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TO: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM~ CHRISTINE SHINGLETON, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: PROPOSED CITIZEN'S SENSIBLE GROWTH AND TRAFFIC CONTROL INITIATIVE RECOMMENDATION Pleasure of the City Council. BACKGROUND Councilwoman Kennedy at a regular meeting of the City Council on January 4, 1988 requested a summary of the proposed Citizen'-s Sensible Growth and Traffic Control Initiative. Attached for the City Council's information is a copy of the initiative petition. Major provisions-of the initiative can be summarized as follows: . . The initiative requires achievement of an acceptable standard level of service for all arterials which a development may contribute measureable traffic to prior to approval of a general plan amendment, specific plan, precise plan, area plan, zone change, tentative tract or parcel map including entitlements needed for any future development. The acceptable level of service is defined as a level of service of "C" or better for arterial highway links and level of "D" or better for all arterial intersections during peak hours Monday through Friday. A grading or building permit could be issued under a number of conditions a. Where the existing transportation system is operating at a level of service equal to or better than the standard noted abovem and: The development does not cause the transportation system to operate at a level .of service worse than the standard noted above; or A comprehensive planning and improvement program to maintain the existing level of service has been adopted by County. be Where the existing transportation system is operating at worse than the standard level of service,, and: Development approvals are conditioned upon the requirement that the development does not cause the transportation system to operate at conditions worse than the existing conditions and where a measurable improvement is achieved; or A comprehensive planning and improvement program to achieve a measurable improvement in the existing level of service has been adopted by the County to achieve such standard level of service. Memorandum January 15, 1988 Page two 0 Where a Transportation System Management program is used to reduce project related vehicle trips, said program can be adopted only if substantial evidence is presented prior to development approval and findings are made that the percentage of trip reduction attributed to Transportation System Management programs have been and continue to be made in the County for a similar project. Said reductions must actually occur. When a Transportation System Management Program is approved, a conditional use permit must also be issued, and a yearly report prepared by the County to show said vehicle trip reduction has been achieved and maintained. 3. Development along transportation corridors and freeways must provide for scenic corridors adjacent to each side of the facility. Arterial highways built or expanded in environmentally sensitive areas must be treated similarly. In urbanized areas a minimum of thirty (30) feet must be maintained and heavily landscaped. In rural and undeveloped areas the natural or native plant cover and terrain must be maintained where possible including provision for animal migration corridors. 