HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 1 BLDG DIV SERVICES 12-21-87PUBLIC HEARING NO. I TO: _WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: REVISION OF FEES FOR BUILDING DIVISION SERVICES RECOI~ENDED ACTION It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 87-138 approving Revised Fees for Building Division Services. BACKGROUND The City's Building Division Fees have not been addressed in a comprehensive manner since 1981. In fact, the City is currently utilizing the building permit fee schedules specified in the 1979 edition of the Uniform Building Codes. With adoption of 1985 Building Codes at the City Council meeting on December 6th, the City Council may now revise permit fee schedules by resolution. Sin.ce the passage of Propositions 13 and 4, most jurisdictions in California have developed a philosophy of "fees for service" in order to cover costs and are now generally undertaking an annual review of fees charged for services· The Community Development Department has undertaken an extensive review over the last six (6) months of the actual costs for providing services necessary for the City to carry out it's building plan check, permit issuance and inspection services. This review has indicated that there are several major factors affecting our costs which have occurred since 1981 These factors specifically include- · · · I~ncreases in Consumer Price Index (CPI). The CPI is a system that tracks increases-m- in several *consumer goods and services and generally reflects costs in terms of employee wages and benefits. The CPI has risen 41 7[ between May of 1981 and October 1987. ' Increases in Building Valuation. Information provided by the ~nte~national Co6ferenc~I of Bui'llding Officials (ICBO) is recognized nationwide as the accepted guide to valuation of construction reflecting costs and trends in the construction industry and adjusted for specific areas in the Country. For example, between October of 1981 and October 1987, the data on valuation for construction of a single family dwelling City Counci 1 Report Revision of Fees for Building Division Services December 21, 1987 Page two rose from $32 a square foot to approximately $66 a square foot. Similar types of increases also occurred for other types of construction between the same time frame. Increases in Construction Activity. Construction activity within the City Ofll Tustin has drama-l~i'cal-ly increased, particularly over the last year in conjunction with development activity in East Tustin. The City issued building permits for new construction valued at over 52 million dollars for the fiscal year ending on June, 1987. This compares to activity in fiscal year 1981-82 of only 26 million dollars. Building activity during fiscal year 1987-88 is expected to approach 75 million dollars in value. Increased building activity has had a dramatic impact on Building Division costs. As an example, special contract services have been needed to accommodate the plan check and~inspection volumes created by East Tustin development activity. With contract fees ranging from $35 to $70 an hour plus City overhead, the contract cost~ for the Building Division in fiscal year 1987-88 are expected to exceed $295,000. New state legislation. Since adoption of the. City's last fee schedule, there has been addil~ional plan check and inspection necessitated due to new energy and handicap regulations adopted by the State. In evaluating the need for revised building fees, staff reviewed our current costs for services and also received survey information obtained from Orange County cities. Prior to adoption of new Uniform Building Codes by most cities in Orange County, Tustin was approximately in the middle range of fees charged for building services. With the recent adoption of 1985 Building Codes by most cities, current building fees in Tustin would be below the average. The Building Division is also experiencing a gap between revenues and costs based on a comprehensive cost analysis of division operations (Attachment I). A project specific example of this gap is illustrated on Attachment II. OISCUSSION ~ i ii After reviewing current Building Division costs and fees charged in other Orange County cities, Staff would recommend major revisions to Building Division fees summarized as follows: (See attached Resolution for specifics.) 3~ Utilize 1985 Uniform Administrative Code plan check and building permit fee schedule with minor modifications. Adopt miscellaneous Permit and Service charges for Building services based on actual costs. Utilize t985 electrical permit fee schedule, with minor modifications. Corn rnunit¥ DeveloPment DeparTment City Council Report Revision of Fees for Building Division Services December 21, 1987 Page three . . Utilize 1985, Uniform Administrative Code mechanical permit fee schedule with .minor modifications. Utilize 1985, Uniform Administrative Code plumbing permit fee schedule with minor modifications. Adopt new gradtng and prtvate improvement plan check and permit fees. Adopt stgn permit fees. Incorporate an automatic future Consumer Price Index (CPI) tnto fee schedule wtth future Increases In fees to reflect this Index factor to occur January l, i989 and each new calendar upon subsequently. It should be emphasized that the recommended fee schedule will not make the operation of the Building Division self-supporting. However, it appears that new fees will. narrow the current revenue/eXpenditure gaps