HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Hearing #2 6-01-87PUBLIC HEARING 7 TO: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: COI~UNITY DEVELOPFIENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: EXTENSION OF MORATORIUM ORDINANCE-' OLD TOWN RESIDENTIAL AREA RECOI~ENDATION: M.O. That Urgency Ordinance No. 987 have first reading by title only. M.O. That Urgency Ordinance No. 987 be introduced. M.O. That Urgency Ordinance No. 987 have second .reading by title only. M.O. That Urgency Ordinance No. 987 be passed and adopted. **' BACKGROUND: On April 20, 1987 the Tustin City Council adopted an interim ordinance (No. 984) which placed a moratorium on the processing, approval or issuance of permits for subdivisions, changes in land use occupancy and zone changes in the Old Town Residential area (See Exhibit A). The subject moratorium was established for the purpose of completing Zoning Ordinance amendments which will ensure the maintenance of existing single-family character and preservation of historical resources located in the residential area of 'Old Town'. Processing or approval of individual development projects within this area prior to the completion of the study and adoption of any Zoning Ordinance amendments could have an adverse effect on the character of the 'Old Town' area and potentially jeopardize the integrity of the planning process. · Pursuant to Section 65858 of the California Government Code, the current moratorium is effective for 45 days from the date of adoption and is expected to expire on June 3, 1987. The City Council may extend the moratorium for ten (10) months and fifteen (15) days and subsequently for an additional year. Prior to considering extension of any moratorium, Section 65858 of the California Government Code requires that a report be prepared and made available to the public ten (10) days prior to the public hearing. This report should describe the proposed measures to be taken to alleviate the condition which led to the adoption of the moratorium. This report contains a summary of the characteristics of the. area, the zoning related issues of the area and a tentative schedule for the initiation and ,adoption of Zoning Ordinance amendments. Extension of Moratorium Ordinance- Old Town Residents Area page two WORK PROGRNN' · · The Community Development Department recently began a .process of analyzing the residential area of '01d Town' for posstble zontng changes. It. has been Staff's intention to provide for a participatory process that would involve the residents of the area in- (1) Identifying tssues and problems; (2) evaluating alternative approaches and solutions; (3) selecting a preferred approach and- 4) recommending any necessary Zontng Ordinance amendments. To date,* the following work efforts have been completed on the zoning study· . 0 0 e Identification of a proposed study area; Preparation of a base map; Collection of data regarding zoning, land use, condition of property and public improvements on a lot-by-lot basis within the study area; Preparation of zoning, land use, and potential historical resource map s; Collection and analysis of historic preservation alternatives and review of Ordinances, Design Guidelines, and research performed by other jurisdictions throughout the State of California: Scheduling of a community workshop on May 27, 1987 (Staff will be prepared to orally summarize major issues identified at this. meeting for the City Council on June 1, 1987). " The current moratorium area is predominantly single-family with the exception of Tustin Acres and office buildings along the southerly side of Irvine Blvd. There are a total of 315 lots and '696 property owners (for-zoning purposes, Tustin Acres is considered one lot). Zoning and approximate acreage within the moratorium area are summarized below: Zoning acreages - Old Town Horatortum Area Zone No. of Lots Approxt mate Size (in acres) R-l: Single Family 243 R-3/PD: Mul ti-Fami ly 45 PR: Professional Office 25 P & 1' Public & Institutional 2 Tota 1: 315 Lots 371.32 17.22 5.37 .61 394.52 Acres In addition to the actual moratorium area, Staff have identified a larger study area for purposes of analysis which also includes the Old Town commercial district along E1Camino Real. This larger study area contains 538 lots and 875 property owners. The general boundaries of the study area are the I-5 freeway on the south, the 55 freeway on the west, Irvine Blvd. on the north and Centennial Way on the east. Development Department Extension of Moratorium Ordinance- Old Town Residential Area page three While the .specific type of Zoning Ordinance amendments have not yet been determined for the project, there are a number of alternative means of accomplishing objectives of the project. The use of Zoning Code restrictions, an overlay district for historic preservation, a specific plan or any combination thereof, d~ending