4. The proposed initiative would also require achievement and maintenance of adequate service levels for sheriff, fire, paramedic services, flood control improvements and neighborhood, community and regional parks prior to approval of those same entitlements or development projects identified in item No. I above. Adequate service levels for these community services are defined in the Ordinance as follows: Police, Fire and Paramedic - emergency response time of 5 minutes, 85% of time; non-emergency response of 15 minutes, 85% of time. Flood Control - protection from 100 year flood based on 100 year flood flows existing on January 1, 1988. Parks - adequate neighborhood and community park standards means state standards. Regional parks to be provided at a ratio of 2 acres per 1,000 persons in a development {dedication or contribution). Community and neighborhood parks must be located within reasonable distance to a development. 50% credit on community and neighborhood parks can be granted for private parks. Adequate park area includes the improvements needed to make them functional. A grading or building permit could be issued under a number of condi ti ons. Corn rnunity Developrnen~ Depar~rnen~ Memorandum January 15, 1988 Page three ae When existing sheriff, fire and paramedic service, flood control and parks are operating or provided at a level of service equal to or better than the defined adequate level of service and; The development does not cause sheriff, fire and paramedic service, flood control or parks to operate at a level of service worse than the adequate level of service; or A Comprehensive Planning and Improvement Program to maintain the existing level of service on these systems has been adopted by the County to maintain an adequate level of service. be When the existing sheriff, fire and paramedic service, flood control or parks are operating at worse than an adequate level of service and; Development approvals are conditioned upon the requirement that the development does not cause sheriff, fire and paramedic service, flood control or park systems .to operate at conditions worse than the existing conditions and where a measurable improvement is achieved; or A Comprehensive Planning and Improvement Program to achieve an improvemen.t in the existing level of services has been adopted by the County to achieve an adequqte level of service. · While the initiative is presented as a County General Amendment and Ordinance, it also requires the County to revise its Zoning Ordinance to conform with the initiative including the allocation of densities and phase approved development to ensure that future growth does not exceed an acceptable circulation capacity and the County's ability to provide adequate sheriff, fire, paramedic, flood control and park services and facilities to the adequate service level defined in the initiative. · The initiative also requires that each year the County update and adopt a Development and Traffic Monitoring Report which must assess the ability of the system to maintain standard levels of service for traffic capacity, and adequate service levels for sheriff and fire protection, paramedic service, flood control improvement, and neighborhood, community and regional parks and which would be used to evaluate development proposals and their cumulative impacts on the system. 7. The Board of Supervisors must adopt, after noticed public hearings findings for each developmet which certify that each provision of the initiative amendment has been complied with based on substantial evidence on the record. Comrnunity DeveloPment' Department iii Memorandum January 15, 1988 Page four 8. The following uses are-exempt from provisions of the initiative: Any use which has no measurable impact on the standard level of service or an adverse impact on adequate service levels. Any commercial or industrial development which has a gross floor area equal to or less than 10,000 square feet; a buildable floor area ratio of less than 0.5, and an average daily trip-generation of less than 130 daily trips on an existing lot; Any four-plexes