being experienced. Christine A. Shfn~gleton/ Director of Community Development CAS:LD:ts Attachments: I & II Resolut±on )lo. 87-138 Exhibits A- H Lloyd' Dick, Building Official Corn munity DeveloPment DeparTment BUILDING DIVISION COI~UNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (1) COIqPREHENSIVE PERSONNEL COST ANALYSIS ATTACHMENT I BUILDING DIVISION COSTS NO. OF POSITION SALARIES Building Official 1 Building Planchecker 1 Subtotal 2 Bui 1 ding Inspectors 3 Building Technician 1 Clerk typist .5 Subtotal Total 6.5 Total Salary Hourly Rate: FRINGE BENEFITS (2) Building Staff HA Clerical NA Supplies & Services NA Total Hourly Rate For Fringe Benefits: CITY OVERHEAD COST AT 14.4%: TOTAL AVERAGE HOURLY COST TOTAL ANNUAL AVAILABLE HOURS (3) SALARY 1832 Not shown 1832 Not shown $ 80,050.00 5496 $ 91,200.00 1832 Not shown 916 Not shown $ 33,190.00 11908 $204,440. O0 DOLLAR COMPUTATION OF AVERAGE HOURLY RATE $ 21.85 hr. $ 16.59 hr. $ 12.08 hr. $ 17.17 hr. 9160 $ 44,165.00 $ 4.82 hr. 2748 $ 10,350.00 $ 3.77 hr. 11,908 $ 11,150.00 $ .94 hr. $ 9.53 hr. $ 3.85 hr. $30.55 hr. Does not include plan check or inspection contract services, or other costs for operating division such as equipment and training. (2) Health insurance, life insurance, workers compensation, unemployment, PERS. (3) Holidays and general leave hours excluded. ATTACHMENT II FEES VS. COST COMPARISON 250 SQUARE FOOT ROOM ADDITION Will( A BATH Valuation Construction ' Valuation Schedule Total Valuation Fees Bui 1 ding permit Plan check Electrical permit (1) Mechanical permit (2) Plumbing permit (3) Current Fees $ 32.00 $ 8,000.00 68.50 44.53 13.50 10.00 14.00 Proposed Fees $ 50.00 $12,500.00 144.00 93.60 25.50 19~50 39.00 Total 150.53 321.60 Activity CURRENT COSTS Average Hours Processi ng/typi ng .25 Zoning plan check .25 Bui 1 ding pl an check/correcti ons 2.25 Building/inspection (4) 8.5 Avera~,e Costs $ 7.64 9.78 68.74 259.68 Total Cost 11.25 $ 345.84 (1) Assumes 11 outlets and 3 fixtures. (2) Assumes alteration of system only. (3) Assumes 3 fixtures or trap, plus one vent pipe. ¢&) Inspections generally include foundation, slab, roof sheathing, framing, insulation, lath exterior, drywall nailing, plaster (scratch coat), final building, rough ground plumbing, rough top-out plumbing, heating, rough wiring, electric fixtures, final, plus one (1) call back inspection. - RESOLUTION NO. 87-138 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING BUILDING DIVISION FEES AND SERVICE CHARGES. The City Council of the City of Tusttn does hereby resolve as follows' 9 I. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 .17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. There are a number of services provided by the City in processing applications for Building Division permits that are of primary benefit to the applicant; B. The cost of these services should be borne primarily by the applicant receiving benefit from such services and so as to insure timely and effective processing of applications; C. The City can account for the actual costs of these services provided to the applicant. II. Pursuant to Section 8100 of the Tustin Municipal Code, as amended on December 6, 1987, the Determination of Construction Valuation shall be made by the Building Official who shall be guided by the most recent valuation data published by the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) in its Building Standards magazine. Additional cost valuation multipliers shown in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, shall also be utilized by the Building Official. III Pursuant to Section 8101 of the Tustin Municipal Code, as amended on December 6, 1987, Building Division permit fees and services charges are hereby established as shown on Exhibit B through H, attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference and shall supercede any existing fee or charge and shall be applied uniformly except where in the discretion of the City Manager, reduced fees or changes are justified by special circumstances. 1 Resolution No. 87-138 2 Page two 3 4 VI. -Building Division fees and service charges shall be automatically changed on an annual basis to be effective beginning January 1, 1989 5 to reflect inflationary or deflationary cost changes for the previous calendar year. For purposes of said modifications, the Building 6 Division shall utilize the Consumer Price Index. 7 8 9 10 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin at a regular meeting held on the 21st day of December, 1987. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Mary E. Wynn City Clerk Richard B. 'Edgar Mayor EXHIBZT A FI]:SCELLANEOUS VALUATION HULT]:PLXERS Type of Construction Covered Patios (wood or aluminum) Greenhouse/so 1 ari um Wood decks (30 inches or higher) Reroofing (75.00 minimum) New commercial constuction Tenant improvements Swimming Pools - Spas Retaining Walls 1-2 feet 2-3 feet 3-4 feet 4-5 feet 5-6 feet 6-7 feet 7-8 feet Block walls 3-4 feet 5 feet 6 feet plus Wood fence (five feet plus) Chain link fence (five feet plus) Repl asteri ng, addi ti onal pl asteri ng, or wet sand blasting 20 sq. ft. or less Up to 200 sq. yards Each additional square yard 11.50/sq. ft. 25.00/sq.ft or actual contractors contract value, whichever is higher. 