upon the outcome of the Town Hall meeting scheduled on May 27th are several of the alternatives being explored. In response to the Council's request of April 20, 1987, the following tentative schedule is anticipated to complete the project: DATE ACTIVITY May 27, 1987 Town Hall meeting/workshop with residents and property owners of '01d Town'. June 1, 1987 Publtc Hearing held by City Counctl to consider extension of the moratorium on the '01d Town' Residential Area. June 1 - Aug. 10, 1987 Staff to complete analysis of Study area. Preparation of Zoning Code amendments and Ordinances per selected ,course of action determined. August 10, 1987 · Preliminary workshop with Planning Comm(ssion and residents to review Staff report and recommended approach. August 24, 1987 Planning Commission to hold Public Hearing on any recommended Code amendments. September 8, 1987 City Council to have first reading and consi der adopti on of recommended 0rdi nance amendments. September 21, 1987 City Council to have second reading of Ordinance. October 22, 1987 Ordinance/Final project in effect and moratorium termt hated. Community Development Department Extension of Moratorium Ordinance- Old Town Residential Area page four · According to 'this tenative schedule, total processing time for this project can be expected to run approximately four (4) to five (5). months. Th,is schedule will vary according to the complexity of the final project and the current work load of the Community Development Department. Upon adoption of any recommended Zoning Ordinance amendments, the moratorium would aUtomatlcally expire. Attachments' ORDINANCE NO. 987 EXHIBIT A Director Community Developme'nt Department Community Development Department 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. 987 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, EXTENDING THE MORATORIUM ON THE PROCESSING, ,APPROVAL OR ISSUANCE OF PERMITS FOR SUBDIVISIONS, CHANGES IN LAND USE OCCUPANCY AND ZONE CHANGES ON PROPERTIES IN THE RESIDENTIAL AREA OF OLD TOWN TUSTIN AS APPROVED BY ORDINANCE 984. The City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does ordain as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. The Community Development Department is currently conducting a study to determine the feasibility of establishing architectural guidelines, zoning requirements and regulations to maintain the existing single family character and to preserve historic resources located in the residential area of "Old Town" as .shown on Exhibit A attached hereto. B. Many existing properties and structures within the "Old Town." residential area are of substantial historical character and absence of proper zoning and architectural historic preservation guidelines is injurious to the public health, safety and wel fare. C. The Community Development Department has received a preliminary subdivision proposal which could significantly impact the character of the "Old Town" residential area. D. The integrity of the planning process and any resulting recommendation for the residential area of "Old Town" could be significantly jeopardized if individual development proposals within the residential area are processed before new zoning provisions are negotiated and adopted. II. The City Council hereby extends the moratorium on the processing, approval or issuance of permits for any subdivision of land, zone change or change in land use occupancy (from residential use to any other use) on properties located within the residential area of "Old Town" as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto pending completion of the study and report of the Community Development Department and Planning Commission and action thereon by the City Council. The moratorium shall extend for a period of ten (10) months and fifteen (15) days from the date of adoption of this ordinance, unless duly extended or terminated. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 2~ 25 26 27 28 Ordinance No. 987 Page two III. This ordinance is adopted to protect the public health, s~fety and welfare and is adopted as an urgency measure by a four-fifth {4/5) vote pursuant to the provisions of Section 65858 of the California Government Code and shall take effect immediately. The urgency is based on the fact that the City Council hereby finds that the processing or approval of certain projects on the subject property prior to completion of the study would have an adverse effect on the character of the "Old Town" residential area and existing development and uses within the area and upon the proper planning of the City of Tustin. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin held on the 1st day of June, 1987. Richard B. Edgar, Mayor Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: ..... :~:~::~~ ~'1 _~ ~ c ~ I I[~ r'~,- ~ ~. · q ' ~,~ I · .. I : · ~ I ~ "~ ~ ' .. ~i, ~~g~ - _; ,..~ .... J '~:,.~:::~. ,,. -~ NORTH NOT TO SCALE