Appeal Resolution No. 87-60 Planning Commission DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: ONNER: LOCATION: APRIL 13, 1987 USE PERJqIT NO. 87-6 HR. GARY GANTRY TRI STATE ENGINEERING P 0 BOX 4214 FULLERTON, CA. 92634 EXXON CORPORATION P 0 BOX 4415 HOUSTON, TX. 77210-4415 14082 RED HILL AVENUE ZONING: C-1: RETAIL COIqlqERCIAL ENVIROk'I,~NTAL STATUS: REQUEST: CATEGORICALLY EXEHPT, CLASS AUTHORIZATION FOR AN OFF-SITE BEER AND WINE SALES LICENSE IN CONJUNCTION WITH A GAS STATION AND MINI MARKET USE. RECOIqqENDED ACTION: It ts recommended that the Planning Commission de~y Use Permit 87-6 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2400. BACKGROUND AND S~RY: On October 13, 1986 the Planning Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit authorizing demolition and reconstruction of an existing Exxon gas station at Red Hill and Mitchell Avenues. This project, as proposed at that time conformed with all zoning requirements; no request to sell alcoholic beverages was made in conjunction with this aplication. The applicant, Mr. Gentry, is now requesting authorization to sell beer and wine for off-site consumption. Based upon the recently approved policy guidelines and the proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment for alcoholic beverage sales esta~lisments, staff recommends denial of this application. Community Development Department Planning Commtsion Report April i3, 1987 · Use Permit 87-6 Page two ANALYSIS' The recently adopted policy guidelines for reviewing Conditional Use Permit applications for alcoholic beverage sales establishments requires a minimum distance of 300 feet between off-site sales outlets. The subject project would be 133 feet away from an existing Circle K outlet which has an off-site alcoholic beverage sales license. This distance requirement was established to avoid overconcentration of outlets within a particular area. In addition to the subject site being 133 feet from an existing outlet, the project is located within lO00 feet from four (4) other off-site outlets. Therefore, an overconcentration of outlets is evident in the area. On the basis of the previously approved criteria and the issue of overconcentration of outlets within the area, staff recommends denial of this appl ica ti on. LCP'pef Attachments: Resolution No. 2400 Site Plan Floor Plan ! t ! I I t I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 14 15 1¢ 17 18 10 21 22 23 2~ 25 2¢ 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2400 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF .TUSTIN, DENYING AN APPLICATION OF EXXON CORPORATION REQUESTING AUTHORIZATION FOR OFF-SITE · ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SALES AT 14082 RED HILL AVENUE · The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as fol 1 ows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper appl.tcatton, (Use Permit No. 87-6) has been filed on behalf of Exxon Corporation requesting authorization for off-site alcoholic beverage sales at 14082 Red Hill Avenue· B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. C. This project is categorically exempt from the reauirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (Class 1). O. That establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use will be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the following findings:' 1. The use applied for is not in conformance with the cri.teria proposed, as approved by the Planning Commission on March 23, 1987, Zoning Ordinance Amendment (No. 87-1) which requires a minimum 'distance of 300 feet between off-site sales outlets. 2. The proposed location is also within 1000 feet of four existing off-site sales establishments and therefore poses an overconcentratton of off-site sales outlets with the area. E. That the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, and to the general welfare of the City of Tustin, and should not be granted. A PA'S S ED AND AOO~T]~J)at a r~g.ular.mgeting of the T u_st][n Planning' J~)mmisssion, held on the /_~ay of~,~r '' ' 1987. ,~~ 5~ --~~" ..~,, , ~_t · Charles E. Puckett, Chairman Penni Foley Recording Secretary ~' TUSTIN P.O BOX 318e TUSTiN. CA e26el April 8, 1987 Planning Commission City of Tustin 300 centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Dear Members of the Planning Commission: It has come to our attention that application has been made by Exxon for the inclusion of a mini-mart with the intention to sell alcoholic beverages at their location at 14082 Red H~.ll Ave. As you know, PARENTS W~iO CARE stands strongly against the combined sales of alcohol and gasoline. There is a growing consensus in our state to ban the combined sales, aud we feel that the City of Tustin can take the positive step to deny this request on behalf of the health and welfare of our community. