HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Hearing #4 6-01-87 PUBLIC HEARING ~ ~ '~ ~"- NO 4 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION DENYING TII_(;'I'TII PI A7A MASTER STRII PLAN/BRISTOL ~PAS DEVIATION FROM RECOI~ENDED ACTION: M. O. That City Council uphold the Planning Commission action denying deviation from the Tusttn Plaza Master Sign Plan for Bristol Spas. BACKGROUND: In conjunction with final approval of Tusttn Plaza, a project Master Sign Plan was submitted by the developer and approved by the Community Development Department. The complete text of the approved sign plan is attached to this transmittal as Exhibit "A". On February 9, 1987 the Planning. Commission authorized deviations from the adopted sign plan for "Blimpie's" and "Chin's Chinese". Following deliberations for these two cases, the Commission directed staff to work with the developer to expand the sign color palette for the center. Subsequently, on April 13, 1987, the Commission revised the Master Sign Plan to include colors proposed by the developer expanding the color palette to include: white, red and Emerald green. These colors are in addition to previously authorized colors of turquoise and terra cotta. Prior to the expansion of the color palette a sign permit was issued for Bristol Spas. On the approved sign plan it was indicated that the sign to be installed must comply with the adopted' Master Sign Plan and was to display the turquoise color. However, as installed, the letters of the sign were orange, not turquoise as approved. Additionally, the sign as constructed and installed did not meet requirements of the Uniform Electrical Code and must be replaced. Electrical current to the sign has been disconnected. After the applicant was advised by staff of Code violations and that the sign did not conform to the approved Master Sign Plan, he requested that a deviation of the Master Sign Plan be considered by the Commission. Ctty Counctl Report June 1, 1987 Brt stol Spas Page two On May, 11, 1987 based upon conclusions noted in the attached "Report to the Planning Commission", the applicant's request was heard and denied by the Commission. The applicant has appealed said action to the City Council. DISCUSSION: It is staff's understanding that the Commission desires a uniform sign plan for the center that allows flexibility while offering continuity. This concept was the original intent of the Master Sign Program. Incremental deviations from the revised .plan will reduce the desired affect of continuity and in essence will render the Master Sign Plan ineffective. In terms of the specific case before Council, several factors lead the Planning Commission to a dental. First, the applicant was aware of the Master Sign Plan prior to installation of the sign. Second, after the deviations for Chin's and Blimpie's, the Commission took a comprehensive look at the Sign Plan making revisions to the color palette as requested by the developer. Orange was not in the series of colors requested. Finally, the sign installed must be removed and completely reconstructed to be in compliance with the Uniform Electric Code as adopted by the City. As such, the cost to the applicant is.minimized in contrast to what it would be if the sole issue revolved around a color change. Based on these factors, upon testimony and action by the Planning Commission it is recommended, that City Council uphold the Planning Commission'S denial of the subject sign thereby denying the appealants request. Action may be taken by mi nute order. Senior Planner Christine Shtngleton Director of Community Development JSD-pef Attachments' Letter of Appeal "Report to the Planning Commission" dated May 11, 1987 Exhibits .. Community Develooment DeJ:~_~.~rn~nt May 15, 1987 City Council City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Subject: Planning Commission Denial of Deviation from Master Sign Plan on May 11, 1987 Dear Sirs: Reference the above subject, please consider this a request to appeal the ruling of the Planning Commission at the next City Council meeting. Sincerely, BRISTOL SPAS/~.