HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 6 ANN'L RPT 1986-87 12-21-87TO: FROM: SUBJECT: HILLIAH A. HUSTON, CITY HANAGER .,. COHI~NITY DEYELOPHENT DEPARTHENT ANNUAL REPORT, 1986-87 RECOlelENDATION: It ts recommended that the Ctty Council take the following actions' 1. Receive and ftle the Annual Report for 1986-87. 2. Direct that a copy of th~s report be f~led with the State Controller. BACKGROUND: California Health and Safety Code Section 33080.1 requires the preparation and f~ling of an annual report by a redevelopment agency w~th ~tso legislative body. A copy of this report must be filed w~th the State Controller. The annual report must contain the following' 1. An ~ndependent f~nanc~al audit for the previous f~scal year, The audit must include an opinton of the Agency's compliance w~th laws, regulations and administrative requirements governing activities of the Agency. 2. A fiscal statement containing the following information' a. The amount of outstanding indebtedness of the Agency. b. The amount of tax increment property tax revenue generated. c. The amount of tax increment revenues paid to taxing agenies pursuant to Section 33401. d. The required report to the State Controller. 3. Any other fiscal information which the Agency believes is useful. 4. A description of the Agency's activities affecting housing and displacement containing the following information' a. The total number of households displaced or moved from their dwelltng un, ts as part of a redevelopmet project during 1986-87. b. An estimate of the total number of households that w~ll be displaced during 1986-87. Ctty Councll Report December 21, 1987 Annual Report Page two Ce The total number of dwelling units housing persons and families of low and moderate income which were destroyed or removed from the housing market in 1986-87 as part of a redevelopment project. de The total number of Agency assisted dwelling units constructed, rehabilitated, acquired or subsidized during 1986-87 for occupancy at affordable cost by persons and families of low and moderate i ncome. ® e. The status and use of the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund created pursuant to Section 33334.3. f. Any other information the Agency believes useful to explain its housing programs. Any other information the Agency believes Useful to explain its programs. A#ALYSIS: ii This report is intended to comply with the Health and Safety Code as described above. I · Independent financial audit and compliance audit. A copy of the audit and compliance audit for 1986-87 is attached. 2. Fi scal statement: a· be ce de The amount of outstanding indebtedness, as of June 30, 1987, was reported to be $8,105,000. The amount of tax increment property tax revenue received by the Agency in 1986-87 was $2,253,193. The amount of tax increment revenues paid to taxing agencies pursuant to Section 33401 was $-0-. The required report to the state Controller will be submitted with this report. e There is no other fiscal information which the Agency believes to be useful at the present time. 4. Activities affecting housing and displacement. · Corn rnunity Developrnen~ Departrnen~ Ctty Counci 1 Report December 21, 1987 Annual Report Page three ae ~,. The total number of households displaced or moved as part of the Town Center or South Central redevelopment projects during 1986-87 were' Total households displaced ' -0- Low and moderate income (included in total) -0- b. The total number of households estimated to be displaced as part of the Town Center or South Central redevelopment projects in 1986-87 was: Total estimated displacement -0- Low and moderate income (included in total) .--0-- c. The total number of low and moderate income dwelling units demolished or removed from the housing stock in 1986-87 were: -0- d. The total number of Agency assisted dwelltng untts which were constructed, rehabilitated, acquired, or subsidized in 1986-87 for occupancy at affordable cost by persons and families of low and moderate income is: -0- e. The Redevelopment Plan for the Town Center Redevelopment Project was adopted November 22, 1976. Pursuant to Section 33334.5 of the Health and Safety Code, the Agency adopted Resolution No. 87-11 on August 17, 1987 and was not obligated to deposit any tax increment due to existing obligations. Corn rnunity Development Department Ci ty Council Report December 21, 1987 Annual Report Page four f® As of June 30, 1987, the accrued balance tn the Agency's Low and Moderate Income Fund for the South Central Redevelopment Project was $185,236. There is no other houstng program information which the Agency believes to be useful at this time. 5. Other useful information. ! There ts no other inforn~tion which the Agency believes to be useful at the present time. Christine Shlngieton ~ i Director of Comn~nity Development CAS 'per Corn reunify Developmen~ Depar~men~ TUSTI[N COHHUN'[TY BXDKVKLOFNEHT AGENCY FIHAN~ STATKNENTS bi[TH Ri:PORT ON KXAHINATION BY CKRTIFI]~D PUBLIC ACCOUHTAHTS 30, 1987 TI IN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGE TABLE OF CONTENTS June 30, 1987 Accountants ' Report General Purpose Financial Statements: Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - Ail Governmental Fund Types Notes to Financial Statements Supplementary Information.