8.00/sq. ft. 2.00/sq. ft. 66.84/sq. ft. 16-18/sq. ft. 24.75/sq. ft. $12-18/linear foot $18-25/1 inear foot $25-35/linear foot $35-42/1 inear foot $42-50/1 i near foot $50-58/linear foot $58-66/linear foot $17.00 $19.00 $22.00 $6.00 1 i neal foot $12.00 lineal foot no fee $15 flat value $.03 sq. yd. EXHIBIT B BUILDING PERMIT AND PLAN CHECK FEES 1-500 501-600 60'1-700 701-800 801-900 901-1,000 11, 00'1-1,100 1~101-1,200 11, 2011-1,300 I~, 301-1,400 1~, .4'01-1, 500 1i,501-1,600 ii, 601-1,700 11,701-1,800 '~" 801-1,900 9';01- 2,000 z,001-3,000 3~, 001-4,000 4~,001-5,000 55,00.1-6,000 6'i~.001-7 , 000 r, ool-8,ooo 8!2o01-9, ooo 9~,oo1-1o,ooo 1D~,O,O 1-11,000 1'1~001-12,000 12~,D01-13,000 13~, 001-14,000 l'~l, DO 1-15,000 I5.~ DO1-16,000 16~D01-17,000 liT, O01-18,000 18;D01-19,000 1;9;~ 001-20,000 20; 001-21,000 21,001-22,000 221,,001-23,000 23,001-24,000 24~, 00'1- 25,000 -- ,010.1-26,000 ,.001-27,000 Z7,001-28,000 28,0DI~' 29,000 -Plan Check 9.75 11.05 12.35 13.65 14.95 16.25 17.55 18.85 20.15 21.45 22.75 24.05 25.35 26.65 27.95 29.25 35.10 40.95 46.80 52.65 58.50 64.35 70.20 76.05 81.90 87.75 93.60 99.45 105.30 111.15 117.00 122.65 128.70 134.45 140.40 146.25 152.10 157.95 163.80 168.05 172.25 176.50 180.70 Permit Fee Val uati on 15.00 29,001-30,000 17.00 30,001-31,000 19.00 31,001-32,000 21.00 32,001-33,000 23.00 33,001-34,000 25.00 34,001-35,000 27.00 35,001-36,000 29.00 36,001-37,000 31.00 37,001-38,000 33.00 38,001-39,000 35.00 39,001-40,000 37.00 40,001-41,000 39.00 41,001-42,000 41.00 42,001-43,000 43.00 43,001-44,000 45.00 44,001-45,000 54.00 45,001-46,000 63.00 46,001-47,000 72.00 47,001-48,000 81.00 48,001-49,000 90.00 49,001-50,000 99.00 50,001-51,000 108.00 51,001-52,000 117.00 52,001-53,000 126.00 53,001-54,000 135.00 54,001-55,000 144.00 55,001-56,000 153.00 56,001-57,000 162.00 57,001-58,000 171.00 58,001-59,000 180.00 59,001-60,000 189.00 60,001-61,000 198.00 61,001-62,000 207.00 62,001-63,000 216.00 63,001-64,000 225.00 64,001-65,000 234.00 65,001-66,000 243.00 66,001-67,000 252.00 67,001-68,000 258.50 68,001-69,000 265.00 69,001-70,000 271.50 70,001-71,000 278.00 71,001-72,000 Plan Check , 184.95 189.15 193.40 197.60 201.85 206.05 210.30 214.50 218.75 222.95 227.20 231.40 235.30 239.85 244.10 248.30 252.55 256.75 261.00 265.20 269.45 272.35 275.30 278.20 281.15 284.05 287.00 289.90 292.85 295.75 298.70 301.60 304.55 307.45 310.40 313.30 316.25 319.15 322.10 325.00 327.95 330.85 333.80 Pe rmi t Fee 284.50 291.00 297.50 304.00 310.50 317.00 323.50 330.00 336.50 343.00 349.50 356.00 362.50 369.00 375.50 382.00 388.50 395.00 401.50 408.00 414.50 419.00 423.50 428.00 432.50 437.00 441.50 446.00 450.50 455.00 459.50 464.00 468.50 473.00 477.50 482.00 486.50 491.00 495.50 500.00 504.50 509.00 513.50 EXHIBIT B PAGE TWO Wl~al:ton __ 72.,001- 73,000 73',,001-74 ,000 74~,,001- 75,000 7'5;,001-76,000 76,001- 77,000 7'7',001-78,000 7B,.001-79,000 79,~001-80,000 8~0:~, 001- 81,000 ~l,~001-82,000 82 ,.~001-83,000 E~3~,.001-84,000 8~,001- 85,000 85:,00 i-86,000 8~;,;001- 87,000 8r/',o01-88,000 ~"%001-89,000 ,001-90,000 ~0,~001-91,000 9I.,001-92,000 92,001-93,000 93,001-94,000 9.4~,001-95,000 961,001-96,000 9~i, 001-97,000 ~T,001-98,000 9,8!, 001-99,000 991~,~001-100,000 1L00,001-101,000 ~O~ ,001-102 ,000 ~02,001-103,000 ]:03, 001-104 , 000 1104,001-105,000 I~05 ,,001-106 , 000 ]~O6',.001-107,000 1~07, 001-108 , 000 1~08, 001-109,000 I09,001-110,000 110,001-111,000 Ll1,,001-112 ,000 1'12,001-113,000 '-"3,001-114,000 Check 336.70 339.65 342.55 345.50 348.40 351.35 354.25 357.20 360.10 363.05 365.95 368.90 371.80 374.75 377.65 380.60 383.50 386.45 389.35 392.30 395.20 398.15 401.05 404.00 406.90 409.85 412.75 415.70 417.95 420.23 422.50 424.78 427.05 429.33 431.60 433.88 436.15 438.43 440.70 442.98 445.25 447.53 Plan Fee 518.00 522.50 527.00 531.50 536.00 540.50 545.00 549.50 554.00 558.50 563.00 567.50 572.00 576.50 581.00 585.50 590.00 594.50 599.00 603.50 608.00 612.50 617.00 621.50 626.00 630.50 635.00 639.50 643.00 646.50 650.00 653.50 657.00 660.50 664.00 667.50 671.00 674.50 677.00 681.50 685.00 688.50 Valuation 114,001-115,000 115,001-116,000 116,001-117,000 117,001-118,000 118,001-119,000 119,001-120,000 120,001-121,000 121,001-122,000 122,001-123,000 123,001-124,000 124,001-125,000 125,001-126,000 126,001-127,000 127,001-128,000 128,001-129,000 129,001-130,000 130,001-131,000 131,001-132,000 132,001-133,000 133,001-134,000 134,001-135,000 135,001-136,000 136,001-137,000 137,001-138,000 138,001-139,000 139,001-140,000 140,001-141,000 141,001-142,000 142,001-143,000 143,001-144,000 144,001-145,000 145,001-146,000 146,001-147,000 147,001-148,000 148,001-149,000 149,001-150,000 150,001-151,000 151,001-152,000 152,001-153,000 153,001-154,000 154,001-155,000 155,001-156,000 Plan Check ii 449.80 452.08 454.35 456.63 458.90 461.18 463.45 465.73 468.00 470.28 472.55 474.83 477.10 479.38 481.65 483.93 486.20 488.48 490.75 493.03 495.00 497.58 499.85 502.13 504.40 506.68 508.95 511.23 513.50 515.78 518.05 520.33 522.60 524.88 527.15 529.43 531.70 533.98 536.25 538.53 540.80 543.07 Permi t fee 692.00 695.50 699.00 702.50 706. O0 709.50 713.00 716.50 720.00 723.50 727.00 730.50 734.00 737 ..50 741.00 744.50 748.00 751.50 755.00 758.50 762.00 765.50 769.00 772.50 776.50 779..50 783.00 786.50 790.00 793.50 797.00 800.50 804.00 807.50 811.00 814.50 818.00 821.50 825.00 828.50 832.00 835.50 EXHIBIT B PAGE THREE Va'luatlon 156,001-157,000 157,001-158,000 158,001-159,000 159,001-160,000 160,001-161,000 161,001-162,000 162,001-163,000 163,001-164,000 164,001-165,000 165,001-166,000 166,001-167,000 167,001-168,000 168,001-169,000 169,001,170,000 170,001,171,000 171,001-172,000 ~?,001-173,000 ,001-174,000 ~/4,001-175,000 175,001-176,000 176,001-177,000 177,001-178,000 178,001-179,000 179,001-180,000 180,001-181,000 181,001-182,000 182,001-183,000 183,001-184,000 184,001-185,000 185,001-186,000 186,001-187,000 187,001-188,000 188,001-189,000 189,001-190,000 190,001-191,000 191,001-192,000 192,001-193,000 193,001-194,000 194,001-195,000 195,001-196,000 196,001-197,000 -'?,001-198,000 Plan Check ii 545.35 547.63 549.90 552.18 554.45 556.73 559.00 561.28 563.55 565.50 568.10 570.08 572,65 574,93 577,20 579,48 581.00 584.03 586.30 588.58 590.85 593.13 595.40 597.68 599,95 602,23 604,50. 