or lesser numbered multiple dwellings on a single existing lot, or any single-family residential units on a single existing lot or existing parcel. ° Any agricultural use, open space, conservation and passive use'park; Any rehabilitation, remodeling, or addition which equals or is less than 50~ of the existing-square footage of an existing residential structure, or an addition which equals or is less than 10~ of the existing square footage, or 10,000 square feet whichever is less, of all other structures; Any rebuilding of an existing development damaged or destroyed by fi re or natural disaster if uses, and square footage remain substantially the same. Facilities provided to protect the health and safety of the people, which shall be defined as hospitals, police, fire and safety facilities and schools; Public benefit facilities, which shall be defined as public libraries, public administration facilities, public utilities, and religious facilities; and Any structure appurtenant to an existing structure, or any minor alteration in connectiOn with an existing structure, '~Christi ne Shingleton CAS: pe f Corn rnunity Development Department ENS'", SENSIBLE GRL, vv'TH AND TRAFFIC CONTROL ,~MENDMENT & ORDINANCE INITIATIVE PETITION . "To the. Orange County, California. Board ct Supervisors: -I- The following was publishea on August 13, 1~87 in Tile Orange Counly Regis:er by Gregory A. Hiie, Treasurer. Citizens for Sensible Growth and Trallic Control. ' NOTICE OF INTENT TO CIRCULATE PETITION CITIZENS' SENSIBLE GROWTH ' AND TRAFFIC CONTROL INITIATIVE Notice is hereby given of the intention of the persons whose names appear hereon to circulate wnnin the CoL'n[y Orange a. petition lor the purpose of enacting a Citizens' SensiDle Grow[l~ ana Tratlic Control tn~t~t~v~ ~'..~ ,.-~:~ ~rnen~- ment to the County General Plan and Oroinance. A statement of tile reasons for :ne proposco ,.~c[.on as plated in said petition are as follows: THE PURPOSE OF THIS INITIATIVE PETITION IS TO ENA;.:T A GENERAL NANCES WHICH WILL ALLEVIATE PRESENT AND FUTURE TRAFFIC COI',IGE. STi..~rl ,3;',i TI-:£ S ~'Fi~.~.~TS CF THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF THE COUNTY AND TO INSURE AN ADEQUATE QUALITv OF LiFE FvR THE FU_TURE. GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT HAVE OUT PACED THE ABILITY OF GOVER;',~MENT TO P~OV!DE. 'MAINTAIN THE STREETS; AND TO PROVIDE, MAINTAIN AND STAFF THE PUBLIC SERVICES REQUIRED , __ ,VlAINTAIN THIS QUALITY OF LIFE IN THE COUNTY. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SEEMS UNABLE TO SAY NO TO THE REQUESTS OF DEVELOPMENT INTER- ESTS FOR APPROVALS OF DEVELOPMENT IN SPITE OF THE INABILITY TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE ROAD CAPACITIES, PUBLIC SAFETY SER',/ICF~!· !-:L. :3©D ,',7'C,I, ITF ,-;,t_ IMP: 'iOVEfvIENTS AND PARKS TO SERVICE EXISTING AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT. "[HE VERY REASONS WHICH THE CITIZENS OF THE COUNTY STAYED OR CAME HERE FOR ARE FAST DISAPPEARING. IN'AN A'I-rEMPT TO COME TO TERMS WITH THIS PROBLEM, MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE STANDARDS MUST BE MAINTAINED, AND DEVELOPMENT WHICH WOULD CAUSE TRAFFIC AND SERVICES TO EXCEED THESE STANDARDS MUST BE RES'r'RICTED UNTIL PROVISION FOR TRAFFIC CAPACITY AND SERVICES IS IN PLACE. THE PEOPLE OF ORANGE COUNTY MUST TAKE A LEADERSHIP ROLE AND ENACT THiS INITIATIVE AMENDMENT AND ORDINANCE. 