- Combining Balance Sheet - All Capital Projects Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - All Capital Projects Funds Combining Balance Sheet - ~11 Debt Service Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - All Debt Service Funds Accountants' Report on Compliance with Audit Guidelines for California Redevelopment Agencies Page Number 3 4 - 11 12 13 14 15 16 D LEvANS COMP CERTIFIED PUBUC ACCOUNTANTS & PAEll~'F.~I~ INCLU1XNG AC~&NCY CORPORATIONS 1910 NORTH BUSH' STREET SANTA ANA · CALIFORNIA 92706-2894 PHONE (714) September 14, 1987 WIN G. PETERS, CPA OONALD H. PETERSON, CPA DONALD £. CALLAHAN, L. PETER SCX"IERER, CPA RODNEY K. McDANIEL, CPA RALPH H. WEINTRAUB, CPA MICHAEL R. LUDIN, CPA FHlUP H. HOLTKAMP, CPA THOMAS M. I~RLOWSKL CPA ACCOUNTANTS' REPORT Agency Members Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency. Tustin, California We have examined the general purpose financial statements of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency as of and for the year ended June 30, 1987, as liste~ in the table of contents. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the general purpose financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency at June 30, 1987, and the results of its operations for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year except for the change with which we concur, in the method of accounting for loans from the City of Tustin, as more fully described at Note 6. Our examination was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. The combining financial statements listed in the table of contents are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the general purpose financial statements of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency. The information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the examination of the general purpose financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the general' purpose financial statements taken as a whole. -1= OTH]~ OFlqCF..S AT: ONE CIVIC PLAZA · SUITE 26,5 NEV~ORT BEACH, CA 92660-5915 Cr~4) 644-6156 2965 ROOSEVELT ST. CARLSBAD, CA 92008-2389 (6~9) r~9-z~a 120 WEST WOODWARD AVE. ESCONDIDO, CA 92025-9990 (619) 741-3141 '"ISTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT ' 'v. NCY BALANCE sHEET - ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUP June 30, 1987 -. ASSETS Governmental o Fund Types Capital Debt Projects Service Account Group General Long-term Debt Totals (Memorandum Only) 1987 1986 Cash and investments (Note 3) Cash with fiscal agent (Note 3) Taxes receivable Accrued interest receivable Accounts receivable Due from other funds Amount available in debt service fund Amount to be provided for long- t erin deb t $4,812,389 $ 311,843 $ - 2,250,979 - 59,587 55,689 - 19,375 16,092 - $ 5,124,232 $ 4,381,860 - 2,250,979 1,738,415 - 59,587 12,672 - 55,689 - - - 363,481 - 35,467 430,544 2,619,126 2,619,126 2,145,297 7~224~955 -7~224~955 6~074~703 TOTAL ASSETS $4~88,7~453 $2a.638~501 $9~8~081 $17~370~035 $15 ~146 ~ 972 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE LIABILITIES ~ Accounts payable and accrued expenses Due to other funds Due to City of Tustin (Not:e 4) Other long-term debt (Notes 4 and 5) $ 78,832 $ - $ - $ 16,092 19,375 - - - 1,739,081 - - 8~105~000 78,832 $ 145,826 35,467 430,544 1,739,081 570,638 8~105~000 8~220~000 TOTAL LIABILITIES 94~924 19~375 9 ~844~081 9 ~958~380 9 ~367 ~008 FUND BALANCES ~ Reserved for encumbrances Reserved for debt service Reserved for low-income hous ing Unreserved: Designated for capital outlay 131,000 - - 131,000 - - 2,619,126 ' 2,619,126 2,145,297 185,236 - - 185,236 37,936 4~476~293 4~476~293 . 