~, Stuart Swidler SS:ljl Planning Commission DATE: SUB~IECT: APPLICAEr: LOCATION: ZONING: ENY IRONMEErAL STATUS: REQUEST: MY 11, 1987 MASTER SIGN PLAN DEVIATXON BRISTOL SPAS TUSTIN PLAZA 13771 ND/PORT AVENUE; UMXT ! PLANNED COPlqUNITY ~RCIAL CATEGORICALLY EXD~T CLASS'I TO DEVIATE FROM THE COLOR REQUIREI~NTS OF THE TUSTXN PLAZA IqASTER SIGN PROGRAH RECOI~IENDED ACTION: It is recommended that the Planning Commtsst.on deny the Master Sign Plan deviation requested for Bristol Spas by Minute Order. S~Y: With approval of the Tusttn Plaza a Master Sign Plan was developed for the Tustin Plaza project, ne Plan was designed to promote flexibility for major tenants while providing uniformity in the balance of the center. To accomplish this, key shop locations were allowed to display corporate col ors and logo/trademark identification. The remainder of the complex was required to display channel letters in helvetica medium type style in either the color of turquoise or terracotta. The excessive expense of terracotta materials (it is not manufactured in mass quantities) resulted in most tenants opting for the turquoise color. On April 13, 1987 the Planning Commission revised the Tustin Plaza Master Sign Plan to allow shop tenants a wider choice of colors for *their signs. This new color selection includes white, red, turquoise and Emerald green. On April 27, 1987 the Planning Commission continued their consideration-of a requested deviation from the revised Master Sign Plan to permit Bristol Spas to display an orange sign. The continuance was felt necessary to clarify a number of issues requiring additional information. Plann. tng Comnmtssi. on Report Hay 11, 1987 Page two BACKGROUND: . On March 26, [987 a stgn .permtt was tssue.d authorizing a turquoise colored st§n for Brtstol Spas. This' sign permtt was tssued tn conformance with the 'Master Stgn Plan. However, an orange stgn was subsequently installed whtch was also not tn the helvetica type style. The sign also dtd not meet butldtng code regulations; extensive modifications wtll be requtred to bring the sign tnto conformance.. The applicant request for a deviation from the Master Sign Plan came at a time when staff was working with the project developer in an attempt to revise the color scheme for the Master Sign Plan as requested by the Planning Commission. On April 13th-the Commission granted the developer's request to include white, red, turquoise and Emerald green in the Master Sign Plan color palette. Orange was not a color submitted nor was it discussed on April 13th. ISSIJ[ ANALYSIS: Based upon discussion of April 27th, two issues are of imPortance in Commission deliberations. Specifically, the structural integrity of the installed sign and the orange color. As installed, the subject sign does not meet Uniform Electric Code requirements in that it does not display required Underwriter's Laboratory (UL) labels. ~urther, information verified by the City's Building Division staff indicates that the sign as constructed and installed cannot be modified to meet UL standards and must be completely reconstructed. As a result, electrical current to the sign has been shut off for safety reasons. While the structural aspects of the sign are not within the Commission's review authority it may be an important consideration when determining how to proceed with the issue of sign color. Staff's presentation on April 27th established that the applicant was notified prior to installation of the subject sign that turquoise letters were required. The applicant confirmed this. notification but still instructed the si gn company to proceed with the orange sign. At issue is whether the modified Master Sign Plan should be further altered. Items such as cost, while certainly not to be taken lightly, should not be a basis upon which any design decisions are made. Particularly, when it is known that the applicant was aware of sign plan requirements and that the sign must be completely reconstructed to comply with Uniform Electric Code requirements. The modified Master Sign Plan as it now exists retains some semblance of the original sign concept for Tustin Plaza while allowing individual identification for major or key tenant locations and still provides for diversity for "shop" IIII Planning Commtsston Report May !1, 1987 Page three tenants. Gtven the prescribed letter type and available colors, continuity and uniformity tn the use of st gns on the center ts retained. Staff supports tl~e Master Stgn Plan as revtsed by the Commission and accordingly recommends that one of the approved colors In the helvetica medtum type style be uttllzed for the Brtstol Spa slgn. CONCLUSIONS: GIYen key Information 'that the subject stgn must be completely reconstructed to comply wlth applicable codes; that the applicant was aware prtor to stgn Installation of the existence of a Master Stgn Plan; that the Commission did expand the color palette allowing color flexibility for "shop" tenants; and that orange was not included in the revised scheme, it is concluded that the deviation from the Master Sign Plan requested should be denied. Commission action may be taken by Minute Order. JSD:pef Ch~-i~fne Shingleton ' ./ Director of Community Development MASTER SIGN PLAN TUSTIN PLAZA- RETAIL 1. All signage 'go conform to City of Tuscin Sign Ordinance. 