1~. The Boara ol Supervisors shag apwove new clevelop.tent only where Ine (e~ll,ng trall~C w~l nol ~use ~ m~e ~se ~ u~eptaole lev~ of Irafl,c. Ills the t~enl oJ Ibis lnmabve ~dmenl ~nO O~u~e to pem~d Uu~ulopmenl [h~l wdt [lOl G~egoq A: Hde T ~ '~er. Ciazens' Io~ Sens~Ole C~owm aha Trallic Co~lrOl 41- The lUX text Ot the Cltl4ons' Sunslble Glowth dirt Tr~lhc COt d~ * It"is tho tfllenl of ~ls pro~s~ mil~abve ~m~e lo apply to v~~ ~ ~e a~op~ ol this ~menl ~ ~ oV ina Voters. ~.PEO~E OF ~E CQUN~ OF O~NGE HEREBY OROAIN AS FOLLOWS: A:: The onlenl ~ purpose of this amendmem a~cl oromance ts lo secure for the cozens ct II~ Counly ine sooal and economic aavanlages which rusuii lrom sale ancl elhOent access IO eml~oymenl, housing, and puoac anti p.vale semites, ami to prutecl and preserve mepul3bc neaim, s~Imy anti general welfare; B.~ It is ttm inlenl and purpose el this amendment ancl mdmance lo presence the o,~lMy ol bio ancl e~wronmental values ct the cmzr~s ol ~e County through a~,w~th,1 its authority att4 whK:h rOI&fO tO courtly co~cems, even thougl~ fl ~s ack~owleOged that C.': Il i$ ~ lllttlill and pUlpOse el Ihi.~ d~nel'l<lmenl ..~,'~J O(dtll.,lll~u 13eiw~m syslem cap~c~ly and CleflSdy allOCaliOn; 0;-. II ii, the inlenl ~ purpose el I/.S al~enl and ordsnance lo balance demon- r~fW&Cl lran~3Odal.3n n~ ~ i'oa4way conslrucuon wlUIoul rJe:~troytng of cll~'uplm, g ~.: II l~ M Irllenl ~ pul'pose el II~ a~enl and Of G~MnCe lo th~ pfov~OR OI a*~udle puLiK; t~fl'v~a,~a wh~cli die it~..~e~ y :a Se,~on 2. FINDINGS. A. Th,$ amenclmem ~ orcl, lance ~s necessary :0 p~olect the public r, ea~th. SnlL. ly. ~h~ ~Oui'tly. C. I r:..c ;lud,~b ,,~cate IRal CXlS(II10. approve, pro.seal a~ luture aevetc~ments ~nieise~tons w,ii resuil. O. The cumulabv~ ~m~s ol I~O ~vmopmenl. ex,sling, approv~O, p~opos~O aha lulure, ~n the unt~or~fal~ ar~ ol the Counly contl~buleS 5~ndtcanlly IQ t~ u~sale a~ ,nell~e~l ~1~ ol the t[ans~al~on 5yblem, Il ,5 ruc~mz~ l~at where Ina system almaay ~eawly ~m~ il wa take ~ ullo~ to reach ~ ~ep[a~ level ol t[ad~ ~ac~lv. · e ~mv~eflt m~ m~l~a~e ol a~uqudlu [ralhc capac~ly a~ pfov~ la a~equale Io~ ovu~ulm 1~9 Ir~s~rtabon system. F. Where T~ans~flauon System Management Programs are esia~eo sn an I0 r~e Iraflm generauofl, ,[ ~s n~es~y lo eblaoi~s~ ~ dn~u~i evaluaioon pr~e to assu~e I~al Ina assumpl~OflS w~tc~ I~ IO I~e a~omval el suc~ ~3ms am G. Where a ~Dslanaal change tn use ~esull5 iff afl ~iease ~n Iraltm gefle[alson. ~ame lm~ on [be u~spoflalmn $yslusn. H. Ur~n ~avalGp~a~4 w~% a~;; ;rar,;~;ta:~on ~.~ors ~ freeways r~u~res a I. U~ ~elo~nl ~ ~l~e vmw ~r~s ~ new m ~m~ aRefial~ ~ en- va~flmn~y ~ensJuve ~eas ma ~ a toaa ol ~5~el~y pieaa~ vmws. J. T~ Co~ gener~ ~an ~ov~ thai ~vu~am w~h ~s ~ru~y ~ov~ K. W~me ge~ ~an ~enls. s~ot~ ~s ~ m~s have .,l~e. m Ina ~m~al~ ~a al I~e C~nly ~n~Duld ~d,cmtily lu ina ~:~,:u ~or dew a~ g~f~:~llafe al ~e Ol~Ze~ al ~. Counly ~a ~evel~efll al eA,si~q ne,on,fnma aha comn~dy ~ prowO~ ~uale ~ec~eal~al lacmlms wd~n ~eveto~menl Q In~equale puO~ ~lely se~e~ nave a~m~ 3uflly s ~y. ~11~i~ lO less OI Ida a~ ~O~y, I1 Il ~S necessa~ ~al povisefl be m~e lei lhe lu~n~ consIrucbon 2) II ~s ~ce~y ~1 ~4S~ ~e m~e lot aa~uam puDlsC 5dlely ul~lhng tO ~V~ hv~S d~.g(o~ly.~U~U clime ~ It~h~ ~l~i~. ~ INu~ si[ubs. Illu~uBy ~piovi~ p~ heal~. S~ly a~ ge~ wellafe ,ema~ c~almn lot ~ov~ a ~eveio~enl Be ]~m Uafl~ ~ly. ~ ulely se~s, fig uSl~ ~h~S a~ ~mlms. . a~ale IR~ any lulls ~Jl~l~ lei Sdla ~mprovemunls be segregaluu and ucludlly ~penl wd~m S~h~ hme ~ ~ sp~,l~ ,mpmvumenlS. i~reoy a~sunng ~al inebe lul'~ a~e ilol vaned ~ I~ geee~al I~ ~ ~telme ~ss~al~. T. ~essary Io aU~ a rede ~e ~pse ~lWe~ ~ssua~u al bu,~lng ~md~ & ~plel~n al leal~ ~~ ~ ~al lugs may ~ coll~leo a~ con- U. The ovmr~ng c~s~ral,on m a ~ve~pmenl apparel ~s hal the snarl le~m :O~g~ wmc~ ~mes I~ a~oval ~ a deve~pmenl. ~ui the ~ng ium~ ~nuhl wh~c~ ;~ues IO ~ cmz~5 Ir~ a Dai~ at enva~ental val~s, system capacll;eb dna ~o~e~nm~ wn~ I~e ~mnmemal enMy ~n V.