606,78 609,05 611.33 613.60 615.88 618.15 620.43 622.70 624.98 627.25 629.53 631.80 634.08 636.35 638.63 Per~l t Fee 839.00 842.50 846.00 849.50 853.00 856.50 860.00 863.50 867.00 870.50 874,00 877.50 881.00 884.50 888.00 891.50 895.00 898.50 902.00 905.50 909.00 912.50 916.00 919.50 923.00 926.50 930.00 933.50 937.00 940.50 944.00 947.50 951.00 954.50 958.00 961.50 965.00 968,50 972.00 975.50 979.00 982.50 Valuation __ 198, O01-199,000 199,001-200,000 200,001-201,000 201,001-202,000 202,001-203,000 203,001-204,000 204,001-205,000 205, O01- 206 , 000 206,001-207,000 207,001-208,000 208, O01- 209,000 209,001-210,000 210,001-211,000 211,001-212,000 212,001-213,000 213,001-214,000 214,001-215,000 215,001-216,000 216,001-217:000 217,001-218,000 218,001-219,000 219,001-220,000 220,001-221,000 221,001-222,000 222,001-223,000 223,001-224,000 224,001-225,000 225,001-226,000 226,001-227,000 227,001-228,000 228,001-229,000 229,001-230,000 230,001-231,000 231,001-232,000 232,001-233,000 233,001-234,000 234,001-235,000 235,001-236,000 236,001-237,000 237,001-238,000 238,001- 239,000 239,001-240,000 Plan ' Check i iii 640.90 643.18 645.45 647.73. 650.00 652.28 654.55 656.83 659.10 661.38 663.65 665.93 668.20 670.48 672.75 675.03 677.30 679.58 681.85 684.13 686.40 688.68 690.95 693.23 695.50 697.78 700,05 702,33 704,60 706,88 709,15 711,43 713,70 715.98 718.25 720.53 722.80 725.08 727.35 729,63 731.90 734.18 Pete1 t fee 986.00 989.50 993.00 996.50 1,000.00 1,003.50 1,007.00 1,010.50 1,014.00 1,017.50 1,021.00 1,024.50 1,028.00 1,031.50 1,035.00 1,038:50 1,040. O0 1,045.50 1,049.00 1,052.50 1,056.00 1,059.50 1,063.00 1,066.50 1,070.00 1,073.50 1,077.00 1,080.50 1,084. O0 1,087.50 1,091.00 1,094.50 1,098.00 1,101.50 1,105.00 1,108.50 1,112.00 1,115.50 1,119.00 1,122.50 1,126.00 1,129.50 EXHIBIT B PAGE FOUR Va]uatton 240,001-241,000 241,001-242,000 242,001-243,000 243,001-244,000 244,001-245,000 245,001-246,000 246,001-247,000 247,001-248,000 248,001-249,000 249,001--250,000 250,001-251,000 251,001-252,000 252,001-253,000 253,001-254,000 254,001-255,000 255,001-256,000 .... ~,001-257,000 ,001-258,000 Z58,001-259,000 259,001-260,000 260,001-261,000 261,001-262,000 262,001-263,000 263,001-264,000 264,001-265,000 265,001-266,000 266,001-267,000 267,001-268,000 268,001-269,000 269,001-270,000 270,001-271,000 271,001-272,000 272,001-273,000 273,001-274,000 274,001-275,000 275,001-276,000 276,001-277,000 277,001-278,000 278,001-279,000 279,001-280,000 280,001-281,000 --. ~.,001-282,000 Plan Check - 736.45 738.73 741.00 743.28 745.55 747.83 750.10 752.38 754.65 756.93 759.20 761.48 763.75 766.03 768.30 770.58. 772.85 775.13 777.40 779.68 781.95 784.23 786.50 788.78 791.05 793.33 795.60 797.88 800.15 802.43 804.70 806.98 809.25 811.53 813.80 816.08 818.35 820.63 822.90 825.18 827.45 829.73 Permtt Fee 1,133.00 1,136.50 1,140.00 1,143.50 1,147.00 1,150.50 1,154.00 1,157.50 1,161.00 1,164.50 1,168.00 1,171.50 1,175.00 1,178.50 1,182.00 1,185.50 1,189.00 1,192.50 1,196.00 1,199.50 1,203.00 1,206.50 1,210.00 1,213.50 1,217.00 1,220.50 1,224.00 1,227.50 1,231.00 1,234.50 1,238.00 1,241.50 1,245.00 1,248.50 1,252.00 1,255.50 1,259.00 1,262.50 1,266.00 1,269.50 1,273.00 1,276.50 Valuation 282,001-283,000 283,001-284,000 284,001-285,000 285,001-286,000 286,001-287,000 287,001-288,000 288,001-289,000 289,001-290,000 290,001-291,000 291,001-292,000 292,001-293,000 293,001-294,000 294,001-295,000 295,001-296,000 296,001-297,000 297,001-298,000 298,001-299,000 299,001-300,000 300,001-301,000 301,001-302,000 302,001-303,000 303,001-304,000 304,001-305,000 305,001-306,000 306,001-307,000 307,001-308,000 308,001-309,000 309,001-310,000 310,001-311,000 311,001-312,000 312,001-313,000 313,001-314,000 314,001-315,000 315,001,316,000 316,001-317,000 317,001-318,000 318,001-319,000 319,001-320,000 320,001-321,000' 321,001-322,000 322,001-323,000 323,001-324,000 Plan Check 832.00 834.28 836.55 838.83 841.10 843.38 845.65 847.93 850.20 852.48 854.75 857.03 859.30 861.38 863.85 866.13 868.40 870.68 872.45 875.23 877.50 879.78 882.05 884.33 886.60 888.88 891.15 893.93 895.70 897.98 900.25 902.53 904.80 907.08 909.35 910.98 913.90 916.18 918.45 920.73 923.00 925.25 Perm1 t fee 1,280.00 1,283.50 1,287.00 1,290.50 1,294.00 1,297.50 1,301.00 1,304.50 1,308. O0 1,311.50 1,315.00 1,318.50 1,322.00 1,325.50 1,329.00 1,332.50 1,336.00 1,339.50 1,343.00 1,346.50 1,350.00 1,353.50 1,357.00 1,360.50 1,364.00 1,367.50 1,371.00 1,374.50 1,378.00 1,381.50 1,385. O0 1,388.50 1,392.00 1,395.50 1,399.00 1,401.50 1,406.00 1,409.50 1,413.00 1,416.50 1,420. O0 1,423.50 EXHIBIT B PAGE FIVE V~]Ua~t on 3'24~,001-325,000 325i, 001-326 ,000 326~,001- 327,000 3~2~/,~D01-328,000 328~ ~001- 329,000 329;;001-330,000 330]; ~01- 331,000 33I%001-332,000 3321~,~0 I- 333,000 333~3~,001-334,000 33~!; 001- 335,000 3]~001-336,000 336~D01-337,000 3377, 001-338,000 338%D01-339,000 339~,001- 340,000 "-'n ~ 001- 341,000 ,001-342,000 3~2,D01-343,000 3~3%U01-344,000 3~'%.001- 345,000 3~5!, 001-346,000 3~6%001-347,000 3~7/, 001-348,000 3~48%~01-349,000 3~t9%D'01-350,000 35 0!, D 01- 351,000 3~-L, O01- 352,000 352~; D 01- 353,000 353~,Q01-354,000 354~,0'01-355,000 355<,001-356,000 356~,001-357,000 3'5.7~001-358,000 35'8',001-359,000 359~,081-360,000 360;001-361,000 36 L, O01- 362,000 362;001-363,000 363,001-364,000 364r, 001--365,000 ...... "% 001--366,000 Plan Check 927.55 929.83 932.16 934.38 936.65 938.93 941.20 943.48 945.75 948.03 950.30 952.58 954.85 957.13 959.40 961.68 963.95 966.23 968.50 970.78 973.05 975.33 977.60 979.88 982.15 984.43 986.70 988.98 991.25 993.53 995.80 998.08 1,000.35 1,002.63 1,004.90 1,007.18 1,009.45 1,011.73 1,014.00 1,016.28 1,018.55 1,020.88 Perm1 t Fee 1,427.00 1,430.50 1,434. O0 1,437.50 1,441.00 1,444.50 1,448. O0 1,451.50 1,455.00 1,458.50 1,462.00 1,465.50 1,469.00 1,472.50 1,476.00 1,479.50 1,483. O0 1,486.50 1,490.00 1,493.50 1,497.00 1,500.50 1,504. O0 1,507.50 1,511.00 1,514.50 1,518.00 1,521.50 1,525.00 1,528.50 1,532.00 1,535.50 1,539.00 1,542.50 1,546. O0 1,549.50 1,553.00 1,556.50 1,560.00 1,568.50 1,567. O0 1,570.50 Valuation 366, O01-367,000 367,001-368,000 368,001-369,000 369,001-370,000 370,001-371,000 371,001-372,000 372,001-373,000 373,001-374,000 374,001-375,000 375,001-376,000 376,001-377,000 377,001-378,000 378,001-379,000 379,001-380,000 380,001-381,000 381,001-382,000 382, O01- 383,000 383, O01- 384,000 384,001- 385,000 385,001-386,000 386, O01- 387,000 387, O01- 388,000 388,001-389,000 389,001-390,000 390, O01- 391,000 391,001-392,000 392,001-393,000 393, O01- 394,000 394,001-395,000 395,001-396,000 396,001-397,000 397,001-398,000 398,001-399,000 399,001-400,000 400, O01-401,000 401,001-402,000 402,001-403,000 403,001-404,000 404,001-405,000 405,001-406,000 406,001-407,000 407,001-408,000 Plan Check 1,023.10 1,025.88 1,027.65 1,029.93 1,032.20 1,034.48 1,036.75 1,039.25 1,041.30 1,043.58 1,045.85 1,048.13 1,050.40 1,052.68 1,054.95 1,057.23 1,059.50 1,061.78 1,064.05 1,066.33 1,068.60 1,070.88 1,073.15 1,075.43 1,077.70 1,079.98 1,082.25 1,084.53 1,086.80 1,089.08 1,091.35 1,093.63 1,095.90 1,098.18 1,100.45 1,102.73 1,105.00 1,107.28 1,109.55 1,111.80 1,114.10 1,116.38 Permi t fee 1,574.00 1,527.50 1,581.00 1,584.50 1,588.00 1,591.50 1,595.00 1,598.50 1,602. O0 1,605.50 1,609. O0 1,612.50 1,616.00 1,619.50 1,623.00 1,626.50 1,630. O0 1,633.50 1,637.00 1,640.50 1,644.00 1,647.50 1,651.00 1,654.50 1,658.00 1,661.50 1,665.00 1,668.50 1,672.00 1,675.50 1,679.00 1,682.50 1,686.00 1,689.50 1,692.00 1,696.50 1,700. O0 1,703.50 1,707.00 1,710.50 1,714.00 1,717.50 EXHIBIT B PAGE SIX Ya]lmtlon 408~001-409,000 409S001-410,000 410~001-411,000 41~L,001-412,000 412'001-413,000 41~001-414,000 414',001-415,000 415~001-416,000 416~001-417,000 417~ O01-418,000 418!~001-419,000 419g001-420,000 420~001-421,000 491!,001-422,000 422~001-423,000 423~001-424,000 ~4%001-425,000 ~001-426,000 ,Z6~001-427,000 427~001-428,000 428!;001-429,000 429~001-430,000 4'~0.~001-431,000 431!,001-432,000 482;001-433,000 432~001-434,000 ~8~i~001-435,000 ¢35~001-436,000 ¢86~001-437,000 437~001-438,000 4~8~001-439,000 439~001-440,000 440.,001-441,000 441~,001-442,000 442~001-443,000 443~001-444,000 444%001-445,000 4¢5.~001-446,000 446~001-447,000 447~001-448,000 448~001-449,000 ~001-450,000 ~,001-451,000 Plan Check 1,118.65 1,120.93 1,123.20 1,125.48 1,127.75 1,130.03 1,132.30 1,134.58 1,136.85 1,139.13 1,141.40 1,143.68 1,145.95 1,148.23 1,150.50 1,152.78 1,155.05 1,157.33 1,159.60 1,161.88 '1,164.15 1,166.43 1,168.70 1,170.98 1,173.25 1,175.53 1,177.80 1,180.08 1,182.35 1,184.63 1,186.90 1,189.18 1,191.45 1,193.73 1,196.00 1,198.28 1,200.55 1,202.83 1,205.10 1,207.38 1,209.65 1,211.93 1,214.20 Permtt Fee 1,721.00 1,724.50 1,728.00 1,731.50 1,735.00 1,738.50 1,742.00 1,745.50 1,749.00 1,752.50 1,756.00 1,756.50 1,763.00 1,766.50 1,770.00 1,773.50 1,777.00 1,780.50 1,784.00 1,787.50 1,791.00 1,794.50 1,798.00 1,801.50 1,805.00 1,808.50 1,812.00 1,815.50 1,819.00 1,822.50 1,826.00 1,829.50 1,833.00 1,836.50 1,840.00 1,843.50 1,847.00 1,850.50 1,854.00 1,857.50 1,861.00 1,864.50 1,868.00 Valuation 451,001-452,000 452,001-453,000 453,001-454,000 454,001-455,000 455,001-456,000 456,001-457,000 457,001-458,000 458,001-459,000 459,001-460,000 460,001-461,000 461,001-462,000 462,001-463,000 463,001-464,000 464,001-465,000 465,001-466,000 466,001-467,000 467,001-468,000 468,001-469,000 469,001-470,000 470,001-471,000 471,001-472,000 472,001-473,000 473,001-474,000 474,001-475,000 475,001-476,000 476,001-477,000 477,001-478,000 478,001-479,000 479, O01-480,000 480,001-481,000 481,001-482,000 482,001-483,000 483,001-484,000 484,001-485,000 485,001-486,000 486,001-487,000 487,001-488,000 488,001-489,000 489,001-490,000 490,001-491,000 491,001-492,000 492,001-493,000 493,001-494,000 Plan Check 1,216.48 1,218.75 1,218.75 1,223.30 1,225.58 1,227.85 1,230.13 1,232.40 1,234.68 1,234.95 1,239.23 1,241.50 1,243.78 1,246.05 1,248.33 1,250.60 1,252.88 1,255.15 1,257.43 1,259.70 1,261.98 1,264.25 1,266.53 1,268.80 1,271.08 1,273.35 1,275.63 1,277.90 1,280.18 1,282.45 1,284.73 1,287.00 1,289.28 1,291.55 1,293.83 1,296.10 1,298.38 1,300.65 1,302.93 1,305.20 1,307.48 1,309.75 1,312.03 Perm~ t fee 1,871.50 1,875.00 1,878.50 1,882.00 1,885.50 1,889.00 1,892.50 1,896.00 1,899.50 1,908.00 1,906.50 1,910.00 1,913.50 1,917.00 1,920.50 1,924.00 1,927.50 1,931.00 1,924.50 1,938.00 1,941.50 1,945.00 1,948.50 1,952.00 1,955.50 1,959.00 1,962.50 1,966.00 1,969.50 1,973.00 1,976.50 1,980.00 1,983.50 1,987.00 1,990.50 1,994.00 1,997.50 2,001.00 2,004.50 2,008. O0 2,011.50 2,015.00 2,018.50 EXHIBIT B PAGE SEVEN Valuation 494,001-495,000 495,001-496,000 496,001-497,000 497,001-498,000 498,001-499,000 499,001-500,000 500,000-1,000,000 1,000,000 and up Plan Perm1 t Check Fee 1,314.30 2,022.00 1,316.58 2,025.50 1,318.85 2,029.00 1,321.13 2,032.50 1,323.40 2,036.00 1,325.68 2,039.50 See Below See Below (1) (2) See Bel ow See Bel ow (1) (3) (1) (2) 65% of Building Permit Fee. $2,039.50 for the fir. st $500,000 plus $3.