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. EDR/mm cc: Tri-State Engineering Exxon Fullerton P. O. Box 4214 Fullerton, CA~92634 Sincerely, .., .. .... ,/: Ethel D. Reyn0~ds, Co-founder April 20, 1987 To The Honorable City Council City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92680 Attention: Ms. Laura Cay Pickup Reference: APPEAL TO PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION DENYING USE PERMIT APPLICATION NO. 87-6, REQUEST FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SALES (BEER & WINE) FOR OFF-SITE CONSUMPTION AT 14082 RED HILL AVENUE, TUSTIN. Gentlemen: On behalf of EXXON, U.S.A. we respectfully appeal the decision of the planning commission of April 13, 1987, denying the above referenced application. We feel it is extremely unfair, and certainly stymies competition, when one business is deseriminated against simply because others have already been permitted the same opportunity in an area. Additionally, we would suggest that the selling of beer and wine in "convenience stores" within the cashier areas of gasolene service stations such as ours, is far ~less onerous than many of the "straight out" liquor, or convenience stores with blatent advertising of the product (and some with video games, etc.) that promote loitering. . Exxon is very concerned about its image, and would never promote, or condone the improper or excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. We are as concerned as anyone about the problems it causes and have set our own strict guidelines, some of which are more restrictive than many laws permit. They are as follows: . e We never allow the sale of beer and wine at the pump islands. We do not permit any neon signs advertising that alcohol is for sale, and thus our stations have a very low [~rofile insofar as the appearance of a place to purchase alco~'olie be~erages is concerned. The coolers containing such beverages are locked during any hours when such sales are prohibited by law or ordinance. continued .... 701 South Raymond Avenue, Suite No. 5. P.O. BOX 4214, Fullerton, Cal~f,,rnia 92631.5232-(714) Honorable City Council City of Tustin April 20, 1987 page 2 e e . ® We prohibit the sale of beer in barrels of lee, or by the individual can or bottle. ' We require our cashiers to be of legal age to sell alcoholic beverages. We prohibit the gathering of people (loitering) in and around the sales area and no video games, nor any other devices that might proinote loitering are permitted. We forbid the consumption of alcohol anywhere on the property. We require our cashiers to cheek the identification of all individuals who appear to be 25 years of age or younger. Every transaction involving beer and wine is video taped and these tapes are retained for a period of 30 days. We enforce these guidelines on every station we have that sells such products, and we make them a part of every lease agreement we make. We respectfully submit that selective restrictions against service stations having such sales is not only counter productive to the promotion of competition, but it is unlikely to have any desired effect on the problem of alcohol abuse or the appearance of "oversaturation" of liquor sales in a particular area. The reason for the latter is, as mentioned above, with low profile exterior advertising of such products our stations do not give the appearance of a liquor store, nor even of a "convenience store." Our main product is petroleum, and that is what shows to the public. Respectfully submitted for EXXON, U.S.A. by TRI STATE ENGINEERING COMPANY Ronald H. Baker, Vice President 1 2 '3 4 5 6 8 9 10~ 11 1 14 15 16 17 18 2O 21 22 23 2~ 25' 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 87-60 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, UPHOLDING THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF USE PERMIT 87-6 FOR AN OFF-SITE BEER AND WINE SALES LICENSE AT 14082 RED HILL AVENUE The City Council of the City Of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application (Use Permit 87-6) has been filed by Tri-State Engineering on behalf of Exxon Corporation requesting authorization for an off-site beer and wine sales license at 14082 Red Hill Avenue. Be That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held by the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin on April 13, 1987 on said appl i cati on. Ce The Planning Commission denied Use Permit No. 87-6 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2400 which denied the authorization for an off-site beer and wine sales license at 14082 Red Hill Avenue based upon the following findings: Ze The use applied for is not in conformance with the criteria proposed, as approved by the Planning Commission on March 23, 1987, Zoning Ordinance Amendment (No. 87-1) which requires a minimum distance of 300 feet between off-site · sales outlets. . The proposed location is also within 1,000 feet of four (4) existing off-site sales establishments and therefore poses an overconcentration of off-site sales outlets within the area. De That on April 20, 1987 the applicant filed an appeal of the Planning Commission denial of Use Permit 87-6 to the Tustin City Counci 1. E. A public hearing before the City Council was duly called, noticed, and heard on said appeal. II. The City Council hereby upholds the Planning Commission denial of Use Permit 86-6 based upon the findings: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24~ 25 27~ 28 Resolution No. 87-60 Page two ® The use applied for is not in conformance with the criteria proposed, as approved by the Planning Commission on March 23, 1987, Zoning Ordinance Amendment (No 87-1) approved by the City Council on May 4, 1987 which requires a minimum distance of 300 feet between off-site sales outlets. The proposed location is also within 1,000 feet of four (4) existing off-site sales establishments and therefore poses an overconcentration of off-site sales outlets within the area. That the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tustin, and should not be granted. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tust~n, California on the day of , 1987. Richard B. Edgar Mayor Mary £. Wynn City Clerk