3~596~731 TOTAL FUND BALANCES ...4,792,529 2~619~126 - 7~411~655 5~779~964 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES $4,887.453 $2,638~501 $9~844~081 $17~370~635 $!5~146~972 See accountants' report and notes to financial statements. .. -2- STIN COM~RqlTY REDEVELOPMENT A .ICY COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES For the year ended June 30, 1987 REVENUES= Taxes (Note 2) Interest Intergovernmental revenues TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Current: General government Community development Capital expenditures Debt service (Note Principal retirement on bonds Interest and fiscal charges on bonds Payments on loans from City (Note 5) TOTAL EXPENDITURES EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: Loans from City (Note 5) EXCESS OF REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCES, BEGINNING OF YEAR PRIOR PERIOD ADJUSTMENT (NOTE 6) FUND BALANCES, END OF YEAR Totals Capital Debt (Memorandum Only) Projects Service 1987 1986 135,386 $ 2,117,807 $ 2,253,193 $ 1,615,093 384,438 66,179 450,617 535,024 - - - 10~837 519 ~824 , 2,183 ~986 2,703;810 2;160;954 433,733 - 433,733 353,580 465,000 - 465,000 542,927 980,917 - 980,917 1,588,294 - 115,000 115,000 100,000 - 816,550 816,550 803,270 - 778;.607 778;607 . 759;620 1;879;650 1;710~157 3;589;807 4;147;691 (1,359,826) 473,829 (885;997) (1,986;737) 1,947;050 - 1~947;050 , 856,114 587,224 473,829 1,061,053 (1,130,593) 3,634,667 2,145,297 5,779,964 6,910,557 570,638 - 570,638 - $ 4~792,529 $ 2;619~126 $ 7;411;655 $ 5~779~964 See accountants' report and notes to financial statements. -3- · NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEHENT$ June 30,.1987 1. ~IIHHARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: A. Description of Funds and Account Group: The Agency utilizes fund accounting. Its accounts are organized on the basis of funds and an account group, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self-balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues, and expenditures. The Agency maintains the following fund types and account group: Governmental Funds: Capital Pro~ects Funds - The Capital Projects Funds are used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities. Debt Service Funds - The Debt Service Funds are used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal, interest, and related costs. General Long-termDebt Account Group: Long-Germ liabilities expected to be financed from governmental funds are accounted for in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group, not in the governmental funds. B, Heasurement Focus: All governmentaX funds are accounted for on a spending or "financial flow" measurement focus. This means that only current assets and current liabilities are generally included on their balance sheets. Their reported fund balance (nec current assets) is considered a measure of "available spendable resources." Governmental fund operating statements present increases (revenues and other financing sources) and decreases (expenditures and other financing uses) in net current assets. C. Basis of Accounting: Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. Basis of accounting relates to the timing of the measurements made, regardless of the measurement focus applied. See accountants* report. -4- IN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGE. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) June 30, 1987 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONTINUED): C. Basis'Of Accounting (Continued): All governmental funds are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they become measurable and available as net current assets. Expenditures generally are recognized under the accrual basis of accounting when the related fund liability is incurred. An exception to this general rule is principal and interest on general long-term debt, which are recognized when due. D. Budgetary Reporting: The budgets of the Agency are primarily "long-term" budgets which emphasize capital outlay plans extending over one year. Because of the long-term nature of redevelopment projects, "annual" budget comparisons are not considered meaningful and accordingly, no budgetary information is included in the accompanying financial statements. E. Investments: Investments are stated at cost. No loss is recorded when market values decline below cost as such declines are considered temporary. The Agency intends to either hold the investments until maturity, or until market values equal or exceed cost. F. Total Columns on Combined Statements: The combined financial statements include total columns, which aggregate the financial statements of the fund types and account group. The columns are designated "memorandum only" because the totals are not comparable to a consolidation. See accountants' report. -5- TU? 