2. Letter heights of all signs for the project shall not exceed the maximum'or be less than the minimum i~dicated as follows: BUILDING NO. 13681 Space 1 Spaces 3-9 Spaces 10-11 One (1) 12" to 16".high Type 1 sign (secondary-5% of storefront or storefront sized wall area with a maximum of 25 square feet) facing the parking lot and; one (1) 12" to 16" high Type 1 sign facing the corner of Newport Avenue and Main Street and; .one (1) 16" to 24" high Type 1 sign (primary-15% of storefront area with a maximum of 75 square feet) facing Newport Avenue. One '(1) 14" to 24" high Type 1 sign (primary-15% of storefront area with a maximum of 75 square feet) facing the main parking lot; one (1) 8" to 12" high Type 2 sign (secondary-5% of storefront or 'storefront sized wall area with a maximum of 25 square feet) facing Main Street. One (1) 14" to 24" high Type 1 sign (primary-15% of storefront area with a maximum of 75 square feet) facing the main parking lot add; one (1) 12" co 16" high Type 1 sign (secondary-5% of storefront or storefront sized wall area wich.a maximum of 25 square feet) on the angled wall facing Main Street entrance. BUILDING NO. 13721 Space 1 One (1) 14" to 24" high Type 1 sign (primary-15% of storefront area with a maximum of 75 square feet) facing the main parking lot add; one (1) 12" to 16" high Type 1 sign (secondary-5% of storefront or storefront sized wall area with.a maximum of 25 square feet) on the angled wall facing Main Street entrance. · Spaces 5-8,10 One (1) 14" to 24" high Type 1 sign (primary-15% of storefront area with a maximum of 75 square feet) facing the parking lot and; one (1) 8" to 12" high Type 2 sign (secondary-5% of storefront or storefront sized wail area with a maximum of 25 square feet) facing Main Street. 'USTIN PLAZA .~STER SIGN PLAN Spaces 9-14 One (1) 28" to 36" high Type 1 sign (primary-15% of storefront area with a maximum of 75 square feet) facing the main parking lot and; one (1) 12" to 16" high Type 1 sign (secondary-5% of storefront or storefront sized wall area with a maximum of 25 square feet) on the wall facing Main Street. BUILDING NO. 13771 Spacei 3-14 Space 1 Spaces 15-17 One (1) 14" to 24" high Type 1 sign (primary-15% of storefront area with a maximum of 75 square feet) facing the main parking lot. Oue (1) 16" Co 28" high Type i sign (primary-15% of s~orefront area with a maximum of 75 square feet) facing the main parking lot. One (1) 16" to 28" high Type 1 sign (primary-15% of storefront area with a maximum of 75 square feet) facing the main parking lot and; one (1) 12" to 16" high Type 1 sign (secondary-5% of storefront or storefront sized wall area with a maximum of 25 square feet) facing 6th Street. BUILDING NO. 13791 Spaces 1-, 4 One.(1) 14" Co 24" high Type 1 sign (primary-15% of storefront area with a maximum of 75 square feet) facing the parking lot and; one (1) 8" to 12" high Type 2 sign (secondary-5% of storefront or storefront sized wall area with a maximum of 25 square feet) facing Main Street. Space 3 One (1) 14" to 24" high Type 1 sign (primary-15% of storefront area with a maximum of 75 square feet) facing the main parking lot aHd; one (1) 12" to 16" high Type 1 sign (secondary-S% of storefront or storefront sized wall area with a maximum of 25 square feet) on the angled wall facing Main Street entrance. ~USTIN PLAZA MASTER SIGN PLAN PAGE 3 The T~stin Plaza color palette for primary signage will include the following colors: Color 1 Color 2 Color 3 Turquoise Green Terra Cotta Corporate Color NOTE: The actual specifications for these colors will be determined by the Owner. The following is a summary of those colors: Spaces 4, 10, 11 Spaces 3, 8, 9 Spaces 1, 9, 12, 14 Spaces 5-8, 10 · Spaces 1, 15-17 Spaces 3-14 Spaces 1, 4 Space 3 BUILDING NO. 13681 Corporate color (No. 3) and design Color (No. 1) turquoise helvetica medium letter style BUILDING NO. 13721 Corporate color (No. 3) and design Color (no. 1).turquoise helvetica medium letter style BUILDING NO. 13771 Coporate color (No. 3) and design Color (No. 1) turquoise helvetica medium letter style BUILDING NO. 13791 Corporate color (No. 3) and design Color (No. 1) turquoise helvetica medium letter style LLI .1_ r 'x J Planning Commission Report Tusttn Plaza Master Sfgn Program Aprtl 13, 1987 Page two · ANALYSZS: Carver Development has submitted a color palette Including the fol'~owing colors' 1. Turquoi se 2. White 3. E~ral d Green 4. Red This palette, as reco~nded, would be offered to all shop tenants in units 8 to 10 of the 13681 building, units 6 to 8 and 10 of the 13721 building, unit 3 of the 13791 building and units 3 through 14 of the 13771 building as illustrated below: TUSTIN PLAZA SITE PLAN . NEWPORT AVENUE Com'munitv Development Deparfmenr