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000. $3539.50 for the first $1,000,000 plus $2.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof. Valuation Plan Check Pete1 t fee EXHIBIT C PROPOSED MISCELLANEOUS BUILDING DIVISION FEES O'ttmr'- Inspect1 ons Relnspection Fee per Section 305g ([) .................................. $30.00 Inspections outstde of normal business hours (2 hour minimum)(2) ......................................... $50 Hr. Real Estate Inspection: Occupancy Group R ............................ $[20.00 up to 4 units plus $[5.00 per untt Others: Less than 5,000 sq. ft ................................. $225.00 5,000 to 10,000 sq. ft ......................................... $300.00 10,000 sq. ft. and over ................ ~ ....................... $425.00 Relocation Building Investigation: Less than 5,000 sq. ft .................................... ; .... $60.00 More than 5,000 sq. ft ................................. $60.'00 + $1.00 $100.00 over 5,000 sq. ft. SUbstandard Structure Inspections .................................... $60.00 Inspection or Permit: Trailor Coach .................................. $60.00 Search and Single copy of: Search for Microfilmed Permit .................................... $4.00 Photo Copy per Permit ............................................ $2.00 Temporary Certificate of Occupancy ................................... $60.00 PlUm Check Standardized Plan - Plan Check (Structural) ................ 70% of Plan Check Landscaping and Irrigation plan check ........................... ([ hour minimum) ............................................. $60.00 Hr. Energy Plan Check (Non-residential) .............................. $70.00 Hr. ......................... $300.00 Minimum Seismic ( Structural ) ............................................. State Adopted Review of Alquist-Priolo Report ........................ $70/hr $300.00 minimum P.lan check outside of normal business hours or requested fast-tracking (one hour minimum) (2) .............. $50.00 Hr. A~lditional plan check (structural) required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans (1/2 hr. minimum) ..... $45.00 Hr. Lxhibit C Page two Miscellaneous (1) Performance Bond Processing ...................................... 15 of bond Other Miscellaneous Document Preparation ............................ $150.00 Board of Appeal Determination ....................................... $150.00 Microfilm Fee for Building Documents (standard sheet size)...$1.O0 per sheet [ach permittee shall be entitled to one correction inspection in addition to the required number of inspections established. If more than one inspection is required due to fault or error on part of an installer, permittee or his employee, an additional $30.00 fee may be required for each additional inspection trip. The number of inspections will not be limited on progress jobs. However, one inspection is permitted for checking a correction with no addi ti onal fee. (2) Only when authorized by the Director of Community Development. ExHzBIT 0 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES Issuing Permits, Each .................................................. $15.00 SYSTEM FEE sCHEDULE For New Multi-Family Residential Buildings (Apartments & Condominiums) Three Units or More not including attached garages or carports per square foot ...................................................... .03 For New Single and Two-Family Residential not including garages, carports, accessory buildings, per square foot ............... 03 For Other Types of Occupancies and Alteration, Additions and Modifications to Existing Buildings, Use Unit Fee Schedule For New Residential Swimming Pools, Each ................................ 30.00 For Spas, Hot Tub, Above Grade Swimming Pools, Alterations to Existing Pools ........................................................... Unit Fee Carnivals and Circuses: For electric generators and electrically driven rides, Each ........ 15.00 For mechanically driven rides and walk-through attractions with 1 igh ti rig, Each ...................................................... 4.50 For area and booth lighting, Each ................................... 4.50 For permanently installed rides, booths, displays, and attractions use Unit Fee Schedule Temporary Power Service: For temporary service pole or Pedestal and Appurtenances, Each .... 15.00 For temporary power distribution system, Each ...................... 7.50 Exhibit D Page two o. UNIT FEE SCHEDULE For Receptacle, Switch Lighting Outlets, first 20, Each ................ $ .75 Additional, Each ...................................................... 45 For Lighting Fixtures, Sockets, or Other Lamp Holding Devices, First 20 Each ................................. For Pole or Platform Mounted Fixtures, Each ................................ 