'N COtOIUNITY REDEVELOPHENT AGE" NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEHENTS (Continued) June 30, 1987 2. ORGANIZATION AND TAX.INcP. EI~NT FINANCING~ The Tustin~C~nity Redevelopment Agency was established in 1976 for the purpose of providing needed public improvements and facilitating economic development within the Town Center Project Area and the South Central Redevelopment Project Areas. The City Council serves as the Agency Board of Directors and City staff provide required Agency staff support. The Agency is administered in accordance with the Town Center Area Redevelopment project Area and the South Central Project Area plans and State redevelopment law. Agency expenses include capital improvement projects and operating costs which include required staff support and consultant services. The Agency'.s primary source of revenue comes from property taxes, referred to in the accompanying financial statements as "tax increment revenue". The assessed valuation of all property within the project area is determined on the date of adoption of the Redevelopment Plan. Property taxes related to the incremental increase in assessed values after the adoption of the Redevelopment Plan are allocated to. the Agency; ail taxes on the "frozen" assessed valuation of the property are allocated to the City and other districts. 3. CASH AND INVESTMENTS~ Cash and investments at June 30, 1987 consisted of the following= Deposits~ Banks= Demand accounts Savings and Loan Associations~ Certificates of deposit Investments~ Federal National Hortgage Association California Local Agency Investment Fund Cash and investment held by fiscal agents Cost $ 642,438 1,986,000 73,79~ 2 ~422 ~000 5,12/*, 232 2~250~979 Total Cash and Investments $ 7~375~211 See accountants' report. -6- TI .IN COMMUNITY 'REDEVELOPMENT AGE f NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) June 30, 1987 3. CASH AND INVESTMENTS (CONTINUED): Collate,ra'l· for Deposits Under the provisions of the California Government Code, 'California banks and savings and loan associations are required to secure an Agency's deposits by pledging government securities as collateral. The market value of the pledged securities must equal at least 110% of an Agency's deposits. The Treasurer, at his discretion, may waive the 110% collateral requirement for deposits which are insured up to $100,000 by the FDIC or FSLIC. California law also allows financial institutions to secure an Agency's deposits by pledging first trust deed mortgage notes having a value of 150% of an Agency's total deposits. Authorized Investments= The Agency operates its pooled idle cash investments under the Prudent Man Rule (California Civil Code Sections 2261 et seq.) This affords the Agency a broad spectrum of investment opportunities as long as the investment is deemed prudent and is allowable under current legislation of the State of California (Government Code Section 53600 et seq.) Under provisions of the Agency's Investment Policy and in accordance with Section 53601 of the California Government Code, the Agency may invest in the following types of instruments: a. Bankers acceptances. b. Negotiable certificates of deposit. c. Commercial paper. d. Obligations of the State of California or of any local agency within the State of California. The California Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) is a special fund of the California State Treasury through which local governments may pool investments. The Agency may invest up to $5,000,000 in the fund. Investments in LAIF are highly liquid, as deposits can be converted to cash within 24 hours without loss of interest. See accountants' report. -7- ~" 'IN CO~/NITY REDEVELOPMENT A~' ;Y NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEHENTS (Continued) June 30, 1987 3. CASH AND INVESTHENTS (CON.TINUED)= Classifica~ion of Cash and Investments by Credit Risk Deposits5 All deposits 100% insured or collateralized Investments5 Category It Insured or registered, or securities held by the City or its agent in the Cityts name $ 2,628,438 Category 25 Uninsured and unregistered securities held by the counterpartyts trust department or agent in the City's name .. Category 35 Uninsured and unregistered, with securities held by the counterparty, or its trust department or agent, but not in the City's name '2,324,773 California Local Agency Investment Fund 2 ~/,22 tO00 $ 7~375~21.1 Allocation of Interest Income Amon~ Funds Interest is allocated annually based on the weighted average cash balances in each fund receiving interest. CHANGES IN LONG-TEI~ DEBT~ General Long-TermDebt Account Group= a. The following is a summary of the changes in the Tax Allocation Bonds for the year ended June 30, 1987= Balance, July 1, 1986 Debt Retired Tax Allocation Bonds $ 8,220,000 115 ~ 000 Balance, June 30, 1987 $ 8~105~000 See accountants' report. -8- TL iN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGE. . NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) June 30, 1987 4. CHANGES IN LONG-TERM