~ U~ lulwe gr~l~ ~s ~ly ie~l~ Io la~a Le~I ~. ~m~e m~al~ ,n In~ a~mem ~a W..: Un~ a~quale Ir~hc ca~ly a~ D~a~ g~OWlh ~cur i~e Counly vefllu~y ea~rm~e a c~l~ ~wn as 'gr~' eelmn 3:GF. NERAL PLAN AMENDM£NT AND ORDINANCE. o rrm me,mum e,,lenl aull'mnzeg lay ex~lmg $1ale aha Fm;leral Law the Iollowing snail one: A/, Pnm IO approval or aaoptlon, wicK;hayer comes Iirsi. OI a general plan amenclmenl. ~KIhC plail; pliClSe pl~. area plan. zo~ cnangu, lufllahvu [reel or'p,,~Cul map. ~Ov~.~O~ m lulure Ueve~unl. for a ~velopmem. me SldnaarO Level ol ~ ~ ~v~ ~ ma~ Im ~ ~tm~s Io wn~ s~ Oavelo~nunl conu&~iu~ ~easm~all~ ~ ~ve~p~! ~ ~ ~u~ ~e Irans~ system Io operale ~lmns ~ ~ I~ SlaVa Level ~ ~. 1. No~mal~ any ~ el ~imn 3 Io I~e contrary, a graa~ r ~ ~. wmc~uver ~s is~ l, sl Im ~ Deve~m~l. max ~ approvea a) W~n I~ ellSlq Ill--alien 8yMem 5 o~;alm9 al a love ol ~me ~ ~ ~et I~ Ine S~naa~a Level ol ~e~e: ~ ~ ~ OI ~ w~su I~n ~e S~O Lev~ OI ~rv~e; ~ 2) A Com~ve P~ a~ ~ovemenl Pr~r~m n~ ~ Dev~em ~t~let m. h~ ~n ~pl~ Dy ~ C~Iy to mmmam such ~O ~ ~ Sauce. ~n I~ oxis~ ~~l~on Syslem ~s o~ral~ ai wor~ 1 ) ~ ~ova ~ ~s~ r~ I~ a Davenant ~1~ u~ l~ f~temenl I~ ~e Deve~enfs measu;~ Irau~c aoes hal cause ~s~na~ sysmm IO o~;ale al c~s wm~ I~an ihe exlsB~ ~l~S a~a wnme a masm~ovem~! ~s a~levea; or 2) A C~ehenave Pl~n~ ~ Imptove~m p~;am Io ~mve a ~a~ ~ovem~; m me ~g~ ~vel al s~e on me ~ra~nal, on system c) W~e ~e ,s a ;~~ ~ ~ a ~a~ Devet~mem nmov.~ Pr~. s~ ~gs sna, ~ paya~ ~rially ~ lO each pha~ ol 1~ m ~e ~~t. 2.: W~o 4 Tr~s~al~n System Manag,ilnOitl p~orjr,,h ,.. u'.~u ,re~nl~ ~ ~ d~efll ~rovai d~ hfldo~S are m~ Iha[ Ir.~ p,,rcu~:~je el mp ~ m~ m ~ G~IV Im i ~ ~o1~. ~a~ r~u~ mum ~lua,y ~cu~ a) ~n a Tran~a~ Sysl~ ~~1 Pi~rmn ~k ~ov~. b) ff ~ r~ are m~. me ~ u~ ~t In urb~n~z~ aleas alonq Inese ravia5 ,i mln,mum 81 i~dV (~0) leal b} In rbrai a~ u~uvelop~ areas m,s prov,s~on ~s ~nlenOeo IO mamla~n B. Tnu Counly snell revlsd ds z~g orO,nance5 ana daopl zo~ng wAICR c~lorms to ' ,ip.l~:lJ~ ~111, Ji ~'. :d,llilJ,llJJ [ iivuJ iii ~.l:lVl~l, ,llllJ i.,l~',bJlJ i [ill:.JJ,li JhNI JJllJHIJull.llll. u ,llilJ worse Ihan 1ne A~u~le Se~e Levels eSla~hsne~ or ~uilmn0 perusal, w~nev~ ~s ~ssue~ hrsl Iof sa~ Dev.lopmem. may De 3pprov~ I~d follow~ng ~rcumslance~. a) W~ ~e ux~stmg s~enN, hre aha paramea~c 5erwce. I~ conlfol dn~ p~KS are O~fUll~ or ~ov~ ~i d level OI 5U~CU e~ai I0 Or ~llur mar) l~e Level5 el S~wcu as ~ellnug. I ) ~a~d Oevel~m~rd ~oe5 nol cause s~n., lile Adequale L~vel el ~e~ca; o~ 2) A C~mp~enensr. e PKmn,ng a~ Imu~ovemeni aaoplea by lne Counly IO mmnlam such A~uale Luvels ol Se~ce bJ When me e~shng s~enll h~e a~ paramed~ sempe. parks ~u oDur~lina al worse tn~ I~e ~equale L~vei OI ~elv,r:e: I ) Such dpproval or ~ssuance required Iof a Duvelo~enl ~s ~n- dil~n~ ~p~n I~e ~emunl I~ai I~ Deve~pmunl's ,npdcl doe5 nOI C~uSu ~nuldl pa~ame~ se~ce. I1~ conl~ o~ park SySlems Io op~le al con~dlon5 worse co~bons ~ w~ule. ~n lacL a measurable lmp~ovemenl ~5 acronym; o~ 2) A Com~enens~ve Ptann~ng and Im~ov~enl P~ram IO dc~ev~ an ~mp~ov~enl ~n I~e ex,sling lev~ al ~v~u on II~e shu~llt. I,e dna palam~ ~mwce. lloud conical ~ para sy~lems allecteo ~ sa~ Devu~opmenl. w~ Ina paint,les ~n. nas D~n a~pl~ by Ihe Counly Io acnmve ~ ~equale Levels al ~. c) Where mere ~s a ~u~emunl ~mposea upon a pl~as~ Deve~menl pu~uanl IO 5ethan 3 !o~ I~e paymunl al co~ls inlo a Comp~el~m~a~v~ Planfl~ a~ hnptov~menl Program. 