75 For Theatrical-type Lighting Fixtures or Assemblies, Each .................. 75 For Fixed Residential Appliances not Exceeding 1HP, Each ................. 3.00 NOTE: For other types of air conditioners and other motor driven appliances having larger electrical ratings, See POwer Apparatus. POWER APPARATUS For Motors, Generators, Transformers, Rectifiers, Converters, Capacitors, Industrial Heating, Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps, Cooking or Equipment, and Other Apparatus, As Follows: Baking 'Rating in HP, KW, KVA, KVAR, or refrigeration-tons. Up to and including 1, Each ........................................ 3.00 Over i and not over 10, Each ....................................... 7.50 Over 10 and not over 50, Each ..................................... 15.00 Over 50 and not over 100, Each .................................... 30.00 Over 100,' Each .................................................... 45.00 NOTE: 1. For equipment or appliances having more than one motor, transformer, heater, etc., the sum of the combined ratings may be used. ® These fees include all switches, circuit breakers, contractors, thermostats, relays and other directly related control equip- ment. Exhtbit D Page three BUSWAYS For Trolley and Plug-in Type Busways, Each 100 feet or Fraction Thereof . 4.50 NOTE: An additonal fee will be required for lighting fixtures, motors and other appliances that are connected to trolley and plug-in type busways. No fee is required for portable tool s. Signs, Outline Lighting and Marquees: For one sign and one branch circuit, Each ......................... 15.00 For additional branch circuits, Each .............................. 3.00 Services, switchboard Sections, Panelboards: For services of 600 V or less and not over 200 Amps. in rating, Each ............................................................. 18.50 For services of 600 V or less and over 200'Amps. to 1,000 Amps. in rating, Each ..................................................... 37.50 For services over 600 V or over 1,000 Amps. in rating, Each ....... 75.00- For miscellaneous conduits and conductors ......................... 11.00 OTHER Ptan check is 50% of permit fee for services, panelboards, motors, etc., when 600 Amps or over. Other inspections and miscellaneous fees as shown in Exhibit B shall be app 1 i cable here. EXH~B!T E PLUMBI'NG PERM]~T FEES TABLE ! For tssuing each permit ............................................... $15.00 In addition: For each plumbing fixture or trap or set of fixtures on one trap (including drainage, vent, water piping and backflow prevention devices thereof) ....................................... 6.00 Reptptng of portable water system (per dwelling unit) .................. 60.00 (6.00 per fixture with a maximum fee of $60.00) For each permanent-type dishwasher, whether individually trapped or not ............................................................. 6. O0 For each industrial waste pretreatment interceptor, including its trap and vent, excepting kitchen-type grease interceptors functioning as ficture traps ...................................... 12.00 For each swimming pool drainage trap and receptor, whether connected to a building drain or a building sewer (water supply for pool not included) ...................................................... 7.50 For each gas piping system of one to four outlets, or alteration or retest of existing gas pi ping system ............................ 3.00 For each additional outlet over four ...................................... 75 For each gas pressure regulator other than appliance regulators For each water heater and/or vent ....................................... 7.50 For repair or alteration of drainage and/or piping ...................... 6.00 For each piece of water-treating equipment and/or water piping installed without accompanying plumbing ............................ 6.00 For lawn sprinkler systems on any one meter, including backflow prevention devices thereof ................................ 9.00 For installation of each solar heating system, domestic or pool system ....................................................... 30.00 Exhibit E Page two For backflow prevention devices on unprotected water supplies, pools, tanks, vats, etc. (including incidental water piping), one to five ...................................................... $ 7.50 For each additional device over five .................................... 1.50 For each building drain installed without accompanying plumbing ......... 6.00 Solar portable water heating system, including water heater and vent ... 30.00 For each fire sprinkler head up to five ................................. 2.00 For each additional fire sprinkler head over five ......................... 25 TABLE II FUr issuing each permit 15 O0 In addition: For the connection of a house sewer to a public sewer, or for the extension of a house lateral onto a lot for future use {separate permit required for each such connection or extension) ............ 15.00 For installation of a section of house sewer for future use ............ 15.00 For the connection of each additional building or additional work to a house sewer .................................................. 10.00 For each private sewage disposal system (septic tank and seepage pit or pits and/or drainfield) .................................... 45.00 For each cesspool, overflow seepage pit, percolation test pit, swimming pool drywall, or drainfield extension or replacement ..... 