DEBT (CONTINUED): a. (COnt~nued)~ The original issue of 1982 tax allocation bonds was fOr $8,500,000 with interest ranging from 7.757. to 9.75% payable in annual principal installments ranging from $100,000 to $626,000 maturing in 2006. The annual requirements to amortize principal and interest as of June 30, 1987 are as follows.. Year Ending June 30 Amount 1988 $ 888,696 1989 893,427 1990 896,802 1991 903,384 Thereafter 14 ~888 ~ 195 18,470,504 Less interest (10~365 ~504) Total $ 8~105~000 The amount available at June 30, 1987 in the Debt Service Fund to service the tax allocation bonds was $2,619,126. b. The following is a summary of the changes in the loan balances with the City of Tustin for the year ended June 30, 1987: Balance, July 1, 1986 Additional borrowings Payments on loans Loan from City $ 570,638 1,947,050 778~607 Balance June 30, 1987 $ 1~739~081 Amount Project Area South Central Town Center Interest Rate 7% 7% $ 1,328,080 411~001 $ 1~739~081 See accountants' report. -9- TU"~IN CO~fl~ITY REDEVELOPHENT AGE"~Y .. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) June 30, 1987 5 · SUBSEQUENT EVENTS.' In July 198-7, the Agency issued the Town Center Area Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation .Refundin$ Bonds, Series 1987 to refund bonds issued by the Agency in 1982 in the original amount of $8,500,000 (See Note 4). Security Pacific National Bank, as escrow asent, has agreed to establish and maintain an Escrow Fund until all principal, interest and premiums on the Series 1982 Bonds have been fully paid. The proceeds from the refunding bonds were invested in obligations of the United States government, the interest and principal payments from which will secure and are anticipated Co provide funds sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the Series 1982 Bonds. Debt Service requirements on the Refunding Bonds' are as follows: Principal Interest November 1, Maturing RaCe Interest Tocai Debt Service 1988 $ 25,000 4.40% 1989 255,000 4.60 1990 270,000 4.90 1991 285,000 5 · 20 1992 300,000 5.40 1993 315,000 5 · 70 1994 335,000 5 · 90 1995 3 55,000 6 · 20 1996 375,000 6 · 40 1997 - 400,000 6.70 1998 425,000 7 · O0 1999 455,000 7.10 2000 490,000 7.20 2001 5 25,000 7 · 30 2002 560,000 7.30 2003 605,000 7.40 2004 645,000 7 · 40 2005 695,000 - 7.50 2006 745 ~ 000 7.50 Totals ~ 8,060,000 726,200 543,550 531,820 518,590 503,770 487,570 469,615 449,850 427,840 403,840 377,040 347,290 314,985 279,705 241,380 200,500 155,730 108,000 55~875 ~ 7~143~150 751,200 798,550 801,820 803,590 803,770 802,570 804,615 804,850 802,840 803,840 802,040 802,290 804,985 804,705 801,380 805,500 800,730 803,000 800,~,875 ~ 15,203'~150 See accountants' report. -10- fin COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AG. ;Y NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) June 30, 1987 5. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS (CONTINUED).' Shown be'l'ow is the difference between the aggregate debt service requirements of the old issue and debt service requirements of the new issue discounted at 7.784% interest: Net Present Value of Series 1982 Bonds, Old Issue Net Present Value of 1987 Refunding Bonds, New Issue $ 9,130,433 (7,782,944) Gain on refunding of debt - difference in net present value of debt service requirements $ 1~347,489 The decrease in cash flow from debt service requirements of the old issue and debt service requirements of the new issue is as follows: Cash flow requirements of Series 1982 Bonds, Old'Issue Cash flow requirements of 1987 Refunding Bonds, New Issue $ 18,470,504 (15,203,150) Decrease in cash flow requirement for debt retirement $ 3~267,354 6. PRIOR PERIOD ADJUSTMENT: For prior years, proceeds of long-term loans from the City of Tustin to the Agency were recorded as current liabilities in the Capital Projects Fund. Proceeds should have been recorded as other sources of revenue, and the debt should have been reflected in the general long-term debt account group. The fund balance of the Capital Projects Fund at June 30, 1986 has been adjusted to reflect this change. Fund balance as originally reported at June 30, 1986 Adjustment (balance of debt at June 30, 1986) $ 3,634,667 570,638 Fund Balance restated at June 30, 1986 $ 4,205 ~305 See accountants' report. SUF~NTARY XNI~ORNATXON USTIN COHMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT ,~NCY COMBINING BALANCE SHEET - ALL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS June 30, 1987 ASSETS Cash and investments Accrued interest receivable Accounts receivable. Due from other funds TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES '. LIABILITIES~ Accounts payable and accrued expenses Due to other funds Due to City of Tustin TOTAL LIABILITIES FUND BALANCES= Reserved for: Encumbrances' Low income housing Unreserved: Designated for capital outlay TOTAL FUND BALANCES TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES Town South Center Central Low Project Project Income Area Area Housing Totals 1987 1986 $ 3,322,839 $ 1,305,752 $ 183,798 $ 4,812,389 $ 4,381,860 48,251 6,000 1,438 55,689 - .... 