That the City Council approve an agreement with Boyle Engineering
Corporation for subject project and authorize Mayor and City Clerk to
sign subject to approval of the City Attorney.
On November 16, 1987, City Council approved an agreement with Boyle
Engineering Corporation for construction staking services for the
Jamboree project. It is requested by staff that Boyle also be engaged
to provide other construction-related services. The latter would
include reviewing changes, reviewing shop drawings, etc.
This agreement will rescind the November 16, 1987 agreement and
incorporate all of the needed services into one document. The new
agreement has been submitted to the City Attorney for his review and
Bob Led~ndecker
Director of Public Works/City Engineer
Ronald E. Wolfg~.
Engineering Se~ices Manager
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered.into this day of , 1987
by and between CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as
"City"); and BOYLE ENGINEERING CORPORATION, P.O. Box 3030, Newport Beach,
California 92658-9020 (hereinafter called "Consultant").
WHEREAS, City desires to employ Consultant to furnish the necessary
professional services during construction of improvements on Jamboree Road between
the I-5 Freeway and Irvine Boulevard, hereinafter referred to as "Project"; and
WHEREAS, Consultant and City entered into an agreement November 16, 1987 for
construction staking services for project; and
WHEREAS,' Consultant and City desire to enter into a new agreement with an
enlarged scope of Consultant's Services and to rescind the November 16, 1987
agreement; and
WHEREAS, Consultant is qualified to provide the necessary services in
connection with said Project and has agreed to provide the necessary construction
services; and
WHEREAS, Consultant has submitted to City a Fee Schedule dated April 1987, a
c~py of which is 'attached hereto marked Exhibit "A", and is by this reference
incorporated herein as though set forth in full herein ("the Schedule").
NOW, THEREFORE, City agrees to employ and does hereby employ Consultant to
provide for construction services for the Project, and City and Consultant for the
-consideration hereinafter set forth agree as follows:
Section 1: Scope of Consultant's Services. Consultant agrees to furnish to
the City professional services for the Project. These services shall include
construction staking services to be performed as directed by the City Engineer and
shall also include consultation during construction of the Project. Said
consultation shall include, but not be limited to, field and office review of
changes, additions or deletions to the work,, review of shop drawings a'nd other
services during construction of project as requested by the City Engineer.
Section 2: Time. for Completion. It is hereby understood and mutually agreed
that the time for completion of the work to be performed by Consultant is an
essential condition of this Agreement. Consultant agrees that it shall prosecute
regularly and diligently the work of this Agreement accordingly to reasonable
schedules established by City for the various items of work described. Consultant
- _
shall not be accountable for delays in the progress of its work caused by any
condition beyond its control and without the fault or negligence of Consultant.
Any delays shall not entitle Consultant to any additional compensation.
Section 3: Compensation. The compensation to be paid under this Agreement
shall be on a time and material basis at the hourly rates as set forth in Exhibit
"A". Monthly payments for work completed will be paid as the work progresses,
within thirtY (30) days of the date of Consultant's invoice.
Section 4: Miscellaneous Provisions.
A. City and Consultant further agree to the following conditions'
(1) City, by notifying Consultant in writing, shall have the right to
terminate any or al'l of the services and work covered by this Agreement at any
time. In the event of such termination, Consultant shall be paid for services
rendered and costs incurred to the effective date of the termination.
(2) Consultant agrees that it shall proceed immediately and diligently
t~o perform the services provided for in this Agreement upon receipt of notice from
City to proceed therewith.
(3) The terms and provisions of this Agreement shall extend to and be
binding upon .and inure to the. benefit of heirs, executors, administrators,
successors and assigns of the respective parties thereto.
(4) Consultant shall perform the services hereunder as an independent
contractor and under no circumstances or conditions shall Consultant and any of
its agents, servants and employees be considered as an employee or agent of the
(5) Consult'ant shall perform all services required under this Agreement
using that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar condition
in similar localities, and shall be responsible for all errors and omissions
committed by Consultant in performing its services under the terms of this
Agreement. Consultant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold City, its emloyees,
successors and assigns, harmless from any loss, damage, injury, sickness, death,
or other claim made by other persons and from all costs, expenses and charges
arising from Consultant's negligent performance of this Agreement. Consultant
shall maintain in full force and effect during the terms of this Agreement, its
existing policies of insurance for which certificates of insurance have heretofore
been delivered to City.
(6) Consultant shall carry and pay for such workers' compensation
insurance as is necessary to fully protect Consultant and its employees 'under
California Worker's compensation Insurance and safety laws, to relieve City from
all responsibility under said laws in connection with the performance of this
Agreement, and upon the execution of this Agreement, to file with City a
certificate certifying to said protection.
(7) Consultant certifies that there shall be no discrimination against
any employee who is employed in the work covered by this Agreement, or against any
application for such employment, because of race, religion, color, sex, or
national origin, including but not limited to, the following:
a. Employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment
or recruitment advertising, lay-off or termination, rates
of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for
training, including apprenticeship.
(8) Consultant shall provide City monthly with a detailed itemization
of all work performed, and the fees accrued thereon, in complete and sufficient
detail, to fully apprise City l~hereof.
Section 4: Miscellaneous.
(1) The City agrees that in accordance with generally accepted
construction practices, the construction contractor will be required to assume
sole and complete responsibility for job site conditions during the course of
construction of the project, including safety of all persons and property and that
._ .
this requirement shall be made to apply continuously and not be limited to normal
working hours.