5ucn co,Is shml be pay~i~ ~un~iy a~ Io eacl~ phase al me Ouv~opmu~l. conlu~l~ w~l~ me ~mp~ovemenls a~mpi~hu~ a~ hal ~n one pa~menl Io~ me ~veiopment 2. New deve~pmenls 5~ail prowoe pa~Kla~ ~ I~e Iollow~ maim: a) Smd commufldy a~o~ ne~g~omo~ p~s ~ail be I~1~ w~l~ reasona~e d~s~a~e Io~ ina m~ents al me Oeve~pmunl a~ ~round~ u~an Ne~gh~mo~ a~ ~mundy ~K ~u~remenls a~e hal mai by I~u pmws~on ~ open space. perCenl al ;~ pdlk requ~umenl ay pnv~le ~ Sang ~alk5 mubl i~l~u I~e b) R~on~ ~rk la~ a~ iIS'Oevelopmunl Shall be raq~led a~o~tale pro fala conin~l~On or mrou~ OeO~al~ and ~mprovemenl I~efelo on a ~o fala ~s w~en new aeve~enl ~s ~provea. ~ par~ mus~ mc~uae ~e ~mprovemems 3. New ~evelopmenl ~nati p~ow~e for 1 O0 year IIo~ ptarmigan Duveiopment ~ea. New auv~t~ent snail ~1 i~red~e Ina uxl~bng ~ownstfe~ pe~ flOw OI CU~ leal per 5~! d~ IO lne Duvel~l ~ s~le unld lhe ~ h~ pass~. a) Wh~e I~ ye~ I~ conlr~ ~oleclmn alreaay extsls to me extent s~ ~a~ ~ ~ ~u~. S~ IIo~ con~ol P~OleClS snail ~ ~mpml~ ~ an enwron~nla~y c) Ex~Sl~ aev~o~ ~e~ ~l r~mve primly m pu~ly aevelopmen~ may ~ cons~e~ on a masle~ plan or w~lul~/l~ Dd~S. ~ e,. a Da~t~ may mmgale I~Uigfl~f~. COilllllUIbly dlid f~l parks; ~ to ~ls~e llial c~slruClJOn, mamlen~ E. Whine a C~e~ve PI~ ~ ~ovemem P~ ~m Tr~. . each Devmopmenl winch ten,Iv t~&l cdClt ~lOvlS.ull Gl :i: b dHl~C,~tl:,:,,I ..... Leve~ OI ~lv~0uaS. NOI~ 5Ral a$o be g~owOed Dy otnel ~bon~ means thai H. Wllere imDrovements a~e required winch cross juns431ctlonal Ioounoa,us Ina Deve~pmun[ s le~ ~e~. i~e Icao age~ a~ Ihe fe~on~e agu~y ma~ ~ in ~ a~m~ Io f~e c~ll~ ~n each lu~0~Cli~'S 9e~fai plan sp~d~ pi~S ~ ~n~us. Where ~ sauuon ~s re~, IRe ~mpmvemem lu~s iequueu ~ml be de~a~ ~n a Eusl I~ tm use on Ihose ~ove~ ~ld~ ~ neces~y I. Where Ir~s~allon faOhlie$ ~ Ol~m ~mpmvumen[s are ruqu,~ [o De completed iff a lrasl I~ Io~ use o~ E~s~all~ laOhbes O~ ol~e~ tmp[oveme~ts ~qu~a In ~u~. J Improvemenls ~ be c~plel~ w,h~n t~r~ [3} years ol Ihe hist usu ~ ~ Oevelopmenl or wdhm hve lSJ years a~m ~ssu~ el a gr~,~G ~ ~. ~ Oev~g~enl. whi~ever a ~nes ~ner. pm~ ~al ~eale ~mt~nl a~ve;~ ~ys~l. enwronm~l~ m economic ~m~cts on the ex~lmg n~o~ o; ~ily. ~e densdy ol I~e Oevelo~e~ ~all ~ ;ew~ an; re~eag~ ~ aaewale ~e ~vm~ ~cIS ~ ~ Ihe Deve~pm~; ~ ;ne ~Ov~15.: E~. il ~ ~m~oveme~ts am ~t com~et~ w~ ~e pte~n~ hme pdno~s I~ luraiam. ~dlll~ 0eye--ant ~ali ~ ~ldy~, d~ ~d~ iii ~u~ll d uldnilul 50 lo m~u ~ mea~alablj lmpacI ~ I~e systems folerrffi IO hermfl, unlit such IIII1~ s~aas ~a, ~ met. m plam~ senates revved so I~l tne~ sta~a[as snail ~ ~nel. M. Th~s ge~al ~ ~e~menl ~ ~aman~ ~all ~1 opmale iD aepnve any l~ow~ ol ~la~V ag u~ el t~,r ~y or Ol~e~iue ~nSlliulu a con~ldul~onal w,i~ c~nsal~. ~n4. DERNITIQNS AND TER~. A. ADEQUA~ NEI~BOR~OD AND COMMU~ P~K STANDARDS me~s slale s~al~ ~au p~ev~ Im ne~h~m~ a~ commumly B. ADEQUATE FLeD CONTROL PROTECTION ~ans p~olecl~on from a 100 te~ I~ is c~e~ a~le. Com~u~ ol e~su~ a~ I~ yea~ ll~ Ilow~ ~e~min~ us~ I~ ~e COUnly F~ C~um O,SlnCl i~FCD! HyOmlogy Mahdi. 988. C~; AOEQUA~ SERV~E LEVELS [~LICE AND SHERIFFI mua,~ ~e~ ~ sb~l ~ 5 m~ules o~ less. m~e I~an ~5% ol t~a I~me. Non.emurguncy :~e ~a ~ 15 mmums or le~. ~e Ib~ 85% ot ~e I~me. D.. ADEQUATE SERVICE ~VELS [FIRE & PAR~EDICSi mean~ emmgency ~e t~ll ~ 15 m~tes ~ I~ss. mMe t~an 85% of I~e E.: BUlLOABLE FLOOR AREA RATIO me~s gross ~d0able floor ~ro~ ~1 ~e Ioot~u. F, COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING AND IMPROVEMENt PHOGHAM ~ s~l~y ~t~ im~ area. ~ ~es ~enlS ~ ~ link, ~ ~ f~ ~ Deve~ent. Th~s ~f~ wiU re,la IO ~ ~ ~n~ in me Oeve~ M~tot~ Pr~r~. ~t is to ~ ~le s~i~ in pl~mng ~d r~ F ~d ~ u~al~ ye~ty. . ~ lO E~s~a~ syme~, a govm~y ~plemenl~ '~, ~ ~ m~ ol ~a~ la.hims lO ammve me level ol se~e ~t I~ ~~ system r~r~ tm a ~e~l hme~, w~m ~ r~u~r~mnt ~y~ ~ a ~e rm ~e ot ~s~ el ~ovemen~ n~e~. 