45.00 For disconnection, abandonment, alteration or repair of and house sewer or private ~sewage disposal system or part thereof ........... 15.00 Exhibit E Page three OTHER FEES Plan check - Applicant to pay a plan check fee of 50% of the plumbing permit fee. Other inspection and miscellaneous fees as shown in Exhibit B shall be applicable here. When identical plumbing design is evident in more that one building on a single project and the building official so finds, plan check fees may be waived for other than the representative sample.- EXHIBIT F MECHANICAL PER, lIT FEES For the issuance, of each permit ....................................... $15.00 For the installation, alteration or relocation of each refrigerator compressor or absorption unit, and for each fuel burning furnace, heater, boiler, and vented decorative appliance including vents attached thereto: Up to and including 100,000 BTU .................................... 9.00 More than 100,000 BTU to and including 1,000,000 BTU .............. 11.00 More than 1,000,000 BTU ........................................... 13.00 For each air inlet and air outlet served by any air conditioning system ........................................................... :. 2.00 Or for each 1,000 square feet or fraction thereof of conditioned area: NOTE: When a permit is applied for and the total number of air inlet and air outlets is unknown, the fees shall be based on the square feet of conditioned area. For the installation, relocation or replacement of each appliance Vent installed and not included in an appliance per'mit .................. 4.50 For the installation or alteration of each air handling unit for air conditioning including ducts attached thereto: Up to and including 2,000 CFM Each unit up to 10 ................................................. 4.00 Each unit over 10 .................................................. 1.00 More than 2,000 CFM to and including 10,000 CFM ......................... 6.50 More than 10,000 CFM ................................................... 11,00 NOTE' This fee shall not apply to an air handling unit which is a portion of a factory assembled air conditioned appliance for which a permit is required elsewhere in this Code. For each evaporative cooler other than portable type .................... 6.50 For required ventilation fans which-serve a single register: Each fan up to 10 .................................................. 4.50 Each fan over 10 ................................................... 2.00 Exhibit F Page two For each required ventilation system which is not a portion of any air conditioning system for which a permit is required elsewhere in this Code ..................................................... $ 6.50 FOr the installation of each commercial kitchen hood or spray booth served by mechanical exhaust, including the .fans and ducts attached thereof ................................................... 6.50 For the installation of each fire damper ................................ 4.00 For the alteration of an existing duct system for which a permit is not requ.ired elsewhere in this Code ................................ 6.50 OTHER FEES For all project with the exception of SFR the applicant shall pay a plan check fee of 50~ of the mechanical permit. Other inspection and miscellaneous fees as shbwn in Exhibit B shall also be applicable here. EXHIBIT G SIGN PER, tIT FEES Permit Issuance-. ............................................... $ 15.00 Combination sign, final sign, .................................. $ 20.00 projecting sign or roof sign up up to 30 square feet Pole sign up to 50 square feet ................................. $ 20.00 Wall sign up to 200 square feet ................................ $ 25.00 All signs, each additional 100 ................................. $ 30.00 square feet or fraction thereof over the above respective 30, 50, or 200 square feet Sign code exception hearing .................................... $ 100.00 Plan check fee required for ground base signs. Fees are based on building plan check construction valuation - See Exhibit A. EXHIBIT H GRADING AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENT FEES PLAN CHECK less than 5 acre sites ROUGH GRADING ONLY (1) (per sq. ft. of site area) .003 with $300 minimum fee PRECISE GRADING AND ANY PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS (1) (per sq. ft. of site area) $.014 with $300 minimum fee 5-25 acres .002 with $300 minimum fee $.016 with $500 minimum fee 26 acres + $70/hr. with $500 minimum fee $70/hr with $500 minimum fee Plan check fees include plan checks 1-3. Subsequent plan checks shall be charged at $70 per hour. PERMIT FEES "- qh grading .001 per sq. ft. of site area Precise grading only .014 per sq. ft of site area New construction on-site improvements (curb and gu rte r, si dewa 1 k s, pavement, catch basins, storm drains, etc. .0145 per sq. ft. of site 'area Existing repair of on-site imp roveme nts curb and gutter sidewalk pavement OTHER FEES .085 linear foot .03 sq. ft. .01 sq. ft. Additional plan check required by changes, additions or revisions to approved .plans (1/2 hour minimum) $70/hour Plan check outside of normal --. i ness hour or requested c tracking (1 hour minimum) (1) $105/hour Inspections outside of normal business hours (2 hour minimum) (1) $50/hour (1) When approved by Director of Community Development