(2) The agreement entered into by City and Consultant on November 16, 1987
i$ hereby rescinded.
(3) There are no understandings or agreements except as herein expressly
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement was executed by the parties on the day and
year first above written.
CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal corporation
City Clerk
City Attorney
APR!L, 1987
Engt neeri rig/Archi tecture
Consul ti ng Engi near/Arch1 tact
Pti nci pa l Engi near/Archi tact
Senior Engineer/Architect ![
Sentor Engineer/Architect !
Associate Engineer/Arch1 tact
Assistant [!
Assistant !
$114,00 an hour
83.00 an hour
69.00 an hour
58.00 an hour
48.00 an hour
41.00 an hour
37.00 an hour
Sentor Designer/Technician
Senior. Drafter
59.00 an hour
53.00 an hour
42.00 an hour
34.00 an hour
2&.O0 an hour
40.00 an hour
I~t sca 11 aneou s Clertcal
Prtnttng and Blueprinting
Travel - Autombtle
Travel - Other Than Automobile
Materials Testtng and !n-Plant Znspectton
Aertal Photogra.m.etry Servtce and Surveys
Sotls !nvesttgatton and Fteld Tests
Computer Servtces
Z-m~n crew. with eqd.ipment
3-man crew w/equipment
Licensed Land Surveyor
Survey Technician
$ 28.00 an hour
Actual Cost + 10%
$0.21 per mt. la
Actual Cost
Actual Cost + 10%
Actual Cost + 10%
Actual Cost + [0%
See Schedule on Reverse
$138.00 an hour
$172.00 an hour
$ 72.00 an hour
$ 55.00 an hour
It is underlt~ed and agreed that the aforementioned rates and charges include all
normal equtgmmat and materials used in connection with the production of the
required e . ertng services. Boyle Engineering Corporation will furnish monthly
billings fo~ ell services rendered and supplies furnished in accordance with the
above compensettoa provisions. Payments shall be due and payable to Boyle
Engineering Corporation upon presentation. A late payment finance charge will be
computed at the periodic rate of 1.5 percent per month and wtll be applied to any
unpaid balance co.menc~ng thirty (30) days after the date of the origtnal invoice.
Rates subject to general ~evtston 10/1/88 .
/z../Z . _...j
Int. ergraph C_.~..~uter-Atded Oestqn &nd I)r~fttn9 (CADO) System
Our Intergraph CAI)O system uttltzes a Digttal Equtpnent Cor~oratt'on VAX
computer with 4 ~g~bytes of ~in ~~, 9~9 ~abytes of disk ~~, floating
point accelerator, cache ~~, ~gnittc tape, and m htgh-spe~ pen plotter.
Graphics ~rkstaCtons havt du~l ~9-tnch htgh-~soluCton sc~ens, digitizer table,
~nd ~nu tabllC. Unto ch~es ~or eq~t~n~ ~ ~s
Grlphtc Works~ton $~7.~ pit hour
P~n Platter $~7.~ per hour
Te~ n~l (C~T or Prt neet) $ 4. ~ per hour
Centrll P~cisst ng Unit $ 3. ~ per mt nuce
MtcTmc___M~_~uters and AutoCAD0 Systems
Mtcrmcomputers include the IBM PC/XT, XBM PC/AT, and other similar equipment.
Charges are based on an hourly rate for the computer and standard sof~&re plus a
reSourcl chergt for special applications software, and special equipment such as
plotters and htqh-resolutton monitors.
Basic ~rk'Precesstng System and Standard Softwlrtl $12.00 per hour
$16.50 per hour
Basic Engineering Computer System and Standard Software
Resource Charge:
AuCoCADO Cc~uter Aided O~stg. i Drafting
Htc~Statton IX
' ~P~ - EI~t~I ~stgn P~grm
~ - ~e~~n~ P~tK~ton Anilysis
?~H ~CE - HV~ Sys~ hstgn
~er .~ Systm hsign
~ IV - D~inl~ hstgn
~ - G~un~ter ~ling Systm
S~md IZZ
HP 3QQQ ComTwter System_
S 3.4S per' hour
$ 3.4S per hour
$24.90 per hour
$.7.50 per hour
$ 5.80 per hour
$ 4.6S per hour
$ 4.50 per hour
$14.50 per hour
$ 3.7S per hour
The HeuletC.Pac~ard HI) 3000 computer has 2 megabytes of main memory, 480 megabytes
of disk memory, a 600 card-per-minute reader, & 600 line-per-minute upper-
lowercase printer, magnetic tape and four drum plotters. Sixty-four terminals are
connected dtrectly or rtl telephone lines. Unit charges are as follows:
$4.3S per Mnute of computer time
$8.14 per hour of ter,rlnel connect time
S0.12 per hundred 1 t nas pti need
$2.442 per hundred records plotted
8runtniq'CAOO Systems :
Our 6runtng CAOO systems utilize Hewlett Packard computers and plotters with high-
resolution color dtsplay and spectal software for destgn of buildings. The system
charge tncludes software, hardw4re, and plotting.
6runtng CAOO System
$9.76 per hour
Outside Co,~uter Services
Charges for outside computer services will be billed at (nvotce cost plus twenty-
five percent.
Rev ~-XS-87 ~,X'/-//~/ ~- /~