2. ~ ~ the ~es ~ lacd~ues ae~n~ in S~l~on 3(c}. a gover~amally m~l~ ~r~ ol fu~i~. ~nslr~. a~ maturate ol such ~wm.s a~ tacdil~es o ~mve I~ level ol ~e lot su~ 5e~s a~ la~t~es r~ui~ lot a duvelopmenl ~e~, wire ~e requ~remenl ol a ~o tala ~e ot ~5[s ol ~m~ovemunls G. COMMUTER ~TERI~ me~s a roaOway aus~gn~ a~ a iwo ~and es~ ~ m~ay, w~h a ly~a r~hl ol way w~m ~ 56 leel a~ a roaaway w~mn Irom ;~ ~ ~b oi ~ le~. A ~mmumt a~e~l ~ou~ ac~mm~ale fewer Ihan 10,000 v~h~cle nps ~ ~y.: DEVELOP~NT me~ ~y pny~ ~mprovemenlao I. DEVELOPMENT AREAS ~ans lhoSu lan~ maas ~o~a~ Io~ auvulo~mnl J~ a ~ o~r~g al ~e lune ut a~oplt~ N Ibis ame~em ~ ommance. J...: EMERGE~Y ~ans ~msla~ ~.alem~ Ihe ~ss ol hie. ser~s ~IU~, or~=~e or ~ss et subs~l~ E~STING LOT means a ~1 wm~ ~s, ~s ~nllguoua lo. aha nas INTE~SE~N ml~ Ihil ~ gl IM I~ ~llumlcud Dy Ihe lulChon ol M. I~OV~T ~UST FUND meaM a I~ m a~eaamem ~,~, ~~ ~sl~, M ol~e[ be~ulll as~unl ~stn~ u~t~ lot ~mpmvumd. ta N. ~ JUR~ONAL CONFL~ m~ a ~G ~v~,~ IwO of ]~m~ ~e5 hav~ ~ov~ ~ms ovm ~ ~ove~nls f~ulred MEASURABLE TRAr FIC IMPACT mea.~ a vOIbme CI ;r.lllic ,'i~lC~ will UtXED aALANCED USE DEVELOPMENT mea,,~ a (T~:V~lUo:n~nl T MOOIFIEO MAJOR ARTERIAL m,~;u~. ,, ,,, ~,..~ ,, , ].,.,g, ,*:d :,') ' ,, J.. I * I I,.i,~.,ll.~h~ ~11 ~U I;~UI . . . ~. . .. ; r~H*~M~i[~.~¥ ,:,,. =, j ~4~...::1 .[.,: .... ":,, 'l'.Hi ,c~ ~.lllitl~[~l~y 't: ...... Y. REGIONAL PARK me~ns d para w~,cn ~vlcus ~ g~eaLer pupui~l:o~ nu~gn~rn~u Or commun~ly palk ~IIU wmcn ~all De pIowd.O ~n d ~al~O Ot two [21 acres per 1000 person5 rus~0~ w~lM~n ~e 0dveiopmenl Such regional palsied mdy ~ pf0w0eg pa~kl;ind ~e~ay eeo~caleg Io~ sa~ Developmenl ~ u~Dan u~. AA. SCENIC CORRIDOR means a comeo~ ol open spdcu ~se~ Io ,nsutate uses horn B8 SECONDARY ARTERIAL means a roaaw:~y c,:.. :;'~,~o .,s a lC,ar a COIJ~CJOI dlSJllDUIIllg Jfa~lC Delwe~n ~al Slre~lS 3no m~lcI d~ ph.l,Uy ,trt~'~;S Whde ~me ~C STANOARO LEVEL OF SERVICE J~AFFIC CAPACITYJ illl~.ill~ j.l,~ luv?l ol 5u[wcu for me Ilall~allOll Sy~leln sha~ ~ Levui OI ~JfVIC~ C QI O~llef Iof ~1 mgnway hnks ~a Level ol Se~e 'D" o~ bullet Io~ all ane.al .me~s~bons duh~ paa~ nouns cunlmned ~n I~e "H~g~way Capacdy Manual". ~p~al Repou OaleG I ~85 by Ine T~ansp~al.on ResearCh 8oam ol Ihe Nal~on~ Research Co~ncd, ~l~,ng any 5uosequenl DD. SUPER STREET [ARTERIALJ means an a~e.al winch. Io~ ~lS ~as~l~On, has ~ e~an~ level OI Iraihc-~.y~ ~aC~ly I~al ~s acmev~ D~ a v~m~ ol measurus as ~ehn~ ~n I~e Counly guna~al Dl~'s I~ans~.al~on mumenl E~. TQLL ROAD me~s a mgnway open IO .aU~ only u~n m~ paymenl ol a ~1 I~1 or lee, Toll ~oa~s snail ~ budl Io Ine s~aams Im [rans~nal~on comoms a~ I~eeways. FF. TRAFF~ IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND means a lu~ o~ asses~enl GG. TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR means a mull~mGOai I~mly. eV~lUa~y having uhl~Z~ in II'lu lulule IOr Ir~sd considerallOnS sucn a5 hxuO rmi (, n,gn ~'Cup;~y ven~les The . core,Dis ~all p~ow~e IOl ~lg~ 5p~ move~u~ll ol vUlll~ldl I~:h~ ,ne~e ~Gi~I~ volumes e~cu~ malo~ aRenal n~gnway ~p~mes. T~esu ~oule~ sn~ll luncheon ~,~tl~ Io expressways and may evenlually ~ ,~o~po~aled ~nlO II1~ I~euw~y ~n~ ~ pt~sway cor,0ors may 0e toe roans HH. TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM me~s Ine aRel~al~ oehn~ ~ele~n ~m~ovemenl I1. TRANS~RTATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT PRQG~M means a requ~r~ a~ vo~nt~y acaons wn,~ reaucu mu ve~lu 9unefat~a~ fale ol a s~l~ u~ m uses ol la~. ~. TRAFFIC STUDY means a re~ on IralhC Io ~ preoar~ Oy a ~ra~ e~m~r KK. USE ANO OCCUPANCY means Ine ~cupancy ol a ~ruclura~ p~ ol a deve~nl pul IO l~e use I~ wniuh il wa5 LL. U~B~N means all u~ wn~ ~e nol ~u~a~ aq~cultu~al, eSlal~, ~n ~l~on 5, EXEMPTIONS. The Iollowmg are eaempl Irom the p(ovlslon~ ol Ihl5 anlm~mur, and ord~na~u A Any u~ wn,cn ~a5 no measuraDle .npacl O~ mu 5la,aiD Level QI Sd~. ~ an II~r a~Ba equal Io o~ less man 10,0~ ~q~ru legl: a Du~Dle IIO~ ama fal~ ol la~ IA~ 0.5, ~ ~ average ~iy ulp generaa~ ol le~ I~n 130 aady Inps: on ~ ex~sflq