363,481 19~375 - - 19,375 18,167 $ 3,390,465 $ 1~311,752 $ 185~236 $ 4,.887,453 $ 4,763,508 78,733 $. 99 $ - $ 78,832 $ 145,826 - 16,092 - 16,092 412,377 .... 570,638 78,733 16,19i' - .94~924 1~128~841 $ 131,ooo $ - $ - $ 131,0oo $ - - - 185,236 185,236 37,936 3~180~732 1~295~561 - 4~476~293 3~596,731 3.,311~732 1,295~561 185~236 4~792~529 3~634~667 $. 3,390~465 $ 1,311,752 $ 185~236 $ 4,887,453 $ 4,763,508 See accountants' report. -12- 'ISTIN CO}fi/UNITY REDEVELOPHENT INCY CoHBfNING STATEHENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - ALL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS For the year ended June 30, 1987 REVENUES ~ Taxes Interest income Intragovernmental revenue8 Town South Center Central Low Project Project Income Totals Area Area Housing 1987 1986 - $ - $ 135,386 $ 135,386 $ 32,976 337,773 34,751 11,914 384,438 380,517 .... 283 TOTAL REVENUES 337,773 34~751 147 a300 519a824 413,776 EXPENDITURES: Current expend£tures~ General government Community development Capital expenditures 403,250 30,483 - 433,733 353,580 390,000 75,000 - 465,000 542,927 764~629 216,288 - 980,917 1,588,294 TOTAL EXPENDITURES EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPEND ITURE S 1,557~879 321,771 - 1~879~650 2~484z801 ,(1,220,106) (287,020) 147,300 (1~359z826) (2z071~025) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES~ Loans from City 528~358 1,418~692 - 1~947 ~050 856~144 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES (691,748) 1,131,672 147,300 587,224 (1,214,881) FUND BALANCES, BEGINNING OF YEAR 3,664,001 (67,270) 37,936 3,634,667 4,849,548 PRIOR PERIOD ADJUSTMENT 339~479 231~159 - 570~638 FUND BALANCES, END OF YEAR $ 3~311~732 $ 1,295~561 $ 185~236 $ 4,792,529 $ 3~634~667 See accountants! report. -13- STIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT A NCY COMBINING BALANCE SHEET - ALL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS June 30, 1987 ASSETS Cash and investments Cash with fiscal agent Taxes receivable Due from other funds TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE LIABILITIES: Due to other funds FUND BALANCES: Reserved for debt service TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES Town South Center Central Project Project Area Area - $ 311,843 $ 2,250,979 - 59,587 - - . 16~092 $ 2 ~310~566 $ Totals 1987 1986 311,843 $ - 2,250,979 1,738,415 59,587 12,672 16~092 412t377 327~935 $ 2~638~501 $ 2~163~464 $ 19,375 $ - $ 19,375 $ 18,167 2~291~191 ,.327~935 2~619~126 2~145~297 $ 2~310~566 $ 327~935 $ 2~638~501 $ 2~163,464 See accountants' report. -14- '-'STIN COHHUNITY REDEVELOPltENT ! 'NCY COMBINING STA~NT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES~ AND CHANGES tN FUND BALANCES - ALL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS For the year ended June 30, 1987 o.. REVENUES ~ Taxes Interest income Other TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES ~ Principal debt retirement on bonds Interest and fiscal charges on bonds Payments on. loans from City. TOTAL EXPENDITURES EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCES, BEGINNING OF YEAR FUND BALANCES, END OF YEAR Town South Center Central Pro~ect Project Area Area $ 1,576,222 $ 50,087 1 ~ 626 ~ 309 115,000 771,494 456~836 1~343~330 282,979 008 ~ 212 2~291~191 $ Totals 1987 1986 541,585 $ 2,117,807 $ 1,582,117 16,092 66,179 154,507 - - 10~554 557~677' 2~183~986 1~747~178 - 115,000 100,000 . 45,056 816,550 803,270 321 ~7.71 . 778~607 759~620 366~827 1~710~157 1~662~890 190,850 473,829 84,288 ,137 ~085 2 ~145~297 2~061~009 327~935 $ 2r619r126 $ 2~145~297 See accountants' report. -15- IN COMI~'NITY KEDEVELOPHENT AG~- September 14, 1987 ACCOUNTANTS' REPORT ON COMPLIANCE WITH AUDIT GUIDELINES FOR CALIFORNIA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES In connection with our examination of the financial statements of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency of and for the year ended .June 30, 1987, we have performed, to the extent applicable, the tasks contained in Section I through V of the "Guidelines for Compliance Audits of California Redevelopment Agencies" published by the 'State Controller. Based on the above procedures, we are of the opinion that the Agency complied in all material respects with criteria established in the State Controller"s guidelines referred to above.