C. ~y lout-plexus ~ les~ n~r~ mull~e dwe~mgs ~ a s~ie any ~le-I~dy ~e~unu~ un,s ~ a ~n~e e~Sl~ IGI o~ ea~sl~ pa~cet. ~y a~li~ u~. ~n s~. ~n~al~on a~ p~ve use E. ~y ~e~d.au~. ~e~h~. o~ a~l~ wn~ ~uals ~ ~s less Inan 5~. ol Any ~eDuddmg ol an e~slmg oevelopmenl Damaged o~ ~eslroy~ by G. FacJillieS provi~ IO pro[~l t~e ~uallh dll~ ~d/uly OI I~e ~e. w~ ~aii UulineQ aS nO~llaiS. ~lice, hre a~ ~luly I~lhlm5 ar~ H PuDhc Du~ulil l~hlluS. WfiLC~ 5~all 0u dull~ed aS puDi~ hD[alles, puoiic ~lmn 6. I~LE~ENTATION. Ihe ,r,l:al~vc ,~ ~n cunthct Wiln Diner aspucls ol Ine Counly 5 Zorung C~u or Diner ~dl~ 8. In Ihd inlu~,m, dev~pmeni nOl ~empled hefe~n ~ay ~ a~r~ ~1 I~l Co~nly ~ ~ance. ~llon 7. ~NDME~ Off REPEAL. A. ~s ~e~enl ~ ~&~ may ~ ~e~ ~ ~e~ ~ly ~ ~ ~VE~~. A. ~ ~y ~, ~~. ~. ~n, ~a~, ~lau~ ~ ~a~ .- W~e, [he undersigned, regisTe i and quaii;iea vo[~r:~ si [he COL. / 0I Orange, i~ereby propose an ~'~endment to the general plan, specific plans and ordinances of the County of Orange. We ';tion you to submit the same to the Orange County Board of Supervisors ior its addption, or for ..~cTion and in that event, if qualified under Elections Code 4010. [o suO.~it ,j'~e amendment and ordinance immediately to a vote ol the peOpie at ~-', s.~,cial election, cr if for any reason the amend- men.t and ordinance is not so suDmi[ted tha't, if otherwise qualified under E" '~' , - ' ,ec,~on... Code 401 i, it be submitted to the voters at the next statewide election. REGISTERED VOTF_.RS 0¢ ORANGE COUNTY III II I i IIi ............ ITl ....... iiii I II I II SIGNERS: Please fill in ~11 in~om~,l~on by hancl in ink. Use only ball poml puns. No ditto marks. No abbreviations. No P.O. Boxes All signers ol this petition must be registered in County. SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED RESIDENCE AODRES$ III THIS COLUMN 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY l- .t ,, PRINT YOUR NAME ,, , i:1[¥ , ..~ ~ , ,, SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED RE.~DENCE ADORE~;~ ......................................................... PRINT YOUR NAME Cml'Y £:p , , SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED RE$iDEI~ICE ADdREss PRINT YOUR NAME C11' ~" ........... SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED ............. : ...... RE~II~:~CE ADDREss ....... PRINT YOUR NAME CITY ZIP SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED HE~.DENCE/,P. OHE PRINT '(~UR HAME :i '.' ,, SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED RESIDENCE PRINT YOUR NAME ~:ITY .......... 'ZiP SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED RESIDENCE ADDRESS PRINT YOUR NAME ~il'Y ZIP SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED RESIDENCE ADDRESS PRINT YOUR NAME CITY ZIP SIGNATURE A5 REGISTERED R£S-~-O~-~E ;'~66~-E' Si] ..................... PRINT YOUR NAME ".f'.' ' ~iP .... · · i i BECLARATION OF CIRCULATOR (To be completed atter above signatures have been obtained.) I am registered to vote in the County (Or City and County of . Each of the signatures to this petition was signed in my presence, Eqch signature of this petition is, to thebest of my knowledge and belief, the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be. All signatures to this document were obtained between, and . I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws ot the S~te of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at CA on 1987 i i , ~ i i , NOTE TO PETITION CIRCULA roR: Whu. you h.~,. uui~..,ud ..:, irl..dl¥ ~;~gn,~lur,~s as you c~m on tlllS p~blion, complele the Duclaral~orl ,~ove and return the PtlbtlOl to CITIZENS FOR SENSIBLE GHOWrH AND I'HAt-FIC CONTROL. 334~ Nuwp~l t~,ouluvarct. Newport H.~lch. CA ,J~:~3. Pllur~e - /14-650-153Z